J A'RIjOTT Wfci J . ) ' JJUL I 12 1 1 I J'OLUMK VIII. Scislo's June 23 1803. taa; MalMM h Ml lb kxk TWfNMlUlMMBlfWMUf M It twry y lb Wr in i aan v? l m... hk. W mm jbal Oatllk UK !" (UlM K.. t :, ri4 rr oijaea mm Mb r U I' r HkK Oalf Ml imt Imw 1 1 lba lrtntl niad gtsjaaJ ", laat ufcx w1b to 4 S3a flul Mt iuim -iy ;v H Mt Waal lrpsa lUlaa al J (Hal eacrUaa, TWf eutS raanll MMM"' Ibal a mrtW Uf - Id IWw. Ob' mu fctialii , IklaaUat I go tail al Wn. Tm MM tM uljtd N. A Wry W el Kaary raraaul II. SO, ft, a4 tlhf Aoyl.tU.-. tl.tfl at barf. Tbey al fnHt el t at- lair iMr ill. I blna Mlk wortb IS 111 1rval4r Mlk Wtatb II IIJ, ISwiw India Nlh trorth 111 aowlllll I aa Malting bw pr"1. Only alx a kwti roll. U4i. Inruelfyou want a twfraia. Thine fire huadml ' Wiifctvw Tie ar avarm Ilka wild al f-. Th customer Mjr they ar lit b4 .W t; I bey have an yet. 2V t if prk. klumiuilo Net II .!i T. L Soiglo & CO. So. II V. Trad at. Is', H. Tryou al cHAKMirrK. n c. I I. f n XJT&rrry article tumuli! of in lliat iVs-a .4 prove In Is? exactly an reprt nlfl mils! 1r returned In its al tier, ami like a draft, H ar.l tlet (Ml siht. W'r prefrj to h re lo aurtlilnu HywJrr.J T 1. HKUil.K A (X). 41 Fruit uwdci ". I KIU'IT rilKHKKVKO WITH ' WllIH I'OWOKR.AIiWAYHniVEH t 1ATI8FACTION. NUHKALF.D J AIH KKQI1I KKH WAOLKSALK ANI JlETAIL Druggists. n,xnn nW Al, OF HHOOINO i Kolnirnn jat now, find w ri' bi In It Our $2 slioo kpp all itW friend For nvery iwnny flxjnll in Its purchasn, a trifle mow than a nennyB worth of wear Is certain to U obtained. Nothing that was ever koutrht, aold or exchanged, ever UU1 a handsomer thin by the wirohaser man mm ph.." ....v., lareer valne Riven '-r a "mailer pride. It Isaperrect pi.enomeiiou . K rint- inat hnthinirfirthnae cu ra ... ... - j v " frtrt-h Who Deiieve in hbi fet. and it Is exactly what economi cal hn vra are iookiuk . . .n.irtnknlla. Trunks. A lam Itnca ixaio vrrv." j ii.JhM larnvaon hand. Yauqea aim o- - j linnvcll k kn A E. RANKIN A BRO PIKOKNETS l lbajj Ital Hak mi1! Ipl U Ua U U vfl4. Taj k frMi4 IK am. V ! a mbIu sleek Try aoa ul Ma hU Mlial Hpl Tby ar lha Raaal vr aaw. A. R REESE & CO Dm prists. I f-rtM W ta Iba rl . """- cstkai rM ka T M ar U. thru a, niirf a IWi ail ikup B-mt, l.rf awl4 artr. Ha AaarllaM T- lf . I tkap rataa lo-rlfbl iMlf kaitaa. al l'ralNrv Ki aah-(1arkann Im-knt -A B A iNv TiaM artH-it-Ir J H Atrtaixlrr. I.rral rWaranor aaW-T I. rfW A ( Mr. J. H. Hpenrar lfl Tiatrday f-.r lh Hoarlalla Mill. Mr. H. Wlllkuviky ratarned front Now rk ihU niorrtlnr. !wtr Wild r haa MMn dialrlhul- liK data anionf Hi toy Wv-day. Mr. J.m Karuh riurid Ihl n.ornlnir, fr m a vlait t rlatlva In N York rlty. -Mr. and Mr. Frank !. I hava Ifiin l hciii.-k 'lnir n orlh Cliurrh alrrrt Mm Jrnnlo lilnnn. of U.ilflk'li . I vialtliiK hr alatr, Mr. V S Mon tro, In thla rlly. -Mr.l Jrortf W. K II Impropriator of Ih Bnford Holfl. Iia rrlnrnd from a viait north. Mi I.ila JoiiKa who haa ln at tend Ins; arhool in Wahinirt"Q City relurnttd horn on th rtilnl thi morn in;. Dr. and Mr. Hradr will return herefrom New York allh Mr and Mra. A. Hradr. and all will jro to Blowing rk to apeml the anmmer Thoae of our people who hare had a curiosity to know what a dioh of crow taste like, now have an p- portitnlly lo have that purloalty eat illel. All they've irot to do i to ak r.dlin. A nieetinir to perfect the orpan iitatlon of the rrohililtion party for Mecklenburg county, will be he'd at the court houee. at H o'clock to-nlpht. An addreaa will le delivered hy Rev. Dr. W.H Creasy. PeRleR Williams got here with his colored excursion from Atlanta last night. There was not so Urge a crowd on hoard as had been expect ed, and I'eg is out of pwket on the experiment. Most of his passnngers got on al stations close to Charlotte. The Wilmington Ken Coast road. running from Wilmington to the shore, has arranged its schedule so as to make close connection with the Incoming and outgoing trains on the Carolina Central roar". Charlotte vis itors to the coast will be glad to hear this. The Monroe Enquirer nays that Mr. F. H. Wolfe, clerk of Union county Superior conrt, who was so badly injured by a fall while at tempting to board Ihe Carolina Cen tral train In Charlotte, a few nights ago, ia improving, but Is yet unable to walk. Esquire J. II. Harnett, of Pine- ville, was in town to-day. He says that if every township votes for Cleveland like Pineville will, Cleve land will carry the State by 50,000 majority. Mr. Harnett says that Pineville will vote solid lor I leve land. Not a man in the township will flicker. Ooverllolt has received notic from the Secretary of War that Capt. Thaddens W. Jones, Tenth Cavalry and Lieutenant Richard P. Davis. Second Artillery, have been detailed for duty as instructors of the State Guard at camp at Wrightsville, July 21st to August 12th, and that a detail of enlisted men from Forti Monroe wonld instruct In the use of large guns at the coast battery. .TTTTTmn'K. s '- t..M a trip i . . k.ji li y W4 atk ! U -I .... a wall -S rf. I.I ft U tiiaJa tl WV I t l!iS TS fOJ ba.i itrsfcslbssce 9 . a fed ka4UaUlrt lata Mp" 1 IW .mm r,., JtaV a4 k4 fcs aruaalaJ iWlf taTaal f H I ,ii. Tm Lav a4 shrt m II waa iriafidtef aboalfor aawe Uj, VLkx. aaad4 ia (tliaf X Ifm m slab f his lftibr, wlilt wfcWB k.uiaisuK Yk aaJ Vs lbm ! C" t0- KaUMi Daleal villi lbs raaaay aa4 has slkvsbbsr4f. 1 1 Is saraaU- mi lhal bks CeH trip V Nssr Ym ha rl afelsacd. aad 4aae4 this schema U r . Tt VW ix.aaty rfl ars rj aailoas I k.ar (row him. Tsrsj Uelb.rs, lit Inf la ibs w4ra ssUaa of KKks aaiio Nw YartUtrM wasbi ai after ra vkaJa.asd Wf WSl ! ih d.rvoi ht dissaaa ihsy rs look log for. Thsy wars eoaasSUJ . Ihrnufh nillaa af lraU U SB fV- car huliaiog. aaxl wer. laksa lato r,w.n nn al Uui BOd rllVl Of 3H ah, al ths polol of s 4ll M r. MaAIH Salt hU.iulr I. M. MeA lllaur. acrU rr of the MrrkUoMirg c unly alii aar. wa la Ih city t'Mlay. Ilaaay lhal in North Carolina lhre are W, UaJ alllnrnienpl.lge.1 ol to rot for ( Uvrland, ami lhal If I lelaol carrl-a this Hlal. Iher will .V11 llaraln Norih Cr..lloa W vry urhfearthat brolhr McAlllalr' .VI.lMl) liar will have In t coanUd. Al lfcaIWl M4. That wa a Jolly crowd lhal wstch ed the bulletin board of the Western Colon Telegraph ofTlc laat nlghl, reading lbs return from Chicago. The Hill men wre prraaeij lo Ihe Wall but were gam U Hie lat A gexMl deal of chaftlng was don bill II wa i 'i a r I uaturr-d aort of a way. The crowd hun u Well until llildulKht. when tl liegail cattrrliig for home, but exilic remaiiiil llor.' for an hour or iw.i later. Oil XMl. The etcuraloll of the tjjeeu City usnN to Shelby t.day, was not a go. The big r-nns i.l yetU.rday and the rl.HKly akie of the early forenoon had tlx Ir -fTfct, an 1 when the hour for tne .tHparliirre of the train came. the 1. 40(1 and Ihe la-whall team were on hand. nd so were a fea ti. ket pur chaera After cou-nltlng over tint matter, the inantgers of the en-nr- sion deci.l '.l to Bhandou the enter prle Tl.e ticket money was refund eil lo thoe who h:.i purchaeeil tickels, and a-'iii ati-lid the railroad com pany. That was bard luck, but rx curniou ate uiigiity ri-my ining. n. ,wil v aort of excursion that can be reasonably depttuded ilon to pay eipeliaes a Huuday School t xcur sloli. A Yanni rfcralflaa Wfc Healed lllmaelf. An eight year old Charlotte hoy who lives next to a drugstore and who has always improved his oppor tunities to see the pill rollers at work, fell sick the other day. He did not call In a doctor but prescribed for himself. He got a quantity of vine gar, yeast powder and salt, made it into a pill and swallowed It. I lien he told bis mother about It. She was considerably flabbergasted for a time, but as no bad symptoms devel oped as the hours went by and the invalid seemed to be holding his own, her uneasiness soon wore away. The young man will soon be ready to hire out ns a nrug ciern. T. L ALEXANDER SON & GO. Cm 'VUtmOA v kv.:nin...h n : 2:1. .hik: Ska. m a uim i , laa m aa) wa S tw fit. WllUaa ftna, JiV 4rwa4 Uts ! sill U-a a aan yssJ sf ! W tfe 14 4aaw aMaeaal fMI.r Th baMly ka fcii toUf aa ty, ih l4 S4 faat Wiai IM l 1 awiua il ihaUNlf lv Iks vtur. AbaMl a la) la aUasl Vaa)4tara'4 Mr. Kailsra walklaf U bv-ar bWA h i44W al aa4 IWi. ! a II a fr eh Ca44la' b dffib at W ai ajbUl! aajf al lbba f bs, as4l' iiaa'.l lbs bo4f ta t J amkM was s44oly il h '" Itataf tlMiisr s lrl. Hlaaa fll asrasa lh b Y.aat rMts aaelt la flU. d Ibis IfteefT 1 Ibs Maosl rlsaMbls eas t4 aJaca wMIUrssaf Mr: VTUiiaai hilars, thd lit cmi Xartb A slral Ttia fslhsr aaJ a wr Ulb - rby4 al U4 Jell's l-aadry a aaoal- 4ra. Ha was aMi l year aa aag r hear fof oa of bla ag. Tr b4 wasrrrl4 i- ib yag naa's bosa aod all! I- bart-4 traniag. It T - a-a ajasa. JUr. EJar4 Mack n bflJa ar- rives! beat fru Uoldabro, Ihl moraieg. aa4 a rpi.o am o Undet-4 th opolar yoaag eoapl at ih iueS f Ih FlrH tfrUf lerian ckareh to-night. Th rep tl.in r n ere U dsy teaollfl!y ecraled ay lb ladle Tbe frl parlor. ber lha brM aaa gro.nn III r reel re. I baakaI wlih wnita . i loaera and ara. m "-"" parlnr.ln whih IU. Dr. J. B. Mack and Mr. Mack will recrlra. I ! oratd in rl and wt.ii- n ra Th Jeforallou of Hi dining ftom ar frn and amlUi. Thla roow ill lie in rha'gj "f Miae Mary Moor Yooiig. Mary Htl. Msry Hart and Mary (irler Major and Mr, Krneel Young and Mr. Cha. Car on will receive the gueat In Ih front hall. The preeiilalo Ihe bride and groom arr numerous and hand auiie, Ini liidnu' a number from tae mmlx-ra of the congregation. Th bri.le'a preenl If. in tier p.trul ar of solid -ilrrr - - Tmm llla HM fr ! J'- In New York -lerd .v. Jnnic Hrady rendered hl decision I I Pie case of itev. Thos. Dixon, jr. who wa arreleil on the rompl lint of K else Commissioner Jo.eph Ki-rrh. who charged him w ith criminal llb.il The lt. v. Mr. Dlx hi l held f r the grand jury. He wa. however, par oled In the custody of his lawyer,! ol. Aimer. J iitle Urady said he failed lo 11 ml diirmg he exainiu itlou thit Kerch was Indlvidu .lly responsible for thedelay of the evi ise board in giving Its decision upon s looiis that were open on election day. t nlrrpri.eof Ih.OM ls Itecallesl. Charlotte's niorniiik' d lily, the )h Herver, Is mors like the morning paiier Charlotte slmmd have than anything tln town lias known since the days of the old Observer. Col. Clias. It. Jonos and his ofllce force frequently stayed up until daylit-ht in order to get the latest important news lo press, ami that Is what the Observer did this niorniiiir. The Ob server did well in giving the town the latest from the convention, and itis fulfilling TiikNkws prtpnecy that it will be just Ihe sort of a morn ing daily that Charlotte lias been needing. Children CrjforTitcher's Castoria. This (om basin Advertising Scheme. Not mere idle words of pleasant sound. Not a smoke minus a lire. Not a way of drawing a crowd and de ceiving them. We have score of nameless har-;ains in addition lo ihe few here mentioned, any ol which will tickle your fancy and purse, but you must not tarry till all are gone then nc euse us of you know what. Tomorrow may be too late. ladies and Misses Kmbroidered Flouncing wort h l ,25 to itm. our priie AO c iiWto 2..'i. our price 75 c Hlack " 1.35 to our price 221c Real rich, rare beauties, these Flonncings are. Ladies shirt waist f.-el the shock; We hope ti scatter thorn powerfully by our last stunning blow; They are wonderfully cool and oh' so nice to have -on your summer trip. liles Oaiwe Vet. Iarasols. Fresh Wk. liar. Organdies 0emxi tixlay. at I a tl kr,llt . I UllUJ o4 SW.J. lil Jtlt( HI f T' a l-Ht if Mls) I at Utel.tt raJt.ll-Jtl iHltt 1t wiwa J)siiJ t tk tU t'lil.ii I ( ll I Vy ii-i -I M' a.i tm U. It miIs ! Itasca iai lui., it III ay st4 Kb a t-d e4 thaaai.A4 Ilk W 4i aW ail4 Aa-tK tJatx flUal lll !- fefCWfsiaa may .('ay, J.4C M.,itti -l WitiKelnf k iM.ii i 4! la taluli'- tf Ul a , tab a bt.t t i..isaa caaa p Tl Kaa4 laj k4 llvala ( i...., Im tmimm fm0m 4 9 . m an f. IWa Wa ta m . (a ait iiloi a ls4 lira 1 1 Jiralloaa ai Ul rie -a will b Ulvl a mt 4 balUl. 10 p m siaaoa was aoaal 1 a ia I Aral bsllo4. , nam a Mas4 Waaaf ra ( of ih aaA rasluag fraa Ih Itichnta4 A tUhvlUs gialala U haa4 of a r-elr. wilt b ths rmal of lb am of aaaUUal gral paMacr gat Tark frwsa i'barleli ts Waaltlaf. Tba t moraJof ib fas wilt Uk Uv oaJsty lt Uslag tit lUf.ktr Mai. Turk has- Kaaoa aaaay warsa porsMtal friw4i la CbslotU. tvs4 iinWMNiUMa f lhf ysaaf man la bUsoapoy. M ajag Tar js a 4aaat affbl galiaat'k4 bis yoaag are iadl . bxya. tltar Intta will rortaJalr reTet ba loata theiu, i ; - laj.TarblakosthaplAeaaf ('apt J a. U Taylor, lb gnrai paBgr agal of lbs IlicSmoad A DaarUU road, wba haa rlga4 U accpl a P aitloa iilb ih l'nasyraala troaTMt Tha Allanla Cooattiaiioo tatakas IklS rfarne w MJ-Turk: Ma). VV. A. Tsrk, who uec4 Capt. Taylor, has bean la tha aervlo of tba. IU1h mood A DaarllU for ssrsral . years. KiK foar years h was I oca tad la this my reproilog ih Atlanta aod Charlotte Air Una. Ha 1 now as aistanl aenral paenrr ax at of the Richmond and Dan v I lis with headquarter at Charlotte. Ha I well know 11 aod ha a flu record as passenger Uan There seem lo I. a I. uiporary hllct-. pe...lli lb. aeu . i-l ni rrlurniliK of lliiville aKaira. in making a jierniaiient appoiutinent of a general p.tauger aguL Mr. Turk is suppoet-il lo lie the man win will wear Ihe title when the appoint ment I made . Temporarily, be aa Hiiines the ilutie itboul chaliR of title. Tk Hmm oa ihe IHIft Among those of our ltlena who had In pay judgment in favor of the old Nalionol Express Company, was Mr. H . II. Orr. When the old ex press company wa doing business In ( 'harlotl it occnpleil a store in "Uranite Hhw." the place now occu pied by the Haberdasher. That is Mr. Orr's property, and iu looking over some old papera, he found a bill for rent agailiDt the National Express Company, for That bill has never yet been paid, but as the trus tee of the company has beeu so dili gently employed in collecting asaes intuits from the stockholders and heirs of stockholder, it is to be pre sumed that he will he equally ready to refund psrtof the money collected from at least one stockholder. Of course if it was pnqter for Mr. Orr to pony up to the company's bill, it is proper foi the company to pony up to his bill. YOUR THIS OF 1,000 Men's Fine Suits $14.50 Marked Dowo From $18, $20, aod $22. Tlpljvckwarti 83011 h&s left us heavily orerlotded In Mcn3Fin 8uitA We moat turn our enormous Burpius niock into Cash at once. To do thla we must mora thin double our Bales this month. We, there- fore, axe compelled thus early to Bacriflce and wo friTO you the benefit just when you want it. Tea goods ara the craa of our stock. Ths fabrtos ax tha fl asst. tha paltartas are tha rbokcaat. lb sly Us sra tha laual. Ibs talUrlog Is tha bast. All aswaad daalrabl rood a Maaatactarad for as lor thla Ssaaoss trada. v - IF. Katif, LEADINO CljOrHIERH, FURNISHERS ANDJH ATTKR. blAll. ORDEIH HtiLlCITKD. Cor. CENTRAL HOTEL LADIES SHOES $2.00. Thee Hhoes have hn trsds wloaars for as by giving sach anirarssl saliafactiou. 's hava avarythlng put In thsm that wa can afford to sail for 2,00, thereby prmluciug a good a wearing ahoa, with Dsarly as oaach style, a 00s yon woo Id paystwioa tha tuoney for. Bargains- To inak this line more InUrsstlng wa bars placed wlib4bem a few bro keu lot of atMtut is prs, t-tylsi are opera, and common seusa, plain toss and nat. tip. sixes 2 to s, widit.a D aud k Coma early, you may gal At tad out of. this iu a pair that Is worth twice 200 Notr ts your chance for a bargain: Thero i only a few pair aud Ihsy will not be here long. GRAY fr BARNHARDT. 19 Eaat Trade Street, CHARLOTlfl. K C T Prompt at ln lion giran to all atail Ordara Ladies Oxlords W want every lady to rail and see our great leader: An extra flat dongola kid oxford, diamond shape patent leather tip. Theeeeboae ara sawed, have nice weight solas, and warranted not to rip; Vary flexible aud soft; Ma e to our special order ou new opera sbapa laeL .Jnatas comfortable as C. K. aud iuach neater ; Price 11,25, by mail JOo axtra ; s , , Also our flne seamless cut Dongola oxford, pointed patent Up, and com': monseuae. These are genuine haud sewed and warranted; Price $10, by mail 15o extra. We have ths finest line of low shoes svsr shown In Char lotte. QILRBATH Ss OO, ; Open erery evening till 7 :00; Saturday till 11 Mi. ' J H 0 B We nearly all have hobbles greatest possible value In Furniture have nicely furnished homes. I am Suits just now. Also a line of Parlor pay you to sea these goods and get posted ou prioes. Remember you wan to invest where vour money will laat longest. Do yon want anything la tha way of Camp Chairs, Lawn Setters, stock and will maka prices Interesting. n O O I JCll I- BURGESS NICHOLS NUMllF.Ullf t CHOICE WEEK CHARLOTTE, N. O. . ' ,:'.. B I E S. of some sort. My hoboy Is tc glva tha - to sell at prices that enables all to showing some rare values lo Chamber roods unsurpassed by any. II will Hammocks. Cots, etc? I faaVa a large V ' - - - Foroitarc Oeaer. Roots PDTlBTB KlirhC aalL1 Bryan building, ovsr Rogsr A Co