VOL. XXIII. tW rWADT fVVI'Li TUT r O A TI Tn r i tr T?t ttjuttx ti -ktx rrr -t - - - NO 3554 - " - - ' - - - . - : - - - . .. , . .. ' SITUATION SERIOUS. Cape Town Reports the Boers Liable to Over-Rua Natal. REPORT SAYS WHITE IS SAFE If He Remains Still in Lady smith World Special Says Boers Have Cut Off Railroad and Telegraph Connection with Lady smith. By Telegraph to The News. NEW YORK, Nov. 4. An Evening World special, dated Ladysmith, Ko ember 1st, says that the railroad southward from the town is inter rupted, also the telegraph line to Dur ban via Colenso. A Boer command of six hundred were seen passing southward from Lombards Kop. They kept behind Bulwaan. The big guns of the Boers is still in position. Others are probably mounted near at hand. No hostilities -are in progress at pres ent. , The British consider Ladysmith Im pregnable. Four naval guns are mounted here, and they occupy strong positions so that further developments are await ed with confidence. The British troops will, fight. The Boers will meet a warm recep tion if they, attack the town, as the garrison is quite ready for them. Th Boer loss at Reinfontein is sev enty killed, two hundred wounded. " The Evening iWorld says: "The I above dispatch ' was received today.. i nis is tne Tirst news direct from La & dysmith that settles all doubt as'to the British being hemmed in. It shows that the Boers are now south l f Ladysmith and. the railroad and telegraph lines are in their handsV: Their guns were in position Wednes-; day to shell the place. r iv v; LADYSMITH QUIET.? i X.ONDON, Nov. 4.- A dispatch from1 Pietermaritzberg yesterday afternoon says: "Ladysmith is quiet this morn ing. Air the women and children left there - last - night, escorted- by- armored tr3fiixs" - f - -'-v- v' ' MAY OVERRUN NATAL. : LONDON, Nov. 4. ACapeT Town dispatch says the situation in -Natal is serious, as the Boers are. liable to overrun the country. CVY OUR REPRESENTATIVE. LISBON, Nov. 4. Captain; Slocum, the United States miltary. ttache here, left today for South Afriei; to officially view the military ppera tions there. : WHITE MUST KEEP QUIET. " LONDON, Nov. 4. J. D. Robinson, the South African millionaire, writes that General White will he perfectly safe if he sits still in Ladysmith and is not induced by the Boer attack yes terday to be drawn: out "with a view of inflicting defeat oh the enemy. That , is t the exoression of universal :Jhopf but previous .experiences with aeir ar5ncs laarr&G -mnm. (rT sWH UneaS- w5n to amw next: Sat- ay. SICK OF YAR. CkFE "SOWS Nov. 4. A doctor who atteanded fhe wounded at the front, says Jhe met numbers of Boers who said they were sick of war, .and wished to miit. They admitted that their forces had suffered heavy losses CAPE COLONY INVADED. C.APE TOW.N, Nov. 4. The Boers havo entered Norval's point, near Colejburg, justover the line from the Free, State in Cape Colony, destroying bridges and railroads. BRIDGE SEIZED CODESBURG, Nov. 4. The Free State 'Boers have seized the bridge at Notisa's Drift. LATEST FROM WHITE. DURBAN, Nov. 4. A message from Ladysmith today, dated Wednesday morning, the latest news from the toe- seiged army, says: "All the batter ies are silent. Not a single movement is perceptible on the part of the Bo ers." ; BRITISH EVACUATE COLENSO. LONDON, Nov. 4. The War Office announced this afternoon: "The Col onial Office has received information that the British forces have evacua ted Colenso, and concentrated farther south." There is no news of an en gagement in that neighborhood. LUDLOW COMING HOME. Iy Telegrapli to the News. HAVANA, Nov. 4 General Lud low, commander of the City "of Ha vana, sailed today for New York, pro- babdly to land there, after quarantine .Thursday. He goes first on a vaca tion. He may stay three weeks. Lieutenant San Diego Maceo.. a son f Antonio Maceo, is on his way to Lanila to fight the Philippine rebels. n an interview at Omaha he said that le hoped some day- to be President of Cuba, SCHOOL BOUNDARIES. Patrons Made Complaints to the School Board Today. The county board of school com missioners met this morning in Su perintendent Hunter's office in the court house. The members of the board are: " J. G. Baird, chairman; W. S. Pharr and S. S. Herron, Superintendent Hunter, is secretary of the hoard. The chief matter of business before the board was one that had been giv ing considerable trouble for some time, namely, the hearing of com plaints from school patrons in regard to the establishment and changing of school boundaries. V The discussion in regard to making arrangement with Cabarrus county Of the Pph nnl lin! It! tho n nrfliaactaKn part of Mecklenburg and the adjoin- f mg part or Cabarrus was up again. This is a matter, though, for the school trustees, and so the board could not take action. There were several verbal petitions in addition to the above from school patrons,' who were dissatisfied with the location of the school , boundar ies In their respective districts. TheMulberry district and several ad joining districts seem to be deepest involved in the boundary question. The location of the school lines is of very great importance to the pa trons of the schools, and it is found very difficult to so locate the lines that every patron shall find the school house of this own district more con viently reached in every case than a school in an adjoining district. FOUR GLORIOUS VICTORIES. Flags, 'Ammunition and Sick Insurgents Captured.. By Telegraph to the- News. MANILA, Nov, 4. -The cavalry un der Captain Charles : 'E. ' Rivers sur prised a garrison of fifty insurgents at Bongabong yesterday and pursued them two miles, capturing flags, am munition and records. Captain Costner's scouts killed five insurgents. - ' V- Colonel Hayes captures some am muniUon and found thirtysick : and wounded rebels hidden in the grass- Captain Cameron s- troop found fourteen wounded Filipnios abandon- I train of Bell's fight . shows - twe rebels" killed.- T " ' " TONIGHT CLOSES ENGAGEMENT. This evening the Olympia Opera Company closes its engagement m j Charlotte, The troupe, earner? o this city well recommended. It has, sus- tained this reputation. While ( the at- tendance has not been large at any one of the performances it has not been because the company, was not deserving. The bad weather tne nrst i of the week caused small houses, a with the theft of Mr. E. S. B. David number of other attractions in the city SOn's wheel, was again detailed to re drew largely from the big receipts arrest him. This f he did, in short that would nave otherwise iallen this company's way.- To-nisrht the company twill present tJ. bright Ea kernes." This is by Special rgortaV , ,A lae Owd no dOUbt Will attead. ' I TO LEAVE CHARLOTTE. " Mr. J. Q. Beck, for the last five I something to do with Archer's whole years dispatcher for the Southern, has (sale robberies, and it is now almost severed his connection with the com- nany and will leave Tuesday night for. Laramie, Wyoming. The Union row" In the county jail and will hard Paoifio can be congratulated on secur- ly have another opportunity to deface ing his services again, as he is one of -f the ablest and most accurate disnatcn- I ers in the country. Charlotte citizens will verv much regret the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Beck, who have won j for themselves many warm friends j there ' NEWS OF CHILD'S DEATH. I Mr. J. A. PiDer. manager of Brown's I cigar stand on South Tryon street, received a telegram t turn Mr. meo. Rrftwn. in Durham, this morning st3tir.tr that. Mr. and Mrs. Brown's only child had died .. this morning. , Mr. and iMrs. Brown are well known in Durham. They have been married only abeut two years. DESIGNER FIFE QUITE ILL. By Telegraph to the News. GLASGOW, Nov. 4. i Wm. Fife, de signer of "Shamrock," arrived at Fairle this morning. He is seriously ill, and was carried from the tram on his bed- It will be impossible for Fife to design the challenger next year. WAS A GOOD SHOW. "The Real Widow Brown" has come ana gone, sne ana ner excel lent company delighted a good size audience at the opera house last night. The play was devoid of a plot, It was a farce comedy interspersed with pleasing specialties. The au- dience was kept in the laughing hu-1 mor throughout. The costumes were alj over tne state. Very unique invi new and pretty, and each one took tations to the banquet and meeting lis or-her part well. Miss iMary Dien Scott, of Richmond, i Va., is vlsitine iher sister, Mrs. A. A. Little, of Steel Creek. i I ' 1 1 I : : STREET IN KIMBERLEY, THE DIAMOND CITY. At Kimberley are the greatest diamond fields in the -world. -It ia est imated that $400,000,000 worth of diamonds have been taken from the Kimberleymines. , Cecil Rhodes ia the prominent figure in the development of these properties. The Boers hate Rhodes and it is reported that a large price has been placed upon his head by Kroger. AGAIN SAFE IN JAIL. Wade YoungAlias Will Harris, Captured in Chester Yesterday. Deputy Sheriff Johnston returned this morning from Chester where he wftnt. last nisrh-t for Will Harris. the white man who escaped from the Mecklenburg jail some time ago. Harris has been loafing around Chester since his escape from jail. His people live about 16 miles from that town, and maturely he lost no time in getting there, thinking he wouW safer. Harris, who says his right name ' is Wade Young, states that he returned to Charlotte two weeks, ago to-day, that he walked about the town but no one seemed to recognize Him;" "He re- mainfca Charlottes from-Saturday night until Monday night : At " the; depot i Monday ; night, he saw four of- 'Q rkftIlfrllt W5,es fhf,v ;treref?v. Win Helef' h5 station aawL- .valKea aronna to-; ,n. street, crossing where he boarded the 10:15 dent Young, says, frightened him. and e decided that, it-weuld be safer fo tim tr0 . moe . himself i scarce - .around charlotte, ; t rJt; tn&:- Sheriff TalJace learned several days ago that Harris Cor YoUng) had been seen near his old home. He vired the Chester authorities to be on the lookout for him. The officer that ar- rested him at the time he was charged 6rder, and late yesterday afternoon he wired Sheriff Wallace that Young was in his custodv. Young, it will be remembered by News rpadprs. was arrested at the simp m r"hif Crr ,1a-nHtri fTio -ro- sro DostofTice; croolc. Sam Arnher. Tf- was thmiffht then that Ynnnir hcil certain that he was an accomplice. Young will be put in "Murderer's the walls of Mecklenburg's prison nouse ' NEWS OFFICE TO ENLARGE. The growth of the News during the last few years has rendered it neces- isary xnat more room oe obtained and Mr. vv. j. Wilkinson, proprietor or. the building, is making arrangements to have the work begun at an early iay. The addition will be built in the rear me present punaing. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER. Mr. W. H. Torrence has just closed a. saie wnn mr. jyi. . mroy icr a ""use ana iot Deiongmg to mr. j. a. Menrerfon , ' , .xne ioi is located on .uast renin street The house is a cottage con taining four rooms. i3f- MEETS EVERY SABBATH. t The Baptist Young People's Union meets every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and continues forty-five min utes. Quite a number have joined the kUnion recently. Nine others will be admitted to membership tomorrow. The topic for tomorrow is, "A New Name," Genesis 32:24-2D, and Revela tion 2:17. Mr. F. .W. Leland leads the meeting. THE D. O. K. K. MEETING. The T O TC K hpld their regular meetingr jasV night They are pre- paring for a great meeting on the 17ti, when Knights will be here from were issued" to-day. , Mr. d.' N. Casihion has returned .'from his trio to Gastonia. FIRST TO GREET SCHLEY. A Trafnp Covered with Coal Dust Had This Honor at Lynchburg. A tramp covered with coal dust and clothed in the regulation tramp uni form, was the first person to grasp the hand of Admiral Winfield Scott Schley ; at Lynchburg yesterday after noon. The train to which Admiral Schley's private car was attached, stopped about 10 minutes at the depot in. the Hill City. The crowds at the station pushed anxiously towards the car just to get a glimpse of the well known naval officer. " The elite of Lynchburg were there and all were anxiousto be knownas the first one to touch hands with Jtie man who so ' successfully defeated j the ? Spanish admiral in 1 that 4eadly jsval engagement off the San tiago coast. JHis "trampship" awaited his time and as soon as the. train stopped,, jumped upon the rear plat form,, extended his hand to the Ad miral, which was taken ami given a regular Southern shake. Not only did the "Weary- Willie" touch the- Ad mirals hand, but also his poekethppk. Sandwdtehed between iris aowords f ox congratulations was an earnest appeal for just one quarter. The? genial -ad? miral took in the situation atrooQe dived into his vest pocket and brought out tlje desired change. The tramp again took the admirals nana, gave it a generous shake stepped from the cars and allowed the F. F. V's which included a United StategJ Senator, the mayor of Lynchburg and other prominent citizens to have their inning. When the Admiral's train arrived in Charlotte last night, the patriotic tramp was still aboard. He was just a little dirtier but seemed well and happy. He will no doubt take part in the reception that will be tendered the naval officer in Atlanta today asi he remarked that Atlanta was the city for i- which he was heading. INJURIES STILLr TROUBLE HIM. Rev. A. A. Little, pastor of Steel Creek church, who was painfully hurt last summer by falling from his wheel, ds again confined to his bed. The fall last summer injured one of Mr. Littles limbs, and he has suffered very much with it. On account of his disabilities, there will be no services at Steel Creek church to-morrow. SHARKEY HAS TWO RIBS BRO- KEN. By Telegraph to the News. NEW YORK, Nov. 4. Sharkey came to Everard'sBaths this morning. The attendants said he had two Tibs broken as a result of the punch re ceived in the fifteenth round. BASKET BAIJL TO-NIGHT. The game of basket ball at the' As sociation to-night promises to b a drawing card, and a good crowd will likely attend. The players are in excellent trim for the game and will make an in teresting fight. The game will begin promptly at 8:30 o'clock. Admission 10 cents. SUNDAY AT THE Y. M. C. A. The men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. to-morrow will be led by Dr. tagg, one of the favorite speakers with the men of the city. Mr. Harry Asbury will render a nute solo during tne service. The meeting begins at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mr. H. iS. Bryan arrived home last night from a three weeks' trip on the road. Mrs. J. C. Leslie Is quite sick at her borne in Albemarle. '. IS NOT SATISFACTORY, Mecklenburg Lodge Demands a Complete Retraction From' Ed itor Bivins. The regular meeting of Mecklen burg Lodge, Knights of Pythias, last night, . discussed the alleged libelous article that appeared in the Stanly Enterprise a few days ago. The following article from Editor J. D. Bivins that appeared in thi3 week's Stanly Enterprise was read: "The Enterprise published an ar ticle last week reflecting on the con duct of a few individuals supposed to be members of the Order of K. of P. The Pythians individually and as a , whole have joined, in resenting the , same. We published it believing it to be true, and believing it to be our. duty. We meant no reflection on. the J order and could not see how our words would be so construed. However, we are instrumental in bringing about a state of affairs we did not anticipate, and for which an apology is due. Rev. N. R. Richahdson is our informant,! and while our article was stronger than he would have written, we based our charges on what he had to say. He spoke from evidence given him by his wife, supported by- evidence from four other parties who were passen gers on the train on that day. From the light of all that is before us and after consultation with our informants we wish to s.ay, that our evidence shows no conduct on the part of the Pythians that was more than a jolly set of companions on a picnic oc casion would have carried on; and be sides, proof is not conclusive that the disorderly ones were- Pythians, nor that any of them were - drunk. We think our article was harsh and un just to the Pythians as a body, aiid there is no evidence against any one individual. We not" only retract from the article, so far as we are personally or; otherwise concerned, but hereby apologize to the various lodges repre sented" in the brilliant organization here." After some debate the lodge decided that the alleged "retraction" was un satisfactory and did not retract. i-lTbe Chancellor . Commander an Keeervpf Records and? Seal, were di rected ' " to' " write the. editor i a letter stating that his .statement was un satisfactory, andj would not be ac cepted by Mecklenburg lodge. The following letter, was accordingly mailed Editor Bivins to-day: ' " 5 m Charlotte, N. C, .Nov. 4. Mr. J. D. Bivins, Editor, Albemarle, C. " i Deaf Sir-" bote with much in teiestfyoulr letter j to our Brother, W. M: Lylegpand also-what you say in communication published Jiti Charlotte pbsryeftoh November -"iirdn refer ence 'to the charges which you pub li&hed some days ago -'refltleitng upon the Pythians who recently visited your town. Your first publication in which you stated that the "Pythians acted "disgracefully," made positive state ments that were; very damaging and that reflected on' every Pythian who was in the party. , The members of our lodge who? at tended sent you ? a. prompt and com plete denial, and demanded that you retract the slander. Your article is only an explanation and is hot a com plete refutation. You still reflection the Pythians. You say that your statement was made on the word of Rev. N. R. Richardson, who "'spoke from evidence given him by his wife and four other parties who were pas sengers on the train that day." This shows plainly that you believe there was evidence of , disorder and drunk enness, though. ' you say dt was not "conclusive" as to any "particular person." We demand to know if there is any evidence whatever that any of the Pythians on that train were drunk, or acted in the "most disgraceful man ner." If there is such evidence, we demand to know who "the disorderly and drunken persons were, and where they were from. The Knights of Pythias retain only gentlemen in their ranks and if any member has acted in. an ungen- tlemanly manner, he will be promptly expelled. . We demand that you either 'furnish the exact evidence, giving names of witnesses, names of disorderly per sons and the extent of the offense; or that you state in your newspaper that there is no such evidence. You pub lished this libel on your own respon sibility, and we hold . you accountable for it. We demand a.1 complete refu tation, or the proof of your charges; and if the charges are false and you persist in them, we will seek a remedy in the courts. MRSr SEAWELL NOT SO WELL. Mr. Luke Seawell left this morning for New York. Mrs. Seawell, who (has been in New York for several weeks under treatment, is not so well. It is thought that another operation will be necessary. . . . v Mr. Seawell will , remain with; her until she recovers sufficiently to re turn home.-- . . ; Miss Mary Harty. left this morning' for Albemarle to visit her sister, Mrs. John C7 Leslie.- ' A - ' : FLOURISHING SUBURB How the City is Building Up Around the Handsome FJiz ;T abeth College. MANY NEW RESIDENCES. Attractive Houses Already Built and Now in Course of Erection Expected That This Suburb Will Soon Have Rapid Transit to the City. The growth of Charlotte's southern and eastern suburbs is something: wonderful. Within a few years , Dilworth has sprung up and 'now the entire eastern suburbs of the city, r including all of the , territory adjacent to Elizabeth College, "is springing rapidly up into a thickly settled" suburb of handsome houses. Among some of the many buildings; either' being erected or about to be erected are the following: Dr. Rakestraw's residence, one of the finest, in Charlotte, on - Elizabeth avenue. ' Mr. . Morrison Is building a hand- . some home near the head of Elizabeth.' . avenue. Mr. Berryhill is building a fine res idence on Kingston avenue facing the college. . .; . . " - . -Mr. jTheia, . .. superintendent of the Haile gold , mine, is now completing: a beautiful home, at, "Central Park," ; cmthe Providence read south of Eliz abeth College. MxLeisch is ere cting a neat cot tage near the above place. " Dr. Wakefield -has bought a large lot on the Providence road, which passes , just south : of !Elizabeth and j will, build a handsome-dwelling next spring. ' " :'',';' Mr. B.. D. Heath has plans "com pleted for the finest suburban resi- . dence'out of Charlotte, rv.t i r ' Dr.- Fitts is also putting" up a near residence on the Providence road.1 - . Mr.: j: JR. Puref oy is erecting a row of cottages in the same vicinity. ' Mr. Walter Myers i3 building a fine-1 house - near . Mr. McD. Watkins', not far from the college. One of the most attractive places east of the city is the Piedmont Park which is in the center of a Targe sec tion, of building lots. V, ; , Mr. J. S. Myers, who xiwns a large tract east of. the city, has sold nearly every lot that he has facing' on the Providence read, except, 'some on the outer limit of the property. The growth of this" eastern suburb has been and is very remarkable, and it will soon be one of the finest subur ban sites in the country. There is good ground for the be lief t&at this section will in the near future, be furnished with an electric or automobile -service second to none. There.-are. at present two companies i interested. :in the establishing 01 suca a. service in- this section- - MOVED FROM HOSPITAL TO-DAY Mr. Richard P. Springs, soh of Mr. Alex. Springs, proprietor of the Arlington hotel, j was to-day moved from the hospital to the hotel, his condition being sufficiently improved to render it possible to move him. Mr. Springs has been in the hos pital for seven weeks, suffering f rona typhoid pneumonia. MINISTERS' ASSOCIATION MON DAY. There will be a meeting of the Min isters' Association of this city in tha parlors of the Y. M. C. A. Monday morning at 10 o'clock- This is the first meeting of che as sociation since last spring and a full attendance of ministers is re quested. - Business of importance will come -before the association. MARRIAGE IN PROVIDENCE. Mr. R. N. Hood and Miss Cora Rus sell will be married Wednesday, No vember 8th, at 6 p. m., at the home of the bride's father, Mr. A. C. RusselL -,0 f,; of Providence. Rev. T. P. Bonner will be the officiating clergyman. PRESBYTERY TO MEET. Thftrfvrwill he an adiourned meeting of the Mecklenburg Presbytery in the lecture room of the First Fresbyter- ian church, Tuesday mornin ClL IV.O'F o'clock. MEETS TUESDAY NIGHT. Klsftwhprfi is nrinted President Witt- kowsy's call for a special" meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. All the members are expected to be present. HOBART SLEEPING. , By Telegraph to the News. PATERSON. N. J.. Nov. 4. Hobart slept well last, night and is still sleep ing under, the influence of opiates. Tn family is encouraged: - s

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