UiiARLOTTE NEWS. THE OHAltLOrn N. Cm TIirUSDAV KVKNINU. Jl MI J. IHU2 VOLUMK VII. NUMJIKU llCii y " Seiele s Juna 1 ISOX Tltlwiit THAT loll UVfiT It A V It. Felt tlaa l tltaa-ae ) la iah A !! Hm af a a ea4 elllen mega. Maas. f-aaaeia, i - 4 ell IK elate aaw taa fllaaera lat. rr.eat. Mar at tJ0h. V H iiaalllf a ad w IIOtMH "7 n o, -eeUfalll toiast I Mi eai.U f 1 .dl' M(t al II aarh tarjr Baa 4lae raw I-" eMM I " Ur 4 e al II. 'a aad Mllfc aHU l 5aa1 'An a-h- r'-l ajeaJlty. K bi f I ' lhlega ' an 'PS-d 111 eer I ; fiieit.ii li. ud lltafi lilae l.i.IL )lelrf la an. I " al alia l'flai al- era vat-l (wit, .- i. I.arae. thlfTnne and mil f. l.rn la aaa Irnl htnile aMilmriiL rl d lin and Palnl Ir.lfd Im In nw pattern. Fancy Parnaolft. Fancy Pars. I al hill prl.- a the dollar-choles! i)l arid a qaallly. AT- A. B. REESE & CO'a Dru Btort Iv0 t'te U firel (Jatiliy KA lI.AND TN INF Fof Hal. al li tnl a foti 1 atij W a ball. FlgM ball In tr poll II d r'at Iji HI a In v l A.-Md el"ra. t4nf1lMMtil.ll. tift - K M AiUmi Tb 1WI A V Mawa a- M a tUivikt f. m.l-J W Mabaofth IWtal fMor W J Itni 1 o IWia. ml J hurrnaa-h. i .. a-1 imw - VI. 1' w il ., laimft.ti ta:l H.rr A i Tf etri '.,:iini ' I i i. :t..- .1 lai M- A I. Krot A c Tb'iir (Hal i-t ... i.i t. t -r r . in . All It Wj la CVaitalM a laee aftiliV l Wa al UM llal.4U. (MJlljr mJ UJaaM aUf . 4 iMW U Ht M a4 laaajM4 IM lk fUM mm K.u (a JlaMt Ma ihl Malad U klM 7 HMaUaf 1 11 f.l aal4 U f alt.tr. M aharkad III a! a4 lf4 U oal a a Jar Ua aaa. bWb la al ra(laf ttlgh from It a f raial Ta lllila l.lla. tk vm CfwatKad l a Hilar la raaaoia car, aar it. a dIJ aaa cralla p. latUally II 0aahJ e bU MiU4 U.al ba a fola lo hara aoacaalal etpaf aaJ tit g rl-4 bla fHkaala aara Mh Ifala gtaalal aalaUUoa; ll.ll! I aha aiur jraa, leu!" Va clip lha follow lef attract frnaa lt a I'ortamoatri UlUr lo lha llalll mura Haplial at laal !, fa'arrloj if. aiMlirf ratv.aU haM la Ibal my by Ir. Wharloa: Vt II. M Whartna. cl'ol fraal aarliu( Hh rv.nlli hlraal (harrh. laal j mm aa a m4 1 .n.f r A aafa a..J M i.l r4l.. 1. aa ItlJtfU la(4 b.MW.Itr am A lhk li.a V al.laW a IUl Mt MJitl(ntil aa aafa t laA. a t f.la Ma at aU mU J., tUi Alia iil.Hil Hut ( , aaa a i- a. r-.tta rin.H.a a' ' -I t ail.aa ittl MJ.i UIV i'. tl;..i.tJik Tn i fi) . ill mi i u Ti n J t til; ti 11 j ll 1 1 V jll I a'.'ii.a l'ikM V i..t l.ct.. . I M HI U.tri I u anl. I I J fall; JcWt. I ill It. j . M ifia a I l.aftt.-.a I 1 i.ih t . Minn it I n d f I'. iMal. ll.t a . ft..!.!. - l4 ofl.ally ( I aait.l it . faj' ciit. a '; t. I'lai i.al I Ik l,,ifa- I f "Tf ri-if.nif I m il i' ( ft'i.l (. 1 1.! ll.r ail Uf Tli ai.ln I'xii , 1 a ..i.lf'l t llnrtU ' III I' II I j lllf ii I ii a4 blaaaall 4ift' "M aj ' a IK Wra fnaa, a latll la lkf(l ll J ' laa I afe4 aatt. a a I l f-, U e- i 114 Mtllt. a. ).a I -.id H at alh Ua kH'" u ' 4raak. TT laii'i a 1- !. a alaa fiaaa ablaaaf aal ir. jai af ba baJ fwal 1 thai aaU Utual 1 1 . . r". 1 i 1 .. j lprlaf aaJ IMI at- i -a .III blau () lla aj -iir(. a.. I. a 4aah fo-4 lllrlf aaJ a a. 1 mJ I. f lha haaf alM l !- l i laj Ilia uIUmi ''ii Lata aa4 aa ba at al--l ! a a4 faara lha 0r-J al Taa aall aal aauraljr iht ut ,.D. nlHprlbfa' l.aala. bat t I -o fuoaluf aaJ aaa "lf ' I lif a iff rl.aaa. Ilia trial a a (--.l; u. I aalll halerdaf arnUif n Kfvacl ttl tha ilMtr. of a leaa liirac. plral thai Ht-Maj-a haJ --ui..l a Ma bay diaa lha Uy' iln. l II. aoalil tii ilrnaaxl lb' l- i 'n I f not la 4atacll la hi i m Maa ' '' 1,1 ' f " I ! ii I uai t. amiiiu. 11 1' n.ii II l ti till tl Hi 11 n Bih u a U al llilill nl nr 1 ' 'I nU'ril a 1 1 1 (.1 J J I m M r a witw. T1 llf'll l ll(Ktl of cf l.f.ll , ii.r.r... H al It., month of Mi; THREE TO ONE OUH lk)Yri AND CIULDKKN8 CLOTIIIKQ DKPARTMKNT. CnUUM t tUy Thrr lirijht new ou!ttnto One ftoca nut tnr vnrtMt than t'ver Ixiforv. W jvay tpftcUl attnUon U th? ditratlllt; of tin ot, w oiTer. Of fairm. n'.yl.u ol t ut, U.o popularity tf now AUenu ikuti rtluili' lrt aim) ronaUlcrrtl. Our main itTort l0W tn-cr, is to Hupply Clothing Uuvt will woar woIL Whc n humlrrtl.t ofilirttinct tyla arw to bo conald 1 i-rHl. it I out of the (jnentlon tojjo much into pArtic- j uhirrt. Wo wzvnt to einphanizo ono out of tho many. 1 liowrver, thut Is iho lino l llltl ) A 1. ftliafVl!.r (UilaS Five Dollars. Maw Una f m-rm 9r, XW, . 4W. .'av. Jl If 1 mill I tiga V, f auil u Oar Kao lock l url u Kaa al .V. Hh-, IV, Jk.-,:- an. I ui . l,'1arli. Krrry olf.r ir ..( Kan I... A IVv I'uhaii Kin. Ii'lcl if ll.al lala In lha a. till, of n. Iinuinr lmofiall.iii cil mir oa n. Ilan4barrlilr atnrh f th Klal la kara. L L Soiglo & CO, S . II V. Trail .. rilAKItTTK. N r j j - aTICrrr arl.i-U ImiiIiI i.f ti. Miat t ii4irorr uihanailv ft pq.iwnli.1 t.i-iI a- rw.in'"l ta tt at "i. a .! like a itmli. It aril Ita iatMl an .ctil. pn-fru In rr flahla lo a.irtMi.K il ..nlrr.il T I. SKI". IK . n ). 0 0 KIUIT I'llKfl'KVKH WITH THIS I'OWDKU AI.WAVMlilVKS HATISVACTION. NOHKAI.KO JAKS Itr.ijriKKD Burwcll & Bonn, WAOI.KMALK AND IlKTAIL Druggists. I mi lll,.).l. - Kr IV K T.'il I Ufi f..r It-ra Mill t.lay. Mr Jnn I.Iik arrlTdl Innif frmii 1'i.nfiTil U-iltr. Ml Jn. ltui-T. of ftlit.uf jr, la viliitr Mi W H Mrllllilrr. -T J Ha.UiT, of 8lal fraak. la vlaltlng a Hharlft ( 'i.iir. Mlaa Carrl Ha.lham I npifl il hmiia frnm Nra 'nrk tntimr ro a. -Mr ,1'Iim W. THI..II Uft It. I. af trrnmin fur Clavrl.iint Sj.rlnifa with a "irk rhll.l I'1! Ttv..nl; -Mm. I.ik-v M .iT.ntM arrlvail j hiitiin from It 1 l"i y l-r ila y, Ihtp nl.r Imi. Iint) rtt-ii'tlru . !hhi. A larr rr.'a .I "f ji.i.lnr from Sinltli vlll.-. a. mi I . HI t'tilia rlrr tn il:ijr. Mr. Au(rutii Si-If liriif f tha Itikfr Mulr U.n'. I f 1 thl nf-ti-rix.on to vUlt II 1 r k r y . hl nl.l Imina. Thi- lU-t hm of A iHTlmit tin ; avr' ri-oil vo I in I 'l.ar l t tc, u. ra 1 rrlvf.l yatr.l.i hy M rl 'aiial.iiiil A '. 1 1 K'f mi thi" Sim-i.iiiI 'rinliyta rian rliur. li. -Mr. I K. Tt't.-rt-ion lift yrti-r ti-nl.'iv nftfriinivi f 'f I li-vi liinil Spring wttli 1 1 r ami, I'. li K .l.crtami Jr.ahiiha Im-hii In ill lniltli fur mill a pi U. ii ri""iilt i.f nn ittt.trk of (trli. - The clinrHi trinl of l.iilrp Hill Tuylnr, a liloh aa pt for 11 Ii i-h rl tip At H Ii-korv ir vp tmlnv, liaa I.ppii In il.'lliutely pnalpiinail nn Brrniint n tli pnfnrcp.t il.PtirH if Mr. Chita Tlllalt. counael f..r the Churrli . A (llalniriip ain! cnnciTt with liumiirnii rppltatlmia, a ill hp jr,iv," lit Oracp ntppt 1 .rnlnrp.i1 ) church Kriilrty nlBht nt H:;;o o'clock. The ptitprt.'iiiiniPiit will ho for thp l.pnpllt of tli.it chii ri h. Kpv. Tom Ilxon lis prepntpl tho KiizhIIrii Society of Wiikn Forest CollnpwithH portrait of hinixclf, piiintptl l.y AH.ert J.imoa Conant. Tho society ha Insurpil the picture for $ 1,000 Mr. J. H (iaston Torrnnce, Ann of tux collector Torrauca, will arrive in tlio city on the vestihule train this evening, to visit tha old home, kin ami frlenils. He in engaged in bnni- no In Hlrmlnghatn, and stands among the most successful of the husinesa young meu of that place. Joseph Todd Hudson, the thir teen months aid child of Mr. M. H. Iwyer, died In this city at 12:30 o'clock today. Tho fuueral services will he conducted from the resi dencp, W North A street, at S o'clock this evening, and the body will be taken to Fort Mill for interment. Tl.ara.tay nlghl. I ocalealal.la blaaa-lnk-t u lha cbareh hava raaaltad Tha brrthran of lha o.lolatry drclara thai Ir. WbaiUm la riar.f dona urh Ktlulad and poaarful praarhla lfora. Olbar cbarrbaa alan hara foil lha aftWU of tha n.flliic and raealravj addlUnna tharffrotu. Oo lat FrIJa uicbt Ir. Wl.arw.n ! tore.1 on "'My Haarara." In Ihia Ir-rtura he aicala hlmaalf. lVhat a hlexlnic aoch f If tad niao ara to tha rharrhaa, Or. Wharlon arrWad hare thl inornliig and all! hold hla firal ai vlca at Tryon Huaal lliplll Church to-nlghl al H:l o'clock. Wa ara ara a larira aodlanaa alll fraal lha gifted, orator. OW CI tfjyvtriai v a.? KKillT BKPOKK YOl'K KYJCS. It ouclit not to lie a Tp.it to Rot oil foot wear; there isn't any scarcity of It. It is a pity to be obliged to confpia that while there are pletilv of Roort sliiws, there is also no K'Hirity of bail ones. There is one point about the purchase of slimw thit cannot be siitlicienlly eniphiisir.el. ami ll iLiesn't make any ditlerence how rinnlialic you are about it U pnys to buy a Rood article. rVe areRS sinning that you are lookinc for the best lioe that you can xssibly Bet for the least nosajule money. If you will call on 11s, there fonOfre will puaranU that you get the worth df your money. A laraitock Hats and Umbrellas, Trunks, Valisea and Handbags always on hand. A. B. BA.NKIN A BIU) TwnSmarl Horn of Cnnrard. Jimmieatid Martin, two little boy sons of Mr. J. W. Cannon of Concord, who have been spending a few days with their Krandparnnt at Host's Mills, concluded after breakfsst on yesterday to return home. Imiiirinp the astonishinent when they sudden ly appeared, about (en o'clock, in the family t lrclo and announced that they had "runned away." Thy are respectively 10 and 7 years old and were so little wearied by their tramp of eitfht nillea, that, when told of the anxiety they had left behind, were willing to retrace thetr Bteps. and apologize for their unceremonious leave-taking. A llrval trltoa. Tha nan n I a of Charlott ttlll rr nifinUr tha ahxiuant addrasa dallr- . toauhlp . r.l l,.rnn lin.rlal lllf 1 SVt ll T I Col. A. M. Wadded, and to them It a ill lx no surprise to laarn that hi aditrru on the life of Col. Win L Saundera, at Chapel Hill. lat Tuea ilay, ia spokau of aa one of Iht aioat eloquent that ha ever tn heard In the Htate. Col. Wadded la not only a good orator, but he Is a beautiful artier and when he etaaya a task of that kind he throws hit whole eoal into the work. It would be but pror that Col. Wadded' addrea should be incorporated with the published volumes of Col. Haunders historical work. Ta IhWkim MaaUlay. Cnasldarabla lalaraal l t f man i lfaald la Iba annual ni"i-"r O r ! ruf latrala of Marllml inr ! I bald In Charlolla nn M ody ,' Thafa I niurh pvuttii' . In U ' probable reaalt f lh t a I ! I : r for a Iviard of connly o.nin.iil".i". but If a chaff I l" la miib In Ui- pr annuel of t' praarrl Ua' t tn N i.a ha an far l-u uml.U in Iiin anything d.nnilr aUut It Th mfttr.itpa alii ! rlrcl a anprltilrlidetil ! couu'y lncal..ii. lTir ar tan rau.lldatea fr It. plac. Mr. W. W Hoblnann, lha trm. 1 anl li.rumlxat, and Mr . H W. Held, ' of HI I Creak U.aoahlp. ! ir.araara .i..g..r.,. ... m.c.- v,,,,.,,) w Iio ,. (1.u, , j hom by burg Th county l.anlltlod .. l ul , k nM . . . ..,., ,,orj.,nT. the Htat dxtpgatlon I badly aplll up, aom bring for liarrtaon, other f . .r plr !. I lu.-nl I. if"'- n.ri I it. j- f lufr l-in '.. 1. re Tt a ( If I rl i liiiwiralu r aa ' dgra nri It'i and I' and ll. b-aal aaa .1 (r-. I'D ii Tli. m.n luipr alafo of M ar ' I 1 yar pal I Th laiufall ia.l moult, a a Z Inrhii Tt nrrifi rainfall for May b'f 1 ar nl I I'. Iiirtira. al kui. l'iMln.alr A. Hrady. rilirnff Himtti. -f Hvrk liiliin., I ' r ilrk Nnfmml, of ffo m l r . -o . J.lm Ia i, rolrd. of l.unibtrlnii. anj ii.a lr Craily a t '. lf rr. ,.f IaTldxn Col Irifa.l.ft tin mo'olng for Minnaai ll. U all nd th H-pot'llran rm..n ll. n. J Y . I ii.rd'.n and (( llrri, lolh of color. Iar I h la availing. II arrl ira Id plar of M r. F.d Mr- ther a ra all Tacaiirl ) aliterli liiagl'lrat In Ti.r ar , Charlotte It lain and a few for Alger. I mr a I W al a. H - Th folloa Ing 1 a ytmpa of th weather prevailing at a. m. to day : The high preur which wa or this actlou yesterday morning r mains nearly stationary aroand the Cart.lina rtit haing central thi morning at 11 altera, hhoa er anil quite heavy raiu liar occurred over the greater portion of the country, particularly U the at of the Miss issippi river. Th heaviest portion of thi precipitation hat occurred to the south of the loa er lakes. A low pressure is In the extreme northwest and Is dominating the wathr over that part of the country. Tempera lures have remained nearly station ary over this llinned ate .icton, but cooler weather I lo the Immediate west, which sill be probably felt Tk I aliarsltt t'.wmartnr.l. (Jen. Kiifus Karri n go r arrived home last night from Chapel Hill, where he attended the t'nlverslty commencement. General Harrlnger snys It was the'nost Interesting and over this sect ion during the niht. uccessfal event of the kind since the palmy day of the Fulversity. He was delighted with the entire pro ceedings, and especially with Mr. Mc Iver's address which he considers one of the lluett aud moat practical he ever heard. (Jen. Harrlnger also joins In the universal praisa accord - Col. A. M. Wadded' address and pronounces It a surpassingly fine eflort. Mr. Wolf I ror llarrUan. Washington Ktar: Mr. Himon Wolf left for Chicago yesterday and will go from there to Minneapolis, He is a Harrison man and hopes to be recoeiiir.ed as one of the duly chosen delegates from the District of Columbia. Under Walers, fresh and crisp, at HONNKY .v. YAN NKSS' WHITK (J(HnS SAI.K-Saleof ini.rt ainr: A sale every one will au.iiKi. Salcof einhroi.lered rloiincinm and denii llouiicings. White embroideries ami inilore.1; MuMins worth wr cen t more: Onndies ol every tyle in sir i es, cl.wks and plants. Mailaarf IIKrl. The reirt of Mines Th"iin, keep er of the cemeteries, snow that dur ing the month of May. tliore were '.''I deaths In Charlottp, of which 1J were of colored eople. Of the II inter ments In Kliiiwiw.il, 2 acre male a lull. I female adult and s children The causes of death were : i rip 2, con gestion of the biain 2, cholera infati t ti m 2, indigestion 1, congestion of the stomach 1, still born 3. Of the 12 interments in l'inewood (colored i cemetery, 2 were male. adult, femaV adult and 9 children The causes of death were: Consump tion :i, dysentery 2, inanition 2, heart failure 2, abscess 1, still born 2. - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Mam UH llkl. A vary pleaaaul social event oc curred lat night al the residence of Mr. J. U Davl. on North Tryou street. In the marriage of Mr. W. A. Hlankenshlp and Ml F.aile Davl The caraniony waa performed In the pr"nce of a numlier of frleorf by Kev. Dr. K. C. lU-id, of the Second Presbyterian church. Mr. John Zliu mermau acted as beat man te the groom, and Ml Mollle Davis, sister to the bride, wa bridesmaid. The newly wedded left for Petersburg, Ya, the former home of Mr. Hlank enshlp, where they will remain for a few days. AT Till- l-KIt K K A l;i: h Kl.l. T II K I IHAN DtLKT IJt'ALITV Ol Jl VCMI.I nt lilb VK KYIU oKKKKKD. MKTTFH THAN CAH ! UK Hot i.lir AT AN i.TIIKIl HTtUlK IN i ll AllIiirTK. WITHIN ft i Tun in th k kami: viAt.ir im unm in tiiik lime ARB Noil Jl NltilL-s. I'l'TK l.irri.K KsiTFhh. H4IUIUM ANDJCB. JfsKM. Y WANT FVKHY MOTIIKl. I N TH K CITY TO HKK THEM i WK ulVF H l.l. AND It r KICKK Ti) U)VH WITH KVKRV HLTT. MENS FINE SUITS MENS FINE SUITS If jr. a .1; io mill ,-! aw iV i.n tHiri v tni liini naaiintilt rlalklaf af j I imX I'l'ixml r. I utirntli. nil n.aW mil Uiranal a aoly lha kaa taatoea l.k .n. at tliini .-t.r 4 k a ill imH ritn iWimn.1. ami tnt ba. lha ka tie aatA ll.al a -rai U nmmd nlrri mm mn Jna amrfy al a rrry arasl' oalkij. W t.a.- U-s khI. lo Itxtiisu. Il.il l Hrntal laauna. barara. r, al A I7.SQ, ll" 11 .' !!' lis and I Ji Tit am a.s-if ul jiit al lrt. imi. l a know aa oaa aave yaa ' "7 oo roWa Mrt.a, IWn-. .twl llnl.rrt IHraa Hat af a gnal rxtiirOun. IV. Kaufman & Co. I.KIINil l lTHIF.Ifs. Fl'HNIHHF.IW AND HATTER. MVIL ORDF.UH KOI.ICITKD. Cor. CKNTKAh HOTF.K CHARLOTT K, X. C 4 S1MIM.Y IMMKXSK-is our last invoi.v of Ijices. You oiikIiI to sre tliestoi-k-ever. -prettier than Revotian Piniities and Tersijii Mulls; Silk Mulls worth cl at V-: Choice ot all tx.lors and l.lai k. Nothine resorveii; our friend. notliinlt' txi pssl for Toilav if von read, hearken, delav not, the prirs will surely tell the tale; the rixkIm will Ix-ar ooniinson. Kemnants of Tissue, Challies, Canton Crxs lower than all; Cane mattings i price sale. l.y experience we have found where lliev are sold cheapest an.llinw awaits you a line complete. Cream silk Fedor. Point dc Paris I'lalte Yal. Point lie (iene. Chitlim, Torchon, and others. Silk and Cotton Shirts Waist tor Indies. Parasols: Ladies (!:iuze Yest. irralW raa aalll MeeUag. The executive committee of the trustees of D ividaon College met at the Central Hotel, In this city and began the transaction of the ordina ry preparatory business for the an ual meeting of the t.'utlees . The re orts presented show that there lias been a larger enrollment of students this year than ever before, amount ing t. lo students. There has been kT'.od order during the year and dlli gent study. The full corps of faculty have been at their post without in terruption. The financial -interests of the colUge are in a sound and en couragiug condition, and the college is making good progress la many di motions. The commencement exer cises will lie held next week, and it is hoped that there will be convenient schedules ou the railroads for all who desire to attend. The trustees will meet at Davidsou College on next Tuesday at II o'clock. YOUNG MENS SHOES $3.5 0. Our line of Young Mens $3.50 Shoes are attract ing considerable attention. For BEAUTY, STYLE, FIT, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. All of these qualities together with the low price tor which we are selling them, makes them one of the most popular Shoes we sell. GRAY ,fe JIAKNIIAltDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTTE. K (V " Prompt attention giTeu to all Mail Orders. T. L ALEXANDER S0N& CO. OH' THKKK'S Kor NO TO BK A ROW. We were never called rowdies but we can't help raisiutta row just now. Not our fault we can otter such a list of new prices, onlv our g.l hu?k in tin. linn rs M3onaule gooils at mluoml prices. The reduction is a caution many have wailed a tumble of prices, now they hear the rash. Like Hmtipty lhimpty on the wall. A score of rrres had a fall. Something now drape upon this citv that hall lie A - L $2.00 E A D E R. SURE TO WIN. $2.00 CITY CHAT It will be as pleasant as a nier night's dream." Two words more: COME YE. 'Midsuni- ladies bright D mgola Huttou Boots, Diamond Patent Tip, Opera To ' Common Sense Heel, all sizes 2 to H, D and K. These shoes ara made f soft fine stock, fit exactly, and recommended for good wear. Mad to oar special order and are in every way superior to any thing on tha market at this prloo. Same in spring heel, also in full com. sense, Hy .mall 20o extra QILREATH Ss OO, Open every evening till 7:00; Saturday till 11 :Q0. WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT A FAVORITE? The acme of perfection in a Ynif" rt Chair was reached when the "FawSte" vat made.' It is strong, light, neat and durable; Combining the best qualities of others without their ' aults. Has a steel frame and stand; Is entirely automatic and self-adjustinc while taking any position from upright to horizontal; Ioea not warp in wet weather; Has no rattling or loose joints; Can he folded for storape or sb-i.pinv and will last a lifetime. ' Pot camrV veianda, lawn, study or sickroom ii in. noe.,ual. Why buv a hammock, oat and skk-" room chair when the Favorite combine i; ' 1 viuuk! t Lte.t .7 Kavc ton com imnml j it. I'm only asking tor them, and they are well worth 7 anil are M&tCaT' in tt har ii 1 f rit t I. mv 'l lian !n il.n ... . .- . t j ll iivi avrvv a J v vavr.i a ll wj III n- ' U ritf I ijf Ollt," Sold exciuaively by t i . - - - Farnitare Mr. R S SlOfin UNDERTAKER. Night call ISOOW 1 ' No.fi, Bryan baildlngr, over Rogtr ACa

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