c HA hi A A VOL. XXTII. CHARLOTTE, N. C., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY ,24, 190p. NO. 3623 N State-Ij-.ra;ny C . TB THJ) TT fl FTH FTHI Il3jJxJ ILL L ENGLANDIS ANXIOUS. Knows ORfy That Buller's Ad vance Has Been Checked for the Present. STOCK MARKET RUMORS. gulls Claim That VVarten Has Captared an In-q?ortant Point Boers Lost Only Three Men instable, doing the honors or thebeauti-i the Battle Fought on Last Monday. v Te?erra'ph to 'b 'News. I C'NCGX. Jan. 24. The extreme ten c:p,1 clU2;i by what may be designat ed a- r'i? .most anxious pause since the 1 j. ? .1 ;-,eccaa, nas jiuotl uttii relieved uy auerncon by 'anything: save tha to tnis t;-;iv s:c:'k exchange reports-. The exj t-vzze was today startled :by the bulls, V)1C A,;ertea that Warren hadTSLptur (Vnicnkcp. Anxiety as to the next r 'v.l exis-:s on all sides. The War Of a"e "was bessi'ged at an early h-soir this 3012 Sag. I: is- .generally recongnized t"u; tr.e Boer position can be taken o"'v a: tremendous-' cost of life, CXLY ONE BOER KILLED MONDAY. LONDON, Jan. 24. A Pretoria dis patch dated Tuesday "somewhat ampli fies .Monday's dispatch from the Boer laa.s?r. It says that four or five limes ilurins the day the British replaced iheir wearied soldiers with fresh ones. The Boer casualties that day were 1 killed and 2 slightly wounded. Our men are in excellent spirits. There was a larsf slaughter f the British. TO LOOK FOR MANCH E STEiR. CAPE TOWN. Jan. 24. The Jtrans port Cyrtiric"'h.as been sent to search for rlie disabled transport "Manches ter". -m d tow her to. this port. AMERICAN WOMEN ENTERTAIN. CAPS TOWN, Jan. 24. American women gave a reception here s'to day. j:t which tbe-. doctors and nrrses of ths hospital shipMains" and .Con sul G:-neral Sto-we.3Y.ere the principal srueszs. ' - . LOWEK COURT. AFFIRMED. Habeas Corpus Proceedings in va r te r . yase;, uismis sea v nn.i By Tei-grapoeTqNevvs. JfB NEW YORK, Jan. 24. The United States Court cf Appeals today affirm ed the decision, of Judge Lacombe dis missing the habeas corpus proceedings in the en-se of former .Capt. Oberlin M. Carter, of the United States Engineers, convicted by a court-martial of frauds; in ecrniei-tion with the Savannah river; snd Cumberland Sound iniprovementc,; This ends the Carter case. Unless) fcs is parcioned by tlie President he! nust seroout his term. BURlED IN THE RUINS. Powder Explosion Blows Up a HachineShop at Scran ton. j Telegraph .to the News. SCRANTON, Pa., Jan. 24 Patrick Cesgriff and Rimer Howard ;quarrymen at Summersville, cn the Lackawanna Railroad, were terribly torai and mu tilated by an explosion of powder, last igbt. so much so that Howard died tils morning. Cosgriff is hardly ex pected to survive. men were working at a forge, sharpening quarry tools, when a spark flew fern the anvil iato an open keg of Powder some distance away, blowing UP the- .shop and burying them in the rains. TRIED TO STEAL AN ElNiGrTNE. ' 2y Telegraph to The News. CAMDEN, N. J., Jan. 24 Police a guardin-g the plant of the Univer-. J2l Drier and Digester Comnany todaj 3Kiuse during the n'&kt'f ecmebody L-ei to .steal the big enigin and boilei'. fa:rolai.:i got to -the Jpjin.t, which is ju-r in time to spre !;away the t'lieves. whoi had already fetnoved one f ths faL'tEiungs of the engine. EX-MIXISTER P1IELP3 VEIRtY ILL. Ej' Telcgra.ph to The -News. LV HAVEN, Jan. 24. Horn E. J. faelps. ex-minister to Great- Britain, js danger cu sly-ill a-S his holme in -.this City. :- . i 7. ' - f - - " WAITING FOR 'NEWS. Jr Telegraph to The 'News. LONDON, Jan. 24. No news haisi yet been received from 'Buller. , 'Many, ru ?iors o? his victory are aficat, but there ' 3 confirmation. " Mrs. Williama who has 'been at Mr. - M. Laiwen's goes to- Statesville" to morrow. . ' . : , . 'Mr. e. W. Tuck returned from Per S3a county this morniing- Gen. W. C.-Gates left this morning fc7 Washington. social life: A Number of Functions Attended ' By Society. Dr. I. W. Faison last nieht elegant dining at his beautiful home. on North Tryon street, in honor of His Honor, Judge Oliver H. Alien, who is presiding at the present term of court. There were invited to meet the' judge, a former fellow-county man (Duplin) of Dr. Faison's, Judge A. Burwell, May or J. D. MdCall, and Messrs. C. W. Til lett, T. W. Hawkins, W. C. Maxwell, T. C. Guthrie, JJ. W. Harris, Heriot Clark- son and H. N. Pharr a brilliant cot erie of legal lights for the judicikPolif- ins. Mrs. Fnisnn irmner" thft fant thnJ - ful eight-course dining with charmin ease. The table decorations were red, golden candelabra -with red candles, ad ding warmth and "beauty to the scene. Little Harriet Orr is1 five years old todiay, and her "guess, why" party this atternc-on will be one of the pre-ttiest ocf the "wee baby" functions of the ssason. The table is decorated in pink and white, five -pink candies ornaments the birthday cake. The souvenirs arc cornucopias of candy. -The invited are: Ella, A-delai.de, -Xora and Manjer Mose ley, Annie Dewy Chambers, May and Framcis Osbovne, Edward Kessler, Alildred and Baldwin Maxwell, Susie powles, Robert Cochrane, Mary Wil liams Carson, James H. Carson, Jr., Gesorge and Slary Howell, Mary San ders, iMay Londion, Rebecca and Owen Pi'tzsimons, Heriot, Mary, Loyd" and Fractals Clar&son, -Ales? and; Lewis Ste phens, Sid Lowa, Charles Hoffman, Kaitherina Pe gram, Lawrence Hower ton. "Old folks at heme:" Mrs. L. rW. Sanders, Mrs. J. H. M:ciAden and Misses Lucy and! 'Pan McAden; "Grandma" Howell; Mrs. G. A. Howell; Mrs. C A. Mioseley; 01x3. S. O. Brookes and Miss Addle ..wmizmis. .Rev. Dr. Chrietzberg has a sainiste rial tea ton5ght, entertaining in honor of 'Rev. Dr. Vine, cf -Aisheville, who is conducting the meet!ng in Trycji Street Baptist church, and Rev. Wv.Sy Hione, of Golds-bom. Invited to meet; them are Rev. Dr. Barren, Rev S. B. ...Txirtrentine, pestidiEig elder ;o;it:bJa;:''.isfcct,';iintd Mr. -Wolf sohn, ;.ithe. evanells ti e sing.-r. Mrs. Ch-rietzfosrs .and the. Missesi'.Chrieitzberg will do the :ho n ors of thW evening, in that delightful .style for which South CaroliniLana-3i;re -.niated. ;.eat cards' reading thus were issu di.thls .miornihg: '-"Miisses i .Violet ana Julia 4lejinrfsr 'at ;Hxime,vi January 'She twjeny:rSh. 1:Ska3 ; SQUci. 5-7 ps&V The gentlemen iffranviiea .at b o'clock. 1A guessing samerwill fill up the first part c:f: the1. -'evening;,, lunch ithe latter p:art. . ' The Cranfard will meet with Mrs. Richmond, at ."Judge Bynum s, Friday afternoon, at o'clock. A full attend ance is desire!. .. 'Mr. Tenry OScAden gives a theatre party tomorrow night, followed by a lunch at the Manufacturers' Club. The "Wednesday Afternoon Shtsait Story Club" meets this afternoon with, mirs. Walter, at Mr. N. M. Lawrence's.! . ?Mrs. W. R. Taliferro today issued In-j rotations to a card party, which shea gives 'Friday night an honor of Miss Oc-1 xaTjia lioaxwrigni, ax .wnmiugLuu, wn-. a3-j3iwe3 tonight to make her a visit. A MEDLEY OF OPEiRA. Thj? operatiic concert which is to be given sen February 2nd 'for the benefit cf the iCharlotite Library, mention ot which was made in yesterday's News, will be a. treat. The programme will be a medley of operas. First will come the 'balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet; then the Xpnrth act of T.ro vatsre, thenCaivalleria .Rusticana Mon tcigr3ffc Will ibe remembered as the tenor who supported (musically) Em ma. Abbott. It will possibly be recalled that ha was- the only one in the cast who did not sing in, English. He sang in his: native tongue Italian. PLUMBING INSPECTOR,, For sever al years the .city ' hasee agitating the question of a pluttfMngjUfill go to housekeeping soon after they inspector. At Last tne neea nas supplied. The ciuy nas engagea air. 1 . C. Tcomef , of Rochester, N. Y. Mr. camey is on the scene and ready to be gin work. He comesi with high recom mendations from the chief inspector of plumbing of Rochester and from Mr. G. E. Warner, mayor X)f Rioch ester. Mr. TVuruTVLAv bias reiceived his certLflcate of &o,mpetency d master plumber andis in. enrery way.-jgii ,SithTi:es; ca pable and! wormy. BACK TO CHARLOTTE. Mr. J. M. Mclaughlin, who went to Norfolk in the fill.td work, has return ed to Charlotte, in order to fill tne place Mr. George Brice had at Mr. J. .B McLaughlin's. Mr. Albert (M. Gilbert, has arrived here td' iba'ke a position as watch re pairefldnd en.sraver at the Pa-lannoun-bEiin Cfo's. He was formerly with the WialtaiianT Watchs (Co.; also, the Howard Wteutch CSo. MORNING WEDDING. Mr. James A. Bell and Miss Jessie Spencer Married : To-Day at ll OXlock. A PRETTY BRIDAL SCENE. The Ceremony Was Perforhied k ro, assisted by Rav. Dr. Chreitzberg The Boone-Pres-son Wedding To-Night. The-most fashionable morning wed- tfling, which society has had the pleas ure of witnessing this season was that of Miss JessievlSpencsr and Mr. James A. Bsll, which was solemnized at 11 o'clock today in Tryon Street (Methodist church. The marriage cf these two popular young people had been one of the pleas ant themes of discussion in high life for several weeks, and society in its morning gowns and wide-awake in terest was at the church as early as 10 o'clock. The marriage wasunique in that there were no church decorations. The first pew had been removed, allow ing ample space f c-r the forming of the bridal circle. The bridal party reached h r.r- . fa,rr t- ; n n c K-ifnr 11 Ao the church a few minutes before 11. As the clock struck the hour, the march, played by Miss Addie Williams, was begum and the ushers (Messrs.. Chase Brenizer, Julian Little, M. A. Lyon and Wm. Coleman -entered single down the two aisles. The groom and his best the choir room on the at, meeting the bride and .her maid oT honor, her -si: tt oi j , ' ' ' j of the aisle. With stately dignity, tha grcom stepp;&d forward to claim his bride, and the two passed to the front of the chancel, tne -maid of honor standing to theeft of the 'bride; the best man at the groom's right hand. The words, which means so much to any young couple to whom they are said, making or- marring their lives, were said this morning by Rev. W. S. Rone, presiding elder of the Gclds boro district. Rev. Or. Chrietzberg, the bride's pastor, assisted in the. cere mony, "which was short but beautiful and impressive. The bridal party left the church to Lohengrin, and were driven .at Once tb the Southern station, where the"&6bk the train for Charles ton, S. C. They will spend a week there then return td rCJiiarlctte, their future home. i- ii fu , The . groom is: a-'native of Pineville. but has made Charlotte his home for a number of years. He is one of the. crl-l-f Trniinn- In.TmTtMm i 11 Ct 1. - uiisuicoi jtJLtaiS Jti.w.jV cj. S: ; lilt Lilt? 3La., and each h year adds new laurels to ins brow Mr. Bell is the Channrov TV-;i pew of Charlotte he is without a rival7 as a postprandial speaker. His wit and repartee have made the sparkle of many a function. Few young men are more thoroughly esteemed than he. The bride is a daughter of Mr. J. S. Spencer, one of Charlotte's most prom- inent and influential citizens. She is a woman of rare excellencies; rare beau- tv and nnritv nf ftharacter Hpt "mnrto ! ty is a candle to her merit.";, As fair and sweet a bride as e'erf.the sun shone cn was the gentl e little .woman who was led to the altar in-.Tryon, Street Methodist church this morningj.rA rare jewel has the happy groom won! The wedding dress was green cloth, with marked with a broad band of fur. The skirt and hat were also fur trimmed The bridal bouquet was bride's roses, tied with white roses. The maid of honor wore brown castor cloth, with dark red velvet and black chiffon trim mings and carried a bunch of dark red carnations- . iMr. and Mrs. Bell were the recipients of many magnificient presents in silver, cut glass and china, the handsomest be ing a superb silver service from the Charlotte vbar. Mr. Bell, has purchased from, Mr. W. Tv, .McCoy, the cottage corner Seventh nd Poplar streets'. Mr. ansd Mrs. Bell PRhSSON-BO0NE?t fliss Lizzie Prssson and fir. C.A. Boone Wed To-Night. : Tonight at 8 o'clock. av marriage of morethan oiBdinary injteit will Jbe; re cordediby Cupid's scribet-The scene will be at the pretty and hospitable home of Mrs. Presson, on North Col lege street; the bride, her daughter, Miss Lizzie, who is to give "her prom ise true" to 'MrNu. A. Boone, of Ashe- ville. Quite a number of relatives and friends will be present-as witnesses to the happy affair. . The hour of the cer emony is 8 o clock. Rev. Dr. Chrietz berg is to officiate. There will be no attendants. The : bride will enter the room on tne arm of the groom. She will wear a stylisn gown of castor diagonal, the waist trimmed " with brown velvet, lace .and small steel buckles. She will carry bride's roses, and will look handsome and elegant. She is a woman of fine character. Her sense, modesty; dignified ."bearing, and loyalty to principles have made her friends which, having made, she kept. She is not only strikingly handsome, but is: bright and. attractive. The groom is an engineer on the Southern. He formerly lived in Charlotte, but is now from Asiheville. He is a young man of sterling worth 'and character, else his , wooing had not won. Follow ing the' ceremony will be a reception. The dining room presents a pretty and fairy-like scene in its green and white decorations. The flowers are white carnations, the candles white, and the ices white and green. Smilax and asparagus ferns form the contrast on the table, and the appointments re rich and effective. Mr. and Mrs. Boone have many beau tiful expressions, in presents costly and handsome, of the esteem of their frifends. They leave at 9:25 for an ex tended tour North. M'KENZIE HOSTELLER. r A Home Wedding to Take Place at 7:30 This Svening. The marriage of Mr. Fred Mosteller andvMiss Mary iMcKenzie will take place tonight at 7:30, at the home of the bride's father, iMr. 'Wm. MoKenzie. Rev. Mr. Gay is to officiate. There will be no attendants, the marriage being quiet and simple. The bride will wear fnw 5: ' r-A i stylishly made. (She is a young wo man of many attractions and has a large circle of friends. The groom is one of the most deserving young msn 't of the city. He is attentive to business, j and has force and strength of charac ! tsr. He and his bride leave tonight for ; H&m t, where tomorrow they will be -.gJThPS th 7 th?bf.lde 8 81ter; l&f rC"Urn they wlli llve 0n Ea cnjp.u.cj. - 4 ";r.V MILL NEWS. i l t 1 1 flr.t Pond, of Mississippi, to Visit Charlotte Mills To- Day-i-Notes. Mli men and machinery men will be interested to knew that iMr. C-H. Pond of Alhsrdeen, .Miss., will arrive here-to-mcrrow niorning to visit the cotton mills of the city. Mri. Pond and asroai'-atsre- to .buildiiai niilltotfelamd, Mlssrand Mt. Fbndcooies to the mill centra, to lea:rn,'"tpid.iats-'that.vwillv;be..,ct bentat to him. in his enterprise. A (Norwood' 'corre'spondfin't. gives tli:ese: notes cf improvements- in iStan ly county: At Albemarle, the f toc-' nciaers or tne xmra uouo;n mill fe;j?j,&- ed to add ten thousand spindles to their present plant. This enlarges the mlll ito three times - its - present size Thoea pf . the Wisea&setit)vMill will oVahblB jth'eir mill which will bring it to 1 thiri thpsana spindles. Work will begm a:t Once and will be pushed to cparpld14p-n'. A roller process flour mil ! an3i a thtee-story hotel building art. xnei -enterprises itittat are promisied tor the spring.'8 The hotel is to ta.k& the i place of the old wooden structure burned seme weeks ago. The Norwood ' Manufa'ctuTing Company is erecting an add:;icn to its mill which doubles its j capacity. Fifteen new tenement houses are naarinig completion, irnese are tor the addi.tio.n.al operatives needed. 'Clayton, John ston county, near Ral eigh. is to have-'a $75,000 mill. 'Mr. Ash ley Heme IS resi'dOTit. AH the capital was raised inifbhnstOfn county. $75,000 of tl&' $.200,000 stock of Lepc ingifcn's new' mill has already .been ra'sed. Geo. W. tMontcastle is one of itne stcckholders. iMr. Chas1. E. Johnson is president of Releigh's new knitting mill, the "Mel rose." J. S. Ragsdale is (getting u,p stock for a new mill at Jamestown, Guilford county. The Holts and Fries are said to be interested in it. Lumberton is. agitating the question of building a cotton mill. A number of citizens will take stock. iThe LaFayette, is the name of Fay-e'J-eville's' new knitting, mill. 300 new houses are to be erected at Scotland! Neck for the families of mill, operatives'. .... BISHOP COLEMAN COMING. Mrs. R. 'M Gates. Jr.. returned yes terday from Morganton, where she had been to attfj a mission being heia in the Episcopal church by Bishop Cole man, of Delaware. Bishop Ccleman will arrive here Monday, and will on that night deliver an address to the Daughtersof the King, at St. Peter's EpisccpalJhurcbi , - - - WILL "PROBATED. - The will of the late Mrs. Margaret fnr nrobate yester day afternoon. She willed that her f property be equally divided between her sevru, John Munzler, ana tne iam ily of her deceased son, Fred Munzler. MIDNIGHT CARS. Aa change of schedule goes into effect on the street car line. The cars are to run until 12 o'clock at night. The day will toe divided into three parts, -and the cars .will be operated by two sets of men, : . ST. CECILIA'S DEBUT The Society Scored a Brilliant Success Last Might on Its First Appearance. THE " LADY OF SHALOTT. The Cantata Well 5ung by the Choriis' Which .Was Well Handled by firs. W. B. Ryder. A Solo Programme Followed, udience Enthusiastic. The St. Cecilia Society made its de but last night under most pleasing cir cumstances and with the social, musi cal and financial succ. .s that one would expect from so fair and talented a company of singers. Tennyson's" "Lady of Shalott," so gracefully put into prose in iMonday's News by a lady of the city, as interpreted by Bendall, was the introductory number. The society and its graceful and talented directress, Mrs. W. . B. Ryder, were greeted with a welcoming round of applause as they appeared upon the stage. At a wave, of the golden rod which the directress held in her hand, the chorus arose, and the story of the enchanted island of Shalott and the "lovely Lady" who dwelt there began to be "told in music whose every tone was in sympathy with the mystic rhyme. The singers told, in sweet ac cord, of the "willow-veiled banks" of the river, which flowed by the "silent island," where in "four gray walls and four gray tours," dwelt the "Lady of Shalott;" of the early reapers, who, J wending their way homeward through the moonlight, heard the sweet plain tive voice, and caught glimpses of the mysterious "Lady." The music, of the shuttle with which the "fairy Lady" wove her magic .web came , to. the ear as a far-off suggestion;. of. the i, magic web of life which is being woven t by. some of 'ayesCcblours," by ethers lark threads which seem , already; to have marked the., period in the pil grimage from the cradle to the grave when the "look toward Camelot" has b&ygiyen and the "curse" fallen. . But tne: tehicvr of the music changes. Who passes? Whom sees "The Lady" in the mirror which hangs before her all the year, and in which each passer by is reflected? Bold Sir .Lancelot rides J'right merrily ;J to r Gamel9t.';Giii moves the measure; swiftly ,gb.es" 't$e' directress, baton 7 Singer sgefie'ril cross knight," see andute of;This pass ing m strains bolu and'dashing. Lis ten! he sings! hear the refrain; see "The Lady" leave her web, leave her loom! Alas! she "looked., towards Camelot." The "broken web,'v' the "cracked mirror" came to the listener in a weird crash of harmony f from piano and singers, that seems to take up the wail of "The Lady of Shalo;t:" "The curse is on me." , The voice drops low, a moan from the river comes to the measure. The "fairy lady" loosens the boat from its moorings, steps in and "down, the wid ening stream" the singers bear her company, "chanting loudly" with her ere her "darkened eyes were fixed on towered Camelot." In song and story "the sound of revelry was hushed" and gently the chorus echoes the knightly benediction: "She has a lovely face, "God, in mercy, lend her grace, The Lady of Shalott." After the Cantata, to which the au dience listened with intense interest; enjoying at one and the same time its literary' and musical beauty and man if esting"' same by an outburst of ap- tilansp' tlifat- must hnvA hppn eratifvins: and flattering to the master directress, and her band of sweet singers, came a piano-number, by Mr. Joseph H. Craig hill. Moszkowski's Tarantelle, was bis selection, and so beautifully was it ex ecuted that the audience demanded an encore. The response was no less pleasing. Part II of the programme openea i with a welKrendered chorus, "The bong &f- tiSeassms" . (Hawley) by the so- clel:y?iimitfqcan!tata had shown what tne society couiu uu in iiilci shading, this number was pronounced, musically, by the cresendoes, whicn were exceptionally good. Mrs. George Bethel, whose rich con tralto is always heard with pleasure in Charlotte, followed with "The Haunt of th. Witehes:!-whiclx brought qut the dep richneislof her; voice, admjra-blyi: She was .compelled- to come before the foot-lights again to satisfy the au dience. "Calm is the JNignt was ner encore, and beautifully did she sing it. A bright, sprightly brace of numbers "Snowdrops" and Danoans was next added , to the musical bouquet, the chorus showing its appreciation of the flowery selections by dainty; and deli cateexecution. The rich contralto pf iMiss May Oates was heard ; in t this brace,, and -was, as ever, sweet and soulful. . v K -i - ': ' Some "Pegades" are cute;: some , are Knot, iut the "Peggy" of Neidliiager is. r:" This pleasing number was well handled by the chorus.- - The fifth number gave the public the pleasure of hearing for the first time, in concert, Miss Leinbach. She took the solos in the cantata, but these were not of sufficient scope to be a fitting introduction.. She wisely chose for this the aria " from Lucia, which abounds in brilliant passages which the color artist delights in. IMiss Lein bach's voice, in its pureness of tone, smoothness and flexibility, shows the high degree of cultivation to which study develops.v 'She. sings with com prehensiveness, '.wife; ease and perfect command of .herself and her voice. Her execution last night of the bravura passages in Luciav- brought the house to its feetj - wh.enNvshe finished. A storm of applause greeted her. She acknowledged the ovation, by giving a gem of an encore, "An Irish Love Song" by Lang. which showed the soul as the more brilliant number had, the skill of the artist. The programme closed with a num ber, "In May," by the society. Too much praise cannot be given the directress, Mrs. 'Ryder. Her efforts and skill, however, were richly reward ed by the brilliant success of the even- , ing. The accompaEist, Miss Muriel' Porter, who had by no means the eas iest part of the work, also deserves rich credit. iShe proved a strength at all times to the chorus and executed the most difficult passages ccrrectly and easily.. ,?. - - MI33 'HOiRNE TO .MARRY. Handsome cards were received today from Mr. and Mrs. Guilford F. Home, of Wilmington, announcing the mar riage, Wednesday afternoon, January 31st, o? their daughter. Jianie- to Mr. James Allen Oldham, o Charleston, S. C. The ceremony will be performed at 2:30 at Grace church. The bride-elect is mtOEt pleasantly remembered here, she toaving visited the Misses- Smith on East Myers street several time. She is a bright and' charming young woman. The. Misses Smith will attend the wedding. ' , v ..,. , . - ' THE RYDER-BRYCE CAiTLBS. Cards cf Bailey, Banks Bjddle's most elegant style will 'be mailsd) to- ''V' ni:gh,t, readinig as follows: , i;;.: :Mr!nd."--Sirs. ; W)alda BrighaiRyder.: 'p Te'ajE,.rtfhe..Hi3-n-or cf your presence ' late 'marriage of their, d'ahter," : ' ' Ellen Harriet, .. '.. - ; ': t'D . "'- -. 'Mr. John GarnetC Bryce, on Wednesday eveaing!" February thb ' , sevath', . ca't'housgaa(i' nine . hun dred, at eight o'clock. Saint Peter's Episcopal Church, Charlotte, North Carolina. 'Reception: irrom eight to eleven, Cen- tralbMote!. , v -llnl 'J4 Sf)'t . . ' 4ieQ'4ase of R. L. '' Sto'gnef 'VsMfo Western Union Telegra"phj.i Company . was non suited in the Superior Court ' '' today. Counsel for the plaintiff were unable to get an important . witness, therefore it was impossible to prove what they expected. This afternoon the case of F. E. . Alexander and R. L. Hunter vs. the Southern Railway was called. Both of the plaintiffs claim that a lot of their , wood near the track of this read was burned on account of fire from one of this company's engines. DIED LAiST NIGHT. Mrs. Lydia Reisig died last nght at 10:30 at her home on North Tryon street beyond the C. C railroad, at the age . of 64 years. Deceased was thrice married. Her first husband was Mr. Julius Carlyle; second, Mr. Thomas Hamilton. -Her third husband survives her. She was- a member of Sugar Creek church. The funeral takes place this afternoon. . MRS. WHITE INJURED. (While (Rev. Dr. G. R. White ana wife were returning home from Ebe- n-ezervchureh Sunday, the horse Mr. White was driving became freightened at some lumber near the roadside. Mrs. White was thrown out and was painfully .but not seriously injured. Mr. White succeeded) in stopping the hcrse before any damage was done to the, buggy; TO BE MARRIED TOMORROW. LMr. W. E. Cos-ton and Miss Nellie E. Harris, (both ofthe Pineville section, will -be marriett,t'. the home of the bride's ' parentsonirrow. afternoon at ;4 o'clock. 'Siik'ot the contracting parties are weft known in Charlotte where they have jrfi&ny friends.,-, TO CANCEL THE CITY. Mayor J. D. MoGftll and Alderman Thomas .-S.- Pranklinvjeave in a f ew days f cryNew..York. where they go on business' connected with the cancelling of some of the water works bonds. They are now waiting on a communi cation from Baltimore. They probably leave about the first of next week. A petition in bankruptcy was filed today with Referee in Bankruptcy Smiths by Mr. George M. Holobaugh. IMr. J. 12 Bridges and 'Mr. Jesse Traywick' today swapped houses. They live, next to each other, on Brevard istreet. 1." ' ' . air. R. iM.Oate8 is in New York. ill 1 1 !. : I i i!