RESCUED WILL DIE. Fsir 9v? DUteirott, Eight-room, two-story, 508 N. Tryon street. 120 ivw mt ft,, t . Many of Them in Such a Weak ened Condition That They Cannot Recover. story, corner Church and Vance. $10; store room S. Tryon, near Buford w tel. poss-ion Aug. 1st to 15th; 5-room cottage S. Myers S tflJTA S 1V; uorc Oft. K rnnm TH O it. . V "0001 COt- tage WUW6C' cuui, 9; 4-room cottage, E. Sev r OCEAN VIEW, Old Point Oooafort, Vir ginia Beach, via S. A. L., $14.40 round trip. Pullman palace sleeping car Charlotte to Portsmouth without change- Up-Town Ticket Office 23 S. Tryon street. Bell 'Phone 180. 20-tf WILMINGTON and return via S. A. L., $3.00. Tickets on sale Saturdays and Sundays; good to return Monday night. 20-tf ALU ABLE lots for sale between the city and Elizabeth College. Apply to S. J. Torrence. . 6-tf. Balking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. enth A FURTHER RISE FEARED. One More Day's Rain Will Sweep the Entire River Country Thousands Rescued From Hounds Which Have Not Been Over-flowed Some half Naked By Telegraph to the News. DALLAS, Texas, July 8. A dispatch from Richmond, reports the river an inch higher this morning and small "boats are bringing in the refugees. Tlhey report eleven negroes known to be drowned thus far in Fort Bend county. Over six hundred negroes have been rescued and are now camped about Richmond. There are sufficient supplies for several days. Many of the rescued are in such a weakened condi tion that they will die. .Tugs from Galveston are working this morning in the vicinity of Duke, where a full thousand refugees await rescue on half a dozen mounds that are not yet overfloweded. Chief Line Repairer Wyrick reported this morning, one day more of rain woud destroy this country. The im mense bridge of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad, is swaying. It is worth a man's life to venture on it. The river has stopped falling at Sealy. It is feared now rains have fallen on the upper river. Hundreds of refugees are being brought in this morning from Sealy, Sunny Sifie and San Felipe. Some are almost naked, their clothing torn in shreds by limbs of trees and other objects. MADE IT TWO STRAIGHTS. King's Mountain Again Defeated by the Concord Boys. In a pretty played game at Latta Park yesterday afternoon the Concord team again defeated the King's Moun tain boys. Unlike the game the day be fore, the King's Mountain boys batted the ball all over the diamond but, as luck would have it, their hits were all broken up by the excellent fielding of the Concord team. The game throughout was an inter esting one. A number, of brilliant plays were scattered here and there through out the nine innings and the interest j?f the spectators never waned in the least. It was clearly evident yesterday that King's Mountain is no match for the Concord team. They lack team work, practice and quickness. At the bat, the King's Mountain boys are weakest. They do not handle the "wil low" vith the same cleverness that the boys from Cabarrus do. Aside from his it is a goo4 team and is a credit to the town, Charlotte hopes to see the boys again and wishes them better luck next time. ( , The score yesterday was five to one. & This afternoon at Latta Park, the Mountain Island team will cross bats with Charlotte. The boys from over the river came in this afternoon and along with them came an unusual large number of "rooters." The game promises to be a good one and there is much interest manifested. The greatest game of the sea son is booked for Charlotte the nineteenth of this month, will engage in their annual struggle for supremacy. There is no need of assur ing both teams that Charlotte will be there not in blocks of five, but by the hundreds. Interest in this, coming con test is, even at the present time, comr Ing to the surface and by the 19th, things will be at a fever heat. The Concord boys returned home last night. They have a week of ball over there next week. THE PRESIDENT'S HOME PAPER. ' The Leader believes that if Governor Pingree had the power he would do his utmost to defeat the renominatiOn of President McKinley next year. Cleveland Leader. atc rciT a ii a nnn St unc wjh 1 A it ukii. I LADY wants board in private family. State price and address X, care News. SOME Pine Prize Minorcas for sale cheap. 800 North College. 7-2t. LOST A land deed made to Osbey and Cross. Return to J. L. -Paul or News office. FOR SALEA fine lot of seed peas at J. S. Withers' store on Liberty St. FOR SALE Cottage, No. 1004 E. ave nue, 5 rooms. John F. Orr. MOORE'S BABY children grow. MILK makes the WE ARE selling the Peerless Iceland Freezers' as low as others sell an inr ferSor article. Every lady that buys a PeeTless is airways happy when, she makes ice cream. Call and see them at J. H. Weddington & Go's., 29 E. ( Trade street. 8-tf o Safeguards the food against alum i - l Alum baking powders are the greatest menacersto health of the present day ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. TO REjNT: 'Six-room house on corner of Tenth and Church streets ; modeirn conveniences. Seven-room house on Eleventh, between Tryon anld Church. Apply it Mrs. L. J. Dowd, corner Tem'th and Try on. 8-2 1 BOYOE is now at the, helm and makes 6 card size photographs for 25c. 1011 South Tryon. 8-3t LAiDIESto do work at hoii; experience 'Unnecessary; no expenes; machine and materials furnished free. Reply envelope lor sample. -New York Em broidery Co., 10 E. 14 th St., New York. . CALL and see the Quaker Bath Cabi net ait the Hunt Building, Room No. 2. 8-2t 15 CANVASlSEiRS WANTED For new enterprise. Apply at two. 215 North Tryon St. IT WON'T MAKE the bread bitter Parrot and Money Baking Powder. FOR RENT 7 room, two story house, Morehead St., near graded school, newly painted. Apply W. F. Dowd. 6-tf LADY CLEARED $920; man $1182 last six months introducing Holladay's Marvel Waterproof shoe polish. Self finisJhing, russet or black. Samples free. Why not you? Holladay & Co., room 381 and 182, Dearborn St., Chicago. Sole Manufacturers. AGENTS 1100 weekly and expenses guanamitead a good mam to act as gen eral agent and handle Suib Agents for (the sale of Arctic Retfrdgeirating Machines and Anctiic Compound for cooldnig refrigerators. Guaranteed 75 per cent, cheaper than ice. Inde struotiible, eveirlasibiiiig. Over 5000 in use; will pay $500 for any machine any place in the U. S. of our make that will not do as guaranteed. Be ware of worthless imitations. For full particulars and Agemicy, address Arctic ReMgeratiing Co., Cincinnati," O. FOR SALE 6 year old saddle and driving mare. Call at Wadsworth's stable. R. H. Pettis. 6-tf II-1 " l 1 . I l I llll l I ll IT WON'T Injure your health. Parrot and Monkey Baking Powder. TO THE ROAD SUPERVISORS If you stop at the Queen City Hotel you can get a low rate for board, and a free team to drive over the fine roads in Mecklenburg. 6-6t AT STUD "Pard," English Bull Ter rier Imported blood. Fancy poul try. Fantail pigeons. W. C. Tim mons, Charlotte, N. C. 5-6t. IT MAKES the prettiest biscuit that you ever saw Parrot and Monkey Baking Powder. MICE ROOMS, good board at 311 S. Church 'St. 4-5t PRICE and quality count We guaran tee both. Send us your next order for Job Printing. FASNACHT makes it his business to please everybody that come his way. He's the baker. 22-eod-tf. FOR SALE An established business with furniture and fixtures, in good location on front street. Admirably suited for a first-class restaurant. Apply to Brown & Thomas. , 1-tf CARD PHOTOS 6 for 50 cents at Morses Photograph Gallery, No. 1 W. 5th St. On ground floor. FROZEN TO DEATH at Connor Co's., 12 North Tryon street. Our creams and sodas will cool you off so pleas antly these hot days. Connor Co. 5 vaw tf. BLOWING ROCK via S. A. L., $9.90 round trip. 20-tf DRINK Derita Calcic Water. Pure. Splendid medicinal properties. Leave order at News office. 6-2-99 CHIMNEY ROCK via S. A. L., $7.05 round trip. 20-tf ALL ORDERS FOR BREAD, rolls, twists, cakes, etc., left at Fasnacht's today will have prompt attention. Good bread can always be had at Fasnacht's. 22-eod-tf. YOU are not in it If your advertise ment is not in the News and .Times Democrat, the papers the people WHEN FRUIT IS SCARCE jellies are in demand. I have just re ceived a lot of 5 lb. toy pails that I will sieill'you right. JOHN C ALDER, 'Phone 189 B. 321 N. Tryon St. COAL AND WOOD. I have opened a Coal and Wood Yard at 850 North Poplar street. I want to sell you your fuel. I handle the very best Coal that comes to thi3 market, and make a specialty of dry Oak and Pine Wood sawed and split to order tor cooking stoves and ran ges. Send me your order. LOYD C. TORRENCE. Both Phones 121. Prompt delivery by polite drivers. NOTICE. ine Hoard of Commissioners will meet the second Monday in July (10th ana from day to day to revise the tax list, etc, as required by law. 7-3 D & W td. UNION CLUB SARDINES cannot ne excelled for the price. Our steadily increased sales go to prove vua. uey are. iry some of rmr shrimps. lobster and deviled crabs. All mice at ihis .season. J- R. VAN NESS & BRO. ASSORTED DELICACIES. Peach and apple butter, 3 lb. tins. -LUC. Strawberry and blackberry jams, 2 id. tms, 10c. Tennessee sorghum in quart tins, 10c. .Peach preserves, 5.1b. buckets, 50c. Assorted jellies, 5 lb. buckets, 25c. E. M. CROWELL & SON. Bell 'Phone 91 A. 1008 S. Tryon St. THE BEST PLACE to get SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT la at THE GEM RESTAURANT. and if yon TRY IT TOU WILL LIKE IT. Good Bread Means good appetite and good diges tion. Tine place to get this sort cf bread is at the Gem Bakery. Don' burn np oyer the cook stove, but nee our oreao. J. H. WILLIS. DR. H. C. HENDERSON, DENTIST. Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. C. Dentistry Practiced In all its Branches. All Work Guaranteed. Queen City 'Phone 178. DR W H. WAKEFIELD will be in his office in Charlotte during July on the 24th, 20th and 26th only. We appreciate and desire accounts LARGE OR SMALL of individuals. firms, merchants and corporations. Our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT is thor oughly equipped for- caring for yofur Havings. Interest paid on savings de posits uy agrcemeufct Merchants and Farmers' Mni lit 35 EAST TRADE STREET. DR. J. H. McADEN, President. JN0. M. MILLER, jr., Cashier. Notice There will be an examina tion for new teachers for both white and colored school-, held at the white graded school building FRIDAY and SAT URDAY, JULY2Ist and22d, beginning at 10 a. m each day. WILLIAM ANDEP SON, Chairman Teachers Com. Paint your house with Harrison's Town arid Country ready - mixed Paints and you'll surely be pleased or we will do it over for you. r m lAtiniti r. ji - II. ii juiiuaro a iu, y Sole Agents- I , 'Phone 7. Springs Corner. Four-room cottage N. Cedar, $7.50; $1,100 paying 16 per cent on the Investment with room for an additional f' tage. Seven two-room cottages, near colored graded school with a S adjoining. The whole for $2,000. Always consult our list before bSy?4!0ts Southern Real Estate, M SOUTH SUMMER RESORTS Wnghtsvilte Beach, N.C GEORGE CAMPBELL, Proprietor. R. E. CRAWFORD, Manager. The V. est Delightful On the Atlantic Coast Popular Rates. CLEVELAND SPRINGS, SHELBY, N. C. Lee & Miller, Prop. Health and pleasure. Established nearly a century. Charming summer climate. Piedmont region, 1,000 feet above sea level. Cool Nights, No Mosquitoes, White and Red Sulphur, Iron and Lithia Springs. New management, new furniture throughout, modern plumbing, water closets, hot and cold Sulphur Baths, excellent livery, music, dancing, ten nis, bowling, croquet. POPULAR PRICES'. 1HE BEDfORD ALUM, IRON AND IODINE SPRING OF VIRGINIA, Is the best place to find a lost appetite and good fare; to be healthy, get fat and gain strength, with little money. Thousands of Southern people are using the Bedford Springs Mass. On the shady lawn is a large Merry-Go-Round and an Aeolian Grand acr companiment for the entertainment of the ladies and children, and on -the Carp Lake a boat for the boys to fish in. Long distance telephone. BEDFORD SPRINGS P. O., Virginia. J. R, MABE3N, Tr. Proprietor. 15-o.a.w., lm. Two sites suitable for manufacturing purposes. One fronts on the Southern and the other, on the S. A. L.. Both would suit a small plant admira bly. Two lots on E 8th street, 100x198 each. One lot on E St., 100x198. Sev eral lots on McDowell. Property in all parts of the city. BROWN & THOMAS. Q. C. Phone 378. Hunt Building. Smoking Tobacco. A mixture at Virginia and North CsrcUsa Lesf ecd Perlqce, to fccds4 C3 to caSse a xnlM and frssrent rrpMT. nAKcocK imoa ct oa Iflote Bathing hi-' femur t S'l?0345 W .Seventh, $i.10ar Loan and Trust TRYON STREET. For 'Remit, Modern 9oom house, elegant finish. No. 13 Mint L, overlooking vlm2 Park and P. O. X 5 vaac Modern 7-room house, 302 N. Poplar Modemn 5nroom house, 416 N. Churck Nice 7-room house, 905 E. Third SL 2 new 5-room ihouses, W. Palmer St. 4 -room ihouse, ibetween ice factor and Groveton. ' 3 - room house, E. Sixth St. 4- room house, Old Boundry and Lon 2-room house, Stonewall St. " 2-raom house, Long St. 3room house, Gold St 3 and 4-room houses, Groveton, $3 to $4. FOR RENT HEADQUARTERS. J. Arthur Henderson & Ik FOE 3al. Three room cottage North McDowO street. Lot 49x148 feet. Four room cottage North Daridscs street. Lot 49xl85 feet, $400 dowa balance in weekly payments. Five room cottage East Seventy KUcec. Lot 49x150 feet Fi. e room cottage between 7th tnC Sth treet on N. McDowell street. Pries 11000. Six room house East Seventh street. Lot 49x198 feet Seven room house North Pine strtcft with modern improvements. Nice building lot cor. 10th and SmitE streets. Size 50x198 feet Price $600. Four lots on North Bland, ncs& Gold street Price $250 each. Two good building lots on Nortli McDowell street. Size 44x14816 feet Price $300 each. BROttN - CO., 217 North Tryon Strctt. That 10 km Tract we are now offering on Providence road at $65 per acre is a good purchase1 for some one. It is just beyond Central Park, where several choice residences will soon be erected. . Another very desirable . Suburban Home comprising 10 acres of land with fine young orchard, cottage house, . barn,, etc., fine view of the city, this side o Central Park now offered for $3,000 and is a good purchase at that pric Many other choice suburban proper ties in all directions from the city, anfi everythiimsr else in the real estate lino at best market figures, on the list d Abbott & Stephens. PIEDMONT BUILDING. Q. C. PHONE 37. DODID Our Sarsaparilla is made from Hon du'ras Sarsaparilla, with which is com bined burdock, yellow dock, dandelion Stillingia, podophyllum and Iodide of Potash. The roots are practically the same os those used in the advertised Sarsaparillas, but we believe our care in selecting tne crude drugs ana me thoroueh manner in. whinh thAir Vir tues are extracted makes our prepara tion superior. The Iodide of Potash I not found in other remedies, though it would be if it were not for its cost LARGE BOTTLES 75 CENTS. pA DRUGGISTS. HE3E, .CEMENT. V O A. G. Craig & Bro. Yn r Both PbOEea 170. V Sim read. ,