"V Tn "Tt'TT 1 VOL. XXIII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1900. NO. 3671 TO FOOL ROBERTS. TWO RIVAL ARMIES. !$20,000TOTflECflURGB FOR PARSONAGE DEBT WAR ON THE 4 C'S, B. R. UCY LAST NIGHT British Say Free Staters Are Surrendering Only Worth less Old capons. WANT PRISONERS EXECUTED. Women of Pretoria Cry for Re- venge- Boers Have Defeated Humer and Cut Off Present Hope of Relieving flaf eking Other Late War News. By Ttlesripii to the -News. LONDON, iMancih 23. It is reported frcm Lorenzo -MaTquez, that wcmca of Pretoria insist that 2ri:.ich cfKcetr and nrisc'sieTS. of the the war thai shall be' shct. They declared the British: victories'- can only :be aven ged by the execution of 'the red coats. They have "made frecm-sat demons tra ixns near the stronghold in which the craves are kept.. ARE THE FREE STATERS FDOLING ROBERTS? LONDON March 23. A dlspatah- to the Times from Springfontein, dated yesterday, says in the present temper of the Free Staters the territory occu pied by the British should be accepted with caution. They have been- aston ished at the' rapidity of duf -invasion, but an evidence that t'heiT atftltude is somewhat fictitious as inthe large proportcn of inferior , weapons tender ed for surrender. The impfressi on pre sents itself thiit the - Burghers are fol lowing the tactics of the Afridis un der similar r circums tances." 1 -This is mere significant since we know completely the Boers are armed with ENGLAND IN-BAD SHAPE. LONDON, March 2S. A Bloemfon tein dispatch says it is alleged that Kruger liias proclaimed that England is in dire straits and 'that the Russians nave occupied London. PLT .UE'R BEFEiATED BY BOERS. EULUW1AY, March 19. (Delayed in trar. ai iiOlrss. ) Pltsners ad vanceguard under Col. BodvcV did fii'Ot qiiite rejiq.ii Ffer.I. Finding -the Boers occupying .: Fits an i, they formed a caaap six .nicies r:r:h ci: La'catsi, on Jhe fifteen th.?.' The Boers attac.keoV . driving t B?dfi 'back upon Dd'azirsLFri-day aoverncoa; 32. artillery 'diaei, Pluan'e'r . retired noa-th under cover of-? attrjifSVy?l4?n'er a? parently retiredift'rDCcaJPoln-t. The relief of aeki-n g "ens' . far- WCi Oil .Lili:-1 . tjv.tjr. J V...;,, - si- CONFERENCE; Christian Citizenship to be Dis cussed by Churchmen. The Ministers' Association had a meting yesterday afternoon at the Y. M. C. A., in orAer to hear Rev. Dr. il. A. Gecrge, of ' the National Reformed Association, on the subject of 'holding a conference here next weak. It was decided to hold the conference, and a committee; '"consisting of Rev. Dr. Chalmers and Rev. Mr. Siler was ap pointed to perfect plans. A mass meeting is to be held Sunday afternoon at 4:30 at the Y. M. C. A., and that night at Trinity. The conference is to consider "Christian Principles of Civil Government." The conference is in the inrtorezit of Christian. Citizenships The ' object of this a.s'.sc'ci'afcLDns to maintain , -ana promote the influence .cf Christianity in the American' govorninTent.' An un usual nurOer of puhlio questrens, at lbs present tiinie invole tthe prin.ci'ples vhLch it upholds, and iSh'es-a : questions ars -cil-sioussei' at this - Ccn.fereaice by representative men. Fiuacis E.-Abbott, once the editor o7 the Lc;:tci?Hr:!di2X, was hiimsel'. a pro- rj iLied unbeliever. On one oCaisron te atte-naect 'i' Naitiicnal Reform Con. vomica in Ckinnati. -He . taok. j "the piiatforni' aB'd?lfl&'is first remarks was:-.."! have listened closely. -to your discus-, sions and. I am free -tc ay, were 1 a Christian I would he one with you. I: is the Icgio cf Chris ti'aa'ity. But -because I am.' n'ot a Christl'lian, I ain O'p-pesed-16 'the w'hole theory." -: . " A!RTT,CLE'S OF INCORPORATION. OBI ARLOTT E WASTE CO. Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday afternoon by the Charlotte Waste Company. The- incorporators are: Joseph r.Wallworth, Joseph F. Wallwcrth, and James Wallwonth. The business will 'consist of " 'tihe manufac turing of and dealing in cotton mUl waste and all ether kinds of waste used in and about oil mills and manufac tories. The capital stock is $50,000, divided into . shares , of $500 each, i The Plant is ,to be located' in the northern Part of V the city on land purchased, through. J. ;w. Alexander & Co.; from mt. D. PHutcMson tow? acres. J Mrs. iAtmos J. Walker left tihis morn inign for IndLania, Where she 'is to sroend scime time. The Tavlor and Beckham Bands Are Both in Frankfort, Ky., To Day: V SER. GOLDEN'S CONFESSION. Implicates a Number of Republi- cans im General, and Powers in Particular Prisoners to lie Tried Today Castleman Says Peace Will Be Presented. By Telegraph to the News. ' FRANKFORT, Ky., March 23 The oay set for the examination of the four Republicans accused of the murder of uoeoei, round two nosme armies on the ground. . Governor Beckham, has two hundred soldiers and armed deputies. Gover nor Taylor has two hundred 'and fifty of his regular , militia. SMUGGLED IN AT MIDNIGHT. Sergeant Golden arrived in Frank fort just after" midnight, conif'n from Lexington in a carriage. He was ta ken into the court house. He was thus privately smuggled in for fear an at tempt would be made -to": waylay 'him. - GOLDEN'S CONFESSJON. It is learned this morning that Gold en came to confess-in the- following manner: He was discoveced some time ago when . he .accompanied Powers to Louisville the mornitts-of the assassi naticn. Taking ithis as a clue, the de tectives secured ' further informati on about him. lie was notified ilhrough a third person that the facts were known. : It us asserted that, he thra concluded -to jnake a clejan breast of Mi "onne?etio '.. Ay itlr the a-ssas sinati oV HlkstorV; persons in general, and .Powers in particular. TO PRESERVE THE PEACE. ' LC'UISVILLE, , iMarch .' 23. Gener al Castleman, who arrived from FouaK fort lastvnight, says the. civil authori ties ha ve" an "ample force to maintain peace, -Every preparation ih'as been made to that end; If they arenct able to . do so, he says-,ilieian.d Geneaiai; Col lier have an uhOTMa-niaghalttihey' wiil "cooperate c pjesejsFtigj peacel; xrxloix. ' - . :" St J Cecilia's Date Changed to March sist. The St. Cecilia 'Society had a meet ing this mcrning at Mr. D. W. Oate-s and after rehearsal discussed .its spring concert. The date was changed from April 3rd to (March 31st, on ac count iof .Mas. tRyder not belong able to secure the ' artists descred on the former date. T)he latter 'are: Rossi Giseh, violinlist; Flavie Van Den Iiende. 'cellist; Hilda Newman, plan-' is t; Lillian Oairllsmith, prima donna contralto. - . - Miss Gisch is a pupil of Ysaye; Miss Newman is one of Leschetizky's pupils; Miss Van Den Hende is the best lady 'cellist out of the only four living in America: iMrs. Carll3mi:th has sung with the Boston Symphony, Seidl's and ether .large orchestras. . ; It-is an unusually . fine combination. They gave a concert in Atlantta in De cember and weire immediately re-engaged for an ultra swell concert to bo given Friday, tihe 30th cf Marclh. The St. Cecilia will have several numbers one a sihtcrt contata, "The Birth of the Opal," with 'cello, accom paniment; the other, a beautiful ar rangement of "The Lest 'Chord," with soprano solo. It will be a concert that one would pay $l.o0 for .in the cities, but as the object of th'SL CeciEi'a is to bring good music before the people, a popular price has been established of 75 cents. The club ihopevs to have mu sicians from neighboring towns pres ent, as it. will be a fine muEJicial feeat.. GRIPPE IN COURTS Lawyers a nd. : Wit nesse s " With the flalady. Sick "Whea r4Ttstrikes a country," said Col.: H':C. Jones -toda'y, "its no use' trying to hjave court. There are sick jurors, sick- lawyers,- sick witness es." .:..'' This declaration of Cel., Jones' ex plains the "slimness" of ihsi present term cf Superirdr Court. TTae. court has been trying to be a couart aad to have ccurt but grippe is no respecter of peT sens, or of the law. The : jury in the case of -Mary S. Hyatt vs. the Charr lotte cotton mill, is still hung at this hour3:30. The extra jurymen were excused this morning until "tomorrow, court piractlcally. beilmg adjourned un til then. Assistant Clerk Osborne call ed over the docket ' this .morning, and that was about all that was done. .One of the 4C's. cases was. to come up, but Messrs. E. D. Latta and E. T: Cansler, the latter employ,ed in the case, are both sick. Mr. S. P. Alexander Left This Amount to Benevolent Causes in Presbyterian Church. WILL READ TO-DAY AT NOON. A Number of Special Bequests to Friends The Residue of the Property to Be Divided Into Six -Equal Parts and Go to Repre sentatives of His Kindred. . The will of the laifce Mr. Samuel P. Aleiia.n'cLcS -was read today at noon in the office -ci: Mr. George E. Wilson. There ware 25 or 30 kinsmen of tht diaceased 'presest. The will was wrriten in 1S94 by Mr. Wilson. He and Mr. J C. B'urrough, were named as executors Messrs. M. P. Pegrani, president of the First National Eank and John F. Orr, teller, were the witnesses. Mr Alexemder's estate was valued at about $150,000. He left $20,000 to ibenevolen causes of ,the Presbyterian church; 5,000 t oc'ath of the following named vmsizyi Barium S;pT;in'gi3 Orphanage; niome nmssions to oe expended in iNpri'h Carolin'a under the dirertion of the Sjnod of -North lOarolina- foreign 'missioms'; eduoaticin of indigent icandi dates cr the ministry in Mecklen burg Presbytery. In the last nsirce oause, the interest of the $5,000 only is1 to be expended. v 'U- ' QBEiCrAlL. . BEQUsEBTS. & Mr. Alexarifor left the following rp ecJ-al r quests ; ; To Mrs. A hianda Pritohard, $2,000; vMlss Jane Alexan- fe, $2,000 iMrSk Majy .Lafferty, of Da vi'dsoa, $2,00)0; ioiThcs. vMfEi3lland and J. P. Query, his grand nephew-. $2,500 oaich. " ' EQUAL DIVISION. ; The ret of the estate, is tc, be di vided into six eaual -parts, and to go to the x epres e nta live s-.ojT his ;six deceased tfjeces and nechewis. The children of the la.-te -M?&. .Ca'rh'eiia Kirkpatrick,' Mrs. T. A.v: Kirkpatri'ck, Mrs. Jch Wolfe, A.jrp.. . MiiGinnj- inherit the::r mz&sTl&l v&tiMeMvra. Wl W;f and C. P TAtetr the' incarest bi kin living, in'hsrt'a'i iixth eac'h -r-- &: Tihs 'will will not rce predated unti itomorrcw. . -'':'"f ' The will will be probated laterr - ; j, ElKS' carnival. Will Be Held the Week of Hay Twentieth. The Elks met last night to disc-ass the matter of the Elks carnival for the 2Ct1h cif Miay week. . It was dec-i'dsd to .have the carnival, whether there was; a 20th of May cele- L ibraticn or ra t. . .. T;h!aa'rniv(al, wlhich means the 'Mid way PlaisaiEC'e,' wifhpcGi'lbly ia street pa'rade, will 'be given'iider the ausipic es of Charlotte Ledge, Order of Elks, 392. It will 'fcsgln Monday 20th week fami telose Saturday night. Mr. Gas- kill repress eniting- the carnaval ccimmit tee was wired today, he decision of the Elks in the matter. No, the next move cm, the 'patriotic checker board must be ma'de by the city. Celebra t!ions, Ilka every thing else, to be a-suiccess, muni 'be on a. money basis. The Size of the celobartion will depend - cm the amount of micney raised, and the latter upo.n the a mio unt of public spirit in the citizens of Charlotte. - THE PATHFINDERS. . The town! is 'billed for the Renfrows whisi 'begin a week's engagehient here" MorJaay -niltght. The jFathfinders are 'fc.HIed as .a "great double ccmpaay rfJiW.tihr' an-ii1' vande'ville so their rpnpri in in i-w i uiti v lu v-a. t'ix o'bl'h'l'a'sy iiave -a full -f. :.-h:p:sta. On their list, ai and aedor- amd in their niferrx are the. following .play;3, six of whica'Oharlotte-will see: -Th&hlAgtot-ninig " press, : Michael StrQoff; Held thy ,t'he rEnemy,' -Frisc33rpf -'Zenda, The evil's ;G o?d : Mine, th:01df Inven tdr, Vit-aini&ftpvA.g-eiut the. three Mbsketeers, Meats Christo; ; the; Dark Horse, Jim 'the Penman, Below Zero, iae Middleman," iSiorm; Beaten, Cinder ella, Knobs O'. Tennessee, iMo ths. A JONQUIL DININ ;v (Mrs. J. Herbert Howell gave a beau tiful jonquil dialing last evening in boner of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Pink Daviis: There were six courses, each artistically and dain tily s erved. Those p resent, besides the guests Of honor, were: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oliver. Mr. and 'Mrs. E.. V. Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs C. W. Parker, Mr. Harry Shaw and Miss Lottie Linton. The colors of the table were yellow to correspona with the flowers. v : - . ' .. , r - - TO BUILD ; I - MrV P. B. Hood is to build 20' houses s'K Mp.rwrwell street - ' " VU W ic r - ; The Ladies of Tryon Street : Methodist Church to Give an Entertainment CaRONOTHANATOLETRON. nr s. B. D. Heath is at the Head of the Affair and it will be a Brilliant Success The Dra raatisPersonae IncIudesCharm ing Young Ladies and Matrons The Chrohothanatoletroni, hence- forth to be known in the News as "the Chrono," (public take note) is to be one. of the most interesting: events of the season. "The Chrono" is a dra matic entertainment and the dramatis personal will be as follows: "Genius of the Nineteenth Century," r . . . . ..... . Miss Frances- Mallory. "Sarah, wife of Abraham,". . ....... . - : . ... Addie Belle Barron. "Pharaoh's Daughter," . . . : . - -. . . . . . ., .. .. .. ..Miss Addie Christzberg. "Cor-nelia," ... ....... .Miss Helvin. "Clecpatra," .... . .Mcs. Sampson. "Queen Elizabeth," ...... - .. . . . . Miss Sadie Clarkson. "Mather Bickerdick," .. , - .. .. ..(Mrs. T. S. Franklin. "St, Cecilia,' . ..... . .(Miss May Oates. "Agnesi-of Bologna,". ...... ....... .' -. V Miss Mamie Chrietzberg. "Hypatia," .... Miss Dora Sater. "Pocahontas," . . V-Iiss Nellie Helvin. "Joani of Arci" ... .Miss Faye Griffith. "Saphb" ., Was Lena Heath. F'Martlia .Washihgton," .. .. .. ' l,? - . . -v. .-.i .'Miss Mary Mayen "Priscflla,". . . . Miss: Daisy Stewart, Ls "In veitres3,"V . Miss 'Sadie Irshihgri A pay.of fan-cy will. form the sec ond part of the programme. The play ers selected are: Misses' Anna' Chrietzberg, Mary S. AndsrSicn, Bessie. Steere, Bessie' Stearni Mamie Lucas, Nell Sarratt, Lcnora Sloan, Adelaide Clarkson, Lucy Smith, Lottie G ray, , Louise Wadsworth, Claude F ibbington. Irma Hunt, Dora Bar ron,. Helen.' Stene. son, Pinkie Smith, Mrs. R..M. 3ian.non, pianist . ; . . ? Tha- en tertilhment will ue tiven On th nig'ht.of Api.il 17 th, at thqY.! i: tbi! Tryon StTeeijtMgithodist church, the proceeds to be for the parsonage debt. BY GADf). J. E. Harrison Was Hit by Him Hence a Case in Court. William Hanline and W. C. Gadd were before 'Squire Maxwell this morn ing to answer to the charge of assault ing and robbing J. E. Harrison, of Ca tawba county, who was here selling apples and swapping horses. The State was represented by CMir. L. C. Hum phrey, and defendants by J. D. 'McCall, Esq. TueiSday evening Harrison was arrested and incarcerated in the tombs, charged with stealing $4.00 from Han line. , Wednesday, morning he was ar. raigned and tried by "Mayor McCall upon the charge of larceny, which was dismissed, and the mayor made Han line pay back the money he had ex torted from Harrison $.00. -Hanline and Gadd on Tuesday night assaulted Harrison near the Atherton mill, and made Mm give them -the money. He had a warrant sworn out for them, and they were- arrested. 'Squire Maxwell , bound Hanline iand Gadd over to court in the sum of $50 ' each. iF. W. Shu-, man went, on Hanline's bond, and Shu- man put up the money. , , . MR. ESCOlT CHANGES BUSINESS. Mr. E. A. Escott, who has been clerk in Abbott & Stephens' office, has re signed his position to go in the electri caMitisiiness. He will be connected with, the Southern Electrical Company. Mr! Escott has been studying the electrical- business for some time, with a view of engaging in it. Abbott. & Ster phens were loth to give him up, as he is an expert bookkeeper and a valu able office man. ; " i-'- C30NGSSMANTAVATER:;-; . iHcn. J. ' W . A:twater4 " of " Chatham county, Congressman from the 4th Dis trict, is the guest of Rev. S. B. Turren tine and family. He 'came to see Mrs. Atwater ,' Mrst ., Txirren tine'F mother, who has been slick for some time. Mr. Atwater is one of the most influential CL'tizens as :wll' as leading politicians cf the east ' CAPT. TORRANCE TO BUILD. Capt. R. . A. fTorrance is to begin .next week moving iiis house, on. Church street, back to face on Eighth, and will build a pretty new residence on tne oia site. .. . ' : ' ' . r- MR. BROWN WILL STAY. Mr. Henry W. Brown has withdrawn hiss motion to leave Charlotte: He can- jnot tear himself away, and today. lets the News tell his friends: of his decis- ion in. the matter. . r- i - . m Residents of outh Tryon Street Have on 1 heir War Paint. Toledo CAR TRACK IS TOO HIGH. Injunctions to Be Taken Out if Track is Not L wered Jones & Tillett Employed to Represent Property Holders From the R.R Crossing to Mo re head Avenne. A sound of . war comes from the south south 'Charlotte. The Boer war. Won't be in it with the interest the local fight, which is sniffed in the dis tance, will produce. The trouble brew ing is over the new car track. The residents on Tryon f rom the C. C. & A. Railroad crcssilng to IMorehead street, claim that the 4'C's- have laid the track too high, it being seven or eight inches above the street. They complained to the company, and learned - that the side-walks were to be filled up to a level with the track. This the proper ty owners say would make the side walks higther than their .property and would injure same, and they will fight the matter, if need be in court. Chair-; man McNinch, of the Street Commit tee, was nc.Ved today by one of . the property holders representing all that when the 4!C's went to lay the oth er track from the railroad crossing to Morehead street, that an injunction would be taken out against them un less the present track (and therefore the second one) was laid level with the street and side-walks, t Messrs.; Jones and Tillett have been byl the. property owners. "The diitcme of thei fight ls!awaited with interest. SOCIAL. The Pleasures of Life Are Ever on the FIw , . The "Just f cr Fun Club"-had a jolly meeting yesterday laftern'ooh With Miss Mairie Wae'sler, on "Kbrh Caldwell istreet. 1 Each guest dn1JafrH;vangawas presented with a letter of "pink paper and tied with pink ribbon. .TTaece were four tables and ion eaclh the entire al phabet. eaehletter separate. After a few moments spent in greetings and wondering "what en earth we were to do," the game of progressive anagrams was played. Miss Laura Wadsworth held a wiaitch and iMilss 'Wheeler a bell, and the guests had just one minute to think of some word beginning with whatever letter happened to be turned up, when the signal for starting was given. It was a merry . contest and everyone regrettde when it closed. The first prize was a handsome shoe horn and was won by Miss Nan Dowd; the consolation prize, a cute little heart, was won by Miss Mary Mayer. Miss Wheeler served exquisite refreshments, all pink and w;hite ices, bon toons, cakes and a delicious pink f rappe. Miss Wheel er fls a charming acquisition to the '"Just for Fun Club," and her en tertainment next time will be looked forward to witdi sincere pleasure. Master James Oaxson's five-year-old birthday .party waij one of the prettiest affairs that the "little Sallie .-"Vaiers crowd: have been invited to this year. The tarole was too pretty for anything It wras decorated with eandlea and jon quils. Around, the centre pie'ee was a ring of .I'zibbits .(cakes) made by Mrs O. M . S'adier-and sent the gentlemanly little host in a beau Bful china cabbage 'head. Giames' were played for .several hours. No "crowns" were broken, and 'all went home happy as larks. . ; Th'ose present were: Bercard Wed- Eilly Rose Kath-Archi- ftaid- To-uifg. K&thleen Mart Johnnie Riu;g, f Franlc. 'Dowd; : teiwart . Qil- nelia Eo.w'd, Jaihs ad; CorinnCLTo-. Ocn.'J'Ohn, WilXes; Ediward Re'id,: ITd wiard Xfatbxie, : John . .DurhaTO, Mary aivMaud - Carson, V'an Alston and .Randolph" " Weaver, Annie Pegram Ctes.'Sariia Oansler, iMay Ivcndon, Fay Milbaiirn, Anna Dewey Chamibers, Susan anil Margareit Cowles, Henry McDonald, Harriet Orr, Lawrence .. rf 1 1 "R -f V ,.H'cwertton,, uaey oew.au, lancy jrwn, Margaret and Algenon Reese, Normal Schiff, Rctb, Cbohr'ane, Frank Alexan der, Edward Keller, Mary and Fran ces Osborae. The grown if oiks present were Mrs. fEfd. McDonaM, Mrs. CC- Hook. Missi Addle Williams: iSadie Young, Editth . Atkins; Messrs. R. N. Tiddy and W. R Fcremian, Mrs. A. H, Harris, Mr. "(and Mrs. Lucian Wjalker, Mrs. Judge BiiTwell, Mrs. R.C. CaT- ison. . . . . . .. " -"'' ; ' ' m ; : ; . ;'. .-' jMisses: Annie and Margaret Rankin entertain this afternoon in honor of tJheir handeome kinswoman! and guest, MSes Mollie Eiryin. enf eller', Helen Oinard, FredMaci&b Mideine' Phelen, eri'narridrews, Mamie; Hari, Ac Spoke to the White Suprem acy C!ub)n the Coostiiu- : tional Amendment I HERE'S DIVORCE IN POLITICS National and State Politics Are Not Wedded in the Souths Northern Republicans Vote Na tional Ticket Republican; Stater Democratic. The White Supremacy Club ls al ready proving that it is to be a proml- snent factcT iia the coming: cammfpn Its iniative work in bringing dUfCerent speakers here to speak , to the white men of the city on the oolitiMl is.ie ' cf the day, especially 'tine amendment, lias bTOught forth fruit in stimulating interest In the amendment, and arous- ing those that are at ease in the polit- ' ical Zion. Mr. B. R. Lacy, , candidate for.. the State treasureirship, was the ; last speaker to address the White Su- ' premacy Club and the general public, in a speech at the court (house last might. He did not talk long, but talk ed to the point and purpose. Mr. Lacy j laughed at the idea that there was i danger of disfranchising v any. white ! man. He denied the factf1f as charged jby some Republicans,; that the.. Dem jocrats are lodging thoeat. national I issues, finance, tec iff, etc V He saiii that ; Siate and naCional politics are divorced and tlaat. . while the fcrmer are great questions, ;to , the Southern man, the matter o honest. and safe home .gov ernmcnt is greater.. While Republicans wooi come trom the iTorth ihere to live, vote iRepuMican tnetional tlckei3, but DemocratiQ Stat3 -ticket; as they pan not vote against their rac& wii'.cn they do in voting fev Republicans and, theref ere, negro rrule. Mr.v Lacy mid he had only kind feeling for -the ne gro n his place ; he had no ' : unkind word to say about '.him, , God haL ... made him inferior and he could not Lhelp, "but we ihave tried, for SO years. the experiment of letting the negro vote," said he, "and decided that: It T won't do; that we must -have, 'white supremacy,' and tihe only way to Jhave it is rby, putting the . negro out of poll- KIcs." Mr. Lacy,iija the course of hia.v nenarks,' paid a glowing tribute to the -Confederate soldier: "The fact that North Caroling ufnished several thous and more paeh tihan she had voters," said Mr. Lacy, "was) an evidence- that every man prior to 1867wa3 eitheir ia the army or a son of d veteiran and the . grand-fatlher clause in the: constitu tional amendment is the greatest -firth- '". ute to these men." ' He made many strong,'! j5ne points and was listened to throughout his speech with the; closest interest. At the conclusion ofjhis speech, President. Moody, of the 'Wlhite Supremacy Club, thianked him in behalf of the club and. the community. The club will meet again on Aprll'.' 5th, when it will be addressed by Mrv .1 W. E. Abemethy, of Rulderford GoK lege. , y.- , -BACKBONE." '- v j- ... ' Dr. Heaison arrived this morning. He lectured in Richmand en route and was greeted with a crowdied house. . In his. audience were many friends -gained during his residence in- that city. He is greatly enjoying his trip South and is in the best of spirits. He will begin his lecture on "Backbone," at the Y. M. C. A. tonight promptly at 8:15 o'clock. -A large audience is already assured, but some reserved' seats may still be " secured at Jordan's drug store. The admission is only 50 cents. ; . , .. Rev. Dr. Howerton is to introduce Cr. Henson tonight. He will do it" tnr. . handsome and appropriate style. . GHITR'CH .NOTES. . ; 'R ev. E r." Barren wKl arrive .-from to-,; mcrrcw nigiht, and will occupy Ms 1..;;'' pit. -as use al, Sunday mcrnlEg! ',; -rr,-i' -3 .M'ic cmiar-zemenx or me cngir. rou-ac iifcte -First , : Presihytexsan, cattroa ;;,.? b&in. 'ccaaplet''ck;aind 'by-no maas tnoqursr' the symetry ; or apiKiince o&Xrjtlhe loft : Theimeeting at B Street is ibeing: largely attended. Mr. G(ay is an eaH'ast speaker. . " . - SPOTTED AND UNSPOTTEI. Menral Lawfng, a negro from Paw Creek, came to town this morning and was at once spotted as a small-pox suspect, but he proved not to be: He had been in the McRae bouse, but not baying been, told not to come to town he came. Chief Orr had his arm scratched and sent him back home. IMIR. ANDREWS RENTS A STORE. iMr" F. H. Andrews has rented tne store on' West Trade street owned by Mr. O. L. Barringer and at present oc cupied by 'Mr. Jo. Lindy . He will run a iartition down the room dividing It into two rooms, one of which be will use for his sewing machines; the other" he.wSIl rent , . - -)'.' v.- 9 .

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