THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. VOLUMK VII. CJIA11LOTTK. . C, HATl'UDA V KVKNIN(J, MA V n. lhiU NUMIJKU11G2 a 4 u iMMi r SeiWs May 28 18v3. EMBROIDERIES, 1 Drivo on Soda Water now al Ta. I . I ) k4 la. bafc Wwm4 kkMf l 4MailMJ MV uf lot w Ya h-wfcta im mil tat ft ata ...b t.Wn at4 IW a&va. k. t. v .1 ... .! ... r I A, D. Iwlaf jOIj at Lay iJ, flaw -W-.I (1 -. eil ! lUx:k Candy Syrup and Fruit Juicfrt. ' Jersey Crvam and Choco- lato Syrup. Pin?appl Sherbert, Qin ger Al Coca-Cola, uto. Twe UrweUalUewUe ! Ike aaa jtl a 14 adiraae ey it eteteie fra letl.UwC4Ua Ms a lull at fee Yhi tartatie aimuim at kaif r-ai b -- raw iwmm. Mr. W. L Lie-la, iUW 4 U 4 U aaa We U very aide e4 -fUU jrweeg eaaa. ellboeje tUU MMHl be kU Use lreeee4Mlbe aaaitteal sals la taiKaaita , leal fct oa the teut ltJ ead Jane ill f u WribUTitU a a - Mtuuutrtm Devldaoa te eoaual t4 lb aUr otlUU 4hoWJ sudal Tatr III few tpieJ aaeele, all Jeeela freaaaea eleftaf a ewla ead lha or ' plalef a eJ ofrMr. A oillia will a laaa Utpft)iiwatl Ui lUlly. A cardial Uvllalioe la f ttte U uaaa b tUad lb ftarnw mlfn In man ti i uf Int. u i awwa n tiijuiw. iihr. o 1rrj rf rt lil hinl liaul ialtmr.! 7 . In., I llb xtrf llr !. n W ni,j-. ar-plt Whit (....It K.,f lint,!,, a'u,JT. W .nKlay iu..rTiii.K in Br B; aaa uu lha (rfraivt lir. m l.iir W hlW rh fcU uiutlltia tl,,l ,i ,rrrjati-r at 11 k. i.rha .rf f, Uti. Hh ait,.b.a f .il .4 rriit U n,.lrr. iujra .l.iru won I, : ai i T. L Soiffle & CO. S II V. Tra.l Try.. n it I 'M AKI.ori K. N. l-aTKvrrr rti. Ir I.mi,-M nf u th' .1 a 4 fUT Utlwrtaiily v rr.riiir. nnil tt rriirii1 to iu ! aii.l hkr a ilrn u aril t IWllKl tin ulillll HaM to aurtliliii; rlw By onk r .! T Wr r-fj to r rr I. SF; K I CO Borw'c Dunn WADI.KHAI K AND HKTAII. Druggists. Largest Drug Deilers in tha Stxte. Our Iriivolli-nt rail nKiilnrlv on tlio fatlc. Retail Store ' 0iwMitr iVntnil Hold; (nu.Mc:il I'li irm -iwt alwsvii in ttcnililt'. -Mr. Win. Maiavll ti rrturoa t- lirr In ( ..limit. la Krvlr III ! Ii.'( at tli Aa rlatr llforui I rliurr'i t.- in rror, iiinriihir anil i Iftit, l.y id' patr, llav. K. To.1i -'apt. H. J NrMnr, who l mploy.t aa ri(lnMr on Xhr i i.. A X.. road. I on a vlall In li( M home In ( harlottf. Thr nw Hun1v aoho room In ihf rr-niodrlril Tryon !tli(vtit church liaa h.ri com plftil and 'III I... ocpu I'lt-d fr lh flrl t i in to-mor row. County trraaurrr MrCllntnck, w I, IU tfol iiK to hi hotiiw bIh.iiI mllp ral 'f th city, y-lrdav afternoon aw thf IiIk 1'Hllooti vhoot up from .:itt I'irk. and had a (rood ajyf tlw d-caiit of t'if ptra cliutlt Mr. Hot, Wallii,--. of Katflld I In ih rlt r today. H fay that cro out hU w.iy arc (ln and tli w farmer ar in a ginxl humor. Ha ha no Vft iflvn up liop for th Itoanokp A ( Southern road, and till hop- that it will vet com" ! ''tiarlotttH via Kaatflcld. Oar Thing In llri( On. A record of th liphll 'Miin played so far thl neaHoti l.y the S.mth Atlantic i.engiin nho that tlie ( 'Ii ar lotto club lia one t h in(t to hrajr on It haa lot nearly a mur.y camen .14 all the other cluha comtlned. Charlotte lis" lot Is aime. Charlea ton , Colunililn 10 and Winston 9. Cliarlentou ha won H, Charlotte 4, Columbia II. Wlnton 14, out of 2-J. 21, '21, and -2 allien respectively, rv fM Onliii la Wve aaaaa. Tb MoaUily HalUiia of U Iu partraeol of Agrlralhir for May It out lo imb( o( lha crop ftv P(U al traal CowuilMleaar J oh a Hob I u eon aajrt dllorlally: Proa- (u al prwavttt ar mora aaooaraf ln( to lha Hilar of lha aoll than I bay war al thl data laal year. The fiaat crop bid fair U ba a ( kmI ooa ifiroufhout lha Hlala. Mora laod baa t u awanlad to oat than for auaay yaart paaL, and Iba crop al prul la lix-klof wall. Tha ara laatad In cotton I about thirty r rol ! ihaa lha rrop of ll. ahila lha ara aa to coro haa eorreapoodliifly In creaaad. Thla la a II ahould ba, and ludlrau a brtur coadllioo abaad for tha faroiara of oar Hlala. Th auuaal Ineraaaad acraafa la clorar aod lha rraaaaa Ihroufnial lha I Hlala I aocooraf lo(. aod la lodlea lira of a anora lodepaodaot ooodltioo of all who ara aofafed lo coerlnf tlivlr laud with lha baaullful graan ward. Ad abaodaoea of elovar and Kraat aoooaracaa tha f rowlof of ll atock of all kloda, aod thara la al war a rood profit to tha farruar lu ralaloir hla oan atook. Tba cuIHtb ttou of tobacco ba Incraaaad lo acraaga with u vary much graatar thaa ruaoy (uppoaa. A cartful In vatl(atiou of tha aabjact diaeloaa tha fact that forty-flra oouotlaa are engaged lo growing eiteDtlrtly aod prodtablj thla mooayed crop, pro duclug orer TS,OUO,(X)0 pound of to bacco annually. Tha preaeot Indi cation of thl crop ara aucouraglng. The fruit crop, whlla It It not a full one, will ba an ample aufflclaocy for all local demand geDarally, and if the crop thould ba carefully hua-band.-d there will ba much to tpare. I'pon the whole, we think the out- lwk I enoourajf log, to ay the leat of It, to the farmer of the Htate. Lf 11. tt (llMk) )Hll. a i gfaaa ILla (iu. sa VUaaa. OM Ual.( lit .1 Igaavaa ! u Ju, u.i t i n i. aiok mt Ml I 'I 1 i 4 ay Vi la4U aaa I'.a miui . I U, tiraaaaaaJcf Mi - , t Kba lltanl la litl 1 1 l-i a t. I year, aaJ will L ituti. uid i , aaaa, aa a laJy c( laataiaali; I .t 1 tiarata4. atJ aa la m , feoaaat ! tat lltl. J fi a. ' ( j , , tJaavlag a ' M ('a I. ' ; -t. J g aalaa, llai Jo i.l 1 o Uaaa Wo wrltlaf ' I Hba. !'. 1 -" ' at f fa ma o I a. ' ' 1 1 ' . aoal ea flu 4 al in..' ; rareaad baaalifal th.-af ' it l i i. aual, aloTlagtaailaaJa r : t aalad. Maaaof ) " u our ,.' ,iin I arl puatua It la ! k i. I' i all(joari lku 'rt a...'r i . -year f. w hi la 1 1 I t i ' r I ', at PoMlaD-l an I ilio ward la aoulVafu Cal.f.-'i'ia llr- ' alraaglh w aa j.r aaa t 4 1 1 I u. la malillil t(i alia w nul-l. ! 1 ralare lo lha b.iu ..f t r rt, ; i' ao laoderly rafarffl ! I" ' i and lha ajfd falhr to i.i 'r- M alJa whea her par I'll . 'i ' . o taoaiuaa I lo lite t 'lha n. i lha Kly.lao fall" vfi'rlr II...., I, tlnOl l ra. (irn will (tart .'!,( I Ohio, but ratio. ( ifrt I . hrt fiii.era till Monday tii'.rtilnr M baa ta I n trnm mou!. Mr l.lnlry and anott ar alatrr M . - J lloaaay who ! jut rer.nrrli,( fr in alorj(pll.flrknei hrraf"l father who I a!. . alrk tll'lMIII I.M I It . 1. t . UJ . 11 W aitL I . U 1 1. J'itiki - J , . f I : t, I, I a 1 1.1)1 I ' f c 1 1 4 I ' e (til J I! fa on.' I . i i ;.:ij 'c Mr II , a a ! a r J oj a I b r a ' y ' . i . ., . - f i f ... rt 41 V . V iit i ft! c. - ti l I c 1 ii9 Al ult&.al ' ' l el'.!, .,,f fMa ... I'tfl. fit, i. , I "mo.II. illnl f I 1 I - !.'. rl Mat a 1 Itl t 1 ' " ' ' ! I !. I' ai w aa ' t (i i ' c.mi! ' " ' " I ' 1 .1 . 1 1 1 I . l.l. I ' . III N I t j . r r " ' : , ' , m I a ) HIHTORY REIEAT8 ITSELF, The Gigantic Celebration. Wo aro in it, with a hivvrty welcome to OUT friondrt iuuI jwitrorm. Wo aro in iu wi h Gigantic S-io of CiothiniT. duiuxq S . I .1 I 1 1. N t t lt ASU dlAl I. CONri.Ht'K 1 It r. tiltKA t I l.r lillrH). 111. I 1 . I I . I. I 'I f ... .1 m t I t . a1. '. u,. a I-. t f . t I '.e a ' - I I ' t a f '. i ' , , ' : ll III U tlfrf 1 Itlt rrLl l;y t 11 r t . 1 l,J 'Ul. t, llrll , mA I. It.r f ,. t lau; f He lUriiui i1n iMi k, ill oi t a aala lotdapliaaVaa. u rail I a!?.. to tu I 1 1 i a aal t .ana aa J w a'U ta a Tw attaaa mm ml) ud Mens Clothing. ul.l ute a r .lurtiu of it It ad" lu i til too a Una I lha Hla 1! ami aa a arc (i. t, in clrillS(.. bai bo laJklag lhal aoald mm would l-r aa roatiuciog aa a coiupalaou of our Prlrwa, Ito thta, e)4 JTOw 11 1 rl n I t, uri lb low eat. i l 'nil fen t lii r .( t a m ine ' ana I ' ft. f f M rlll-.fllf pf J 'rpif. I f -l II. IrMkrl al 1 ' uf. 1 t'.tt--l Nlrll. -I I tl cl. U f r I I : ... ti.l l.fcr (',rc al u r r ' a i ' I t . in .r r. :m. ii. an.l m 1 1 i .iititi aot.'t. ra.'i ill i. an .1 an a Life I l Ml I lin I' W l.prkr I I e ul.llr ! In Had he, I II, I II. a iflr' N a- At ll. I ii KIINNIN'CJ Ul'K Willi Til I.IK UOor-KK. There never was anv lioote lnnl.T worth run nini! oil' with than our $2 unit H sIhh-s for Ijitliosand tlentc: WTleii you canlure them you capture a itivt prixe in footwtwr; If you ate careful abom bi.eii.linK your money, ou are, of course, rarelul atxmt what you mieml it for; The more imrlicular you are. the more conlidmit are wetliat Uieae shoes will Kive you satisfaction; We uont call them good or better, we call them tbe best; We itont call them cheap or cheaper, we call them the cheapest. Never maul what we call tliwu; you re all rltrlit a long as you 'call for tlieui y" can call for nothinK that It will pay better to buy: Urge stock Hats and Umbrellas. Trunks, Valises aud Hand bag' always on band. A. B. RANKIN ABRO The llaor Wan. Mary Hnn'erand Lntira lavidaoti, two colored women of Hlddlesvill were arraigned before Kiiilre I), ti. Maxwell yenterday if tertioon, on charge of nn nlTmy. They fought, with a ru r and a alick, Mary Hun ter belti armed with the former weapon. La urn Davldou wan gali od on the hand and the lid of her right eye was alit opoii. They were bound over to uppeiir for trial before Judge Mearea, at tha tiesl term of the criminal court. ... Crnpt and Tnllllc. A goon many fanners wero on the atreeta today aud they diyided their talk botweei. crops ami politics. As to the former they talk al! one way the crop prospects are encouraging in all reaped. Cotton is doliij? fair lv well, but needs one good warm ruin to make it all right. The wheat could not be better, while ootn and , .! look as nnmiisdng as could be desired. On the whole, they are greatly encouraged. As o politics, they are Democratic straigbtout,with only here and there a discontented reformer." folk's party with will have a following in Mi'ckienburg.but It will not be large enough to hurt. It may be set down as a fact right now, that in the coming olection.tho Dem ocratic ticket will carry Mecklenburg over the Republicans,!'! ohibitiouists. Third, Fourth, Fifth aud other sort of parties. New AdveHiainenta To-Pay. For rent A B Davidson. M arringe Harrison & Oo, The autb McD Watkins. Keninanta H Baruch A Bro. Soda water A B Reese & Co. Km broideries .T L beigle A Oo, Ut.l WMIhtr Kport. The following It a tynopais of the weather prevailing at S a. m., today : The high barometer located yester day morning naar Kansas City. Mo , has moved louvheasterly , and ap pears this iiuKiilng over this section acting central at Wilmington. The movement of high has settled tbe conditions along Its course, and clear, pleasant weather Is a result over all of that seotion lying to the south of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi river. To the west of the Mississippi river, the weather ! is indueuced by the existeuce in the extreme northwest of a decided low pressure, and cloudy aud rainy con ditions are a result, being more pro nounced in the nortliwe-t, and along the lower lakes. Over the eastern half of the. country temperatures have fallen: elsewhere they have rieeu. J UrtT OPENED Today the grandest Hue De Gene and other new Point Laces we have every shown; Truly a new stock of new styles at new prices. Another case Bilk Mitta opened at 25c, 35c, 40c, 60c, 75c audfl a pair in Kluek, Cream "and the wonderful ly popular Gray. New Chlffoua, all shades; Itlack Laces; Scotch Ginghams reduced from 80c to ISc: best miality. II aaa a ri.e ab.w The ball. Mm aacenal.iu v l r I. afternoon ru a go. t'imis'i fr .'ii r. pa a led dlaappoint men ta llir. , but a mall crowd on the -r.. t w lines It. Th b ill... m went nj, t a dlatance of 3 f) feet when It drifted In a south eaalerly illrec'.l ui. Wh I rof -Ino cut lxe hla parachute he fell for 4' fet with the vel .ntv of a rockat, but Cien tha pars.-hut opened and he aalled gently toward the earth, landing In the woo l t tha south-eaat of the pirk Kre. I from the parachute, the balloon reversed by mean of ih weight fastened to the top, the smoke aud hot air poured ii mouth, and n a few in. .men t It ri-..vel it.'!f into a shapelea piece of cloth and came down laudiuir near the para, chute. The ascension w . a perfect success and delighted the Hope Kate had heretofore been agint ti e balloonist, and yeterdv w really the first chance be hud I he .icen sion will be repe.-it.-.l ii j. irk u' ' o'chck thil aflerno hi Th MhiIiii al Tr.m MrrM llapll.t Cbarah. On Monday night n. t Kev 11. M Wharton, pa.r .f Hr t ii'ey Memo rial church of Milnm ire. ill begin a series of meeting t Tryon rlre.-t Baptist church. Mr. W art .n Iih gained oousi terib'e jir"mineuc in this special line of religi mm ork it d wherever he has conduol. tl meeting every one Is loud in his prais-. He possesses a wonderful tl iw of elo iltience and dahghts a well n im presses his heiirers. The meelinga will in all prolmbllity l.i-t about ten davs. The services ai Tryon treet church tomorrow night w ill be a pie paratory service for the approaching series of meetings. - - -a- Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Ik. 0... I ...rail... itit'l -n r l ar . '.lli In.tanl liver r.iltntln in Waal. i .eteral addreaaea tier lua.le at the chairman ilroril.ed a. i he farmer ilrlrgalea Mr. r-hluu t.f K u.iit. XI r It K Tfioniaa .f I'rnn illtaiiKaiid -.lher.ap'itiaof Ilia ef I. i t of a ilrj.t.i l. I in.. lie) standard . i , - ii farm vi,,.. Mr 1 human ri .... I' trie that If he had to r!i e beiaeen the r es; u hi ica n party ii. I lifuv.l t'lereluid he aould take the latter, hut he thanked liod thai h .uid ii.. I te t- .nii-lled to makt u.'ti a rli he, a a third parly was oiiiing to the front whose principle a on Id (-. clear and u m ueatloned on the nLject of free silver coinage J. W. 1'orter, who halls from Vlrglula, aid thai he believed there were ;hotMnds of men In Virginia who ould not vote for any man who was not In favor of free sliver coinage, and they would take this stand not only lu regard to state elections, but n a 'i. mil. I'he etTect of the production of sil ver In the price of eilver was dls cus el by Mr. K Ingle, who main t.iincd r t t'li decrej'e lu tha value ! 1 1 v . r w;i ii l .In t.- ovi-r produc tion. In fi.llowli i out I. is plau of hiking the phsaes of the silver iiiie-tion presented In short address- the chairman railed upon. Mr. Merrick of Clorado, who brought the "oiuewhat famous t..t before Supreme Court of tha Ihstrtct known as the silver brick case, this case In vol ved the cointi tirionalit? of the demonetization of liver, and Mr. Merrick brlerl v statetl th.- grounds which led hiiu to tie ieve that silver demonetization was un constitutional. He said that an ap peal to the 1'nlled State Hunretne oiirt a being perfected and he ri ected i t a ould soon be complet d As tbe commlttoe on resolutions was r.ulj out at 1J o'clock the couven- Hl look a recs until 1 ;'M) I'he si I ver men, after the recess! ye-lerd.iv afteruoou, elected ollicers as follows : Permanent chairman,!? n. A. J aruer of thio;vice presidents. Nl- ssrs it .Iter of Iowa, Shinn of K.insas, Streeter of Nevada, ex-liep-reae niative ( ; ( i. H vines of Colorado, and Wm. H Oliver of North Caroli na; secretaries, Craudall of Washington, K I). Stark of ( Miio and Henry Jones of lieorgla. Mnia Sck C(mtrt Mona Boernuckor Coat and Vest Monn Alapaca CoaLs Mtns line extra l.nih Coata Men Silk Coats and Voat Trapdett Clerical Suits al White and Fancy Vest double breast " single 25a 65a $1,25. L745. 8,50. $12,50. $L 75a Straw Hats We have them in all the I-adi )g Stylet for Man, ilovt aod Chlldraa from lnr w the very llne.t Manilla HaU In all sbadaa and sbapaa, A Present for the Boys. With every Boys Suit and Ha, we give a bill and bat. IV, Kaufman & Co. l.KVIMNd CUmilKRS. Kl'KNlHHEIW ANDHATTKR. M ML ORDKK4 HOLICITED. Cor. I' K NTH A I. HOTKI CHARLOTTE, N. CJ YOUNG MENS SHOES $3.50. Our line of Young Mens $3.50 Shoes are- attract at ing considerable attention. For BEAUTY, STYLE, FIT, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. All of these qualities together with the low price for which we are selling them, makes them one of the most popular Shoes we sell. Git AY JJAltNHAltDT. i9 East Trade Street, CHARLOTIE. X. O Prompt attention given to all Jhait Ordars. Humpbrej' Witcb Haiel Oil. "The Pile Ointment" for Piles-Ex ternal or Internal. The relief is ini mrdl.iTe the cure certain. For sale by l druggists. We Have Only Been WAITING Till the Gala days were over; All that time our pent tip earnestness was fretful to Break Out And show the appreciative people such poods as are in greatest demand The Next lu order will heoaiied by our pinic prices, uot on one lliinc as a bait, but oil many things that ou need rilit now, This must be a great event, because, we have The Goods, cecause t4ie goods were all bought ou 2nd N trip, cheap; because we are iu dreadful earnest and fully determined. Tha harvest of low prices is ready for your gleaning, T. L. ALE XANDER S 0N& CO, ONE CASE Imported Hosiery for Ladies, extra value at :W, now 25c, all ; Pest Uib Hose for hoys on the market at 15 and 25c ; Blazers worth $6 at 8,50 ; Accordeon Capes worth $5 at 2,50; These ffarments are pood all the summer through. We knock the spots nil out of sight on Cane M.ittings; a limited quanti ty remains; our,1 price sale contin ues on it. Fresh stock I'lrasols, A - $2.00 LEAD SURE TO WIN. E R. $2.00 ladies bright iKiugola Button Boots, Diamond Patent Tip, Opara To, Common Sense Heel, all sizes 2 to 8, D and E. These shoes art mad of soft tine stock, fit exactly, and recommended for good wear. Mad to oar special order and are iu every way superior to anything oo tha market At this price. Same iu spring heel, also iu full com. sense, By mall 20o extra aiLREATH Ss OO. Open every evening till 7 :00 ; Saturday till 11 :00. WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT A FAVORITE? The acme of rfectiou in a Coiuf rt Chair was reached when the "Favorite" was made. It is strong, light, neat and durable; Combining the beat qualities of others without thetn faults. Has a steel frauie and stand; Is entirely automatic and self-adjusting wailtiakio any position from upright to horizontal; Does not warp in wet weather; Has BcVr""' or loose joints; Can be folded for storage or shipping and will laat a llfetitue..'" voiauda, lawn, study or sickroom it has no equal. Why buy a hammock' room chair when the Favorite com bines all? I would ba glad to havt yoUf'' . see it. I'm only asking o tor them, and ihey art well worth 17 ao"r" in other towns: If you dou't live in the city write for one: Bold eaa.-rfiVelv br W 7 I. R S Sloan, . - - - Umm Dealer. UNDERTAKER. Kigbi eall Ko.e,Brvaobaildlaar, o?er Rogtr ACo