THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. VOMJMK VIII. OIIAHLOTTK, N. C .H.DAY KV KN I Nti. .11 M! 17. KUMIIKH117U Sonne's Juno 1? Oram! Reduction!. f atatf aa st IW va aa Uat aaavaa M-4 IV I Tu a- a-l tan I I I la aj. a -aa I aBaafeae aan a a Mi ai a a aaa ftja' a I lMt TV. ... . a. .a aa I laaikaa aaa'aaa lea axle, sail llaaw W. hat aJ laWaa . SHAVED ICR Jemojr Crtim, and Huylffr Chocolate, AT A. B. REESE & CO Drutftfist. aWaa I B r a m at aa- lb . o Is i a a aa a t a a a a a al u. t ft- -a. t . . fcarf kait a pail laarau al 1 1 . TtoiltW lolaf tva1 laaarra la-. If ll aa.r mxIKM M Ml IW .i . .. W ai4 ID taal I iOki7 .a al mara rKIMM I'M A Ml" .tesa iwliaraa to law all 'T ft. a1Wa Hao-I a,afiilli- Alaaitl bvl nut IUf fi al No i a 9 V jr rlt.M a f aiiv in th kj4 Ilia US HkMLKi li A It. It All a.i lfa-a (( ib lanrwa at taeap Itir ryiiMluMt a t lar a-a a-aask 4 ariavrt lafJ ka4 II Jaa. )1 X ta. ... of rati I I ' Mr Sail I'rMfjra A D l.ea. 4 .. N iKnixVat J A tbr,' K Irt M..r WJhnali . rv. Lift kr Htrrau A 'r.nj raattarla.! T I. .Sa-a A Saa utile . aa to a4 Maav Tl. IUctMka4 A Ittt la-il- aj iva.-a Mil Ua fS a eaaat 4 ea,se. nrvUr Na. I. teeaj (fa UaS ml KassW.W el U Kifca-4 A Ik.. ill fMMi; s4 i4v4 by W. HalJakapef e4 lUaUae KaaXar, re (altar. aa: B 4C a lt t 1 rail corl !! t'alt4 Hlal tot Iba UiaB (UiUlcl Vlfflala. Iha Waalar. tHcUUI "I Sotih ('nllBa aa Lba V aa a f a lMIIIl ol Ha ( afulla. lb ilafalf BaJ bit! ka (polBtaJ larolraf el all lba fall faaUa, pofaljr, aaaaU aal aaf of I1 rf Kilioa, III) (tfarUoa to taia laaa.liu p-J tua ( all lb lailraaJ. pfapafly. all acb rail roaJ. r apart jr. buotl, aaraaaJ miiiU, ! fioM anil ral Ilia M rallra.U la ruinpllaat llh iwli darraaa li Uk.d jajaaaalixa ol all Iha tyilatu i'f fallfaaJ. aaJ (if -parlf of liJ turpottlluD, aoJ aaaaataj 1 1 a paraUun lharaof Iha ffl r f (f I I .'Ufl. Willi ilia aproal "f Iha ' .ml ilia nltl a ir Ilia HiralTar will lia mala Ulna I at Wliluku. I' I ' T lir f.illoa- tut (i1ff ara liafabj . nliila.l W. II Oraao. (irarral Muarr. Ki !( Trafflr Mu .-r. J. .(in V Mall Trarr. M THE rKOHlKniOMSlS 1 1. I 4. . I va lJ ii W.J f la i .n4a a l Ik .1 I . aV A tat aa aa. fe Ma a... a lawl at (a Caai a Tba fM.IHUtf. kill) l.i M i a. a. i - . ... laaua'f ti i..iaii) iaa Ml' IliilvaM lM la tal mi laal alf bl Tbili t WJ takail rfaa 1 ital lt I it.k i ll.i bMluf ol Ilia 'HiLlai I" ( aa fejTaaflaa clianl. .t t ml Iha x u iiJ VI i It. H AlataaJ" ' i! l.lato hit llaal aua.l. .,.i ikl. a fat at ftf ali llu ! l' '.i. U p-rlf. Tr ?( farMar . Ur VI . A lal !' a4 " W . I. I .1 . i . poop I a rall la I! I. I a u air hara 0O pawpla pia lf It- ! Ihr frolilHlloO liraal III ll. !. I al 1 vara praaanl laal nlfhl " ri-u laaO ha I'f obi ImIIoo pari, to I a maaa l.u.lnaa." Mr II ll Mi Jar aa alrrlaxl I'lixijaul t.J VI f Jull W. K a.ra'arjf anil lirnuf.l ' W.a. Anoltiar niMlInf I ! Ia lirl.l u.kl ThuraJa alfhl, a bau I'f V M I rrft.y alll ta h r t. f auj Iti a ram si ..( I li niTirrt alll l- alarta.l Mr "j.ii.Ur up u , r roaraa ill ni.ailri -t li e parlj alll .1. ili ualiu. al pr ' ii-iii.-u Hrkri. If Ilia Hlala tu I r .unit l'in w-ra-jr a III f la ltim a ha I l rr anil. Il..r alll bul a it I . H 1 1 r 1 1 . m i..l It t k . t, tkJ r4.1 ll..a ' . i.j liaftn V l.iJ :i. , a-il .. 'tsiai.l at awa llcl tt'tl t. aak ail. a I' . uir4Mti.i f ia.4 g i0aa a ' ., I I It I . J . n. . . k l.i !.!-'. I' . ak4uaa tl I .. a! at a. a km. a t t.a ,la..a la II J I a4lil .Han a' I -a .mali.i la I! l.laa a. I I til ka I . , .a a la I' .. t " i I a a at . a 1 1 J Ul ( . . L.ll YOUR CHOICE THIS WEEK ! I i ia. - a t . I w a) a, 4 a I a iki I I git I J la I I. ri I a aa.. a. UiUi. i.l I. lt ..i it Iha flvall . ' a-fi al .n lal Jtiatl tt a I j f 1 r.i S tii.,W ii ' f . aa im i li i 1 1 1 i t al. i of to a r.-a I f a la J ! a a. .la a.l al lliair nil I Haa'all aa at aU-al ll a itlilf ol lilil. ll taa a b a a U k.a4a I I .l .labial la a I all'a latatii.t aaJ Jr. p At I udoil .. IMo( a. i.J; !..( II. tttatiiut in I lilll ' I v.. I" ratti . ut ofbarual l u. .( in I al Hi ii((aall.. .1 apl KaaJall . Ifappavl a lif pr aartar aroanJ bar aal.l liraapiaf lba bar nf Ida partvcbala lb aifaal aa(irao an J lh lull aaroaaal h .1 op Into Iha I.iuJi III a lurlil a Mia lba (faat tin .1 rhaaraU aj I'ii- I'tO.I pliaa.l. I . iu Hal I.-. i h aacaaaj anoia I, J f aa I uj f) ualla Jnfla I ..r.r Iha lilil, alian a a ia;iial Hum liar tuauar ha rui I. xiar from Ida balloan auJ fall frara full llil.. Ida lir. Iha III pra aair krpl bar fnnii .luklna; aoJ II. . .run abura en I J aa nula bar I'urljf haail iKibblnf out of lba a alar A iilirlpallnf Ilia rraulL Cap! Hao. Jail bail hi aarvaral rraa out In lal, ami a h fall aU Iha rl Tar : all liau.l pullai to lba raaraa On arrllDk' at Ida wharf Mia Zaloo rfol into a pony rart aoJ with Iha crowd nnipii'iirlilit iu lirlvau to liar IrnL Hha will apvaar afaln nail i;u l ir, an. I tu avolil rrowdlD( Ihra Ixial w ill I placail In roniiiillnn lr. l.adaclla at II aalrra. Ilia Mr. liavnrica W. Saililarllli, Slat a All Jut, lrl l verrxj hi r iiulacHl adJraa at Ilia roiiMnanrrmtau t aiaarrlaa of Hiuiloravllle Mijfh ScIhxiI yealarJa Mia Third part y, li iwrvr, fllrnl in I'.iiryou: ii o.'iitrict in la-udi-riu Dr. Kiiiili-rlin tint "ofllt of auditor.' Mr. John HpriiikT" Davldaun m aot tlirra. Kicliard Kaxor aj that af t?r ronaiiiltatioii. It waa agraod that yt-rday wn not iha proper tiaia to approach Dr. San. Willi, "Inn" h ad-dr-d, ' ari ynl (fol'ilf t J It " 1 1 T. L Soiglo & CO. ISo. II V Tra I- H. Trynn l M V HI niTK. N. V - ii - - a rrri tt ii. Ir . bhii'IiI of ii. Dial il iaa a ily jt raprw4ital niii.l iip.1 u .a al 'iiia, ami liar a .IralV II i.lia.1 on airti I pn-fiM l.i lw rr- !iM- Iu ill llinir tUyunla rul I' I. MCIU I K A CXI. Ba I. . rll a. SCARII'S V I) (iwilei KRDIT I'llKHKIl VKD WITH THIS TOWDKK AI.WAYKHIVKH iSATIMKArTlDN. NO MEALKO J A Its I.Ki.riKKO llurwclrf Uunn 11 UT WAOMCSAlaK AND RKTAII Drnggists. CUKI'll," But it looks aa if it wouM t in it soon and the WMiner your foot is in one of our 12 shoes the more fortunate It will be. Hecause wi know slioe. we want you to know it; because it weiire aa no other shoe will wear, want you to wear it. ll atweluiely the apest thiiiK in shoe-lent Iter ana there tan l .limit to the satisfaction that it gives. No iwhat you pay, you get no better when ihe best-lt la a luxury in footwear high-priced luxury at that. It totliosewhotry it. Tiyit. rk Hats and Umbrellas, Trnnki, iutibags always on band. LNKIN 4.BRO l aval mla. -Ui il 1. Ilaalh raluriir.l frum Aliiaavllla . rv I-, Ihl itmriKI nr. II will laaa f ir Norfolk In a fV la -Mia. (Jt.1 HriK-katilxiruugh, Mr J A. Darriam aud Mia Klla Wrlalon alll Ir tra fur ( rata all M irluaj nail aaak - A o alacirlc mobir, for running a coffaa (friiidlnir mac-Miia, ha lann pul III at It niiii-y A an N rrunTj ailnra - Mrs. Frank I'harr, living near Km-ky Killer in ( aturru i-nuuty, diaul ymtaarday from a ronira.llve chill. Mr. K ('. Tliuiiipami in I rlill- ilrau Old I l an. I Virginia Itnach Una lil irnnik' to paiid tlir iiiume. I'-of. Haimial I'rllliar.l, of Wof. fonll 'ul li-a--. I. v ii 1 1 n tr friend In Charlotte He I th fueitof Kuulre l. U. Maxwell. Mr. and Mr, (iall.tnt, father and mother ol the late Harry lliillaul left tlil afternoon on ttn return to their Imnie In l.ttoula. The 'lieu' nieating at the Y, M. (' A., to n Ik lit at H ti), will li led lv Mr. J. S. Drakeford. Hubject, Secret of dl'lpleahlp. A curd lal I u v I lal loll I extelldeil to all. The neaion :it Cre-iw ell prlng win iipeiiiiii iat Hlue-iday, aud thera are already a uuniUer of board er there. The water i Knd a iiounl and M r. Sluau kei'p aa 11 .ie a table a eva,r. A very flue crop of gr& in grow nig Aloug llie electric car Hue on South Tryon treet, but nt the nme time, that In not the iilce to rniae grans. TIih appeiirance of a lieauti lul Htreet Is reMtl y mnrreil hy (his grnsMcrop. The Four ( ought o weed it out. Comuieuctng Monday, the Sea board Air Line will put on a dally freight mi the Watiteru division he tweeu Charlolte aud Hutherfordton. Tliia train will leave Charlotte at 7 o'clock a. iu. This extra freight fa cllltieM for the Western towns will be vary ailvautageoua to Charlotte mer chant. Ht. Peter's Home and Hospital is much in need of cloths for haudagea, as the recent auhjecta for surgiosl operations there have exhau-ited the supply of handagea. Thoie of our people who have old cloths suitable for this purpose, would confer a favor hy Bonding the in to fie hns pital. Dr. Will Orahnin has returned from a brief visit to thn const reports about Wiltnington, and a.iys that Carolina Heach and Wrightaville heaih have been built up ho at either plaoe it now look like Coney Island. The Hummock Holal now has l!00 rooms and in being admirably managed by Mr. AiiR-iist Under. The weather is just about right for snake stories, and here Is one: Mr. J M. MoCall, of Morning Star township, yesterday killed a coach whip snake, that was 7 feet long and twelve Inches around at the largest part of Its body. The Prohibition party ought to secure it for a cam paign document. '. Kl-r. Aa lllof ..rJar. a. urh ufflr.r. , . . , 1 thay a 1 1 1 pu I ou Ma 1- and r.iunl, l-..t-a. I r,.p.ri-daf-..rdlnfl, r..,il.iii..i, it-fc.i TI.- 1-1 1 - . I preanilila an I ri. a.ra i doplad ' ' I Whrrra. aa ll.. ir Ihat rr ruin i rep.Mi Lie I A I in l-li I ii.vl tbr ul trt i.f .'iir r i a 1 1 n.l i.i,li. l lit-arty, for Ilia mlllar III wlilrh l.r j I I - bar afa I Im I 'I I li a an. I rMinl ' tillilli- a a ( llir-il ami Ihr uaa be nilk " of I hr pr i v I Irya ..f I lir alarllre I r turli lf . 'i I Whrrea , e lelipre that Ihe man ufaclure ul IrifTlc in li t i ir atlng leverage I a public nolnrn; a A ii i r u I r lallar frmn lirifaral Vlai'aai-r hrran ' iiafarrlaaj I Irrular No I, i.u.l by F W II uiilrkopar and Reuben Foatrr, Ka ralvnf lyirrrbf aaaU'na rUrja of Hi. rail lin of Iha i .inn (Ian ral Maua(r for th Kai-airer. Head uf Daparllurlit and DlVlallill OrHcar will t-a goaarnad afci.r.liiig It, and raiMirl to (hi offir a her torn. Mat. Hara'i l ai Traaa a llaaal Taaaa la II. la. A Niii i .ubwrlber at ( larklou in . PoJurer of r-lm-. i.vrriv in I pnlii ical corruption: It im-reae lnai ! and dirarta one billnni .t.'lla" frmn ' the 1 1 lit-, of lagl 1 1 in it.. Im .1 ii , .i ii. I Ml.ln ceuuly , on the Carol I ii a Cen tral roaJ. write of a hlpiiiiil of tnp tl mbrr apar aud uil" Trom that place. The ahlpment w m vla by Mr.C.H. K.l.blu. of Wlliiiingtou. the rhamplou 'liuber man of thi State. There were flit car load. The tpara, cut from the plue foret, were perfectly atraight an ' hapelv, and meaaureil from ) to loo feel. I . rei-ulred three rlat car for a load Till Umber I said to be the finest ill the world ail I g to ship yard all over the globe. Mr. Kobbin I now gelling out another shipment. Our , uhacrlber y that there irr about I'larklon great crop of cotton, corn. ! cabbage, paas, Norton Yam and lnh ' potato , etc. ' - - l II nalvrat III'. Malllalrrf Traa. I'l-uple who en in o Ihroiifh Hun-; (el HVllle Ihl inornlug aw- the Clll- .eiiK of llial burg euguged tarring and wrapping up the trunk of the; hade tree along the streets. Ilwa developed that last nigh, a parly of; Taiidaln ellt about Ihe town and stripped theiha If tret. of bark from the ground up for a dl-itauce of ahoul j four feet. All old Virginian who! was thiTf, told them (bat if thsy ' would coat the barked placei with j tar and wrap bagging nroiiud them,: the tree would poinbly live, ihe; advice wa acti-d upon aud the whole ' tow n 1 now toll of baudaged trr-ei. -a- - j I he tilled in the regi-ter I of deeds olllce by the late Hhiiv (iallanl, hrti l'i-rii temporarily iip . plied by Archie Anderson, who ha, been work in the olllce for aouictliiiH past, and w ho hae tmeii rtitaiued hy Mr. Cobb. Wherea, the titx and ilcena l.iw recogtilre It a legitimate and In crease ii power for avll, aud thu make the, Stale and n i tlotial governuieul partner In the crime for the ake of the revenue; j and, Win rea . Iha nc-uniu athni of riioriuoiK forliini' by iii.'iiiipolj and truti, the existing coinlltlon of llnauclal agricultural ami ni.lunrml deprelou have become matter of great moral aud political imp .nance and, Wherna tln-e evilw nri mainly reult..f the Ini'ior I t-. . il i . -. i - laK--inlatlou and uiijil't ti, lln-ri-fore, Resolved. 1. Thatl'.i in in ;i f icl lire. sale, importation and i- por lal ion of iutoxicatlncr sud alcoholic lo-verage should In- protill'id-.l and cnij Irtelv suppremt-il by national nnd State legislation, thoroughly i-nlorci-.l by otllclal iu harmony w 1 1 Ii audi law s That then evil above men tioned shun Id he reliiedii-d as far a possible by legislation, which will secure lo every citizen, of i-very class and condition, 4 1 . 1 1 rights, i-.ii;il jiiHtice and ei-iiat opportunities. That all men should be pro tected by law in their (iotl given right to one day of resi in even. 4. That iu order to secure these desires reforms we declare our nlli gl ance to the national Prohibition Party, as the only party thronch w hich we can see any hope of get ting the needed relief. .r. That we will vote for 110 party or O F This is ioinlia-.tic Advertising Scheme. Not mere idle words if pleasant sound. Not a smoke minus a liiv. Not a war of drawing a crowd and de reiving tliem. Ye have a score of nameless liar-ains in addition to the few here mentioned, any o which will tickle your fancy and purse, but you must not tarry till a'.l an1 gone then ac cuse us of you know what. Tomorrow, may be too late. ladies and Misses KmhroidenM Flouncing worth l,ir to $2'00. our price c 2,11 to our price T.1) c lllack l.i'ilo l.fKl, our pneej-'ic Keal rich, rare beauties, these Flouncing, are. l.ndies shirt waist feel the slux'k; We hoe to scatter I hem (siwerfully by our last stunning blow; They are wonderfully cool and oh' so nice to havejon your summer trip. A. II. P. -klallara. A meeting of the committee on publication of the Associate Reform ed Presbyterian Church, was held at the Central Hotel yesterday after noon The committee decided Uk)D Issuing a mi monthly Young Peo ple s Taper, the Intention being to i entually make it a -weekly public lion. 1 1 w ill he is Mitd from Ihe print ing house o' Itlakey A Co. The 00111 lint t. e also decided til establlh I 'mrlotle a depository of publica tion of the In lie. I Presbvterian Hoard, of Pittsburg The-e was lull attendance of member and all were enlliiis astic over the work iu I Kin. I, Sl a Tklra I'arlr Mu. apt. CI as. McDonald whom the third party has insisted on pressing Into service, was in the ci'y today He told Tiik N'Kwslhat he has noth ing; to do with that parly, or any otner party mat Jeopardizes the sac cos of ihe Democratic Stale ticket. 1.000 Meirs Fine Suits $14.50 Marked Down From M8, JO, and m Tlio b irk word rt-v,on ha left us heavily ororloadod in Mens Fine SuiUn. Wi rauat turn our enormous Hurp'us Block into C-vsh t onca. To do this we must mort tinn double our wales this month. We. there- fort, or compelled thua early to wvcriflce and we giro you the benefit just when you want it Tbaaa food ar lba rraaoa of otar aiock. Tbt fabric are Ibe fleeel. the pallaro ara lba rbolrsal, lba lyla ara lba lata!. Ibe UiWIiig Is Uv ivaL All aa aod tuoai JaatrabU f lauJa. M aBMlftlaras for BS for laU faMTSH iraJa IV. Kauf man & Co. I.KKDINU CU)rtllKKS, Ft'RNIrtHKRS ANDJH ATTER. M K. OKDKRH rtOLICITKD. Cor. CF.NTRAI. HOTKI. CHARLOTTE, N. C. v LADIES OXFOKDS ladies Gauze Vest. Parasols. Bar. Organdies opened bxlay. Fresh l!lk. T. L. ALEXANDER, - S OS. & CO.. IT Have y iu aeen the I, vlie Oxfords we are lllog for two dollars? If not. you have perbap doue yourccli an ioJusUea. If we were to Judge the quality f thee shoe by the du 111 ler of pairs w are sailing, we should surely sa, we are ' in Ii" for J Oxfords. A nice assortment of styles with good thick sole, or light hand aewnd, just as you like. These are fin) Os f irds. We have them at all price and every ooe Is full of value dowa M low a 7f J ust race! ved another lot of Mistvee spriug heel pat Up at f 1,50. These are the ona we have aold so many of OKAY t UAHNHAKDT. 19 Kaat Trade Street, CHARLOTIP. N C f Prompt attention ffireu to all Kail Ordars Ladies Oxfords We waut every lady to call aud see our great leader: Ad extra flat dongola kid oxford, diamond shane patent leather tip. These ahoM are sewod, have nice weight no', aud warranted not to rip; Very flexible and soft; Ma e to our special order ou new opera shape last. JnstM comfortable as C. S. and mach neater ; Price $1,25, by mail 20c extra. Also our fine seamless cut Dongola oxford, pointed patent tip, and com mon e use. These are genuine haud sewed and warranted: mail 16c extra. We have the finest line of low shoes ever shown la Char lotte. QILRBATH iSs OO. Open every evening till 7:00; Saturday till 11:00 HOBBIE S. We nearly all have hobbies of some sort. My hobby la tc give the greatest possible values in Furniture to sell at prices thai enables all to have nicely furnished homes. I am showlug some rare values la Chamber Suits just now. Also a Hue of Parlor goods unsurpassed by any. It Will pay you to see these goods and get posted on prices,.. Rauaember you WSBI (o invest where your money will last longest. Do you want anything Id Ul way of Camp Chairs, Lawu Setters, Hatuiuooks, Cots, etc? I haTS alar(s stock and will make pricen iutereatiug. R S Sloan, . - - - FomitDre Dealer. .-'vif'Vw; '- Boots UNDERTAKER. Nlgbt Na6,Brraabulldiog, oter RogT& C '

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