THE- CHARLOTTE NEWS. CIIAHLO'rm N. C. tf ATI It!) A V KVKNINU. MAV HI. HW2 VUMJMK VII. NUMIJKlt 1150 Sett's May IK) 1802. Shopping by mall mtulo wtry If you wrtto to u for you want. aala aie -l l . W ' fcol rUf .if .! ! '! nl ftqujUn' - I. il a tw t r is. 1 natt awa .. 11 l. . I U .j I Am rm!m- n . .tv In .ni, L . ll.i I.". I .a . aula u. Mb Mi.tfk. - ea4a i a.W at ori I f.jf bun Lmjrf ia.ra IKr ll'Mt ItiJ ItaLaa.. Muti tf i iit y . . w ! I'llilf .m' 1 ..Su'li It.ailiwif ai-l ft i'lnir 1 (,.! I l.Jbl ia.uS l I ru --i i. ; rlr ' tMi e-a H T ' ! II. J i. an. I u ! rvAi!k i I ffWt . ua -uf rti i.ri fa' at? 1" rxi l euiU.1 Juel i ar 1 i I.I l.eea ! Ra ' tl Hi.ixi ii.wllinri t ji Ir av TJl K Uli '! ixlilfT .f Wttfiu Stnf lo nil l.tol.f rf tie-1 ki I (-ulaf rnll. ..lrxlrt lit ao!tf l.llra I! ''..!. Moll . . l '!. Iktni .mw i , lm t -i K:ii' I W . t ...! I '.. Wu'i I'.aul l tu.l ft.. I I r I . r i. . irft ail J l it l 4 r a - Am to 1 1 in i a 4 ThEl-Iuro irt u Hnvaim and Surnatni Ciir for 5 coiiLm. A. B. REESE & (JO'S. rUft&u. Hill ilUl twk is (II 4 til M fh4 H, Wal lf. -JIlf MtkMl f It itWl. (! afUf II (fwto lb In rtt of flllf tolbf lb of dr.j lo luJaji. Tb lb ill- !! II a tt 6m4 lib (ff J I1rrl. hi T of Ibo rily, if o lolfTJaoil HoaaUtr Orar. bj BiaJ a f appfnprlato roaaark aal ra4 ll MrcaUabarf Dclaralloa of la 4pa4arw . rWelof Hill fh Ihta fnllovoj r. L Soiglo & CO. N.i. II V l"r. '. ! , . I'ryon it I'M UU.olTK. N " I VfKvr-y a-ti, I. I.. 14 loWfUl I r pil iritil in ii f a ri I I . !is I tin 1 .1 lo fi'ii I liitii- rla art I ..f I. I '.-l I I . r--i 1 1 1 I mut I I I..- a .IraM II jtvIkj Ui 1 r il ..r.l. .1 I I -KI'. I K .1 . Diirwd S Junn W i i.K I I" M HI I 1 1. Drmists. Largest Drug Dealers in th9 State. W l,..U-iilf Stun- V I'm. If it. Our Ir.a. lli rv rv:ulriv on Hi Retail Store i rntrnl ll.iti-1 C.inilM'tont I'li.irm . il nun- in :ilirml;i.lif ld Mirr - N'II , Villi naif - Tt bull tlliK an I uliirllinic ( t Fi iii.iu u mr ii I Mr H r t n a: nfa.l. "f Iilnit 1. 1 li la I I ij K flalla In lliai ily lr J V Kjrm rluruv. l.. iln from a rnfMaliiiial iit t. Na ork A r r a me inni la lr-ii mi K f..r autlir liu r ii' 'lion I nail Tun .lay lr. '. II lirraiw I alU to t out iflr haviii( Ihh.ii riiiflin-l f.r llif at fa ilajra Ii) lllur - liariliMi pvaa ara ilnliful ii i alnl irr aolllni; In l!i rllf llirkll al coiil T half IhiIipI iarilii.r at.iul I. nan ay llir .i lalo lUf la inaaliiK III prrui' fflt ftir liuif ara I'larini: liavm' lih id V I IIK. - Illnr arrvlra l St Mark'a Kvaur"lloal l.ulbrran i liu'rli t . tn r - row n t II a. ill , an. I . in.. ' V lif faol'ir. IU-k'i f r v !.- 1 1 1 ! 1 1 I I in AwiK'itii' It. iii'-.l ill ii ' h niir rnw, iiinrnliiK ami huimk. by l!i latir, Hv. ( '. I . I ml. I - l.lltU Ytm Kjlanii. "ii 'f lr. I. W. h'alann, lin h l -ii n I k fur arvi-ral n r'k pat, l rrluirtfil III an Improved ooiiditl'Hi tlx 1 1 1 r n 1 1 1 (j. j Tlio only lrlli lUl diplayrd In ( 'tiarlott till" tffk n at Ihe at.irr. of Mr. T It Muk'H. "' 'oIIhc atrei-t 1 1 a handaoiiiH thcii tl t will) Krin'a harp nililiontd on it in jfohl. Soolt Hro n, of Haliahury, wa j hmioiik the crowd In town yeaterday. j llelaa Konleylt? and It looked trnne to aee him aober on an orra aion of that kind. However, he say Keeley did the work for him. The funeral of the late Milan II. I.ealle, whoae auddeii death in Con cord yeaterday i noted in Tut Nkwb, waa held from hia late resi dence thl morning by Kv. Dr. ('. M. Payne. There waia (trl throng of people in attend. tire. In the target tdiout yesterday af ternoon, Mr, lrorkeiihroii(h won the individual prize. The Charlotte Naval Ilattalion raptured the first prize In the team ahootinif, the win liiK team helnjr, ('apt. H. K. Smith, Oeorjre HrockenhroiiKh, Warren Uoark, (ieortfe Howell mid M. Alex ander. The 2lth M:iy colehration jutit ended will long he reinemhere I. The prettleat of all the pretty aouvpuir TiikNkws hu vet nen are the hand-painted cups and saucer n J hihited at Boyne & HadRers, by Mm. K. Lock wood Jonea. The designs are j unique and the execution beautiful. I Ttioie of our people who secure those souvenirs will be lucky. J j4" " lid' ' , ;U ! th KjUtrr wa 9.n to Thabaaalyof lb a toi obalKa aaul la atlll lha topic. T II a N a five a I rp'iaUDf lha Ibruoa .xru I.I y lha gMD m h rofaa!U.i NtOU.( II III rarrtafa an u a flr.i lulhrraalrti 1 1 b ri I n, r f . , J a lac I Itabaral UlaoB, Mayr lira vardatiJVIr W. ( Tullafarrn luir.a aacoaJ carrlafa cla Haualura Kan wmiiij ira. Ju.1a l-aolrl r Mr Ma hoc of .a i.rk.aoJ Ir Jo bo M(A ln In rarrlaa-aa foiluarluf af.lUr KlvarJ Mx-k I'd Wll llaio J.bul..o. Mr K ll prluga. Hob. Kllaa ( arr.l uujim tuauHjrJan j b a rti It AUiaudar, Jama al.rD.' aalataul ilnlrlct allortiajr. of Naa ! Of k , t'oBiffr aamau Mui.u. Con frrasiuau lbr k airll. I taaaral Aaallo t.albrnp of N-w .-rk, Ir. (ioorf! V ( "I A I. Hrullh aud ! otbrf i ll ill aalvbialt I'.vaa l.o tia i ILa ILuaaaftJi t li (. !' , if Hal ll.ala (ill lal lliln ti'.i a It Ika U Tl a ta-f I.J I - I l' l iih. la l.l...a'l II la u.i.iuii.f aoj ttift a.i. I o r a.ifl.i vftaaar iTbal II. i..l IUc. oai Ii aia ti. ll i Id 1 1 a In. f . I all I f 1 1 a a. a uiJ. t j I a ! cfaJll -. I!. a rll. aaj It. H ul! 4 ItiM. la ia ria.l A f.alala of Iba ibltt lalllr yea Uf Ja? araa Iba pa f lir I al lam Id Ilia aclloa . f If . II ruala Nl akirtuiai Ileal; U lr A Ii WcMttaa? I'. a r' alalo ( II. a r.ioipaof I1' VIcMataawa mill l.liu.o.f uaaful I r. (.aaaitia iuibiunltlnu abj In ul'itl i aaal ! I tifltia a a I f .r. . pafllrli all li la i!.a fM at. ap p'alalaj b IbaUiya llol i.l la it. tlaWa Mllila.f Tba Ui.i.r D"l'l I i utr Ji uf I alum L a and lha Culambla .ouaaa oafa aolartalord by lha llnreala Neat Kl flamao al Iba II. N. IC, ariuoiy, laal 0 1 1 b I A J J ra..a war ai ad a b 1 aat T ll ll.ibaf laoo. Col Anthony Martin. Capl MalU.o. l.lauUn ui Wfii .o, an loifiara Tbara r. atao nttof It lh 1 1 ifOftr a liuar ! juarwt Tha it.kIdi Oiiat Jallfbtf ully apeuL HIHTOKY HCPBATS IT8ELF. The Gigantic Celebration. Wo urn in it, with a henrty welcome to our fritmdrt and jwitrorts. Wo aro in it, wi h Oiiuitic Sl of Clothlni:. s : lti.IUK.MK rll AM rillMI. CIlNriMLTK Til K tillKA r Cr l.KHll ITIOM. DUftlXO Tba bl if arrli over revardad by rltileua and vlallor allkr, a a fine Iblnf. and tha Idea (Mierally eiprt-aaed la that II should tx- replaced l r a permanant atruc. lure of ilona, Iron aod aluruloum The dcirn rau of roarao ba Improv ed apiui. a:id an aipert Id thai lin III ! her aborlly to draw ap da alalia. One llilug i certain, tha dKiirr of the Merkleiibarg lclara li in of I ndepandr lira mut hara a I iii,numnt or com'nemoratl xm j i rrh erected to their memory before I another year ifoea by. There la al- I reaily a food slued sum subscribed . a a alarter, and the committee in- tnd lo lieifln busiueaa on a system- ; ti basts aud will not stop until th rommemoratlve structure is reared. Tho relrbration yesterday attracted the attention of tha world t Char lotte, and when tha next one comes we'hoiild be able to ahow that wa 1 h:ve lioiiorexl the names of the men i alio lum iveu Charlotte thin' Jtory. I Senator Hill and party left Ht 1. 1 f lit on the ti : :t train for the return j to Washington. Hefore leavinir, Hen- I ator Hill said lo Xki reporter i (rawaa Str.aa4rr. l a: I H It Alrimd'-r. rri rraenta llf In l'.mkTrn Ir.mi ti lt dlotrlrl. did uol arroun any fmtor Hill on I' muir ii to V lii(l on, but will Iravr M m Iiy instil He la ol. hla natlre li'Sll. and 'ook adraulsira of the opwrtuiilly for a few ilays real I n ron vrraat Ion It h a N I report er tinl it. Capl. A li an l-r ild thai lie ihoii'il l'oi)jfrn would adjourn shout tfif middle of July lie saya thai Sxniior ' snce has imt Ix-an able to appear I n the Henale rliim- j ber slurr hl return from tiombroou j list week, "roe S ii at or." said ("apt. j Alexander, "la aiilTer 1 114 fr.'in srlall ' fa, aud lie .lid not think that the ; mountain lr agreed with him. Kur- thermor. he h.t I difficulty in iscur 1 iun medical ld at his rather leola i ted moiiutaiu home, he iler I ilaxl to I return ir V ihl ngton A so u as tie is able to travel, he will come to . .... 1. .. , 1. .. 11 .. .1.- I I IIAIII'U", lll'lllff U" Ml f U l.l 1IIV ! roast. He l not looking well, but he I is not so sick now ns he was I aft April. His f:ce is sllirhlly drawn, but that will pf away, it is believed with the retaruof his he.ilth." The reporter jsked C.ipL Alexan der lii opinion of th- iiomiua- led by the Stale licmiMTitH. "On the w hole," he repl le 1. "I c insider it a ( ku. la f ajrwliaa elrJ TraJa (in and after hunday, May "d. Ih train hlrh laaraa Charlnlla for At lanla at s o rltx-k a. ro , aud reaches here from Atlanta al p. ni , ill b dlaooallnuad UIsho Charloll and Moor. l'aaoiiara folur U polnin n thali.C. A N road rau leava, and p in., rrturnmr at a. m , ana 11 p. m , iiisklnfr r'" ronnectli.o at Mod roe both way u and after Handsr May -i.M. the train leavluf Charlotte at 4 .H)a in, for Portsmouth, Va, will run dally. nj f tba Msrfalna wa offrr ll. ! wa-k. wawlll allaabl lo Jap 11 Uf. I . u ran i T .f J lo lu I I!. la ala ( . ma au I we'll lift f wt ttomJ e pf) dollar )..U J rli.t Mens Clothing. W a rould ue a r-.luiun of Ibl. ad'' lo lll yort abl b Klf HarraJalt wa ara llu lu MKNH (lirillMt. bul bo tolfelBf thai wa thawbi d wfxiM be aa ronvluribf aa a roiuparlaoo of our Prlrasx, IK lb la, aa4 will flu I our Iba lowral. Mfn3 Sck Coatfl Mona Siorauckor Coats and Vest Mens Alapaca Coata Mens fine extra bnp'h Coata Mens Silk Coata and Veatu Trapdeti Clerical Suita t Whit and Fancy Vest double breast " single 26a 66a $1,25. 1.75. 8,60. $12,60. $1. 76c. Straw Hats I T.raal" W . a If we d say so ouraelf, Till NlWI haa done fairly Rom! work this wa-ek, c-onalerlnjr the lloilbed facilities of Ita office. On Wedneada) . It foi oot an i psfe paper of 4S columns. This was followed 00 Thursday with a 7 column paper and a supp anient at (regaling 40 colatnna and yasterday the paper contained .TI columns, with H ill's speech complete and a fairly giMd account of the day's eveota. Id addition. This makes an a(frregat of 1 iao coIuuids for tha three days We underestimated the appreciation of the public for y.-alerday's Xrwa. large as the edition was. We could have sold 'JTIO additional copies had we had them. We hare them In all the l-adl i( Styles for .Men. Itoyt aod Cblldrvtl from 0r Ui the vary nnesl ManllU Hats lu all shades and shapes. A Present for the Boys. With every Boys Suit and Hat, we give a ball and bat. IV. Kaufman & Co: I.KMMNO CIorHIKKS, Kl'KNlSHKIW AND HATTER, MAILOIIDKRS HOMCITKD. ( or. CKNTKAI. HOTKU CIIAKUTTE, N. CJJ visit to Charlotte. The diminutive horret nest from Cabarrus adorned YOU CAV )KAV Ycl'K OWN CONCI.I -SIDNS About our M slii-, hut then- s really only one conclusion Unit you cm wi bly conic t,Biil I lull i.i that in liof leather .1 Utter in vestment von never nude. .1 11st as sure as von wear thin shoo, just so sure will th; l I you-judgment of it; ...nie slim an- cheap . without beini! Komi: others are ?.d without te .V heap; tins si.,- is cl.en,. an. I goo. aVet'l l-r the 111.M fi.s.i.lious ol feet; It Will ssunclv 11s made to order shoe and tS,mler ... haven't to ilnrabilityW ""T ian sha-k of Habj lor the wl I'"?"' A lar? .S ' ...i ii..f.i I rtlllKS, hii-t I ll,..l,r..lls. l.lll. t ...v.. - .--. . , bags always 01V nanu. A. K. RApKIN A BUO Two Boya Kan Ter. So fur as Til K Nkw h is been able to learn, there were bul two accidents yesterday. A little sou of Mr Kd McDonald was run over by a w: gon and knocked unconscious, In which condition he remained for sometime. He i up au(l about, though, today, as chipper as ever. Leon Newell, ' lp yesr 0,(' so" nf Mr. Will Newell, of Newell'a station, was trampled under foot by a horse ridden by a marshal. H was very badly hurt, but no hones were brok en. He was taken to the residence of Policeman Hlackwelder, anil late In the evening was removed lo his home at Newell's. New Adaerllsmenta T-Ist- Alpha Mill stock for sale. Write to us T I, Weitjle. Co. Koiff's Kl 1'uro A B . Co, verv irood one an.t t h 1 11 k it will be that he had very greatly ei.Jiyed hi- Hlltlr,v ... ,4fa(.,,)rv . thB n-,)r)l- f j the Stale." He sithal l'llas Carr 1 Is a 111 11 ii of tine executive abilities. the lappet of his coat, and lu his oar rpt. s ix - th ,t Mr.Carr's wa. a large aod beautiful nest P"" f(4rni u t)lH n,,, tlr ,,,, .,. , the sen ted to ihe Senator by Ksquire 1). Sl4te O.Maxwell. It shall have a conspic- -aa- uous place In the ornamentation of my room,'1 said the Senator. Senator (Jray won hosts of friends here. He Is decidedly a handsome man, his manners are polished and hi address chaste and elegant. "How have you enjoyed your visit to the city, Sonatot. asked a iskws report er. "Very much, ludeed," was the re ply, "aud I am glad of the good for tune that permitted me to spend the day in Charlotte. My visit has been a decidedly pleasant one." Senator (iray said further that Charlotte Is one of the prettiest aud most busi ness like towns he has ever visited. Kaitroad Chaac A circular issued from the otll.-e of Capt Ym. H. Green, General Maua ger, says: I n compliance with an agreement between the President of this conip.inv and the chairman of the boird o' receivers of the Central Railroad and Ranking Company of Georgia, the Macon aud Northern Railroad commencing tomorrow, the 20th, will he operated by a Lessee Hoard representing both companies, and consisting of Messrs. N. K. Har ris and J. K. Hanson, of Macon, (la., and J. II. Kuck-r and A. H. Hodg son, of Athens, Ga., with Mr. N. E. Harris as President." Why not have peaches for Sumlav when you ran fret them this evening at 1.1 T TI.K'M for 15c per dozen. It N KW ''HALL! KS OP K N K l Fresh stock popular Laces in all col ors aud black, Silk Grenadines wondroiisly low. SHIRT WAIST For Ladies, in Percale, Gloria, and Silks. SUBL1MK SILKS, the best material for maKing Ladies Waist, LACE CURTAINS, Mere talk is too thin. You must come handle aud see ttie Real Summer Pleasures we are ready to spring upon you, Now! Today is the time, GENKRAL MARK DOWN ON M ANY STAPLE AND FAN CY GOODS, Greatest otter of tho day on WHITE GOODS, A job to close at ! 1 worth PJlsc, Al lha V. at. C. A. Uv. W. K. Kowman. D. D, pastor of St. Mark's Ktaugellral Lutheran church, will give the address at the Men's Rally at tha Young Man's Christian Association, tomorrow af ternoon, at 5 o'clock. Everyman lu town Is Invited to attend these ral lies, which are bright and Interest ing, as every oue present last Sun day will testify. I-r. liowmau is an interesting speaker, and will no doubt make a splendid talk; he Is the wit of the Charlotte ministers Association, and frequently has them roaring with laughter, but there will be Dothlng funny about his talk to morrow, which Is on "Persevering Prayer." Dr. Bowman's remarkable series of family afflictions daiingj the past yeat are well known to many of our readers. MENS AND BOYS TENNIS SHOES. We are now showlug a line of TENNIS SHOES that are entirely nw styles; A nnetliiug that is nobby and nice. The colors are grey and blaek an 1 make a neat aervioeable shoe. Price 1 to 5, 65c; 6 to 11, 75c. We also carry a line at 60o a pair. 19 GRAY tfe J AltNHARDT. East Trade Street. CHARLOTIfl. X. CI 'Prompt attention given to all Jttail Order. Thk Nkws has interviewed over 100 farmers of Mecklenburg: and ad- joinlug oountles. In the past two days and they are all of one mind the State Democratic ticket is a rood one, and one that they will heartily J Prlce MAY 20TH. : The Day we Celebrate. We inaugurate this great event with the greatest sal of Ladles Oxford ever before attempted. Fine French Dongola, Diamond patent tlrx Oxford. support. 15: Every pair guaranteed, Fine Dongola Mam lees, Pointed Patent Tip Oxford, price $1,50. TheV are hand sewed, every pair warranted. hav nl anlaa beautiful shape, aud lovely fitting. . See all our Shoes. "We are right In it. ; t. QILREATH 3c OO. v Open every evening till 7:00; Saturday till 11:00, , DON'T YOU NEED A PARASOL or Sun Umbrella these hot days? See our lot for Children, Misses and , Ladies, Black and many colors; (heap, medium and fine, Gauze Vest for 10c and upward, MATTINGS Still going at our pet price. They are bound to suit you. Citizens and Countrymen,' Veterans and Sons of Veterans. . '' The yueen City welcomes you to a oelbration of the greatest event ta heT iintorv and bile you are in the city, 1 invite your attention Ioiut unrlvillel .irwlr r I?,., resentinir Stvles and Ivsigtis such as only the mind of an artist mnl.i ... .k. skillful workman lullill. Of course I have goxt8 of every clam, f nmlinr. Hi. hoiiae-riirnishing from tr''iw.ii well as the rich; Everything reouisile to I want locall your attention espei-ially loinv hue of Parlor g from the. UooiIb: Mnts that cause tavorabte reiuarxa irtun all who make Comparisons1'; v buying a Suit you sliould be sure to see mine before you buy: Dart is new in Chamber Quits' 1 would be glad to show you the Terr ?,1 t " A Oak, U&li Century. Cherry and Walnnt. 1 have a ootnnW. . Mail r'limiture, 1 jiilies Desks and Parlor Cabinets. Ihe city anil see now cheaply you rau . a , rlor Csbineta. You should mot 1 lurnuui your DOine. ...... T. L. ALE IAN DER, S ON & CO. 1 R s sloan. U.DERTAv, Bryan,