AFTER THEY THY US ONCE . I THEY ARE WITH US ALWAYS- There's only one way to hold trade like ours-square dealing, honest goods, fair prices. A blind man can deal here as safely as the best judges of clothing. He gets all his money's worth, whether he knows it or not. Just now our summer suits $7.60, $10.00 and $15.00 are keeping us very busy. I Long, Tate & Johnston, One Price R OGERS&CO. ,'.T.-3 Long, Tate Johnston. H Barkch& Bro 12 1 Je on Taps in. Time! BE AT , Our Store THIS - WEEK r SURE. This Time it is - LACE CHAINS - We have secured a lot sak A 4t . f T" 01 ljsvu . pairs 01 jjace Curtains, among them the y i uner graues 01 SWISS TAMBOUR, RENAISSANCE, CLTJNY and ANTIQUE. These run in 3 1-2 and 4 yards length and came ,one, two, three, four and five D&irs of a kind. We bought the lot at 50c on the $1 and will turn them loose on that scale. ' Curtain worth 9 .75 per pair are 33c. " Curtains worth .90 per pair are 45c. Curtains worth 1.00 per pair are 60c Curtains worth Ji.Oi) per piir are 11,00. Curtains worth 2 90 per pair are 1.85. Curtains worth 4.00 per pair are 2 00. Those worth 15,00, t3,00, 10,00 to $20 00 all go at bt If prior. A mint of money will be awed you on l uruios aioce. Financial and Crop Notes. A Chicago dispatch says that the market la somewhat affected this niornlnjr by the advices of the spread of choleia In Russia. The bureau weather map Just re ceived shows rain on the coast only None liTthe cotton region. This re port is up to raid night last night The Board of Trade cables are 'd higher on wheat futures. Bt L;ui h us 110,000 new wheat tota Against 61,000 last year. The bog nmrket opened 6(2 10(3 up. Hog) to morrow 20,000. Fairly clear weather throughout the country. Coolei west and northwest. Light show ers In Nebrask, Iowa, Wisconsin, (iood rains In Texas and Mississippi. a. "THE BEE - HIVE. We greet you with a bankrupt stock bought for lest than 60c on. the dollar. This, togeth- r with Itewirs. Gray & Barabardt'a stock of SHOES, bought tbe tame way, we offer 35 per cent t low Original wholesale coat at the factory. ' Gtttta Shoes in Congress or Lace which cost at the factory i and $1.50 weofleral 12.43c, Ladles Shoes in same proportion. Visit onr store and look through. Every article marked in plain figures. One Price for All. J. D. Collins. A Desirable Property. If TOO wish to locate well in the purchase of a home, secure the 7-room cottage No. u East Morehead street. Modern convenience In house; Lot 92x300 feet; Twourpom ser vants boose on premises; Tbe moBt sub stantial growth of the city is in this direc tion; If not sold in few days will lease to food party at reasonable figures, W 8 ALEXANDER. - Beal Estate Broker. Bay, Bell andRent Beal Estate. Two Slate Items of Inlarasl. The Raielgh correspondent of tbe Richmond Dispatch says: Qov Carr to-day appointed the follow ing directors of the North Carolina railway on the part of the State: V. C. Maxwell, Charlotte; W. F. Korne iray, Ooldsboro; John P. Allison, Concord ; (J. W. Johnson. Chapel Hill ; J. J. Young, Poleuta; Rev. F. fj Held, Raleigh ; Lee 8. Overman, Hallsbury; C E. Turner, Wake county. Ttie State Superlnteu- dentof Public Instruction today se cured the service of Mr. C. 8 Noble, superintendent of Wilmington pub lio tchooU, and Alexander Graham, superintendent of Chailolte schools, to uslst President Mclver in con ducting county teachers' institutes. A Fashionable Colored wedding. i There is to be quite on event in colored social circles touight, iu tbe marriige of Rev, R. J. Melton, of Wilson, N C to Robecca Judy Canty, daughter of F. O. Canty, the well known barber. The marriage is to take place at the First (colored) Presbyterian church, on the corner of College and Seventh streets, at 9 o'clock. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Dr. Saunders, president or Kiddle university, the church has been profusely decorated for the occasion. Rev. Melton was formerly a teacher at Biddle Instl lute, but for two years past has been in charge of a churcb In Wilson The bride-to-be was a teacher at ricotlo Seminary in Concord, where she ranked with the best of the corps. They will leave In the morn lug for Wilson. The attendants at the weddiug tonight will be : C E Coleman, Tabby Canty, Hattle Bomar, Clarence Cannon, Rev Kalrley, J J Robinson, H L Mc Crorey and C M Young:. Ushers Annie () Percival, Celia Canty, rrois r 11 Pride ana J 11 Martin. The wedding March will be played rv rror k a mount ana n c Hughes, Tbe rirtt National Bank of Winston. The Richmond State of Tuesday evening last, contained the following in tegara to tne first national bank of Winston, N. C : The First Na tional bank of Winston. 'vhlih closed recently by the direction of the treasury department, is to reopen under the most favorable auspices Comptroller Eckles has issued a let ter in which he allows the 'bank to go ahead under certain conditions. One of thesi conditions Is that the institution shall start with not less than $75,000 In cash. Another Is that a new tet of oJUcers shall be elected. Mr. W. 8. Forbes of the ftv uhn Is larirelv Interested In thn ha gather with, Mr. J. C.Buxton, who Is in cnarge oi ine Dans at present, and Mr. B. N. Duke will go to work at once and ralaa thA Ti AAfin I rru money to put the bank on a stronir rooting, ihey are highly pleased with the frlendlv nttitndn nf fL- comntroller and with tho Ritual inn generally. Mr. Buxton will become the presldentof the bank, and Mr. John Miller of Danville, who, by the wav. was a nandldatn fnr TTnltari States bank examiner, will be elect ed cashier. The Epworth League MMtlng. TheTrvon Street MathnrliHtchurnh branch of the Enworth T.naurun met last night to reorganize. The church was pretty well niled with those in terested lu the work. The league was reorganized with forty-one new members. Evangelist J. W. Lee was present and made an interesting talk on the merits of tbe league. Rev W. S. Creasy followed in a very In teresting address. Committees were appointed for the various amies, ur. creasy is very much en couraged with the prospect. NEW YORK COTTON. Nsw You, July, 13, 1893, COTTON-MIDDLING: Fatures sleidy High- Low est ect. Jannary 8 37 renruary H.43 March H.53 April ' (i.uo Mav O.dO June 0.00 Julv 0(10 August 7 93 September 8.01 October November .. 8.20 December 8.20 Sales to-da, 72,800 Net Ueceipa, 8.32 8 44 8.4' 0.00 0.00 000 0.(0 7.86 7.96 8.07 8.1S 8.23 Clos ing. 8.37-88 8.4V-46 8;63-34 O.OO-OO 0.00-OO O.OO-OO 7.86-88 7.91 H2 8.U1-02 8.11-12 8 20-21 8.28-29 LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, July 13, 2 pm. MiJdling 4 J; Hales 8.000; American ,4i; (-peculation and' export 600; Re- -ipta 10.000; Aiuericau 3,800; Futures steady, demand niuderate. Lierpool, 4, p. m. Close-Futures closed steady. une and Julv 0 July a'id August. .. 4 28 b August and September 4 2827 eptpmber and Oclober 4 28 h October and November 4 2930 j-uvriuurr aim i;ecenioer 4 81 a December and Jnnuarv 4 S233 January and February 4 34 b ternary ana Marcn 43v March and April 4 38 v CHICAGO GKAIN AND PRODUCE. Chicago, J uly 13, 1893. Estimated car lots tomorrow: Wheat 64 cars; corn, 400 crs; Oats, 150 cars; Hogs, 20 000 bead; Cattle, 00,000 head. W1IKAT Sept Qi :ORN-Sept 4i OATS Sept 25 ruiviv oepi 19.75 sept ooo RIBS Sept 9,15 A CAED. We would say to whoever wrote that letter about Peigle selling out at cost In your paper of yesterday, that we think we can run our owu bueiness, ond when we find we can not we wlll call for the assistance of "A Subscriber and Merchant." We will continue to sell at cost this en tire week, break whom it will. The people of Charlotte will stand by us. T. L. 8EIOLE & CO. Niw Yobk. Julv 13. 8TOCK8. 'Close Richmond Terminal 2 Atchison 191 St. Paul 59I Lake Shore ip Missouri racinc 291 Louisville ami Nashville M 59I Western Union " 79 Burlinfrton and Quincy 80 unit nun UICJLHWHUH. . . . . , 143f CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. TODAY Quotations represent actual buying price MiddUn.fair..'0.0.!":1 Strict Rood middling Good middling g qq strict middling 7 90 Miauling 7 75 Strict low middling 7 60 Low middling 7 50 Stains ".".'.'...'.'..'..''.'.'.'.'.'.. ". I (H Tone of the market, steady. Sales to-day 5 hales. Notice! ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE CON STRUCTION AND VSR OF PriVIJSS IN THE CtTY. The Board of Aldermen of the City of Char lotte do enact: That section of 10J, page 76, of tbe ordi nances of the city be repealed and the follow ing inserted in lien thereof- No person shall construct or use any privy in the city ot Charlotte within 25 feet ot tbe lesldeuce of any other person or within 20 ftet o any public street unless samebecon "in W1,h ,he citv wer; and no person snail employ the water of any running stream or tne surface water to carry off the deposits Trom any privy within the city, nor shall any Person use any privy within the city which is so constructed as that tbe deposits therein may be carried ot by such running si ream or surface water. Every person who Shall Violate ann nflh. ..-I . ... i dinance shall be subject to a penalty not ex ceeding 150 for every such offence. n. j. nasvABD, Mayor. ORDINANCE REQUIRING nRIVFHH AND OTHERS TO GIVE RIGHT OF WAY TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it nrrlttinoil lliut .1 1 . r nre shall be given it shall be the duty of dri vers of hacks, drays and other vehicles to im mediately drive to one side of the street and occupy said side of the street until the tire de partment shall have pass d or had time to .uo rr; anu 11 suail also be the do tv of motornipn btiH nth.N i ( . . - .. , i,uu(o ui sireei cars WD(neVer Mmn ftlnrm iu niUAn A iM 1 1 .... 1 M On In. Pani if in ..Ai . . . . , ' r , uiuuuu.Bi B pomi oerween stieet crossinus, and remain standing until jhe H.e department shall have passed or had .....f. nil me nceue 01 nre. All persona VlolfitlTifT (hi. ....i i . i .. misdemeanor aud lined not exceeding 60 or imprisoned not xceeding 30 days. k. j. UBEVAUD, Mayor, ORDINANCE FORBIDDING THE RID- iMi OF HORSES OR BICYCLES IN FRONT OF FIRE DEPARTMENT, ETC. ItNhall h unlawful f - iui aujr pcraou on norebHCE nrnn hlnvplaa is A L . r wltb ti e hredepnnnient when going to a .h iiT h r "'iaiing inis ordinance; "c ricee'-ing ou or impriso'j "f, UOJB, K. J. HBEVABD. Mhtap T 1 1 P O linvo nr.i! nni.n.. i , , . VVi I", lOITO, um tutu iNAsa, clerk andreaa. $75 11 APOLLO $75 Is the handsomest 10O whui ever saw. Full nickeled; low han dle barn. Call and had It trin ruarantee it to be equal to or surnnaa my f 100 wheel on the market P ODR PRICE $75.00 Hold two before It had been unboxed two hours. BREMADOWD lw 18 E. Trade St. Under k FLAG! And that a black one, we tomorrow throw our entire stock on the market at Original Cost. Not on article, eyen yeate day's arri val by express; is to be reserved. No Bale to Complete, embracing in new fresh goods, all articles ever found in a First Class Dry Goods House, ever before took place In Old Mecklenburg. Domestics and Calicoes, Notions and Silks, Yea! everything, brought to a common level. T4 CONDITIONS: Nothing charged except at regular prices, No goods sent out on approval. Not one article reserved. No guarantee as to duration of sale. ' ' SEE OW BLACK FLAG. HARRIS & KEESLER. Never Tale Chances IN BUYING A Piano or an Organ. You can't afford to do it, there is too much at stake;' not alone in tbe price paid for it, but in tbe tone quality of tbe In strument, and the pleasure and enjoyment which may or may not be derived irom it, which depends entirely upon tbe instrument itself. Buy a Standard Make every time, and you will not regret it. W offer you tbe finest line of Standard Makes to be found, to select from. LOWEST PRICES AND SPECIAL TERM? Luddeo Bates Southern Muslo House W. M. WHEELER, AGENT. I E. M. A N D R E W S, DINING ROOM. Today I am offering gen uine bargains In Cue dining cnaira. you would be simply surprised to see tine polish ed frame High back Dining room Chairs be-1 ing sold at only f 14.00 per set. 1 have tnem even cheaper than tba. but 14 00 buys some thing fine. They won't be here Linx at that price. You have to pay 18 00 to 20 00 per set for them elsewhere. Tbe reason I can sell them at such ridiculously low prices is i bat a factory that was forced to ro out ofl business sold me a big lot at a reduced price. I I am only riving my customers the benefit I of this Closing out. Manv other new and desirable chairs at far under their value. Take advantage ofl these prices now, you may never tret such a rare chance again. -- FURNITURE - - PIANOS - - AND -- ORO-ANS. E M AOBEWS. MR8. BLAIR, agent for Dr. McGILL'S ORANGE BLOSSOM remedies, will be in the city several weeks. Ladiea wishing to call will find her at No, 28 S. Tryon St., from 3 to 7 o'clock p m. Lady agents wanted. Fasnacht will please you if you want some nice white cake, Fine fresh Butter received daily in 1 pound solid hard Prints at 25c per pound; Pearl Meal; Patent Flour; Best Leaf Lard; Hams, Ac. J. G. 8HANN0NH0TTSE, Agt. Have you tried Fasnacbt's bread and rolls? If not, get some for Sunday. WE Deliver our Ice Cream to any part of the city. Leave order Saturday "for Sunday delivery. tf RIQLER fc LAIRD. Give Fasnacht your order for your ice cream for Sunday. ALL OF OUR FINE PAPERS HAVE SIDE WALL CEILING. BORDERS, CORNERS AND FRIEZE ALL TO MATCH. Wheeler Wall Paper Co. 16 East Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. Dr. Alexander's Chlora dyne is an instantane ous pain reliever. TT a bottle. Price 25c. Dr J B Alexanders, 15 South College street. The Scare. The present depression in business circles Is more of a scare (that has has been talked up) than anything else. This section is in a better con. dition today than it has been In five or ten years. I predict that the Sep tember winds will blow this scare away and the son will continue to rise and bet just as it does now. Our trade bas begun to "pick up" and it I Is better this week than last. Fine Scotch ginghams in small checks and stripes, fast colors, euita- for children wear. Ladles Oxford ties and slippers. Friday aud Sat urday, BIG REDUCTIONS on straw hats, ladies hats aud flow-1 ere, silk mitts, silk gloves, belts, hos iery, scarfs aud suspeuders, and many other things. Fair dealing witb all. HARBISON & CO. J S Phillips, MERCHANT TAILOR Has Just received Itbe newest things in SUTTOns AND TROD80RING9. Call and see them. 31 8. Tryon ttroet. Telephones. FOR ELECTRIC TTLEPHONE8, FOR PRIVATE LIKE PURPOSES, write to the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, C, E. MoCLUER, District Sunk, Tanl9tf Richmond. a. Dress Making. Mrs. P. Query has reopened her dress making rooms to be managed byMissPau liae who is suffl eiently accomplished in tbe art to guarantee our old standard of superior work style, and popular prices. Satisfaction guarantee!. 8he will be assisted by Mr. Query herself, MRS. P. QUERY & CO. No Excuse For Walking. Look at the Prices at which I am authorized to close out a stock of NEW Swift Bicycles: 1 li Pneumatic Tire 60, former price $120, 2 11 Cushion " CO, loriue price 135. 1 1J " " 65, former price 145. 1 1 " ' CO, former price 135. These are strictly high grade Wheels in every particular and you want to see them. THE LAST CALL Only two days more of the Great Discount Bale. When we begin taking luventory next week, the sale stops. If you need a Suit of Clothes don't delay. If your boy needs a new Suit bring him here at onoe. Do yon understand our offer. Any .Suit of Clothes in our store at a disccunt of 25 Per Cent, Tbais: Any suit you buy between now and our annual luventory next week, you get for one-fourth less than oar lowest cash price. If It It a 20 suit you get it for $16; If a $15 suit you cau get It for $11.75; If a $10 suit you can get It for $7.60, and soon. A straight discount of twenty-live per cent from tbe value of of any salt in our store, BOGJSES & CO. Inventory Sale, 21 West Trade Street. Charlotte. jST. O. BOYNE & BADGER, CO 0 0 to c BBsaasa 0 0 LU O Q CO 3 U z O CO Let us show you a banditouie a display of goods evar iparklcd before sparkling eyes. lYrlu you are labor ing under the delusion thai It I necessary to bring a small fortune with you. Not at all. A little money will go as far in the vurrhasc of Jewelry as it will in buying anything else. We have an Idea that It will go a little further; Per haps you think we are mistaken on that point ; If you do, we art confident that we can treat you j to an agreeable aurprlsa. Qlanca at the following list, and if you ne anything write, or call on us : Scarf pins. Ear drops. Itroaches, Lace plus, Stud buttons. Cuff buttons, Collar buttons, Bracelets, Charms anil I'endants, Cuff pins Chllds pins, Chlhls dres buttons with chain Child dress pint with chain. V t.i.... n;... . 1 1. A , , IT W ( V I' ULA, ULif : lUUr , K of 11. Rlnss, plain (fold, and set with all the precious ana semi precious sionen. Hat Dlna. Hair nlns. Hat marks. Indies watch cnaint, uenis waica euaius, necklaces. Gold watches. Silver watches, Nickel watches Guards and Fabs, Key rings. Key chains, Scis sors. Gold, Silver, Nickel. Steele, Celluloid and Rub ber Eye Glasses and Spectacles. Umbrellas, the very best tube bought; Gold umwu vauvs. Onyx clocks, Nickle clocks, Wood clocks Bro rues, single and in pairs; Onyx tablet. Cut Glass and Imported Tottery, a few pieces W U BOIU Hi COSl- Gold Pens, rendls Toothpicks: Opera glasses cheap; Garters: Pocket books; Card cases; Ci gar and cigarette cases. Sterling Silver Rnoons. tea and table ; Sugar spoons; Preserve spoons; .Icily spoons ; Merry spoons ; Sugar tongs and scissors ; I'le knives ; Ice cream slicer and spoons ; Coffee spoons. Bon Bon Dishes ; Individual salt and peppers ; Carving sets; Soup ladles ; Nut picks and cracks: Childs sets, knife, fork aud spoon; Oatmeal aeia. The lanrest stock of Silverplated Ware in Charlotte to select from. 00 o m GO D O m 23 r 0 0) CL ZD 0 0. 0 cn F. E ANDREWS. j BOYJNE & BADGER I:.