I ARLOTTE ' NEWK CHAULOTTK. X. (.. MONDAY KVKNINCi. MA Y li.'l. lHliJ VOLUMK VII. NUMIlKIt 1157 THE 01 n. i I May 23 Urabrulla Bala Tali txat 4B I t'aa,lt.o a4 l 11m M1 W I IVa aoiaa imIM Uh fata lei i ity W Mil life to ash Mwil h at it A il UK -l l . AAUJ MW fMf al 1 U al l Tlo a aJ ho UkU Jo Ui4 a rwl ' tl . - -ii 1 1. - :BbMtM aa i tJ. tl". I a Wa la kt wl Lh at Ma Wa an . nt f-r Roitf'a Tim Kl-luro in a Havana unci Bumatra Ciir for 5 cent. A. R REESE & CO'S. ' i.rtN I tlubluM UiM iUaalia4 ! 3M ftiaj at"!. t-J a4 lb l.aW. t4 A4 i ail Mlt4tt. TV f iMiiti 4 a lb a-': elat M l4p4 rvj.ajw a ; IAU fcy mi t- , ( UlUtl will Ulliy .0I00 Al II aa a 111 uimJ ll I a Uaa4ia 4 liatM llih i4 fc" lW-4 a ! farawaaaal f !' ! ale. A iaaSt tM- T b. Wal rwi la ! cweM llt tnoralaf Tbiao f (of gfhl, whit lb loaf wa aa of tuof ! feature, a yuauf of (w4 faaally otiBwrllutia l-o 1 1( rfiarfod Mb plckla r k .C tl aJtnlllod havlaf foWerd a Uiat of TT. H wa (vaalli lo Jail In d.faall af llJOboad Hwall lot t.afa Jarlaf lb h eal.br alio and hu a ioUi la W aJLfo who III ba Kara this ifUon. Th jraaag him cow 14 ft r ai i plabatlou fr lit e-onJael, olbar than Ihal Ua w a ai Ml j a f wl ll W Kinrtin II i rail J-I ar4l "! I latlafWIa If Ui I 4 i lii ! ti mttf ! Iltr lria aoU IL titiiu farturw ka u U in it I'AKlilA Al 'r iaillll A 4 Hiittutniutm aaiii4ra iKal muot r' 1" cullr alixi if 1 ISral t-t II 'k I I .' I f i Mi t. . 1 M. kanaka . I..I.I. 'u . u.lli r ac Ii, A l-i hi U I miff in itW lial f elk Mmv rr bai4 ii lrka a ill U-il ','-.:. tf . lla frvrttikft T. L Seiglo & CO. So. II V. Tr iil al. In', K. Tryon tt I'llA MA ITK, N. V. I f"Krfrv Krlh lc Imhu'IiI nf lift Ihkl ilwa prorr In lw r ut a rri'rrarnlnl mini if nHurtifl li it hu kit hkr a .lrrt. II aril lw ivtil on ilit. S r irrfi u Iv rv- Ulil In ilvHini; fix ity unlrr ( T I. HKIi.LK .1 (Ml. Borwc I i Dunn W.MHiKS W.V. AND KKTAI!. Drif5ista. Larpa.st Drag Dealers in tha State. Vli..lU lr. W Tm lr t. Our lr:ivi lli r. rail n-iilrlv on Hip Caila. Retail Store (lpMnili' (Vntnl lloli-l: 'nnii'ti,iil I'liurui ciul always in ailrnilnili. UrNMNli WV W ITH Til Kl U ltOOT-KK. 'Ihcrf npvor wnsanv huotv lietler worth run nine oil' with tlmn our t2 iiml M shoes for Iifies Mint (ieulK: When you iaiture thn you raimire a jiojitivr prize in fixitwear; If you are careful rIkiui siwiuliiiB your money, j on are, of course, earelwl ahont what you Hiiemt it for; The more piuticular you are, the more conHilent are we that thine shoes Nrill e've you satisfaction; We clout call the "a piod'or lietter. we call tliem the brat: Wa'clci'lit call them cheap or cheaer, we call tliem tl.sp oheatest. Never min.l what we call them- you're all rlcht as ln as you call for th'enf ." ;' ra",ra11 fo,r that it will pay tMter to buy : Urjje "took Ha s ami Umbrellas, trunks, Valises and Hand bags alwayi on hRiul. K. E. RANKIN A BRO Mr A I pi! nni mi ii e . J r i .j u l ir Irk. M r. J in lloaa t iitle .Irk al I Ii Inline of hrr a.. ii. Mi J. .tin K OU Niiflll i ilt- .trorl Tfia Cnluml'lt clut Hie tir..ttn l-.y. ,jr a "-..r -1 . i I 'olunil la Halurday Tl - v play arii. t..ty ami tomorrow. lUfular ti'e.lliiK' "f I'tialam lnlfe llil. rnln( at s p. m AH menittora aarna.lljr rtxjuaaleil to lie p recent Klaotl'in of nfTlrera. Hi. John, the I'rolilhltlnn apeakrr la txMikai! for a apeoli In Charlott on the mh lie will apeak al Hi cnurl liouae at 1 o'rl k mi tli" a'tr iiiv.hi (f that ilar. Mr. Arthur lUtt will trt "ill tin week mi a four month tour with lila "(rolil ami rryalJil" palntlui: Will (iray ha (on nut alien, I to hill the rout for Mr. Itult. Tha Hunilay rfioo m ni,et Injf which waa o ha ve ! n kel.l In tha Klrat I'reahvterl.ni rhurcli of t 'onrord on yeterlay evninir rMtatMitiecl on account of Iki I wn.it!, i er until next Sunday evenimf. I Mr Holier! )yitn, formerly edl- ' tor of the Charlotte Chronicle, but, w ho ha len located at Lynchburg for several month pant, leaves there to inerrow for Portland, ttremi. tiere tie jroea Into the newiipaper luisliiesa. The body of Mr. Klinhetli Wilkes, of Waahlnittoii, I). C, who died in lookhart, U, Katurday, hroURht to Charlotte yesterday af ternoon over the C, f. A A. roa.it. It in taken to Wah i iifrtmi l ent nlhl by the veslihule. The balloon thai w ,t w recked ItaHt Wednesday hus been replaced by a new one, anil nxoeiiHioiis w ill be nimte nt tbo park m-J t Th tirsday, Fri day and S;itnrd:iv, at 'i o'clock on the afternoon of each clay. AilniHUon will be free and no chnrva will be untile for seats on the ru nil st.unl. A atflillf r IfM A 4 lelleal 4 If lb. ra la any rllae In aJrll- lof , than lha facaol rala tr A tloo w a a bl rard lr CfiarlnlUL Kry a ! p r u f any c-nuaiutoa la iba wli-il I I ull t Mlal h a bad aoniathln- to r atat IL Mara thao that, all Ihr 1 lii Jail from Maine to fa llforn I . ( through lha Ineiraaieulallly the , aaorlalaxl and t'ultaxl Praa. Aaao clAlloiia a.i. famished full and r'aphlo arooaata of tha affair anil they prlulad more or laaa ellendrd rrv..rt rvinie of Ilia large dalilea puhll.he.1 from oua ! two column, of tl o priKedlllr Ttia bl wealrrn , dalilea .tavoUd uiorespaee lo It thii did the New nrl paera, hut for all Dial the latter fare comprehensive re-rta Charlolla was never tiefore 1 ao Ih .roufhly wall advartlaed Aa,e iraa4 Baktool iklall- The exhibit which lined lha walla ami filled the table of the art room of the Winston irradacj aohool laat week I a mailer of pride a to vari ety and eicelleuce nf work. The map JrawliiRa, music ropylnfr, esaay, aome on tHilanlcal auhjecls. with specimen attached, the moulding' of rubi a. iUre, and frail in clay geo aietrical figure In card b ard. rhar roal eketche and the kindergarten work of the small children were ri eeedlngly well done and deerve, a islnteuded by Prof. Hlair, to be ex hibited at the World' Kal r In Cbl c.iiro. At the eierctse on Kridtv nighl. Mary l.ew la Harrl. a Concord Kirl, one of the graduating cia. re ceived a diploma and also the third orlre. a book, for proficiency in re d I ig imi-lr ut ighl. lerlloa nf Com ni iMlimer. The magistrate of th county will have their anual meeting in Char Inlteoii the fl rut Monday In June for the election of a board of county com mlioiierf, a required by law. The board elected at that meeting w ill no: be sworn into otllre until the tlr-l Monday In I eoemler. This nieetiiig of the magistrate is looked forward to aith more lnteret than uii:il Central Hotel Arrival. ( al Hmlth (Ireenville H C; C I. Hopkins City ; (Jeo II Iteall Win ton N C; Fred A Williams Fla J (' Htovall Atlanta (Is; J C Mor rison Columbia H C ; W II .tinnier- man, Henry Chambers City; WM Francis Atlanta ta ; Jus 1 Caldwell City; tl M I'ureton Trvon N (' ; It F Taylor, H M Faucett Uuleigh N C; J K Conn Wellforcl S C; I) Aiken Wlnnsboro S V ; J H Kberhardt S ( KKicetia: ( Montr N C: WK Oevelin l'lnevllle N C; J Monroe I) College N ('; W I) Heery Wli- niliiKtonNC; I) KAIIeti X ('; 11 C Park Ashevllle N C; I, K Fox liinclnton N C; (I H Sohult. I C; W J ClianibT8 City ; J K Cutchln Halto; M M Molver Hockinirhatn NC; (' M Miller Phila; K J Holm t Louis Mo; J DHtarr Halto; C 1' Mebane wiiniington t"; J I) Kobiusou Atlanta ia; H 1) Thaker Va; H V I.aue Washington DC; i Duncau DC; tlo J O'Neill N Y: V M tllazebrook V : T M McCiel- I nil Atlanta tia; l'oindexter Dunn Loss Anglos Cal; VllOltX ('; H Young Hpartanburg S C: T H Law Washington I) C; Hartlett Hhipp Lincolnton N C; J C Dixon Greensboro ; O C Hynum Concord NC; Oeo (1 Hhannaiihoue tin ; D H Chandler Ua ; Albert Doshor. W H Dosher Houthport N C; Hoomu Cay ne NY; A K Wilson N C; 11 C Morrow Iiauringbnrg N C: I. II Cur ry AujrustaOa; Ltroy Hpriit S C; White WareKtl, Naw AdvertUinenta To-1)t. Huging Harrison A Co. For rent W S Alexander. Umbrella sale T L SeigleA Co, Take notice M P Pegmm, Jr, Treasurer Report of condition of First National Itank Kunningoff with their Boot-ee a k if,..,. kinctBrt.. Koport of oondition of Commercial lar.l Weather IOorl. The following is a synopsis of the weather prevailing al J a. m. to day: 'f-e low pressure that was central over this section Saturday morninc has moved northeasterly, and is in the extreme northeast portion of the country. This low pressure is felt through to the liiilf, and has produc ed rain over the entire portion of the country lying eastof the Mississippi river, the heaviest portion of this rain occurring over this section. A high pressure lain the eastern por tion t)f Texas, which Influence the veather to west of the Mississippi river, resulting in clear and cool weather of that portion of the coun try. Temperatures have very gen-, erally fallen over the entire country, I but will rise slightly during the day. ' UackloitH. Iiaoati Tba iliaaf aaatla cold rata waalb- ylf Jr . fcJ lla .!! t oa 11. a ' lat 'via u-la a a a ktaaalfeal fct ! ao.aall; .aaall ra gt af altoa al all 1J I-a ( I... t l.noa who al lakiliJ Ui.Tl)o MImI H I rt al.l, la Ui Mfll iiaaf J a aareuun ftaily apt(vtilalo lu II.. day I'f t faaay hwa aa III la I ( i.n 1 : 1 1 Aa1 ld al J. tM. I Ih. i. k.u .,f lb ru aaaal wl.l. li I tuakr l.tsca M aad . and ary liu on lar lib fur it-.lul (.naia j lion : I Ho mi U In l ti. c loud, I and II ahall Ua fr a l- ku of a c ktsl IWIaaaa N. tail II,. aifll, auj fata a Inorfilrigt 'ilarllral wfluuo ou lha lei m in ineri.oi.i uitaitig ti,a ; If e f.:l.i In appllratl"U I" every dar lite Wi mil l-iw. l doaii by ln aud llo pia.f uf a In. tut Ii,hI haa aal Ma l-iw la Ilia rl-u t. It a aad of tha woman ahall I'laiao l, aeffaut a head " S a may t-a Iwael Willi many ai .1 (laal laiuplalloO , II la uo aln lo l laiuplal. l',a ala lie In yleldlug to I mp la lion , bul liod baa ael hi tea In Ih rloud " Ih.f halh ho laiup lalloO lakeu you, tiul inch aa la com niiin In man ; bull i ml I f a I It. f u I who Wll not sufTel yoa to be t. HI pled a bora thai ) o are ai Ir, Ml a ill wllh Ilia leinplallou also make a way to .ra-r. that y may I -a a t I to haar II " Wr may auff-r trural loe and our proM-rty Ik aarpt aw iy In a day or a night, but IkhI ha set tl,l Isiw lu the clou.) : -For mir lijtM ft1iclion w h Ir h I but for a moment worfceth for u a far more exceeding and eter ii tl weight of glory " j Wr mil aUfTrr In frtlf MlKlll. but! I ,l haa art ll,l. bow In lb rloud I through llli "ii J'tut, Ih Havlor: "I tm the rru rrertlon and the life, he lha: brlievrth In me thongh he aere dead yet ah all he live." We may be brought to the liver of death and ! about to rross, but (iod haa set this bow in the cloud ; "Yea, t-iough 1 walk through the valley of Ihe shadow of ilealri I will fear no evil for I h'iu art with me." Nutw IMisiauding the inclement Weather there was a belter altend acce than uual at the M.-u's Hally at the N'ountr Men's Christiau Ao ci.ttlon In the afternoon to hear Hev. W. M Howman's add'ess cm "Per severing prayer." A was remarked by one who heard him. Dr. How man I a smart man aud gave a talk in teresting to nil and of great comfort to those who exircie the privilege of prayer As h icochlngly refer red to the comfort and strength lie had receive 1 from prayer In his re cert severe atllictlous, much sym pathetic feeling on the face of his a lid leu ce was m tnifesti'il. The Hilly ii-t Suinbcy will Is conducted by three stu b-nts from Davidson Colic-ire one of whom i a contestant at Wilmington for the oratorical medal. Hev. H C. Heed occupied hi pul pit in the morning. Lis text being the b'th verso of the l.t chapter ol (ienius. The sermon w as highly en joyed by those present. Hev. Kd ward Mack on account of sickness did not preach in the morn ing at the First Presbyterian church, but at night, delighted his congre gation an able and beautiful with sermon. !. ol fossa um ft. (uialw bag baa Uaaa -!! lag Ua K llaiilaf f, la ruisueu lib to. ail a.fUdi l lu I bar toll and lu (.1 nj -r ilj.ui I!. li.u I'lal raaufla-d lu l'n. IiImu Ii, kill.-! II. Iui ll a rl.Uk.e. f I II,. tuft aud U rn ara .l.ad rllrk.i,. aalllJ all lUml lb Ci.u.fal a -.'u.tiy yard .oa k k no l. All toiki. -'llllrlau ii I ii Ui 1 ao bo lion hat I ,UlU wall and alio a I h. la lalkltif ! d.till. know at--ul I. lla Tin i thai Warl nun.r haa 1pu il umJ aiuia tdati I',, rliruiii.lturi. would warrant II I Miik a from what b. know a, thai II la rra.,natdy lullnl Mr llullrr I . arr.plad t l. drfeal 111 (imk faith and aid nul ouly aupp-ort III. Mala and national Ivui-K-ral tlrk.l, but allluaaall bl loflu.nr. In lla bo I all If Colonel Polk wabl Ui push tt Third parly feualnae lu II, I. "tale tie will hav lo do II without Mr llullrr aid p r-fvoartff li e .laud oaruplad by Mr llur ge. Nirhol. the furniture daalnr. i In Mia Harah David li rftlatr, at aold lolay. Mr I ad It fr i g U w aa I h pure haaer, l I" iu A lot on Mint reel, bwlotig I n af lo l. . aame vital, ill aold ! ahrrirf . T fmllli for 4.a Tb (If of ttila lot I 'i. ij feat . A tract of land near Derlla. Is longing in Hector William, colored, a aa put up al mortgage sale and wa bou.hllnby KiUlre John P. Han ler. for l Th iracl contains acre HIBTOHY HEI'EATO ITSELF. The Gigunlic Celebration. Vi ivru in it, witi. a hivrty welcome to OUT fiiondrt iuuI ju.troim Wt ar in it, wi h (liimUc S-l of Clothing. WK i iiMLKM : Tu m AND HHAl.l. CtiNTINl'K fill. I i U K A f FI.KIiKkth. kl any .f Ihe Y u ran I a !? . af ) dul I af ) i llargalna wa rd lo nil U Bprml ..r-! thla wk. w a w ill a t a a4 ko 4aatU. Iiii. la I onto and w.'ll aa w swmj Mens Clothing. m raulil u aeolatun el tr Ii l lo l-ll yi ara glilng In MI..SH t'l.nDilNii. but nu lalklbg muld L a convincing aa a ooiuparlaon of our Prleoa, lK lb la, a)d "1 rill An I our lb lowral. a a boa l lha Mlg HartaJaa ibal wa oU4aV Mens Sck CofiLs Mens Sv)rsucker Coats and Vost Mens Aldpivca Coals Mens flno extm bn:h Coats Mens Silk Coats and Vests TrapdeU Clerical Suits xt Whit and Fincy Vest double breast " single 25c. 06c. $125. 1.76. 8,50. $12,60. $1. 75c. Th Taaraaaaaol ler Wastooaday. Th tournament that wa an nouueed In !-vt urday ' N kw s to take place tomorrow, ha boon postponed until Wedneaday. All of th Knight that participated la tb tournament of the l'th, except Ahvllle, will lie on hand. The tournament will take place In the ball park, commencing at .1 o'clock The crown for tha oc casion have been ordered. It ha not yet leen decided at what time Ihe cnronatjoQ will take place, a some of Ihe Kulght wish the coro nation to be on the ground Immedi ately aftar tha riding;. A ball will be given at night In the new city hall Straw Hats A..nriallon of Amerlean u ran rytuen. Al lanla. ia . June l-l I. ISV. F t above occasion the Richmond A. l inville Hailroad will sell tickets to Atlanta, (ia , and return from all couiion ticket otllces on certificate plan, one and one-third first class, fares for round trip. Meeting in session June 1st to 1 1th nnd a large crowd Is expected. l'lii- lines! Cofloe in Charlotte, BONNKY A VAN NKSS. N KW chaLLIKS OPKNKD Fresh st.ick popular I, tees in all col ors and black, Hilk (itenadlnes wotuloroiMly low. SHIHT WAIST For Ladies, In Percalo, (iloria, and Silks. SUHLIME SILKS, the best material for mailing Ladies Waist, LACK CURTAINS, Na Mere talk is too thin. You must co n ip handle, and see the Heal Summer Pleasures wo are ready to spring upon yon, Now ! Today is the time, UKNKKAL MARK DOWN ON MANYST A P I - K A N D F A N -CY (K)ODS, (ireatest otlorof tho day on WH1TK uoons, A job to close at(e worth I2'ac, The C rop, la tha Slat. The report of correpondenU of the Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin, Issued by tha North Carolina Kx leriment Statiou and State Weather Service for the week ending Satur day, May -I, 1n92. show that favora ble weather conditions have prevail ed, and that the outlook is generally encouraging. Drought continues, but ha done ao far but slight damage Showers on Thursday and Saturday mornings were well distributed and vary beneficial. Th nights have been rather too cool, while the tem perature during tha day has been a little above the average. The amount of sunshine was about normal. The report for the western district says: The weather was generally very favorable for farm work and for growing crops. A few corres pondents reHr train indeed. Wheat is reported as excellent. Cotton aud corn, fair stand. Chopping cotton and plowing corn the first time is going on in some sections. Reports on the fruit crop say the prospect is good. Oats in good condition. Trans planting tobacco and setting out uweet potatoes is going on. Rains are reported as follows: Davidson College, 0 2:t inch; HUtesville, 0 Inch ; Asheville, 0.!3 inch ; Salisbury, 0.2,'t inch ; Charlotte, 0.4li Inch. We have them in all Ih Ieadl g Sty lea for Men. Hoy aod Chlldr from loc U the very nna.l Manilla Hat In all hada and ahapoa. A Present for the Boys. With every Boys Suit and Hat, wo give i bill and bat IV. Kauf man & Co. ' LKMMNO CIOriUKK-.. YV UN ISM KIM ANDHATTKR. MAIL OUDKIM SOLICITED. Cor.CKNTHAL HOTKU CHARLOTTE, N. CJJ MENS AND BOYS TliffilS SHOES. We are now showlug a line of TF.NNIS SHOKS that are entirely nW styles; S unethin,' that I uobby and nice. The colors are grey aod black au 1 make a neat serviceable shoe. Price 1 to 5, 65c; 6 to 11, 75c. We also carry a line at.SOo a pair. GRAY it BAltNIIAltDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTIK X. O A-" Prompt attention given to all Mail Orders. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. MAY 20TH. The Day we Celebrate. T. LALElXAOEE, SOjSi & CO. DON'T YOU NKED A PARASOL or Sun Umbrella these hot days? See our lot for Children, Misses aud Ladies, Hlack aud many colors; i heap, medium and fine, Oauz Vest for 10c and upward, MATTINOS Still going at our pet price, Thev are bound to suit you. We inaugurate this great event w ith the greatest sale of Ladles Oxfords ever before attempted. Fine French Don go la. Diamond patent Up, Oxford price I,2o: Kvery pair guaranteed, Fine Dongol muq. less, Poiuted Patent Tip Oxford, prloe $10. TbM are hand sewed, every pair warranted, have nice) aolM. beautiful shape, and lovely fitting. ; 8ee all our Shoes. "We are right lu it. ' - , QILREATH 8c OO. Open every evening till 7:00; Saturday till 11:00. Citizens and Countrymen, Veterans and Sons of Veterans. " The Queen Oily welcomes you to a eeUbration or the greatest event In her Thistory. and while you are in the city, I invite your attention to my unrivalled stock of Furniture, rep resenting Styles and Iiesigns such as only the mind of as artiat oould conceive and the moat skillful workman fultill. Of ivurse I have goiKls of every class. Furniture tit the poof as " well as the rich ; Everything requisite !o house-ftirnishing from the Ch-reit M Miebe 1 want to call your attention esp-cially to mv line of Parlor Good; la ' 4 Suits that cause favorable remarks from all who make oomoarlaoiia. I' buying a Suit you should be sure to see mine before you buy; Don't : U ' 'I t in new in Chamber Suite'. I would .be glad to show you the very tate .-n. ' a Oak. 16th Century, Cherry and Walnnl. 1 have a complete stock of '"W. f Hail Kurnilure. fjulies Desks and Parlor Cabinets. You tbotlld not nvut 1-' rnonte. . - - - Farnii.. Ihe city and see how cheaply you can furnish your home. R S Sloan. UNDERTAKF No.8,BrTt bv Uonal Bank.

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