(JHARtO irorirri NEWiS. OliAllLOTTE. N, ChXI'NIAY EVENING. MAY 18.181)2 VOLUME VII.. NUM II Kit una Scides May 10 X8ttL Miking I'olnls. TVm w u .a ha lv mtf aW fwiaaal all salaam al t tatK H f tivkin nili wttA eaif bag ! And low n T4y mi lAese p""" rVn4OT4MlliUttk Italy Tlim ! . Jim Un Ull ' AmT fruaa fart. Jw mm aad vv ra We imiU AVr & Co, auk mKrARKi to ri'kaimt ALL Till CMTIZr.HH AMU ALL Til It YlntTOHl WITH Soda and Mineral Watr, Coca-Cola, etc. (We TraJ aaJ Tryt stfa-et A. R REESE & CO'a A ft IU4U feat- V A IMM Aaf. -T L AW a Mary Uilaa Um MHr- llarrwra A I'M la - M Wail r"-. I Mae talk UM Jl-T L AlratkjMAi Sue M. hiM b aAtt Salt Mr the cttoano.i biciks. ut eel Itieaa laatva (Im I nk. om IimmW. mini tWM litdta Milks tirmm pel lea a el Ktuaire itMrtgti imI esrs niinjlT Uuimuim rnalaU I sona rulis la ! airtoair iitm tlaoU ailta UthinW (IVomJIIA, Two aaaliuaav frlrorae J ium U ew jk frnnd tliallie.a,! hama-atM-r CKallw riliitl tiwnnu (1iIIh balftad f.'Mi ktwm M MaU h lu k end Mil reramei '-ta ,ai tlx ,tlar Hi Jmai m i 1 14 atad rvftano T. L Seiglo & CO. No. II vV. Trade at. Iss Tryoo at CHA RWlTTK, N. r. t I. ! : -- "Urm1 artM-le IxMiartil of (it lhal doaa a prove Ui he e.alv u iinalilwl moat ae rrturtteJ to ua al i. and lii a draft, M aril he oarlml oil ihl. W prrfu to be rw- 'kahle lu anything ebe HyurvWrul T I HKHil.K A (X). Tanglefoot and Spider Web Sticky Fly Paper. Insect Powder. Dutchers Fly Paper. Insect Guns. These give protection against FLIES. Hum I'll & Hiiiiii, WAOLKHALK AND RKTAIL Druggists. YOV 'AN PR AW YOliK OWN (ONCI.U Aliout our :t stn. bill there's really only one conclusion that von can os.sibly omie to and that is that in xlioe leather a titter in- Lyeatmont you never uiade. Just as sure as Lou wear this shoe, just so sure win urn tie VUT JtHlgmeni Ul Hi dime suma are t utwi without being good; others are good without beYuK cheap; this shoe is cheap and good ;h for the luosi usuuious oi leei; it wui tltasaViUKly as a mmie loonier snoe ana mini Vin:i(ie to onler shoes that bayan't its durabilifW; In all rwpecta it's a wise purchase for Mm wfw buyer. A lartce sUx-k of Hats and XTiBbretla. Trunks, Valise, and Hand bags always dp band. . A.K. RANKIN ABRO TM Mia Inlay r' mo two allka -Mr. W K llauaal of IUIJ.HU. I. rafletoreJ al Ilia Hutotti. Tlia t'abarrua Hlara Hoy. will t over on Iba boo Iraia t morrow. I o IliaUao ( ' I at b ronlaata UJar. Charlolt woo first and aa-eonj pi !. Country alra wbarriea ara plenti ful ua lha anarkrl al lo rrnU xr iuart Tlia only 'onflrala (laf anions; the ally flwooratloo la, on at I r. Mavln't .tor. oo H. Trada atraeL kfr. l.awaiu IUrla, who lias taa ao aerlouly alrk, la now mn vaUeelof . Mr. J. W. PotU. formerly chief rl.rk al lb. Ha ford HoUl. tat now of Dauvlll.. Va , I. In lh. rily. M iaa Julia Hryre and liar aistr. Mra. Dr Torkar. ara eijveclad homa from New York to morrow yrnior. Mia. I .a a son, of llaurllla, Va , Is vlaitlor frl.nda in CharlotU, the DMlf Mr. H i'.Hnilth.ou North It treat. The Charlotte I.ihrary will not b open until HatardaT morning the ll.tnfMajr. Hook, that fall doe la the meaullni. will ta coutioueil Mr.J. J. Maunlnjfand Mr. Junl a. Caubla earn. In yesterday from Uoeolnton.for the ath. The foot ball jrame lietween Wake Forest and Aaherllle I bsiui; played at lh. 1-ark this afternoon, and an luitneuae crowd I there. ! i The oonjnieucenjent exercise, of ac. Iottltate will bee;iu ou the evening of the ITTlh. Th. annual con cert will beflreooD the evenluicof the Slit Mr. N. T.ChamtMiretof Asherllle, who came to Charlotte to participate ii)thecrAud tournament to take place to-morrow, had L very narrow es cape whl'.e rldlDK this morning. HI. horse flew the track, throwing Mr. Chambers violently to the ground but a. luck would iiAve it, lie came out all right, with the exception of a few scratches. It will be observed that ft is no longvrfl l"a. He has added out more to bis name, And it is well deserv ed. Of course we hAve reference to the big Advertisement of the great est wholeeale merchant In the Car oliuAS, Mr. H. Wlttkowsky. Visitor. to the city should not (all to go .rough III. establishment. They ill see tilings that will astoniHli them. tw ta aa a a mom His a Arta t ta W AV.A.t-4 fcasaastai aIU raa W mmm CbAWIWV Ug aiUaUi vf liU AMTataJ t WI A4 W4 rljUMlk. BvAt ml U. aa4 fUUt- U 4Ua awU ftaAjre. Te iMlUf w M tsvev IAe tNfil lae, lae mmtmt um mpt, i4 CaajU. wm eJ twtAvef ! tvaf Vat Tba f fraaakM M ArAr4 f U. fref way (uitnM elfall. pmtmg wU Uk.UA CTabAwwIavei, a4 lolUweJ by AAilw Al . bAawbAll, A4 fa-aJl la Ue mtUfmtm. TawUbl, Iba VVU4 Weel .bew will be (!. The t taarw will b the UaraacaL Tb.re are A f raal aaaa baw al MlfiH a4 Aaf theaa ae auaa. a sraWlaal rliara. The tiasii wbaib a. tbiMU4 la lleJacb'. w la- ew. are .erBcUaUy taaiifal im la- plra efb kalxhl tat Je bl. baL Ttie ilea ( lab will abao4 at 10 a. m. at aMa thara will be a ballaoa aaoaa- as ;al p am. baaeball; Artwork at T . p a . Aa4 Ibe eknanatia aod ball al 10 p. an. Krklay will be Ibe ffaal day, as will I a-wB by refefeaee U the pro (ram ma. Kollowlag Ibe aaaau battle ou Ida tlutnous of Ibe 3h lha rifle larj.l ahootiag by I or I aod Tlailio( taenia from ibe military rotipale will take plate at lha rata fa At litla park. This mlMl will likely Uaf la al-.ul i: oi HULT IS DEFEATED. HISTORY HEP HATS ITSELF. UH MaM latliw KatAloH. C . May Is Tr.a ca- aaUawi bela t Jay w a the lafai la IbeiUlory of tba rUl llwa wwe4 wltb ay by lu lr ttlaxk La It Oretmaa waa utada laiura- ryebalrsktaA Tl.a aaolloiaal -Hi wtlWrnMiiu'iu (tu-d witt, Uaaa' n toaa a-pl Tt rvaicii Uv toal txvti lu S o rU.fk tt,a aaaaaalllMoa plalfof in u cuhii a Ue alllaacA. Tba rearm c.oclu.lrj Ut a-wt Headarlla for i...fi,..r Mb latter fof I JeaUoanl 1 1 f o .f i. l 1'aala for Allorhay tianai l The Giguntie Celebrution. Wo art in it, v.ith a htvuij wrUumt to our rttniiri and Mitrt)iirt. Wo an in it, wi'Ji OlanUc of Clothing. tVIU.M( K Tt l A.Mi MM A LI. tiNTlNt'K TH It UHHAT CKl.KHItaTloV 1)1 HI Mi Many of lha Hart-aim w You rata l afford to uIh star; dollar fuaspand fir liila wak. we will aol I e a(4e to Japllrata. II la aal t utue atad wall aataywo tuoaiay mm WiMtH kr i Aa wm, A very laga crowd w aa al I I - worth. this atoraiag to a lha bal I ,oo aarenaloo. frof. 3tehro bmuftil out bis M 103 fool high balloon, ami lt waa awresaafally laflaled, not wlthatAOdlac the high wlod that prevailed al the lioie. The aw-eol I waa hardly batfaa, tbougb, tfor. ha baltooo waa driven by the fofca of lha wlod arala.t the roof of the grand .land. I'mf Zahro waa bump ed again. I the houae In a severe manner and waa painfully hurl. He rut looee from the ballM auU d mppel In the ground The mpe ImcAmaanUngled la thesblnglea,but eventually the ballooo became freed ahd dropped from the houae to the ground, where Itwent aweltlog And tumbling about And made horses put out in all directions It is hoped that better luck will atleud the a ceii'lou to.niorrow. NK.W CHALLIKH OPEN F.I) KrenliHt ok popular l.icesiu all col ors and bLick, Kilk Ort'tiadiuea wouderou-ly low. SHIRT WAIST For I,mlis, in 1'nrcAle, (,'lorin, and Silk. HUBIJMK SILKS, the best materUI for m.iHin l.aiiies Waist, LACE CITKTA INS, ) Mr. W. KOain.Dt, an old Char lotte Im, Is here from Columbii,(ia. ( take Id the celebration. t Mr. Joe Harty, who ha. been out on lh. road for eome week, past, Is home (or the alh. Joe Is making a sucrea. A. a commercial tourist An engineer of the Norfolk A Western road will this week begic the survey of the Concord Southern. Ron ten will be surveyed to both Wadesboro and Monroe. Mr.J. A. F.lllott Is the man to sea when you want to know what can lie done In the atawberry line, in Charlotte. He has the finest berries In his garden that have ever been urowu In this section. The Columbia Zouaves w ill ar rive in the city At ti o'clock this af'.er noon. The Oovernor'a Uu.inK of Columbia, will come iu tomorrow night The (luards secured a special Pullman car for the trip. Sii bicyclers, headed by Capt. Will Maxwell, left Columbia, S. C, at 4 o'clock this morning for Char lotte. They will atop at Chester to night, and will reach her tomorrow in lime for the baseball g:tme. Cap). Maxwell, who heads the company, uncd wheeled it from Knoxville, Teiin., to New York city. A UfMl A. htm Joeoa'rvcord a. a rut J draa . er ta Cbarlolto waa brokata iaal nlfM wbaa the rloaieg aiarrlaoa of Ua gradad erhool Were held al Iba audi torlaau. A crowd double In als th largaal lhal greoled Jonaa. waa lhara lal lalf hi, atad tba auditorium spa eloas as It la, waa not ejual to the or eaalotv llwaa flllad aa full Aa it eoald powaibly ba. and aopla slwd aboal oo I ha outelde. It waa really a woudarfal crowd, and they ware nnt there for nothing, for lha entertain ment surpae1 anything of the kind thai Charlotte has yet known, and the people were erferlly charmed. A wiong th l-l thing, on the pro gramme waa an aaay by Master Will llaon, on lb- life of Henry W. lirady. Il waa a thoroughly fine pro dartlon, of surprising merit on the part of ao youth ful an antttor. The -M latleloo Hough" was a leauliful areiia, the partlrlpanta being dreaaed la Oriental cv t U ni e. Mlaa Maud Keealer was the bride and Master , Adlal taborue, the groom; Master Iouglaa Hradshaw. baron, and Mlaa ClaraHhaa, baroneaa. Ml. Sadie Hlrahloger'. valedictory waa a per fect gem. All the participants show ed thorough Aplfaeea And excellent trAinlng.Aud their parents and friend are proud of them a. Char lotte graded school children. Mens Clothing. S a rould a are giving la M K.N M riHild im a. eoavloeiDg nil flat oar. tba loweai. waa a roleaBB of llila ad" to I -II yua abowl ilia Ills' HargeJas I lITIIIXI. bel bo lalllag lhal wa eoald Aa aa a eotuperleoo of out frica. Iki Uiia, aaj y Mens Sck CmiU Mens Seersucker Coatn and Vest Mens Alapaca Coats Mens tine extra Ungih CoatH Men i 8ilk Coata and Vest TrapdeU Clerical Suita at Whit and Fancy Vest double breast " single 25c. C6c. $1,26. 1.75. 8,50. $12,50. $1. 76c. Straw Hats Mere talk is too thin. You must cotue handle and seethe. Real Summer Pleasures w o are ready to epriug upon you, Now! Today is the time, ti KN ERA L MARK DOWN ON MANY STAPLE ANI FAN CY ooons, Oreateet offer of the day on WHITE GOODS, A job to close at 9a worth 12V', T.L. ALEXANDER, SOJUCO. Iteeoratlaaa. Charlolia I. a thoroughly well de corated town. The like of (lag. and bunting was never hrfore seen here, and we do not believe that anything approachlug It ha ever been at tempted by a Southern city. The central square, is archeJover mag niflcently. And the Arch itaelf span ning four streets, 1. handsomely decked. From this .pot ona can look iu all directions And see a per feet wave o( red, white aud blue. Some of the decorations are peullAr- ly handsome Oue of the best things out Is a design of a can loo, which commands the entrance to-Brown Weddiuirtoii A Co retail store. A bellows is mounU'il bet weeu two bug ry wheel aud the whole is decked out iu colors.a strikingly good thing The Dixie Pants Company has a tine trick in the shape of a pair of nuu moth pants made of the mrtional colors. It is worth a trip to Char lottx Just to see the decoratlot-s. I.e.. Iloll. (ioveruor Thomas M tend the exercises In lhe-t)lli. He vi ill be We have theai io all the Ieadl ig Style, for Man. Hoys and Children, from 10c Ui the very flueat Manilla Hal. lo all shade, and shapes A Present for the Boys. With every Boys Suit and Hat, we give a ball and bat IV. Kaufman & Co. LK VDINO CM)TIIIKRS. FURNISHERS. AND HATTER. MAILORDERS SOLICITED. Cor. CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. CJ Holt will at Charlotte on the guewt of Morehead, on South Col. John L. Tryon street. Itaalh f Mn. Nlowe. Mrs. Adeliue Stone, age ti- years died this morning at 10 o'clock at the residence of her son Mr. Monroe Stone, MIS South It street The fu neral will take place from the resi dence tomorrow niorniug at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. B. Car pe liter. DON'T YOU NEED A PARASOL or Sun Umbrella these hot day? Se our lot for Children, Misses and Lrtdie, Black aud many colors'; Cheap, medium and Hue, Oaue Vest for 10c and upward, MATTINtJS Still filing at our pet price. They are bound to suit you. MENS AND BOYS TENNIS SHOES. We are now showing a line of TENNIS SHOES that are entirely new styles; Something that is nobby and uice. The colors are grey and black aud make a ueat servioeabls shoe. Price 1 to 5, 65c; 6 to 11, 75c. We also carry a line at 50a a pair. GRAY ct BAliNHAHDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTIE. N. O at Prompt attention given to all Kail Orders. NEW DRESS SHOES. Fine Cordovau Lace, aud Conrress. in medium and uarrow toe. Tba new Piccadilly Hlucher Style, the latest fad. price Handsome styles In Kangaroo Kals aud Congress. Oenulue Russia Calf, colored. Leather, cor rect thing for summer wear, pr'ce $5; French colored goat Bala, soft and flue, price $5; The handsomest line of Patent Leather Shoos in the mar ket; All the latest styles; He sure you see our troods : We can suit and please you. QILRBATH 8c OO. Opeu every evening till 7:00; Saturday Ull 11:00. Citizens and Countrymen, Veterans and Sons of Veterans. The Oueen City welcomes you to a celt bnttion of the rualwt event iu her history, and niie vou are in me cuy, i in v ne your aiienuon lo my unnvatled stock of f urniture, rwp resentiiiK Styles and Designs such as only the mind of an artist could conceive and the most skillful workman fulfill. Of course 1 have asoods of every class. Kuruiture fiir the poor aa well as the rich; EverythinK requisite to hotise-t'urnt9hing from the cheapest ta th. best; 1 want to call your attention especially to iuv line of Parlor tioods; I am showing a line of Suit that cause favorable -emarks from all who make comparison. If you are thinking of buying a Suit you should be sure to see mine before you buy; Don't you want to see what w new in Chamber Suits' 1 would be it.UA to show you the very latest designs in Antique Oak. 16th Century, Cherry and Walnut. 1 have a complete stock of Dining Room and Hail Furniture, Ladies Desks and Parlor Cabinets You should not fail to drop in when ia . , . -: . . i i , e i " inr cnj auu see no a cueapiy you can lurniao your nouie. . - - - Fiirnit R S Sloan, '1 UNDERTAKER. Nb No, tt, Bryan baildiog, ovat ' : JIG. r t

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