CHARLOTTE NEWS. THE VOIAJMK VII. Sale's May SiO 1SW. Tiji Tiji T0 TO Ttf1 ib. bw - B , ruv- Cotton Cr pont. Iao4i !ii pcuitrd FrvtM-ti llrf. t ' Wro I. Ui r -a I . it, . - w 11 T. L Soiglo & CO. No. II V fri.!.!. !, . ciM ui orrK. n. at pnT iolil rrvn-a-iited "V"" to rXurued ui ii ( !. "' hk draft, wrll .l-l en iell W I"'" u ' liable In anything rli Hy onlcr ol r I hKI'JI K A ( Bnrwcll ft Dunn WAOI.KH XLK AMI KKTAIL Dmggists. LarpeBt Drug Doilors in the Stxte. holt-vale SI. . V Trail- l Our truTolhTH call reKul.rlv on the fade. Retail Store OjiwiU"'"rl Hotel; Competent Pharm ci.l alwsv" i" attendinlre. YOU CAN lKAV YOl'K OWN CONi'l.V SIONH , " i,.n that Vim ran possibly '"e of?. . n,.t in rIiiw Ipjither a litter in- tofCnt v ii never n..le. Just a ure vestfl""' y i nev jU youv' pnt of it; fcx'ine "boea are rbeap yonjVCfiS JSo.1 olheriarn.KKl without withou beiiiK ?ea,; u.i. f . . rlw- 1 1 ni ftlrkllirh tne mosi iiisuuiuiio " : enassnu,? a,ul, ,hat haven't its T." Wtaver. A innre stock of Hals Id.'Alno. Iililem ft J 1 M ' MI VI S B - runks, Valises and Hand hum - "r."Vrlt! Ml, uuu H I. be j.fc. C 11.. !. U -.' u CuiMw lm .1 !-! Wt4 W4 U ua 1 till J ' . . I. II It. Urn to- ftal T-oo W be 0 bia. ran kn ll fc twtbJ lll(t of IH.I.M Mftr-I .VI.U ItUftll; 4 o b. lw,MJ tut. j ; 1ilrbU iisiu o rhf- tl M ! r-J ttotblag sobU l I.I &U, t'4i(J "' !- of IJT wJ uln Mas 'ff. " U. tcrUe r tot .4 Oil. HtU.ffll l ! ftl Ul Ifhi.BMil I IUIwoU IU- ,.MhlBf ol for HoJ ' "r a.n vror Tty fjuoJ n ol Tb Hll IBi'-rlle r-vulro wouoj u( IU work In ilia nmilo lion f Kraok I boro for Atlor n.T IJorl. Tb ot em y trJT kfurooon. )! fur Tn N k . Iitl joo l pr. o;1 it falr lr i Charloiu II1 ib dllirM Mr (tKro hul forrul.tabU array of ronitxtUof mad t"T Ibat rr..n lit n.imlnaliuD It all ib m-.r rrrd-Itat-U It blrulf on of lb f)Dl lawytrt la thlt Hut, and I. tli too of on of tb f ralt JorltU nl il Kouth. A bttr nomination roulJ not poMlbly bav lxn inaJ. Hurrah for OitxiiDtl It lb pll uieot all along tb II o. Tk lniiiil- ClrJ ' I. Tb HiU Iroocrailc Kcutiv foromltt ' u,f,,, 1,1 Ralrlgb and rftrUd tb ('ntral Commltte : I'aul H Mean. J y Kalton, H H Hattle, T I. Km cry. K (' Srullh. W l I.amb, W t. Athly. t'C Wliu. A W Myo..1. Jo P I'aldwvll. John I. Klnif. It U (UcIi1kI not to rlrcl a Iip t'halrnian and Kcrrtry at prwnt. but to defr the trtlon until lb flrl Vdni1ay In July unle found adrltabl bfor that lime, hi which cat th pretent cbalrman ill rail thcomnillt topber. Mr KiH hambtr rtmllh rmnahit t'halr inatiaud Mr. B C Hock with Hr rrta ry till the election. Rlppl. They aay that the boy will rH ..ut Henator Hill and Kllatt arr t nlKhl and make them pek. -It It aomewhat remarkable- the freedom from accident that ha characterised the day. So far there It not a catualiy to report. It hat been a wonderfully well beh.ived crowd In town today. There have been no disturbance or fltthlt, and the pollen patrol iniinn Kor ha Iweii without an occupa tion. Henator Hill will carry home a unl(ue aonvenir of hi to Char lotte. It It a tiny hornet nect, that wan pulled In CaUrrmt. The Sena tor thouilht It WM the cutest tiling he had ever seen. It wa presented to him by Mr. H. V. Kccle. . - - - - New AdertUnotT.-lT. 1 ill SeiKlo A 'o, Arrbite.i-'hatCllook. hniKKlnl Hurwell A lunn. tVlobralion dart Rouers t. Anmiuiiition-Browii. We-MniKton A B Reese & Co, AKK PRKPAUKD TO FITKNISH ALL THK tUTIZKNrt AND ALL THE VISITORS WITH Soda and Mineral Water, Coca-Cola, etc. Corner Trade and Tryon streets. A. B. REESE & CO'S. FORTY TH0U?AND. MILLS AND MILES OF'EOPLL iiii.iii rr. "" Ml. rf-a4y at Otwo la Luiwy of lt Hiy ba ! al4 Tbf .rally MCUJ rfu " ' Vmlg toil Ut nUWlU Ine tITlh a-l ..(; of lb ! M ImalHg llaala t Ttidty i ofad with the Of lag of tlat frt !! HrKa1 ga of ihNal MaltalUa al daylight. d f hofUy ir.f4ur in. UU ' all with (wp'- Tt deorallo e-ooplf aou la all dircMoaa. and o city grtd rUtralioB la atnoft Uat ftl a I ur. raatr lald It Hill, of ? 1 Yo'k. had arrid tb prTlo nlgbt ; 4 wilb hlparty a tjaarurd at (il, lluford Hd.l. Wlla Hnalor Hill ,nur liaaaom aBd liray, !( on.ffxoitn AtiUt Ilhrtl. f Nw or a. Congrmaa H H Al , 7oTr. of North Carolina, Coug rt : man II H. JUKkwtll.of K mlra, N .,., inral .rlin i.aiorop. oi Nw York, Hon. KllatCarr. of North Carolina, aod Jadg Ioll V. Mc Manu.of N York. At llo'clk. rour Hill and party wr carted lo lh Central Holel, from l l-ti ilnl Koalr Hill rvld itir uillliary parad. It wa a r uiarkaLly flu on, aod th pludld pw-rnc of th tr.Mp wat com meuil on favorably by Hit Knalor. rii-re r I.OU troop Is Una. Tb Pr. lon wa halHl by CoL Aa-U.-.i.y and tlaff. followed by lha w...inh Herlnient band. Then cam itir .uperb Kayttvlll Light lofan ir, th Cabarrot lllack lloya, tf Columbia pUothro Hurt, the tireenaboro company, lha Cod r..rd drum c -rp. the Hhelby com pany, the Palla OuaiMa, tha Naval ll.ltallon band, tha Horneta Nett Kirtenien. the Queeu "tty iuardt, the Charlotte Naval Haltallon M vl.ion of lUtllng gun, Hotchkltt tun and lorpeilo corp. and the Cou Ureiital V ty mok H i i.i.'k Si kk ii Senator H ill delivered the oration at ihe auditorium thin afternoon. Kve lhonand people were la the huil.tiu. He wa Introduced by Seimtor K.intom, and hi name greeted w ith prolonged cheerinff. Seumor Hill eald:-to-any, uw Wth lUy of May, In thellblh yer oi American Independence, we come io celebrate the 117th year of North Car olinian Independence. We stand up- historic ground! a birthday oi . -a I I Liberty! The birinpiace oi uiomj . Your historians narrate that nere the (list Declaration of Independence wis promulgated. It is a simple story, ami is orieny told . The natrlotlo oltiiens of this coun ty of Mecklenburg In this graud old State of North Carolina, restless un- ir t ho vokeof oppression, linpatlsnt of the Injustice of foreign rule under which they had long sunerea, ana imbued with the sprit of self-govern- meut, assembled together at the court home over thirteen months before the memorable action of the Conti nental Congress, with the startling ... i.A.i. 9 T A.liintnn rlnir. news 01 me uamei'i ucAiug.wM lnK in their ears, renewing thir de votion to the Inherent and inaliena ble rights of man, bravely and sol emly resolved, In substance, that they were a free aud Independent people and that the political bands which had bound them to the mother coun try were dissolved. It was a sublime and heroic action, it was without an example In the history of the world. What a page in the history of these United States oi anienom one of vour later statesmen, and . - r iri-Aatnnt. the Hon Wll llam At Graham, whose memory will . i.trihrt and whose name -ii mi-7' Art J" - nllAHLOrrii. N. C. Kill DAY KVKNINU. SI A s Hh CaJotifc btt iw4W4 t4 UtM U . Ib at HtMiltl a4 kvBWll k4 Ji-m l (If Ui la l'K lb lfllllB ttolf ( Ifcal lB.otl 4- NHly Nlh t ili II I . rla4ia wbUh I. J. i M aWUr-J Wl It a4klly c UlM.1-aJ iw k c- Htw lb LUlutl tlitl bl la oi Hlat tK Bri MJ wa tpll4 la f.Bil4 HUM la fiLa k lt t omt o4 tltlb at aa a Bal IwltM lb fofal fvfc and Ida Nlb CfllBaBIIIU.kaa at tWf alat, ao arlv a lb til -i Vla, in. al tb bul "I AIb It lta JBl4 b !'- tia I o tll a al il. uJ 4lUof blW aJ ftlJ lf"" B all dftot Mllaicf i.i U auaaiag lodaU lUalt t.i lb faith of aaay goaliu. hal Bf war-f.4 A golUmao ib lb YI .Bloot If tha aainor ui ir - fbakp plaft a ad BBrt in d bit o. Willi If cttr a-f- . i.. ...... f IK &lhbt - mii vi ' ' . UJy bow Ihlaka woo of It . Hog brofc f..r hit elthd Ibaa of An dfw JubiiBoB fo hi lanwachmtal '..rl ll aud pay att who thlB J.bB AJaoii wa tialt right whn b wow p taxi Hamilton and Horr aa danf.ra tu lb lUpuldlr and It ff dam - , Th UbIm af told that no audi poro ' llaJ among lblr Bioon mist at WllllaO) Tll And now lb hllHan ar not coo lnl with aaylng that t hrl.lphr Colua.but aoughl a wt ward paag lo th Itlaod of Japan and th Atla tic BjalBland, wat lntrrBpld by th Hill arehliwlago off Klorlda. mad hi. rr.wtaV au attl lavll that on. could march "l ft from Cota aero Aal to Kpaln, but uvr landd upon North Amrlr n-r tuapll tb i l,l,nr of tti I'aclfle coan. T!i lriltl nlurlcal crille C" t... i .r .nil n I I will rad you hat li laat of liim. Mr Juttln Wlnaor. Ilbraian of Harvard Cnler.lly. aay lit thlt rry .iiadri-rnlnnlal yr which ar. aU.ut lo cwlbral by lb Chicago fair upon th death ol Chrltphr Colombua. -W hv mq a idilabl man mt a Plllabl d.elh. Hardly a nam In prolan blttory It more augut. than hi. Hardly aoolher character In the world't record hat made ao llttl of lu op port unit lea. Hit dlaoovery wa blander, hit blundr wat a nw world. Ihe uw world It hit rooou oinl In dltcoverer might har ben IU father ;he proved to be It deapolt r. Ht aught bav given IU young dayt turh a tulgnlty at th world l.fcc tt- aa.late with a maker; he left It a legacy of devattatlou and crime. H might hava been an un aelrltri promoter of geogrpnlcal acience; he proved a rabid teeker for cold and vice royalty. He might have won convert to the fold of Chrltt by the klndot of hit tplrlt: he gained tha eiecratlona of the good augela. He might, like Lai Cata. have rebuked the flendithuea of hit coutemporarle; he aet them au ex ample of perverted belief. The tri umph of Barcelona I'd down to the ignominy of Yalladolld, with every tep In the degradation palpable and rell'.Ullt." II. e anything survive in all this rck of famou reputations? Yet. There I a tomb at Mount Vernon where one of the mighty dead lie in peace, with honor. The historian have now done their b-tt and their w.rt. Thank (iod.we know at lat that th r .iiii. r oi i ouu- ha left to the lill lr. n and me children's children of thi great na tion through all gen. ration- the priceless legacy of a pure, uu-umeu name George Washington, John . dam and his sou, Itiomiis jeuer- ,i . it..... ii u in ii no ou, J aine m auini'ii. 1 1" ........ more-all these among the great rounders of a mighty State, an inee. the llrst leaders of our still conienu ing political patties, retain their title to our reverence a to our pride, to e-li't'in as lo our aomira- ... . , I ..... tlon The wloiie recorii oi men ,. laborious lives h:i bo exposed, up turned, published, and not one sylla lile of shame. It is the slander or envious or mu- bitiou rivals which the record has exposed-lo their shame. It Is the hideous reviling!, me i --.r,.-, ,... umiiles of some partisan newspapers, on both Hides, which have Deeusnnv- elled up and burnt away in me giio of modern investigation. 1 1 is the credulitv of opposing par tialis, sectarians, bigots, which the muse of history now mocks with her wise smile. Kellow-cltlr.ei.sof North Carolina. NEW CHALL1KS OPENKD Fresh stock ipular Laces in all col ors aud black, Silk' Hreuadines wonderously low SHIRT WAIST i..r Indies. In Percale, Gloria, and Silks. SUBLIME SILKS, the best material for miming Ladies Waist, LACK CURTAINS, T. L. ALEXANDER, S hlU m.-.l m1uj( I gitUi a roiallf ! twIAtf tUk lb Wsk I.. b4 wb.lly f.iJ. I tillM Ikal 'vi II i blltBJ til C1t.k I ... . txLJ luluJ k. f c4f -fcduiiWd t-mt K4VI4. 1-4 ti. -g (y frlbi of lb ." aaJ all vmt btti Ib tb aalb Jf .tSMlkti lBdta4.avc lllaal fol a Bwaxkl lb all' kwtl lal aa t WJ t If 1.4 V (' 10 BBMlll II. ! diet of lt NoOlh t llb l.l4etfla MnJ Vo oa tola 411ft Vttl II c.ll k NolMkg 11 ill i .oihitf til iMi ii i; ( lui.f il .( w( loo Ibaa a lllt.i laid ID Ueilsg llll t ll.of II. o a ar la olimt -! all m ll f Itl.b r. It. iitcuiv4i c.l Actlrib in .l-ladoo l.lcli on uf ll. oOflaal IMMoaa fladiug acl a iv(J ttal IHlotlf IU fbt. .Mll . I Itt.tltoaUt-l. at!call. aad aoa i.n.I-ir ooo. oU aol rard th In-kltttdl lUotillMoflh llil of VI prfo- ml U all that mi rlilnid 'f North Carollaa't at Hi furruBBr uf Aurlraa I n 1t-t-.uJ.or. Ii ry oih.r f of ouf aaoalt pofltb.aBd th.B boumI bo li.. IJ May Kui woald not lb MlmlaT Would Hoi th K.T .M. Hll ati toot old irgttila ' if dial ralolng feofd twloogod U rllhof oil of ihom. In.Uad of l I n Inf. a. II do by aa M or Ii al I. ojf o.l till, lo lb old Nrl! MaU, prorl.lm I lh vry Kob-l nrtor among all ih j.l of Am.rlran liberty Turn 11 In ry light and II blai.t wllh an lurotupar atl tatlr. I llly tsrnJerr imfw of lh lar of control rty. I glanrod at lh famoot crropon -doc of John Adama aud Tbotua J.fTeraon ovr th RaUIgh lUfltur. 1 In tblr old ag. In lhlr rnwJ ovn- , fld.ucw and mutual rgard. Jutt on I abort lutirum of vo y r lfor 1 -lh CuIomiii of lh lUvolullon" aod 1 lh aothor of tb Ilarallon of In ! d.pond'UC unll I .0 rlbrat to- J g.iher on th Uh of July. I-C, by thlr loint ill from th lit of ih I world, and their )olnt otraoc upon th llf lo inn, th aml-cnunnlal anot vrary of Amertran I ndapendenoa. I looked over Pur Korca'a Amrl n Arehlv. and tarned a paga or Ibo of vour owr. huu rBoordt, And 1 found Umi to read tha paper of the all-accompllahed Prwaldeol Welling, of Columbian UnlrertltT at Washington, upr.o'dlng aa vwor hlnheat prld tha retolva of May SI 1. I wat looklng;to tea what emerged from all that dual. If yoa will pardon tha wordt of th old eong. I waa looking to aee wbat "nobody can deny." And In a dlttiaalnn of lh Meck lenburg ReaolvB of th eleventh day after the Hh May, I stumbled upon the word: -Virtual Independence." What then. If you gentlemen of North Carolina pleaae, what, then, would actual Indeptodeoc he T I appeal to tha text -All commltalons, "Ivll and mili tary, heretofore granted by the crown to lie exerclaed in tbeae oolonlee, are null and void, aod the conttitution of each colonv wholly eutpended " "The provincial Congreet of each Province under the direction of the great Continental Congress Invested with all legislative or executive pow ers within their reapectlv province!, and that no other legislative or ex ecutiva power does or can exltt at this time in any of these colonies." Such was the large, strict logical derivation from tha wrong of Parlia ment; then follows, what ? A tf mporarv grant of power by the inhabitants of this county, to be held and exercised by rlrtue of their choice. la that all? No "shall hold and exercise their several powers by vir tue of the choice, aud Independent of the crown of Great Britain and former constitution of this province. The exercise of old or new commis sion from the crown to mrR an en emy of hit country. Preaervatlon of the peace ana ad ministration of Justice provided for and the tenure of theii office who bore the parso or sat In Judgment to be "darlmr the pleasure of their sev eral constituents." And thev who bore the sworn 01 nower were bidden to arm and hold "themselves In readiness to execute the commands of the uenerai v 011 gress of this Province and this Com mittee." , . Such was, ludeert, tuai "Clear auu lostieal conception" which the Meek- lenburg patriots 01 n no .v...".. to form "of the civil status created for tb American colonies bytheaddrajs Mere talk is too thin. I You must come handle and see the Real Summer Pleasures we are ready to sprinR upou you. Now! Today U the time, GENERAL MARK DOWN ON MANY STAPLE AND FAN CY GOODS, Greatest oHerof the day on WHITE GOODS, A job to close at9o worth 12 V, :'. lJ ,1 V-St .... I t 4l-at ,lrlritil l,li!M . i. Mala .! fltil a4 I If -t li i . ( I! It. .! tt I . ' i U . I - - , .If l . mmm , a all ..- . . o i. b t"1' a4 t-Kal 1 1 a .uj. ' mi Htm . ( . . l-t ,mt t- 'ai . Vloalct-a'f t-1' " ' " .l'. 1 f " (ai-. -i !. I . a . it j . .M!. I tvl I a K I a-' bltl' b-J l.i b.II. iBi..ii!i.i v. WMiui. ri"' 0I, l l' -, !. Ml.l oaaaJdll. I im lb-. albBt. to II .B.-J ic-lall-a ' Wit BBd ,,l,l . foid rUil-l ' r aa J ,..0IH.i aaJ a. J I a . ( .! ir.i. i ' r. r.- I I ,ty ri-aa aaJ j,. . r II.. Pal. H-UBfhr llal ! iitalk "I H htgli III. o! lf toat K.I.IIXI ( of r .i. i.rloM b - a.a if tx 1 1 rltfbsit.l tad. -i.tua i i- o I ftr.w. by 111 ir ffolo. I t" tr . Bd of IU "I- ' oVBU of ch.-lro :. uut"'ary chfa I.r of II,. fftol m'inl. .at.)! to Uf rtnali..o ty ll uroilaalioa of IU atx-rilt. ly lh aaiud i.flo of Ulhi.fllT u l! (II I lh Uf.r ,i iiioclait I" Mrl. I : ol r anion u j toluatafy d.frt-- wataffirm- o! lhf uh Hit- I'forlulf . ! U.r lltieulal CoBgfo Khali rliid lo lb loittiotial lo Itffttloo ft I adp.ndnc. Bhleh J.f f.raoB poocod a Bfr. OiiMr gfatp of j.i.i-fDm.ul by lh poopl. ol Un opl. fof lh pwopl lliBB that It will o.t.r b foaod. iifpl by Iboo who oold tnak lh m 1 la k . which yoof forefather Bvr mad th. mltuklog of Mklnba'g tvao ly for North Carolina, lh mletaklug of North Carolina for th UnliJ('ol uuIm of North America. Hot tha dignity and lf-rtrtln I of m.n capabl of lf-guvrnmnt, ordrlog lb tplrtl and ihe ttroclor of v ir olty, ar bra- Nothing for agrraalon It b.r. but everything for dfoc Hut Hi. ubLaotll. of lf-goY.rn mrnl wr dold. and ao "the old ord.r changed, giving placa lo U nr " They hd ODdaratood Ibelr epoeh. Thy had b wd lo the va-y Una, aad tbn iby walul for a twelve-month lh fatefol Ittua. But reaolnu thn for alf govero-m-ot thay wra, al th hatard of their fortune and their llvt. A long renown to th Mklnburg ptrloU of 1771V, tha prcuraors of Anrlcan Indpendoea! Hat a deathUaa reoowa to alf-re-pectlng, aalf-govarnlng fraBin, capable to raod asunder and destroy that ontervleeabla body of govern ment which no longer fitly bouae and eervea the soul of liberty ! This great decision of tha Mecklen burg forefather-, I aay. beara every mark of the highest style of alf-gT-ernmeot Of pur Democracy thera Is no finer type. No order cama tbanderlng down from the eeat of oantrallied power. They converaed with one another and determined their course lo lhl County of Mecklenburg, and theu staked the fortune aud the lives of freemen as of lets value man ineir liberty. Liberty to do what? Liberty to establish Justice and maintain it; liberty to turrouod and guard their own social order with all their uniud force; liberty to keep off the encioachments of the officers of jrovernnient. by keeping In hand the sum and methods of taxation, aod holding the tenure, of the officer at the pleasure of bis constituent. Such Is the attitude of freemen. Such Is the mind of tha Democrat Democrat In the broadest sense, I mean. And then, what courage of the patriot! You cau coucelve of servility In souls like theirs? Can you conceUe of a demagogue maklug headway In that compauy? Let us keep before the ayes of our fellow-countrymen, thronging hither from all lands, this type and high otyle of true Democracy, this type ud nobler style of humauity. Is that too proud to claim? Itussee, I brought with me to this celebration of Mecklenburg County patriotism a newspaper printed in the great metropolis called London llti f,,r tn nd deeds we celebrate. Itls the London Times of last November 25th. It con tains the report of a speech In Birm ingham made by the Prime Minister Continued on Fourth page 1 DON'T YO0 EKD A PARASOL or Sun Umbrella these hot days? nnr lot for Children. Misses and Ladies, uiiok and many oolors; Cheap, medium and fine, Gauze Vest for 10c ana, MATTINGS Btlll going at our pet price, They are bound to suit yoa. ON & CO. HISTORY y The Gigunti V' - We ivw in it, with. frieada Wo an in it, with Oir i w ur.ict: to !AY Al TtlKOKtUTC W aay . f lb Haf -alB w aflef rU t o caa I rfd b aal a IM BviV if; Jvilar o . 4- Mens Ulc Wa ooald a -.laaB f IMaa4H i. UklNM I LllTHINtL old U m ..ato..Bg Mttoaipaiunatli III Hal oalt lb lowoal. Mina Sck CoaU Mens Booreuckor Coata x Menjj Alapaca Coata Mens lino extra lingth CoaU Ment Bilk Coata and Vcatal TrajxloU Clerical Suita it Whiu and Fancy Vest doxib Straw H iv. i.... o... I. .il ih. raJl tm Plvlaw to froeu 10o to lb v.ry fine I Manilla llau IS Wl A Present for t) With every Boys Suit and Hat, wc JV. Kaufmai LK VD I NO CIOTHIKRrt. KUR5I8IIIX MAIL ORDERi HOLICf Cor. CENTRAL HOTEL MENS MD1 TENS IS SHC We are now thowlng a line of TENNIS 8H0EK styles; Something that It nobby and nlca. Tb e aa 1 make a neat serviceable shoe. r Price 1 to 5, 65c; 6 to 11,75a GRAY & BAl 19 East Trade Street, pm Prompt atteution given to all Mall Onltr. MAY 20 The Day we Ce We inaugurate this great event with tha great! aver before attempted. Fine French Dongoia, ini price IS: Every pair Kmrantaadt v less. Pointed Patent Tip Oxiora, K..,t aewed. every pair watranu beautiful shape, and lovely fitting;. See all our Shoe. " Wa ara right In H Open every evening Ull 7:00; Saturday tUl Jl itizens and Co Veterans and Sons of Th. Uiwen CUv welcomes yoa wUhration etOi t while you arein the city. 1 tnviu 7'rnj-,' ; wbiie you are n in; v. "T i.rnh, tba mind ef in ar . .. - i .1 . i 1 .. ortll. 1 ng otyle ai I amrlrnian wellaatherlcb; Hiveryinrag S,r,7.X linioT i'arlor , I want to call your attention taptcWIy r'Kl?S- !,, Suits that cause tavorabl remark rrotu au hotn. MAI1 till Everything buying a Suit youj .JiovUd be TtboVy, tl ta uw la Chamber Suiwf f ,i w.innt? I awve a xmiple Had ITurnlture, badl " ' r.i.k hnnui. . the city and 'w - i BURGESS NICHOLS R S Sloan, A tingi I I We also carry kill t Oil tPWERTA No.,RrTftO t and UmbrellasM him ilwivi on Ii d. will be ever honored by the son of A.E. RA&KIN A BRO

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