CHAM 4 A A V V v0L. XXIIL CHARLOTTE, N. C., SATURDAY EVENING, J4 & ju AR Y 6, 1900. NO. 3608 IMMONS HERE. FIERCE BOMBARDING TRIAL POSTPONED.1 SHOT, MUTILATE HOSPITAL REPORT. MISS CALDWELL DEAD Passed away This Morning at 4:30 O'clock at Mr. L. Mor row's on Poplar Street. testing Interview With the British Began Shelling the Boer Men Charged With Swindling Terrible Treatment of Five Mr. Willtem Baker, in Court I American Prisoners bv Phil- The Managers of St. Peter's Hospital Make Their Re port for the Year. Chairman of the State Ex Position at Colesburg This 90 ecutive Committee Morning. This Morning. ippine Insurgents. -A- N -U . .. y cm LS AMENDMENT WILL WIN . t:c Will Vncre a Cnm. ,Repuclli-a 0 paign oi Mis-statement and Falsehood, but Voters Will be Told the Truth Organization in Working Order Soon. ,T n p. M. Simmons, of Raleigh, r . . t- .- Uqiraian ci trie uemuciauc owie cacc F ' ,n-.ittf.a is in the citv todav. litirp iuuu" 'v ' " " t,p fonSUltffl Willi wuuijf vucui uidu Kali and a number of other promi 11 nmwvots tndav. and made the hv effice a pleasant call. . 1 ir 1 v j The campaign nas not yet opened, .e told a News representative; "hut "' , hoo-nn tr fm it. This tn-pllavc ute" - - ' Tork will proceea. uunng tnis mauu Ind oy the end of January we hope to Have the organization in good working Iconclition. l ais is uie pnuapaj wum Lt preent. As soon as the county con tentions are held and candidates nom inated, tiie formation 01 ciu'os win De- uin. Some clubs are being rormea InOV.'. C'Ut till uiuv ciuciitjo uvsi, jci, &cu- lerai. . . . . -Enouga literature will be circulated ItOCOnetL lilt laiocuuuuo ciuvi. wioiiiit' .cntqtir.ns scattered broadcast by the Republicans through office-holders and iubsidized newspapers. -Why do von think Pritchard select ed Rockingham as the place 'to begin his campaign?" the reporter asked. T fb not know, but I suppose it was to affect the Daekery-Bellamy contest," Mr. Simmons replied; "perhaps he thinks that his going to Rockingham at this time will create a disturbance, and Docker y can utilize 'thus m his con test. I think, however, CMr. Pritchard will fail. in his object." Regarding the constitutional amend ment. Mr. Simmons says he nnas the white people of the iState In every sec tion he has heard from, . strongly m faxor of the amendment. "The fight of the Remiblicans this year will be to mislead, ratheir than inform the voter. Democrats will expose these mis-" pnrpsentations. The white people will be thoroughly informed as to the real acts, will be told the truth. And sys tematic falsehood will not avail, as it did not in the campaign of 1898. "White supremacy is the issue and r ictory for the Democrats is certain.' LEE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. The joint committee fro mthe United Dsne-hrprq nf t.hft TTrYnf pderacv and the Children of the Confederacy, consist ing of Mrs. A. L. Smith, chairman; Miss Lilv Lone. Mrs. "J. L. Sexton, Miss Fannie McAden, Miss Julia Alex ander and :Iiss Maa-y Morrison, met this morning at 'Mrs. Smith's to ar range for the Lee birthday celebration lift hp Id hv t'he Dauehters and Chil dren cf the Confederacy, at the Presby terian College, on the 19th. The programme has not been compie- :ed. i , i :, -ii WEEKLY BANK STATEMENT. By Telegraph to The News. NEW Vr.T?K Tan R. ThA iollowin2 the weekly statement of Ce Associ- ted Eanks: ( Reserves, innrpqep $589,650 DepcsUs, increase 8,906,200 ans. increase 4,107,bOU egal tender, increase 2,311,400 pecis. increase 504,800 "eulation, increase 191,400 ROB. BREVARD'S FALL. This morning Master Rob. Brevard as painfully hurt by a fall off the top w a building in Mr. George, Wilson's yard.. He went on hieh after a ball, lost his footing: when he reached the top and come ihpa vilv to the erouhd. His face was bruised and his arm near ly broken. He bore the pain with the Srit for which he is noted. . CHANGE OF FIRM. Tne firm of Auten & Dunn, on West Fifth street, below the fire "hall, has changed, Mr. 'Dunn selling out to 'Mr. W. Todd. The firm name now is Auten & Todd. CRUEZ0T3 REFUSE TO SELL ENG LAND GUNS. -By Telegraph to The News. PRIS. Jan. 6. The British eovern- 'Bent, miT-pTiQiac'rl twn 'Hqttef'iP.S thi Loire roain. The Cruzot s refused to simtylv Enarla.nd any rcrk guas. " DEPOT DOTS. Mr. Joseph P. Sanders has resigned Ajs position at Gresham's eating house. jir. Greaham will miss him. Mir. San- ers goes to Greensboro as soon as the eatmg house there is finished. s rooming at Mr. W. R. Jones'. GERMAN GOV'T'S PROPOSAL. Negotiating with the United f States Qovernen Concerning Common Diplomatic Action Against Great Britain Regard ing Seizures. By Telegraph to The News. REiNSBERG, Jan. 6. The British artillery at Colesburg opened at dawn a fierce shelling of the Boer position. Later the. entire force, including the recently arrived infantry and artillery were hotly engaged west of the town. GE1RMAJN PROPOSALS TO v UNITED STATE'S. (BERLIN, Jan. 6. It is learneid today that the German government has enter ed into negotiation with the United States government concerning common diplomatic action against Great Britain because of the recent seizures by Brit ish war vessels of German and Ameri can ships and good's at Delagoa Bay. IMARY 'ANNE. Mary Anne Alliance met this morn ing in Mr. J. P. Sossaxnon's Office on North College street. Among those pi'ient were: Dr. J. B. Alexander, .1. P. 'Sossamon, T. S. Cooper, J. A. Wil son, J. W.- Meaoham; J. N. Smith and Lee Query. 'Mr. Query recently organized a new all'iance at Back Creek, and 'he yester-? cay got his letter of dismission .from this alliance to Back Creek alliance. The alliance today passed a resolution inviting Capt. . B. Alexander, Major W. A. Graham and Mr. T. B. Parker, state business agents, to address the alliance at any date that would be con venient to them. DR. STOKES PLEASED WITH OPER ATION. " " Mrs. J. W. Wadsworth returned last nigM from Salisbury, where she went to be with Mrs. Crllinon, wihile Ilst daughter, Mary Ella, was being oper ated on at the Whitehead Sanitarium. :Dr. Stokes, who Oiandled the knife, said that the operation was the most suc cessful he ever performed for appen dicitis. Miss Cannon, he said, came out from the influence of the ether better than anyone he 'had ever ad ministered it to. So far, he is very hopeful as to 2ier entire recovery. CHANGE IN HOURS. The two A. R. P. Sabbath schools will change their hours of meeting to morrow. The Second church, Dr. Geo. W. Pressly, superintendent, will meet at 3 p. m. The First church, Mr. W. B. McGinnis, assistant superintendent, will meet at 3:30 p. m. Dr. Chalmers will resume Ms Biible class work to morrow and retpiests all the member to be present. The Bible class at the Second church will be in charge of Rev. E. H. Carson. REV. E. H. CARSON. Rev." E. H. Carson of Baltimore ar rived last night from Brevard, where he had been visiting his brother, Rev. Ralph Carsom, a returned missionary from Egypt, who finds the climate of North Carolina a fine one in wfoioh to recuperate from the effects of the ener vating climate of the land of the Nile. Rev. Mr. Carson will spend some time in Charlotte and supply the Second A. R. P. church. He is recently from California. PETITION TO MAYOR McCALL. Mayor McCall today received the fol lowing communication: "To the Honorable Mayor of Charlotte: "We, the membeirs of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of this city, do earnestly request you not to sign the license for the sale of whiskey as passed on by the board of aldermen. "Respectfully, "THE W. C. T. U." MILL NEWS. The stock holders of the Highland Park Manufacturing Company, No. 1, in this city, and of Highland Park, No. 2, Rock Hill, S. C, hold their annual meetings in this city Monday. The addition to the Anchor mill at Huntersville is finished. The machin ery gees in right away. The capacity of the mill is 8,000 spindles. Hosiery yarn is the product. TO MAKE ADDRESS IN WINSTON. Mr. Alexander Helper, secretary and nf thA Chamber of Com- ' merce of Baltimore, is expected here soon to visit his sister, Mrs. E- W. Mooring. Mr. Helper goes from here to I Winston to deliver an address before -r the Chamber of Commerce of that city. JpMr. Turner Butterick of Asheville, Mrs. Mooring will accompany him. The me commercial college xoaay. aaxe ei me vvinBwu.icui.uic o u MR. BAKER NOT PRESENT. Case Postponed Until Wednesday j Sporting Circles Alarmed Over the Outcome of the Trial Stated That rirs. Baker will Withdraw the Charge. Am interesting trial, in which several well known men of Charlotte were charged with a very grave offence, was set for 11 o'clock this morning, in 'Squire Hilton's court. Mrs. William Baker, whose . husband 'has been con ducting an optical establishment in the Wittkowsky building, on West Trade street, caused a warrant 'to be issued yesterday, which charges four men with robbing and cheating her husband out of $500 in a game of "cards. She alleges that this criminal act was committed in a well known gambling room pf this city and the time was one day last week. All of the parties named in the war rant were present at this morning's session of the court. Mrs. Baker was on hand. She was represented by Messrs. J. D. McCall and W. M. Smith. Tlie case was called and Mr. Smith, one of the counsel for iMrs. Baker, an nounced that owing to the absence of an important witness he would ask the court to postpone the trial until Monday. The defense, represented by Mr. F. I. Osborne, announced their readiness for trial. Mr. McCall, for Mrs. Baker asked that the case be continued until Wed nesday, as he was confident that the witness they so much desired would be present at that tame. This latter re quest was granted by 'Squire Hilton, wiho stated that the case heard at 10 o'clock Wednesday morn ing. . Since yesterday there has been 'con siderably alarm .among the spffirting element as ix the outcome of this ttrial. While the gravity of the charge is such as to startle the better senses of the public, the fact that several of those who appear in. i3e warrant are of more or less prominence, caused the greater sensation. This af ternocm the News learns that the whole matter is to be amicably ad justed as far as Mrs. Baker is con cerned. The reporter learns from the best of sources that the case will never be heard, that the poor woman wall be paid enough to satisfy her and the in dentation made in the law will te al lowed to remaiia "in statu quo." SENDS kEGRETS. Party Gives Good Reasons for not Appearing in Divorce Suit. Ella R. "McLean brought suit in t2iis county against Joseph R. McLean for divorce. The papers were issued to Forsyth coumty and executed. By re quest of McLean the sheriff of Forsyth wrote the following note to the clerk of the court here: "Dear Sir: Mr. Joseph R. McLean desires me to present his compliments, and savs that he is very sorry the will not be able to accept the invitation to be present, but he recently borrowed a cow and finds it necessary to resti cate in the county on the public roads in this county for the twelve, months next expiring. "Yours truly, "E. T. KAPP, "Sheriff of Forsyth. "Jan. 4, 1900, Forsyth County." A BUSINESS MAN'S VIEW. Thft V..M.CA. meeting: tomorrow af ternoon will be conducted by Mr. M. B. Spier. His topic will be, "The 'Man Christ Jesus; a Business Man's View of Him." Following the leader's re marks an open conference will be .held. Mr. Walter Scott will smg ait the meet ing. The service begins promptly at 5 o'clock, and all young men are in vited, wlhether members of the asso ciation or not. NEW JERSEY BANK SUSPENDS. By Telegraph to The News. RAHWAY. N. J., January 6. The Union County Bank has suspended. A hpaw nm comnelled this. Thomas K. Johnson, deputy commissioner cf, bank- , in. 2- and insurance, says there seems no sufficient reason to doubt that deposi tors- will be paid in full. j STEAMER "GENERtAL" RELEASED. By Telegraph to The News. BERLIN, Jan. 6. JAu Aden dispatch crave rt V k fLarim a T icfcetnfTin;Ot iOTlPT,.l.,, oCv.r O 'UUV i XJiA. iutu wvMiiu -- - y fens TioAffi -wlAnjwd And will resume her I voyage in a fw days. FIERY REVENGE TAKEN Capt. Conhouser Burns the Town of Commanche Ya and the Bar racks Three Americans were Wounded in Assalt on Insur gent Stronghold Today. By Telegraph to The News. MANILA, Jan. 6. Three companies of the TVenty-Fifth Regiment captured the insuregents' stronghoM. at Com manche Ya. Three , Americans were wounded. The loss of .the-3nemy is un known. Three members of the Ninth and two of t!he Twelfth, whom the insurgents held as prisoners were shot and hor ribly mutilated. Three of them are dead the other tiwo are recover ins:. Captain Conhouser seit fire to the carracks and town. SOCIETY'S REALM. Brilliant Marriage for the 7th of February Affairs and Fash ions. Society will be kept in a comgratuJa tory state from the 23rd of January to the latter part of February, the "mar riages in high life" following thick and fast upon each other's heels in that time. Another brilliant affair, as well as a most interesting one, will be the wedding, on February 7th, of Mr. John G. Bryce iand Miss Nellie Ryder. The marriage is to take place in St. Pe ter s .episcopal church. Miss Ryder :s the only daughter of Mr. W. B. Ryder, superintendent of the Greenville-Sal's bury division of the Southern road, and a cultured, stylish and attractive young woman- Mr. Bryce is one of the prom inent business men of" tise city and is highly esteemed. White Md gloves are again in vogue for men for evening wear. Of course none of the ultra elegant wear a pair but once. The handsomest belt buckle worn by any young lady in Charlotte is owned by Miss Alice Jones. It is gold with a large turquoise in the centre and is studded with diamonds. It .was a gift to her. A surprise party was giren last night by a number of young pseople at the 'Misses Hutchison's, on North Tryon street. It resulted in a "caramel par ty." The "surprisers" were: Misses Vio let Alexander, Elizabeth and Saide Clarkson, Grace King, Bessie and Julia Robertson. Messrs. J. H. Barny, H. L. Sanders, J. H. Ham, R. E. Davidson, W. E. Parker, Van Echop, Lotte Hum phrey, Charles Davis. Dr. Oapehart, David Clark and S. J. Smith. Wedding gowns and wedding gifts are discussed no little, locally, at this time. - The writer, for reasons that it is not necessary to state, was struck with these two' lines in Judge, yesterday af ternoon: - "IN 1900.". ' "Bill There goes a red-headed girl." "Jack Now we must look for a white automobile." H The Persian Society of the Presby terian College had an evening yester day. The game selected for the amuse ment of the society was guessing au thors.. T(he prize was won by Miss Saide Grier.- "A euchre7 is what the, smart set in Louisville, Ky., call a euchre party. Newell is taking on "style" this year. The young folks had a german last night at the residence of Mr. C. E. Frazier. Mr. Joseph Grier led, and did it handsomely. There were about 15 couples. Mrs. C. P. Wheeler entertained Dr. Wylie and son at tea last night- Dr. and Mrs. Register were invited to meet them. An elegant supper .was served. A party was given at Mr. Ben High's, at Derita, huirsday night, in honor of Mr., Clarence Cashion and bride. Yes terday a reception was tendered .them by relatives in Huntersville. JoeFloria,the Italian, who was placed in the tombs for being drunk and dis orderly yesterday, was fined $10 by Mayor MdCall this morning. Lou 'McDonald, who was in for the sarnie crime was assessed $12.50. Pete Fry, he "banjo picker," was made to pay $5 for his fun yesterday. TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL. The Work of the Institution IS Increasing Yearly Jlore Pa tients Being Received Than Ever The Needs Therefore Greater. The following is the 25th annual re port of St. Peter's Hospital: REPORT. St. -Peter's hospital has done good work duing the year 1899. One hun dred and seventy-one patients have been received for 3,876 days, 101 males, 70 females. Twenty patients were paid for by the city for 538 days; 89 pa tients paid board an part, or in whole, for 1,803 days; 62 charity cases were cared for, in many instances long and lingering cases, at great expense, for 1,508 days. Two of the cases were county convicts. Eighteen deaths occurred ; five of these took place in less than six" hours after admission to the hospital, and five others were in a hopeless state when received. The patients were reg istered as follows: From Charlotte, 88; South Carolina, 11; North Carolina, 55; Virginia, 5; Maryland, 3 New York, 2; Pennsyl vania, 1; Florida, 1; Georgia, .1; Ala1 bama. 1: Illinois. 1: New Jersey, 1: New Hampshire, 1. The church con- nections were: 47 Methodists. 38 Baptists. 20 Presbyterians. 18 Episcopalians. 7 Lutherans. 5 A. R. Presbyterians. 3 Roman Catholics. 1 Hebrew. 22 belonged to no church . 697 outdoor cases 'were treated at the hospital during the year. Cash balance from 1898 was.. . 16,47 Receipts during 1899 . . . 3,526.49 Total.. Expenses during 1899 ..,..$3,542:96 3,495.71 Balance to 1900 47.25 Bills due Jan. 1. 1900 325.00 The household consists of matron, six nurses, one orderly and two color ed servants ten in all. The number of patients varies from 5 to 18, but may be averaged at 10, so there. is a large family to be Drovidedfor. We are told that the public impression is that the hospital is now self-supporting, but this is a sad mistake. It needs your fceln now mere than ever. With in crease of revenue from patients comes iarerslv increased expenses, and we earnestly ask you to help us, and en able us to provide for -the hospital without this ever present burden of debt, which requires the constant la bor of devising: and carrying out schemes for raising money. , This is not a selfish labor, but one which meets a public need, and mins ters to the sick and suffering of every creed and every degree. So we ask the aid of all our citizens to continue and enlarge it. In Scripture words, "If thou hast much, give plenteously; if thou hast little, do thy diligence glad ly to give of that little, for so gather est thou thyself a good reward in the day of necessity. Mrs. H. C. Jones, President. Mrs. W. C. Maxwell, vice-president. Mrs. John Wilkes, secretary and treasurer. iMrs. T.,'S. Clarkson, assistant secre tary and treasurer. Mrs. W. R. Taliaferro. Mrs. R J. Brevard. Mrs. J. S. Myers. Mrs. T. B. Gautier. Mrs. V. Liddell. Board of Managers. Charlotte, Jan. 1st, 1900. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE. The boarding department of the Presbyterian College has had many accessions since the New Year dawn ed. Its dormitory is so full that very Its dormitory is so full that very few few more can be accommodated. New day pupils have also come in. Every department feels the influence cf new pupils, art and music being espe cially favored. The college is on - a strong founda tion and looks forward to increased prosperity and usefulness from year to year. Presbyterians have good right to be proud of its success and should put shoulder to shoulder to add fur ther and further to its success. FIRE IN COLUMBUS, MISS. By Telegraph to The News. COLUMBUS,. Miss., Jan. 6. The Commercial hotel block, containing a numher of large wholesale and retail stores -was damaged by fire this mom- J ing to the extent of f 100,000. ; . v SAD END OF XMAS HOLIDAY Came Here to Snenrf th v.,: ; uvailVIIt With Relatives Took Cold and' Died from Pneumonia A Fine; Character Her Home Was in Oxford, This State. Miss Mary Caldwell ,of Oxford, died: this morning at 4:30 at the residence- 01 Mr. Jonn L. Morrow on North Pnn. lar street. This announcement will be heard with sorrowful surprise by the many fnlends of this young lady, not only here, but in Oxford her hom'p and "Roir Hill, S. C, where she was spending the winter teaching. Miss Caldwell came to Charlotte the Saturday heJore Christ mas to spend the holidays with her cousins Miss Blanse Morrow and the Messrs. Morrow. iShe Was well, bright and hapipy. Yesterday a week ago she; went out without a wrap and took cold which developed int a severe case of pneumonia. Her 'father, Rev. A. Shorter Caldwell, pastor of the Presby terian church at Oxford, was notified of her -illness and the next night her mother came , to her. While her rela tives Jelt anxious they were not special ly alarmed about her until Thursday, when a decided change for the worse came on. She sank rapidly. Since Fri day, although conscious, she was not able to speak. Her father arrived here last night, and he and his wife watched by the be'd side of their loved one until' the night had passed the night od death and the morn of an eternal day ; broke. Mary Caldwell was 24 years old. She -was the oldest daughter of Rev, and Mrs. A. Shorter Caldwell, formerly of Charlotte hut for some years of Oxforf.. She was an unusually fine character, and one of the most intellectual and accomplished young women of this sec tion. She was gentle, sweet and ami able, and was generally- beloved. Her death s indeed to he deplored. Miss Caldwell connected herself early in life with the Presbyterian church and was one of its staunchest and meet consistent members. Her church life was 'beautiful, and therfore her every-day life. She was a successful teacher, and much beloved by her pu pils. , The funeral services will , be conducted tonight at 9 o'clock, at the residence on . Norths Poplar street, - by Rev. Drs. How erton and Sfcagg. The remains will be? taken to Rock Hill, 'S. C. on the 10 o'clock train, and the interment will take -place there tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. The parents and a nunrber of relatives and friends will accompany the -remains from here. The pall bearers will be: Messrs. TJ.. H. Orr, D. W. Gates, Porf . Geo. B. Hanna and Capt. A. G. Brenizer andDr.. Geo. W. Graham.4 SWALLOWED A WHISTLE. Last evening about 6 o'clock a negro man by the name of W501 Graham step ped into iWoodall & (Sheppard's, car rying a baby in his arm3. He wtas inc search of Dr. Strong, the county phy sician. The baby had swallowed a small whistle and the father brought it up to see the doctor. The negro lives on Mr. Charles T. Bhuly's place at the 5-mile bridge. He took the 'baby home last night. This morning he came back to town, and reported the baby doing well. The whistle has not given it any trouble so- far. IN THE BUSINESS WORLD. Mr. T. C. McCahe arrived in the city today to look the mercantile field over with a view to locating here. Mr. Mc- Cabe has been in business in the City of Mexico for some years. He is just back from Germany, whefe he went to visit hi relatives. Mrs. Anna Howerton will have two stores in the Elk building the large one on Tryon street and one of the smaller ones, which connects with tne targe one in the rear, on Fifth streeu Both rooms are .being fitted up as rap idly as possible. NEW OFFICERS INSTALLED. The following new officers of Meek- enburg lodge, Knights of Pythias, were ntAlld last nierht: Chancellor Com mander, W. M. Smith; Vice Chancel- or,.T. W. Dixon; Prelate, J. J. wamii- onr Master of Work. Johnson, jonu Wilber Jenkins becomes Past Chancel- or. f . ...... J -4Mr. Dennett Mayers is suffering- .-wr x. 1L with a verv sore hand. ie go u. scratched then bruised and it is now . . - n- 1 " ' giving mm xnucia peuu. .

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