f THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. II run Aiivuirmiiw U4 ia a4 tiUa TV4 B at km H aaaJU SUf t at ta. 1 fV, a I ta a -a VOLUMK VII. CIIAULOTTK. X. (. TL KSDAV KV KN I N t . MAV IT. IMJ XUMIJKH1152 May 17 Seizes The Ureal Celbnlioo. Tttonl-W fcwaj l le asd .aaaab e4Waa too. MltUtU II hf laeaateUa, ILe tlll ask aaa. a tatal I tiMKCal tale Haf, 1 apaa-la. Till iJa.ava aJ TweU, all al rat tiM (or i at Hi Ik I iratvavjiaea al ! Iftau . ! pallefaa u I hint alt ifl al i:-,rl, il.ey ini ?V J ajarU. It, raw m iwtiMaHlliaa'ft a a lha aua'k.l at ! aa Iba d-llac II W a v para..!. w a l paiaaml tuJ Just iia wo PrwiictcHl I), Mn Bl-roro luvn eibout m u MTCtni tni all otlior 5- CitpirH in Char lotte. Thev an ironuino Havana and Sumatra Ciam. A. B. REESE & GO'S. Iibim India Hila a, China Hllfc, Challla. Hr-x-h, Taaila HaJftxd Curda. frepniia, ldaal-te. t'olloa I rataow. TlJI. all the I I y aannat tttafta are here In raaUal abandaare BLAZERS BLAZERS, $4.50, NAVY CREAM BLACK LACK. LACKS. LACK ItHM DE IRELAND POINT DE GENE rlla for what you nut T. L Seiglo & CO. 'u II V. TfavU '. In', S. Try. hi it C 1 1 A UI-OITK. N. C. I - - I I I ' " I I.ll.l.l.... rntral nillal ,i V rHurnra) ui in at ..me t il hke a ilrafl. II aril ls caehel on i.:lit e prrfej lo lie ne latile In ailvtliuo' rl' llorlrrol r I. SKbil.K .t (. Tanglefoot and Spider Web Slicky Fly Paper. Insect Powder. Dutchers Fly Paper. Insect Guns. Tht se ive protection against FLIES. Borwell & Dudd, WAOLESALE AND RETAIL Druggists. Imi irr Mr I V Hpanrer. of Hpnrf'i, V a. v aa r(llar4l al Ilia Caotral l J. 7 -Mn II II Jnr.lau and Ml.. An oi. I 1 1 1 r .1 raiuroxl fr.m Mailt mora IliU iimruliif. Mia Cora Walli l uit lrk al lir liuiti on Koulli Cliurrti tlrral John A llau. ujrlti tntlanl of lha Cti arlol(. Col u nilla A Aufuala road, waa In th rlly to day. Tha wajr tha popla of Cliarlotta haraln ilaroratinc loilar la won dar. Tha tuwo la a prfoct ware of rani, wlilta and bloa. I Mr. John H. Sharrlll, adltnr of tha Coocord Tlnif. left thl. aftar- noon for tha ruraling of tha national I rriaa Aaaorlatlon. In California. That giirantlc hornet iixat that fljrurtd In Tn K N K wn float, on thn 'Jlh May ralahratlon two year ajfo, haa boon ra ram pad hy I i u y M ai w ll, aiidwlllaxalnaaloiu.il the native. - Thara will ha a lht In one of Harurh A llrothar'a allow window ton'Rht, worth aralnr. It will !" 'i of tha rrowna for Hm at Am aiaw rfa ail PUU w lU U lahafwaia4 U UU MMial al laaahr 'aaa ailtf ai la WaaAiaw. aa aaa ay Iba Ia4 a Ual ally i laa Vaaa afiaj .at Jar tia bla aavwaakaia fc.a al H C- ba Wa waa lakaa ith Iba aaMala al laal waak At IKowa-a la IWatM fwla Ua MUa la a k'laaH Hajarway aaJ apaal aJatbl a lha (avfa, ia aaaJa l' ll wllhaal aa. qiKmuit AatdaffwaM laa dlaaarata artacla vf Iba af(UaUMi vf tttaalaf J flat- ur a ad k4 feaa lo bla t4y. aal lha afpbla adaalalaUfad U blitl U rallava bla aaaTaf laf. ba I rtn paratlly awaafar la Ua. Whaa ba raacbvj bla botna la at a llfbl braaafaal. took a waraa bath. and waalaa ba4. whaa ba aa)yl a ral aflar hla !e( Jaref l-atr la Jay ba aal ap fr a lloir. Mra '.nr. Iba rwaalor'a wlfa, uti b UaiM II will ba a anaiur of bul few Jay. baf.ra bar baaband U abla lo l ul tila and run bla KauaKXlal dallaa Tli rauu ..f Ma rax-anl Had al aara, w aa Ilia raaall of llllla Impfu. drnra on II, a pari of lha Kanalor Ma waa augagad during hla rarant tlaii lo ( Ionibrooa In .oparlnlau Jl ng parallona on lha plantation On day In tha mlddla of laal waak wblla tha aun wa. vary warm ha ihh1 uul In Iba damp Maid for anina Um lalllnr with ooa of hla employ Aa a roniuenr he replrJ freely. I In lug ap to hla huu he eat do w ti In a large, comfortable rhalr on l'ir a vaaa wita a Maaa Waaa tax I a. rwuM r i k.-. m a - a ... kalU. avt Ibl wa ,! a f ..... .. TV a-alla k it h I u i1 i . i f la Aaxilta t.J l' i .. ..i fl llt'l 1. 1 !,-!. ale i rali tal Joti n. i. Ihflllla la (l.aia i iIk m taria at lit tolU II . ai , 1 ' , Ul aauaralag f f- ot.r I Catir IJe ! I a b a a i a I .a' I a t . oil I i : a K.wa f-.fle f 'ail m a aid Ira's l' o ay la Ma t ' t i Tha w bl I I a Ui I laaawaaa adaif H- l.o.-- lanall aalff I'llll ' f fal la d'aauale' !( by all la. In A in.',' . I - I I au In una I ! I' ' ' Unn I I 'i t a ana' Ui ' l.e will i-e all ttf' I ' ' here. I ii a lala I .at lr... . aald t a. a. I II la a -ril ua l oa III rtnnaul Who .1 li 1 .1 Uif BU I btim aii-ti.ia rl l.mi fl ln'l l ll 1 ' I bla. It la n- t I a r i lrl hel t l-rf .f . I ! ' ii -I ' part of all, lb pai i j I' Im. alempt--l lif t ' u i i rgi ling l.ie l-rl'- in all. Illlllr.1 liaa b-ra ffl fl thl la " aal I llir l'ru'ea..f eaally rea'li'l al'ii II ai when i Ii para.huir i .- n! I tha balloou 1 1 Ir ) : allfiut opeiiiiig and 1 1 . fl' rap! 1 IIM' i All I a 1- of fal feet. II" pa'a-' ule oi l 1 " j- III all I 1 1 r ti c f i- 1 ' r r . n . I t it. t a i 1 f l i .ia' a I ' t . a i -f JiftktJ I; . ai -Bi' . ai' a 't. .'' I " II . . . 4 la I i..l'lca'' etci ...:.H) C i, t W fc ' A . . I v r 1 a li -r ! i 1 1 I UMlt ae J , '. I ; VI ( I t . i T ! c I 1 1 '. ij , I I I I a l'.eie aael I HIHTOHY REPEATS ITSELF. The Gigantic Celebration. W' ar in it, with a h'vrtjf wttlcomo to OUT fiiondrt nml jktrt)rLn. Wo ar- in it, wrh (li'iviitit Silo of Clothing. II is. I l- li oil ll I. I ATI!Jfat I it i,ii . f i I I MlltfluN VI ,u , . . toll I It i f a i 1 .. ; I a wk. wawilt a.t I a aal hi Jaaiiaaaa. I no ml llltli DtaMtt Mens Clothing. i.i i'f t -U Im ran I a a af c 1 w .Mil 1 l-r will flu . r jn. n ' i I i . ill fun abnal Iba lltg HaftJaw M r N t t I i . II I N 1 1 in t. lalalag Ibal wa aayalJaV j a. a ii.; ttiaitinl ..r Crlrat, IM Ihla, a4 JWa a ' ... If fr I ( .fl I i w . ...a I - . t c . - ,''' r -' it.r l l'll ' I . -.,. I .!..( I I I ; 1 i . .- I, . a 1 ' I'll Nft f k an t I a ii 1 rff a !f a I a a a i u ; . a I I ' r I - ! . r I 1 1 ( t r ij'l ! I i ' i- ui 1 ' ' al l ; : at "a;..' -iff I f e I ! i! Irf! r.: -rl a'. - 'I' d m a ' - ! ' I a i I r k i a! : . i . r i : - I I ahady aide of the verauda. and w bile ' d-rent ia fr a lo.l ('...iifl I f:. i there be aatla.au w I III a r hill w f. Irh happetia that thr . '..in.it .t : ik -a it r later tlevlul Into lumbago a n.l ' grnu n .1 w 1 1 ', a liunn;. y. .',ak.- arlallca i """ "I- llwlnglo lha reinoleueaa of th' A I av tnnah. I ! place smalderabl delay waa i perlened In obtaining tha aarvlrea of a phyalclan. durlug which time the Hatialor Buffered Intanaelr. I) , iiieatlr remedied wara applied, bul I from they did not bring aubalantlal lellef m e After waiting aom time a phyalclan arrived at tha houae, and admlnU terlug a hypodermic lujectlon of tnnrphlne, .acreeded In allevlatlnir tli. nfferloga of jUie Keuator In a yery brief Unia. --Ii. I ti lilnan il I" . t lien a r : c ii f reul.trurk my l.all.H.ii an II blown ha' k to il,..r I ! ,n , : I waa i.-u II r I t-1 I oiip. in nil' i near ,t th ii f ! .1 pi nil t . I I- a: I i an t'- I I i f B I' r ' an. I t a i 1 te B 1. ! I 't ir ar II. I I! r'r I ! a t- ; I I .'all I . ! ii ! ! n til f ' Ir ,11a hr,l I.i II r II I'- I II I r r I ti f , ft''- I r men ' f r ia . ,ua I ..f I ii t rr Mcii.s Sik C;itH Mt'ii SH'rMiukr Coatn and Vtst M'ii- A la pa. & Cimils M'n . lint- txtra 1 mglh Coatrt M.-m Silk ('ikvU ami Verttrt TrapdfU Clerical SuttH il Win'.? and Fincy Vit double breaat " singlo 25c, $15. L75. 8,60. $12,60. $L 76c Straw Hats w, llllr I 1 . 1 A l . 1 1 u in ail i' e l- li -tyl-a for Men, llof. aod Cblliraa, , nn..t M at. ill II at. in all ahadea and ahapaa. I . I I I I..I I l.r.ll.1 Mr W M I v A Present for the Boys. With every Boys Suit and Hat, we give bill and bt. I "..r" . of .Nee " Ii 'in who irk - " ' 1 - i i r t in - in .rr ..f ! '" n 'in w ho rep w- w- jr- wr yr- th. earth I en l-av It.. jum:. rr ... , . t i h ,, t I- i r n . I u r e C. , . a j 1 lLw J Ihe p.,raPh.,.e. ho;,,,,, ,, ,..., ... uf iI 4 7777 lfo) I ,fi If bullu lrli.gl. r-irllofr. ,-lt Kri l.y an I -atur.lay of ? F X 1.(1 III llllll Va-e7 Vf ltjl hu'a, I U-canie antangle.l, at, I ,. waa here for the purp...e I ' til of a well calculated lump. I ,,f ,,,,. . . ...n.n,. f.,r tl,i. parach Inatead of a well calculated jump had a rail of fully V) feet .trlktiu- on tha hard In-ach " I'rof .-hro'a fun leg will not Inlerfer- with lil enrk In Charlmi thl week, and he pron Uea line ac iil'iin" il 1 1 1 V alW I tr J YOU CAN DRAW Yorit OWN C0N(M.r 8I0N8 About our $;S slu-t hut there's really only one conclusion that vou can Hsnihly oome III llltti 1H 1 1 nil "I auuc ivitmri o .-..vi iii- 1 1011 1 you liwver nniur. .puh w suit T a 1 .I.ruua I t l.uuan'l It. A Ert nilr BIHIW Ul. aliaTtril b n an rw in. n c - ihuvmib buyer. A large stock 01 mis T1!! it Ira V atla-Mtai mill Htanil. tw HjrBi wi A.K. RANKIN A BR0 ltieeii and the Maid of Honor. The liatlitiK battery of the Naval Kaltallon will have a d'lll on Inde pendence Sijiiare t-til;ht under riininilliil of Lieut C. I, Hunter. The drill III lake plic.. at h o'clock. Twenty-five Democrat., headed by Hon Carpenter, pa.td through Charlotte from point aloug the linn between here and Sheluy, thl morn. Iiiir, for the Htate con ventiou at Kal- itch. Tha conimencemen t of tlio tireenliro Keiuale College w ill take nlace on M av 21. 2'i ami Jii. Thin I tha .Villi annual coniiiieiu'emenl There are o'J vradtintea In the cl:i of -Mr. . M. Doiirtldnoti, of Went Newton, I'a , with her on I.ew N, ar viRititiK in eiiarlotte. Mr. Donald aon in the mother of Mr.C.S I ion a Id son, of the Southern Newnpper Union, and I hi KUet, at 'His North Church street, One of tho moat nrlletic decora lion in the city I to Ik. seen on tin front of the Hornet'a Newt Kitlemen armory, .opposite Tiik Nkws otllee, The knapaack and crossed bayonet deuign in peo'illarly appropriate. No udmlsmon fee will he charjfed to-ulght for the couiinenceiiien t pi ercUes of the traded school at the auditorium. All are invited. The olonlnur exercHea of the colored Kraded school will he held at the ame plaoe to-morrow nlpht. Rev. 1'. R Law, of I.uiiiherton. pueed through the city to-day on his way to Hot Springs, Arkans.m, as a delegate to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian chnrch, which conveneK there next Thursday. He wild Joined here by Uev. Dr. VV. W. l'harr. Barticli's uliow window has at tracted crowds to-day. A beautiful ly designated and decorated arch, around the pillars of which are the names of the signers of the Declara tion, fills up the space in the window 1 and everybody stop to look at it. Mew AdvertUment T-lf . A F and A M tonijrlit. All visitor. John Farrior. Real estate W 8 Alexander. Racket Store W J Duvis A C. Men. dreas shoe Oilreath A Co, Take your choice RoKrs A Co. Feed stuBV W I Henderson A Kro. The great celebration T L Seigle A Co. History repeats itself W Kaufman A Co. Tar trlla a.ecee.lail. The many friend, of Col. John I. lima ti will he.ir with inurli l viu r that the ..peniMon .f - i eri.,u a ti t turn drou ;.'' li ed h" h i" r-cen'-y g-otl" p:is'i, w is ijillle am-, ces.ful and that he w II I oon be honie permanently relieved. Col. lirnan is in I'luladel ph ia uinb-r Ir linttmi. Carrie ' w hose reputation a- a -kiliful i..ir- Ifeoti, h a few eiial in tin r.'iintrv allt he see III t to think I t 1 1 ill 1 1 1 I . el I i n a very - !i 'Tt , ii, Mr I'. M . Itro w u acioin p I ii i . I 1 I'.r.wn I i Philadelphia and w i ! I r.-miui until his father is home. Iiralb l Mr. Tla. Mr. Wni. Todd, one of the tst knowu elllieti of Mecklenburg roun ty, died at hie home In this city, at 't :'J) o'clock .thl. morning, after a brief lllne.. Mr. Todd wa Ihitii In Paw ( reek township, five mile from Charlotte. In 1MI, and wa therefore SI year of aire. Hew a an elder in theHecond l'reahv tarian church. Me wa married In to Miss Todd, daughter of Mr. Cook Toild who, with aevtu children eurvives Mint. He w an held In hih eteem by all our eople, and w a justly re garded a one of Meek leu hut g's beet men. I'he funeral will be conducted from the residence at '1:3(1 o'clock lo-nnr- row morning, by Kev. Ir. K. t Keel Thepall bearers selected from Hi.- wbsi on o i toe riecomi I reeiiyierntn I (evi'latiil SnrniL' o church, of which Mr. Tood w as a ! ,.,rsloiiits w i 1 1 have member, will be Col J It Kan kin, I lei i K Harrlnger, Mr J P Alexander, Mr D W Oates, M r J H Ross, MrCXh Hutt, Mr J J Adams, Mr George M Phlfer and Mr J K dales. I n the baseball game yesterday afternoon, by a streak of unaccount ably bad luck, the Charlotte team :i defeated by the Charleston team by a score of S to 4. J tint how such an unusual calamity as that happened to come about it is hard to say. If there should be a repetition of it in this afternoon's game there's no tell ing what niicrht happen. It Is ho won derfully odd, you know, for the Char lotte team to lose a game. li'e t-i t.lKv Ml trip ttrtir.lotl lT III. e. i.l I' A Stale i- ,'iiriiui i.f t' K iin.'ht of Pvll'la w ill be tun t -in lh and .1 in. .. K- 1. -...s to ll.,' iMl.ia w aters at Shelhy. Sp, ,. il ir- For the Cominer CORONATION BALL and othel fimilar events we have ti full stocd SILK MULLS, all -had,-. OOTTKl) SWISS in all sized dots. RHODA SPOTS, a beautiful inex pensive sheer white niater'al in dots and stripes. EMBROIDERIES aud IiACES shown in all that's new. rangemeiits h ive Ih-cii made ith II hotel-, hotli at Shelhy a iiiU'l.-vela nd Sprint:-, al 51 J per day, ami at pri vate lio-irilini: 1 1 m. s at fMni "-r lav. Clev.-land Sprini: are two mile- from Shelhy. an. I the livery -tables have contracted to Iran-pott those wishinu to vi-i; tl ein mi this occasion at '' i cut- for the round trip. Ample ,ii','iiiiiii -d.itions have been provided for fro.u siv to -even hundred excursionists. Kev. V. S Creasy, I'. D, of Charlotte, one of Hie iiioft eloipiient speaker- in the S'onlh, will deliver an address on Pythtaiii-in at Shelby, Wednesday, the M II. f .elertlli' new patterua fur thla aeaoni. tri le. Mr. Lyon' I charm ed with our city, and wa ai;rrerbly nrprl.ed at the extent of the K!. Iiott Knrniture Ci.'. plant ami facil ities. He a well b the others con i,ecl I w ith the rlrui.are hu.llera and promise to give the I'.lllott h urnlture Co., all t he bu i !ie. t h ey can h aud l t - 1 llfmairn, I h, I,.-.,! I- . . .4.1 ..ur people K'o otll in sympathy to Mr and Mrs. George W I! th' I in the sudden Slid sore he- , re ivemeni which befell thetn yetei -day afternoon. In the death of their lir-t born, ( lei.rir" llethel, a bngbi ami lovely young boy , I- moil t h - . f lire. The ott'e fellow had been -ill ferine from whooping cough for a week or two p -t, but wa- apparent I ly getting on well enough. N eKter i day aflernoon he was -eled with sp.i-m-, which very shortly resulted in his death. 'I'he father was absent at his home in Danville at the tun.-, but arrived here last night in re--pon-e to the -ad summons. The funeral of the little child w:i c 'iiiliict-d this afternoon from th re-idence of Mrs. Ilethel's parent-. Col. and Mr- Robert M. dates, by Kev. Ir. K C. Reed, of the Second Presbyterian church. I'he pall bearer-were Messrs. John M Morehead, i. M. Oates, J r., J. M. Scott and A. II. Reese. Messrs. Henry N ichol-, .1 . D. .'ox and W. W. Watt, were Mower bearers. At the close of the services at the residence, the body of the Ut ile child was conveyed to K.lmwood and laid to re-t 1 . K I I i ; t LOTH I KKS. FURNISH ERS AND HATTER. M 1 1. ORDERS SOLICITED. Cor. CENTR VI. IHU'EL CHARIOTTK, N. C4 MENS AND BOYS TKNN IS SHOES. We are n w show ing a line of TENNIS SHOES that are an tiraly naw -tyles; Soinethiu that is nobby and nice. The colors are grey aud black an i make a neat serviceable shoe. Fri'e 1 to 5. 05c; ( to 11, 75c. We also carry a Hue at Wc a pair. G HAY cfc HAUNIIAKDT. lt Kiwi Trade Street, CnARLOTIE. X. O l'roinit attention given to all Mail Onlers. NEW DRESS SHOES. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. --THIS I S GREAT- -M A T T I N G S- a liniiled quantity that Opens All Eyes ! When price is known; Something Surely l'iieiiiald. ' iUALlTY was abovr QU ANTI l'Y ; '. KxU:i line Jap Matting, full 10 yard to a bolt; PERFECTION in EVERYSTRAW, (Joes to close a small lot at j HRLFPK1CE; j No advertising scheme but a REAL SALE, ON A FINE STOCK j i M ATT I NGS--Limited Amount, j First comes c"ts In-st choice; lieini'inlier the lot is not large; Remember t lie price is 1 Ketueruber the goikls are the best. II Decoration Day, E y E M B E K IT. Reiiienibur ,! have all :he desired colors in a variety of D ECO RET I "E MATERIALS Correct Prices, Correct Goods. STRIPES, U. S, FLAG. SOLID COLORS Oh ! we've got it all. Decorate your place from stocd Everybody Decorate, Fine Cordovan Lace, and Congress, iu medium aud uarrow toa, Tha new Piccadilly lUucher Stvle, the latest fad. price $5; Handsome stylaala Kangaroo Rals and Congress, tienuine Russia Calf, colored, Leather, cor rect thing for summer wear, pr'ce $i; French colored froat Bals, soft and tine, price f i; The handsomest line of Patent Leather Shoes in the mar ket; All the latest styles; He sure you see our goods ; We can suit and please you. QILREATH & ao. Open every even lug till 7:00; Saturday till 11:00. . T. L. ALE XANDER S 0N& CO. ROCK ERS. If you have had to make your own way in the world vou don't nead to he told that, after all its very much a question of ODDortunltv. Von can't display good judgment unless yo are furnished an opportunity toexercls"1 it. My Plush Seat Rockers at H."h' and $5 furnish that opportunity vH you seu them? If not you should do so, for truly they r..thsjf"' va'ttes iu Rockers ever offered the public. I have them in iijp they are all gems of artistic workmauship. Of course Rattan Rockers too. .My store is headquarters for such r OFFICE TDESICSL I)on't you want an Office Desk'.' Something nice, convenie I have just received lot that will till this descrlotion. If voii . thing of thir sort I can certainly Interest you. Would be glad to havw come around aud ste them., ' jMlr j ( x ' ' imBPW? .... R S Sli , I v -. I e f r a