THE . CHARLOTTE NEWS. VOLt'MK VII. CHARLOTTE. X. (. FKIOAY KVKN INti. .1 1 m: lo. NUMUEninn Seiglc's Juno 0 1801). A frill HHIV: I I.All l .H I'XKtt Alt ttlttAY. k M Waal ItleJ.I? Wa baa ktr l.Mk a. a 4 tfaae tt.v ere l-lr bhi e.aau t4lc .hill Id ffral Ml l IaJIm iMik. cs.llal. bd cut ellbJ life'. IVjj. lla.ii MlUf nlllt 3, H-'iitacs, la ffallr ll f 4lUlui ft,. lllofla ur.Ni! i la (. lf 1I y bela'al .-t I.iuJIm 1 1 ,3V M e ft I fir til II.. f mcl.l OrgllfM thill i 1 1 . ... 1 1 : . h u.i - eiy , lwul..l i i in naa In 4lrM psti l'ln u l . I ll,h a(all.,.- r.ll nl ,.ialH, .1 1 1 '! .Mil o r.n I a di.s-a )..nrl J -u t.u 9 wi Dm .1 a !. a a r a r 1 1 . r MI-IT. I N P. HH '. K It I nlrlllranl .II. .. . . ..I m 4V... N ', r li I a f4 i llntiif teller m I' l.. : irr nun.,., t-.tirr llluf. l-ll. r jM.lllj. I 'll r ( rirv.l aattr.-ar i' . . . ! I it 4f 'ui ii . -r M.iri.n i . i.rar.r la A. B. REESE & CO An a'rntrt for Hoia' colebratod EI-1W. Ha vana ami Snma'ra Five Cont Ciarx and Rui Li Fl r R-sporiiil 'IVn rnt Ciar. tji rat as. a a . T iMf. ii 1 1 1 Hw laiffttoMMit f It. f"isril.l, rwWI . .sr sal. - J in' K s!a H - .t T T u loi'i aa Hfi, 4 i lrtrjrrt n Knv t. i . i H I Ii.., ... lisvln- W u- Irr.r.' T I S.,.-.r 1 I li.i! ,1. : . ir l k. ifm... 's ! I.... k II .r, W . Vs., A l .- Ar-TT.' . , ( i.'.r ',., lr..,, . A r4Ml 4 a- . A rUrx! ! a a toad Cafxdia. Illtua b-aa flvlef CbailoMa loLn a vuJ daal of iaiiwl ud U. Otdofesl ftpiUUwi a fooJ deal ef 11 Umn t Caroline I. Hi. Ifa at a reflsd eoUrad Ksaa la W.J C !( tb aa oJ jiMtM 1 1. flr.i docu lio artiv J at ti.f l.J.lJ. fuaa4 lf HUny ts flarluf aa an J Ilk a auaala- an J barking lik. a htxaod dHC hal tiMil uui. II. altrltuUtl b.i coa ilut I U hyUfla, aoJ la)rllti( nu.f- .iiiti. loio h.r tim, li Ufl liar for lb. il.r (In M nail visit, ! fuauJ h.r larkliif aaln. Olli.f d clf. aallaj anil afur (l.y had dou. all Ib.y roald llilnk of. Ih. luld Carollu. thai aha bad tn "irlrllfHl" nj Ihojr rulil ui( rulr h.r. Tbl onlorld.J .i.rtly allli Ilia itl(iiol alr.a.lj in ly ( '.rulln.'. rrlaliv.' aud frimJiL I u lli. tufaollru lit. ro nr. r. iwopl. ..l Iml nf Ilia lranir .- and fl l Carolina'. Ii.iu.o In dr..rr. Mi. Iark.d I u . J I y .ati d i --rfrril Imitated a di. a. f.M.I i'r ifrr.uii.. animal tilitiwlf A day HARRISON nuMirn. nil I. - i. ' I ' If!. u i , i : I i T. I. n.i i, ik. . I lli. A.-rlU.l I'm-, I ffuttl kl 1 11 Uc II s l.r I '.In i,. la Willi Id. ira. I' .1 I' f I, ttaauaf.fcl..rti I ' .1 . . ii Ii- j, i. rri.i Hi. i ii: drir.i ii... hit. lb. II r r n. . , . d.ol Ibal lia all! I u ...a I I day. 1 1 ' 1 r ' f , ' i i . a. .0 il(IIM Hill I" . !l..u. 1 I i .. I . . . a u I b hi 1 i. I I . i. Half,, a I I- c . - r I I l.f l. f II, rn.t'i; it,. j i I (jrt I a . c i. I a ) : i ' r V , , , i U 1 1 u I a i 1 M I i r a n .lr ' i.' i I itili.l .. : 1 1 - g X I r f u ttiorulng, (ul il i --iiri I a ballul "HI 1" " I) 1 "i ! iHirlaal unr imi la 1. A )' t :. day. Ill add Man. ... it I formally faanirl. I r t : n..ii , la I ha I a eoiiiliiuaU, i 1 1 i f . i on Mr k Inl.y. Aflf pray.r !' 1 M . . n u nr.d aa u . ll.'U I r ini'.lif,. frmii IVn uy I anl . ! r ' m Til. Urllin Cain" U llirn n lr Itiallidof "f Ilia ItiaJ'if II) r - , -. r t ( I' r r rxlrntlaU cinirn 1 1 k.- W ' ? . 1 1 ordrr l rfl l liallol nu l mrp. an- nnuiir.d Id. I lhr wu' l i',""- i' d.'l'lliill. Tli HI ,1 lir III' I .1" i lint In dxllt Ill.Urrv . l! ; n - I. ( .f i vol aud rl I a Lalli't ! iliU r.. .1 lira I r-. I li , K ul I .r M la.,,. ., f I.. a I -tl i i. a ! : Ii I iil Hi ' li . ilev at t'r fflrallr.lrr i r . ( I' I I !i li I . I ra ; f ill, i. n. Ii i, , f l i ai i.e i'. . ai, .rni. fa a i. I .1 . hi j i. I f a '. i ii I .r li i" I i.l 'i aaliifiuf ai . I !. an. Iter I.l, I r I 'i . a ' ' ) i nn I . It I ai ir . .' f .l fai.'l) r. ti.'ii,'r.liifi .'. ,lf I !. u I i u,r llffi Itir l.lir. in i n '. urn a aa rr COLOSSAL CLOSING m. li . I r. :r.. .trl. llr fr 1 . 1 f..r in li. .t I lii( rrirli ui ,f I l!., M ia 6 0 0 Superb Suits Slaughtered. CLEAN, BRIGHT, FRESH GOODS. Vory Litest Spring Styles. f ria i .1 ir I ii (,i, a I'olnlrr a a Ir.ill I njf I linn by ( 'arollD.'. Ii.nir. hrn ha'n- Ttia fpaull. 1 1 I . U(f! I th. .iiund of I'.irainif althln. j Iwran H.rna.iii and Mrl ' II. n kr.l up hi r.ra and lialrnrnl f lo ! a I -r a l- arr f . -r a iii r, U a ' 1 1 ! rn l, Iv-rm i lallrr liar k I hi; I'rrlly ii "tfirr due rainn up and Hi. bark I iik and ho a lini; Ui tl rli.ilfsl muld lia,r n Mrr l f .r ka Thr limit. r tli dt barkrd I-' ri-.i i i,t I, tl.. lr r cnil'lrlr- I I la n thr. r.uUa lahlr III Hir main allr nn'il fluil i h. nil... truaiia, mtrlil dr . rral riv.r aad draw.r. and aklrl. Kni br. idrry Irlniin.d and lar. irliimir.l "III. Laililaxnil (fix. da too. .i I'rirna thai you rani lal anl... ymi m.k. ii ynur uinln r,r ymir.rlf If y.'il h ,ii r it in ,.. i m 1 1 1 riil y mi iii"r than ih..v Kull 1 1 nr of r-ir .t. All of W ,rnrr a T ) and J It -Any ai- lull t.lyrlr -U I llr a 'Ml ufl har.,r ).. 1. 1. K Im in ma I. up f. r I'marll -prinifa l'r W k ll.iwuiaii. of liar Inltr, a ,i ,Ullrr th. vljlrx at thr ronnii.nrrrtirnt of . . i . . , inll.-if. T. L Seigle & CO. .V l r , .. ... i n a m.orrK. - - i i - I I V.ill t N C X4"KrrM- a.rf .nivr t.i ' v rHiiriif.l ! rll l.r i flalilr l.ii'lllli It) urilrr nl all. ! u. r , I. I : I l.-t.l .( i- I . k. a . ,,r...-j Ir.l' n . I r n- I I -Kb. I K A (M. I Ml mm Kunr i'uini.ux K.n with TIMS I'iiWIU-.K AI.W.-U HlllVKS HATI S K.VI "I'll N . NOSI'AI.KIl .IAKi ICKI'IUKII lliinvol Ai Dmifl WAIM.I'N l.l AND UK I'AIL Druggists. on J ti u. .,ih . -Th. lM.rd ..f i- ' ara, mrrt li..t Inradtv mfi for !( urpoa. ..f r..i-inK. i.a.-f'.ra for th. aTradrd inrni. - Th. ( harlotl. Naval 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 i will Ifjiyr Sunday nlktht f..r N-Tf.-lk . hi th. Illrhiiiond .V I .a i i v 1 1 1 - iralu. throiitfh I nnd I'.irl id. -N ithing llkr a lutlr Up In Till N I Th.ian r.u-k nllf. In n ihumiit a.juarn. 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 i li r,l In Vr. t-rd iv rtflrriiiion'. pM-r, w.-rr rr. .rtrly ttin nior n I n . Tn d.i) l t !ir .'tl t itn ii i . r. t r v of th. battli nf lirlhrl. an i well ri' l- v M .v k Ir n bur ao. Iirr Thr H 'tm-t. N.t Kill III,. and llir I hirlotl. t,r:n to k pirt In thai baltliv A urw Mr in, of vi h ir h Mr. K I Krtalrr will b at thr I mad. will op.-u nut Imainr.a In h :i r 1 .it f . . . t' or 1 1 v I hr firm h.'ia thr nculv im- iroVrd at.'llld of Mr. J.llliri ll;ltl. nrar thr court limin.. - M r. irenu. ( ;. Si..-. U:- rriir.d from Ihr Mrrklriibur Alliain-r ilr parlm. til of Ihr ;! h man. I drpartuiriit i h-rr iftrr ui tin iii nuiti' m nr. .1. I . fML.n in nmrr f.niiliirlv ktinwii u. Kii'hard -Mr. K. K ltl.-ik.iy ii nl work rt 1 1 1 1 ""t I''' fl rut nutnlirr of Ir. K. t'. Kefrilor'a .Mr.lU'.il Journal." 1 1 will be a typographical . emity Thr Mlak.y printing hnnn v. ill uh.,. print h .riiil-iiimitlilv puprr for tin AnoclHte Kelorniril Church. Mr, llprinl Clurkann ruvo h tni lat rvpuiiiK' coinpllnnMitHry to Mi-" Kadale Slmw, of Hockiiifrhmn. Thr pnrticlpaiit wore : MIhs Hlrdir. Uur wII,MIm Kan Ittirwrll, Miss Muttir l ami Mesnrs. Harry Wat l a, Will I. ittlr, Julian I.ltllr ntul ir. K. 1.. ( i ihlioil. A moHt Interrtinif nrtintc N now In progrens In ihr I'irt rrpuby tprian church of Concord, 8prvicr beinp held both morning and even ing. Kov. ( leorge Sparrow Is assist ing tht pastor, Dr. Payne, and his srrmoiis are pungent and solemn ex positions of scripture. H is discourse this morning was foiituid on thr worda: "Is it well with the?' and personsal anil family religion were most ably impresned upon his hear ers, .services will continue through out this week. Communion on next Sund iiy. Ihr I. . ii Irr Carol in. barkrd. until hr rinally frll back rlhatial.d Ta.i I nrjtro turn finally ran t !.. doga a a a Ju-I Ima tli. thing would h iv. t.r inlnalril Ih.rr in no trlllng, had n t an old autity come upon th. icn. She told ( arollnr i huibaud of a r.wit ocl..r In Cabarru who could kill Ilia "trick" and h. w.nt or.r to consult the oracle. 1 1 r ret uriied llh aom. con Jur.- medicine w li Irh ha gave Ca r .illnr. uainj; a lot of mysterious "Igiia aa lm hnd Iwrn lntrucU-d to do, and thr reault H t h a t Ca ro ' I lie h: now r..:iri to bark. She will be able t.i Iravr hrr l-rd 111 few days. 1'rra.mal l'.rtrpb. Hr. aud Mr. I I Roach li ft this iimniing for llbiwiug U.vck. Thr y arr accompanied by Dr. Koa.-h's sl trr, Mi. Isalelle Koach, of Atlant-i Mr and Mrs K. H. McDowell are at ( Irvrland Springs. Mr. ( has. W. Tlllett has returned frmii I b-vrlaiid Springs, where hr I In. hr.-n with sick child. Thr child I w ry much Improved Mr. Tillett my l h .re i" already i u i lr a croud at I li'Vrlaiid. Mr. D Keid Willi.iins.of Divi.lsoii, is iii thr rn y lo-day Miss Alice Holland and Misl ll , Wristoii returned home this morning from Davidson commeiicement. Ml Jessi. Spencer will arrive home from school at Richmond on Ih. Mh. Mr. I'.-uil Wilkes Irft on the vrstj bule tram last night for New York, whence he sail- o morrow for Kurnpe. Cadet Marshal K. Alexander has' .-irnved hoinr from the Davis school at Winston. ! A M uar ii in. l-'or eral week's past, Mr. Nat) I .ray has been rinlravoriiig to estab- ! Ilsh a niii-enm in ("h -irlotle and he lias at last mi .'ceeded. As his main attraction I r has"the Kgyplian Won ders." a famous museum which ha never been exhibited but in t-it places Paris and London. He will have his museum open next week. The Kgyplian Wonders will be (lank. ed by others of merit, at. d Ihe must' u in promises to tie a good thine. Il la rrllab'v "tvtrd I' . I ' ' .1. nieoth.rfar nirr. - m,l ' turn to II arri. .11 il ti.-x - I .Ir ,; ' Itlallir out It I r 1 1 ill v i ti-l i: a 'Mr'- alll not formal')' prr.-.,tr I m. ail p r Ir rs, h o w r r. a I ! I v , tr ( . i him in ..rdrr ! hold thr fore.- i -. gell-.r. In ra- It Is necessary to turn to .otnr coin promlr candid it.. A I ger'. name a III b. irrent.-d. M Kiuler w ill get Jior Si voir. Ir.. in Michigan, i hlo will al ge for Mr K in ley It Is fai r I v r. rial n that II ir r ioii or McKllilry will be lioinllii ted today' with indications in of Ham son Mrs Hrlrn K'.s;. r, of the W ('. T I' , Mddrps.ed thr convention. I I paid her great all.-nt ion and applaud ed her liberally. Two scats were given to the drle gates from Alaska a. id Indian Ter ritory, each being the lir-t time in a national convention The call of the roll for iiom I ti .i! I n o I spess-he was p. ..I pone. I for I tinn I lltes to enable the Michigan people 1 to consult. ' A probable e pi ana t imi of t h e fact I that Koraker will not present Itlaine Is the .tateiiient in id" by an Ohio delegate that the delegation will vole i for McKinley solidly on t.- lir-t i ballot. It is slated thai Mr I'iiITi hi i pur pose In taking the .Michigan .lei. .ga llon out was to ing it solidly agal nst Harrison. At I : I s. Senator W-d.- .tl. of Colo rado took the plat f.. i m Me predicts victory in November, for the great unrewarded leader of the republican party James (i. Itlaine. Cheers Mr. Woleott said Itlaine has nrv.-r been president, of our country, but he will be. 'A pplau.e.aud waving of handkerchiefs. ' Mr.W'nlcott said he was proud to cast his vote for a man, who always sought everything for his country and nothing for himself. Mr. Woleott lini-died. Renewed chering, many delegates on their feet and crying Itlaine. I iidiana called Col. Dick Thomp son, to take the platform to present Harrison, amid great cheering. Col. 'hompson said he proposed to pre- ,un.-rv M I'-jH-a i.r.'fi Ir.l ir in ii . i ii al i ii amid a'rrat , ' - . -r III ',! ;.-...-' ir..,-w a-V. I "il! I.r .'loll Oa"r I I t I . f fr ffrll acta ,f If r a I III I n I a I r a : I Hi " ' lirn a V.lin Iii Ihr au.llrncr a. o. til ed Itlaine " ftrr lri.a'. '(!,, a lai.n.r 1 1 1. II ir r i .ii por tr il t a a Ir ,.tu- lit All roltrs in Sack anil Cutawaya Superb xxuto ; rials, Homo puns. Cheviots, Car8aimeroa,WoreUtiietc. splendidly Hhaixni; U.ey'll lit you prerfoclly. Match less, t hoicc. Hich. quite legant, or thoroughly dia tnu fivc sijlt, 'ours for $7 50 i an iil afirr Kal a rlrnt a aa alo dia'la.d a I I r Ird to out C h.rr I ,.n thr l a r Hi llllr , I a.-h ,-r of-, r Itl.iiur ii iiuiiiation wa s.conde 'y Warner Mill.r, and It yd, n.gro. if Irllllrsae. Ilirria, ll.gro, fri'lll N or l h Carol i u a. and S.nalor re ollilnl II ar I lot, llollllll alien , . . f ltallollng aa, brgun ai three brings SUCh protltS clock. I '.i n to an . I Including Illl noia, th. vol. atauds, Harrison .7. McKinley l Hlainr W hr n T. i ia ga . 1 1 arr I son M. t h. coiivrntioii went wild. Thai ln-Lred llrria.n's nominaliou on Ihe first ballot, lin motion of McKinley. Harrison's non.inatlon was mad. unanimous Every one worth $15, $12 and $10 the lowest Ef crj'oue suitable for Sunday dress wear. Everyono new, just received. AU are yours lor 87 50 Do your duty to yourself. Buy while buying ings such protlts. l.OOO office coats at 25c, worth 60 and 75c, just the thing for this hot wive. IV. Kau f man & Go. I.K VDI Nil CUirHlKR-. KUKN1HIIKKS AND; HATTER. M VII. OK OK IH HOLICITKD. Cor. C K.N THAI, 1IOTKL CHARLOTTE, N. C, VK AltIC 8l'l:iKlN'. A I.l 'V at charges for dio s. There may liesoine excuse lor uskiiu: lower thai the market rates; there can't lie anv excuse for demanding higher. Kvery s-iiny that is not legitimately asked is a iYfty's worth of 1111 positimi. Our shoes are as gondii slirasi can be; the best ca n lie no liettt-r. They are hon eslly made ami homitlv soltl, anil. Iieing honestly' niaile, is of course lioiinetlv soletl. It Isn't the fasliioti to take a Mep willioiita it is the fashion to take the step of buy- shoes because they ore cheap, stylish be. Aic.k Hats ami Pnihrllas, Tinnks, TtSr.ll..,.M .la..'.. .... " ' VNKIN A BRO i 1 1 cina from Maltli.wa- Matthews slation has been vory much Interesletl in the visit there this week, of Mr. John P. Allison anil Mr. W. M. Hmith, the "liners" for Concord's new railroad. They select ed a route from Concord to Matthews, and thai people of that town w ill very likely vote the supscription asked -A movement has been started in Matthews to change the name of the township to Matthews. The town ship of which Matthews is tho capi tal is kf.own as Mourning rtar but the township of every progressive towu ought to bear its town's name. aud the movemeut will probably be successful. sent M man who iloes not seek suc cess by detraction of any other great Our Watchwords AKK Don't Miss Tin-greatest sale of the day. Faidiional'le and desirable summer filirics are included in it. There is something in it you want. An nil woo! ilres worth to l-V at ilTjc "forin sramv." A Isilt of Cane Matting fresh and new worth fU at fl.. Parasols from tiney up in black and fancy, (iauze Vest. Vim&VIGor. THKSK I.KAD I S TO VICTORY. Come and see the battleground. Just a few black Kmhroiilered. KoU- left worth from C to t'.' em Ii; take a pi k for only fl. We are ashaunl to p ote the price but that's it-only tl. Also Transparent Klounciugs at grrat!)" re tlucetl prites. Potted Swisses in every sue dot and stris'. nire beauties in Organdies and allogelheran unexcelletl stts k of White li,ssls thrown up on the market at much less than value. Th. (..ruia. Ta-alahl. The gerinan to-night, at tha city hull complimentary to the visiting young l.idira, promises to lie on. of the most brilliant occasions of th. season There will lie alxiui thirty couple., a ml the Italians will fur n is h theiiiusic. The germ in wlll'lie led by MrH It Waters with Mis Mamie Oarrett of Marietta ia. The follow ing couple will partici pate: Mr Will Yates-.Miss Itlrdie Wilaon. Mr H irrold Dirtirh-M ms Mittie Ward.MrChas. Itr.n i.r-M is Kan P.iirwell, Dr Will (irahain Miis Marylirier Mr Chas W i ls.ui-M i-s Mary Moore Young, Mr Krank Jones. Mis- Mary Steele, Mr Walter!-, Miss Allele Wittkowsky. Mr Rilp i! Holland-Mi's Mattie I, re, Mr W I Taitty-Miss Itettie Yates, Mr t h is I Itlm.l Miss Alice Holland. Mr Will! White-Miss Carrie Holmes, MrT Hi Seigle-AIiss M unie immermau, Mr H D Watts-Miss Neit.r Peoples. Mr m rnnst. mniilar Shoes Wft sell. CoxMiss Ressie H.irtv, Nl r Hav-' 1 1 wood Whi. Mis, Mary Hanv. Mr G HAY it li AltNII AliDT. K.l Hell-Miss I, aura Wadsworth, Mr j p.'l.iigle Sidler-Miss Sadie Jones, Mr Robert Young-M iss Mary Wil- ! I'mmpt attention give to all Mail Order. son, Mr Zebllloil Moore-Miss I.izje j Clarkson, Mr J Hutchinsou-Miss ' tirace Ah reus. Mr Kioyd Kmith-M iss S'idie Clarkson, M r l.eon Miss Keesler, Mr (iillespie Sadler Miss Sophie Myers. Mr C K Kaucelt Miss Kannie ittitt, Mr Cirard Witt-kowsky-Miss Sadie Y'oung. YOUNG MENS SHOES $ 3.5 0. Our line of Young Mens $3.50 Shoes are attract ing considerable attention. For BEAUTY, STYLE, FIT, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. All of these qualities together with the low price tor which we are selling them, makes them one of. i9 Km Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, K. C Ghildrens Shoes. Mr. John It. Sherrill. editor of Concord Times, is in the cily da v. - V The celenratetl Mundell Phila Cliildreus Shoes, have long stood At th j head as the perfection of excellence, and are today recoguiied aa the ntCMt lie j most comfortable, ami best wearing at the prloe, od the market. Th. Lit-, to- j tie Rosebud with pat-tip aud wedge-heel, 2 to 5,75o, 5 to 7 7-2 $1. Vary ' light and handsome. The Pansey with pat tip, size 5 to 7, $1,25, 8 to 10 at 1 1.50, II to l:t at 1 1.7"., 8 at These are great shoes aud warranted in every respect. Large lino or Pebble Ooat Solar Tips always In stock. We can probably do Letter for you on Childreus and Misses shoes than any other house, as we always have a very large stock to select from. " T.t. ALEXANDER SON&CO. Ladies Waiats I n all t he desirable fabrics and shades suit able for strce. ami house wear and belts to wear along side of 'em in gilt, leather and "anv as. More laces for your selivtion; Tow els frotii liVtotl each; Kunners will great Iv protect your carpet. lUack, grav and cream silk mitts; Best value in our 2.V hose we ever otlenst for liovs and ladies, ihircor Open every evening: till 7:00; Saturday till 11:00. 3c OO. set deprtrlinrii! aud waists. full of comfortable corseti WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT A FAVORITE? The acme of perfection in ft Coiuf srt Chair was reached when the "FaTOritay WMIUada. i It is strong light, neat and durable; Combining the best qualities of Others without tteir f tults. Has a steel frame and stand; Is en l i rely automatic ami self-ailjuatlng while taking j any (swition from upright to horizontal; Pons not warp in wet weather; UaSMTattUoit j or loose joints.; t 'an be folded for storage or shippinn and will last a lifetitu. Pof CsUU, vjaiida. lawn, study or sick room it has no equal. Why bv a hammock, COtaad Skk v nsun chair hen the Favorite combines all" 1 would be glad to bar. you com around and ' sent. I'm only asking K tor them, and ihey are well worth 17 and an sold lot that price iu other towns: If you don't live in the city write for one; Sold exclusively by ' ', R S Sloan, .-. JtoOtV UNDERTAKER). Night call,' NOk A, Bttm hoilding', rer Rogers AC