THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. VOLUMK VII. GMIAHLOTTE.N (. Till USDAV KVKNINCi. M A V lt. lHiJ XUM1IRH 1151 1 i Senile's Thrico Woloomo All May 1U ( ' v v 1 1 t THE TICKET. . i i tw a rnw-IM tw ALL STARTS (JH" WILL. HILL IS IS Kuril. nail vav la.iaa 11.1 I twy Uj lafe f If- t't tM Carpi t Salts I 'af r I ' X t I I af Imn i". ',te4 Mlrtl ! li A.j .4l.f atalt low tie a.a aiel Hai arW a f . nt fufl K iirt "Vk. 1 (. W.J . .'.-f. . Il l T,ji I), r... T Tv, T,, Ik 1 - I I . I li, Th wh.a i il l ..?f itM ...if s. i . 1 rjf.l-tfi .t.'v Nil t.a. ll.. I Wwl. .evaat arafa.a v ' l1rMawe rl.. ti 1- IiiikLiiii HI l'4 l J 1 1'rnii.l Kian III mn i i 4krd Pi Mi l,i'. ,h,: U u I ! all tk W -. Mlk aliern i I, ma ,ul la li.HT lllr. I li.l.nal Ir. l) , ,, (j l.tllwaf hr. I.e I atio I ij Wl, r. K Seiglo & CO. 1 1 A I f il I i s- Tr j-oti at H Mll.nrTK. N mm -1 i i - awaka. aai k Te ItttiiuH, N. (V. Way It tt.c rwa eveeala-a! wale dalaaWJ la Iba (olltlllck The ll-l t..auiBi-J I tol ltf Ktla af f I A. ! ri A lK.liU-it Krtlt f) of f(U (XI (eke, A ad I to It. M farms TfaaJefaf lkubal-1 Halo atepllalaoJetil . l futile lu.lrae lion-J I NrtiUltuli Tha c-oo u lio n we aallfaly liar Motion Attorney litntitl. all uimti ar id uunlmlliui, and II. t 1 1 .l ( I ti f 1 llffM The ihlNiluu t'f lha cl-r. rrJl x-h.Hil. ! (' u.lH.f lom 1. - All pflie lu'ljlrig 9HU jr trklara tliain lrl l Wx Jlril by calllot '" ffnl alt ' f l!f oJ ilx'i -- A pair of paaU llial vara .f,a bjr ao noraja.! e.riTl'-l. (nutnl liaar H ifiiel ya.lrfila) Bj -rnlfif Tt, rail ..(T (trtitrrii la l. IitJ Ui ftav ".I I" Ttiix Mil- j lla(a. j M r HUi.nnm, ho Hvm mi ! North Collrf airrrl. brk lh r coril a a atrs l-rry rlr. Slir t rti'li Til k Xnnl'Ui-Wnl lriUa from hrr yarilaii.atnl ll rjr ar not on ly rnnirkat'la f .r lhair fri an hui for I'irlr lllrou f1ror. Tha lllor l.i 'liaroli who fall U tha grailnl arloail nhlhil In Ida atora ronni at lh Ml A hullillBf III mla. a trat M I a Mrforl ralatlon Th la maJa unJcr lh hraiU of M attic uiatlca, I.I tralurr, M m'Saiiii-a an. I Aru. Tt. aaraaakl UU afala a ((! aak J l'inil laraU iral alaa no a kf U tL la. Klbl-I lUllatUla, fraa laa'a tWaacb.Va. tla ft alaa Mara. M r Aa4ra. -Iba ink hlbl." -hlIM l'rlrbla." ta lha tblfj !!! el lal. a4 J A IUU.. ' K olht ( llama." u loallb rlia o l.-V Tha avrocallua lata f'J" oifal al lh city hall VI im llla r ajr Jatiila III ! cl i.a-l tneati oi ia aaa naaaiy, mi him ran i Huraall III b clu oJ a Aral MialJ of Itobuf . M . Jau tabo aa. a Uf..lhr of Kollrltof Kraak I iUroi, ( In lha ! Ilr If a la uvuinhtBlJ Lv JuJtfa i ------ i - l'aulal Y McUido, lha Tatnmaay Hall lavaJar frutu lha nU Aaaitibly i t m r a t i r a ia I. aa a- Vtaiaw, a4 i 4 1 Tta awr-oatj Ja cf I l.ail u . Malloa of lb I I : I f iatliantj; J lha aijalaj f !!. M 1 1. 1-1 f liUaii I L la auoralbn la aa f.-J a ly 1 at tli Ixlll l! iu 41 af Jaol lll,. mlJ I Je.Ue 1 I al alf' I (bar a aa a Icfrral n ( ' uan . f rtln abkh I I J i ' a Jul act il.t auortilbf bi 'In l;ii l i' I aaua'.l. r rla-aa lfl in J r . I (rffaal lt.( air Itcllar ooJlll i.a ..f a fl.atai.l cU brallou r ml l not h a i al 11 ii. I all lha laJtrallnna i'li.l I" !ioiiil llaura In t'liarlnlla lu til. (I. a (faal .larof lhlhatl o I !'.-i Ii Ida .11; la I lta I I u..-'f m I i l,l lc iii main i a u o..uurol .Itrlbxi "iuiI..! la U 1 1 Hill aa I ll;'aratn l-ulu au.l will a. win a.... u 1 1 n a t ajK a.a a aiana. . . , u lalkn I a . i ii a 1 1 1 a . la -m a.. la 1 1 1 t , a aaa taa tml 1 I a.4M aa I a t Iiairirt,aaJa.Na of kit uf ittl iriiia imoll o rlork t.. ng hi t' prouiloaDoa Ml iiauortia. aa ifia ra4ara of Til r. Nraaknua, haa rlaan raj'Uljr amra ha anl lo N ml ni l la !! atalalaat Jlalrlrl allofnrj fl'al It In aa lha l'r. r a u i a .. m..r rtia 'alfaruorltll''"'l fti a I a 1 1 1 lw f .ll.iaa-tl l jr lha .l.aiu hallU In I HIHTOKY HCl'GATH ITSELF. The Gigantic Celebration. Wo trn iii it, with a hwr1j wolcomo Ui OUT frU'iid.i ami iatn)n?. W.' ar' ui it, wt h OiK'aiitii- S of Clotiiinir. 1 i U J M Tl AMi HI I I uNTIM'K Til iihKA f t I I hh iTIi'N DURIKU Man; ( Ilia Haf(alua mm c.i Ilia aa. a a a III aotla aa-la to rlaftl . -a caul a f ( J lu ailM I ' 11 .. ma mj II im f tnmmmf rial; Jtla' 9"a J-ctol Mens Clothing. a t .ulj im a r-'loaao . I III. "at ' lo (all J oa abual lb a HtaT tlaVTtaJaa a. at. inlcf lu MK.Nh I nrillii. talBotalklBflhalwa aoail J 4 a ou J bm aa r-naiuciot a. a r in ia 1 a., c nl u r r rl f aa, lo Iblt, aal T 1 1 1 1 no i oar ii.a ! Iral, for .Na of a clljf a oil cuqIj a al of ffat ra pooal I.I I II r. Till Vll ! JallfhlaJ Jl.r ilay af larnooii, to iiif.l Mr Hanrj j ll'ouol. lha f Ifle.l a 1 1 tor of lha Wll . on Mirror Mr lllounl la I.. ,Ullr r I lha r .ronalli.ll ail.lraaa leliltil M laaaa ( arrla an.l N ll la llarMr,' "f I'alla-raoii, ami Mlaa 1 1 1 1 ('lam I) I . of M t v I lie ara vlalllnaf Ml.. Ha.lla liailh. r, al 1' Waal 'iftfi tf t L j HaMlior ra.inala from lha llrr- lit Kroni raaanl linliratlona "l Ul ury III mova to Cfiarlolta im. i ar.k. Til a follow III if naraona la ft on lha ii hiu iral u for that pi ara: Mlaa Ktrhaal WaHaen Mi.i Miriam N I lay, Mlaa Antila W.lay. M ra. It M lvla, Mn II. A Itarohardt an. I chil.lrni. Mra T. M. Marih. Mra. V II Naara, Mark HofTiuan and ifr, H. ('. William. ('. A. Taylor. Jake Wallarr. Will Naava an.l ArcMl.aM llruilara iD. A largn uuuihar of olti- liirl: l.lroitioamea a ill 4lln l ate Aflrr Ida haltla. Henatol Hill alll lr t-arorlaj lo Ilia in lltorluiu a hare f.e a III ijallrrr hi a l.lrraa lu II." af (efll.M.n llirff aill Imi hall .U ae. au alon I. . el. all r in. anil al lilfhl Ihe feal r velll I I, c c t . n a 1 1 o 11 altj hall Till latl-r rare-moil allllak I lJFKrT- arti. Ir IkmiI, of u lhal..a 1.4 (.riivr r i 1 e a-1 ! a. rffraeanla-l lllilat MiiiiiiI Ui ii. al au.l Ilka a ilrafl It aril lr ..'ia.l on ar f 1 1 S r .r frj to ha ra- to an rthinir elw llyonU'r ! T I K 1 1 i I K A (X Tanlffiot and Spider Web Sticky Fly Paper. Insect Powder. Dutch rs Fly Paper. Insect Guns. Tlvsegivo protection against FLIES. Burwell 4 uuno WADI.KSALK AM KKI'AM. Druggists. K- Jy vljU Yor CAN nil.WV YiU'K VN lONCM' ylONS Alimit our ! sh.fp, but tlierf's tvally only oni' .onrlUMion Hint yoigfuii snibly conie ... . i . .1.... l,..TuUili..r a. I-. tlar in- ll til II I HI!" l"'" oa v.tineiit vou nevor nnido. J list iv. sure as you wear thin Hlioo, jusl so sure win m-i . ty.mMi'-t'"tt,fi,; !so",t, s,,o9 fro-,;l;''".' iulli.'.il Wtn okI; ollursnreK.i.Hl wit Hon rXnr rlii-ap; this. sIi.h- cheap ami koo 21, tor tile meet fas.Uiliotu.ot ret; It wil ., 2 snu'lv asatuaile to onlr shoe ami nmX toonlcr .l.o that haven t If i lTh W?w buyar. A law Ut-k of Hals and ifflllaTrunk, VJH aJ Hand bags alwy on hand. A. K. RANKIN A BHO lraal Waalkef Kearl. Tha following la a aynnpala. of lha rather i.ravallliiK at a in . toilav Tha low praaaura r hlch tn loralad ( ara ara aiprctlnjf to ifo toinorrow ami j an.l I uroiitlrarr nt lamp arouinl tha uppar laka rapion yaier- nait day. hallnbury will ha finely lay niornlPe: h inova.l allghtlr ! rapraaiitd during tha calabratloLi northaaatarly. an.l I i-antral thl.j Concord paraonal. from lha Htan.l iiioruuia- naar ChUak'o. Tharr I. I ard : K. You n(r, M ra. It, V. ararcaly a (Kirtlon of the rmintry which ha lm Ixan vtlt.- l hy ralu durliig tha paal X4 houra, oiiia-d liy tha axiateocr of thla low to it. a- ti r 1 1 of Ihla aacllon. Thla low will pita .,ull rapidly to tha iiort hrat. and will ta aucraadad hy an araa of hlrli preaaure wliieh now pH'ara In thaa aaataru portion of InXaa. utid all kh will cttuae another .all of and aaltled Waalhrr over thla wu'llmi Tamparatura 1iti vary fi-tirally fallau ovar the wholn CMintrv. and a very cool wakthar la Iii pnKr' In lha trliie northwaat. Iilaatlraol 1. 1 ml I ( Tlrk-l. (nr lha mk ol May t alebrall.o.. harl.ailr. K. V. Tha li, A I. It It , ha axtfii.led llmllH of tlckt aold on soooiitil of 3)1 h of May caleliration, ( 'li.'irl itte, and tnada tliom K'd rfturiiiiiR until ml InrludliiK Monday, May rd, i" attendance upon thi occiiainn to reinum in ( liarlotta innrh Imiirrr tlniH. Ill U will tie of irre.t advautrtKP to the many peoplp who will conip to ( harlottp from Imp of the K. 1). It R. Naw AdvartlaiuaiilaTia-llar. I Ion hie Oak a C C Mooriv Racket 8ura-- V J Ilavis.t i o Spcial liarvaina-Harria. ti .V 'o. 'I'hrica wrlmiup all T I. Seigle .V i o. 'l ha day wa i-elelirnte -Uilepatli.l Co. ' place al It Tilt tiall Not I - Thai, are 7m mllilarv man in lha r 1 1 r I re I v I .."ii i I ! l -r a re re la'.rad at t'l. hoi e I The tn I I fair v parale ! -morrow Will ta tha fill a. t I hat ha Vet beei known In the ?tile, ii i pra of ra.lo i etreptel I'll a Kir h m .in I A 1 1. tn 1 1 1, hui Id I UK on 't I rt t treet, l ve'r haml aomelv and appropriately drxrorated Tfia elertrlc diaplay of the 1. A r.Hiipaili C" . on Kit Fourth atrpel la i l.riulv Thai Fourth atre.t aid of their irreat hulldlOK nearly til or k a tin I lio in naoii II oua ton arc ii prettily arranged dai(tna. Tha Ith K-fritnantal Drum Cora cuna lu today from Concord. Thera ara 1 1 men lu tha corp. and It will t ona of the :ittrartlva fea'urra of th parade. It ht. Keaaler i drum in Jor. Tha CaharrtM Hlack Hoy, th i i rpiitro and Hurlinifion romp. tile and tha Kayattavllle iDdrpand ant l.iht Infantry arrived In th city mi tin afteruoon'a train. The Slielhy and I.incolntoii rompanle lire alan here. The Kayet ni 1 !e I .iti t InfafTtry 1 ii auperh compaii v :md it w .ara the ifiHul old f;ry a- laa I m 9 a .llNi.l l( .Wjl Kau alof Hill left I, ere .1 II nrUk thla ill .fnlna Id lha apavlal I'ollpjao car Na"forCliarl.(ta Hal en panic! t.y Hetialor I a ray and Itau ait, taeiiei al I .alh fo(v, and Kaproaan tall t a My dan h a lu It Alaiaodar Mii al..r aure l. Ill to uodariaka tha Jourtiay Tonl(hl aaa.ral other aau atoraaud r. nr ea.uiau will Irava ou lha train thai pull. 00.1 from h.ra al I.' o'clock, and lhay will raarti Char- lotla at I k) laiojorrow aflarnoou. Senator Hill la a . om panlanl by rat reaetilati tea of the pre and hla mor.nianla will l duly lo ail the pap ra of lha roootry. Mfoa Sc-c Coatrt Moiirt St'ornucker Coat and Vest Mona Alapiica Coatn Mt-ns line extra bnth Coattf Mens Silk Coiitn and Veals TrapdeU Clerical Suita at Whit and Fancy Veat double breaat " single 25a 65c, $15, L75. 8,50. $152,50. $1. 75c J ) Straw Hats J A B Reese & Co, UK PRKl'AKKD TO FURNISH ALU TH K CIT1ZF.NS AND AI.I- TH K VISITORS WITH Soda and Mineral Water, Coca-Cola, etc. Comer Trade and Tryon streets. A. B. REESE & (JO'S. I ( ilbaon and Mlaa Km 1 1 v. Mra J. M Udell, Mra, K.d Hall. Mra. V. R. John hoii aud Mr. Fayette Krown. and M lea I.ifrla Young, I.iUip 1'atler ui and Ktliar Krrln want over to Charlotte on the n.iou train. Mr Hi ley Black welder a veteran of the Mexican w ar, I In th- rity. Mr. aud Mra. Chaa. Black weld .t. of ( JrppuviJIe, H C , ara In the city, the KaleaHof Col I.. A 1 i I ac k w eld er. Cipt. (. W. Howlett, of the Iteida vllle Itiflea la at the Central. M l M ary Boyd, of Reldnvile, la the fftiet of Mlaa llleeker Springa at Central Hotel. M r. Cliaa. Overman. if Keideville. I In the city laklug in the -Villi. 'I'hona YotlllK ia here. Mr. Jon Fiacheaaer. forinerlv of Charlotte, hut now of Winston, Is in the city. MinKllu Ilouil, daughter of fl Congreaamtti Clement Iowd, will return liotne from (Ireeushoro ami upend a few days with her family hikI friend here. She will then ;o to New York, whence she w ill nail for 1 Alumni oration, Itev. J. M. F.urop.!, mid will remain ahrnad dur the su tinner monlh. A Challanca. lo the liuir ol The New. n. I herehy challenge the siicce-iaful kniglit at to-dayi tournament for a pur.e of from one to live hundred dollar to he ridden on to-morrow nt any stated hour. Nat T. Caiimiikks. of the Asheville team. NKW ''HAL I.IKS OPKNKD Freiili t.)ck popular I. tees in nil col orH mid black, Silk (irenadlnes wotKieronl v low. SHI KT WAIST For I.atlies, in Percale, Oloriit, ami Silks. SUBI.IMK SILKS, the heat material for masing Ladies Waist, LACK CURTAINS, llailctaon ('.allege ('aiiaiMieaaeeaaiewl. The programme for commence inent exercia.-e at liivnNou College 11 as follow s : Stindav. June ".th, II . m. Bac calaureate iermon. hy th" President n 111 Sermon hefore the Y. M. C A . Itev. J;m. Y. Fair, l 1 , Rich 1110111I, 'a. Ttieada v, J une T1I1, II a. 111 -Au- 1 1 ti il meeting of the hoard of truateea, p. 111 Reunion of the literary so cieties Wednesdiy, June Mil, 11 a. 111. P. Ott, I) I) . L. L. 1 , of Alabama. 1'J m Annual address before the literary societies. Col. John .1. D.irgau, of South Carolina. 4 p. 111. Meeting of t he alumni asMociatlon. Hp. 111. Anniversary of the literary socie ties. Thursday, June !'th, Commence inent O.iv, 10 a. m, (iraduating ora tion, conferring honor and degrees, awarding prizes, Ac. S p. m. Re ception hv the literary societies. Monday is devoted to the senior class-dav exercise. Mere talk is too thin. You must come handle and sue the Real Summer Pleasures we are ready to spring upon you, Now! Today Is the time, (iKNKRAI. MARK DOWN ON M A N Y ST A PL K AND FA N -CY GOODS, Greatest oiler of the day on WHITE GOODS, A job to close at 13 worth I2'c, l.r llarllw. Derlta gala Ita rholc-e fur Gorarnor. 1 At tti" rare 1,: primary mealing lhar a, I tha votera of that prax-lurl .ndoraad t-Mla Carr fur Gor.roor, and bahold ' ljr la the man. Til k N kw aayi food for Derlta' Ilaw ( reh II Til k N mi corraapoodanl lo Clear Creak townahlp writ, that tha an nual aprlug communion at Wllaon (irov. Haptltt chorch will b con ducted next Sunday, by Rjt. A. W Crablre That cotton chopping la the order of the day. That email grain ia looking wll and the farnj.r are In good aplt 111. That .11 hand and th. cook will b bar. tomorrow. Wa bava Ihaea la all tha 1-aJl if "My lea for Man, Rnyt and Child from lot- lo tha tary ftuaat Manilla HaU la all ahadoe and abapo. A Present for the Boys. With every Boys Suit and Hat, we give a ball and btj 1 IV. Kauf man & Co LFVDING ClfOTH I KRS. KURSIHHKIW AND IIATTKR. MAIL OKDK.m SOLICITED. Cor. ( KNTRAL HOTKL ('HAKLfOTTK, N. Vi Tkt aaallaaaataaf Ilea. Waif. Mr S Wlttkowaky, of this city, forwarded ao Invitation to Hon. Si mon Wolf, of Waihlngton, to atteud the clebratioa. In reply, Mr. Wolf ays: "1 our very kloa Invitation to be present at the 117th anniversary of the Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependenceon May 18th. 19th andftHb, has been received, and I assure you that I not only appreciate the kind ness, tut also the great even t which caused It- Nothing would have given me more geuuiue enjoy inent than to be present with you, but uot only bus iness prevent, but also my health, which has not at all been good for the last few days. Be aavsured that I am ith you and a lover of freedom In the celebration of an event so memor able and historic, and that 1 l.ok upon that declaration as I do upon the laws of our ancient people on Mount Sinai, as being the fundamental rea sons for the liberty and freedom we here in this country enjoy. May the spirit that animated our forefathers In their sublime utterance, live In their children children', children. for it can uot be too often repeated how tne valuable lesson, then conceived have contributed to the amelioration aud happiness of maukind. Extend to the members of your committe my sincere regard, with the assurance that at some other time 1 hope to avail myself of the distinguished honor of being with you." MENS AND BOYS 1 TENNIS SHOES. ' Wa are now showing a line of TKNN'ISHHOKS that ar. entirely ni styles; Something that Is nobby and nice. Tha ooior. ar. gr.y and bla au I mike a neat aerviceabl. shoe. Price 1 to 5, 65c; 6 to 11, 75c. We also carry a line at50o a pair. 1 1 GRAY it RARNIIARDT.? 19 Eaut Trade Street, CnARLOTIEL K. X Prompt attention given to all kail Order. MAY 20TH. The Day we Celebrate, j We inaugurate this great event with the greatest sal. of Ladles Oxf. ever before attempted. Fine French Dongola, Diamond patent Up, Oxfv price $1,00. These are hand sewed, every pair warranted, hay. nlc. ao' beautiful shape, aud lovely fitting. ' I See all our Shoes. "We are right In it. DON'T YOU NKED A PARASOL or Sun Umbrella these hot days? See our lot for Children, Misses aud Ladies, Black and many colors; Cheap, medium and fine, Gauze Vest for 10c and upward, MATTINGS Still going at oar pet price. They are bound to suit you. T. L. ALE X AN DEE, S ON & CO. QILREATH Open every evening till 7:00; Saturday till 11:00. Aj GO I Citizens and Gountrymei' Veterans and Sons of Veterans. The Queen City welcomes you to a celebration of the greatest .vent Im rjir , while you are in the city, I invite your attetitiou to my unrivalled atocjt ? Jt'iiu..--rwentiug Styles and Lfesign.s such aa only the mind of an artist tioaldeotaogive an. skillful workman fultill. Of course 1 have good, of ery class. Fnlfhil'iiiMi f. well aa the ri.-h: Everything requisite to aouse-furatshiOK from tli.r 1 want to call yourattentiou especially tomy Una of Parlor Ooo-A , Suits that cause tavoraule remarks from all wbo make COlvr' u 3taf i : Q..i. ...... .I...,, 1.1 two anea lo aeai nalna k.iaMii l.S - T ' is new in Chamber tjuirV 1 would be glad to abow yoC '"'-w f Oak. 16th Century, Cherry and NV'alusV I havwa 0miV 1 Mail r unmure. luws iwbu auu lanvaviuunu, nw ,i . j the city aud see how cheaply you can furaiah yourbouuav I . - , V a' at - - - -- .ii..-i a fc R S Sloan, " uxner.r ( iNBryajiJ