THE : CHARLOTTE NE W8. tOI.UMi: VIII. CIIA1.LOTTK. N. Oh RATLMIOAY K V KN I N(i. Ms K 1H. lhU2 NUMIU'U llhi) - Sett's Juno 17 1803. Coetv-Cola. Dlisor Buita Rtwiy-mad. Tho Ideal Drtin Tonic CUT TRICES DoHirhlAil Ikvonffc, Rotluriionn tht Order. Ali M.iiKtrnifcAi. iSpocillo for Ilotdtcha Italievea Montal and J Physical Exhaustion. ( MKI k) - I as& ( aa, Ww I aVawWl I tm T im eawweai ktol f Ik ? ! M IM My l 1 C Centfi a' Glass at AT r A. R REESE & CO Dmsta. IWImTimIM Kerwrti Hall Twin kven-i ktl iImio "h II rwjr I in tn mi ml Utal l w lu(T pnl m Im aaaraH W c:ie tfc HaV kn Ui wl tU 1 wo rxw Mwipul I fWlk tetC I W r , f Wua.Mer ' rll k 1 . Tm s i a-al I.. iHrlr .t.lrv ln "CI Ihfl H4A HtikfT I I f ...I, yv .evfc, 1... 1 (.il I . ....Wi In W-a FmII eaesV Jtow1 tasio, f1U J .. uiitkMU lb) UI a lr4a Wel the T TW' Kigali) lUtrtUa .- R.R. rtw,al SUUdW k4 Ide-Me4. fwllfHa uw4 tk a n- ri v 1UuK. X Tara, Ui U Ua AHUM Ueurw. W. R udy. it . uirifia ( 1 irk, a a tg bad ldrwdel pf lltlli d aAtUi. milk ll lf U imlpoalag lh I k I lit July I Mi to Bo4 oJUoJ Itawacdu Ii U 14 quit pbI u.i W. K. H4r4,f rbil.o . Third rrlr MtUaiil. lUcU ooaoijr k'o bolt 'J h'l'M. Tb lUfabllraoa hav aaaaraU lha Tli l fd par ly pil lhal lhay vtll pal ap to hUU Uekal, lial will ol f.r lha lallar pari' aotolaaa; lhal lhay can do l h la aiaily and vlihoal la it; air aadortlaf lh platform ll: Third ny. ThaTtilrd parly I n ili(iwl( Ilia alraaftti of alilrh It ha for itu tlnia boaiUrd. M I la wm I, cm MltMIIHMiH ltal r4 4lrl W ! aM. aa at Um ar a'l nrtii mw mb at lur Ux-rn Kolifc twui aml (a BJtlRRHI'llh-tTT Mw and I4art. !! H'limiiKlUlililii naMi II rrnf null I., jil.Mi IIm ami irt ailll aiil IkaiMil iH.n Vfy Mt. T b7 ran MrrlT aixl t.Ur v Kr nnlr r.xir l-nm ; . li. i umI ll'. a miM. fal? m pul m. How tnnkiuMil liM A U4lrr-I (' M'r. Kor ml - Jt Hfir lramiu-W HTlf I "ill n.n - T I. 'itl' (W44a-A II Uv A I UruK mIv II l'.nrl A llm X L Seiglo & CO. 1rt II V fr.l -v I-', I'rv.ui ! i'ii I? i rn:. v . - i ' i 1 r Rrrr rti ! Uxiflil of n il . , I . Hly s rr.rrvtilrt tiiu.l tr .. ' 'riM'n IiikiI . ric ami a ilmfl. il art! i ' atM4 on niatil. W'r rrfsi Ir rr- 1lll In auirllilnir rlw ' HyunW-r.rf T I. !-KIUI.K (. SCARR'S Fruit - Powder. KIU'IT ritKSKHVKI) WITH 'TIIIH POWOKIt AI.WA YrtlllVKH iSATISVACTION. NOHK AI.KI) J A ItKiJI'lKKn liiirwdl k Dunn WAOUWALK ANI KKTAIL Druggists. is Jr) TIPS Cu.rn,Hi ..... But It looks a if it would lio in it soon and the sooner your foot ii in one of our $2 shoes the mora fortunate it will !. Ilwstuae we know this shoe, wa want you to know II; because it wears as no other shoe will wear, we want you to wear it. It !s olwalntely the cheapest thlnn In shoe-lenlher and there isn't ny limit to the sat israotion that it gives. No Wtteewhat you pay, you get nohelier when Lthe best it is a luxury in footwear hifih prioed luxury at that. It i to those who try it. Ttyit. Jvok Hats andnmhrellas. Trunks, )HinibaK3 alwaya on nana. Mre K Kotlter came In from t 'onrord, today -Mri K M Andrews arrived home t-xiy after a pleasant vlli in ( ireentri. Nfr I o I i i (T-rd will leavt. tn nlrht f(r Vlntn. N. I' . where he eipert" to lorate. Ml J-le Hvncer arrived home today from Klchmond, w here he has I. cen attending aohool. Hi-rvlree at the A -ial Ke fnrined I'reshyterlan church t.-Mior-r.w Will he held l.r H-v. V. V. Orr. Mrs. I. K T..d.l. d juifhicf .f Mr- t'. Kii. died at hr limii.. in I.unjf Creek township yesterday, after a lung Illness - K-rm-r' in Ihi- rtlv from ('rsh Orchsrd repurl lliwl Ihev r treat ed ! a apleiidiil rstn hiiflil. This rain a not (reneral. -Tlie pulpit of Kv Kdward Mark at the First Pnlylerlaii rhnri-h to morrow will h tilled hy Kev Ft-rt Hiuith, of Ureenshoro. The tJaorjflt watermelons aie now heliiK moved north at a great rale Two train loads passed tlirouli Charlotte this afternoon. Il.tptismal services will he con dueled at the Tryon Street llaptlst hurch to-morrow nh;ht ly the pus tor, Kev. lr. A. t. McManawny. -('apt. J. V. Clarke ami Mr. W. M Worrell have made arrangement with Miller A Johnston to take charge of the Ituford Hotel ahout August 1st. Dr. It lvHinman left this morn ing for Mowing Hock, where he will spend a few days, when he will re main here for a day or two and take his final leave for Atlanta. Miss Alice V. Hprings, art teacher at Mr. Atkinson's College at Colum I. In, Is visiting relatives and frier. d- lu the city. Hhe will leave in a few days for New York to spend the sum mer. The Richmond ft Danville train which arrived here at 1 :H0 this after noon from the north, ran through two big rain storms, one betwaen Lexing ton and Salisbury, aud one between Harrlsbtirg and Charlotte. Mr. J. M.W. Klder, the Seminary student who is In charge of the Vic tor Mill Tresbyterian chapel In this city, goes to Lexington, N. O , on this evening's tralu to fill the pulpit to morrow of Rev. ( W. Maxwell, who Is conducting a aerlea of Interesting meetings at the Victor chapel. Hervleea at St. Peter's Oatholi,- church to-morrow will be as follows: Fir-t uias anf holy comutiiuion at 7:30 a. m , Hunday Hchool at .H:.10 p m.; vespers sermon and tieneiiic tlonata The subject of the morn lug sermon will be "The Holy Com munion." Text: '.'He hath given food to them that fear Him," Psalms CX 4. In the evening the sermon will be ou ' Hlesslng and Cursing " Text: "Thou shajt not take the name of the Lord thy God, In vain," Ex-oduXX--7. T . INI llrCMlaaa a Mew fmr I r Kev Tom Duou ha apiwared lu a new r . In ) I I ha or; . uir of a new party In New urk. The Hun, ..f yrsirrdsy says: The lt Tom Dllon Jr oritsnUed a Haw party at the I nlri last uigt I, of wlilrh for lha praeaut at least I if I the trader II wa forn.ed lu ee crel aeaslon. amid (real riilhuiUam Il was tnr K-d tha Civic t'lilon of New York aud It was resolved t llniM ptaaaot lhal It object ihall la "u study lb municipal luuraali of the rlty, and do everything In our powar to promote parity and honesty In lh cliy (liirfrntntut, and to aee k to heller the roudltiou ofth mass of our people, to tne end that Nw York may at'alu lis pslhlrdatlny as the rleaimt. richest, noblest, and greaUst rlty of the wot Id." Hpriug elections are to l mean toward arhleving all this, and a prire of $.V) "in gold" I offered to the man bring ing the largest nii'iiber of voter Into (lie orgauixation during the next four weeks. The K-v. Madison C Peters Is ill the new party The ses sion adjourned to meet again nl Coop.-r Futon next Thursday night, w hen a constitution and by-laws w ill le ready for endors ment and direr- i tor of lh parly will lt- apxiutel. Mr. Hixmi could not tell bov much w :is suli4,Titied Last night, but he tld " We g t :i hsg full of .ilver," an. I Mr. Peter added. "Ye and lii-li' w us one fl() I. ill mo. .11 the liver.'' AImiiiI list iiieu attended the lliet-tliig. Tto U( sjie rtt t it a 14 4 t"leVjUII. floil U thtofilf, Will W kalj mm IK Blal bJy lw Jaly. Tt ae.te4 eaa.l.; la lata Ml h la f.a ial4 t-m aaatWai day. t il u nr.mi) i,. f Ka aid l.alJ. Ml of ! mtf oatbal Iba wewth wlsr af Iba mw J tllfl a-Jl8'a 'a U. r-i.wl li deaal Jl Islin Iba r tti u n ..i T loa alir iliaa aavst Tt fll arvla la U ..I I loil.linf W tit Lhaflr ba fiaU Hli, Jmlj' 1, dwllbla ! 1 -i 4d rharrh will l rs.l In tt ffd. TlthUMrcll'ol Pe.ij uriaa rharch I t aura thaa or dlaary lalairw!, aad aho u.i rsarkM ffxwlh fro) aaaall -m flablaf Tli ebarch org !, am .Nov.aaUar Mh, I'Tl. bat lh. l ull dlaf aol (vaaaplalad aj earlr bad II tntsbr. Tt roll to day show avi matnbara, d thla I airlaslv of Ian aaailr irnafarrwl i iba (ra- batn straal Prasty l ri an barrfi. and of V) or nor iraaafarrad to oiher cl. art-he Allofalt.ef. IM rl orrh, loe II or(nlitlrn. ha rralaj nearly. If nl ulia I no siml.ii a Utm mk i f ! ai km Will! t4t I U t fctl svatlawM l t t. Itl.lnwi tl Hi lliia luittxs at iul Mik. Ka til I W a .-I aaata a tai, a4U- al ImI I Iwid l ) II Mlcti a1a.t etllly I II J ill II I k U.MfW ''ui'" e i t,, alftil isj h ai(bl al It.'cla at rat w .1.1.4 .ui. th ll.looMb Mi I l fit la.. t(. , f.n, tMllf. Una Ja a. I liiJa; alMa. at ll,t put Jmlt.f l. .1 K mo lh I'aiing li. m.aii, J, r t.m t ca cw w..ili ii l- (It.s. oa M.a dai.ruotsr Ihaiilii aad I'rlJay tiinll.,(uhHk WJae4a'a ha b a tuiliJ .m of lo th. rsi.r mHUhi I,. , a th.a etaalbftt-t ltaaa(alrllt f arrl. t f r W4 4 I mm . Tl llallfuaj I'.iiuialiiiua yeai.r da lat a rlrralar r.alria( thai all railroad la lha Htaie raaalkf I miiw ialaa lhal carry paaBfara Isbatl, where there are Iworoartaa allarhaat. all Aral and roa J tla.a llrk.l- Wb.ra only noa paaawafar j ocb is attached only acuid elaa rau aball b rharc1. aelaaa II baa a.paraia apparieaaoia. in tbal ca Aral and tetasil rlaaa rat aaay I charged. YOUR CSOICE THIS WEEK O F 1,000 Men's Fine Suits $14.50 Marked Down From JI8, $20. aid $22. The Oral Hlamo lu lha rliurrb blldlof which I lo paa awav Ika ritt. i Lf. 1 to . . . a k . ... . l i. r ,. lai. lr.M r. nirTinf.r. ui MiMiuihp Alfrt M .rrl..u. Dr II C llardinf ! r ,n b Inaaraoc naol mOf thn double OUr Bales this mOIlth. Wt taWO ' wa the flest ps.inr. II" wa a- The backward a jason has left us heavily orerlocdad in Mens Fine Suits. Wa must turn our enormooa 8urj)!u3 stock into Cash at once. To do this wt must CeaxliHl by ll-r. Ir Nrandar M WihmIs Dr. Woods' waa Kev J V .Kill, ant Mr. Kalr waa eorfewded by lha preaenl psttnr, K-v. Ir K-ed Me-.-a Kol.t. I. Mr Dowell. J sine II. Kaukln and Julius P. Alexander, were the first three elder of lha church. The latter' wa ordaioed Th drat couple mar- j rlaJ la lh old church - as Mr D P. Hulchlnaon and Ml Pallia hteel. j TH. Hlnilg ml a rrh. 1 Yesterday wa an nppresalvel) J hot diy, and whan the shades of light fall and theeierlric lights l gan beaming out, the Mpulace made I In iK. teL..H.K . I A . I ik. 1 a I to-day Mr. Ilarrlogar I a kaphrw rore, are compelled thus early to sacrifice and wo ive you the benefit just when you want it. Tha good ar ih rrsiB of our tok. Th fabric ar th Ba4, th palUern ar the rh..tcet, th alyU r ib latt, lb Ullvrlng la iba baMt. All new at moat dasirahla good. Manataeiurad t or aa for ibla aaaoaa trade. of lien Itafu Harrlngvr. of Char iot'. He I a inaa of decidedly ilea. ant add re and an an tar tain In r-nvertionalll. Ilia decrlr , lion of Iba flood In th Mleelaalppl ! valley r graphic and cavey a aior aecaral Idea of lha loimeually of lb overflow than could b carrd thrnagb nwpapr account oely Mr. Karrlngar wll! t In th city for a day or I wo. Rrh la Mwalaaaa 141. A aerie of addr on 'Rock In Kusinea I. If," ha ba arrangod for th Hunday Mao's Rally at lb Young a move for the shaded lake. Id ...j ! M'"' ( h""' AorlaUoo lo b the wooded walk of the park. The lectrlc car, two hitched together, mad ten minute trips, and It really looked like th whole of Charlotte was on the go. At the pavNion and along the l ike, the lre . was ro'd and delicious and the people tarried there until late into the night. That Charlotte appreciatea this delightful resort can no louger tie doubted. Knlchlsof I'vlblas. At the meeting of thsUraud Lodge K night of Pythias, In Wilmington, this week, olT.cers were elected for the eiihiilng term as follows: P(i( J M .Sherwood, Raleigh. II C C D Kenhow, Ureonsboro. ' V It C F. A Kberl. Winston. (I Prelate Kev J T Lyon. Uihson' StattTHi; tl K of R nnd S --John L Dudley, Wilmington. (J M of Kk John Ward, Kaleigh. () M at A -John II. Hill, Holds boro. ii I t.-W W Wilson. Raleigh. (i Oti S It I i u ii J y , Monroe. The next ineeliiig of the (land Lodge will he held at Winston, In June, 1S9S Th. Natal Itall.ll.a. A dispatch from Norfolk last night says: The l ulled ntatrs s'eamer Newark returned this moruiui; from her cruise in Chesapeake Hay with the North Carolina naval reserves. D.iring the crul th r.nrv-s prac ticed target. tiring with the hig gnus, ami made some exc.-ll.-nt s'mts, the ofllcers of the ship ay. To morrow the reserves will leave for their home in Charlotte, and next we-k t'ie ill vision from the Seaboard section Is expected to join the Franklin. -- Mr. Hcrtshoru and Mr. Morning Htar are among the guests at the Central Hotel to-day. Mr. Pepper and Mr. Saultz wero tlnrea few days ago, and looking hack over the regis ter for :i few pages, we llud Mr. Hot liniMK, Mr. L-tughiiii;hoi:se and Mr. Woodhouse. Delegate Joseph P.Caldwell, and vislors T. R. Kobertson and W. F Ituchan.'in, left lift evening for Chicago. Mr. W. F. Prather will leave to night, to take in the enliven tion scenes. given every other Hunday by Char lotte patora, Kev. R C. Rd, I). D., open the aerie to morrow at b:$0 p m , ujwii the utiject,"Kvll Company." A Dr Head ha decided opinion no these -iiilijects aud I iulte frank In expressing them an Interesting talk is expected Ml Jennl Freeman will alng ou ol her splendid aolo. No collection will be taken. A car dial invitation I given to every man to attend. IV. Kaufman & Co. LKaDINtl f'I)TIIIER.a, FURNIHHER8 ANDJHATTKR, MAIL ORDER- rMlLICITKD. Cor. CENTRAL HOTEL. CHARLOTTE, N. C LADIES OXFORDS This is vomhastic Advertising Scheme. Not mere idle words if pleasant sound. Not a smoke minus a tire. Not a way of drawing a crowd and de ceiving them. We have a score of nameless bargains in addition to Hie few here men lioned, any of which will tickle your fancy and purse, but you must not tarry till a'.l are gone then ac cuse us of you know what. Tomorrow may be too late. Ijulies and Misses Kruhroiilered Flouncing worth It, ir to $'-', our price .Vic 2.00 to J.rsl, our price 7ft c Black " 1.2ft to !,!. our proV'ic Heal rich, rare lieauties, these Kloiincings are. Ladies shirt waist feel the shock; We hope to scatter them towerftilly hy our last stunning blow; They are wonderfully cool and ob' so nice to have ,on your summer trip. Ladies Gauze Vest. Parasols. Bar. Organdies opened today. Fresh Rlk. T. L. ALE XANDER -oral WeXk. Kepart. The following I a synopsis, of the weather prevailing at 8 a. m , today: Two areas of high pressure appear upon the map this morning, ou of w hich i central at Hot ton, aud the secondary one of which Is at Wll. miugton. These two area predom inale over the weather condition to the east of the Mississippi river, and produce generally fair conditions over all that section. Light showers have occurred over all that portion of the touutry lyiug immediately ou the Atlantic coast, and is now occur riug at several points along that sec tion. They have also occurred along the (lulf coast aud at various points throughout the interior of the coun try. Temperatures have remained nearly stationary over th couutry nsnr - "Why does DR. HUMPH RRYH continue to advert'se his SPKCIK- ICS, everybody kuows about theni." Do you use them? No. Then that's why. Try them. Have you seen the Ladies Oxfords w are selling for two dollar! If not, you have per ha pa done yoursels an Injustice. If w wr (o Jodga ib quality af the shoes by the number of pairs war Belling, w ahoald urely a, we are "in it" for $J Oxfords. A nice assortment of stylea with good thick sole, or light hand sewed, just as you Ilk, Tha ar Una Ox ford. We have them at all prices and every one la full of vaJu dotri ajj low as 7V. Jasi received another lot of M isae spring hel pat tin at l,60t ThM are the ones we have sold so many of' - GRAY & BARNHARDT. 19 East Trade Street, OHARLOTIR K C I ' ' Prompt atteotioo given to all Mail Ordara. S0 & 00. Ladies Oxlords W e waut every Luly to call and see our great lader: An axtr Una dongola kid oxford, diamond shape patent leather tip. TbM shov ara sewed, have nice weight soles, and warranted not to rip; Very tUxibl and soft; Ma ie to our special order on new opera snap last. Jnsl aa comfortable as C. H. aud mach neater; Price fL2S, by mail 20c extra. and com- ; fee Sim hv We have the finest line of low shoes aver shown Id Chars. Also our fine seamless cut Dongola oxford, pointed patent Up, ouseuse. These are geuuine haud sewed and warranted; Prfoi uiouseuse. mail 15c extra lotte. QILREATH as OO. Open every evening till 7 :00; Saturday till 11 :00. HOBBI E S. We nearly all have bobbies of some sort. My hobby la to give th greatest possible values In Furniture to sell at prices tbateaablsa all to have nicely furnished homes. I am showing some rare vain la Cbambr Suits just now. Also a line of Parlor goods unsurpassed by any. Il will pay you to see these goods and get posted on prices; Remember you want to invest where your money will last longest Do you want anything In th way of Camp Chairs, Lawn Betters, Hammocks, Cots, etc? I have a large stock and will make prices interesting. - - - FaroitDre Dealer. RS S I Ofl I", UNDERTAKER. - Night call,' 1 v-r 1 1 No., Br van building, over Roger Hocrt Roger Xe 'EL RANKIN A BRO r J

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