3 Mh 111 Jli MEWS A vol. xxm. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 32, 1900. NO. 307O '4'- 4 1mmm TO CRUSH rti r k - v.- - r piaa of Rober s and Kitchener to Move on Transvaal f ron Three Sides. WAS CHECKEE AT LOBATSO. flafeking Relief Column Under plumer Has Hard Fighting Report of Repulse at Kroons stadt Has Not Been Credited in LonJon, iiy tslcs'raipb The Ntews. LONDON, March 22. 'Col. Plumer s column marching ito the relief of Mafe king is held in check at Lobatsi by a strong force of Boers. Another Boer force i 5 marching to aid in the attack on Plumer. Dispatches from Lobatsi say the British were almost surprised by the Boers and that iheavy fighting is going on. v GREAT PLAN DEVELOPING. LONDON, March 22. -The great plan of Roberts and Kitchener is gradually becoming clear. They will prepare it in the next three weeks. Then Buller with forty thousand men will advance from Natal. At the same time Methuen with twenty thousand will advance to ward Mafeking, entering the Transvaal from the west, while Roberts, being joined by all the available forces, ag gregating Jva. hundred " thousand, with four hundred guns, will advance north ward from Bloemfontein. Thus they will be in position to envelope any force the Boers can possibly bring against "them. It is believed that thus catching the Boers between the fires will bring the war speedy to ia conclu sion. ' : ' - ' v, . . NOT BELIEVED IN LONDON, S: LONDON, 'March 22.The report from Krconstadt that i the Boers had defeated the British troops under Gat-f acre is not believed .here: A dispatch to the News from Springfontein Tues day says: "-aGtacre -and all arewell.? The last advices also placed Gatacre thirty miles -north oi Bethulie, where the Boers report that the great loss was inflicted. -V.-.; Reports of skirmishing T:at -Lobatsi. caused much anxiety. While' apparently no serious loss has .been-suffered ;by Plumer and. his forceiis1 aibility: to reach Mafeking is. doubted?Fur.ther news is anxiously awaited as six. days flave elapsed since, a big engagement may have occurred. " TH'fi -LOBATSI BATTLE. LONDON, .March, 22. A dispatch from Lobatsi, dated the 16th, says the Boers under Commander Synyman ad vanced in force fromMaf eking toward obatsi. Further dispatches from Lo batsi say the Boers, who had been re pulsed with loss again attacked. A British .lieutenant was killed. The Bosr account says the British fled. The Boers took four prsoners, fifteen cases of ammunition and a number of guns and horses. MANY BOERS SURRENDER. LONDON, March 22. Roberts tele graphs under date of yesterday that so many Burghers have expressed a desire to surrender under the terms of his last proclamation that he has sent small columns in various directions to register names and take over arms. A cavalry brigade has gone eastward to Thabanchu. A detachment from Springfontein has decupled 'Smithfield, where some Transvaalers and a wagon with arms and ammunition were cap tured. . $2,600 -IN rjlS POCKET. Mysterious Stranger Dies in a New York Hotel. By Telegraph to the News. NEW YORK, March 22. A crucifix, bank-book", and over two thousand dol lars were found in the pocket of a stranger, registered as P. L. Doty, New York city, found asphyxiated: at the .Ashland House this morning, Tii bank-book was. of the First National Bank, Port Jar vis. The officers, said the depositor was P. J. Duffy, a Cath olic priest. 2,000 STRIKE FOR NINE HOURS. By Telegraph to the News. 'CLEVELAND, March 22. Between fifteen hundred and two thousand ma chinists left their shops this morning, pursuant to last night's meeting. Many non-unionists joined the strike. The demand . is for nine 'hours, and the same pay they now are receiving for ten hours. The strike will affect fifty five machine shops and manufacturers. BARRED OUT BY PLAGUE. By Telegraph, to the News. ; VICTORIA, March 22. The quaran tine department bias ordered the de tention, until further notice, of all vessels "from San Francisco, for day light inspection on account of the plague. rr. tND RETURNS. He Arrived in Charlotte This Morning Is Thin and Gray. iMr. J. R, Holland, ex-cashier of the Merchants' & Farmers' Bank, arrived home this morning 6n the vestibule. He was accompanied by his wife, who had gone to New York last week , to meet him. His arrival today was a sur prise, as he (was noti xfxpected iajt?o morrow. Nona of the family were: at the station to meet .him. H&walked across the yard from the train toward the cab stands without speakingtolany one, and without (being recognized un til he (reached the corner of the depot. The first person to speak to him was Alex. Hall, the Buford porter, who, thinking him a stranger, said: "Buford Hotel, sir." Mr. Holland recognized Alex, and spoke to Mm. He and Mrs. Holland got into a car riage and were driven 'to their resi dence, on East avenue. They had not notified the family of their coming, and took them entirely by surprise. Mr. W. E. Shaw, brother of Mrs. Hol land, was the only person outside of the family who saw him today. Mr. Holland has changed since leaving Charlotte five years ago. He is much thinner and his hair is perfectly gray. He has made no plans for the future. He will .remain in 'Charlotte at least f or some time. OPERA IN ENGLISH. To Be Given at the Exclusive fletropolitan Opera House. By Telegraph to the News. NSW YORK, March 22. Manager Maurice Grau, of the Maurice Grau Opera Company, and Henry W. Savage, of the Castle Square Opera Compajiy, have perfected definite and positive ar rangements to .give grand opera in English at tihe Metropolitan opera house. The agreement is for a term of years, and the company will be known as - the Metropolitan English Opera Company: ' ; , ., : . .. . . ,Thchoru3S;-iwill; nnnibei?s! Seventy youth'fvl, J Weil-Scihiaoled voiCc3, Hargely drawn: from j'the Castle, Square chorus and the American 'chorus of the Metro politan.. v1-. ' i ' - . .j . V- The orchestra will comprise forty of the best musicians in New York, to . be increased when necessary.1 ;- :; : PREACHER rAyvtURDERER. . -I- 1 killed His Wife and FiveChildrCn y and Byrned His HoiiseV; Special Teleigram to the News. RALEIGH, March 22. Toon" Jonos, a negro preacaieir, murSGre'd his wife, Ella Jcnies, anid :her five children with an exe last ntfs'ht, ind burmed the .hiaaise. Tneir bodies vere- destroyed. Two children escaped anii tiold o-f itht crime. Jones; was foifntd -with "blood on h:.m and ihas Ijeen lodged in jail. Tihe scere of the crim is fourmiles .rromRaleigh. SUPERIOR COURT. The Superior Court has basm occu pied today with the following cases: G. P. McWCiirter vs.. J. Lee Campbell. Plaintiff takes a non suit; G. and A. Bargamin V5.G. S. Johnson. Jcihn Brown vs. Mary Brown, action for divcrca. Jury .returned verdict for plaintiff, granting divorce. Robt. Q. and Mary '3. Hyatt vs. The "Charlotte Cotton Mills. This case is now being tried. The witnesses are now being examined. Plaintiff sues f or $5,000 damages sustained by being caught in cog-wheel of speeder. '- THE SQUARE BRICK. .CharfonsraT McNJnscfc, ctf the sfcreet commililtee hicies to 'have iRde'rpend ence Sqrsre pa-ve-d wih vtriS-cd ibtrick in time, far -12te 2Cith f May ;ceIibTLion. T!he brick will bs' .Surinisihed by "the Viriglniiia Paving amd Briek Oonmpiiny, am d vitrified "ori'ck . - kaown as .the "Chilihowije .brick" will 'be cssdVtt.iib as handi as rock," said Mr-.-McNiimeh, "and vi'ill fc& better tihian asptloa'J, . c . The"-t:roeit -car 4 Ts.- track ;rpea&- m2&i$-'&ke C. C. & A, -.crtoEisang --on Sath 'Tryctm an-' -wiill by t&mpmom &;ome ,;d;Ls'tan:ee 'this .side. '.'Tn.e-f douSe track is ccming up -Tryonrrapiaiy.- itiy 'tiatta will push the0'rkiio toVel'S3a:-.hiar'tii "Mlissj:Fannie Trycm d!ou!ble tracked jtoVtime':,for .. ''the 20th FRCTRA'CTED MEETING. A 'prctsratfted iGe&tiE!g '-bisgian at Bre vard street iMetlhcdist 'di'urc.h lasit Sun day nigihit and "will con'tinoie 10 -dlays. 'Rev. Mr. Qay, the pastor, is dialing the preac'hing, and is dcimg it with results. Mr. J. D. Fond is leading the singin. A DISTINGUISHED SIRE, v Miss "Elizabeth Cotton was at the station this morning to meet her friend, Miss Marion Whitney, and par ty, of New Haven, who were en route to California. Miss Whitney's" father was known as "The Greatest American Scholar." BUSKED TO DEATH. South Carolina Regulators Tor ture a White Woman to Death. - - SHE LIVED WiTH NEGROES. White - Cappers Decided on a Swift and Terrible Punishment Shocking Affair Occurred Near Chesterfield Court House, South Carolina. By Telegraph to the News. COLUMBIA, S. C., March 22. News was received this morning of. the burn ing of a white woman at the stake by regulators near Chesterfield Court House. U. T. Steen, John Jackson, Benjamin Jackson and Harvey Jackson were ar rested at midnight charged with the deed. The name of the victim of this atro cious deed was Cassie Boone. 'She was a -white girl of the, neighborhood, and for some time it has been reported that she has been living with -negro men. . It is supposed that a band of white caps got together, decided that they must take the lav in their own hands, and then captured and murdered the woman in the most horrible and atro cious manner." . - . GRETNA GREEN. ftiss Led well and ,Tr. Austin Run Away and Marry. . . ... - - ' . ", -.:- - t-" . 'MissIallie Ledwell is the daughter o Jiev.ll Thomas, , Ledwell and a very ittracuve youug: woman, at- leasi so Mr. Zeb Austin has been thinking for some time. . He began paying court to her some months ago, butt had not the pleasure of- the- paternal blessing nor approvaL , He and Miss Hallie accord ingly resorted to the old iand tried way of settling romantic argument between d-aughter and father vwhen the latter 's veto stands between the girl and the broom-stick, and; 'yesterday afternoon went to 'SquirerW; O. Ba'Ae, where they we remarried. , They, leftlown a.t 3 o'clock . and got back by jiig'ht; The vouns ladv left tome vesterdav!morn-t: S A -S J I T ins to spena cne oav wiin. inenas. san succeeded in getting , her , 'Sunday-go-to-meetin' dress from- home about 12 o'clock, and was scon in "bridal array. ; Mr. and (Mrs. Austin are living at his father's. L : NO EiVIDENiOE OF -SMALLPOX YET. Dr. Haiwiey, city physician', who' has 'been ,in deers for ahout 'three Weeks with gHp, is cut again. His first pro fciiiS'IcmiU vis'l't 'Was. paid yesterday af teTECon. to M.ra. I. H. MtoGinm. As fe'ri'win', it was reported "that Mirsi. Mc Ginn wias a srr.nll-pcx suE'pec't. Dr. Haw ley :tc0d :her that sue was. anot brokeii 'omt ait.aJl, au'd 'tlh'af it would :be 'three daye yei? 'te fere it could' 'be told wheth er -cir cat she was taking the disease. "If you are net 'br'oken out in that Lim!e,' eaid 3ie, "you 'aven-'t goit snuaiipcx." DEATH . 0!F -AN INFANT. , . Peteirly M;a.y, the IS-mon'ths-old claiU'g'hic'sr of Mr. and Mrs?. E. L. Ritch, idiie-dT this micrniEig at 7:45 o'clock a-t 'iibelr teme at BeHmont Springs, after ain dlln'ess of. two weeks. The funeral services were icionduicted from the res ideinice 'this 'aftemioion ait 3 o'clock by Rev. 'Mr. Sites. Tha intiermient was at Slmwoicd cemetery. A. & M. TRUSTEES MEET Hon. A. Leazer, of Mooresville, and Mr. D. A. Tompkins, members of the executive committee of the board of trustees of -the Agricultural & 'Mechani cal College, left for Raleigh this morn ing to. attend a meeting of the commit tee tonight. ' ;i; AGNES SOOTT CLOSED. - ":Atgns Scttftit Institute -hias .closed. .-on a-ccdiait'. ot- .scarlet -fever Jbreaking out saf "the :'.ciicbl, : amdthe girls are - cat tferfng -to, thiei'nhomcsv; M'isBAnjnfe Wiii- Moore BurwelL: will? ; arrive'. Saturday morfiiing. THREE FINGERS OFF. Mr. M. A. Alexander, son of 'Squire John O. Alexander, got three fingers cut off yesterday afternoon at Mr. D. P. Lee's saw mill, in 'Sharon. Consta ble Porter, wiho was there at the time, brought the news of the accident last evening.. SOCIAL. Mrs. W. L. Butt, of North Caldwell street, entertains a few friends this af ternoon. V - ' Miss (Florence OKver Is. to be at home tomorrbw tnlght to somi',of her young friends. . J ' , MARCH 27. : .". W. . ' . Inis is the Day the Democratic Primaries Will Be Held ia Tbis County. POLLING PLACES lNAIVlCU. The Rules Governing the Pri maries Issued . Yesterday by Order of Chairman McCall Hours Here' and at Davidson ' the Same. The Democratic primaries wil be hed 'Tuesday next, March 27th, in this county, for the nomination of all State officials -and Congressman; election of j the precinct executive committees and ' delegates to the county, congressional and State conventions. JThe prim aries will .be held in Char lotts and Davidson from 4 to 8 p. m., arid, in all other precincts in the coun ty from 2 to 4 p. m. . - ' The rules governing the" primaries were issued yesterday afternoon by or der of J. I. McCall, chairman, and F. M. Shaninonhouse, secretary, and are as follows: Y': Precinct executive committee: There shall be a precinct executive commit tee, 0 consist cf five active Democrats, and this committee, when elected, shall eject one of their number as chairman, who; shall preside over all its meetngs. They shall elect to any vacancy occur ring in said committee. In case no pre cinct executive committee is elected for 30 days, the county executive com mittee shall -appoint said committee from the ; Democratic voters : of said precinct.- . County executive committee:- The chairmen of the several precinct ex ecutive commi ttees , .shall compose the county executive committee, which shall meet at same time and place as the county V convention and elect :x chairman of said. county 3 executive comrhittee. - The chairman need not be a membfer of the committee. ; A" Quo rum of such precinct chairmen, in per son cr by proxy shall.Qbnstitute a quo rum. 1 - 'j.-.':". '' ; Primaries:. As ordered by the-county executive committee sat its last meeting on Januarys 10t7 1S00, primaries will be held in ail te precincts of the:coun ty cn Tuesdayvnex 'Mardh 2Whpl900; at the usiiairvcting' places, in thei ci,tycJ hours of i o'clock p.' in., to 8 o'clock p. m., and in all other Jyfecincts in the county from 2 o'clo.ckfr'p- -m., to 4 o'clock p. m. " At every, precinct meet ing in the county there'shall be a vote taken for the different candidates for office whose names shall be proposed, and . the delegates shall vote in the county convention their respective pre cincts in accordance with this vote; that is to say, each candidate shall re vive in ithe convention that proportion of the vote to which the precinct may be entitled, which he received, in the precinct in the precinct meeting. Delegates to county convention: Each precinct shall be entitled to cast in the county convention one vote for every 25 votes and one vote foru frac tions of over 13 votes cast by precinct for Watson for Governor in 1896, pro vided, that every precinct shall be en titled to cast at least one vote in the county convention, and each precinct may send as many delegates as it may see fit. . ' V ' Delegates to congressional conven tion: Each precinct shall be entitled to elect to the congressional convention one delegate and one alternate for every 50 Democratic votes, and one delegate and one alternate for fractions of over 25 votes oast for Watson for Governor in 18&8. In case a precinct does not elect delegates to the congres sional convention, the county conven tion will appoint delegates to represent that precinct. Delegates to State convention: Each precraet sihall be entitled to elect one delegate and one alternate foe every 150 Democratic votes, and one delegate and 'one" alternate for fractions over 75 votes cast for Watson for Governor in 1896. " . -V':' POLLING PLACES. : - .r - The polling places and executive committees for Charlotte township are as follows: -" '"J .:. Ward 1, precinct - aroumg: - piacj. mayor o mui. ivim, v-xj uou. o-u-v tive committee: W. 'M. Lyles, chair man; J. Hi Wearn, B. F. Withers; J. B. McLaughlin, Jr., Thos. M. Shaw. Precinct 2 Polling place, R. A- Beat ty's store, corner Caldwell? and Ninth streets. Committee: W. W.. . Phifer, chairman; t. L. Ritch, W. F. Moody, W. C. (Maxwell and Henot uiarKson. Precinct 3 Polling place, Jesian s blacksmith ' shop. D. A. Johnston, chrrman of committee. (Ward 2,.tprecinot 1 Polling place, court house. Committee: . J. ; R. Win chester, chairman; J. P. Caldwell, el i . Oansler, M. L. Davis and H. u. inK.. - Precinct 2 Pollingplace, South TUESDAY J. S. Withers. W. C. Wilson arid W." T. Smith. i Precinct 3 Polling place, pavilion. Labia Park. Committee: T. J.: Wilson, chairman; F. B. McDowell, W. W. Ran- kin, w. r. T&iiiaf erro. 'wara 6, precinct 1 Polling place, Garibaldi's . store. Committee: . R. J. Brevard, chairman. Precinct 2 Polling place, store, cor ner Third and Graham streets, v Com mittee: H Crwin, chairman; S. H. Luke Seawell. : Precinct !t3r Polling place, Sever's store. iOommittee: H. D. Duckworth. chairnuan.' Ward 4, precinct 1 Polling place, old court house. Committee: . E." S. Williams, chiairman; D. G. Maxwell, W. E. Culpepper, J. H. Emer: t Precinct 2 Polling place, House's store, corner Eleventh and Smith streets. Committee: T. S. Franklin, chairman; S. S. McNinch, T. P. Ross, J. D. MeOall T. R. Anderson. Precinct 3 Polling place, Hilton's store. Committee :C C. Moore, chair man. A. new executive committee will be elected, by ballot, at each precinct, at 'the primaries. MILL NEWS. Gastonia to Begin the Erection of Three New Mills Gastcnia is humming. The founda tion for the Loray mill the ' million dollar hummer has been dug and brick-laying will begin-very soon. .The Reid brick Company, of this city has the contract for ten million brick for the mill, and will begin turning them out in about 30 days. The, Southern Railroad is laying two side-tracks to the mill. . - Brick-laying for the new Arlington mill, also at Gastonia, will be going on very soon. The Southern will run a side-track also to this mill. . - Contracts will be let next week for the new Trenton mill, No. 2, at Gas tonia, ;n ' --.Secr'tey : iHisi-tof the iQtE'pIn riikW Aysibciiation.,,'tcid'ay reieivela ters -t r cm tne f olLoiwi'mg . named .' genitlemieu,- ae'cz'pfcing imvitation', extended- tfienl hy Cihie ibibard 'of igovernt'cir of ' the'-'a'S'o'cia- tion to nuake I3.idldre2is,es at .the annual mieeting here .n May': Messrs. A. H. Lowe, of Fxtt?hburg, Mas3., ex-president of the New EimgOand Oottoar'Spinners Ap3o;ci:alt;i;o2i; Arnald B. , Sanfer, Bos ton, presiden't of (the Amenican! Corton Yarn . -Ex'chian'ge; anfd . Th'mas1 C S-sarch- P!hilaiderphia, presidenit ,of Ka'ticmal Man;ui3aictur.ing . Ass-oeii'atityn. oi v. MR. LACY TO-NIGHT, All , White Hen Urged to Attend ' the Speaking. B. R. Lacy, Esq., candidate for the State Triasurer'hi'p, wias advertised to epeak in Charlotte tomorrow night. The date of the speakinig was changed yesterdy afternoon to tonight Mr. D:cy arrived (here last :right. He will- d'&zvss the pioliticai qnyytlons of t'he 'day at the court' ihouse tonight. All 'ri'!te. men in the city are askeid to heaT h'Lm. It is importan't that the peo ple sihould keep themselvea informed on the qui'ii!on3 of the day. Mr. Lacy is a -strong clear-'headed ithinker and miakes a 'business-like talk. DR. HEN SON AT HOME. Dr. Hentfcn: w!ho lectures on "Back bone" in the Y. M. C. A. Star Course tcirctrrow nogjhit is nowthisre more pop ular than in Ms own -"bJome city. The Ohicago Inter-Ccean says: "The Rev. Dr. Henson was a't his 'best-laat night at Farwell He'll, Where a crowded au dience cheered ihim, 'and laughed with him., eve'n when the lau;gh w.ae turned ,2;gaia'st tlhem-seflves. Under r.isath the toi-oasr whic'h rippled deligh't fully in an unbroken s'tream. there was a solid sutetratum of 'sound icoinimon sense asd wholesome philosophy." Tickets fcr this lecture '2re on sale at Jtcrdani's drug stcire at th popular price cf fity cents. Paitrona of tiie le,ctur-2 should remember thait it Will ibegin-at -Srlo (o'clock sharp. - - xpissr , r : ..'"T". ' ' PLAkSf'TO BE SUBMITTED ; -' E(f - Frank; - Rdb:n'3oaif: oil -Lcjwell, ca:mie iltTtalk Pfe3byteriaa3c:.pallgef;Tlie clanB iicr 'the college are to be ;Uibcuit- j . . .... , - c April 3rd. Spme tff 'iihe best architects v couhstry will uiboiit plains INSURED FOR $6,000. - Mr. L. P. Murphy, who died Sunday, at Union, S. C, 'and who, as known, was a son-in-law of Dr. T. C. Neal, was insured for $6,000.. 'Mrs. Murphy stood the trip well, considering her own ill ness and . her sad errand. She has not recovered, however, from the shock. ORDERED TO SAN FRAiNCIOO. Mir. J. Hirsihiinjger received a tele gram yesjfcerday evening aTraut 5 o'clock from hlis som Lieustenanit Herbert Hir whinger sstatdns that he had ibeen order, ed to San Francisco. His ship will leave SKDU CRUSHED. James .Cassidy Hit in the Head: With Iron Pin by an Un. ' known Negro. FELLED TO THE GROUND. He Was Picked Up Bleeding froiri the Nose and flouth His Con dition was Considered Serious " Last Light, but Resting Con, vforatably To-Day. -James Caseidy, a brofher of John Casidy, w.ho was killed on the rail rpad track 'several years ago, came rne'ar 'being killed yeiberday affern'oon by anjunnvkown negro. Cassiidy had woTlce'd 'alt the iho;:er mill, buit his timo ex'pired' yesiteirday or the day before. ' ' He was about 'the miill vesterdav after- n'oon, in company with several other hoys. A negro came alcmtg and he and . aisGady got into a dispute over soma 'trivial cnteHter. Cass'idy trujek at with hiis" Halt to hit the nogiro 'buit missed him.' The "negro ttoopei& and picked up aia iron pin lying by the track threw - it at Cass'idy, striking Mm just over the right eye. Tlh'e 'skull , was crushed " in anid the hoy fell to 'the teairthi'Meed- ing at the nose amd miouth. ' -a!' dlo'ctSf ? i- wa;s Eummtoned and the 'boy's ' wounds " f. attended eo. 'His ccmditicaii was " ait flrsVf ' thought serious, but he was better to day. .. : " .' T :' FUNERAL TO-DAY. fir.-Malcblfn Robi nson Was Bur ied This Afternoon. CftMr. Mal'doanib' Rcibiison, -ybjoce sa4;., '; v den desilh from heaTt ifaiilure was noted '."." in yestcritiiay's Niewe, will be hurled' this afternioon, the futoeral services be- ; . ing held at 4 'o'clock at the residence, 3; East &tih street, near A, 'by .Rev, -Dr., Ohreiteberg. Mr.- fRohiinsonv o! Iron Stationr, . a brother of deceaE'eidi, came down tihis-mCTainig ;to -attc'iid ihe fu-. ncral. The dieseased ' wns' a niimber of Comp.3(ny C, Second N'ortlh Camclima' ;. ' Regiment Caipt. Dwtfhaim's teomipany. - ' Iater hi1'6e'nied Ocamp'ajny A, , Fourth, VirigiTit, aiiitlhwas miveitered out of ser -V vfee froinV thlt'iccmipany. ,.. Mr. Will M!aynaTd;.jyK went hunting . " 'With. Mr. 'RiCbittsonr.'asks ; that it !b3) &Mted that - Mr? Rto't'inscini;. vclunicexed K .. to- gio with himi; he did net 'persuaae him to go nor insist on his'goin'g.9He.;- , -f&aired tlhiat some -oine miht:T.hiink M-., : straiEige in his asking h'un togo1 w&era,-;' . 'he knew he had heart itncuhle.' ,fcn : ; iLL-:; -'nilcj INSURANCE 'c-'.u- .. Mr. Jcseph M. O'Yung, srJecial agent' -of the South Eastern Tariff Association ;,'.? is in Cihariotte fcr several diays. Mr. ' ; Ycuag used' t!o m'ake frequent trips to Ohairlctte but this is Ms first since Christmas one year ago. Mr. Young Is :. a "blight underwriiter as also is hia fatiisr, Oca. Jchn Yung, wtho is coxr;.? 0 ree'endsent oif tike Insurance Herald. . ; . t.. M'r. Hclmes CumtmiiiB, special agent f'cr Firemtan's Fumd Insurance Cc.;oj arrived in the city today from Ashe-v--j ville. Mr. Cummins and -wife formerly . bo:atrdeidi at the Belmicint. Mrs. Cum miins Will E'pend mere time in Ashe- - ville, where ih has tea for sevarl weeks. . '. .-. J TALKING CARNIVAL. 1 The commit ttie from fhe Eilks met w!tfh the Ohaimher of Ccrmimerce 2Cth of , May cam'iriitttee today to ifurther dis cuss 'the carnival. Thie Midway Plal-. , sance ''Jhe Oar:nlval wSH be 'in the hands', esclul'vtly, of h Elke, if given , at all. There will 'be a called meethi-g cf tho Elks tonight to decide as' to the car-. " nival: to have,, or not to Have it. The ; miatt'Dr is practioally s-sttl'ed to have , hut the .coaaiinattee:' wants the sancitionijj f. of the lodge' In the matter. . lSte 'l bennett-duncan: Miss Tenney Duncan, of this citf.. and Mr. Thomas M. Bennett, of Grceafv. ' -' te Xe3idence of the . bride'k torotajftr -" Mir. K. A. Duncan, xtev. u. u. nuuiuaua officiating. Mr. N. L. Bennett, brother , of the groom, was best man, and Miss Zoda Anderson, of Spartanburg, S. maid of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett left last night for Florida. Both Vff ties are popular and well known. TLy have the best wishes of many friends. REALTY. , ' Mr. J. A. Bell, oommissioneT, yester' dlay sold two tracts of land near Da visicn, In the case- of Hoed & Browa vs. Gillespie, colored. One fcnowa a the Fortner place and containfng 213 acres, was bought by Mr. J. R. With ers, of D'avid'sJon for ,$1,655 f the other known as the Gillespie (home place was Twilight by Mr. H. J. Brown for $1,100,. i.r

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