. CHARLOTTE NEW8. THE J VOLUMK VII. OIIAltLOTTK. N. (. Tt'KSDAY KVKNIN'Ci. MA V ai.lHi NUMllEllUtfi Seijlcs May 1903 30 V Javanaiao B tripes. ) Till tMWf ciih a Iklelt m InrUl WW. IWltk BTM 4bui llrt n H . Ma. aik a-l lau Ke II. 4j n 7' V Puro Rady Mixtxi PAim l'l bAI J t J I V UNH Puro White, Black and any distinct tint you want $1 2f a Oallon. T ksT rSkU' fill .b ! rmini 1j-M air and ini mK'i. ait t.i,,,,.r lib ! .jf ri,l.l ! 111. 1. M,-,, ..oiat.w Tttrv ar ata ri, .W-ir.llr fxmakm ul all Mta Ullr.llii fli.ia iWlf DM mam lo..'.. f,,f pi rl by mail. Tim i ir at, i p.li rk W aill Ka -hi aal a iuat,irw.i low 11 ai.ii Un. KiubnvbwM t. l I irl,i 1.... k alalia, lnirii il.rir 'li ili'l yarvka ft l:K hit 4aht.al.l 1 I,.. k i,.l r as out al s. I,, .r. ,u r. mtmAbfin al it- A. B. REESE & CO'S. turn Jdiiiuiaiai uuwf UiiMwi nut r- ut la the HbW ) will U ! rthobor dom a- 4ay wllla; Mr Aaptawalt that lha- m4 be had dalulaa imb. t b My eadoae loprpo- bih illb full ipUlaed al another haartaf ua Jsa It, II UUIJ, tbaiall the Ida Uaa ty a Kuwlati lpolnU4ly llUbop l'Ui. which e tattilloa at IUrryua eoen Ulna , wilt b BJ fkdh, Kfl- JtbMaa Ul. Hhok.r'i .Ida only wa . i a a una bi lb aoutaBiMioa. iw" I lb friod of Ml. HboUl ware lu- Th fell' t -.(l . I j . nl-. llJ la klloJ and fl Wi o y , jjr 1 1 i-"iri lu' blch Uiy did o. dv AfUf lb ' in( lb amelb ( M my r -i ! ltnCrabr f omt om ropjr of aaiotl I JIT bl l M; l-xi ti. lit Ool of lb Tt'Wiut glraa lhu. ' rvl'U lo JU ltr II nr.t ..f I & 1 h lnlfocld U ham bl ooU, h tint-r f lTi !'. if tiuii nd ! oaljr Cp lb rwd ..nil .al- tuf H r..f Mill u lh HUhop. Mr. Mhbr, II I 1 rriv.ii.ll np mi Hi" '' ) ' itwi1. will tnta rlu rbarcM 1 - "' 1 al lb Dll hrarlaf. II la nn In Iba a. ret. ploy of a I'ouf bkrf ala U.a.. t'ba Kiral frvabyUflan rlu-rh . f lr aa rKirtd. I ( mc.r.1 aa Allad ! -' fl . n- laai nljlil l Iba ruinly l'"'l Mian a iMtiMiti ttaatM A llltl uf fall. as' II aa atual llUlialll Ik Wf'Mll I l Maivalt cwarl III! ala Mr J M l l inkn. li i i iBf lllrxl ai-oa Ida etalf uf al ib.l ottlaf Ma I la a u.l c bill la I I al 1 H rac baj II rlly IliU ailkiu( a (oitlxl ty bi la)el. Vi' N A. Mcl-aa auJ I. K tr -t I- J r f .aJaul(Wa. Mn I it ir4Mij a4 by Mr. KT CaaaUr T . ..lm, I a alia aJlba If I al aelf Ulka'lau( aj aa Tm a a ui I f rwaaa l4iaa ta BVa . A MaiaUr ai II 0 la II cliy vm II a A t A (I Mala yalf Jay I wr I aa ul- alfli I ataag Ua 1 1 a, la a B a 11 kail l)ai Uaoa ( ba aa a I' I.I.I ..il.j... k. I - 1 . w w a a w w a p a 1 " a n a ll rartalalf a fafa ll(M ! aca t I I- a ( t a 1 a. at la 1 f . f la May THREE TO ONE OUH BOYB AND CHILDHEN8 CLOTUIKa DKPARTMENT, mm ih.-.'i.i .iT ,B 1 mi- Contain txliy 'I'lirfo bright new oulllta to Ono eooa I I'llll till U KltHl'.l III (Ml I II j a. t.fl.Ma U lu.l 1 a a calt oliwhru in Charl-jtir-. Tlie patterns are mtrnillctnt l"oiiil .i I.i. la-n In Ian. aliiir a I ..Uc v . i bm-lr lallrm. j.i.m.,t llwi lia'r'" hi 1 'I, .it ji. . U lla nl.ll H - . rv fc.r , I, 1 jraai al 11. r ai.. .'i-nl al. i. wb aakr tin. Iirl T. L Soiglo & CO. No II V. Trail- al. In . K. Trvon at t'llAUIiTTK. N l" - - I ( 11 1 l-aral Klpflp - Tlia ! flalda tlir..urti.-Mit I f I a arrllmi iir inriiinK yll" , ainl liar vralliif a II I tMf 1 11 11 r 1 1 arak. --At lb picnic ylri1y. Mr. II rn r r N lr li 11I a 111 M a It h an m rlilrn I liy alilrli iiimnl In ankla m vry bail ly "pra I nwl. I I'bcra ara ar vll IV -II rrratrll. prarlirlnir pliyklrlan In .Mrkln I 11 r tr rounly A 11 a vrfifr ( on pli V alrlali lo ) Inhabllaul. M r, ItsrtlMI hlpp, lna nnm baa Urn ninllo:i1 in nn vnl Imi wltb lb aollrltoralilp of IhU illlru l. mHliMhi"t Tin Nm t- av tliat b l imi a raiHlldftt for (be ofllr. Aiiitbr Itlrbiiniiiil l In th flll. Mr l.rr .Mi- 'rkl. of Xawtoii, l a ramllilal for th aollrllorabip f 1 ln illnrli t Mr MrCnikl 1 .1 mi of Juil,: I. M. Mel orkl. Kx-Kriitatl vi K A (irlrr i In tb city lo ti ay. II rorta llirll a4 kaailMai. Kurd and K..cko(ry bar rlltrn ' a rard from II a I II mora la lb Cilutn I bla Htal Tby aay: "In your aan of Haturday. May l'l. a atrial dla patcb from Cbrarloll. .V I', aay , lliai K'-wkogay and Kuril Jmud out of lon aud did ii'ii piy ill ilavra. or In farl any on I. ill tb ( olorubla Baal. all 'I11I. Nut, tbsi la a II, for did not mi l In lb b k n, aod ury on f th p'ayrr rclrtxl Try rnl llial fn itu lli 111. W could not gl a man In i ( 'barlolt to ul up a dollar for lb I tram or buy uaoul, after l-Hof f J 1 out of nockrL W IboUKbl It proper to lava th town, aftr irttinK our inonay back, and not at.iy and loa It on city that would not blp ua nut" mUaf In wblrh all dm " nallona of tb town aara rpfr'n". I and parllrlpaUd 1 ti aubjoot of tb i-ca-i " aatlir lulrrnal lonal ln n I '' I and In lbr fompanl !" f -" . t Tb Invoralioii a by K-. I'aul Mar'lne! of Ibn lirrnnn ' f irmnl r li n r cli Mr l I". Iiran. of r Mrll o.ll.t rlill'i h prral .- l diii-ll tf r r.-ia wl.ii of a r ap.-nai r li mr on alio. vr fr.mi ll !' b (firla and ! in jn r ! Ilona n tni p-r nir . I lr-.-, and rarll allon. 1 nlrra.-. villi -..n.a ppro;-nl to i'i ul ) rt. Ird by a larpr choir. Kollownii; r Hi rrol Tl "fi...J l.l t-e p f .4 Inr -I 1 y lUt I if U I Kc-I i .l..r . f ',a ac- u.l l i. .11 Icdan t likld at t . a Inljaura f V t 1 a a I a (al'.al Mr i 1. i'..,. Wk.Ml'a kMII.t ir'k i li; f ) 1. 1 the rti- I.i b futi larla.1 I iff by K' Mr Hl,it..o. aill I. I, aid al l r Tr;.-(i ilfr.i la) Hal d.urrh 1.. nl(i I I 1 lr A MrMani a a; I .'lnor f.. n 1 ar r I I' Mltlrra I ill I- fHid 11 , I J l.j ll Mr Au lln Mr liHI Mi aill mm li.rr llurauay au.l !(( in M niralliga it al iilfl.L Ta kaalM I I Ua . Tb t'nlou niaolluif of lb Vlatk lnt ur( and I abarraa Maptlat A. rialloii i I at Mattbwa. baa ad J'iuMuvI iiur r-r r piiidiil ui rliaatbal lbrwr fin r n by ltv I r A li MeMannaway, IC i M Auailn aad K Mr. I'rablrr rvmi .unl rf hat on lb ilif fral iUri war mad. In wblrb , brolbrra (Irrahani and 1'urliani. of 1 r,,,, 1 1 hiiUu., rlur I T'li mtli k I I w ik wall lln,l.l ltv J It. Kieli- I n.i.vd ard-.u will pra li ll.rr lolay and 1 tbr aillalaol" a r-unday aclni.il lllaaa lllrxllnr I md ni(r varimi thm tvfr bo'oro. Wo pay ipocUl attention to ih dtirabilit) of th goods wo offer. Of courn :yUM o! cut, the popularity of now p.Uornj i and niiados is also considered. Our main effort how- over, i to supply Clothing that will wear well. Woen hundrrdrt of distinct 8tjlea aro to bo conaid rtd. it is out of the (pieHtion to po much into paxtic-' ulars. We want (o empliasize ono out of the many. ; however, that is tho 'ino it Five Dollars. AT fill I'HICK VK AUK MKU. TH K ( I HA N DKHT gU AUT V OF Jl VKNII.K lit'TMTH VK KVKK oKKKKKIl, ItrTTKH THAN CAW UK in il 1. II T AT A.N Y (.Til Kit HTtillK IN CM AKUlTTK. WITlIIIf fl Tup IN TIIK HAMK wl .M.IFY. INCl.t'DKI) IN THIH LINE ARK MliH JlNKMiM, CI'TK I.ITri.K VKKTKH-t, HAIM)KH AN D J KB MKYH; K WANT I IVKIIY MOTIIKK IN THK CITY TO HEE THEM VK (ilVK A li A I.I. AND It T KKKKTO ltOYrt WITH KVKRT SUIT. t rn , p. r ri it. d MENS FINE SUITS MENS FINE SUITS latloi.a w ant lb Imi y and irirN. b Mnry( nvni and M nl.l 1 ol ; Unly a Hoy. Cliafll Moiitfoniry ; Our Tarbr, Klpb (lll: 'uiiir Abtaliir Appal. Mm M. I-iilr Mr J I'. I 'M.k, of tb Stand rd wa tb flrai akr anil rh.irni d lil I:I41I Comm.. ....i I III r. 111 111 r ti ,r 11111 1 rirrla of lliddla luatitul nil yraiarday I vllb tb Juulor prii ronlvat To-. I iiIkIH. al T o'rlork. tb lboloK'lo il I I).tnll'a ri.tnipb' lF"Kvrv arlirl lu,-lit 1,1 m 1l1ai.lv 4 pro lo ti rtaiilv a. rirwntis noit 0 r1urn. U tit al nm IA a drall it I arrll l ianjia.1 on ii!lil r ir.-l..j 1., I- r tlabl to auytliiiii; rlv I ilyurlrol f I KH.I.K A Co that Stl Crk toanabip U il 1 liy '"f'1 Ir-ure obtalna ovr tbi I ir-nuxral lr. with n o... I blti-k brry Top and n lln outlook for w ltrit. oat, rotton ntnl corn. -- iov Molt ba rlril a pril trni of tb Suprior ( owrt to ! blil I In I ; 11 th rf -rl count) for tlw trial of Frit i) 1 x 1 1 rac, to bir i 11 July it b, 11 nd t I rout 1 mi till all tli rn" r dlpo I d of Jinlff A. Ilok will pr ' id. ' - Anothi'r vcrv aiircaf ul bull. ion ; n-r-iKion a Kiven y.M. rdny aflr- "l .veninr a 7 :I for tli pnrpoa noon. Tli la aftrrnooii l'rof. Zelno i f fTliif tli th ird (It-re on a l al aaaikat Rwr- Tb followlnir ! a aynnpla of tb wathr pralllii)c al H a. ui. to-day : A low praura prevail or alrii I'iaa. and llhi prclpl tallon I or currlnir nvr th ctloti to th north t of thl prur. Thla low i- tnda Into Timr, and will prob ii Influriic of nldy pnvluo liphl prrrlpl tallon ovr and cha-artt-r. thla ctlon durlt'K the aftrnivm. A! l'rofor K I'. M .iiiroiii, miprln- tndllt of th g-radml achool apokof lion, biding rortnlu at II atlr!. ; th niport.nc of dci"iou in tnatlr (inrally clouily wathr prvall ,if rlgbt and wrontf. nd vilng th tniya ovr the antlre country. Th pr- j to inn tat thi trull of rdarartr, and rlpitatlon area t,iiila from th 1 finphal'd th trinplati ui of Dan niirtb to th koulli, wet of th Ml- , gnl th)jrat honor which Httnd laaippl rlvr. th havlt howtr 00 ) hi obdinc to tli dictat of currin to the north around th low- ronclnc. r lake rplon. ''h addr of Mr. H K. Harrla of tli lribytriaii oh urcli.wa a k1 I iug tiibut to th tru coiirnif of com mrurmn I a ill tak plar. and tfi alumni addrai will b dllvrrd j ty llv W. H. Porlrr. of JarkaouvlII, 1 Kla ( 'oniiiinrniut xrriaa pro j r lgln I0:.H) o'clock to-nmrrow uiornl . Th annual addra will I i dlivrd by Kv. II. T. McClel aiidlnc by an l.)Uni pipr on j , p of puuburn. Pa. Ad In- t Munilr. i A vry i 11 trt I ii( nitlnr of Kx clnior I .oil if No. "Jiil will ! lodil owdei Kltl'IT rKKHKKVKD WITH THIH row I) KK Al.WA HOIVKS H ATI H FACTION. NOHKAI.KD .I.MtS liKtl'IKKD n 0 h 1 IHIIIII WAOl.KHAL K AND KKTAId Druggists. J.U v v.. Crr-.-ir-iljll IUUHT UKFOKK V(H'I! KYKS. It oulil not lo lx a foal to )rt poivl foot wear; there isn't any scarcity of it. It is a pity to be obliged to confess that while there are plenty of kooO shoes, them is also no aoarutly of baa one. There is on point about the purchase nf shoos 1btt cannot tie utHciently eniphBsij;l, and it ilnesn't make any difference how omphalic you are about 11: It y to buy a kxi article. V'e nr as sumiiiK that you are looking for the best -yshne that you can imssihly get for the least pOssibl money. If you will cull on us, there frJi we will Kunrantee that you get the wortVpf your money. A lare slock Hats anil Umlirellas, Trunks, Yaliara lind HandtiaKS always on hand. A. KRANKIN A BRO ' will Kiva a tloubl ancenalon, pro vided the w i nd ad m it a, and 1 1 is atxiu t lime our people wr pnylnc him for tb riitrtaii)lllu(A he Iih" afforded. In th Hchool contests and con certs at Mmphls, Tenn , last week, the t'irt prir and the $IS i(od med al w:i- won ly Mtr Koan War-liiK- This briKht little fel'ow is only tii yir old, an I is a );raud son of 'ilpt. li. P. Wari tif, of Charlotte. Cards have been Issued for the marriage of Miss Isabella Stcbhins lo Mr. Walter Phillips, at Autrinta, ia , on J line Mil. Miss Hlebbins s a daughter of Mr. D. (J. Stebbins, formerly of this city, and M-. Phil lips lives in Dan villn, a. Dr. Hani Montgomery loft Con cord for Wake county this morning ami will ho married to-morrow noon to Miss Norrls, of Apex. Dr. J. Y Fitzgerald, Dr. Theo Pliarr and Dr W. C Houston, of Concord, will be guests of the groom at the wedding. Dr. Montgomery will return to Cou- cord with his bride on Thursday and will be welcomed with heartiest con gratulations by their hosts of friends. The picnic of Charlotte people at the Springs home place, near Fort M ill, yesterday, was the greatest event of that kind tlinc has ever been attempted in this secllon. Over 100 people attended. The fine old man sion w:is thronged and Hie occasion wa typical of old time Southern hos pitality. The participant will long remember the occasion with pleasure. -The Seaboard Air Idnu will sell round trip tichet from Charlotte to Old Point, Vn., for naval reserve force.for fourteen seventy-five ($14 75i for a party of twenty-six i 'J'l) or more, on one solid ticket. F.C. 1!k an, Charlotte, May 30, '92. A. (J. P, A. Nw Advnrtlsnienla To-llay, The stove Harrison A Co, ilol paint A H Reese .fc'ro Building Ixits W 8 A exander, rinklcs for riders T Tliilmer Three to onrW Kaufman it Co lecture on China Yam I'hou I. Kcarr'a Fruit Powder Hurwell A Dunn White Uootls T L Alexander, Son A Vo Daniel and an encouraging appeal to reit tb ll ret temptation to w rung doing. A successful resit.inc- of the first temptation assuring strength of character and the happy life of an honest man. - - - Tli W II111 i n( loi. ll ink I tin. The V 1 1 mi iiif ton Messenger says A speci.il term of the I nitod States Court will be held 111 tt.is city the sfcond week 111 June f..r the purpose of bearing the case of W. S. O'H. Ilobinson, Keceiver of th First Na tional Hank vs the City of Wilmiug ton and William A. Wilson, City Clerk and Treasurer. This action as begun at the April term of th I "nited States Court in this city, when the receiver sued out a writ of A iu l.oiiiavitt aiinr. , j n j 11 nc t i 011 res t rai n i n g I he ci ty from Ainslio, Cochran, A Co., foundry- selling the defunct bank's property men and machinists of Louisville, 1 fr taxes on the stock nf th bank Kentucky, have assigned. The lia- j u lge ( Jolt, of West Virginia, Judge bilities are placed at $lJri,0U0, itli f the I'nited Stites District Court nominal aasets at S14S.000. The busi- ,r a ppeals, wi II preside at the spe neas was established In lfc.7. ! oial term, and besides the case above - j mentioned, he will also hear other "Wriren Crv for Mtcher's Castorla. i,''js iiich the bank is involved. ; together with several cases in eiiity. vitation luexlndd lo the public to attend. l'ahra will t on duly ti altnd to vlsltora. very polite brnthvr known in K. H. circles. Hrethren cordially invited. (rnlrtl 1111 Arrltala 1 KI. Davis, Pa; A H tireene, N s ' Turner. J W Cowan. W H M. Donald. Li-rov Springs, (' II H Karle, J I! White, j H Price, It D Springs. S C; II W Chambers. J (J Hood and wife, AM llerron. B T Morris, Miss ,M I. Page, J W Morrlsey, H M Faucett, A L James, Mr H L Schener, J It Stew art, J T Alderman, N A Mcl.ear, i: K Procter, Jr. J M Dees. N C; W K Shlpp, I S Armv ; W T Mooney, W M Francis, J T Taylor, Atlanta; J W Healk, Jr. Hoston ; J W Colcock. 1 Texas; 1 F. Williams, Kich 1110111I, Va. 1 Al Ik I alirrailj. The commncmnt exrrclsea of tb North Carolina Cntveriitv at hapl Hill ar In progress. The corroi)dent of the lialeigh Cbron id, in w riting of tba exercis, say : (.en. Kufus Karri ngr, of Charlott arrivd today. He graduated fifty year ago. Hon. Harris Taylor, au thor of the Constitutional History of Knglaud and of the United States, also came today. He is a Cuiversily man and is the most eminent writer in the South today. Hundreds of people arrived at noon and tonight Col. Waddell tomorrow speaks on the life and service of Col. William I.. Saunders. If y.si aiali 10 n.akr r.l u 1 T'ir moorj. and want tJrjrant araaooabkt dotada( i.nax iiuairtl and itonmi x- luatrrLala. nit, mad and lnrulid aa Ots !y lb bast COateam lailort ran. ihmk iKir . I will n, tt iWmand and Ixakka, Lb prinaa ar anew tliat a ivrwKi of lb noM mi.irralr meant ran drraa niralf al a Try anal! outlay. Wt tiai tlirs ainia iu I 'bcttou, Tb. la-ik. nrsUkla, I 'amttu. Mr(ra. He, at W, 1710, 1 I". H ' .ll and I3i Tbay ar vorly of yur at ten 1 100, Ut w know w can mf yaj iniiorv on rala Vmt, Hon ami ( lul lrrni htraa lata at a great reduction. IV. Kaufman & Co, I.K MMNO CU)THIKRS, FCKNISHF.IW ANDJH ATTER. MIL OKDKIIH HOLICITKD. Cor. CKNTRAL IIOTKU C'HARLOTTE, N. CJJ W HITK tiOODS SA I.K -Sal of import ance: A sale every one will nlt.ni.1. Sale of embroidered lliiiineimn and denu tlouucings. White einliroiderii'S and ciloreil, M n liiis worth '.' i st vnt more. I'rpandies of every ty lo 111 slnties, ctm'ks and plaids. Kijvptian Diuiitiea and I'erSMn Mulls; Silk Mulls worth II at S(V Choice ol :il I colon and black. SIMPLY IMMKN-K if laces. our last invoii-e Nothing n-serveil, our iriemlM. until in If too ,'tood lor ToiiaT if von read, hearken, delav not. the priit-s will surely tell the tale, the liood w ill txMr coni(iarison. r.emnants of Tissue, Cliallies. Canton 1 repes lower than all; Cane matting priiv sale. You ought to we the stork prettier than ever. lty experience we have found where they are sold rhe:ii.st and now awaits you a line complete. ream silk Fedor. l'oint de Tans I'latle Val. Point de lieue. Chill'oi), Torchon, and othtrs. Silk and Colloti Shirts Waist for Ladies. Parasols: 1-adies tiaue -st. Tit Slal l.aard Kartiupniaal, Adjutant-tieneral James D. OleDii has issued (General Orders No. s, in relation to the annual eucainpment of the North Carolina State Ouard. The encampment this year will be regiments aud not aa a brigade. The encampments will lie held apou the State grounds at Wrightsvllle, that have been generously donated as a permanent camp by the citizens of Wllniiugtou, aud the Camp will be known asCamp Holt, In honor of the Governor of the State. The First and Second Regiments will encamp irom July ist to Liith, Inclusive. Kach Regiment will have its own camp, camp-grounds and guard lines and each Colonel will be held strictly responsible for the conduct, work and discipline of his own command . YOUNG MENS SHOES $3.50. Our line of Young Mens $3.50 Shoes are attract ing considerable attention. For BEAUTY, STYLE, FIT, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. All of these qualities together with the low price tor which we are selling them, makes them one of the most popular Shoes we sell. OH AY & UAIlNIIAItDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHAIlLOTIBi N. C t Prompt attention given to all it ail Orders. T. L. ALEX AN DEE, SON & CO. OH' TH KIIK'S BOPNP TO BK A ROW. We were never called rowdies bul we can't help raising a row just now. Not our fault we can orler such a list of new prices, only our good luck in rinding sta-sonalile pooils at reduced prus. Th reduction is a caution many have waited a tumble of prices, now they hear the crash. Like Hunipty Dunipty on the wall. A score of prices had a fall. Something now drape upon this city that shall lc A L E A D $2.00 SURE TO WIN. E R. $2.00 CITY CHAT It will he as pleasant as a mer night's dream." Two words more: COME YK. 'Midsuiu- iadies bright D uigola Button Boots, Diamond Patent Tip, Opera To, Common Souse Heel, all sizes H to S, D and E. These shoes are made of soft line stock, fit exactly, and recommended for good wear. Mad to oor special order aud are in every way superior to any thing on the marks at this price. Same in spring heel, also in full com. sense, By mall 20o SXtra . QILREATH 8c OO. Open every evening till 7 :00 ; Saturday till 11 :00. , ' WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT A FAVORITE? The acme of perfection in a Comf rt Chair was reached when the "Favorite" Wat made. It is strong, light, neat and durable: Combining the best qualities of otbers witbiMlt tbeir ' taults. Has a steel frame and stand; Is entirely automatic and self-aijuatlng while taking any (xsitiou from upright to horizontal: Uoes not warp in wet weather; Rat M rattling or loose joints; Can be folded for storage or shipping and will last a lifetime, IVwt"" vejanda, lawn, study or sickroom it has noepjal. Why buy a hammock, COtkV' . room chair when the Favorite combines al ' I would be glad to bare you Cdmes"' see it. I'm only asking $5 lor them, and tliey are well worth 7 and aresow? in other towns: If a don't live in the city write for one; Bold eiduajjj- R S Sloan, . - - - Fnrnitnrc Dealer. - ' -. Ilootv UNDERTAKER Klthl call,' No. 6, Brvan boiidinf. oif Kogers AC 1 v ' N