1, T.-- D REYFUS NOT FIRST. Others Who Have Been Made Victims of "Honor of French Army." Tt i? Derhaps not generally known Xi, Akj f 4-1, hat Dreyius is uy iiu me msi, tna n t O suffer for "the honor of the oh army. If it were possible to TeV6al toe swiet urn uiaiuxcct ui uuo French War Office it would be an easy matter to prove that this is neither the frt nor the twentieth attempt on the ort of the War Department officials to screen the guilt at the expense of the Near the end of the reign of Louis XV. in France all the affairs of the French Government were in great con iUion. Count de Bellegarde, who was he Colonel of an artillery regiment, noticed that some other officers con nected with the arsenal were commit- n connivance wixn contractors ana in spectors. Being a man of honor and in tegrity, he promptly reported the mat er to the Minister of War. The latter In turn reported it to the Director of t "I , J o ; 4. mi the Arsenaj, ureu. uc oaim, -ti-uucui. ine onel's charges, protested the innocence both of himself and the other officers, L XJ45. 1.1 J- J J and, not sausueu vviLii tii'cLL, ueuounceu txie UUiuiici ao x uaiiii. J. lit; uiwuuti s position was thus promptly changed from that of accuser to accused, and investigation of his case was ordered, the officer in charge of it being a par ticular chum of Gem. Saint Auban. The Colonel was arrested, imprisoned, put through the mockery of a trial, and sentenced to degradation and close im prisonment in a fortress for twenty years. This sentence was carried out. The Colonel was practically buried alive in a dungeon, where he was never allowed to see any one, nor hear the sound of a human voice, while the scoundrels whom he had accused were promoted and honored. The Colonel's wife, however, was a voman of great spirit and resource. Confident of her husband's innocence, she devoted her life to his vidieation. Another relative of the Colonel, Baron de Chargey, also interested himself in the matter, and (presently brought charges against Gen. Saint Auban of having committed forgeries and having suborned perjury in order to convict Col. de Bellenarde. Various other friends also interested themselves in the matter, and soon were able to pre sent a very strong case to the Minister of War. He, however, refused to do any thing in the matter, saying that the Colonel's case had been finally adjudi cated, and could not be reopened. So the matter dragged on until Louis XV. died, and Louis XVI. succeeded to the throne. Then the Queen, Marie Antoi nette, became interested in the case, and through her efforts and influence the Minister of War wa removed, a thorough inquiry into the whole case Tras instituted and Co, de Bellegarde was released and fully vindicated just about four years after his condemna tion. The points of resemblance be tween this case and the Dreyfus case are obvious. Another, small but inter esting, is that the Christian name of the wife of Col. de Bellegarde was the same as that of the wife of Capt. Drey ius, namely, Lucie. THE CASE OP JEAN FABRY. Then there is the ase of Jean Fabry, who never obtained full justice. On June 2, 1815, a court-martial at Stras fcurg, presided over by Gen. Desbu reaux, sentenced Fabry by a majority of five votes in seven to five years of Penal servitude, to the . restitution of 10,354 francs "misappropriated by him" tod to military degradation. Fabry was connected with the accountant's de partment of the Ti.fl.w and later was transferred as office paymaster to the One Hundred and Forty-first regiment of the line, whence he went to the De Pot General for Refractory Conscripts t Strasburg on November 1, 1813. On assuming his new office it took him ut a short time to discover that the account-? Jute confusion, chiefly owing, it is said, i-ne neglect of his predecessor, sub- eut. Desprat, who was charged with Javing lent his signature to the falsi ncatlan rf v. i t 4. UmmieS. fi-jrfstiiw rvn.tr jfri Ho 4rn a-ina- y shared with the meribers of the uministratlve Council the amounts Presented by their keep, clotMng and crSfn Fabr3T discovered the reckless -r-auiua m wnich the accounts had een VaT i .. . . tta s ue lost no m reporting aonf v joionei or ine regi- erai en to the Subinspectors Gen ral! flnal3r to the InsPectr Gen- ceivM L xa every case was re- nJStKahx of shoulders, "nottX v Dy tne recommendation et m be1to zealous," or he might Faw i?elf in serious difficulUes. Pres how"ever, was not to be sup fcarrv- announced his intention War f the matter to the Minister flestnip7jnt hls PPnents planned his W aonnlS A settlement of the Octo- UohSJi, Tas dmaaed by the Col- the 23 ..ar account T mowing xnat ne had SuPPort i bo,oksand documents in lod;J" tne informatf rn ino relrfer1 1,0 Intimidated. Irue an at Ci immeaiateiy thes Proofs Dt t drtv himof uois, and when t?qvto Pa rva. T'0 6.IR AND BUCEaU iT8. placed undr arrest for insub ordination. At the same time a report was drawn up charging Mm with hav ing refused to restore to the war chest the sum of 10,354 francs 30 cenUmes (the amount of the said October ac- mTKanta Witn usig to sub mit his books for examination. T Y ? man of sanguine disposl .anL otable courage. Not withstanding his nw i UU sent It tO th Minieto of War, carefully describine the r-nn. iused state of the rx T 1 , . "vo o , iJlUI, ur.ame nSiect of Sublieut. De- ; f report was forestalled by meanwhile had ordered Fabry's impris T ' a naa nis Private house ran- &citea ana a sum of nearly 10,000 ikxhcs connscated. INNOCENT MAN'S PUNISHMENT aory was imprisoned for six years, two years or this hino- -p., . o XCUIOUU. curing his incarceration his wife re vealed her noble spirit by devoting her HUU zo an attempt to have him released, ana twelve years after she naa secured his freedom they were both working zealously to remove from their name the unmerited stain. Long before his release it had been virtually aumiucu "iat every count In the in dictment against Fabry was trumped Up, that the acCUSflirm nn1 Vwn tained by numerous forgeries, and that tut? wnoie personel of the administra tion, from the War MiniatAi. copying clerk, had hAn miv ,1Tv the disgrace. When he secured his re lease uu,ouo francs lamages were voted to him to hush ud the sca.ndn.1. never received a centimA and n.q ' - A FRIGHTFUL. BLUNDER. Will Often CaUSA A 1inn4MA T ST ' V.UL .or cruise. Bucklens Arnica uve, me Dest in thn Tiri in ib paan ana promptly heal It. Cures w iw, nm XV.X1A wiu oores, Jever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best O. . ' via. a uux. "o uure on earrn. rtniir 9R wto euarauieea. sold by Biirwfii a Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate By virtue of a decree nf ihA Court had in that special proceeSngg rr I ,J7iauiijner et. ai., admin- liStrafaons. etc.. aesdnKit t and trthers. lieirs-a.t-Tfljw vf a tt j-cii, ueceaseo, tne uniderslgned commls- oMMsr iwim oner iot sale at the high eat bidder at nuhlic laucMrm f fv. coumty court (house door in the cdy of vustriocus ax iz o'clock iM., on (Satur day, the 12th day of August, 1899, the iouoiwing uescriiDed real estate: j.. inait lot of land in the city of Charlotte fronting about tlhirfty-tJiiree feet on the weat side of North Brevard street, and extending back with that widifch one hundred and ninety-ieHignt feeit, and adjoining .the lands of Dr. O'Donoghue and others, and known as lot No. 2, an pllat. No. 3, filed In the aJbove entitled proceedings. 2. That tract of lankl oonitaining ten acres near itihe city of Chiarlottte, and adjoining the lands of Dr. C Li. Alex ander, Geo. W. Graham and others, and known as the T. L. Riitfdh place, and described in the petition fiUeid in the above entitled proceedings as lot No. 5. Terms of sale: One-tihlrd of the pur chase money casih, balance in six months with note and approved secur ity. , This the 7th day of July, 1899. T. K. FAULKNER, NANNIE K. CROWBILL, CoonniiisMoniers. 7-7-tds Trustee's Land Sale. w By virtue of a deed-of trust executed to me. by H. W. Borte. on the 15tih dav of May, 1897, and recorded in the res lster's office for Mecklenburg county, In book 87. page 100, I will on the 10th of July, 1899, at 12 o'clock m., sell to the highest bidder, at pub lic auction ,e& the court house door, In the city of Charlotte, all that lot cr parcel of land described In eald deed of trust, situated In Charlotte townshifr, cold county, Otate cf Noid Carolina and particularly described ca follows: Known as lot No. 14, la square No. 11, of the property known as Belmont, near the City of Chsrldia, the cold lot beins 50 feet (by 140 feet, and fronting on the street krora C3 Allen street. Together with the rtkt to the use cf an alley ten feet frlde esrosa raid cauare. in commoa with the other lot owners. jThis, Gth day of June, 1899. H3SRIOT CDAUKSON, Tnsstee. Trustee's Sale. ' Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by John F. Rn dLaill and wife Minnie L. Rudlsill, reg istered In Book 126, page 68 in office of Register of Deeds, Mecklenburg County, N. C and because of default t nf t.hft debt therein eft- cured, I will sell for cash at public aue- in the City of Charlotte, N. C.,!on Sat urday the 29th day of July 1899 at 12 o'clock m. that certain lot or parcel of land In the City of Charlotte, N. C, in Ward No. 1, being a part of lota No. 365 and 381 in square No. 54. Beginning at a stake on Ninth street, Laura D. Sprinkle's corner and runs thence with Ninth street 1 nthe direction of N. C. R. R., fifty-two feet to a stake Sarah Rudisill's corner; thence in a Southern direction parallel with the N. C. R. R. ninety-three feet to Sarah Rudisill's line; thence with said line in the direc tion of College street fifty-two feet to Laura D. Sprinkle's line; thence with said Sprinkle's line and parallel with Collese street ninety-three feet to the beginning; This 28th day of June, 1SC3. ' IL D. COCHRANE, Trc-p TUd down to aotuework, to th acrabbiiur brush and backet, to the -bh pas and housecloth. is tfce condition of the woman who still uses soap in w cleaning. On the other hand U6 voman vhfl nco CtrA t..a 73. n rX: Washing Powder noon. wikr.AMnn..t.. j . . . ... v' . fa half the time and at half the cost as Oman. 1TAf(nu... l - vwwuuuijr ouy our THE N. IL FAIRBANK COMPANY For Bladder Troubles uoo OTUAKT'O GIR and BUCHU. SWELL HEAD A nis suDeriorltv svnA i wt.. termed a swell head, but tlhere are otner swell heads caused by a decayed iu icms latter class Dr. J. H. Newell has made a. mefjai and in every case has given, almost ln- atanT reiiei. Ajn nidhiinsr mntih ntwyu tha whole system. Then wihv ff it you can be relieved at so small a cost concinue to suffer? The prices we have made on all demtlstrv vnrir im wtKii the reach of even a poverty-stricken purse. OUR PRICES for eWracMmi tnoh t. only 25c: sold fill-in es. S1.ro? gam, 50c.: cement. 50c.. and for th hmt set of upper and lower teeth made. $7.50. No excuse for gumming it any longer, but come and let us add inn cent, to your appearance. Office hours from 9 a. m: to 5 p.' m. dally. Dr. J. H. NEWELL, over Belle 7m' room 4, Davidson BuHdins. CENTRAL CHARLOTTE, N. C. The leading hotel of the city, Under new management. Centrally located. Well equir ed and liberally conducted SPERRY& LUCAS Proprietors. B. W. SPERRIT, Late of AI a con, Qa.v Hotels, Al'gr. Cole See -Hi Our Gas Fixtures T'Li. J tj. A. t 'W" -iu, x uai uun i lanusii or -v Um. Xl - U Are you keening cost- Jr $jrd on new Sanitary- Plumbine Fixtures? Itgt will pay you to look over i: our goods. gEnameted Tubs especi- ally for strong tenettent f Dowd & King. with your meals this hot weather Get one of our Blue Flame Oil Stoves and you will be surprised at the difference in the temperature throughout the entire house If you want a Refrig?. erator we can give you a bargain. J. N. UcCAUSLAND 6 CO,, THE STOVE 2IBN. 209-211 South Tryon Street. HOTEL L Yourself t widx soap or any other . taio pftTirati Cfctag SLUieis CswYorh L O. HERNDON. I AWNING and TENT MAKER. It Wert Trad Otract, CHARLOTTE. II. C. CHARLOTTE : : NATIONAL BAN I CHARLOTTE, N. C. We guar tee ABSOLUTE SECUR ITY, PROMPTNESS and UNIFORM COURTESY to EVERYBODY, and all accor banking will admit of. We will be pleased to hare your account, large or smalL B. D. HEATH, President. W. h. TWITrY, Cashier. Nervous Men and Women Should try PORTNER'S LIQUID rm. TRACT OF MALT. It 13 m ft teals. It is cspcdailly fise to nursing mothers, Inyallds, c&i2K3 and nerrous people. It builds t run-dorm syrtcra. C VAIiAEH. A IN DILV70RTD WITH RENT HONEY. Cool Convenient, Payable in Fitting and Installation bition at Office, No. 205 N. CHAR LOTTE WOTT'S PEMMYROYflL Csstea BUY STOVES f5x WW STOVES ijr ypV 25) GW LIGHT JHk C0I3FY. of menstruation. w liiey are "UEE SAVEBS to nS75 womanhood, aiding development of organs and boqj. I3 known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do haro ilTl becomes a pleasure. 01OO PER SOX BIT UAII QZZJ DJ druggists. DEL XlOTT i3 CHlSMlCAXi OOl, CSsvelSSCW For sale by BLAIR BROST Charlotte, NC STANDING BY THE Competitive Telephones, In nearly all the Drindnl aIhA na of North Carolina compctlt3 one tratAmiAiA i y the citizens are stan2 T the companies that hsss m lower rates and better well as keeping the money c3 coffers of a big corporation. Id Asheville the Chamber of CCD merce has resolved to use only CZ competitive phones and the subccrCI era have notified the Bell Company 3 take out the phones at the ezpliatSs of the present contracts. In Raleigh, Winston, Salisbury, cord and Durham the citizens standing by the home telenhone panics, and they are flourishing. Don't make any long time contreO for telephone service In CharletC3r Tho Queen City gives the best tc phone service at the lowest prtea, c3 does not Tequlre any contract. Queen City Telephone Co. J. A. HELVIN. Uanspsr. MeNELIS i nil One 7-room house on South A X3 with hot and cold water. One 4-room ho" on South Oc!l3 St. One 4-rom house on corner of lives and Ninth Sts. t 1 live room house on sumvs n- m Street. 1 -room house on East Hill Ct 1 six room house on North Pine ci with city water in kitchen. 1 lour room house on South CThn 3 street. ... . . . I four room house &nd itmM ttei oa the earner of Vanes and SnrO FRANK P. EULBORH AlT(CllllDlt(B(CttD Booms 1, 2, 3 &4 . Piedmont Buildlca. Correspondence solicited. Big 44 is a nott-polsonoc remedy for Gonorrhea. Gleet, Spermatorrhoet Whites, unnatural dk charges, or any. inflamm tion, irritation or ulcere J. tinn rf - vn yi - a . Prevents eoDtaeionJ . ItHEEvANSCHEMlOHCo. branes. Non-astringent. ICINCINNATI.0 L J sola y wrnfTUM V.B.A. sent in piain wrspm fi-00. or 3 bottles. 2.7X ARCHITECTS. Offices. 2nd Floor. Hunt Dalldlco, Charlotte, N. C. STOVES STOVES Cheap Clean. Dnstallipents, Free I I I On Exhi .Hunt Building, Tryon St. PILLS They overcome nesa. IiTeurularitar r-l omissions, increaro r In 1 to 5 ly. 1 -k Ct Oaaranteed ; 1 10 (