THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. VOLUMK VII. CIIAHLOTO N. t. SATt'HDAY K V KN" INC.. M A V ll.lHl.. NUMIJEU 11C0 Seijjle's May 14 SI'Kl'UI. SALE 50 ROLLS flat MIIIC, .. and Ja;l ifme- Doponts ALMOND MEAL For Iho Sin- Twonty-Mvi Ctrntn ti Can f.r taaalifjrlag citipt i loo,. Hind lluMl aad Aliuoii i I rni fur tha rxinij'U i ion Apr I IlcaBjler I'r parallou. A. B. REESE & CO'S. a.-flfl l.a - III l-r I I ! r .n,r (1 N I I andaoma 1 1 f ti . Full I ) '! ! IUIU I a ! Ill r -II I I U ' II - I birr1 - Tin Hickory lltolni r.-lety. will al Mr J II Waddluf lou" Th Mf arch or I ndcpa-n laiira r.uar alll l-e light! i-y 11 rUrlrlr arr lamp, on dr o-ch of lha urlug I n a I St la. - Mar li will I rrul ur lr 1 a I Ilia AcX-lal llafnf mad rhur, Ii l ni.,r row inortilna' ami nia'dl, L nr -to 4 t'.tai-. S. t. Mar i -Tt ottlf (Mtttkllti baa UJ wa laifalr atiall f aattly alll a or- dla(( aa a-t'J ! nuu roiKalloa. All ralaUoa W uall It. fcJf ulamaeUoat cal of! ay anellaa JJoif. A portion rpf aaaaUaf Ida (raifbl oala, a llhdrear at4 or(aaltJ aaotti r rutlttUoa, al hlcb Ihay pa. aJ rnlailoaa loalforllaf (or lb !- urralir rla ao1 iliol fdalforat. tl alllaur dla-la-j ar aol lo- tr urta-d A SAl) (All. 50 FANCY lAIUSIII,S!H:":B.:: lioaffii ' -'y r" Ir.l rfl Mir reii t N..i I id- dollar , Ilia rliai rf "f I lime to buy a ehaap Paraaol T. L Seiglo & CO. .i II V Trl fr von allr 1 1 arid m' d i u gtlor-. on C l leg t lrrl livlfiatijr '..ll- pT Lutiihertoti V (" . hii reraiitlr n f ar r a. I thu ,1 grae of "D l"oii Uv I. rv Adam, colored, paator In char of drirr A M K ion chur.-h. of tin , Mr The lira aoata f . i r Ida Trvon treat Mllnlit if.ur-li ar r aiif .l , au! r a i ! I .r lirl l in Hi al r li urrli loiii'ir ri w u-nl, l-i lha ial.f, Itav Ir V H I'rraay --Willi Hrycr.Ot- .-trt.-l i ! r, lia atfln l -tn) i1.-ii'.I v In aana -rr in 1 1 i lo.liv rrivr I rir fu a-l in i 1 1 ii in i'i I tmi hi in al (itil.lalxirn Al tlio iiipftinir "f tin- 1 iii.-rlrmi iu-. h-.i I I" y . Ii il k-1 r I Aaaorl.ttloii Hi W!i l ii;(.ii. I'r I - -1 r Hryri" rl.-rlil r i . I -1 1 1 T1.. Imiinr l t Vi-rv nf' :il I'r ltrvi-i- i a,r of ' .1 J l'.r . ,,f llil city -Ki-v. W. M WilU-r ii-.-', 1 -.-.. 1 1 , ,f t I i.h-.-- 'f N ' I ' . i r. . I i n i will lMlntli citv I" ni rr.' will ruiiilii'M -rl" I,, III ui ,rn in.l avinlHK t Ht Mn-I,. I- ,-,,.r.. I I K(ni i"' i I r'i ii r h . I ' 1 1 (Mi 1 ,1 a- i p. vlt-,1 rtl!tt.r 'np I" -ilrk lt ;,'lll I Tanlefiot and Spider i.r , in m . ,n: nn i -n.- nrr ln-viii.. I in- ri -i nr ,,i i.i- ! a aM TUa clualof airrla of lha I'arila laj anil TfiarwJajr of ll,l Anton lh oulat'la faalurvawar a J Jrr ri.ur-lr tjr I'rof. A lirahatu atiJ Hujti W. Harrl. of I barlotu Thar a a rwinrart Tt, urajay nlflil t lrf. at attau lcl ljl 1,'hmi j, r',;t arli,., I I uu.laf Ilia man ""oi , -f Prof I- I aj'- rll aril ,a V. arli lra anroll I. Itlaoortba In xl fluflrilO(f rh-M.laln M r k Ir nlu f r . inn a iuhii Mr M.Mra fi-'tiiaJ kratwr of it, rllr ratnrtr rlr-a, hat 111 ! Dp tlir ui.,ri uary lat- maul for 'har.llr fir t ' p r ar l-aMni nc -Mar T. an I r n.l Mir April ."HI, I sr. larlnk j.rl i ih iloatln a,ii,iif II. wMlr ; u I a 1 1 ,n m unl-.l I., Ml j of !inr v r ma ii . Ii a nin a n 1 ; Set ll.l'pii Mir laalha all,.ih' Ilia ' ,-.!, rait p ; u I a 1 1 ,u n Mini. I to 712 i If t ii. Is i-r" nirii. i vi man. an, I ' III lr.-n C mm a M la I mm J mmm t , Mm aati ta a taaa a mm a-tt t Mate. Ml I akiUalim lutiJaa. t ,1 liia b-a-ai aaaaa aaa vt UkIIuI via roa al, a d r u a J la I at aiavla flltr, it Mwlal (al'r. lata tall Jajr afbafttooa a inn a akvaBfr arrla-J la U.. ,ii t apprta hi lalalltaa I m I I' a cataalfopti a Ttia HtHBti tlal,l I. a rapor tar that id ,lr,, a t i , ( . rrJ ' l,iil ' u'cl.Kk jlf lay ricio ,-ti 1 Mf llja-,u. ali daJ Imb .ii a' lll lo vtU la iiaat -u Jroti uj, ! UiMit i farrjr alx-ui l' at h. ui at, I halllne lha fnuao. atiaJ t- lakat) a-r,-aa ! Id M a-r a U i. t.u r ( I Ua Mr JiarlJa-,0 lr..a r.U ..r. ' lo II ferr J Ul kaopiuf hi aaal In! tlialuftr All weal vail until Ida' Mark laul urg al ia of Id rltrr tl pproaeha-J afiti tha f,.,r nJ ln lr lai-iar frlMtil au I I i. t. I 11 a 1 b it faT y from Id tl Int., 11 a aatar ll all hai'i-ril .julrklr l',t Ilia. farrritian had no rhanr ! ofTrr any aaalataora t Mr lll..ii. Tha .u.-t arl Jafillr rrturna.l on Mr I l Jaoo an J ti-M dim uojn Hi aalrr ,ra. nian an,1 -u(f? all il la ppaa. tn u n,l r lha alr Tfia frrrynian at onra far Ida alarm an.l lu a ad.irt tliu ,Ull a lar party . HikiM a--4 aa 4 . tll!f 4tt al Ik I tia illi iaJrJ hK1i alll lata la-aa rlaa kill Maalif taJ TaaaJay . Tfc iiriilm alll Ua lall wai ia I. iti atlaaaa lta 1I l a u aaj::a Tl a 1 1 tc It c-r J lai I y la IU-J atlaaxl la mmki Umih) ll It aIJ thai la Ma atacli al IUJ il iiiii Kateavt io air. Marloa ItulUi II iiMtJaat of lha North aljl.u Allia&c lavtnt tola ally atff a4 taij 'TUay talk I jllcr UIMl c f If ail (ulllllloll If act man alUa. la lth au I will kbk lit la tt Jo a a hi t'.r at ai at riiMiiMiMaitwit. May t .td f -urid kui.Ii aflar I aalar. Aral ruaaa aoJ holy rotu Ui a t -i.-u at ' a. a w . hifh tua aaJ ar ui -oall' 'a tu.ruBjay tchoul al I lo,, tu anJMay Jvlluat a a 4 Iwnritlrll ii al k p lu I ti II a m.,f o I Of I lit I I f ,r Ida aar ii -ii will I -a "I alll aatiJ you ll.a a; Irll ,.f truth HI John V I 'Hill; i)i?(ni i.i i nn unrnrr inri i ftui Li!i Aiiii VYim -US- 4 m I4. I 'era .' t no naj for (harlotla U: t May -ltr atlon troad lo l itdlraiy r,,ni th la - of Id Llf , arrh In I n Ja p nl-lira a.Oar ! f.utiltiut from al, I'd aalar alll ' rotiatantly fl AruooJ Ida c-ollt of , I f I n a" loalj th haaa Ira will t i packaj an ) Ida aalar will a-a rool, frli tod rlaar Ha prl a todo I MuK-hlx'ii hat ta-n boall aoraraxl 1 l.xlay la arranflof lha fooolalnt Th. r Ilia -ml prfarl rauja, Thr llaa oar laf Itlauala taalaM, Thar ilk Ilia allanlloa lhay racalva. Thar lik oar f aaranla of prlcaa. Thar Ilka oar aaaa dallo. liar Ilk oar .-.l auarkad In piala flfaraa, ft, ay lika a aur thai doaa no I batwlla "MffraaV Our Popular Prices: IKar IViW HuiU llu, ItJ. I IS. ru 11 lo , ataawbara i Kir II ? you iaMta ruiia I: I, ti it riuii Muil 110 IIS ran (Klf i 1 m VYurwt.! huilt vtil of til i:., lis. i (tir IVtyt hton lanai ttoila W, $ i aja Our IV. y Imc I 'an la tiulU cannot b Juita IU I nd llU I Hu l"hll4mi Wakal 13c otttrta, .a aara To-, oaoory ail fwa. at a ii r 1 In aoarrhltif the rrr I da ilrownr! horaa, an 1 the Lu((T Ja a a. war fun,l ilurinr tMa hlt.l, ai.-l j "r 1 P-T1 alUodaJ th. Mr Irll.n t l,1y n r.r ,r.f l''l'JliiU church at Halam, Va.. i...i .....n.. lint ni,,NlM. 1 V rwlnaalay aftarnooo lo haar th M ion, a frry, tir id lr lwnlnr -Straw HatsStraw Hats- IN (IHKAT I'll )KrrIt)M. KANUINO IN PRICE FROM lOo Io4,00, i ll MtUiriK N.l' t4Tr.r' Mi. I.- I V " r 1,1 l V 111 la rHiriol lo ,i at aril l- , a-'l on ii-!.' iallr to a.lvtl,,ii- rla II) .ink r ..I I 1,1 f i. I hal .1 - l- rrp'--,ll-l 111,11 a ,1 I'kr a trad ll N . ,.rrl. j lo If rr I -Kl'.l K. A (HI atfe 4 n. r l l ar.Hi l puhlir para.tx ami ilrill . f th hirl.itlr Naval HatUllon t ,k ;.rrli yatarilay aftrnoou I ',. daltalloii auralr ilo maka a in,t lmxi-iiiif array, a ltd tda in ,,intf,l ifUBIirr", It Ii a mlaoliialy iiiitfornir.l ami aril (I r 1 1 I f,xtiiiii. alll (,;! ll ,i a.... II ni lloail v rat li-f on May J-'tti will y with T'n: N . Ida: II I a up-rh ,,r((aiii 1 1 t . t't. t'r.t'ii'T. on :i rrrani wliita h ,r., i-. .iniiiin r, I thf hitttllon ym I'f.lir I d" .Irill I i k l.rr at fir limit linn niil a i aitn."r l l ', II 11. 1 'r. 4 ptHrltV ilrill of tlir t itt ili Mi nitri.irlir,l It ni,r firmly i(,ii rirr in tdo rlTiTt,n of I'liar l,,ti.v It ,pi-rvi- r!if-r all alonir Ihf lina An, I It will t Ihrin. tMi. Web Sticky Fly l'apr. Insect Powder. Dutchm Fly Pap.T. Insoct Guns. Th'.aa ive j)iotection aAinat FLIES. Burwell & Uunn WAtH.KSALK AM) IIKTAIIi Druggists. V, J1 pr.r i " Here Wc arc Again! What sort of SIkich aro you wirinp thin hot wnather? If your fiet nu BtiJI fnc!l in Iiohvv winter alioos at 'this nomoii of tlio yivtr, isn't It aboiVt time that yon iiiio a chanire! A pail of our Htyllh. imw Oxford Ties Aul(i l) a most ilpcid-d rlmntrc for thff-J)ottr and would mid frrfatl.v to your homfort. Wo vn Hl you a nice 8lio"3 for 1.2ri to a fl,50 aula splendid pair f,-r L to Bolter values than ":i hud r-Uewher for the money. .V. K. RANKIN A BUO h ,ilt 1 1 l not known. I'U t th,- fit-! I not d iiil !'. I I h .it In fri 'ii.l-i nr, iii)ri'lifiilv of ii Ht-rioiM 1 1 1 n t--. Mr. H W Ui...,. of St. . I t r...k. a ho w a In tht city tod iv : tliit iiiw n' ilj'liiit f'om "ni. Ik f.'vfr,' all nviT hi t-ton. I'll," die:it' mtein to he epidemic. Mr. Uaod lot a f "tl ivia-yi-tf rd.iy from tli it dWaane. Mr. John ' ..i:i'l. thf tailor, i ni4klnK' niiHii" with .-ji,irr" .- n , I tieedleM, (felting ready the ot u mes for the Continental hriide In 'lie LMlh May parade. He U:i already turned out iO couipletiMl Milt-,, and will have the remainder ready l,y Monday. There will he over fifty metnhera in (li hrl'de. Uv . R. W. Hiiyd, "uperltiteiident of the Prealiyterinn ( )i pii.iiw' Home, at Barium Spring, writes Tiik Nkws: "One of our orphan nirN, Julia WomN aifed I i years, paused uway hy dentil on the Ulh inst. She was sick but four d iys. In her death we have lost one of our most exem plary childreu." The ohatiffe of cheilule on the Richmond fs Danville lines, previous ly noted lu Tiik Nkws will e;o into I olTect to-morrow. The norlhhytind train will curry the evening Nr.wsas far as (Jreenshoro by tied time. The vestibule train will he a much larger thing than heretofore, and will carry three extra cars. K. M. Andrews, the enterprising furniture dealer Ims secured the agency for the "Hnuntless" bicycles, not only for Charlotte, hut for the State. The demand for bicycles is rapidly increasing and Mr. Andrews having looked around finally decid ed that the Dauntless was w ithout i. doubt the bent of many wheels that hla attention, wa called to. Ha w ill have a full lino in a few d.-ivs. tf. Tha I Irntwrili lima II. ( ' ii ii ' iii i ii K. '. s in i : d ,t I k I n a i 1 1 1 i rep.rt.r f,,r the Ki.-liiiioiid I i -:i trb . yi -ter.liv, in regard o the p,l i : i, 1 1 i t union I n Hi i St i te. ! il l: The (.invention w ill l.e all right. It will ho a conservative mi, I f nr ho ly, thoroughly imbued w ith n , I, - i r fr the ti roes ,f t'i ), in,, .- r it 1 1- party . I'ho ex to rem i - ti or t het ' I .on p! it form people will rut a small lieu re in t l.e con volition . The great pr,, I a 1. 1 ' 1 1 is that the platform which I t lie r. in veil t Mil of IVIu adopted will j he again adopted. That platform ap pears lu give general sat i -faction to all the e enirnl ,f the party. There appear to he no doubt that the atraighoui liemorrats, they are termed, will entirely control ihe State convention, though many Dem ocrats, are fritrti telle d at the prospect Some of t In- I'n i rd - party nu ti clai in to-dav that in tlitrtv ix of the coun ties I liey control the delegates. Near- j ly twenty counties are to he held to- j day. I'lie State convention will so ; led with great care the delegates to the national convention. '.Mrs. Jones sits at the window all day a,jilartd as . May morning, and her sin ill children pl.iy hide and ek on the stairs."' "No wonder he use Sal vat ton i I for sprains and cuts "' 1 r-u rre.1, w a eat tllilia l year ag hy Dr. W J litre, on id old May' tioiiieplac It It all mile Ixdow lUttlle ford On tha Mark lanhlirg a I I - of tha ferry Ida w alar I l frat dfrp. w hll- It I illlte a! allow on Ilia (.!,, ii I . I e ll rrt near lb'anie "ot tint tde ralrl rtte-d Itw rar Tom Drew, fall from bl aulky and a a drowned. In 111 Mr Dri.loii wa 7." year of age. He wa horn In tha Hopewell er lion, on Ilia frm of his f alder. Jack le D.rtil.n, who w a son of Major John I . vl laoti . one of the Hiiruar of tha Mack leiilmrc Derlarallon of In deMndelli'e and a Major ill the Con tine ital army. Ha a a a brother t Mr A 11 . D ,lon of Charlotte. He was married to Miss Jane Hender son, a i.-r of Mr. Andy Henderson. .,f i i.tton. and of Mr. H rv.'v Hen- 1 deraon, of M er k I a 11 hll r il , who. with I sir. children, survives him. Mr. , Davidson graduated from Davidson , College in I"W, being a menilxr of! ' t he fl rt olas evr graduated from that college. II e st ll. lied law under 1 J udge Story, at I 'ami. ridge. M a. I n I 1 7 , he went to Mexico a Lieuten ant of Dragoon, of w'icli lireeiie Caldwell was Captain. In lsVt, he was elected to the I.gilatiire from Mecklenburg and served with mark ed ability. About 1,.' lie retired from the practice of the law and had since devoted his energies to farm ing. T:ie new of Mr. Davidson's un timely fate was received in Char lotte today with expressions of gen nine regret. The funeral services will occur from his late residence In Leuiley township, tomorrow- after noon at J o'clock, and h is body will be interred in the old family burial ground. A Prmnnt - ... A Prnqnnt I li iu. I .1.-1 w -- wwwaatv t. . I i W9W 01 f iw . na,H .1 ww ma ttudantt of H.atiok Colltft. Rr. (ia-irir Htuarl folhiaad tba g raal To ary pnrrhaaar lo our Joranlla Dapartmant wa will praaant a ball and liMtrglan with a faw word of euao- il tniht roani into. After hi ad-j dreaa lo lha alodent liar. Ham Jooaa a a th,,wn nrer tba town, Hdlof lo t wo- li-larJ phaatoa drawn by J a pair of hortea. and then vlltd lha l4rg factory which niaoafacturad theaa vaiiirlaa Slit arvra Win Aft. Dr W J Hayea to day thowad TiikNiws an lulertlng aouranlr of M ay JHh , lo the ttiap af an Inri tallon Isaaed to the celebration In, Charlotte on that data, It wa found antout; aoma old paper in tha possession of Mia Sophia Alexander and wat a,l,lree-d to Mia Dory A Wilson, who afterward married Dr. Doughtrry. Ti e print I of a char i,-ter per ill irtlh,edayand tba shae nf the luvilatloD la t h i a : : Vim nirtii.)ral it of Markkt)bur Inda- : (etitteniT-, 1775 The ueaurr ' vour nniwnr la mqwrt : fully ,i(ila.l at a hall to b kal.i at lha : : liou-arofMr John ii. Muraa, on Krklay : : arming 3 mat. MANAIJKRS. Thorn I. Polk. Thtav B. Smart, : : t h. ,iiia I. Johnston. J. I. Boyd, (.reen Ketidhrk. 1. O. Caldwell, fharliKte, M4y s, l-r. bat ar a Caljlop, the lalUr la aorualtolrif anUraly oaw anj will (uraly piaaaa yon. JV. Kaufman & Co. I.KMMNO CUITHIKRS, KlTRNIrtHERH AND HATTER. MAIL ORDKRS HOLKMTED. Cor. CENTRAL HOTKI. ( HARLOTTE, N. OJJ 'MENS AND BOYS TENNIS SHOES. New Advert lament To Hit- 8trawlerriex at Prnther's. Dnurgists A I! Kw,v Co. Special Male T I. Seigle ,t Co. Panacea Water Harrison Co. Tennis Mhoea liray iV Hanilianlt . Flags for iteiHiriitiii (i M Holotvmli. Perorationa for antli of Mav H Itaruch. All liersons w ho wish loe C renin for to- inonow please send orders in this eveniiiB; 215 West I rade. It W 1) TAYLOK. For the Coming I) Dr and othci full stocd DOTTKD dots. l imilar events we have a JILK MCLLS, all -hades. SWISS in all sized RHODA SPOT'S, a beautiful inex pensive sheer white mater'al in dot and stripes. KM RROIDKKI KS and LACKS shown in all I hat's new ri . r a r it 1. Ii. iLJUEj In noticing the decorations of private residences on North Tryon street yesterday, Tn k Nkws should have included the residence of Mr. II M Miller, Jr. That is one of the most artistically decorated houses in the citv. --THIS I S GREAT-- -41 A T T I N 6 S-- a limited quantity that Opens All Eyes When price is known; Homething Surely rueijualed. (il'ALITY was above JJT A NTI TV ; Kxtia line Jap Matting, full 40 yards to a bolt ; PKRKKCTION in KVKRYSTK.WV, Hoes to close a small lot at Hlil.K PRICK; No advertising scheme but : REAL SALE, ON A FIN E STOCK M A TT I N U S - - Li m i t ed Amouut, Kirst conies gets lnst clioiiv; Iteineiiilier the lot is not lar'. Iieuieinlertheprii.vui Keuiemlier the Roods are the best. Al the V. at. C. A. Ta-Morrow Attarwa. There will be especial attraction at the Men' Rally at the Young Men's Christian Association at S o' clock, to-morrow. Dr. B. F. Dixon, president of the (ireenaboro Female College, will be li e apeaker. Char lotte's finest male quartette, eom posed of Messrs. D. F. Samruey, F. H. A u drew, E. L. Martin and Will Powell will sing to numbers, and the orchestra will render special mnsic. It has been decided to try the plan of securing speakers from outside the city to address these Sunday ral lies and lo take np a collection to pay their travel ling ex enses, they (firing their services free If the plan pays expenses it will be continued. Every man in the city is invited to be pres ent and it is reasonably certain there will be a large attendance. We are uow showing a line of TENNIrt HHOKS that are entirely new styles ; Something tht Is nobby and nice. The color are grey and black an I make a neat serviceable shoe. Price 1 to 5, 65c; 6 to 11, 75c. We also carry a line at50o a pair. t GRAY ct EARNHARDT. 19 Earn Trade Street, CHARLOTTE. N. CV aT Prompt attention given to all Hail Orders. v Ladies Words We are showing- the handsomest lines of Low Cut Shoes ever In this mar. ket; Zeigler Bros' matchless styles a specialty; Our special I2JJ0 Style, with tips are very takelug, and the fair ones rarely pass them by: Elegant shapes at 2,00 iu priug heels and heels, while our great leader at 1,25 isae koowledged without a peer for w earing qualities. AU the leading colors in fancy Oxfords. Open every evening till 7 :00 ; Saturday till II :00. X AN DEE, S 0JST & CO. Decoration Day, KEMEUBER It Remember we have all thedeslred colors In a variety of I) KVO R ET IVE MATERIA LS Correct Prices, Correct Goods. STRIPES, U. 8, FLAW!, HOLI D COLORS Oh! we've got it all. Decorate your place from stocd Everybody Decorate, ROCKERS. If you have had to make yoar own way in the world you dont need to be told that, after all its very much a question of opportunity. Yoo cant display good judgment unless you are furnished an opportunity to exercis f it My Plush Seat Rockers at 4,V) and $5 furnish that opportunity. Hav ' you sen them? If not you should do so, for truly they are the greatest values in Rockers ever offered the public. I have them la taanuiylet D'l they are all gems of artistic workmanship. Of course I ""' Rattan Rockers too. My store is headquarters (or such go' OFFICE DE3SKISC Don't you want an Office Desk? Homething nice, converts. I have Just received a lot that will All this description. Ifrouv thing of thir sort I can certainly jhrgs you. Would be glad to i. come arouna Ana ste trie in. BURGESS yrr R S Slff

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