THE ' CHARLOTTE NEWS. OIIAIlLOrrK. N. O, MONDAY KVKNIN(liM: 20. IHU2 VOMJMK VIII. NUMUKU UHl rWtM - I i i Sops June 17 Swooping Kixluttiona Orand Bala toclan out th 8tckof Bummor GtKxls. WooiChilllrt formerly 25 now 121 2c Beef! VlUa Ml Jalea, At " Ml Jain 1-aih.f Ktifawt l M. Wtta lu.1 Jeiv fta-af Mm I i tUoilM. ' tu( Tta. Ui4 aa-4 IMU lu. Ppioai4 LioweWt t'fb4l ead tWa; Cold Ij-jald F.i tract of luf t'uldaa l.l-jal tlllr( of Uf ead livn. JivwiaiioHUkBtrlpwfor- A. R REESE & GO merly 75c now jOo. fiOO Windsor TW worth 60c now 25c. IndU Sllka worth $16 fc $10 now $12.60. Fineat French tfhullia made $7.60. Moaquito Canopiea com . pleto $1 60. Drufjtfista. f ffWW ana - IK ( -a ! r4k- cm ka'a la atal i- " .alar -a .- W M, a.--.- t ' W l I lul I- Taa ti al k teg fc-aaat riM at . lMU f ib ktlli " .-! r , uaia i tut a iuuii-4i-jr lawday tkawtUaf. aa H Uaia ata la IUf ft W. nil4- W. raUf llUaaitaiaiaj ( Mr ci irM l.ittfl "M Laaax wall tohr bh. UM awli M wt'Jtwt lUTi iMMf 11.41 ir .r tJ .u MhIHliMl,4lkMkMHMLriMtok,i ,( H.BIttU. atdll M Milt Ml Jxl iMliy wrial ' Ml4 ! llU.trU,l txnif. it at. be dlvtash. Ibal II waa a I alihaMk. TUay ail.e.l JiJ bar k Jr. Iltfatlesl M wbltUa ! .a a dawe l-uf eJ epfli4 Me air Weks bail ait u lab a Ultra tuM u..fl, b w hitlia oll aUra Ua fri ead tx M Janif frvca haf r. for HorHaf U '' HM lha abort 4UIMM lal atMad iumuI lia i)4iica. Tb . ho !. v eniarh4 ly l MX) and (a a maoMal M.aJr lha haU of Ika If ala tlliaf atT. Jraak of oroaar lery It lflof U 14 aal aboai II loJay. Mr II. a r tilt. Jiwr ((' . mm, raM 1 " -',, " 1 1 a ia - 11 ii Mr Ti. la I. I,. J la art4la, baflff li-t.f H.4l f'in !.) I nail art i I iu(aiai la lb aaa I i 1 I ailurH tbaf. Kfoau fttli ' y ui l.i Kiof't Moaataia I r.a itmtliif J lui a tfiofl lla. faf U ri ('ur r tia tar b h.l Wtta I.. t.J at Ml llollr. a .1ii-.r "' I' ti II tut l-,.if,r u t J.. I a f tllua. -liu.f ..fib nbalby lUtiav m a (bl.l.,.. u.l.l. 11. n auj I. It J.alh III t-a (fall Ni .uiusJ. Mr Tifi u iir marrloJ hit arfott.l ail anj ral rhll.lfra l'lmt blili Ilia t.ljr a III u. luriJ i aioirot tu.rnlti( al 'cKi, al (ioabaa t b urr l y ar l . Tbt boar Blazer Suita Blazor and Skirt, $7.60, $10, $12.60 $16. Navy Blue 9c Black tn A4tiitlt-tt Ta-ltaf. -iP Kant k II rjwtl aar-llff !' ka. t4 flluft - V ) I A o Y"U ar 'n lax 1 I! ,-rt I u r4a-rat4 railurtaai f 1. brtftr X Co A r"' ! u nf l.ti.kin A Itm Grand Reductions in Em broidortKi Skirtings. TlWy r al a .ff All nnimf tn n alaucalavl In In i lran il Ibf M.a k twvtraMr I j l'l . So t y.puf rba I 'n luaUitiifa r.l.l Anjr (aiwf Tar 111 lit at. r fori.'' llrr int"ih fr. bi 1 1", i turn t I . '.J Katrf4ii( rrlii ikxh rrrri a hr-r. T. L Seigle & CO. JJo. II V. I'ft.l- '. ! , M Try. .11 at I'M AUMMTK. N. ". I - I I I rf Kvrrr arti.-lr UmicIiI of hi Dial ita t j rr . tarii!y an rr.nrwnll ir-'inirl hi u al kh an.l lik a trail it aril I. wlml on ii;lit r rr(rj U. Iw rr llabW lo aiiftliiiiK r-r Krr.lrrl T I. MKlii l: . X . Mi oCAKR'S i) offdci 'ItKSKKVKD WITH TII1H I'OWDKH AI.H AVHIilVKS HATIrtVAI'TION. NO SKA I. J V US It I I(KI) Rorwe illiinii WA'OI.KHALI? AND KKTIU Druggists. A OO0D DKAL OK SHOOING in oin(f on just now, aixl wi huopon to tln It. Our f 2 shoe keeps all IM old frlAnds. For avory nmmy exppiutnd in Ita nnrchaap, ft trifle more thBn a penny's worth of wear is certain to be obtained. Nothing thut was over koutrht, sold or exchanged, ever Uiii a handsomer thlnn- by the pnrch.iser than this ehoe uoes. Never wan a .Vtrer valne (riven ror a nunr It IB S period U umvn Jt'a just tno tninp nr um In havinj? eomrormuie ttoxaotly what econonil- l' looking ror. atsnd XTmbrellas, Tnk dbags always on hand. AAANKIN ft BR0 lml HlaplM. Mia Mara hirrl. aiiil anurtaln a a n fiilar r ( b r f r iii l i b l a ii Injj. Mr V W Vir, in4 fauillr. rt lururil fr.iiu Atlanta, hitur.lay r J I. Ilr.ii. atlll llllrr- I iiy al li J.rt-ra.xi l..filal. In l'haUlbla. Mr Will ' ! ami ehlldran will lar llil pvpiiiiik fr rtwll rprlti(. -Mr ami Mr. Am- J. Walktr lrari fur "linr h ni In H rook I. to. tlilt rvrii I lie I hry mill . acruru palllr.l I.) little M Ita t '. Ira. Mlaa Miy C.llir. f Wllinliiif- Ion, arrlvr.l IM aflrn.iii an. I i tlta KilAal .. l Mima Iuiii on rl Tr.l Mr I' M llr,. n . tl. lira! t.i i rrrl a liavin.- cini from a I' t( Karittn Ilia (Irat ou I'linra I iV lai. I.lriii. W. K Ii.i rturnil t ( 'liarloi l, f t . in lwrtbii lour 1 1 1 r f i vr ' 1 " 1 i Norti; 'arou Mr J K lnla, l.rolli.r of Mr. 'Ila )I. till" V.l.ll.p oil Hi ri-liirii t'i Ma linm nl mimmii, Wnhint;t'n. -Mr 1' K. I.iini.-ll. w;ia rallmt I.. K.ilcili Una ft-r n. by Ilia ex Irxine 1 1 1 o of ln rh i lil, which wa takr-ii to tl :il ni (' in 1 1 in alnrt' by Mr. I.iiiih II. - Mr. Win A ti'lern, inaaier me- rh.inic nf lit Ki'-liin ui'l A lanvill. I. . 1 1 h bfr-, la . r e i . .i f I ng t.i l.iill.l a hand aoiiiH raiilnnrf mi hi" rerntly pill rb.'iaed lot nil Kntirlli l.elweeli Mint iiinl ()r:ih mi trll. Mr. J. O. Walker, who live on the corner of Mii.t and Fourth afreet), thin morning ' a "warm of bee p.'tahiK iverli.','il. lie at once eoiniiienre to iiiuke n racket Willi bellH and tin paiin, and pretty hihiii the ftwann Hedled on a treo in hia vard. inn kins ft hall of lieea a hiir an a half Inialiel niengnre. Kev. KphertW. Smith, of I reeiM- horo, preaclied two excellent ser iniiui at the First I're-hy lerian church yeaterday. HI theme in the inorninir was "Clirintian Allliction" and in the eveniuir, "The inn of the lontfue." Iloth service were well at tended and hijfhly enjoyed. Thk Nkws lias received a very uniuely dedlRiied card of invitation to the celebration of the 4th of July, 181)2, In Ihe Tark of the (iuilford Kat- tle tlround (-oinpany. Hon. Walter I'lark will deliver the oration on the Life and service of (Jen. William Ii Davie, of North Carolina, Hon. V. A. Unthrle v. ill address the Kx-('on- federate Veteran". There will e Clvlo and Military Displays, and other Public Festivities, to make tho day enjoyable The first Itattallon of Naval Artillery, Mi j Stuart I'r uner. Coniniandinfr, will lire Hi, salutes. Af aia. The fbarlotu Naval It rvrt mi la from Norfolk SaaJty aflr- ' imi front lblf flral aarvara aluar J bin Thay all bav a f real anany funny IblDe U lIL aod wklla Ihey r ax.rkad prally bard, thay atlll baJ a lim aed ara aafar for lb nil ' oual trip. j Motn of lb lnyt wrra I if I-. I rlr off ll.a i1rk by lha ra.nraaaloa 'f (be frl (uni nf Hit Krankllo hll al ltik'ri pracllro al aa. Tby txn lrn.l to tlau.1 on Up loa and k p u.ouilia ou whan a (an at In l ft r.l I Thr cun praellra ilvlapal lha fart that I'apL. II II Smllb ami Mr. Jim Mrl'aualaii.t ar icllnl ruo nra Thajr made ae.ra Ibal a Ion- lb rrar ..f the Krankllo. I Tholr irlii- In (llln lha ran and In flrlnK wat hirhly rnnipli- I mvlllo.l by lb oftlrvra r1 mt Ik ("..Ml llttM Tl lay inn of 111 rrur In the tiw orptianai: tnilldlnf, at I Hamuli, ail) lak l lsr lo t , l'iialay , and Iti public (anerally, la llivlloil to atllld. Itlt(llred to have a plrnir dinnei, and rioni at l ii il i ii at ar Invited to l.rlnaT baakrt of provlaioiit Tin- a ill run a foll.iH'. : ,av Chariot I, 10 I', a ni ; arrive Murium I.' p ni. jirt lltriiiin I p in.a'rlv Cbarioll ' ?l lll Tlllawill givr I hour ut Hanum, which will (lv ample lim for Ihr ' form-r alone" crinoiiia. for ilinnrr and for a walk Ui the cllratrl lUrliini Hrinif which an loc.ttl j nl a .(iinrtor of a mil from thr orphanair The H-ifrntn how that in in v of Ih frlxiids of the ln-tiliiliou w ill attriiil and m hat aa4 1 waaa haavy t Juiioj all tlaatvcfaal data aft rwaaliicj io u faiaaara af aallaai auaj u. miu Tba IfaallMt Itaalf did a.l wap Taa Li a faoaa a iwllot l ih oU Ilia vu ' If pod aj aad blown c.rr aad lha vattf Marad la on tout of lha fraata. T1a daaaa-ra wat ranalr- Tbtbnywaa I, imm04Utmf aad Iftt rulllt ara laad. aad a I -at fall Urua io dav Tba aiorm w at faaaral all over ibit aailoo,aad vtry faraatr (I tomt rata Kuui of Ihani fol a fxl tal anora ibaa tnay waatrt. I iio farulof along MtAlplaa'a rrak ar imoiif tba lallarrlaaa. Thlt It rraa txl on lha road larlaawa Charlo'.la and Maltha wi. Tin viltrt trt naarly op u lha brldir ytMterday. Th uialn dimirt doaa br lha overflow of ihla rrak wat lb wathlucaway of w bra I and oa, la thai had larn rul dd ahockad la lb fltlda. Tl a farinar r-rl b In llilt way. of from f VI to f"JLH arh On Me.Mplne erk planter lay ibal Ih i!n wpl bla Arid of f.'U worth of ajtta Another farmer who !! a eoiftwa of wagon load of oil, aal.l to Tlll Nas: "If I bad nol lreu llalelilng to ao mnrh aub Irraaiiry talk, and bad movi my oal aul wheal to Ih bill after Ihev wer rut and Umnl, I would hava'l.reu 11 t.r off. Vou anrreal In Till: ,li that Ihe !! a. ay for 1 1 . farineia lo nrreiil their w firat and oata aheavea from bflng waahil sway, la to move lhm nut of the reach of Mrji water." In Crab ( Ire h ard to nalilp. a fl-re norrnw lialltlorni oi lw hour iluration currHl. The track of the alorm wat half a mile wide and arveral ml lea long Mr. It Itotteri'ii farm wai riirht In the colitre of It and got the full lenflt of the wind, hail and rain Mr ltotert any that he had a field of 2'i aerea of cotton, but everv lalk waa lrli'i.'(l and aotne of Ih.1 -talk er' cut down. Am om,' the f irmer' who retxirt dam aires by thia storm are: Meanra. W J Keeily, ChmiMU ler. Joe M c l,anch hn. ni MeguM. r II Know lea, J A Jerome. I. J HihI- ges, K W Hoherts and Win. Wallace your caoicE THIS W li li K Itaaiia WMlaa awlti, M It lUoa M ark ay wlio baa bad r' t'i,'' of it. nuraary U tr tual al Thoiii.a..ira (Irpbanag dlJ yeaiar Jry morning al o'clock. MlaaMac kay l.a.l Juat ralarnad a f we. ago from a trip lo Florida, where aba bad tioHMl lo be bndllHl by a clang of cl I mat llerroDiJIUoo tint Helug Improved lha returned home and hat ainco bar arrival, be gradually growing weaker, a oMI y ea ter Jay mornlog death ram lo lha relief f lha afTerr Mitt Mackay waa Z! year old, and wa a nalra of Mlaa Mackay the matron at lha or phanage. The fuueral aervloea will ! conducted thia aftarooon at 6 iVI.K-k from Ihe Orphanage. Rev. K A. alorne atalated by IltV. C N O F 1,000 Men-s Fine Suits $14.50 Marked Down From SIS, $20, aod $22. The bxekward a yison has left us heavily ororloadod in Mens Fine Suita. We must turn our enormous surplus stock into Cajh at once. To do thia wo must mora thin double our Bales thia month. Wo, there fore, are compelled thua early to sacrifice and we Jeffrey .ni omciate Th paii bear- cnve you the benefit iust when vou want it ear will be Mr. II. S Davla. Mr. i ne food ara lb cream of our aloek. Tba fabric ara tba flaaat. la paltarna ara lb rhoiceal, the elylaa ar ih laUal. the UlU-rtog la tba baai. new tun aim good. M anatacturd for Ba for tbta trade. Herloi Ciarkaon, Mr. Jam Obnro Mr J II. F.niery, Dr. C. A. Bland and Mr. Adlal Oaborne. Tba body will tw hurled In F.lm wood. IMeal While ( eaaaiag Me Hair. At MiinlerwTill, thia morning, lr. K II Hunter, one of tba agrd ladle of that place, died suddenly. f-h a -Kting on the tld nf Ihe bed engaged lii combing her hair, when In- audd'-nly fell over dad. Mra. Ilunier had beeu in oor health for ometim past but nothiug aariou had lru autirlpated by har relative nd friond. The deceased lady wa bout n years of age, and wa not only highly ea teemed In Hunter-I ville. but had many friends all through tl xintry. She w.i the mother or lr. m. C Miiuleraud Kv. . M. Hunter, and was the molher- in I iw of Kev. W W. Orr, and a kia ter to Mrs. Frank Dixon. IV. Kaufman & Co. I.KAPINH CU)THIKRS, Fl'RNIHHEItS ANDJHATTKR. M A I It ORDKIH KOLICITKD. Cor. CKNTRAL HOTKI. CHARLOTTE, N. C LADIES OXFORDS Little Nslghtxir, lrlla. Dei ita I'orreepouden I iays: The people in Wlial a lloek Thro n l' By Ulaat ltld. John Hands, colored, a barber, liven In a house In the vicinity of the rock quarry. John has a sick cnuu. miu- urday, the child waa taken from its cradle and carried to another part of the house by 1U mother. Just then a blast went off In tho quarry. A rock as big as a person's head crashed through the roof of John's house, smashed a hat rack and landed in the cradle. Had this feat been per formed tea ruinates sooner, the child would have been killed. la .oin done l r'Hi 1 1. r IIcmmI Til N KU h' thia morning and around Drrita are hard al work. Cropa of all kinds are looking well and well worked I aee oate, corn and wheat groa iiiR on land that ha ha. I iioIIiiiik hut collon on it for the lal I'J year. We had line rains Saturday evening and night. I think spring oats are hotter than the fall sown oats, the stand Is better. 1 hear no Third pa'ty talk here now nor any talk of Oidnon's Hand. The It iv. J. l. McLaughlin, pas tor of Hack Creek church will preach In the Mctho list church at Derita on tiext Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The hnillh of this community is good at this time; the blackberry crop is aideitdid. hut apples and peaches are short. They Ar kort r I'wk. Til K N ku s lenrna from a I 'olumhia paper that the deficit ill the ' 'oluiii -hia baae ball team amount- lo f'JtKI and Ihey are twisting and turning alMiut mightily down there to raie that amount. The player-' are hound ing the manager's foot-l-s for the money due them, but nothing "eems forlhcouiiug. Coliiuihi.-i with all her hragadocio style de not always get there, as we ar-- to infer from this paper, but Charlotte with her easy going way pays for what she gets and then hss a balance of f7' due her from the Coliiuihia bankrupt club TllK Nrws would suggest to Colum bia the next time not to veil before the last tree has been passed ill the exit out of the wood. Ikeath or Mr. Skeen. Mrs. Janie Skeen, wife nf Mr, (leorge Skeen, d ied al her home in this city at!' o'clock this morning aged -l-'i years. The funeral services will be con ducted from the residence on North (Jrah.iui street, at i o'clock tomor- low afternoon. Iah nf a I'rlalrr. M r. V. L. Clay, of H ickory, d ied at the residence of his aunt, Mrs. H. tl. 1. Ink, on South Tryon street, at S o' ch k yeeterday morning, after a few weeks ill ness with typhoid dysen tery. His father, mother and two sisters, besides other relatives and friend, were around his tied -side w hen he died. Mr. Clay would have been 'Jl vearsof aire, next month. He w a a origin, energetic young niau and was foreman In the office of the Daily Observer. The liody was takeu io Hickory for interment. This is Jo Jomhastic Advertising Scheme. Not mere idle words if pleasant sound. Not a smoke minus a lire. Not a wav of drawing a crowd ami de ceiving tlicm. We have a score of nnmetcss bargains in a.l lilion to I lie few here mentioned, any of which will tickle your fancy and purse, but you in usi not tarry till a'.l arc gone then ac c.ite us of you know what. Tomorrow may be too late. Ijtdiesinml Misses Embroidered Flouncing worth $1,25 to l'J'00, our price SO c 2,11 to 2.50, our price TAc Black " l.SSto l,.rl, ourpncet)c Real rich, rare henuties, these Flouncing are. Ladies shirt waist feel the shock: We hop to scatter thm viwerfnlly by our last stunning blow; They are wonderfully cool and oh! so nice to have Inn vonr summer trip. ladies Gauze Vest. Parasols. Bar. Organdies opened hxl.iy. Fresh Plk. T. L ALEX AN DEE, S OjNt:& CO: Uralh ! Mlaa l.lmil Mate. Miss Lizzie Muse, assistant matron at Ihe Kpiscopal hospital, died Hat urd ay afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss Muse was a devoted memetuher the Second Presbyterian chimh ami a lady of unusual worth in such a position ah she so ably filled. The remains were carried to Sugar Creek church yesterday morning and Were buried at that church yesterday aiteruoon . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Have you aen Ihe Ladies Oxford w are sailing for two dollars? If not, you have perhaps done youraels ao loJosUo. If w war to Judge tba quality f these shoe by the number of pair we ar aalliug, w should surely sa,we are "in It" for $ Oxfords. A nice assort man I of styles with good thick soles, or light haud sewed, Jusl as you Ilka. These are flue Ox fords. We have them at all prices and every one la full of value down M low as T.Sc. Just received another lot of Misses spring heel pat tip at f 1,60. Tbasa are the ouaa we have sold so many of' GRAY Ar JJAKNIIARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTTE X C- 'Prompt attention given to all Mail Driers Ladies Oxlords We want every lady to call and see our great leader: An extra Una dongola kid oxford, diamond shape pateut leather tip. The shoes ara sewed, have uice weight miles, and warranted not to rip; Very fltxlbU ami sift; Ma e to our spwlal order on new onara ahana last. Jtiiu comfortable as C. H. and macli neater: Price 1 1.25. bv mail aioaitra Also our flue seamless cut Dongola oxford, pointed patent tip, and com- mouaeuae. These are genuine hand sewed and warranted : Priea II Jin. bw mail 15c extra. We have the finest Hue of low shoes ever shown lo Charlotte. QILREATH Ss OO. Open every evening till 7 :00; Saturday till 11 :O0l HOBBIES. We nearly all have hobbies of some sort. My hobby Is tc giva th greatest possible values in Furniture to sell at prices that enables all to have nicely furnished homes. I am showing some rare values la Chamber . Suita just now. Also a line of Parlor goods unsurpassed by any. It will pay you to see these goods and get posted on prices Remember yoa want lo Invest where your money will last longest Do yon want anything fa th way of Camp Chairs, Lawu Setters, Hammocks, Cots, etc? I hava a larga stock and will make prices Interesting. :" R S Sloan, - - - Fnfflitnre Dealer, Room UNDERTAKER. Nlgbt call No, 6, Bryan building, over Roger C

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