THE- ( 3HAKL0TTE NEWS. CIIAllI-OTTKe X. C F HID AY KVKNINCJ. MAY III. lHUl! NUMIIKU 1141. volumi: VII. Scicrle's May 12 VnMiTt) fur tiio Corona Uon and Ball. W kar a Iwiw firm tj imla al ) UlI ilii)Mia ; aaaalav m a la UW u HwiMIM ! l aadl a-owtf Ifcib IU Um Wl WWt Mil hi awr1 ts'-k 1M u .Ul lli-l tV lL twfl JMiIM W'M fa) I J. CMJIki II. ''! a,. W W tut .wt Cumin StuHn. T ' t unwl I!' ;t lm Tom lufUn i ft' - tvwrl . nrt out 'lt t..It Sj1 tr U Ifkj.f. luaj. v-l I 41 ftt eft- . rw t r r - I lu 4 iu I rtt4j.i PERFUMES in Hulk. Yl.dollo, WMU B. J ky iub New Uon liar. I 11; -t lb Vall.f Wr.lU Ijlae. lloli..(rup. fdlo , Prliuro, I. In. Ion Illira. Cfl A fl'U Ml. -iii. l arth Wanhliif loti Mary t a r I, A I pi u M iu.-ioi K loula l- kit In Hulk el V- an lUiiro &.. B. REUSE & CO'S. a rw, tU TliMtM lUa M( j la j.4.f Jay's AU.tU I'miU HewiHa-. IiUIimUuimiUi.1 lb asW. e- ! lMlt fUUb4 la yM.r.Jy ' ) UlUa Nw M I. II a U "la" llaa-U J. eoeu.iialaf to balp IMa oM au.a Ttiaak. d ' Voa & elidy ! aa4a ana Wioa. auJa o aew frteaxls la Oaofe-ta. Hal Iih(U( I III ol ttiof. of yoaf Saleable lltue, whleh I've o luull yoa wew-J la rarllag your hair and ra-rilrluf bfoa war tuirror I li a af I ti f at tUalatln loJ Tt iu.i rarOr y '! ilia lltlli mlaUlar of Atlanta uaaul- uou.ljr Jrl)ad I ItoalJ bul praach II Ilia rltjr oo May Mh. I iloti'l ! IU Ttiara ar oka r two lli lll oilnliiara In Atlanta lio haa ! much anj loo tttach flll.n U.t tarh a jl of Mj.ilf y ami laM Jaalonaly Ttio men til a r bate wu tUml. ol (oiiim, ' lliat Ilia lol ,.. yratinlaa lial II all Ihalr a ii r I :. aiijr rx-M', If 1'iaj ill. I. It I ll 't f. ft r I Hum I liix Imu tri-.l an.) ii I'liim.l I t1tti ailtiotit a Itrxr tf l.jr i . ' - I r I in if -r. ax- I ma taja (iiiu. MIIIIU4 tita a iimim MutliM ill a wm imi im r i h i m g IM ... l!l A il l y rl -nirli.i ruj -y rii)r flr Tba tnlBIJ I i ir :imu M, batn ball la yvaiaiJajr x-Uric.l Tba blllaflKI lllba Ibc -.uU. Htoll tlBilU of Ilia ol 4 fait (, o llla aa Ouallna fufaaai la raaf of !' olJ floral halt ad Ilia Uiaf lib alll I (rt,rl KfoM Ilia ralUua J u II. Nil..i, trly 1'ia l-alllo III lr f ughi atlvM lha llna i f U.r t'tiar I. .llv inllt i Aufuiii r.i:r..l Ii t- a nolablj fli. ar!;r wiiir.r1 r aniiou Tba rom p n ! I ' t I l-"'i an rullaxl for Ilia rtM u.. tlil ui.idi In a'a Tli iio'U'il'i ii if l an. I Ilia I, iulM,"l ( ..I uitil l u ii I r r.'in min i of Col J u. "f I ' . I'al mailo K luianl. Tlia lr.lrli lilu. of flat Ilia ; tli a K..ut!ief n -Mara l.lurolM- ll , Ilia t 'al.arrut llUrk lly. of t' . I lir I' Mrn, liuarJa. of Mhalby ; I lia h iuli'i lllr I n.loulrut l.lajM llifaulr) tfr VllmlOft.u l.l.'l.l liifanirt . I l.r 1 1 . i r II ' Nral Klfl'llirli. ttir irrl. t il; ( i u r .1 . bimI ll.a r !. i r I ( N mi Hallalloii. I lf iatlrr ill livroi,. full bat to i y . lo'l a I r -.l l. mi doaifna lita kn.Ma arv faal iiitik Ha Rioai! In rurlair. .t.wTi Hruw tot. No4 lilifttam. ICotialwan.rx Irlali r.illit. U tilta ir Claain. I'urtaiii Murt. I'nuioaJ Mlki I a. allura. H niiti. hinoa ainllollaaT hrawr km an""ta !. V.jimu inW an.l tanl at II li. (Hi.rr I (- 4irti.aialoiT i lire . laraJ Xlrol T'lr ifoTor ii ni "ii I fi llr ;iu r ao ra riio t'i J) raaily f . r .1 ll.n 1 l,m r ilr,-..ra an 1 arr L L Seiglo & CO N-. II V rr a'. lv. K. Try. n at CHAKMI'ITK, N. C - - I i - Jaf-KrrrT rti, r l'i..l,l ..f u tlnl I a l.irvr t.iliaiailv v n'l'r.-.-niil ni'iat rHuriiil In a- at .'.. ail hkr a ilrall. it aril lr imUo.l on Hi!it r .rvfi-j In lo nr talilo lo ail vltniiaT Hy, T I. SKI'.I.K .t (X. Tanglefoot and Spider Web S.icky Fly Papor. Insect Powder. Dutchors Fly Paper. Insect Guii3. Th 3) give iirotectidh against FLIES. Borwell Duhd, i i W t)l,KSALK AND IlKTAIL Druggists. -y What sort of Iiuph un- you wearing tliix hot weiitlim If your fnet ar. atlll encased In heavy winter nhoea Ht It i a BPiis.m f tli yt'itr. Isn't it i- nun. nii . ; A pfljr of our stynon. nw xiora Ties vkxoiild he a morst di idil change for th better nil would add preatly to vour comfort. W ivn ell yon a nloe nKloe for to a HM) au nlnditti pnir for '- to values trwn Pan for the mony. I, a Butter had eNovvlierw v. K kXMvIN HHO riil i an nfT ' In Hi roll. ill marhrlY ily fl l.alr fro r.-roir-al at Ui a platform Mr. J ) Morn, a prnniltiont ot Ion buyar at WailoalHiro, waalu tiio city touay. ii 1 1 r r 1 1 1 a: i'"ltn Mr aud Mn J. U Cl.urcli will rnirrtain a uuinbor of thrlr f:iu1 till oTr nlnjf at toa. Tha nion't (fatharln at tfio . M. I'. A , to-nl(lit at s o'c-i.H'k III bo lad by Mr. C. I. WhroUr Moii .r.llal-j ly lurllad. Mr. K. Ii I.atl. Ii rf.urnod : from Now York. Ho li brmi ,-i ' i 1 limn a an mo now M, Hni will rim,- In handy fur llio .11. 1, i i lrli-alinii Mr. Jno W. Millor'n .n Norlti Tryoti at root nimi liainl innirly docoratoil. Mr M 1 1 lor art a , patriotic nainplr for l I ntir pooplo. locirato Mr. John Komimi. a l taohall it from Jorooy City, arriv.-.l in l int InlCe till 1 1 1 1 ' r 1 1 1 1 1 p . .111.1 will J 'III tin t "liar lot"ii rluli I ii Ih-ir f 1 r -1 (film Hlll4t III" t '! nt l-'a mi ll :iio (frniniiH, tomorrow vi nin,;. at t The Koyal Arch ilcurw will l' con f orred on tlitfo ni-in i...r of lln Knight Teiiiplur" t h i o i-u 1 hk. Ti i o inoiiitiora will thou iMiciko nf a Hiiiuptuou banitiot. Tho county Dcinocrnll.' ronvt.ii tlou of t'aharrua nn-oto hi Concord! tomorrow. The allinncoini'ti ill h. j boiH, If report n from tde p n in in t-o are to ho believed . ! --The iritltical per h'lice of t'.d j A. I. Hinilh.han in irk. d him out a- , aHiilt.tble Commodore of tho l,ntla paik navy. 1'lm Cinol na v h w 1 1 1 j take coiniii ktid of the water front mi ' May 1. ; The liolcliklHS aTOn for th" Na- val Battalion U daily expttleil. If j it arrive in time, it will ho ux.'.l fur tiring salutee on the morning of the -11th, and will a I mo have a pirt in the aliani battle. An incident show injj the cordial relat Iiiuk between the engineers ami coiiiluctors occurred at the recent con volition iu Atlanta, when the en gineers were presented with a man nittcent lloral tribute by the conduc tors. The bi arc lights are boin ar ranged in and about the arch over Independence Square. The arch will be completed, decorations aud all, by Monday evening, and it will be a beauty. Nothing of the kind has ever before been s.en In this State. Mr. II. V. Tipton, who was form, erly a clerk iu Charlotte and who i-i well known here, ha been prostrat ed at his home in M t. Holly for two weeks past by a severe attack of sick ness. He Is suffering from inthiuia tion of the brain, aud the wirt is feared II r t O I r l ui till lllr ll .1 ...III i..l .h-tr ol I (ifani'i J oio ; in r lliolr r iu.lrrlr rollou oll J u IK'.I l.r tfi Jolio atamtard till in if I l 1 - a I I tliaiik Ii kI my I' oolor It ii l nf hi kind: for llr.lhor J'lioa ll 11 o tron able Mlilii tniii v yor to a church that soul. I hav l.lm to lha broth- roti I a. I , fli an i.rtl -o for him In t'nl r, brollior. my tlio-ilov ia a llltlo nfl a roinparo-l altli thai 'f tho army of tho crod unoiu p'oroj in llio vlnovard. anJ to tell mn tho truth, llrothor J.iiim I ha I Jut a. Ilol hava tho aiutll mi to havo iir'i athoolofy. r. t'liarlo A Mrta-iM and I'r. Charo j H I'ark'iMrnl aro my nolb dor and 1 ti. v por mat frlon U 1 count It an j honor. A a do-con lant of lUor i William In Amorica and the ana- j l.jptMH of tho old world. I hate , poraecution I Ix-llovo In free thouifht mi. I froo apoooh I liollovo all horoay trial woro Imrn in rull Tho 1'ro bvteilau church may allow Brigg ud I'arkhurat to ho hounded nut. It will not ha tlo flrM tluir tho prophet of the rnco have been t.nif.l hy th" eccli KtU'al ui;ichlne i. ut It will bo a vi day for the cl.urch when It happen. Whilo I .to not endor4o a'l Pro (,or Mr k-k- tiviche. I'd like lo 4r Mi ll know more in a nilu- ut- th in 1 1 i t'lorne n I J oi liar . n d in a i I 'e -1 1 m o. lu charix of l.irut I .to lliinior. ?oral othor coiiipanit i i t ri .if fl-lally hoard f r im. ro r poeto I to tak part In tho hattlo lcal Waa4ko Kf'l Tlia f ol low I ll t I a uo i "f tho oallior prallli.j( at s i m. n day Tho hUh '.irouro ha ni- rod 'HIT ly, and apprar thl uiorulutr In th- i troui" uor t tiotr rn port Urn of tin country. It doiuinato th woathtr nrrr tho grrator part of tho country, rrul(liir lu gonorall) fair and cloar oath or -ivor tho at-ciloii of Hit coun i ry to t he eoulh of tho lako and eat of tho Miaiaippl rlvrr T tho et of tha M illppl rlvor, a low pre auro ct-ntral at A inarille. TrX:i, in. fluoncf tho co idiilou. which arr gonorally cloudy and throatonln Light rain have Very g-uorally oc curred to th wot of tho Milaippl and around tho northral aec'ion of the country. Toruperature cumin uetosloMly rise over the country generally. ! UiMmi ai4. I l.a ItKltallb uf lha rallaal c. U.UjIIU uf Itia ralabfalU-a bill MliiJ iuJ will U Ua lo tuar r'ltblt ab I ulhal applying fuf ll tu I i ll. city railway ufllr TitlM t4 ttaa Mur.l tralua Nu r.l and t, ora io-l uii iti a A T an H K. l-l -a olaUlll and t hafloMa. Kill no! run ou halarday May Hlb Thl I utontl) In cuaueir- of cl.alif of t f. atl u lo ou May lNlh. rit. i i ...... a. Mfc K-. uri.-l tl iu,.riiln( In th i.trt-h umi of I i ar. llrolhar. ad ; l.i..' I'irl aouon M anu f c I ur In ( i ... a I I mn- ii I I ho a tor farlllllra f lh factor; rauir In handy aud Ihr t ' Ll 1 1 1 1 1 1 at a r.l, Ihiiub Hi i I l l.ii'i'ir.l I nro and a a lor III i pro! I; bra y 9 i4lo waaai ira4 I ho i nilrla hao lxt-u ruakliiK -.-. I l.oa.laay on I'm work. ifoitan.l i f oonlh trt-o .i th l.aayor r . I I ho forro I Hoi Kradln ll a r . I on thl ido nf tho rrook Th . 'in l for tho hjl.ttfrthal I to In l! I"li rna the crook Tho r.i.vl ill ..oo I- "pon tor liarflf anil a Ii 1 it will lo an slrafaiil hl( I. a; T kt c ...if iiajco. Th M ock lonhurg Iiomocrallc c ii tit v coii rr ii I loii lo nominal ro uu l offli rfi, will probably l hald a'. out Aiik'iKt I .Hi Ko far, but llltlo Mit.-r.-.t ! I .-r ii takou lu lha mat tor, yot th-rr aro rumor and rumor of candid ttra T'io proaout aol uf cnuutv offlrr ar calm aud aereue, and fro, ii i that can bo loarnoil tin y have no roaa.m to tx nthorwlao - sbu..ll.( tor lha M4al. Tlir annun1 rt for the marka- liiaiihl niei'al 'I "lo llnruet' Nel I Kifl' nifii lll lirein at the park thl afternoon The medal I now held by chief of police Maaon, who won ll lt yoar. Tho'-o are aoine very flna hot in the rank of the Hornet, and the rifleman who wret th. ui'iM from Ii.k Maaon will have to do aome eilra good ahooling. TJIK PEOPLE AKE WITH -US- ThT Ilia our rforl f"-l, Tliav llaa our Icajllluial liar llki Ih.r L ! Boa 1 I. or Ilka Id allvullola Ilia r-l, like "Hi (aliut of t.rlcoa, Tl.a; Ilk oar i'ilt dlla. he Ilka our (.ml auar k 0 la flat a tfaroa, Th; Ilk a u. thai d.xa aol aaadla TlffraflL" Our Popular Prices: (Kil llini.4 hu la III', tl. Oi U 1 1 I lu U ' r w Urt HV BO ; I.' U I a-f -- ill I III ll.' fl-l (Kir i tai Wi,ru. u li i .rt!. nr ; .t.i .4 I Ji I. Il. In H : (u, rv-ia Wa haalaaWl M, tA, M a .h h Vi I' . I Kat rv -T faoaa kki .aV,M laa raaauui lar J j4b1v1 i b4 1 1. Hr i blkloM Vi aial IV uawaotav iwa am e imi mvnry un all , -Straw HatsStraw Hats- IX (IKK AT I'll )H-.hOX. KAXill.MI IX I'KICK KIUM 10a h 4,00. A Present - A Present To every purchaaer In our Jureoll. Departmaot w. will preoeut a ball aad bat nr a Callmpo, the latter I aorualblng autlraly Daw and will urly plaavao you, .i un tli'llio l. ri ll, ll I'-ltlo.l of the ' I I II CI II II It I Hil l lf j w i , lc h lies lu Te ii nosse t.tlil. I ll ulet on r.'iilro i.l 'Vf ntv- A r'taa larlar. lU'V. Tuin Iioii wasgreolod at Ihe V. M. C. A. It night by a very large audience, and hi lecture on "Koola" brought 1 1 1 1 1 Into groat favor a a locturor, w ilh o'ir people. Th" lecture I indeed a very excellent olio, and the manner of uo delivery l rlrik. Ingly etlecllve. (ne u!tured g"H-tlt-man who he.t'd It ,iv that It Is und oubtedlv III llneft lecture that have jh.ia yot In en .I -I I VT" I l.eforo a ( t harlotte aiidi-n -e. Mr I..n left I l h is inor i.i ng on tl..' r.tuin :.. N e Vork f ull of I lHaor aad Had Thro Ptalola. i'assruger who arrived In Char lotte ou the vestibule train laat night, reported a tragedy at (Jafljay City. A the veatibule waa speeding along toward Charlotte, lie .r that point, a drunken negro stepped on the track lu front of the eugiue. He was knock ed about 31 feet and was dead when he etrurk the ground The fragments of a shattered I itl ..f whiskey were found i n his I-io :l i n g, and in his pockets were three pistols. PF. Kaufman & Go. I.KVDIXU CLOTHIKIW, KCKNIrtHElW AND HATTER. MAIL OK I) KKS SOLICITED. Cor. CKXTKAI. HOTKU CHARLOTTE, N. C,J lil'f IlllleS W -S -o . vesterd.iv at I I J ilii-on i .v to iti-fy a dehi It! j i - hi I i ii i in ii ol 1 1 ". o t for tie! .t'l.-k l. 'l.l t- ut $ lMl Tile co- i I struction t fj mil mm. Work Ik-ithi . I there iii 1 sti. T1 e contractors, M c lloiialil, Shea A ( '.i , h ad a d-bt of 1 1 lO.irnu and Wil'lun Keneflck rlfl. ooii .igsiii-t It. Work, which ha-i he. n suspended for so long, will be re-imii"! Thebidof f ' kl ikkl is tint fin il 1 1 ill ! I eld open until : July. ! -Messrs. W I. M.rris, . II Tarksaud 1) IV r. iii.r will represent Caliarrus as marshals at CM arlot te' juth M V cleliratloii M r. J . S. Sp.icer ret tl mod to the city In day from Henrietta, where the annual meeting of Ihe etock holders was held yester l ay. The m I ' Is il-.-l (red ii j par I'i'iil dividend. Arrlaal of M.inlana I tanrle). Montana Charley r. n !i last ui'ht from th- I n liau Hon. The I ndians are n " I tl..- ci :y reer va- mi the road III charge of n' ii Ja.-k and I apt. Ili.ainou I John, t .a . fin:. his cowboys biloniring to Montana Charley'H show the llr-t pi tv will reach Charlotte soiimuuio M unlay, and Ihe remainder of the company Tuesday evening. The parade will take place at IJ noon May lMh, and t.'ie great Indian show, "the at'.ack mi the homestead" will h given in ; t!ie In-, hall i ark at 7 :iil p. m., on the , s:h. The hand led by Chief I, Ui' Is A moiig t!ie ; Now AilTortUiiiont Tt-lay. For sale S Wiltkowskv. A mystery Harrison .t Co. Pineapple Uethun White Wedding presents John Kanior. Perftuiiea in bulk A B Keese ,t Co. 8ee here J tl Agenl. Coronation ami hall T I, Seigle it Co. Klags for the JHh Eddins Book Store Charlotte . and I., 1 M Brown, Pres (insists of l'i peop noted Indians who will at-i tract attention ate i he famous 'liief U-d Cloud and Standing Bull nf the Sioux. Montana Charley will camp the I ndians at L ilt. I'.irk ou Mon day nod will have chatge of. them (!uring tlu ir slay in Charlotte. Karanar I Ihr Cllj. A good many farmers were In the city co-day. Among the callers at I n k Xkws olJice were Mr. Walter Sloan, of llnvidson; Messrs. K H Karrow and C. B Cross, of Burdette; J. I.. Stafford, of Harrisburg ; Messrs J id n Vounts and W. M. Vand, of 1'ineville, aud K Bjst..n Wallace, of Crab t irehard. They all report poli tics (uiet aud farm work hot The condition of the growing crops lo generally very good. tr. MrManawaj lloturo. lie v. A. ( ) . McMana way pastor of the Tryon street Baptist church arrived home last night from Allan ta. where he ha; been atteudlug the Baptist convention. Dr. McManaway ays that the convention was one of the most pleasant in all respects that he ever attended. Speaking of the Dixon-Hawthorne racket. Dr. Mc .Manaway was not inclined to say much, but bethought that Dixon had not been treated right His sympa thies are with Mr. Dixon. JjTvr-7 Infants J Childrensgrjjjn) Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. For the Coming CORONATION BALL and othei i imilar events we have a full stocd SILK Ml'LltS, all shades. DOTTKD dots. SWISS in all sired KHODA SPOTS, a beautiful inex pensive sheer white lu.ateral iu dots aud strip 's. KMKKOIDKKIKS and LACKS shown in all Dial's new --THIS IS GREAT-- --II A T TING S-- a limited quantity that Opens All Eyes When price is knowu; Something Surely Unequaled. IM'ALITY was above t(UANTI I Y ; Kxua linn Jap Matting, full 4d yards to a bolt ; I'K.liFKCTIOX in KVERY STRAW, tioes to close a small lot ut HBLF PRICK; fNo advertising scheme but a REAL SALE, OX A FIX K STOCK M ATT IXOS--L1 m i ted A moun t. First comes iets host choice; RememUT thr lot is not larv KeiueiuN'r the price is J; Heincmber the vHhis are the tn'st. T. L. ALE X AN DEE, S ON&CO. Decoration Day, REHBUBRK IT- Remember we have all the desired colors in a variety of DECORETl k'E MATERIALS Correct Prices, Correct Goods. STRIPES, U. S, FLAGS. SOLID COLORS Oh ! we've got it all, Decorate ynr place from stood Everybody Decorate, The bil.ies have t i bo lokel after, their comforts ami fancies consoJlJ as wall as U eroa-n people. In fac. they iuu bare the best and the tinaat to b had of arTthloa Ni wo have flxel I .r them in slioea and slinnera Id l.i,v..i.. i. i. lu . ' I . , -. . , , .. . " . mmjm 131 1 1 1 WW WTW ViE-TtL .-o i r.l-ui . "Hh xtr' lnkle for fat bablea. N r. rRP 8LII I KRS have urIae,l thenisolves this season; Our stork is DOW full U all sure up lo Misses, in h me l.ugol. Black l'n.liessa.1 Kid and Rod (JoaL GRAY A- JiAIiNIIARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTIfi, N. C aT- Prompt attentiou given to all Mail Orders. Ladies (Jifords e are showing the handsomest Hues of Low Cut 8hoesaVer la thU mar ket; eigler Bros' matchless styles a specialty; Our siiecial Ii50 stvlea with tips are very takeing, and the fair ones rarely pass them by: KWaBi shapes at 00 in spring heels and heals, while our great leader at 1JB isae, knowledged without a peer for wearlug qualities. All the leading color in fancy Oxfords. ' QILREATH 8c OO. Open every evening till 7:00; Saturday till 11:00. ROCKER S. j; If you have had to make vour own wav In th wrod.i a i a 1 ,'" be told that after all its very much a uuestion nf nnnnm.nii. v.7T- display good judgment unless vou are f urniiiliail n nnnnMn.i.i a. .... it. My Plush Seat Rockers at f4,50 aud 5 furnish that opMrlnnltT Havfl f you se-n them? If not you should do so, for truly ttaeyaTw th neatest values in Rockers ever offered the public I have them in man st vies Tar they are all gems of artistic workmanship. Of ooursa I ivaitau nocsers too. .iy store is Headquarters for such fr Don't you want au Office Desk I have just received a lot that w thing of thir sort I can certainly comearouna kuu ste tnem. OFFICE IDHlSKaST f jjalsrest you. Would be flad un BURGESS NICHP R S SI i