TO STUDY ECLIPSE. Appropriation Asked for Estab lishing Stations of Observa. tion. vow York Tribune. The naval observatory has as!:: congress for an appropriation of $5, 000 "for the purpose of. studying and observing the total solar eclipse of May 28 next, a phenomenon of special interest to America, as it is the first one that will be visible generally in this country since 1878, the only ex ception being the eclipse Of 1S99, vis ible from the west coast of California up into Manitoba. The eclipse next Spring is visible in a narrow' line or belt extending from Norfolk, Va., in a Enerally southwesterly direction Through Texas and Mexico. The dura tion of totality at Norfolk is about a minute and a half and the time dimin ishes until New Orleans, where it is only about a minute and twelve sec onds. Preparations for observing the eclipse were begun three years ago by the weather bureau, which gathered exten sive data concerning the cloudiness and general conditions of the weather on May 28 in the regions over which the eclipse will be total. Their results, recently published, show that the besi positions for observing the eclipse, where there will be the greatest prob ability of clear weather, are in South Carolina, Northern Georgia and Ala bama. But in order to secure a certain ty, stations will be occupied all along the line of totality. At the coming eclipse the observa tory will utilize instruments of great value for the study of -this peculiar phenomenon. First, the observation of the precise time at which the con tacts of the moon take place, in order, to fix precisely its position in the heav ens relative to the sun, which can be done with unusual accuracy only at the time of solar eclipse. The second purpose will be to study with photo graphic instruments and the -spectroscope the structure and composition of the sun's surroundings. This latter field is the one which possesses such absorbing popular interest, and the 40 fcot photographic lenses of the obser vatory will give large photographs, which will show the finest detail of the corona. Smaller instruments, however, with lenses of the finest workmanship, will be used to photograph the widest extensions of the corona. Stations will have to be chosen some time in: ad vance of the eclipse, and the telescopes mounted and adjusted to be in readi ness for the important moment. The task of mounting the telescopes forty feet long so as to point at a de finite region of the sky at the precise moment of time, and that the moment at which the sun will be in positron to send its rays through the long canvas tube which will cut out the stray light of the atmosphere, is no light task, ani yet it has been successfully accom plished on several expeditions by the eclipse parties of the Lick observatory. The observatory has in time past sent cut eclipse parties to distant parts of the world, the last extensive expendi tion being in 1883, to the Caroline Is lands, in the South Pacific, of which the present astronomical director of the observatory. Prof. S. J. Brown, was a member. This eclipse, whose dura tion was unusually long, was visible at only two small dots of land in the Pacific ocean, the rest of its entire track passing over the watery waste. Previous to that in 1873, several gov ernment parties occupied positions on the long line of totality extending from Iowa to the Pacific coast, especi ally in the high rocky mountains where the atmosphere was light and transpar ent. Although the proposed appropriation of $5,000 seems ludicrously inadequate and is much less than those given in former timtes, the convenience and ac cessibility of the stations and the fact that the observatory already possesses many valuable instruments explain whv such a relatively small amount will be productive of much good, pro vided the expedition is 'successful. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid tobe generous to the needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr. King's New Djgcovery for consumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, holarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely 3ired by it. Call on Burwell & ENse druggists, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. WINSTON'S NEW FURNITURE FAC TORY. The Oakland , Mionufa'cituring Com pany, of , Winston, ihas been incorporat ed'. It will manufacture furniture. The eclmpany is also! authorized to acquire and sell land! 'and property and to con struct anld' maintain dirt roads and 'turnpikes! for the purpose of connect ing its property. The capital stock is to foe .$20,000., Una incorparatora are W. P. Hill, John W. Fries, Wm. A. Blair, R. J. Reynolds and B. F. Huntley. THE KISSING RECORD. A man .witoo has kept account of rtthe niuimiber of kisses exchanged with his Wife during their union, says the. Ox ford Ledger, consents to its publica tion, -as .follows: First yeair, 36,500; second yeair, 16,000; tMrd year, 3,650; fourth yeiar, 120; fifth year, 2. 'He .then leflt off keeping the TCkyordi. It is a well-known fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has cured more .women than any other remedy. It therefore cust be the best possible medicine for female ills. . But some women make the mistake of thinking- that they will try some t '- -7 else simply because it is new. That mistake is often a fatal one fi i to the health and happiness of the experimenter. is it not foolish to risk the possible results of such experiments P Is it not better to depend upon a medicine which has bean tried successfully for many yuzi'zy &r&? wtsjGn nas never oeen wounu wanting? - Do not therefore let any one persuade you to try something- which they say is just as good.. It cannot be just as good. Mrs. Pinkham's Compound is the best, and there can be only onev best.' This is not a mere assertion, but is a positive fact, admitted by hundreds of regular physicians. Rely on your own common sense, and experience, and you will make no mistake. is good, and is backed by such letters as Suppressed and Painful Paiiods Curod by Lydia EB Pinkham's Vegetable 'Gompou&slm " I was thin, sallow and nervous. I had not had my menses for over a year and a half. Doctored with several physicians in town and one specialist, but did not get any better. I finally decided to try your medicine, and wrote to you After I had taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and three of Blood Purifier, my menses returned, and I feel as well and strong as I ever did, and am gaining- flesh." TXlss Lena Gaines, Vlsalia, Tulare Co., Cal. "After following the directions given in your kind letter for the treat ment of leucorrhcea, I can say that I have been entirely cured bv the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies, and will gladly recommend them to my friends," Hiss A. B. Davids, Bing hamton, N.Y. The Medicine that holds the record for the largest number of Cures is Lydfisi1 IE. IPffmfeffB&m'G Vfsai&itaMe (SomipQiwindl. BBBS353BHZE33BE9KBSS2 JUDGE CLARK'S HOTEL. BURNED. A Weld'oax, N. C, special says: "Judge Walter Clark's flare brick hotel sit Halifax was burned Thursday morning and t'he building and most of ith'3 contents are a total loss. The hotel was a ithree-'story brick structure and cost $14,000. Judge Clark did not have a dollar ci2 insurance on ft. The house was leased by Mrs. M. A. Sater. Supe rior Oowrst .was' in session amd -t-he ho tel was full of .guesits, 'but all escaped, us the fire was discovered- In the 10 f and the alalna. was -given before it had made any very great headway. Judge Sitarbuck was in the hotel and helped Mrs.. Sater to save what furniture could be saved before th' vco? fell in. N'Cithiimg was aved on th? third lloo. The clitizens struggled! heroically to su'bdiue the flames, but the five had made 'tpo much hea-dvay- This house was first built for a wuuor rescrt for sportsmen and was known as the Southern! Hotel. Mrs. Sater had no in surance cu her rurnitur-3 and the lois ifalls on her iuite heavily. The origin of ;th'3 fire is net known, but it is :irouigh.t that it was caused by a defec tive flue near the top of tha building." FROM AMERICA'S ELECTRICAL CENTRE. .Little .Mamie, my youngest born, was taken with a violent fit of coughing last night. Two doses of Cheney's Ex pectorant relieved her. It is certainly the greatest cough medicine I bave ever tried. MRS. LAURA E. STEVENS, Schenectady, N. Y. 400-ACRE 'MELON PATCH. Mr, C. H. iMaithis, at Blacksville, S. C, -who is backed by a strong North em syndicate, has leased the MeCor miick lands and a farm m'.Mr. C. B. Piatitersioinf and will cultivate watermel ons and! canteloupes cn a large, scale or Northern marke'ts. The total num ber cif a'cres planted will aggregate m-ore -than four hundred. Apex Spec ial. iGICVERNOR AN ODD FELLOW. (Governor Russell and Immigration CaximiLssi'oher John). W.. Thomipson, weit'8 iniitiated as Odidl Fellows Llils week in -Mian tso lodge. No. 8. Grand Secretary Wood'ell says Rusisiell is the lialrd gevernieir to wfliomt he has deliv ered 'the charge. Raleigh News. THE AMERICAN FLAG. The American flag now floats over a land of barbarity. If any one had phophesied this four years ago, he would have been laughed to scorn. Yet change is constantly taking place. NNa ture is merciless. oS soon as she dis covers an improvement, the old, what ever it may be, is doomed. The fact that- Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the famous cure for dyspepsia, ha remained unchanged for half a century proves its value. Try it for indigestion, bil iousness, constipation or malaria, fever and ague, and be convinced. Your case is not insurable. You simply have not used the right remedy. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is what you need the sooner the -better. It is particularly -valuable at this season of the year. Mrs. Pinkham's life-long Don't experiment with your health, these to Mrs. Pinkham : A Grateful Woman Re commends Lydia Em Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound to Every Wife and Motherm ' I have taken eight bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable. Compound with most gratifying results. I had been married four years and had two children. I was all run down, had fall ing of womb with all its distressing symptoms. I had doctored with a g-ood physician, butl derived very little good froin his treatment. After taking a few bottles of your medicine, I was able to do my work and nurse mv seven-months'-old babe. I recom" mended your medicine to every wife and mother. Had I time, I could write much more in its praise. I bid you (rod's speed in your good work." Hrs. L. A. norris, Welaka, Putnam Co., Flax. PRACTICE WITH FLASH LIGHT. Capt. Wdlley, of ;fche revenue cutter Algonquin, had his men at practice early last night with'the flash and sig nal liglhts of his splendid vessel. The flash light was a "revelation to the na tives" and more than one wag was af forded an opportunity of indulging in witticisms about the "queer light in the sky" as it was quaintly expressed by a superstitious darkey up town, who was not acquainted with what was go ing on down at '.the government wharf. Wilmington Star. DR. BULL'S QOUGH SYRUP will give immediate relief to -a child suffo cating with the dreadful croup. Moth ers, keep tthis reliable medicine always handy and it will save you many un easy hours. It costs but 25 cents. ' "Mr, T. M. Bradley, who some days ago went to Charlotte to take a posi tion witlh the Postal Telegraph Co., has returned here. He is acquainting himself with the railroad telegraph work," says the Concord Standard. Building News, We have just received contract from Geo. A. Gray, President Wylie Cotton Mills, Chester, S. C, for all the gravel roofing. Charlotte Roof & Paving Co. A. C. Dover, Manager. Trinchera, CoL, Dec 15, IZ93 I wrote you last summer and you advised xnc to take "Wine of Catdux and Black-Draught. I have taken three bottles of the Wine of Cardui and four packages of the Black-Draught, and I am glad to let you know that I am better ever since I took the first nine doses. When I first commenced taking your medicine I was in bed. I tried several doctors and they didn't do me any good, but now I can do all my work and not get tired. 1 think k have had all the troubles that could afflict a poor woman ; my back hurt, as did my head and legs, and 1 had sick stomach every time I ate anything. Now I can eat anything and not hurt me and don't get tired. I think this is the best medicine that was ever discovered. Mrs. CORA ROBINSON. VvDiro And yet this case of Mrs. Robinson's is only one of thousands. .Every day in the year Wine of Cardui accomplishes wonders for weak suffering women, where doctors failed to bring any permanent relief. Doctors do the best they can, but Wine of Cardui is the one natural remedy for female diseases. It contains the vital elements necessary to strengthen and regulate the deli cate menstrual organs. Hence it never fails to benefit seldom fails to cure. With the con vincing evidence published in favor of this wonderful remedy, no suffering woman should hesitate to avail herself of it. That frightful backache, and those dreaded pains in the head and legs quickly vanish under the magicj influence of Wine of Cardui. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, The LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT, The Chattanooga Medicine Co.J, Chattanooga, Tenn. t Archer, Marshall Co., Tenn., Dec. i, 1898. My wife has been sick four months. The doctors pronounced it nervous prostration. I got her a bottle of Wine of Cardui. She has taken five doses only and it has done her more good than all the medicine she has taken from the doctors. ' E. C. BAUCOM. SSSTiK OK ' but take a medicine that you know Nervous Prostration and inflammation, of the Bladder Cured by Lydia Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compoundm " Dkab Mrs. Pixkham I have used your Vegetable Compound for female weakness and it has done wonders for me. I also had nervous prostration was not able to look after my house work. After taking one bottle I began to improve, and am nenv better in every way and feel like a different person." firs. Delia Keiser, flarienville, Pa. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham praise your Vegetable -1 cannot Compound enough for the good it has done me. I suffered from inflammation of the bladder. I tried doctors, but obtained no relief. At last I decided to write to you. and now. thanks to your reme dies. I am entirely cured." Ilrs. K. S. Grady, 131 Union St., High Bridge, New York City. - Every Day n this year we expect our customeri and friends to find our Office headquar- ers ior oargains in jxeai esiate. we i -r a a til. offer to-day two 3 room houses, one 4 oom house and room for 4 more houses n corner lot and desirable street, at & bargain. A small amount of money own and balance on long, easy pay ments. This property must be sold and If yon want a bargain, call early. We also lave other property that is very cheap. We buy, rent, sell and exchange. money. 209 North Tryon St. Hunt Building. Q. C. Phone 44. " D. N. CQflhlon 8Co. The Arlington Hotel. "Meier Management of A. A. Springy who made the March. House, at Lex ington famous as a leading Hotel. The Arlington has been Renovated frora Cellar to Garret All outside rooms and the largeat and best ventilated and lighted l Charlotte. The table, undei the new manage ment, will be unsurpassed. The traveling men will find the sam welcome at the Arlington that wa accorded !him at the March House. WifF mm f mn a 1E& Lot bargains i We are prepared to put on the market a portion of those magnificent. Elizabeth Avenue lots, included in our big deal of last week maSnificent This is the last chance for any epe culation in this section of the city! Propety as right on the Avenue, and n ear some of those handsome homes al ready built. V&-Ct? 1xt inQ th! Sround floor t5ie right party with the cash to paT the freight. Location attractive, property attractive. Price attractive Twenty large beautiful lots will be sold singly or in sections of four Iota. 718" to the oSi for yarti""Hrj. aew 4-togel &x$Xxrx . fcr rtct u tf nst BKWu new 7-room Gwifiiags., fctaUd well Sr- en. Prat n. wnj n OEonlh. Other reattal and txlb bftigai&s. DSnwvini & Rtal Estate Brokers and Rental Tito Company , Hamilton, O. FIRE and New and Second Hand. ' Plans, Gpecificatlons and Estimates tlade on Oafe or Vault Work. Address, Home Office, or Pootofflce Box No. 422 Charlotte, N. C. MOTT'S PEM ROYAL PILLS 1 - or ana oani&a pcnTi of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to ffiS5fr womanhood, aiding" development of organs and body STf known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do haro 1 C becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BY JHAIit by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., C2evelaa& For sale by BLAIR BROS, Charlotte; N. C. YOUR TEETH Are either ' the pride or the bane of your life. A competent dentist like Dr. J. H. Newell Can make youN proud .of them. Youi health is better when your teeth are good. He has made prices of the sav- ing kind on all work. For the best set of unner or iower teeth made, onlv w $7.50; cenlent filling, 50c; Amalagum filling, 50c; extracting teeth 25c. Of fice over Belk Bros'. WIKlIEAiTEN Is the Finest Breakfast Food sold wnen you open a dox oi Wheaten retain tlis enclosed letter and when fou have gotten seven letters that spell tne word Wheaten come to Broods & Parrish and get a fine set of China. We are sole agents for Charlotte. N6w Cabinet Shop. I have opened a shop at 28 N. College St. for the purpose of doing any and all kinds of wood work and upholster ing. I KNOW MY BUSINESS. If I don't satisfy any one customer I will not charge for the job. G. A. CRITCHER, 28 North College Street. nnn (Coirmipainiy , Agents. 217 North Tryon Street- C PROOF QAFEG and VAULTO They overcome riv.H ness. Irregularis fj.r omissions, increase tTs BUY A HOM IN DILW0RTH Mi REHT LIONET. Trustee's Sale. Under and by virtue of a Deed pi Trust executed to me by J. K. Lee uift. wife, M. E. Lee. registered in, Book Page 287, In office, register of Deeds,. Mecklenburg county, North CaroMna, I will sell for cash at public auction at the county court house door In the ciiaf" of Charlotte,, North Carolina,, cm Satar ' day the 17th day of March A. D., 1900. at 12 o'clock M, all that certain lot dl:'. land in the city of Charlotte, Northv Carolina, Ward No. 1, and being a pan- . of Lot No. 6 in Square No. 229, o& shown and designated on Butler's magp . of said city. Said lot fronting forty feet on rne wesft siae or iuriu u w UdVlUOUU CCL, OUU 1 UillUUg vw . . . 1 a TTU1 VXkJ J VI WW i ' - tween the Lots of M. E. Edwards oa . the one side and Jno. W. Miller on Kb r other side, one hundred and elghty feet, more or less to an Alley Wa?,: This February 14th, 19(Wt. R. E. COCHRANE, Trustee." 2-14-tds. FURNITURE I FURNITURE r j FURNITURE' FIELD &GRYDER, Ml Eaet Trade etre4f (4

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