THE, AKLOTTE NEWS. VOI.UMK VIII. OHAHLOrm N. C, AVKDNIttDA V K V KN I N(. .1 1 M! 2J. 1H1- NUM1IKU llbll Seiko's Juno 2a i 4 t- r int. J ( .III IS) . i l lia.l laChWs4J, aeJ at i) ,i.,a TljoQmit Clra.ranco Bala REDUOTIONB Tho Order of the Day. For Fin Ci4prii U tW,1 ( 1 " " A clean wop. All mut k'o. reajana kaiMM ah kuu im lla ' If ll (m U I iwa - A. R RKESE&CO A Utare.frt Ur4 lai rwut rWaelaary 4vJ,Um tilf irIeWU.eU-.j l teije J' I al IX U - . u eat, est Afrit. TV f 11 Ut-fie M ni, i i Iwuh t ei rwrtin wiwrU nt1M,.i,ic k, , m,UUrr 1 1 rfata h.., idn if,,tii.i .f.1,1. im t-pit el 4 era ery I aul n , .. . hi.,,fa.i loan 1 lUal teaaaWattief tW hVAlad in a claim 1 an 1 r.u ! Wra. feaeata'4e-e a niU vi f . u.rir rr I Ur. M rUUt 1111 4tf li4Jh. nr4 ballol. and a,l ,..h el MJUUM. rU 1111. IAlf.w-eiM ! dar Uatln lh. rHt la aw lae etere wee uvi u i n.i ini r r .. n, ,f rw. l II iJsaid Ual "la ana-n. ..f lill ela, 111 Ihan likely l rl faf ea-ew-ad Her, Inttrad ..fl.f.r Oleej? maraing pepr i I HWI i-f that o.-iilinali-n r UH I wOad la tel Cleveland an I tlalm thai II hea more than third " I.'luI pMf w ua ( I - . ul i.-iiUll) 1 m,ar l..U l!.l laft.laUiu It nut lu lb lb any li..n I ul I I lb i l I .l - I.--U --.t.l Mr lla-.b du..i. l In. ,.(..f !..! I , . KMlr o. Vf W,ln iivnir i,. ila Th ra iuro ifltho Dvit On any Mirkt Today I k I VMM kllMM MJ4 gtM T? faaMai avrTtM ilia lafaal f Mr. 4 Mr, Iwrfi. f WarWMksrf.Cla- aiKl bm i-r AI4 l thai plar a jraWU7 vaataf Mr. (wrli. aoi b4af akU U aawak IUK, MfTlf la U IMIMII fiiitM aaailsHad al lb rM ( IU. N !. JUkka, f ttia aol litoraa liarh. Mr. ! Mr. Iiatka, h ar !? laa, aarif a hata la (raaaa. Tha mtt to la Knell. h aa halj al Hi Jaan' rharrh by lUv. W II. CampU.ll ll inmuir' r-t a not al lnr raJiM nn imi mil in kill a ..I drro r.l l lair in la.. .V l, rl., illoiMIU Xorr ru II riu l tiniiuvr In'ilm T. L Soiglo & CO. No II iV frail ai. h1, Try.ui tl 1'M'I K, N. I' I - - I ( I aVKrrry .rti. U- lamclii iilui lhal i.a .nir I i l nxli a r.n-wjitrl nuil 'Munii to u al .i ai' I a ilraft. II nl i ia,lil mi trlil N r .n4j Ui ( rr iwbtr lo aiiylliln rl-v Hjr rtrr ul T I. SKIDI.K A f. Ik . v tm f. a-' m 1 1 I a. a ir II... I rlili j b , I I a . Ir.r a-. m k. -,. . I . I MIM. f . t I. ia.i a.'ttv i aki al.i 1. .,' I.. .4,w Tai al l !. Maw 4fnl llnal J rarnarh' 0ara-A H lta A XUMT-W J IWjtmI'. (ur lian V. Writ Walking U hal M lor Mam A I ' I ! lMa I.' iriT A Itamlianll ' . rrat r Uannor mU- Tl "irl A I Frail SCAUR'S ) Powder KKlIf I'KKHKKVKI) WITH THIS I'OWIIKU AI.WAVrtlJIVKH .JATISKAI'TION. NO SKA I. KO JAKs K KQI7 1 KKD Borwell l llllDII WAOI.KSALK AND RKTAIL A GOOD DKAL OK SHOOING is going on just now, ami w linpn to1 be in It. our V- non Kfpn nil uoia friends. For evury oonny expiuld in lt purchftBe, a trll1 more tlian i penny a worth ofweir Is certain to be obtained. Nothing lhat wan ever konght, sold or explianpiMl. ever did A handsomer thinir ly th imrchaer tban this shoe iloef. Never was a larger value jrivon for a smaller price, It Is a porrect phenomenon or's just the thinjrfur those who believe In having oomfortahle feet, and It Is exactly what ctionoml oal buyers are looking for. A larfte stork Huts mxl Umbrellas. Trunks, Valises ami irniuiwus mwnys mi unnu. Irai KIHUi. -Mr A. IV Khjrna. .f Ml II .lv. ! In the rllr t 1r - Tba N.w nrk r.ll..n markrl uroiwd 10 In I.' w.inl n ,lav. M a A'la r II rr I. HI Irf I I h n afler noon to v I 1 1 rnlalivo In l,inrlr h. r. Tbe Ml" Hariirh' rr-lnrneil from arliiail llila ni.irnliir on the rea lilmle. The prenlia I ti ronijlioii I Ilie enmi ty wit liiirlier thi nmriili'.' Ilian they have leii fur year. Mr. Iouia Krsrler of Klfhmonit 'a.. one of the niixt .iiolar ilrm? ilriiinniera lu the Smith, I In the city. At the regular meeting of the K nigh ts of Pythias l-morrow nig h t the nomination of ntllrer come up. -The ilef n ii r t haaelmll rlHh of Co- liimhia. who owes the Charlotte club S7.ri has put out on a trip to Charles ton, Augusta and Savannah. Would it not he a good Idea for the Char lotte managers to tackle these hoys when they get their gale money al these places. A reception will be given Kev. hdward Mack and bride nt the manse tomorrow evening by the members of the First Preeby church. Ministers of the different churches of the city, their wives and all members of the congregation are eiMcled to attend Krallng- f Had Sea Wivm. The Wilmington Star of yesterday says: Kvangelist W. P. Fife and wlfo reached here last Saturday night from Fayettevllle and after remain ing in the city Sunday, where Mr. Fife led in tho meeting at the V. M C. A. in the afternoon, they left yes terday for Carolina Beach where he will rest for a few days before begin ning a seriea of revival meetings at Rooky Mount next Sunday. A. K. RANKIN BRO Flood and Pol ll Ion. Mr. 1) C. Robison of Indian Trail, was In Tiik NEWSotliee this morning and reports big floods all around fkhont Matthews and Indian Trail. The land , he says, is badly washed and the farmers have more water than they know what to do with. He reports crops looking fine and the prospects for a bountiful harvest Is good. Politics, Mr. Robinson says ( uot bothering the minds of the farm era of his section, we are all democrats down our way, and are loyal to that grand old party that has done so much for ns and we expect to vote straight from the shoulder as wa have always done. T aaaa paVa svatt Um. Tha Aliaata Contllalinu aajr The Oanr-fla, Carolina atvl Nnrih rn halt lla will nfa ap aonia of Talaabla prrnHy a'onml Al lanla. Tha road will follow IVarh. I ra rrtfk. aa.l II la rralrtd dial man farl..rM will ha lvr a Ixl along lh line. Captain Winder, the lienrria. Car. nllna iimI Nnrlfiarn'a auiwr IntaDitenl aald aeatardar that the Company h.a In have lha lal Una CiMnplalad and ! raanlnt trains into the union ito wlthlu fir month Ilia com panv wa w IMIn lo pay lb Georgia road a g-wtd rental for lha naa nf II track rr rich! of war The lell Una III a great run r en lD re for Iran ferrmr Ihrough frl(thL Nrljr all of the right of way ha lnen obtained, and on givxl term. II, a owner of the laud realli lug thai the road will enhanc the value nf Iheir prierlT Tav IJha ll lb Maw. If one would have ptld trlrt al lentltii lo Ilia ofT,- of tha Western I'nion to day, he might hare gotten a f al n I r.'iirlloii of how many In trreir..l people ihelr are In Char lotla. rnrrning the outcome of the t 'hlrago r. invention Knm the lime the flr-t lmlltln was ftUd on the bulletin hoard, snilnu eniiiriea and bvok er in, have w an d lo ratrh every apark of nea, and aotn in their eaer nea to grt all, look a if hy would like to (ft over the iron railing and grap the lntrument. Manager Thompson ha leen exceed inifl v kind t the public, and ha had nil-lent men wlioirrl all of the new lhat i going on Itlnalnc Itork. Charlotte people who o to Rlow Ing Rick thl season will be sur rounds! with comfort heretofore unknown in thai region. Last sea son the hotel accommodations were very linntd only three hotels and neither of I lie three had many room and the cneiinrt wa that it wa a jam f roni the boginning of the ea son until the close. This year none of this worry will be experienced All three of the hotels have been re modeled and Die accommodations, it i claimed by ti e manager of the hoslilories will bn all that is wanted. Blowing Rock is a drawing card with Charlotte people and many will this year he there from Charlotte. ill faror of u rUrefat iaatew have bwn, inenll oil a wlanBM lha entrtblMatlnn may I- (rt!, ll U J1 IHal aa effort will l made la br'al lha Hi . t limit mlr la lha eoavanilon to day Tb ff,i. afti Trlkan aay lhal lb platform vlll daaiaad lha mlnage of a jr 1 1 and alive dollar of eual value anil ru.rof will b ibnnuncf.l a derwii and frand. Ilia aald lhal th anil I 'levelan I man will make a bl fl-ht on i,,. allon nf abrog it I n lh u nit r u - In order IA prrveut a ballot from lln rarlt. I to-lay Wnirn liov lt.iwell P Kiowa'. -f New V-.rk.ei leranl the wigwam, lh ilrlexato iriM.inl cl -i-r jflrr'ie ,"lt him. A motloo carried to apxiut a o.iminltt-e nf lo o to wall on thn r.-iu mltlao on credential to tin. I out when thy would b to report A I thl J ii net a re eome one in I he tii audience trmn nd yelled onl Mill' Mill! ami la iln aec"ti. lrl..K-ni were on tiaeir Ie- loiiilly r lag for the Trxaa SenH .r. Mill had lxen rninpelle.1 to leave the hill and gn lo the holel I,iU( call for Palmer. f lllinn A nn ti m wa carried to ak Mr 1'ihii. rt addr the convention. Mr. I'll hit ronentel and look th platform H appealanl for trnrniy in the parly a alaolull iiHiaVar to awrri Mr. Palmar lil the Ili-mx-rnt ha g.wvl men to aelect from Loii-I rrie for Hill, with hiiug. Mr. Calmer predict Ihil lh I .-morra' will Min Uth on Priil-nlial mil ni it.- ii,-kl When Mr. Palmer had lit, i-ti.-l th. delegate began chot-rlutr for Mr Kelloa-s, of New York, and .ike. thai the con vent bill in vite him load dre-s them Mr. I elloJ. riing :it hi, aid he wa : ib-lecale an I that the time had not arrived when it would ba proper (or him to .ulilreis the rotivi-u tion ''h,. ri-"rt of tin committee on credeiitriN wa unani moimi)' adopted, and the roiiiiuiltee on Hrm.inenl ori; iin ti.-n wa" called for. Mr. Vil-"u. of Wi-t N'lrginia, wa rho-en p.-rminaiit chairman. At 12:10 a heavy i tin -l.irm i-aine up and during it prntrr.- the band plaved.nsil wax o dark in the hall no one could e anything When the band he-in playing "Dixie" the cheer of the delegate drowned the noie of the heavy rain fall and huts and ane were toH in (he air. A committee nf five were appointed to notify Mr. Wilson of hi selection as permanent chairman Tin report of the cominitte on permanent organ ization wa adopted at 12:11. Chairman Wilson took the plat form, amid lhe cheering of the gal leries and delegate. Among other thimrs. Mr Wilson naid a much as !' '. i - 1. 1 1 -, an I a frr.urnll . ' -i-.l t ' r II .1 Hlt,, of,.r,l I- -' n in i HIT .-i mrmiwrt lha i.a ' I r "I. nulla n. B..inrall.b ronjiinll, I I W t.. I. rail it., r,. ,,f e-talaa bol that II. e-lvlra Im. tlM ( ., ,nJ uaU4 I ) rrrr-Kx, 4 ' a r 1 1 I w at aakaJ I . lf. (I , f, .,, 1,, , a ks ,, In tb. lull ' -v i am; ,, aka.l lo a. I lfo II, r . ,,, , i ,, ,,. j i It I - lul l ..f Tenno... w a ln I ! I to ad-lfrro tl.e ii-ii. nut .ai.l t o .h i n..t fe.l wall "ii-iiifl. t r-.j-ml Walter.. u rai Ihrn li; ,, a a n .t In lha ba'l At if I ;.iut It - irkr Crbran r.we t. (viiui ,,f ,,r,ar. in I ti. ai m I IIMalotiaar IP.r p r o-l 1 11 r of t Iir i on vrutlon on arc.unt of lb ai.U. iM-ing filial with xpl The - I airman aakeil that all dalraau w ted I-. ll.l rail for 'iMirhaaa and Nil i I -ti t nrllher rei iinled. Hnurk. t'orhrane wa Iirit rallel iig but lecliiipil 'o tke tb platform aayiaf that I -xp-rtei to liar baioaa It later on. A I I II lha eonvea II. iu t'H.k a rerei until U a'rlnrk. a.alllMApaallJ RatalMt. l.-al to TIm Xra Nrw York. June 'X -JpilgeHrowa thl morning, appointed W. G Oak man. rerlrer of the lUrhmnnd Terminal YOUR CHOICE THIS WEEK 0 P 1,000 Men's Fine Suits $14.50 Marled Down From $18, $20, and $22. Tfcr KiranlM Ta. rhu exriirloii tomorrow, run by the tjueai, City tillard. bid fair lo l a iirrea. The train will Conlt "f four paenger coarhe aoi a bag gage car. Conveyanc will meat the train at Kh-lby and will laka tha crowd to the spring. All who ran re oil ahould go and help 'be boya out. This is iomli.itii' N B' Advertising Scheme. Not mere idle wonls of ile.iant siiuml. Not a smoke minus a tire. Not a way nf drawing a crowd and de Ortvini; I hem. We have a score of nainelts hariain in aditilion to the few here mentioned, any of which will tickle your fancy and purse, but you must not tarry till n'A an' gone then ac cuse us of you know what. Tomorrow may lie too late. Uiriiesatiit Misses Kniomidered Klonneini; worth $l,ii to l'2 , our prii-e c ' ,2,tWto "2..ri, our priiv 75 c Black " 1.35 to l.a). our pnifji-'jc Real rich, rare lieauties, thise Klouncinin are. I.ndies shirt waist feel the shock: We hoi to scatter them powerfully by our last stuiinin blow; They are wonderfully l and oil' so nice to have on your summer trip. Ladies Gauxe Vest. Parasols. Fresh Plk. Bar. t)rgamlics opened tmlay. Tha Malt aa4 Cavaa Kaw Cawllawaa. There is another row between lha Molt and Kavea faction of the Re publican parfy, doe. It I atated lo lly, to the election of Henry D. t 'owl,. a a member of the National Ktecntive 1 oinnuttee. Cowles i an iitai'onit of Dr. Mott, the leader of ti"- ant- .nniii"trati.ti forces, am' the latt. r claim that the olflce Imliler electe.1 I owle iut as thev nominated Harrison - -aae. l.aal Mailt at the I'arh. ( 'ousidering the inclement weather a large crowd turned out to the en t'-rtainmeiit at the park last niirht A ftjliit the time for the pedestrians to p;o forth, a dark and angry cloud came up and rain began to fall. The viviljon was brilliantly lighted and the varied amusement for th entertainment ot me, crown were In tip top shape. The lake, was a fa rite resort and many delighted hems- ves by rowing These evening entertainments bid fair to become xceedinglv popular. Tho birkward a sson has left us heavily overloaded in Mens Fine SniLs. Wa mnat turn our enormous surplus stock into Cash at onco. To do this wa must more thtn double our sales this month. We, there for, are compolled thus early to aac rifle and we, give yon the benttU just when you want it. Tbaaa goods are lha cream of ottr stork. The fabric era the a a eat. th pattern ar tha ebulraat, th atylaa ara iba lataal lha iaikvrlaf la Ul bMl in uaw aaa bbm oaairabia gooda. M aoala-alara4 f or a for IbU trade. -V. JV. Kaufman & Co. LK V DING CIe)riIIKR-l, KURNISHKRS AND3UATTKR. MAIL ORDER A SOLICITED. Cor. CENTRAL HOTEL CHARLOTTE, N. C. liain and C'lonra. A regular cylone i reorted as having passed through the border counties of North Carolina, near the Virginia line. Trees were stripped of their branches and the ground covered with leaves In the tobacco section the hail was almost as large as that reported as fallen at Chicago yesterday. The damage to the grow ing crops will be great but cannot as yet be estimated. Heavy rains fol lowed the cyclone and the rivers are oversowing their banks. LADIES SHOES $2.00. These Hhoes have I men trade winner for at by giving aacb an Ira real satisfaction. Wa have everything put in Ibeni thai wa ran afford to eaU for 2,0", thereby produciug as good a wtariug ahoa, wltb nearly a aaaetk style, a ooa you would pay Iwica tha money for, V Bargains. To make this line more interesting wa have placed wltb tbetu a few bre ken lots nf about fs prs, styles are opera, and cooimon aanaa. nlala toaa aad . paL tip. sites 2 to width D and k Coiue early, you may gel fittasj aat of .' this iu a pair that is worth twice 2 00 Nor ia your chance for a bargain: I here I only a lew pairs and they will uot be hare long. - QUAY it BAUNIIARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CnARLOTlJ N C a.- "" Prompt atteution giran to all Mail Order. T.L. ALE XANDER, S OJUCO. Ladies Oxfords W e want every lady to call and see our oreat laadar; An tr. Da dongola kid oxford, diamond shane natent laathar tin. TKmhIiau . sewed, have nice weight Hu!es. and warranted not tor In: Varv liavlhl. and aft; Ma te to our special order on new opera ahape laat. Jaataa comfortable as C. S. and luach neater; Price $1,25, by tuail XOo extra, Also our fine seamless cut Dougola oxiord, pointed patent tip. and com- monseuse. 1 hese are genuine hand sewed and warranted; Price SL60, by mail 15c extra. We have the finest line of low ahoaa avar ahawa la-nina. lotte. i . QILRBATH Sg OO. Open every evening till 7 :00 ; Saturday till 11 :0U H 0 B B I ES. , We nearly all have hobbies of some sort. My hobby la te give tbe greatest possible valnei in Furniture-to sell at price that enable all to have nicely furnished homes. I am showing some rare value to Chamber ' Suits just now. Also a line of Parlor Jgoods unsurpassed by any. It Will pay you to see these goods and get posted on prices. Remember you want fo iuvest where your money will last longest. Do yon want anything In tb way of Camp Chairs, Lawn Setters, Hammocks, Cote, etc? 'I have large stock and will make prices Interesting. . ' ' , : - - - Fnfnitore ficalep. R S Sloan, UNDERTAKER. Kf?h. Naa.Bryanbaildlne', ovl Roger A Co Room call ' v' ' " t "

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