THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. CHAULOTTK. N. (. Tl IM)AV K KN I N(i. M A V Jt. lHlJ VOLUME VII. KUMimU Ui Seijles May 3-1 1802. SILKS. l tl a I .-i The CfttlMl elta or mIm ha. Mi waprecoJaaiasj . aekta calotte a4 I " f k Ui iMe ( fin rneiM biaaa; liaa tarfue 4 i'b6i aviaistika; lipitvM ii4 i eli4j CieleHe tlaeljrat. u on 1m how koaaa leltfu eoJ t a-J ki t to n. i I "a II . ) , riootcey's Spices. 1'incknoy'n Bpictvi art tho lint of tiit'in. We jruinvnuo hi ground Spices ab.iolut ly purv !i. H lll.ll - .. a a a4 CV HeU.t Amm c-au.a T, . , .... . li, Tm "UI N MM T i : i if,,,, .. J 7 aljfcU 7 J. B. IU.fc.jA--. U.,., ,,j f ,,,, , luk Mae U fc Vaf-rfe tiWlt r"wHUUa u tu ewa MUC SS4 lISIBf . Dick Mftil t U twll (of Hi Tblid tJiy fce4 u4 aaJ il litun are la r4 eplriu. a Ihelr erw,-. ere tooklaf II - Alio?. TllleU eaj MrCell, of I b.rlolU. aM 4 bf a tuder ea rMita lot Wlaa' gfova therh. here a "barcta eosM la to t baJJ Mr. Wax far to I Iba d.f.adaal. a 1 1 . ! ai4 ha I baffl lib lo lb Chumically puro Cruam ' rtb diariruaa. Mr. imiim appaars ior lha rharrb and Mr MK'all for b ' dfaJaal of TarUr and Soda. far I l l U a a wJ ub II la I'fcar loiu u t . ; i .' t V blU K.UfJt I . r I balr f i- i-i f ' batlkf !!( I' i-i ( i to f a I It f ' i' ( ' - 'i - fan -i ' aMffwU l" ' . Mo( o f I It ''- " i J II ( afair I itifl ua h la ba( id I far a ha ba ln i htll'Ul .lf'.lr wr ; ,n..(..f far.tai.rf I ' : ' !ikk( ha lu an I , i lxl( IdJ 'l I ' ' I il I e A. B. REESE & C0'& IiIla hiUt in lUftf 4 iraM Kit ttffrtj fan at II a .,t T un rtHf i 'I aWta M b ttKy rl.m f f. ( 4 ! ( 1 1 la Mtt Sfitf laair 'Nr ti'.t ,vn J unlterwtW ii m ' l mi t i!i I tiain ftl.ft lr i li &t 4 fitt' Tan, i ( alat fl ii I. if t.inii" v 1 rtf W-j4 u(T j ft ( ti ttn'fc. .t aM ( , a rr Wl i k I rtla lirrtt) f. !rrT) ! Titer r r r 1'.n V, ,. I, ,ai (t-fttlt al a Miii V. t tr ! i 1 Oi-e '.lliti ( t.aj M i cm. .ii rr. iV. ItlraWrt .Srti.l I. mi i .- ' T. L Seigio & CO. V'o II V. Tra.l- !. I s . Ti on .1 I'M AKI.OTrK, n. Mr V (. I.'iii i.f Maillirw It) llio rllv .i Jat Mr- I ir '; V. I'.-Mifl Irfl !( 1 prMoi. pr rrnL lnj lo ba jln arriilu dr t-t ; hi in I t , , v U I r-. I T u i n n a prlrrl nlofk, Ilia pr u I 1 r cnl bond- au.l prafurra.l Mr n t Mr.. -. r N'il.iu il 1 U ! iflru par In ow prrfirr.l 1 ! ' at l.oii.. i: I- rrn,li,k- i. a parir Uwk. ao.l lha common lnt I- ri j f frictnla. rnt par In now cnimon (ck. antl lo ulcrll for I h.i colUural ttraiMl a tMa l-.j II i.ulr a ! ! 1 t-uc ! l luro lli f'n'-l' 1 kry I n. Itif ff .1' ii vmnrr fr I. -a,- i. I ' -f I anl J Jiff 1 ' - fnf foal, t.ul ll.r ii .-- Iwn. II I ---. . I ti - 1 I ' I will not lark I II M f -nil Hill h I Ink. I' r I v I rii i -rr l l lum In I' i i fl plant I rgf '"i . In Ilia ry of lie v.' wa.lliy r li f n'l I hi opll i. . u g . f i' till II it Ion Tt. in ii 1 thai you raicli I'.' I ii. Uv r.K-k an.l lul II liv a ' if iarr-.l from i viIiimi t. HUka. t a- A maatlnf of lha HlrhaionJ Tar- tDlnal urlljr ItolJara aa lIJ in Kaw ork yaatardajr. lo ral lh rprl of lha aommlllaa appolnloj lal waak. liaaaral Tboma. rvpra rotlnf lb comnilll. praanlJ a plan of a hlrh Hi f.'llnalof ' principal polol Tlia MlehmooJ Trrmlnal Company U lo ! woand op and ba occi)"l lj a naw foou paoy with llA.diHkki prafrrrad txk ' and JT0tlf.i3 coimuon iUh-. Tha 1 I v.-. w . a . um ! I -I I . ( If. (( t 1 I ' . ! OK) llilltlliwl f-. K. k -J lata la vlj ii al Ik .ri'. tin. Kf - atikl itil I , t , iM.iol'ill LlJIlJ -v iv ic lit aiU a av I ,! c t. i Ji ! i' f tl if -'.ai . v 1 t a M t hii. u I. i J lb I !. a I . . l . u I t I I . I ' I 'LI "i i i 1 1 1 I vc na 111 llr g I . 1 1. c aft 1 1, at ) -I. a VS al Ja I.mii I. cue iti.att.a Id at 1 ii a k a I a n f a rrtala i re-:. f ' ,tf anlHhk; lt ef I. -ui4 atkj itiai 'v auald ; a . in 1 1 li (fax la II ('to I II I t r If I 1 iLr f I - tf Itoti , I i U'c lb; r c - I' at aald J ' u V arjru ci Ui lul.i ler.-ul a, e iti I ' r j ri f - -u nil and (vo ifcufvli aitt lik tutu fif Im . -I I o ' al ' ll' ' l . rt i.f Hi ,a "U an I In I'lt'.lf ulil l.i I! r..o ' ' r F- i .-u lik f i n iri a n 1 I f, I r ! . f I T I f ilf el I al ' Co III- u I ! jal! until ' r ! all c-U) ly i.i ii ui Jet " ItJ-otuoi appvar '. r trr ''Ji l.iiw S afjeu (ot ool ' ! r .-) I u an oilier par I of Hi I kr! II appear thai ar.lrn a a - . I j al j ui hoar ' f..r brear': ..f ! I'l I r inlrlnpt of ro irl HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. The Giguntie Celebration. Wo ixxxi in it, with a htuiy welcome, to our frindrj and atroaa, Wi an m it, wi h QiKtuilic $le of Clothing. dujuscj WI. i iiIIj..N( K Ti UAV ASH flMAl-I. CXIXTIJIUK Til K UHKAT I'CLJCHHaTIOX. Man uf ! IUr(alo . ott.r tbla waak. a will aa I a IVaVU to 4 pUl. You ran i afTufJ ut aalaa IM aala. '' - 11 Tl'lpt HIT II dulla oa pa4. Mens Clothing. fl I aa a riawin of im. "ai" lu ull ywa .boat Lha ftlaf Larri an itm( la MK.NH (iJirill.MI. bal ka ladtls lbl ara faU 4 aoulJ l a cnilneiOf aa a r. iupalaoa t4 umt Prl, La Lhia. ft4 va will flo I our it,. um. l : aiaui ir fai l ilaait'iler of Mr and I' - an. of I ; e r r y 1 1 i 1 1 loan- leaf! dl-. I t Is I . 111. .rill, If k I '.e rr 111 ain. vara burlcl . i rei-k . ' u'rli 1'iU af tr ti.ton .1.1 I I Mens Sck Coatri Mens Soersucker Coats and Vest Mons AlapMica Coats Mens fine extra Unth Coata Mens Silk Coata and Vesta TrapdeU Clerical Suita at Whit and Fincy Vi$t double breaat " single 25a 65a $1,25. 1.75. SfiO. 76a I I ) - - li "KrefT arli. )e li,fl,l ..fn . 4 irove I,, Ike ei w 1 1 v rrprt-Mito! in',.' ir pHtirioi In i,. at aril l a.fif. on ufit lalilr to aMTtliniv.' elv au.l hke a .Iran. It We prefix In In- rr- By ocli-r ol f I SKInl.K t . Borwell i iiimi V At M,K l.K AND K K i" V 1 1. Druggists. Largest Drug Deders in tha State. Wholesale Stor,- W Tra.l, t. Our Ir ivrlliTs r.ill ri'tulnrlv on I Up I'uilc. Retail Store UpiMMite iM,lrl llo'i'l; ('oii,m'I. !,i rii irtn-,-iil nlaavn in '. v V it : V ! 'I v i Y nuNsisd otk with t:ii hi isoot-kk. There never was liny iHiolf belter worth rnn niiiK oir with than' our $- anil W shoes lor Ladies and ranl: When yon caiilurv them yoiKvapliire a mv iliv prize in ftmlwear; If you nie careful alnml r.ieiidiiiK your money, S on are, of Bourse, oarelul about what you Jipend it for; The more t"""''''"1"1' you arc. the more confident are we l!i:it tlnwe shoes will (five J'"1 aatisfacliou; We dont eall them Kfod or belter, we call them the besi; We dont rll them cheat) or cheaper, we call them the cheapest. Never mind what we call them; you're all riht as long as you call for them and von can call for nothing that it will pay better to buy; UrKe stock Hals and Umbrellas. Trunks, alises and Hand bags ajwayi on hand. A. K. RANKIN A BUO - Mr M.- ..y. N r . i,l.ori in I ' Mri Johoat'ili. of Kaleiirh. are tlm yur.. . of Mra. I,ire K Wll.on. ( apt John V ln. I. hi, uM-rln-t-lolriit of tlia I ' (' A .. dlvl,oii ,.f t'ie Hiclinmntf A Ianvllle a a In !(.. city to ilay. Tha Mlaaea Si iif let on , alio hav lcn vl . It mir M r. Snuib, left tin, niornlntr on tti return to tin ir horn l it I . u I v 1 1 1 . K y. Mr Sain Stoke, of I ' nion. S. ('., wlnilni lieii here for th celebra tion, leave lhl " f t r ii on 1. 1, lha re- turn to hi li I li apnian, the l,ort top for the) I Tiarlotte club lft for Columbia to (layatlKxm The I'll irlotte boy (j.i to Charleston I i 1 1 n 1 1 1 1'oll.K-k I. re, the four enr old I Mi of Mr. liivid 1". I.e.,., of Sllll'Otl township, died at t'-n o'clock It-1 iiifc'ht. of rr in 1 1 ! .'ii l fever. - lr I'lij" I. A l. mi der left ye terd.-iy f or W I tiilou ti iittend the llie-liui: of the St lie I -- 1 1 n I A lo ci 1 1. m 1 I i prednll I (if the bod y . -Mrs. t reuse nieived ii very painfull full al the parson-itfe of th l'r v. m street M etlio,lit church, this iifternoon . She was !: I ly . thoiljjli not seriously l urt. Card are out .inounclnir tlie mnr rli(fe of Miss Kule Davi- to Mr W. A. lUlikrnshlp ul the residence of the bride's parents, :il.S North Tryon, St., on the evening of J line the lt. Farmers who v ere in the city this morning, report tlnit slijht frosts were plainly visible in various patrts of the county. They do not think, though, that any daninKP re sulted. The Charlotte Xavnl Hiltalion has been invited to participate in the Fourth of July celebration at the (iiiilforii Battle Ground, near Green boro. The Battalion will probably attend, with the (iatlinp and Hotch kis guns. Mr. Win TreIo:r arrived homo from Washington last night. While there he called on Senator Vance, who is still conlhied to his home. Tho Senator sent word by Mr. Treloar to h in Charlotte friends, that he expect to be in the Senate chamber next week. Mr. ('has. Bland and Kurnest Kenrns, left IhmI night for Winston. Both of those young gentlemen have recently passed n very creditable ex - amlnation In Baltimore, on deulistry ami both will go before the Stato Oentnl Association for license. A regular meeting of I'halanx Lodge No. U, A. F., V A. M, was held last night, nceoniuiy: to notice In yeslerd.ij's Ni.. Otflcers were elected for the 1't.siiiiig term as fol lows: V. H Liddcll, W. M. ; U.K. Durham. H. W. : B. S. bavis, .1. W. ; W. F. Griffith, treasurer, and .1. K. Purefoy, secretary. Naw AdTrtliiieiilsTi-l T. A Kand A l toniglit, lee Cream CC Moore. 8ilks-T I. Seigle Co. Racket Store W J Davis A Co For sale J 0 Bryce, coal yard, Ilnckneys spicea A B Kiwse A Co. Waiting T L Alexander, Son t:o. The latest Magazines Eddins Book 8 tore Tt ..Mil . al fat-la.i.tal a,.,,! I II ad III,' 'li t the Irlrdl MH III I I.- by (lie Hoard .! hire. I.. r. ..I t',.- ""t-tie Normal Srhool fir fir! ! li ' I l'r i iriMl la ii yiir '.per rani. Dolaa at ThMf nnlH trt in ba aacurad by the aaru aacarl'laa that ara now 1 varlourhalrsi'i t'e fj-ultt .f tl ,l ple1cl t prorlda for tha floating lntltul,.ni.a al read y n (.- I .' l.r, debt an.l to be ichanjad for 179 par alr ned I I're.l leu t I h a r r . 1 1 Mr lr noL In nit preferrad .lock. If I rer . n a.ldi t Ion to b i ..Hi.r lutie. ilia plan la auccaaaful. Il l Dot pro- the chair of the Science. Art mi I p-ad o pay off the floalinf debt tllatory of Teaching an.l l'r with tha proceeds of thia umimni t ' F. w In A. A Idnrmin ha l h chair ..f of about 10 par rent , bat to bay the I Mi.lor and Fnglih Literature. The claim now held by tha banker, and j boartl poline.l action In raard t l . lal. I. III. K I r . f ibe Neth i if Im I ii f e fr iic e, a a Iii 1'atiiill s li, liv an. I preached at tha Main !r-.i Mri'i.. lot i-hiirrh to a lafra a 1 1. 1 at !e, 1 1 v v .recall..!,. The Kru i.tef .it l!i -i. )erl a a "Tbaiik (nine.. a'i.1 i. I.i".l on li e tail t ikn f r 1 1 1 I' 17th and lth vtw if the ,ih cl.apirr "f I Tbeaaalou ian. i'rav will ml rea.lng, and In every th iff ivr Ihinka" Tlir ler in i u a.i. listened to mol attentive ly, and a a pronounced on all (Idea I., have been on" of the beat ever Straw Hats hear. I fr mi the pulpit of Main atreet if neceaaary foreclose theae claim and take pewiiliin for tha atock boldera of the component parU of tha yatetn. If tha fall amount should not be abcrlted by the atockhold bolder the preferred tock will then have the right to make aubacrl plioii i for the balance and take the securl ; tie that would havegoon to the not. paying common atock.and the com mon stock not subscribing will have no right to the common stock of the new company. I. oral Weather llxirl. The following la a ynopsl of the weather prevailing at a. m , today : The high pressure which wa noticed in tha eastern portion of Teias yes terday morning has moved north- ' easterly, and Is this morning central In the vicinity of Atlanta. This high pressure has caused cool weather over this section, which will become j much warmer during the day. A low pressure is Id the 1'pper Lake region, and is producing cloudy and threatlng weather lu that section. Light rains have occurred in the northeast portion of the country; elsewhere a general absence of pre cipitation has obtained. Tempera- , 1 r r . , tiil..ut. Ivii,... ...... r t 1 . .1 Alt. iuivn 1. 1 t n ... . j uniuf, u i ri . ... ' tire country, more perceptibly in the i the chair of Stenography, Type wr. t lug and Telegraphy until their uni meeting about July lt. At that me, i ing there a selected a to take r h arge of the dir nil lory bin hi i i lug and manage the b. larding ,e- i partment The bosrvl was wi ll plea- j ed with the progreai of 1 1 tun ding and decided to open the lieatitullon i on the "jHth of September of thl year. I - I Oa a Tra.l II tin I j A fishing party. Ihor.oi' Ive.jni - ped with rod, reels. 1 1 1 , . -, (tis aid! baskets, left yesterd -iy :ifl,rno..ii f..r liloai ng Kock , to w ,.- the moun tain brooks in search of .f tin. trout. Harvey Orr. I F. All. n. W. I'. ou and J. I. Church - -1 1 1 u t 1 the party. The water up there Is rather cool jul now, but w bet her Us tem perature I low enough to cool their arder Is a iiet ion I ( ,r ve y i ir r, the chaperono, 1 a great m m for in .uii taln trout and he not only aluav turns in at hi boarding house after a day whipping the stream, with a tine string of trout, but it alw ays strains the capacity of the village grocery scales to weigh 'em c h urrh. 1 The Vr.lrkl.t ol Jr. I'klllla. i ! . Id, el; :or uf Tin N ( a a The delegatrs from Morning Star to wnnhi p to the county Conrantiou 1 feel a little sour over the aftirle In i the Time from Mr Phillip. In re- I gard t ' tiaine Iielng scratched off I ns a delegate t the State convention. 1 The hi 1 delrg its claim to he honest ; in their actions in the matter. They believed that if a man talks Col. I'olkey, and endorse Col. 1'olk, and believe, in the sub-treasury as Col. Polk does, and Col. Tolk I a Third party man, then what could we guess such a man to be but a Third party man, too. They think ihatMr. rhll lip should not have used such harsh language as the delegates had good reason for suld action, and did not do it to injure him as there was no pub lic demonstration of the matter made by those of the delegates to whom he refers In his ai tide. I c se by call ing I lie attention of your readers to an article in th 1 Inns oflhl week from J. Sol. Keid. M IL L V. bar thaw In all tha Iradl tg Style for Men, Hot lm4 CbllirM from 10c to lha v.ry lineal Manilla HaU In all ahadae aad (hap. A Present for the Boys. With every Boys Suit and Hat, we give a bill and bat IV. Kaufman & Co. LF. MMNG CUirHIKRS. KURNI8HER8 AND HATTER. av. MAIL ORDERS HOLICITKD. 4 Car. CKNTRAL HOTEIa. CHARLOTTE, W. CJ ; MENS AND BOTS We are now showing a line of TENNIS 8H0K8 that we otlrclj nW styles; S xneihliig that Is nobby and nice. Th colors are gnj and blMk an I make a neat serviceable shoe. ' ' Price 1 to 5, 65c; 6 to 11, 75c. We also carry a line at50o pair. Gil AY & J3ARNHARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTTE K. CI ar-Prompt attention given to all Mail Order. MAY 20TH. The Day we Celebrate; We inaugurate this great event with the greatest sal of LadlM Oxford! ever before attempted. Fine Frenoh Dongola, Diamond patent Up, Oxford, price 1,25: Every pair guaranteed, Fine Dongola Mam iess, Pointful Patent Tip Oxford, price $1,50. . TbM are band sewed, every pair warranted, have nlea Soles, beautiful shape, and lovely fitting. v See all our Shoes. "We are right In it. ' ' QILRE3ATH & OO. Open every evening till 7:00; Satorday till 11. -Oa The house that stood on Ibe lot recently purchased by Mr. Vinton southwest portion and will be felt 1 Liddell, on North Church street, has over this section during this day. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Jl'ST opened Today the grandest line De Gene and other new Point Laces we luve every shown; Truly a new stock of new styles at new prices. Anothei case Silk Mitts opeuedat 2oc, Me, Wc, oOc, T.riaud$! a pair in Black, Cream Jand the wonderful ly popular Gray. New Chiffons, nil shades; Black Laces; Scotch Ginghams reduced from 30c t- 18c: best quality. been moved otT, and Mr. Liddell will soon have a handsome residence erect ed in Its place. We Have Only Been WAITING Till the Gain days were over; All that time our pent ui earnestness was fretful to Break Out " And show the appreciative people snch goods as are in greatest demand The Next K 1 In order will be caused by our pani, prices, not on one t lung as t, but on many things that you need right now, This must be a great event, because we have The Goods, cecause the goods were all bought on 2ml N trip, cJheap; because we are iu dreadful earnest and fully determined. The harvest of low prices is ready for your gleaning, A Kelorm.SorlelT. At a s-iecial meeting lu New York, in theChurci. of the Heavenly Rest, Kev. C. F. Cassldy outlined the prin ciples of a new burial reform society, which is to be organized At once In lhay city. The object of the organ- nation Is. in brief, to simplify and cheapen modern burial customs, abolish crape, Mowers, expensive fun eral trappings all pagan devices, and adhere to the observance of sanitary measures by committing bodies to the soil, instead of placing them lu vaults, Ac. The results of such a so ciety which has existed for some time in London are said to be most satis factory ONE CASE Imported Hosiery for Ladies, extra value at .Tie, now '-!oc, all sistes; Best Bib Hose for bovs on the market at lo aud i"c ; Bla.ers worth $! at 3..W; Accordeon Capes worth $-" at 2,50; I'hese garments are good all the ummer through, We knock the spots all outof sight on Cane Mattings;, limited quanti ty remains; our '4 price sale contin ues on it Fresh stock Parasols. T. L. ALEXANDER SOU & CO. Citizens and Countrymen, Veterans and Sons of Veterans. ' ' aT . :".V v . T The Queen City welcomes you to a celebration of the greatest erent bt bar history, aid while you are in the city, I invite your attention to my unrivalled stock of Fonritur resenting Styles and liesigns such as only the mind of an artist oould oonoMr and tl skillful workman lull. II. Of course 1 have goods of every class. - JTurnltare for f well as the rich; Kverything requisite lo houae-furmahlogr from the cbaapent I 1 want to call your attention especially to my Hue of Parlor Goods; J am aboavi Suits that cause lavorable remarks from all who make comparisons. If yoo -buying a Suit vou should be sure to sea mine before yoo. boy; Dea'tyui y is new in Chamber Suits? 1 would be glad to show Toothaiw l.t Oak. 16th Century, Cherry and WalnnL 1 have a complete stock f Mail Knniiture, Ladies Desks and Parlor Cabinets, Yoo ahooid n the city and see how cheaply you can furnish your born. R S Sloan, UNDEP-'