THE CHARLOTTE NEW8. VOLUMK VII. CHAHLOTrK. K. t, MONDAY KVKNINO. MAY HI. 18U-! NUMIIKU 1151 i Seine's May Id Jiiflt its wo lYwiiet-n. Slot Ciuih lUiyrdn Bait. Hour s El-Pur o MaajaMkk I WrM la - til M v ), pa. I .' J r i hm af ik aJ J ,aaaa Mat t t . laai ' kl kt.ka.jia -aa uml lu ka fxi - l- tta 1 atff kkr.ltaM ! othnr fo Cltfivm in Chir- i iv. W.r KiaKtiM. will Tt rJki tU 4 tu fttj M, l ill . la rl.) J lWli will ! Ua l all."-! la Wfc )( rs.k-4 will t Ja m1U1 f fckavtlw J. kl. I (fl; will w-t44 ! M. W U .. ! N ckllh C'ii . ' 11m. aa" ikru.itl , til ... t 1 . !u i4 - f UU1 ftLHJUt ill.. .fVtxltH. nil i W hU. 1 iiU-. A I - . . I . IU il M , -a I I I II -lj.111. "'I' WK J bak cl At I , I akflrMliut II l .itt; itJJ - .. W KmIii of .lal,.aaa ikia J ( in.BlllII ikJ loltit. Tlii'V itr' 'I'rniliU' v it i fa r . i . .it -I Mltufl n II lku. l lUvium ami Humutrn 1 - " ' ' "'. id,. ..t b t I u . k J I i I - I f f l a I a . tat' ! ta- W ;.-aa i 1.4 r t. . i Kin (I I : II. ' Clours A. B. REESE & GO'S. (4 f- i lw U I 4 Otlf hit M7 I tUf :t kbl Hi i4 rlJ Mer t)i i .11- r. L Seiglo & CO. So. II V rrl.i ! , H Tryon ( HAKI-oriK, N ' I - - IKrV rtr. If or Itl1. i(rirr lii I ri1ly rri-rrntr-l niuM v rvtiiritnl to ii ( i.i.. i I hlr ilrafV it rll l-r . I.r.l h i I'LI . .r.-o-j to ! n- I Iklilr 1 1 1 mull, r!r j Hyur.l. r..l I I Klc.l.K (). i Tanglefoot and Spicier Web S icky Fly Paper. Insect Powder. Dutch r3 Fly Paper. Insoct Guns. The s? give i)rotoction agunat FLIES. kirrk VihVIiIIU t ,.li,li..p.. I. ID III. rll II. f ur-l of ll- Mi... Hf-.ll - Mr W ttt TmM I lying .ry r t , ( I rkll Ill .1 lila I nn r.iMfi ' Hlrukll inJ Trjron kiret( Ho.l.r ktn I t Wii' irg liu hktaf lk T H- j , 1 . r I. -r r Hkotlur Kill tn I rtf i.i I 'k'i iit -ftiflfT Mmll'i vlll I, .re t--ntg' for l...,l.l.r . i.iiur Wilh. llrtlo (h rri ln.r i.i il. itik.. i I ii oi I fi ir ( I'r J 'ii i'' in i. ! I tii.irnlnjr for 1 1 in i n ,-ii.n t tt-n t ' III f I I" Mllrl r. ii-iiIiii lii, ' lllrrtk In tllorro I Mr. Win MiKrll oft ohm, l. ik l III rll) I i rli I , I. 'i ) ilx HI,. Ik Hi. giirkt -f I .r fki t j K,)uir. 1 1 Mkii.ll j Mlkk l.iljr ?i r l ii kf . "f I riiiikM ,i I vlklllur frl.n l" in liarlou- ( Ik lli (taki of Ir I V Kki.nii, oi N orlti ( 'olUf .tri-ri -Tli. H.krr M uili' r, mi .,! ti rturg of Mn I . in ol i n. ii, rllol an kifn i in. n t H.tur.l v r vrti i ii k- r V ; Hflf . (Ii. ..l;ti.. Friirl Wrlii'. mi . ; r r in ii r " I ...111.11 Ik link III r!nrk'- of If,.' Iio.tlk , it I.t( I'urk Ukr Id fi-!l.iw i'nl .11 will lif r"-iii-. I Ilii. 1 1 1 - r t i kliiK. Mrk Murk, i f K'.rl Mill, i- i-li I lift frl.iiiiH in tin- ritv -! I- 1 1 ITiif. I nf li.r ami K-v I I m aril M m v , t I I'r II Lilian of 1 1 I , r t I': - a i . v ( I 1 an oliuroli. - h'r 11 iff 1 1 ' w r in l! p r i t tn.l.iy, "y l' it if" !! .! lor i lirlll'IHK up lh" rott oi r,t-' t il ii, A lllllr linrr m o II I I I. of I in i Ii - II III lit to Ill-Ill --Th ( li.r lot i. Ii:l I t : in 1 1 n r,l.i v urirlril l !) n.t li f I' y uiiiiniu- it Kiuir from tlin Clmrlrat hi lv :i .cor.- II l'i. it H- -I. l.l.ttJ lt tl Irk It r l'if klikj irilf el Hi. S'aMh I if lie. Jik(.Ukl HI .)- of !. rr. T' . (oral. ul I-. .ui.r K Ma''fil .ill W . n I r I kl u I -kiln ' if krt f 1 uniH ' I' rir in klll I. . allrlr.r. I n(Ul I I r i I k y lii r u n g I !. . y "III lax m.l kl ; ,.j-.t I i k t.lrj.lion of rll -.u. kti I r I'lr I u.'t.ivjii o III. F..-1.1 Ii. la. i 4ai t'cr. k i': Ik'frtl.'l.n'lktiir f II, rli kl tr Mrl, Kll .1 II,. ii i .( Mrl, k I tiriatla.i f Ikl'Mi fi.rui'U. I I r lf II K l,i,,i, j.r.i l.i.l of i iifrn lir,i II, ! I ol r I' kl t'.rr. ll kk l.II for ..irlitri li 11, , ti I f a lr tioi ajiok. "Il l r rrill f I'r I ." .till II i i'l r i r t,.,i kL'l. .11-1 llll- , l ffl kl,1 rii.. kl- lr :. '. i . ii ' : r k i I . to- 1 1 r l I 'il r l,!'ln . !.(,.: Mra.ra l I U t U him I I Nrtit, Will 1'oairll m.l I II i , , I ' r a . i r i k r t . t , ; n . la.- t illlit rr .Ii I ll.lrf k.lf tttrr r ui.iir It V lilrl f.- ; ii.. ikkk.riiA,lri.f k)iilhnr.iertloii ..a tlkrli ll .in uulll.i; to m lllll. Ill ti' t'.kll nil ,i,'li to III. ri rllr. I I .' . Illn. I I nfc. Ik Ii Ii- ll IlkUTnk that I'm j'lau of a.i urnik (.a.ra fr 'in out of town will I tn.l ak'kin ; Ih t-o I I r r t Hi ll k I kk n 11 f ,r in llilnc I ut t M mi Kail v m. rr i n t r m i ii g hut or l of linn ll !..rl of t!, I Ilk- Ill l Uil i mkr tl,n tniK' Nolli- 111 ti n till t h ill li.V. tn lit ll. k" I i t ll- ri Inr Lal.l.h. l .-k Inn Imi rk- county will ri-1 r a n t.. iii tl,.. "t tr i ii . n 1 1,1 ii ( KiI-i-!i. nr: W .-I ii. I i . Ilir I' I, iiorn k ii Mill t r ii I ml l.,,v ,li. i j irl.'U ,v I III II I , I .11. - I .1.1,1, l II llll. I . .IlllJtor. I. .1 Barwe 1 o i o i IHIIIII WAOI.KSALK AND ItKPAIl. Druggists. w7 - 1 1 YOITAN DRAW Vol'll (. N ( X)N(M,l' SUlNS Ahi'iil our sh". Inn I hem's rrally only inn" iiini lusiiiii that von run lossihly ciuiic to ami that is Unit in slioo lfiither a litter in- yiflf wear thin shix", just so sure will tli-t le yoirj juiiifniciH oi 11; .-oiiie sihks an'i nenp witlrOiil boini; good, otliors are gooil without foriniiVlK'ai!; this shoe in chenp ami uooil lieiiiR enoiiii for the most fastidious ot fret; It will as a ninile to order shoe and e to order shoes that haven't its tit as N(uly mini v made ltirability In all rwpects it's a wise purchase ftr th wlsft huver. A larue slock of Hats and UnihreHas". Trunks, Valises and Hand bags always on band. A. K. RA-NKIN A BRO of 10 to II. I he aecon.l of tho iin--lintweeli thee Iwn teami lil h played this afternoon. - The Salisbury Miral.l of ovitur day, says: Mls Kannie Unit, of ( hiirlotte, retiirnid 1 1 1 1 1 today from ft ,ver jl ei k nit to Ahe villo, stopplntf over here lliit lllk'lit with her friend, Ml Lillian l'ousi. It Is to he reK'rettr,l that the 1 1 niinKtoiil.ikr.lit I nfantry ill not he with iik thin w ei k. M ay L'n is the an niversary f (hat -oiiiiuy, and it Iiuh decided tn celehrato II hv a d ay at the seashore. Mrs. A 11. Iteese an, I child, wh.. liHVti heeii at Staunton, 'a., for souio days pant, will arrive in tin. city Wodueaday. They will I'C accmn panied by Dr. Kohcrl It. (, as-i-taut physician in Knapp' hospital, of Ndw York ell v'. Cart. Willie (J 1 Lmuhton, who wis for a lonjr time in the employ ( the Southern Kxpres 'ouipatiy ut Charlotte, and for sever..! years past aent of that company at Ashevillo, Ih now in charge of tho business of that company in Spnrttiiilmr. A was remarked to a Nkw re porter, the man who designed tliut water supply from tlio bases of the arch, has a head on him. It is hv lonjr odds one of the best ideas yet devolved for ( he comfort of the visi tors during the celt lrat ion. ('apt. J. H. Sloan w ill have is sued from Mj. Turks iiilicit in (his city about .SO ticket-. These ticke's K) to ('apt. Sloan's luiyers throinrh out the North and South Carolina and Georgia, furnishing them fre,i transportation to t Ii - lit U 1 1 May fes tivities. Now AitvnrtlammitA Tn llitr. For rent (' McNelis , ilicydes-K M Atidrp'ws .t llro. Womaim wrinhts llarrison ,v Co Just as we predicted A U Reese ,V: Co Sto. kliol.lers meetiiiK-Tlioi V Ibmper, 8iot ohash bat-Rain sale T I,8eiKle ,v Co RepairiiiKiwinK machines cwitra.Miaw Draw your own conclusions A K Rankin ity Ux notice-Kred Nash, Clerk A Tn-as' It ,',i I, .1 K. b li-iui-. It'irw .III! oUll,-. J I Ii. I I .' ( , I .TII-I.O' tin I , I. ell-l'or i ( leitve Imrn t. in.irrow . v tin I i r. 1 1 n . On by I'm Ki r I. on tnl A t , . uill g , i f -Hill I r J II. Mc .1 .-ii. W. .Lii W M .11. r. I-!. T. I Ci.if m . ( ol li t . . W K.uikiii. . .1 'ii V ati I aii.liut' .1 . rl-..n. J H We.l- J. lill I It-OMII, II l'.l.ert....i. I--.. S Wtl "11. .1 II I. I'.. I'. 'tl. 111... . I. I ! i a n 1 1 ! r . aaa .mi l.aai. i-o K,.,',,r,l t it.' thai in ('lull Ills , h I 10 . ktk rlkMatlt. (k cl.U I IJ ) kk tl.Jlouki tK.k tkk aa - l uatUII T Uk a WllJ H m .( 4. Ma TvalaiaMCI, faki cl.k. I .i j kit Mkll -oki kn .Ink.. t l J. ku II. I k 11 : l u.vofik I .' p ku C,, kit ..a anj laJl . m lt t In ID( of ll'- . I.i f k.iii.r knl , a 1 1 1 n f (U.alt .1 I Ll ' f a l.lir r a tu N lid M "1 sj,, 10 tv tu fS' l.Hl. IS m I'r.'.r at u iM. ri tu by ll. ldrd M.rk l; 10 ; tu IUJln of - rl.r.liou l.jr Mori V. I V ll.k.nt l',klmktnrl ..iier.l .ml pr.a-.ol M...I. r from J a-.ti kl ll II Hi m Oration, I'kTl I It Mill, of Nrk 1 ,,rk I Til I' III Itkli.-'li al.'U j p. nt ltk.l.ll Iq tl. T.cilrak of lvln) 3 M I, ' at T o'fl x-k. parade of M oil.tik I I, ar Iry'k I nd I au. m l -oU t f rom t h. 1 t'ju.r. u tit. p.rk Mr I I' llulrhikou. Ik rl l.f uir , ail .lid hit ..aialauta m Cb.rlotia. W W phifnr. J I Km. M I. I'a.l l-.ri. I'aul Will... 1) M MkTna J M K. T A. bury. II M lloll.tiii and Thoma. . r I m 1 1 1 County J y N'anly. K H K.ld. P H ! I'rl.r. JJ Morrow an I J M MarnrlL i ilitrrm M It I'arkk, i K. Il.k'rr, , W I. Morn. Ir.drh U K. rr.nrh. iia.iu Paul A Lak Llncolo K H K-iohardt. V Ttiraham. Jr York I t ouuty I. II llarrlk J Mill I Ing. S TKr.w an 1 J Wlla.m Mar-1 kliall Lincoln county : C K Child. J I.C. .Lb. Haleljrh: WruMtioliik N York : llobtil n.. I I N I 1 1 I KK kfvslilN . On the morning- of JOth th troopa will form with right resting mi 'th atrial, at o'clock .harp. At 'i tolln. of march will h up Tryon, pa.kliiK In r.vl.w at th. kijuar. con tuiuliiK the march out South Tryon street to l.atta park to the grounds aaartl for iniiinfiiiTd and .ham battle, which w ill take place :) mln tit.k after the irrlval of the trixp on the field t ava raial m C. Kk. a I Tt --Ji -4 ifca Uu . l'kkMkktlkk) ' f n tllJ-.k wit. mm lfwtv4 ! It. (UtktlWaWtrUill. U.I In , Jt Httlk m Ull4tlllia I't'U ( kxa f.tully tH.I ffvkiad. la I!.., Motatw.r taxllo. k ka J J .fka I kava ll w kx tkaiai IL. laJ(al 7 lataaxat ktkl ktaa la Wat ' Uktbarg. Ui talti( f.lly a bat4fJ Tail Ida. la fakta laMlilkX a (! ku.a7 (44l.ia Pa.fU wef Uk. froku I h.'lolt and from dlfTaf .al I sp,, aaa-IVobk of W M l.abur g , abj a tmif j J.lrf .Mua tu frvaa duUk r.uolr Tli.faa.raJ Mill rak war. r.'bjjrlavl t-7 I la W BU rhaf. ol M,.,r.n ll wh w kk tvklkiaxl bf ll.t.l t klojerk VI - ra. Mr I.iJ a-m ati Iuilr,l wild rr UI'iDlH. I I upa .11. Hacli CHrt .dJ illrayl Alliaarax p-ar llrlfUu( A. at. . I In tm Ni, Ci. Ual7 a., found tl iudiih SturJir auora iuj All olfM loaf kwarrli.r. w.r. al wok Willi lu( fail. Wi lb. bd of hlrh boukk w.r. allacliad.auuD Jlnf I ll, r ktlkklll laalow 111. kCaQc of h. Idr.iwnlDf Joal alkaorlM, Mr Mai , tt ll.njeraua a bfolh.r lol.w of lb. deMiaAaal. W ho M (w-llof Ih. the air. am 311 J afdk below Ih. trtlit ' of ll . Jrow ulnf, f.ll hi. book .11 k. I an ol ja-rt on Ih. 1jIUiiu of Ih. rlT.r I M. draw ll up and Ih. body of Mr. !aTidkin ram U th. .urfac Tti. honk h.J raughl la Ih cloth of hi. pant. A. I.U oqI for borlal Ih Udy had a llfkv-llk. appaaranc,lh.r. U.itif no bruia. or ouolortloak. la blk coffin Mr IaTldkon appard a If b had dropped off into a ( acaf o I a I axr p . JTlii PEOPLE ARE WITH -US- T lit. or pa (art frnll T r. T lia. .tl laft li kMkaa k aaiaawa. Th. t ilk. li.. ali.auwa Ua itmIii, Tb7 Ilk Ml U MlK tb.T Ilk w Ha aUail. Tt v Ilk oar o4. tvs I aaj la pi. la lfrr, Thj Ilk. a . thai 4a) a4 k.tvll. -flfiatt Our Popular Prices: (Ku ( arTl4 Kaila lk l J. Ill Tlx" lit h kka. Hir II waai.n I ana jn I; tu i ymt rstt i til Ita iu I (kal Ikvnr. Macart rkti lavkl. IX. 111 mt (ur Cat W th k-aar-T kkl uk IH Rstal ritita iii ut. ii at IV-ra Lawaj FVal. -afta Wa.knI ka J.ata wk.l t k4 ll Sal TaiUntaa. ) Ikr uf wva -wai tafw R.ll'r I Maasla. CapL T. I. all, who, a COUpU ut rampalKO. ajro. alrculatesj Third pal ty plkH)(f in M kH-kUntiarg e-oanly but who h. k.LC. raDltd and w ho now .ay h I. a txltr Iimoral thau th editor of Tm k New a, laTt b-iilht to attend Marlon KulUr't Couf.renc la KaUigh. lomorro .Mr. JohD Spring DaTldtnia wlllalo U la Mr. Holler'. niMtlng. I elided tin- Charlotte I II II ( 'I II ll for H li'll (.1111 llllti'll to he -hot nil tli" Krnllllds nf th" Ch irlot te Clllh nil the afterii.ioti "f t !n- I'M Ii of M ay Kach Clnh t ' !iirin-h t ii men, w l.n ale buna li'l" no ml,, i- ,,f the Club, sii, I earh iilnii o tiie at V . Hlue Kock tsri.-i-ts, under tlie Kapid Kire y--t. tii. A mi rican .s-nciatlon Ktil.s I'nls coiiti i I, t in in addition to ti e regular "events" of that day, w ill, if accepted, add very much to the In terest of the occasion . Tim iiiitiil'irs of our (liil ticiiiir I'Votv doitu- aflernomi ; r v li in shoot i it Lr are prac sotni' are Trmlaa and Tralna. L nder the new acheilule the K. A I. has Jt) pssannger iralnt, HI In and 10 ' out of Charlotte daily. In addition to tl,l maiftiilicniit service and U if ! commndate the crowd on the Jilh of May, a special will be run from Matesvill. to Charlotte, leaving Slate.ville ft la m.M "oreav ille 7:31a m, Davidson ('illt'g 7 -lo a m, arriv ing In Charlotte at H: Via in. Keturn iug, thl train w ill leitve Charlotte at 7:40 pin. and arrive In Stittesvlll at Id p m. A will also be run from i reenkboro to Charlotte ami return on M ay 2Dth,sj. follows : Leave t ireens boro 7 a m, leave High I'oitit 7 4J a in, leave I hoinasvllle 7 leave Iyexln ton s : in am, loave Salisbury H:4.' a m, ili'iveChina (irove ! :02am, leave ! Concord i is a m, leave M arrishu rg ' 4"i a m, arn vinjr in Charlotte at 10:li' , a m. ( Ki'turnln this train will leave Charlotte at . :4S p in. Low rates and i ticket., apply on special excursion or regular passenger trains, as passen ! kits may prefer, all tickets sold at same rates and w ith some limit. On MaylMth the U A I. will have I'J pasM. lifer trains arriving and 12 passeni-r trains leaving Charlotte. Who could ask for or expect more? Aakaallla-k Htalaa-a. The A.hrlll Citiien of Saturday say.' ()a Tuday oextth Aahavllle horsemen who will oontl for th tournament prle at CharlotU will leave for that city. Tho who will take part ar N. A. TUynolda, N. T Chamtra, J. T. Bvlr, A. T. Hum- tney , J r, I) . E. S vier, and W. 8. lUy They hare been practicing for aer oral week past and lhlr opponvnU inth content will hav to do oui floe work to keen tum from the prlie. trriaki I Ih Mllllarw. The annual sermon to th Hornet' Neat Klrt. men, win preached last night by the chaplain, Rev. Dr. A. U, McManaway, at the Trjron atreet Kaptlst church. The HornU In vited the Naval Battalion and the Oueeu ('ity (luards to particlpita te and all three companies attended In full uniform, and with full rank. The sermon was a peculiarly appro priate on and was listened to with deep Interest by the soldiers and the large congregation. -Straw HatsStraw Hats- IN tl KK AT fit lKt'HIUM. HAXll.Nil I.N t'ltlCK KKOM 1 0e to 4,00, A Present - A Present To vry purrhaaar la oar Jut. oil. Irlm.Dt w will dm bat or a Call lop, ih lall.r la autuUilng aud will pUati yoa, at a ball aaj tw IV. Kauf man & Co. LKVDINU ('U)THIEIW, KL'KNIrtllKKM AND It ATTKR. MAIL ORDKRM KOl.Il'ITED. Cor. C'KNTRAL HOTKU ( HARUXTTF, N. C For the Coming CORONATION BALL .tndothei 'imilar events wehavea full -toed SILK MI'LLS, all vli td. s. no in : i) dots. SWISS ill iill sj.. I1HODA SPOTS, a beautiful inex pensivo sheer white mater'al in dots and stripes. KMKKOIDKKI KS and LACKS shown in all that's new n 1 r a r i.i 1. U. AU L --THIS IS GREAT-- 41 A f T 1 N G S-- a limited (jiiantity that Opens All Eyes When price in known; Something Surely I'nunaled. lil'ALI TY was abovf QUANTITY ; Kxtj.i tfrte Jap Mailing, full 10 yards to a holt ; PKRFKCTION in KVKRY STRAW, I does to close a small lot at HULK PRICK; No advertising scheme hut a REAL SALE, ON A FINE STOCK MATTINGS--Li mi ted Amount. First conies Rets best choice; Keinemlter the lot is not large; Remember the price is ); Remember the Roods are the beat. The Odd reUew. At the meeting of the tbe I. O. O F., in Wilmington last week it wis stated that Charlotte had no rep reflemtative there. Thk Nkws learns that Mr. S. W. Neece was there and ably represented the order In this city. The order appropriated $3."00 for the malntainance of the orphan's home located at Woldsboro for the ensuing year. A balance of (4.000 is on hand subject to call if necessary. It seems that this order has had quite a prosperous year, they having added 900 nins to their already large list during the year. IAN DEE, S ON&CO. Decoration Day, REMEMBER IT. Remember we have all the desired ! colors in a variety of DKCORETI VE MATERIALS Correct Prices, Correct Goods. STRIPES, U. 8, FLAGS, HO LI 1) COLORS Oh! we've got it all. Decorate your place from stood Every body Decorate, MENS AND BOYS TENNIS SHOES. We are now showing a line of TENNIS SHOES that ar nUrly new styles; Something that I nobby and nice. The ooiors are gray and black an I make a neat serviceable shoe. Price 1 to 5, 65c; 6 to 11, 75c. We also carry a line atftOo a pair. GRAY A I5AHNHARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTIfl N. Ci Prompt attention given to all Mail Orders. Ladies eF Oxfords We are showing the handsomest lines of Low Out Shoes aver in this mar ket ; Zeigler Bros' matchless styles a specialty ; Our special $260 sty lea with tips are very takeing, and the fair ones rarely pass them by: KUgant shapes at 2,00 in spring heels and heals, while our great leader at 1,26 Um knowledged without a peer for wearing qualities. All the leading- color in fancy Oxfords. . QILREATH Ss OO. Open every evening till 7 :00 ; Saturday till 11 :0Q. I ROCKERS. .i If you have had to make your own wajr iu the world yoa don't need to be told that, after all its very much a question of opportunity. You can't . display good judgment unless you are furnished an opportunity to eierclM it. My Plush Seat Rockers at 4V and $5 furnish that opportunity. Hav r you san them? If not you should do so, for truly they art tha fr-' values in Rockers ever offered the public 1 have them in maps-etyf they are all gems of artistic workmanship. Of course J Rattan Rockers too. my store is neaaquarters lor such f OFFICE DESK& Dou't vou want au Office Desk? Something nice, convei . I have lust received a lot that will fill this description. If yvrts. thing of thir sort I can certainlvntarest you. Would be glad l come around ana see room. jr R S S V