THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. CIIAHLO'rrK. N. . Wi:nMM)AV K KNIM.,,11 si: i:.. U2 voiiUMi: viii. NUMIIEIU177 I' Scales Juna 15 180'J. . t ! Mill. htlt T us . tiiii. fKKi'At.t- . eUM ItiJ ,!.. It 1 ! ." (Wlfftftl IU.ll lhaa afc! u4llitMik V.tilf IK I I-.. r Hl I ' flla 15 TIJI TT. i ii.Umniri U H4 if tJi ! W Iim Tiji l- I otlMltM ll It I II U Mlf ia4luk fil-ftci ll ttl 'ra Ya baldly toll IN Mi flow I'tilna ei.lki tl Ut fi iiy l.igM luuili .) dark . , aul ft... J.llfMf.l W i MlKM II I II UIIM W ! prir i ! iti a.. Rcgardez! T iw two e. few. f.U MM!. J. W.iVM- lOaJlaai ( la fas-el f4 asW bits Ulitf tU lti ilda mt lt ohlo mr Ike UrfWMn . Ifce fa' IkeU J IlkJl as ? I a, M Wa Km ... ..... ik. A I . . I I IV- la-! 4 I I ..4 1 ft li IW Jail liar-a au s l. , , . . llTul.Hlul a (UltlKl.i., n. that Wftl U Uk ! it VI 4 t Web4l) e.U -a. n , J fey fri ilt ..f Ui VI 4 n i II ft o J 1 Miri4a lftv $41 li Isjl.a t -J w i I - j . - wtf W i Jit V , I, .a Ittii.i I M ; :. f .. il. tnjLl.i 1 - -J I Ul . a I! ft I asw 14 a. 11 t ft ftj I I , Mitli i I I i. J I II . I rO 1 ,. I i ' ft I TM U4jr Uka tlMf lb i I I I ft, , . . . J ft. ..I L DOM. II k,m. t, i., . , , , u.,i UftUMfxafl'ltili 4 frftrflfv- I , ttmvmi la blh IBM ,J BUMi i i-fu.l a . r I I f If Mr., I f . M - i- I ' ( . I t II .. ll Tt.ii If Iu ton I oar r htu Vftkl I UjM aay U'f- la lh. hUU V Kp ! aalftin uur falllm lot ll f Jit-uftifif aaj Uallv rlMff M4lf idm Kwirall A. B. EEISE & W Um ilmltMliTi lr Kfti llftrrifua t Kojuf kX T I. Nr r.r 1 . HI.I ? il 4 I r J II A lr Iftti.krf I'tiuli fMlli ! Itnri I an S Mfti.iO i !.fti.rfi .L lr ml iiii.l ' II I N I kH V r cm ll. ,t rrrff iMIllltU to l II llm f f If' rW ll . iva II I K, ll.n lot nil) Ik- I , Mr ii tM ll VI'Mi.Ur l Ui fw t twrtm I I llit 4oii VI Mil W-t tl i.ri-v Uft ftl ' ll ' bill niftf lllr . J I In. ml (-ll l.ri. ltA ftl t4l tav rftii'l tui ll I on, II, fwk 'i" tvrftl lllffl ll,i u l on Ifif lr k A k4 f liiini txjtrT ni It. ftl ii at . Uw f-iir I'upp Ijnrri I tJ.irt ftsl, rrl iy I nil trB ffisol iiftlilf Jlil'iftiw H4ntft si r ftnr tlr i l-i HllHifviKI tlf tliftrkH Co fti4 ftll'l l, miw r iit a,! ftn,l -iKt,!! lr lf-ir i)!) 1arU ll I t-r an I aiala A!o "I vil Ull. Ialili ..frtrf .n r. L Seiglo & CO So II V l(.ni. I', .'?. I'rroii ! 1'IIAItl.iilTK, N. r. - - lot - - I-K.rrr ! I. I..u, lil il in llil lw ft,) ,nii In lwrl1h - rr,rr-iili iiiil n rriiiriif-il in it. at .i, ft i,1 iikf m lraU. it ril l a..'irl m .ik'l'i 'il,lf lit aiii lliiiik' H) ,int r nl I r (in'tVi In I rr I -Kl. I . IXI. I'ilHI UWI1CI Kill' I r IMUXIKVKI WITH THIS IMWDKIt ALWAVHOIVKS SATIHVAI' HON. M si: v i , : i .iu- HKgrntKO Barwe I km WAOI.KSAliK ANI II KTA I It Druggists. . fMtll1" HlHI Kilt it looks s if it would lx in il wion mid th sooner your foot i i one of our I.' hIhx-s the more rortmiato it will !'. lUviuiw wr know thii six. w" want '" to know it; Imh'811' it wiar as mi ot her uliue will wear, we WkiiI you U) wo;ir il. ll I alwolnlely the cdeaiiestthiiiK in slioe-leat lier ami there isn't ny limit tolhe siilisfui lion thst it (jives. No niattee what you pay. you get no letter when in footwear vyou Rt-i. - i a hiirh prioe.1 luxury It n't trying to who try It. i iv u. , larire tvk Hats and Umbrellas. Tnink, wtsi ami iianuiMi - Mr J n llryri n In New irk VlallltIC alaler, Mr Ir llirknr. Mr J ('. W.oiiark. ,.f Kelil.rllle. If riflatrr, t tin I Vntral -Mra J V . Wd rtti la ttlll Ini rivlnr rm hr rreanl Irkneaa Mr. I(ini,iiii lifir I rlniif Ma trap for run down in Carolina li-arh. - Tha work of layiuir the lae for for the ( 'rai (head miiiiiiiiimit Im. (iiii in Klmwoid rerui-tory IhU af-t-ruiMiii -The Mlaaea Joiiea will arrive home Saturday "I'liint; frmn oh In WaahliiKtoii. -Mia. Shell. Harrla. of 1'i.plar ! Tent, l vlaiilni' frl-n.l in t'liarl ilte ! the iruea' nf Ml Klla Helideranti Mr. W T. Jordan, nf Mt Nlaixl, paaaed ilirourh tbr rltr yeterday nf- i ternoon nn her war to Hallliiinrr Her ai.-k I'hilil la letter J I'ntll further notlre, the lihrnry ' w ill ileii every inoriiliiif nt liin'rlock and i'1'iae at 2 o'rlork in, In tin afternoon al'.M. nut i I at t 1 1 . 1 The iranie i,f hall .4! ' h sr I. t . n ' yeterd:iy reaulled in a vli-tory 'or the t 'harle'tou team liy a arore nf li to I ( 'har loll e pl.ty t 'nlii uiliia I nlay - The New York cotton market li :ta lieeu on the decline for the paat few daya Today the drop 'i n hl one. the market ,itin nlmul I I to M I point. I There will lie a cilled meeting of the K nilila of I'ythiita IhU evening for the purpoae of nppoiiitium a com mittee to attend the funeral nf Mr. Harry (inllant. Mian I'arrie M-y Itocke-y and Mr.Ollie I'ockerv. leave toil.iv for J frwaw belb Ilia Nawarft ! IJi Kiakklla look pari Tb Udy III afl al lha UlcbwaanJ A Iaa- llla fttaOoa la IM elly ml Z o'rlorft to aljlil, aaJaf aoM ol Ka IH Ju.h H CliaMr.. Mr. Willi Wil klBftwa and Mr Warraa H-.afk ll will to ul al Ilia di If ilalarh- ruaol of lh Nafal Hallallon, a ail a delftfalloa from lh lori.a .Nai Hir1iiia and J.o I lly tlaard Tlia UJy will 1- ftrnrld ! Ih r iJtc of Mr. Thivft. I'.Miir Tl.r Hi lijy of Kolrl r, Harry liallftul pouala and warm frieud. In. dud Monday alirM. la taillliiK Hi arrival of Harry a Ixxly. Tl, lu ImhI will t tftketl In Hlel l'rk rhurrli yarj aad Interred to ' niniriiw nmriilua' It. T A U'luf- l oi of Sll ( rk churrli.l ill rouduet tha dnutd funeral, and liawill ! alfttd by H Kdaard Mirk and Krv Ir It I Keed. of ( lir..u Mr (lillanl waaainrui lr .if Mr M t-k ' i.iiiiri'etfa! i.m .ind ' Mr I .ir Ma a loon rr if I r It-rd cuigfr f 1 1 1. 01 All tl.r rnurl lii'uai ..ITI, ll w.ll allmid Hik irr 1 he pal learer f, r Mr. 4 a 1 1 a i I . rlii,l-i the Naval ar,;e II. Hr.x k -iil.r,'Uifti, II II tlrr. J V. .iniiiif r intn M I. IV rain. J r , K. K Hr a u. J r . and J Frank like I, t r VI i I I 'If" II .-! II, M M i ll V hof4lal aft I' i North Carolina in anad t- a u aaaltl Mr. J I Wwh. Ttia fart p.v-u Hoaaloa had u -ur .. , larlalavJ lnan. l-ai llaOfttoB had llli"i ,-'' ' 1 laal fall (lira li in ur I t I After lila removal I h'l llouatoo lpaui n ,lrnl!i i ,..i., and waaa ftaitirr of nn i im ' I i' ' rouiiauiill r The frtrud. ..I if . .i. i lion aaalo aakf l lint Mr. If nm : tftka rat of I. la in.ilhr .r wn ,1 l..i I I" a lioapltal lu a nil 1 - old I ' . Slat" rMl lr. H olat.ill rel'e I llr li, ll lli.u on Hie (round that I i io..ti,rr II lrlH Ilk'" rC' "I ami r.prllte,l ft Mr J l Mr! .11 r Charlotte Tlir ,rillmrr. i.f, ir prrftrnli- I I M' II ' I ll'l. Ii Two da) a wr".-'-li.iioo I In I' trial iidafi'rtli"'il'-i.--v i 1 ' .n ii' prrftlillllf ma.llral-a Wltllhrl I ll.rir derlloii until )r I - A r tomil r.nil I nt.iW..aiiriaiiiiliiitr'1'iiiil - j . r t low hat waa Mra I T it " t ' line run . Iilloii Tlr If il a .-ill il ,f I at IhehnUae of Mr J I I I in I r i n and the enllre nr i ,.M r!i i-d lurne.l oil I ell tllta V r - H'lll-till !.. yeara of aire. I. ct a t I. e in .il Inn iiiui l.i( I . I I a I ' MmlulL 1 II L M,l . uj l.rlr I J I nil ' I ' ' I. ! t i i I ' II ' ft aojl lii . 1 .' will YOUR CHOICE THIS WEEK I i . . l f I . i i ' ii i I I a' r r t I ; i M r i I-. i -i I i-1, i t "r ' ' I r I ' ftl' -li. It -l-el I nil Hi 'ill af 1. ul I I I - I !!. ' i I I n ! , u I. a I n in, t II'.. I ' eftil', I ' a - aa all la I ft cf tiitt... Ill ft f t ii; ok II a I ii til' liIla "4I Ii i i i . k i 1 1 , i- r ' i . p ' a I I ,r i r III .ftll Client I I' r .il l Ali..'i, I'l-' i ii - V nil -I, Ii l ,f lii'ii,"- l an I If i ,if.l u( Il,er i a pr ... er i 1 1, l Kftle,,- - i 1 1 111' li' Hie left.,, I.i.-I Win. I I, - nlj n-'l !(-- f' an I t' e l-ario ii t'MI. rr'114111 I 1 1 t a . I '.li.nii.l It lleich fill there ia 1 .'j thai .iii,',' i' I mi- 111 I K l ill HI I III. Ir 'i. dell It O K 1,000 Men's Fine Suits $14.50 Marked Duwo From SI8, S20, acd $22. rei-'.e I'e r, I I . -loaej Hie Ih.,,), Tht bickw.vrii .ion has left us heavily overloaded in Mfii.s Fine Suit. We muat turn our enormous Hurp us stock into Cish it onca To do this we must more Unn donblf our h;Uos this montii. We,tliert- 'jfore, jvre corapolleil thua early to sacrifice and wo W vt you the bfiirtll just when you want it. Al Ik ril art. The fiuea at the city murl thl nioriiliiir amoiinted to fi. At three I o'clock thla uioruinir the Killi-e heard the rattle of carriage wheela along t he at ree l, a n d r ec. ik'ii 1 1 d a hadly uiik ataiiu of "Aliule K.oiile.'' They atoppml the 'arrl)r "d eCort ed the occupinla. four women and two men, totheiruard liouae, w here they pent the remainder of the night. The crowd m ahort of cah hut rather ll uati of Jewelry, and put up wntrlie', chain" and illsmonda galore In the hautla of the chief of ollce aaaeounty f or thel r ll nea A j hilf; crowd from the neijr. h dorlioo.l of , ' The lay inif of the corner atone ..f the new o'phana' II nn- it Mirium Spri ll (fa on (he ".'I at ai! he a K feat oc r iH'in In 11 . Iil.t ry f Tin- nr, af.' I r ( 'urrell.of I i 1 . 11 will deliver an addmaa mil other appro priate e Xt-rileoa alii h. he I d I'.irtlr (foliilf from here and elaew her- to at tend llll' i.Jrrdi' are re.( Heated to take haaket of provlaioua.-.a a (rem ral Jilcnlo la the order of the day after the layltiif of tlie corin-r a to lie. ( It haa hren decided by Kev. Mr 1 lloyri. uperintf nuVnt, and It -v. Ilr j Rum ;de t h et the C'nrl''!e lull ahall hare the privilege of u uniii,' the hulldliiif and an-l-cl I n ir t!" In the Charlotte Mllla waa arraigned, j crlption for the r riier tone n charge of a row laat nltflit. There were in.'ii. women and children in the party. Two little cliapa (fiM into a flifi'l. Chap Nn ' mother ran up to lo-lp ll. when the mother of chap No 2, appeared upon the aoeii". I'll en other recruit for the re a pec live nldea if llhered and It lookeil like there waa Ifolllff to lie. a war. Tha row, however, did not amount t" much, hut the ln.ivor raaerved Ilia decision Al the I'arh I. ail Nthl. 'I'lli. opelllnif of tin' Hummer "i'IHuii at the pni k infill, wa-i largely at I 1...I I... ...... 'I'l... ..r- lllnir.l mil .T-.itiT-. I nr I .. I Lroinif out were well III hut until a late hour. Dilworth hand w a on hand ami delighted the crowd with InapiriiiK tnunic. 'I'h. winding v alk were crowded with the rich and the poor all ntemin to enjoy them New York, whence they will -ail for I ndvei. The lake van A favorite ,,( i N k w 1 Kio de J aneiro, llrail. t.ivl-it their mother and father. Mr. Win. ll. Ilryce, a former well known cotton Imyer of Cliarlot'e, hut who Il ia heeli doiu hu linear in M iHH(mpp fur several Meaanna pnit. In al the Itufnrd. The hot weather of the paat few (layfl ha Keen making the cotton come up at a lively rati. II ha heen a perfectly (fraud eaaon for harve"t Iuk ami for working cotton. Chief of police Mutton known of a family in very deMitute circunitan ce4 and worthy tlm aid of our charit ahle people Contrilnitioni left with him will ho properly dolivored The Concord frradeil Hihool I ii i ll 1 1 K w'" H""" lp enlarged ami improved, and the fall Heneiou will open under hi ihl nifpicea. Huper inteudotit K. V. Mmiirnm, has retaia the faithful and elllcient teachers of the lint term, added another ifradc, the Sth, mid the nchnol thus ouiped will atTonl superior advan tages in every particular. A couple of season tjio Mr. I. N. Hmith, of Hliaron townnliip, re oeived a few n:rain of Mexican wheaL He planted the-ced and th. following suimuer he ifot enough to plant a considerable space of irronuil. He is now harvesting his Mexican wheat, and sentTHK Nkws a sample fit It is bearded, and llu heads are much larger than our ordiuary wheat. tor tht ifirln and Imya, and m my took advantage of rowing l y moonliglit. The ark never looked prettier than it did laat night, and tho car we vice was excellent. Ow ing to other at. tiactioiia in the city, the crowd was not an large as il othm wise would have been. Don't Miss The croatot sale of t he i'.iv. Kaliionalilc ami dcsirahle summer lahrita- are included in it. Tlii'iv is something in it you want. An nil wool ilres worth .'al to Cnic at .17c "forin srance." A hoi I of Cane Maltinc. fr.-sh ami new worth all!. Parasols from tiney si'.es up in black ami faiicr. (tauze V-st. A I special train will leave here on the morning of the at at 1 I. and ar rive at Karmni I J : til ; relu r n I ug, lea ve there at I I . and ar 1 1 vc her,' it 'to o'cloc k. - e The llaaain l' I'Ue It. aso n I 'li'inii w ! in left f,,r M .Itthew - yes. I d I n l 1 1 1 ... 1 1 t - pi iv ball with the Matll,e- club I'liue back hoine lat ni.'ht is h.ippv a could he expected iiinb r tin ahadow of defeat The M .1 1 1 ll i- w - club, It is said, took tin an ide.i that I'h irloiic was going to .rn, her professional team down there and 1 1 k them from the face of the earth, w hen in reality the smalleat boys th .t c m hold : bat were the onea w li . w on t Tie Mat thews club laboring under this im pression, scoured tho country for h ill player .-ii I t li-c hisiij unce was ( 'harlot te's ju ven i le c ul. went down in defeat by a seme of lt to .'in f -i . r of Matthews. The It ason Chain p ions take their defeat like little men and are only waiting for another oppor tunity to cross h its with the victors. Miss C.iriie It. iluies, who lias been visiting her sis'er, Mrs. John White, left yesterday evening fur Salisbury, home. Will lr,,ll.l ... I. Hi Koi.i ' It fteeii.a II at the htll rrauka have faint hope, tint ah ill will r. in to the rescue of the S .nth Atlantic ' League, and tare ll from diftl.anJiug 1 Aaheville II la ail. I lia. taken asuiie tepa I aecure a Irani hut Uothli f d .'l n 1 1 ll I a bee ii agreed 11 e ll I 'h a T lolle would ! extreinrly l d ' Va'ievllle tike hold and 'he pride that the Mountain City, haa in II of 1 1 iiiiilerliklnjf a w.iild Imurf a pood hall team for that city .ellklf.l Affal r. The entertainment ttivau by Mrs. . '. H'oiihk to Mil. Mary Mimre N .on laat nijfht was a brilliant iH'ri"" I'he rea,nce and Iwailtl Inl lm w.i. .warming with happy ..iees and none w-tninl happier than t eheiiittful and acromplisheil ile b.iuut" lioae grice and beauty coupled with many other charms have won f..r her ao many society friends. The enter tainment will be pleasantly remembered I y all w ho here so fortunate lo be counted a- llloillf those present. The Ro.kla ar iii rreaui i.f our lUerk. Th fabric) arc the Baet, tht) palteriia ar th h .ne . i ii, .yl ar lha laUat, lh talt-riog Is lb baMk .All nea and in "i I 'lr.ii,i., (,,Ji M anutluri4 lo tta fur Ibis trade. IV. Kaufman & Co. I.K VI'INM Cl.tirillKKS, KI'KNISIIRKH ANDjHATTER. M VI L intDKlU HOLICITKD. ( "or. ( ' KNTKA I. MtiTKI. CHARLOTTE, N. C ' Our Wati-.h words AKK Vim&VIGor. T1IK.SK I.K AD IS lo 1. iii:v. Cooie ami see the baillivronuii. .lusl a few black Kinlir.ii,liTisl Knbe Icl'i worth from f . lo ?7,'' i':n b talc a l -ick ler only 91. We arc ashannvl lo i oic liic price but that's it only 1M . Also Transparent Kloitncins at greatly re duce,l prites. Pnlteil Swisses in evi-ry si.-cd 't ami s:ris', rare beauties in Orgatnlirt end alloeilier sn unexcelled vstivk of While H hkIs throw n up on the market al much less than value. Nutrl Aaernalon. crowd on the aijuire to day at i n oii were eagerly watching aapecu- lar shaped M. ii i e 1 1 1 1 n if that seemed lo he limiting in the air a most over the Victor Mills. Tins object of attrac tion proved t h" a balloon that was s. nt up on lillh street by Willie Itea iiiiiii. Since Prof Zelno left, all the sinal U r boys seem to have a craze for . ir ichutes Young Heaman caught on to the idea of inflating a balloon and to-day lie made h i m one of tissue p ipel, hlllli; i over the mouth of a -f '.ve pipe :ind filled it w itli hot air V black cat happeiii'.l alonjf about that tune, and I lea man, thiukinif that the cat miifbt liketo make the trip fhr.ioeh space, tied a string around the animals body, and in a few sec onds the cat and balloon were rapid I v ascend i ug on t of sirh t. The last -ecu of the balloon and cat they waru noiiig at a lively rale over Biddle- villo. LADIES OXFORDS Have y..u seen the Ladles Oihirdi We are lliug for two dollars It not, you have perhaps done youraela an iuJusUr. If we were to Jadf tht) .juality wl lhe shoea by the uumlier of pairs waare Mlling, we ahoald surely sa, we are in a" for I.' Oxfords. A nice assortment of atylee with good thick soles, or liifht hand snwed, just as you Hit. The Iff fln Ox birds. We have them j all pric-is and evary one Is full of value down M low as 7"k'. J ust received auother lot of Misaeu spriug heel pat tip at f 150. vTbeM are the on we have sold so uiany of' ; Gl XX & KARNIIAI.DT. t- Ktwt Trat!. Street, CHARLOTIK K C aW Prompt attention (fir en ro all .kail tWars Ladies Waiats In all the dc-irat.le f.ibru-s and shades suit - able for -triv. ami house wear and belts to war alone side of 'em in Kilt, leather am1 i .invas. More hurs for vour selivtien; Tow ' els from liVto tl each, lhinners will (freat I ly protect your cars't. Klack, (fray and j cream silk mills; ltist value in our 25c hose : we ever otVere.1 for hoys and ladies. Ourcor- .! .Icimrtnieiu i full ol coiuiortable corsets i ' and waists. Ludies Oxfords W e want every lady to call ami see our great leader: Ao extra flu doiijf. da kid oxford, diamond shape patent leather tip. These ehoea are sewed, have ulce weight so es, aud warranted not to rip; Very flexible and s ft; Ma e to our special order on new opera shape last. JostM comfortable as ('. S. and uiach uetiter; -Frice $1,25, bj mail 20o extra. Also our tine seamlsss cut Dongoia oxford, pointed patent tip, and eom uiouseiise. These are geuuius haud sewed and warranted; Price 91.50, by mail 15c extra. We have the finest Hue of low shoes ever Shown la Chr lotte. , QILREATH Ss OO. Open every oveulng till 7:(10; H.-durday till II :00. T. L. ALEX AIDER, SON & 00. WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT A FAVORITE? The acme of perfection in a Comfs-t Ch ur was reached when the "Favorite'' ss Blade, It is strong. gUt, neat and durable; (Vmb:uing the best qualities of others without their fuillw. Has a steel frame and stand; Isentirely automatic anil Mlf-adjustjnn while taktog v any position from upright to horioiitat. Does not warp in wet weather; Una no rattliog or loose joints; Can lie foldtsl for storaire or9hippiim and will laat a lifetime. FW camp, veianda, lawn, study or sickroom it has noeipiai. Why buy a haniruock, ootawl (icl ro mm chair when the Kavurite combines all'.' 1 would be glad to have you come around aad tee ii. r m only asking f." lor them, and ihey are well worth 17 and are Sold lo thai prfca in other towns: If you don't live in the city writeforone; Sold exclusively by ' ... . S. - - - Furniture Dealer. R 5 I d fs l' NDERTAKER. Night ell. 1 w w i w i 1 1 n. 8, Bf o building-, ? er RojeM A C A,,!?. RANKIN ABRO

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