CHARLOTTE MIT! WW ' 5 H OltAf MAT til I 4k4t lUtUitf (M UrewlaUe jiUtk Vit u It Hew tiea t.-. ',. JUL TWl the va U ta ta CIIAllLOTT.Ee K. C Till ItSDAV KVKNINci. MAY -. lHl2 VOMJMti VII. NUMUEU 11C0 atf t v tn taiUM aa Mwim tat ti (vllM Jakl tl Vltl ii tti mi!.ituiUiti( Ml l lUiiii . j Mi All lUH l.ll ' inuiJii fu fv,.ih kl.'llO ti.. LMmmii ve4f4a afia Scielcs Mity 2t3 iuo a 4mUI1 .-! al JL N M A V V KJ n ! COCA-COLA Tho Idoal Drain Tonic fair uJ m lua4 r wei I ' - i ii. t k lo 1 ' llliltu. u Demi Flouneo EMBROIDEHIES. lt aa-t I.V W I We hw tJ. .-- - a rf t. a. Lb T 1 t'ltol.lj iaxaaa la fc ke whlUa 1 1 fiatta! vk aa4 fMal W lea! lavaaa Un . mm 1 him raua IteJ ifc - Wa uki:. kf a tad put IB IK iblv.W'W tea... luafc nl4,Utj n!, i u n.l. b I ll )iaa a 'U oaa ll-. V .- I ualra.) lakam IHi.j (l.ii t a I'.l j I aae lb aaavy !, at ll. a ti t .. ai.J .. 'W M Jmt ilitil tV-unce rtu b W-a- 1 l-rf e tua wRlf 117 II j liu. 4 tlwi k)ea llqubiM oe J 1 ll-t t 11' ll m MbO.1 Itn kk al"l lo tKlrl l! ! .t.J l'inl Inr'ea.l l a v -. : v ii. ii r ti Il.i3ed Tlx I jc.xu W( tl. T 1. 1 taiav-a ere Me tua4 .- r ' . rui IMMxM Ilnf Inn, l.J !.' I l.ti.f Duiightful Hoventtfo, SiMciflc for Heiuincho RELIEVES MomUiI iiinl 1'liyrtlcil Exhaustion. Five Cent-s a Glass. A. B. REESE & GO'S. a. a. Kalbl al la llt Mifcl, kk Ihlf J t.flaaa4 M. . U. Maaai, Kalfhl of tba (M4 lKaslaio, afe foarih prlaa. Vila faaata Vail crud gaaaa ml Un J IWaal by ha Knifbl al iha gaaas Oly; Mlaa tlalUa Yalaa a area4 Klr W aid of Honor by Ilia Half til of ilia l:it)Nlfbl; Mlaa Klulaa ilall rruaJ by Ida rwaifil 01 itiino, aoij Mlaa Hlaakar Hprlaf MtfJ- ,1 by Ida Kalfhl of Iba OIJ lKtula ln. Tha chaff U lha KelfbU aa Jllvrad I courtly aiyla by Mr WUIla Iowd. Mr. J II. Myrvvar 4a- llvoratl Iha mronallua aJJraa aoJ II a a (am, pralaaj by all bo baarj aunaiil li ii iiiii I t : kaalaf lltlLa u-iiuUli ( r (itJ aaliaf cIm lwi'. VI. i i.i. i c KaUa4lM )liIK IV tie! !..; taak. Ijfla Tiy Uir . liallla, HallW I y Vltitc, , Ma Nwbi. t..i ..c fla Mania I ! ( Uoii t -..c , Jaa, Walla I USu r ... f. Arirlaub. I U' i i . taahta Tor i.iioo t ..!:' l! It I frc f t l. (I 1 f ft I i. ( M ( 1 1 a an II r Mm. I t:1i ' I r ' I ' n .i . all.l k lf I I la .' ! i . Wnaii.l from t ii .. tr . I l.r l-.n ailil ilt-trlr ll.rT arr ri l. ol .1. bnht f't of ai I k itr - ti I i r'i ut ' I , Mil r ! hall Tcl, LIT jMUIhw n'l a ! I.r I W !,. i KI'MiiMvr Kn. tru Ur u-l ,.i i. ! . T. L Soiglo & CO V- II V. Tr it 1 - Irvii al II K Kl.ori K. ' I TKrp-v 't I. a. 4 ini.- in v i i i ' 'i ; f rMiirul In ii- al 'i-v ... nr1! ! i-u.'i.- I on .i,'lii f ; 'lattlr In an vl ti iiii; ' H) n'.l r .M ..I i. l'.l I - PI'I. --S M f I III ' !' a i l I I.- a -Ir.if n .r.-(.-j I.! ! n- I -Kli.l K A I'd illlTO llunn V A I M,K , i: N i , I I I I, Drui.sts. Lirg t Drag Doilers in tho State. U I. ..I.jili- Si,.r.- ;. V Tra il- s Our Invi'lli n rill n-i,''iliirlv mi l!ii'. Retail Store ( isLla' ( Vm I nil H.ili'I. ('n'liiK't'iH I'hirin i'il :l n in :llli'lul:itlii Jtl'SNINO uKF Willi I 1 1 I II i:o r KK. 'I licrv iipver wns niiv l. f iir'ti r wiirlli run ninir oil' willi tlian "r .tml ft sIhhw fur I.ilisnnHlenU: WIhmi yon rniturt them ymi cHpnim 0'ilivi- 'ri.c in l'oolwwr, If voii are direful alioni (.peinlini; your money, j on tire, of course, caret ill ah ut what you Hrfeiul it for; The more partuular you are. the more ponfuleiil are we tltAt thi'se shoes will ive von salisfaition: We ilont rail them K'HI "or heller, we enll tlu ni the ties'; " x We ilont call them cheap or ciieaiier, we can llieni the cheatiest. Never iniiiil what we call them you re nil rlttht 9 Iomk as you call for theiii an.l you inn call for nothing t hat It Will pay better to buv: large stock llals and llnibreUas. Tiunks, Valima and Kami bafis always" ImnJ. A.K. RANKIN A BRO I I vrl ttl..lM. I Mr J. h Mr l..u-lilln la tI.K I In hla rhll.lrrn at Matthrw Mn ('rl'lllf rlalnr I . 1 1 1 ' ! n larrto ilav f.irl,Milvill. Ki , hrr I u t ii r li iii" 1 ho f rtt-u I ..f M r: J.niaa liujl 1 1 1 1 1 1 rf k' f I ' " ' r ! '' 1' Dure la ii.i I in j'lo men t in I r roinl 1 1 1 mi . Imtr a 'ly . f yoiii, j....ii loft tlila aflor ll.i .ii for Uwarta junul where k 'Uanl n I ii ir lll ( nt flailing." I'hr gran.l atan I rc l-t f. f Ilia, toiirnanionl vlritav af triioiin. ailU'll II Irit to f Moat of a 1 'Mr-a fur III- w I ii ii I it a( k ii I K h t . ' - Phnre i'm V, or 4 I 'n . yr ! i a a m 'Charlotte, ami the ll-t l xl'tnp' each il.iy Tun Ni,, aiiKifeata tliat j thi.y k'' t tJ a Idcvcla 1 1 u r n . in e n t. - Ml l.nir M '-a. who Ilia heap itti)ilinkr tli" t Inrlitie ktiIi",! chiuila, liviv.'n iii- lp for her home at J u ir Tavern, I i -Mr. an.l Mr. I T liver left to- lay for Monroe where they w ill tk upthflr reatilence. Mr ltr will run tl rem an on the I i. ( ' A N . -Mr H en ry It i .1 h m aint on, of Hi r mi n;h am, are vi-itiiiu relative iiml friend in the city. They are the i: uet of M r (ieiri,re Miaou. M i- ' irr le M id 1 1 in i la e p.Tted homo from Ne i Yo-k , in j d w I iv She h:ia n i Ii en hero -nice her re turn from liiron - A tenement h 'liae owned by Mr. John M K.I.I I n , and o cnpii-.l hy a i-oloreil family, I mi Myer ilreet, between Ninth and Tenth "tree!, wax partl.illy ilelrnyed by lire at J o'clock thj iiiorning. MiLi.t I'.'iarr. who h,- been teaching pchool at Hopewell, am) ho jut recovered from ft lonif tl ark of Irk tieaa, nr rived in I he city 1 hi afternoon. Sh la h s later to Mr John I'hsrr. nnd hr ni iny friend here w ho w ill he to le;ril of her recovery. Mr. mid llr-. John Arriiiton have gone to Kocky Mount to lo cute. Mr. Arriiigton will e injure in the real entiite and insurence. lumi ues therp, Tiik N k s conlhilly coniuiends M r. and Mr. ArriiiKton to the good people of that town. Mr. Arrinpton i an expedient hijinei iiiiin and the people of Uocky Mount will And him one of too sort th;it will do to tie to. -a The Hrr Una Morning. ' The residence of Mr. V. A. Hlack 2M South Myers street was badly drtiiviRed by tire this morning. Mr. Hlack was iif bin garden when lie ilia covered a blaze on the roof of his kitchen. An alarm was immediate ly turned in, but bofore the tire de partment reached the spot, the house was enveloped in tl lines. The com pany did splendid work ami hut for their timely appearand! c nsldem- ble more damaire would have result ed lo the ailj lining houses. Most of the household furniMire was saved but In a in re or lesa damnf;.'.! condi tion. The houe and furniture was insured for iKK) which will hardly cover the loss. Il is supposed that the lire originated from a defective title In the kitchen. II- Tkn (WIlMai Aaanlia Taaalaf. An loUraUB( abUrlaltuaal III afford! Ilia (aoia of I'barlotla ihla afuru.xid. al l.alla park la a allcxio aacaiialoa by l'rf .ahrv ho will drop o a parachat whan ' '0 fal from aarth. A IMi la a frno ibibllloa an J lo lak placa at tha roovaiilaol hour of S o'rl.wk, a lloJJar. IJa ll II Uci M.i, lafia laalp I a..i I .n., i lw, Ialf fala I. l I in Un.e laatpalla taUb M f n tl, I la l'llflaa lllaal.av a' or Mln Kta May Millet Mi U. IWla hhafolJ. Hallla Mali M a w -iJly Naiaoai Joaaa. Kit. " i .(, V4bfmk. UolU t l.ii.l.a: I . a Aana llo-vla. Maifri I ana lialuay. I la J lllalr M : r I ,i, llhkna; Katt-a flan - an t i - rallia J I iiui una i , -rr W loul lw (lallia. Mara JjimIi Coliraa. llal H l Mi,-.' a loo Itay. Ilrlfhl T.nif i r 1 " . Mcl. Taf'ar. Mary '..-, laaall I a. 1 1.. I a aaa.'wa 1 i inia m I ecu u.eui citjatil atalciaaK i-f I!. . a I -f. t II. a I I all II Ktt,. ' 1 a .1 la l.c; I u tuat; ciab. i t J -1. c .' a! r c i-utia; Mailt lUai ! ; all Oi Ha. I ft , fiiu.nn !. alec. lent HI a . lie. . an l- , i.c thai " 'I 1 '; ' .c I ' r I tla en It lia- Stall I. I jf . I M i l I la M. I ... 1 '.I.r if, l.i.u . al J - ft. I - '. J', t ' . t I r !. Ill ti I r I .il r wiil ; r a k ' a f i . '. 1.1 1 1- f I .. -I. a '. hi r r a i';rtti,..n 1 1 i,k ii,. al nr. in ; lirn u 1 '. ' " l a 1. a n 1 f I in r a. ' ' I jf. Iti I I r ..!., k a a I. r a II f .Utfli :h i lar llif I !. e frp. I 1 It. at I la a really ii 1 r !! ti t ig a p s a k r A vrT lar;- - f I a I ! I f l h I in i ii I ' I r l.itif HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. The Giuntie Celebration. Wo urn in it, with u htvuiy welcome to our frinnds and jMttronfl. Wo aro m it, wi h Oiontic Silo of Clothing. Wi: itVll.iKM K To AM) nil ALL COXTIK0.C DURIXO Til K OKKAT I KI.KMHATIO.X. 1 1 r fmrm Tatklof lo N i - r; o ' : i In in rr I a n I n- o.l 1 1 IJaa of k I y ncufal o,a ('tar lolta frotu If un r r i r p -a" l-.l i 1 Ifioi.: larga crowd will Bo doubl avail Itaalf cfaalooa Ilka tha Jlh M of the opporlaolty lo wllnra. Id. dr advrrllaa Iba t .an and IngacL Tharallw.y rornpany w II j ai.J r. proTld. arupla afrommra.Ull.ui. for ! ll". ibay i t u - h,m tba pan.pla Ial all go. I'rof Hulrbl- ,' oN-aona Tl a mrrrbat.!. aoii wanta lo abow Iba paopU what i profit by lbu l any r n. hariD Jo. On lornorrow aftaronoo , atUOt but Ihry don I a , Ha lf I in.' I. r ..i!i i. at.-. 1 1 1 lalh .1 I I ' r li.f n I r M 1 t I M r n 1 M r a ' . ... r,-r Haitmaii lie- I at ' ,,r)rk I . U (ir i... ii. a'U r a I f o I 111 n-a at I' ral lnr nf t'.a parnta ii N.rll: ti n r . h alrrrt The aympa i'.Im of t ! i r 1 1 : i r r in u n 1 1 j ar t.i il.r irnili In thla, ihalr! Aral tfrt 1 1 f Tha funeral ar!cr.a a rrr ron f tir lr, at 4 ai n clock Ihla af tarii.x.ii .1 y K v I'r W a Itowniau. I'lal'.r il M Mark a h a Ii g I ir al I I 1 1 'irfan rl u rr h Vim; of tha bargain. off. r III la wak, wawltl aol I a abla k tlapUtaV V .u riu I aft r.l lo tula, ihla .al Corn and we'll lift ya) Maoaa fj dollar ,tou.pnil Mens Clothing. . r.ol.l n. a mliiUD of Ihla 'mV lo l-ll Jon a boot Uta HUt BaVTTwia a. ara gialug in MKNK Cl.nllllMI. but no Ulklof thai WH.14 4 uld If a. r..i I or in g a c rlia of our frlrM, lo Lb la, &a4 III f) u I null lha lowral, Mrna Sck Coatd 2 Mens Soorauckor Coats and Vest 65c Mens Alapaca Coats $125. Mons fine extra lsnth Coata 1.76. Men? Silk Coata and Vests 80. Trapdeti Clerical Suits it $12,50. Whit and Fincy Vest double breast $L " single " 75c. Straw Hats tbara will ba aooth.r aarar.1,.0. pra -.that h.t . a.aiiir-.l , cadad bt racaa and lha aandlrigorT of : rhapl.n r.., pa par balbvoo. In figure of elephant, flah. ale. li(kl al I'lgaaaaa frvaaa I'aaatraral. Tha K.icalalor (Mob, of Waahlnftno ( II y, of H. M. Blaody, ('. K. Klnckhhn, I. II. Ituaaell and (1 V. Turkar, aent thalr blrda laal Fri day lo Concord, i.mi mllaai. to ba llbarated HatorJay mornlog. On ac count of bad waathar thay wara held ! over until 10 Tuaaiiay mornlrjg .'Il h i, al which time thay wara llbor ated by Mr. John H. Caldwell. The raaulta are a follow: H. M. Blandy't Pearl Oriole paad tha drop wlte at H' p. m.. making 1,0 yardt, fol lowed by hi Ooldman hen, 2 V) C K. Kluckhuhn Mlack I'earl arrlred at :t hi, followed by hi Lady Hlion, sr. P. H KtiMell'aand O. W. Tuck- 1 1 i i r,l I a fur Hi d I l?.-rf ii l railri-a.laini.tfri ajrlil low rale, lo and frm t 'hail, it mi aoin parlirular day of each wn-k.! giving the paxiplo of tti .uf r.Hi ti 1 1 lie low ii a an oppairlunll) to hr aud d t elr trading at a n.ii,imum mil. It la lalived fiat aur'i all ar- I raiigmnt would ra.ult .i.l i n r k I to lha rallioad. i well s, t.i I Ihe rlly. ) I ral Waalkai lte'l The following la aavnopia,.f hr weather praralllng at a. ni. to dav : Tha condition orrr tha countr re main nearly the ame a recorded yeiterday morning, vit : a low prea- ure it itallonary over the upjer lake region, but which la g row 1 1. g le inleiie, and a high pieaaure remain tatloniry a little south of this er' Kffla H. arrived al .lit, followed 1 Uou. The former condition la cau hy their. John L. Hulllran. Out of the an teen bird eut twelve return ed home t.efore ' o'clock of the ame day- V Nllrk lo It Tiik News' contemporary In the I, Mid of the Sky" the Aaheville Citizen, vatly underrate the crowd present at the 20th feature of the celebration. A f air ll mate put th attendance at the iham battle at l i,. non, and in tha heart of the city at that time there were certainly 10.000 to .SUM! more on the outskirts and iiiietiy enjoying the entertainment by euy friends at their homes. The, cannot take one j t or tittle from the grand scenes of the day by bringing the number of our visitors; down to 10, 000. These were not cats Christ Church, Ij Hyde park, Lon don, was the scene of a brilliant wed ding yesterday, the parties belug William ltuckler, son of Or. Buckler of Baltimore, and half brother of Henry hlte of the American lea tiou, and (teorglana Waldron, i danirliter of the late Kir Theodore Waldron. a commander of the Hath. New Advertliiieiit To-ly. Whoso ring? (Vxn-Oola A It Ueeso ,t Co Racket Store W J Davia A Co. Tea anil Collee V I Henderson A Uro lemi Flounce Euibroideriis Senile A Co What is life without a Favorite B Nichols just orKXF.o Today the grandest line De Oeue and other nw I'oi nt Laces t have every show n; Truly a new stock of new styles at new prices. Another case Silk Mitts opened at 2oc, tt-V, 40c, 50c, 75c and$l a pair in lUxck, Cream Jand the wonderful ly popular Oray. New ChltTons, all shades; Black Laees; Scotch (Hnghaius reduced from 80c to 18c: best quality. Ing light ralua around the low er lake and generally cloudy weather In that section, while the latter l producing generally fair and cler weather over this lection Thl high barometer i gradually lowering to the advance of a low from the w,-at,w hich ! I -i n r - lug with it lucreain clou Hues. Temperature continue t o 1 o w y rife over the whole country, and iiilt warmer weather wi.l he during the day A Veteran of the srinlnol War. Mr. J. W. Wiley, i f Mallard Creek township, was in the cit v to tile hi application for a pnion a a veteran of the Seminole war. Mr. ih v i f0 years old. He enlisted in ('apt. (i.irmony's com pany and served under (Jen. ('has. Nelson. In the very first fight with the Indians, he w a wounded in the right arm. II is application for a pen sion was forwarded to day by I), (i Maxwell, and it is probable that in his declining year, the oi l Indian lighter will be rewarded for his ser vices to his I'.uin rv. N I p.i . .Ki a aa .a . It i.pera r.i pauie thai travel fthriti(li ih a ulli rvry fall and j wlnlrr make tin-1 r dat, a during Ihe j prr. editig aprlng and unimer. Tha ( 1 1 ar loll opr I. "cloed until old," , and It will h a rather odd .Xleri- nca for ( 'h iriotie to pa. a the coming opra aaaon wlttiout an opera or ahow uf any kind . That, however, il appear at Ih prretit writing, will b th cae. No date cau l booked and lha traveling opera rompanlea will find no abiding place here next aeaon. ailrk Tala la laai Hal. A there are m. to lie a mll-up atoul the league achedule of game j to te played In Charlotte between I ii'iw and JiinaSf). we reprinloce Ihe i lit printed In Tiik Ni. ou April : Charlotte v. Winston, 1,2,3. Charlotte t Charleston, I, 5, (1. Charlotte v. Colu.nbla, H, , 10. Charlotte vi, Winston, is, JO, 'Jl. Charlotte v. l olumbla. ZS, 1T7, JS. Ctiarlotte v. Charleston, 15. :t0 July 1 This i rl'ht. The Alliance Agewrj. To-day's Halelgh Chronicle aays: Congressman Alexander left yester day for Washington. A reporter ask ed him a uetiou in regard to the e x amiuatiou made by his committee i t he cj.tu t i ve com mi t tee of the State alllanrei of the Ixioks of the bulness agent of the alliance. He said Id re ply that the orders for goods through that agency were more uumerous than evfr before, but that they were for smaller amounts than heretofore, ou an average. He added that this was a proof that people are econo mizing. Wo have ibeoi in all the I-adl if Slylea for Man. Bora aoi Chtldrai from lkr u the very fiiie.t Manilla Hal la all ihadee and ahapoa, A Present for the Boys. With every Boys Suit and Hat, we give i bill and bat IV. Kaufman & Co. LK VIM Nil CLOriUKiH, FURNISHERS AND HATTER. MAIL ORDKRS SOLICITED. Cor. CKNTRAL HOTKIa. CHARLOTTE, N. 0.J YOUNG MENS SHOES $3.5 0. Our line of Young Mens $3.50 Shoes are attract ing considerable attention. For BEAUTY, STYLE, FIT, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. All of these qualities together with the low price for which we are selling them, makes them one of the most popular Shoes we sell. QUAY & EARNHARDT. . 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTIBa X. O : Prompt attention (riven to all Mall Orders. A telegram from Westminster, Md , says that by a vote of 75 to 49, the four women delegates to the Metho dist Protestant convention were admitted. We Have Only Been WAITING Till the Oala days were over; All that time our ieut up earnestness was fretful to Break Out And show the appreciative people such goods as are iu greatest demand The Next Great Excitement In order will beenwsed by our pnnij prices, not on one thine .:i I alt. but j OI1 r.u)e Matting; a limited o,uanti on many things that you need rig-ht j now, ty remains; our ' price sale coutin- Thiu must be a great event, because ties on it. Fresh stock Parasols, we have The Hoods, cecatise the goods were all bought on 2nd N trip, cheap; because we are iu dreadful earnest and fully determined. The harvest of low prices is ready for your gleauing, ONE CASE Imported Hosiery for Ladies, extra val ue at H-'ic, now '25c, all sizes ; Best Rib Hose for boys on the market at 15 and 25c ; Bla.ors worth $tf at 3,50 ; Accordeon Capos worth $5 at 2,50; These garments are good all the Miimmer through. We knock the spots all outof sight A - $2.00 LEAD SURE TO WIN. E R. $2.00 T.L ALEXANDER SON & CO. ladies bright Dougola Buttou Boots, Diamond Patent Tip, Opra To, Comniou Sense Hee, all sizes 2 to 8, D and E. These ahoes ar mad o( soft flue stock, tit exactly, and recommended for good wear. Hade to our special order and are In every way superior to anything on the market at this price. Same in spring hel, also in full coin, sense, By mail 20o extra QILREATH 5s OO. Open every evening till 7:00; Saturday till 11 :00i WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT A FAVORITE? The acme of infection in a Coinf rt ( hair was reached when tba "Faroiite" waa mada. Il is strong, light, neat and durable; Combining the best qualities of oOaera without the? faults. Has a steel frame and stand; Is entirely automatic and self-adjuatiug while takir L any position from upright to horizontal; Does not warp in wet weather; Haa BO rattU or loose joints; Can be folded for storage or shipping and will last a U&tUUaV Tor a ! .. ...... I.i lawn iap .irk" rivnni il ha nAaiiiiat UTk kn. KmMV " j --- w j ... , u . vu, aa taiiaaWiia,y- room chair when Uie Favorite com bi nee all? I would be glad to hare finjjFk, see it I'm only asking 5 tor them, and they are well worth 17 and ajjJjiTV in other towns: If you dou't live in the city write for one; Bold ft' I - - - Farnuure Dealer. . i R 1 I OS n UNDERTAKER. Klfbt eaiL' 1 1 w w w v. i , No, Bryaa building, over Rofere ACo Hoc