VOL. XXIII ay C) CHARLOTTE, N. a, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 3, 1900. A. NO. 3680 1 " x , QUEEN IN IRELAND. She Reaches i e Shore of Erin's Isle After an Uneventful journey. BOERS ARE AGGRESSIVE. Pushing the Fight Against Rob ertsFrench -Engaged With the Commando That Ambushed Broadwood-Big BattleThought to be Going On. By Telegraph to the News. HOLYHEAD, April 3. The Queen met with an ovation on her arrival here, at 9 o'clock this morning. In response to the -afcldress on behalf of 'the common council she said: "The practical aid and gracious sympathy for those who have, orare likely to suffer in consequence of the present war which have been shown by all classes of my subject has been a great consolation to me during the period through which we are passing. I join in your prayer that peace may be soon be restored and this blessing of heaven long continued in my empire." QUEEN'S PEACEFUL JOURNEY. DUBLIN, April 3. The Queen is on Irish soil today. T.he journey by train from Windsor to Holyhead last night Avas comparatively without incident, as was the voyage of the royal yacht across the channel. ARRIVED AHEAD OF TIME. DUBLIN, April 3. The royal yacht arrived at Kingstown at 2 o'clock this afternoon, three and a half hours ahead of time. The Channel squadron gave the royal salute. None of the"; party will disembark till morning. BOERS CLOSE IN ON ROBERTS LONDON, April 3. The Boers, tak ing the aggressive, are now closing in upon Roberts. They are already upon his flank and fronit and are apparently forcing the fighting before he is ready ' to start for Pretoria. The main Boer army has advanced sixty miles southward from . Kroon stad. It is now at Smalldale . An other big force is at Paardeberg, on Roberts' left, while Oliver's s command and the Boers who attacked . Broad -wood, are, on the right. ; ,C ; Six thousand Boers are on theiVaai River. Their threatening attiude is probablj' responsible for Methuen's hurried recall from Griquiland. FRENCH -FIGHTING BOER COM . viANDO. - : - BLOEMFONTETN. April 3. General French has engaged the strong Boer commando from Ladybrand which; am bushed Brpcidwood Saturday, and al most decimated them.' It is generally, believed that the'guns and wagons: cap tured are certain to the recaptured. r.fj BOERS JiODD (WATER WORKS. BUSHMAN'S KOP, April. 3 The Boers are still occupying ; the water works, which the British shelled yes terday, the Boers replying. MORE HELP FOR THE BOERS. . ' LORENZO MARQUEZ, April 3. A .German steamer has arrived with 267 passengers, mostly recruits for the ARRESTED FOR HIGH TREASON. BOER CAMP, tSmalldei, March 30, (Delayed in Transmission.) Gen. Jan Prinsloo, former Free State" command ant, has been arrested "on charge of high treason. He is supposed ;to have given aid and comfort to the enemy. HOLDING. THEIR OWN. The latest news from Brandfort is to the effect that the 'Federal troops are more than holding their own. They have had only nine casualties. , CENSOR GETS IN HIS WORK. LONDON, April 3. Press messages from the seat of war today are greatly curtailed and mutilated, indicating de velopments at the front. Bv Telegraph to the News. AGUINALDO IN SINGAPORE. Will Return to Luzon to Com mand Insurgents. By Telegraph to the News. SAN .FRANCISCO, April 3. Agui naldo, the fleeing chief of the Filipino insurgents, is reported to be in Singa pore, India. The papers there publish interviews with him, in which he declares he is going back to Manila to assume com mand of the insurgent forces. - CONSIDERING PORTO RICO BILL By Telegraph to the News. ; WASHINGTON, April 3 The Sen ate today resumed consideration of the Porto Rico tariff 'bill.- Senator 'Mason, of Illinois, spoke in opposition, to the bill. United States Judge Goff has dis solved the injunction preventing the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad building a bridge over the Ohio river at Bellaire, Ohio. FINE KANSAS WHEAT CROP. By Telegraph to the News. TOPEKA, Kansas, April 3. All re ports from the Kansas wheat belt show that the crop is in fine condition. WILL GO TO MANILA. Dr. Felts writes Dr. F. M. Winches ter that he has received his commission as contract surgeon, dating from April 20th. He has been ordered t 'an Fran cisco and from there will gc :d Manila. Taylor Will Resist Any Attempt to Seize Executive Offices. By Telegraph to the News. FRANKFORT, Ky.; April 3 Antic ipating an attempt to seize the State buildings in the event of the affirmation of Judge Fields' decision by the Court of Appeals, the Republicans today re moved the Gatling gun from the House yard to the executive building,, where it might be used with effect from win dows. This movement is taken to in dicate that the. Republicans do not in tend to evacuate if the Court of Ap peals decides against Taylor. Taylor is expected to come back to the capital soon. A large quantity of provisions arriv ed today by boat from Cincinnati. They were taken to the arsenal. The Re publicans are either preparing for a seige of State House square or else er pect moresdldiers. - ' . It is generally understood that, should the Court of Appeals decide in favor of Beckham, he will immediately demand possession of the executive of fices, backing -up his - demand with force. JUSTICE AT LINCOLNTON. a Strong Speech on the Constitutional Amendment Special Telegram to the News. LINCOLNTON, N. C, April 3. Hon. M. H. Justice, of Rutherfordton, made a rousing speech here in . the court house today at 1:30 o'clock to a large audience on the constitutional amend-x ment. He said: - "I don't know how much 'interest you all have in this cam-" paign, but I suppose we all shave about the same interest at heart. To my. mind it is one of the most important issues thathas ever come before the people of North Carolina. There is one coun ty in this State where they have had a negro register of deeds since 1858, and you know we don '4 want anything oi that kind. "Gentlemen, wihite supremacy is what the constitutional amendment mean, nothing, more or less. There is not a single white man living today that will be disfranchised under the constitutional afo'endnient,; whether he can read and write or not, unless he is guilty of crime, v1- v ;5 ; "Remember this, gentlemen. ; The white people of this State have learne'd to vote from the cradle uj). !-have got no unkind feelings for the negro, but I had rather, hand him a' dollar as long as, I have one than to see- him go to the polls -and vote. (Cheers.) . "We don't want negro denitnation in the good old State 6f Nerth Carolina. No. we will not have it." , W. .H. R. GANAL COMMISSION RETURNS Wilt Not Report to Congress Be- r iA-;f; j. . NEW YORK, April 3 Panama Ca nal Commissioners Walker, Pasco, Er nest and Johnson arrived " f by the steamer "Alleghan'y today. Mr. Walker said they'ihad completed the work of investigating the possibil ities of the Panama and Nicaragua Canal routes. They wTill irepcrt-to Con gress next December. TO SUCCEED ROBERTS. Democrat Elected in Utah by Two Thousand flajority, By Telegraph to the News. SALT LAKE. Utah, April 3. Ex- Judge William King was elected Rep resentative o Congress yestei'day over James T. Hammond, Republican, by probably two thousand majority. King is a Mormon, but is not a po ly gamist. DR. WORTH ILL. Mrs. C. C. Mc-Alis'tef returned to Asheooro this .im'Cfrml'ng. She intende!1. going to iStatesviHe to visit her father, Mr. J. B. Bur well, but the continued illness of Dr. "Worth, grandfather of Mr. Mc Alisier, called her (back ,to Asho cyoro. . '' SEVERSVIDLE WEDDING BELLS. The hills of Seversville will echo with the peal of wedding bells to morrow night. Four souls with but a single tilinujghii;; four hearts .'"th:a:t will beat as 'cui will , (promise to love. to c nor and cherish. The names: Mt; John 'Stone .and Miss Essie .Allison, an-d. Mr. Ro'bert; Smith, and Miss Clenxmie WILL REMAIN HERE. - , Dr. Charles Banner, of Mt Aiiy, ha; decided to locate here, and today rent ed an office over Fitzsirnon &. Co.'-s drug store. He is an ey?, ear and "threat specialist. Charlotte is glid to wpI- come him "and his charming wife as citizens. MR. PEG R AM ANCHORED. , Mr. M. P. Pegratm, Jr., has secured a position with the aCrolina Clothing Company. He began work this mora ing. Mr. Pegra.m's health would not permiit him to con;tinue on the ro:ad. HAND LACERATED. Mr. Joseph Ford, who works at the Carolina 'Manufacturing Company, was painfully, hurt, yesterday, afternoon, just 'before the shop shut down. He got his hand badly cut on a circular saw. His thumb will have to be ampu tated. " . N - $1,000 IN PRIZES. The 20th of May Committee Yes. terday.Voted the Appropria tlon to the Firemen. INTER - STATE TOURNAMENT. Col. Armf ield Asfred to Arrange a Military Day During 20th Week fir. C. H. Campbell Chief Di- u rector of the Celebratijn Reel CTeam Courses. f'J.Tae 20thr of May is on a regular Charlotte -boom. Each day adds to the impetus of the move and by the 20th the accumulation of impetus will re sult in such an explosion of enthusiasm as has never been known here before not even on the memorable Centennial occasion in 1875. The Cham ber of A Commerce's 20th ' of May committee met yesterday aftsrnuon at 5 o'clock with President WUtkowsky at the Chamber, and for an hour or mere celebration talk en gaged the tongues and attention .j ot those present. The committee on so liciting funds for the celebration re ported not only gratifying results, but inspiring results. -The people have re- Fsponded more than . liberally. A com mittee from the Elks met with the 20th jif ;tMay committee and discussed, "the Elks carnival the Midway Plaisance. The lElks will have the carnival, if, the town i has the celebration, and both are now assured. Of course there could be no 20t)h of May without a firemen's tournament. That point was definitely settled by the decision to have an inter state firemen's tournament, $1,000 be ing voted for prizes in the different races. , The" fire companies of the Caro- linasYYirg'inia'&hci' Meorgia will be du ly noticed and as&ed to participate. One of rtho. daysf- of the week for there is. to ,. be a xweek of the celebra tion will, be ; devoted to the military. To this end, correspondence is now go ing on AvitJi Col. Jv F. Armfteld. r It is. the desire of the committee, to Siave the Second North Carolina Regiment : and troops from adjoining States. This will be left in the capable hands of CoL Armfield. Air. C. H. Campbell ;was: chosen chief director of the celebra tion, and will be the active and official head. (Mr. George Stephens will act as secretary, and Mr. J. (M. Scott as treas-: urer of iilie celebration funds. REEL .TEAM: The call in yesterday's News for a meeting of the Charlotte Reel Team, brought the men out to a member last night. The team was notified of .the appropriation, by the p Chamber of. Commerce committee, Of , $1,000 or for prizes for a firemen's; "tournament, which met with the appreval ?)&ff t!he team, and inspired, tlieni t iinmiate action in regard to ; the celelftration. The team at once, reorganized qf Of the season, Mr. Charles M. Creswell Taeing elected tesident .and genetralTnanager. He wjllave power. 'to select the cap tain oijiifi Hamalso the racing mem bers: :"';Werjteamie$d: a meeting this morning atv10,:S0. at the city hall. THE COURSES 'DECIDED. . After the meeting at the city hall, the team adjourned to the open to de cide on the course for the races. 'Mr. C M. Creswell, Chief of Police Orr, Chief of the Fire Department Glenn, and Messrs. C. M. Davidson and B. J. Swinson. went over the possible cours -es,V and after some discussion and de? liberation decided on the following: For; the hand reel traces, iDoth grab and (iistance, start on Tryon, in front of Stone & Bar ringer's, and run down South Tiyon to plug, which will be lo cated between the Y. IM. C. A. and tho Piedmont Insurance building; length of course, 100 yards. For hock and ladder and horse hose wagon contests, start from Seventth street and finish in front of the city hall. : - OFFICERS OF TEAM. President Creswell today appointed the officers of the team as follows: Captain, .'C. M. Davidson; foreman, W. S. Orr; assistant ( foreman, W. S. Charles; secretary," B. J. Swlnson; treasurer, W. S. Orr. ' FIREMEN'S POSTALS. Postal cards reading as follows wrill be scattered broadcast o'er the land:. .'.u . . . , r-i A hot dav for . nremen at unar- loftte May 23rd. ' $1,000 blown in in ope day. Firemen's Interstate Day.1 Prize list: Hand-hose reel race, first! prize, $200; second prize, $75. - Grab) race, first prize, $150? second prize,; $75 Horse hook and ladder, firsti jprize, $175; second prize, $75. Horsej ihc'se. agon, first prize, $175; second! prize, 375. Everybody will be nereis Write-for particulars. Adrress C. H.J Camnbell. Chief Director, care! j Chamber of Commerce, Charlotte, N.VC. .Low rates on railroads as sured. DEATH OF llRS. IIAWLET. Mrs. S. E. Hawley, mother of Or. F . O. Hawley, of this city, die-d yesterday morninfg :in Polkton, and1 was buried this af ternoon int Fayetteville Dr. Hav Ipv was with her when she passed away. He was the -i--P Mrs. liawiey was au years aid. uie -,. in perfect 'health up to a short time ago, when she had a stroke of paraly sis. - ' . - SOCIAl . Juvenile Birthday Parties Other ?y Dots. ; ' . : MMiss Bessie Wheeler was as happy as a little girl could be . yesterday, in en tertaining on the occasion of her birth day,50 of her young friends. The yard and house were filled with pretty little white dresses,, set or! wath bright rib bons and faces, and the music of child ish laughter floated out upon the even ing, air. Games of all kinds interested the crowd for a couple of hours, when Mrs. WSieeler sounded the Chinese gongs, the signal for .retreat to the dining room. The table was beautiful ly and elaborately decorated, and was ladened with good things. Miss Wheel er received a number of presents. , j- ,, M'iss Marie Lentz celebrated her fifiii (birthday yes tsrd'ay by giving a juven ile "at heme" which was an mll-imiport-an-i and pretty event to many of the 5 year old set. The little -..hostess 'received in the parlor assisted by Isla Louise MrciCauslan'di. Both wore pink silk, as dM Katherine Cobb and Mary M;cCaus land, who met the guests- at the door. Games suitai'ole for the coeasicn " were en'joyed and then the happy throng was asked .to the dining room where refreshments awaited them. - At one e,nd of the table were the ibirthdav catodles. The centre piece was a vase of pink carnations. The souven'irs were Easter rabbits tied with pink ribbon. -....- "The Just for Fun'" club meets Thurs day with Mrs. C M. Davidson. Club members are asked to consider this sufficient notice, as none other will' te sent. . - - - - '- Messrs. J. H. Craighill and Walter Scott are to give an ice cream party this week probably, to the First church ciheir. . " f ThefChafing Dish Club will meet with -Miss jRaye Gr'iffth Thursday, afternoon at 4 4'clock. 1 t . . . The Sans Souci will find itself the happy guest of Miss Anira-'i Itiocke Hutchison Friday night ". --:-. v--s---' ' Looking at plans? '.''-:- i . '. -;'";v;x' " Presbyter i an College; Committee p t n Session To-Day Thei .executive ccinniiitee of the Pres-byter-n College,, meit las t might at the First haurch preparatory to a joint ses sion tOiay with the comimittee on plans for th4 new college building- The ex ecutive; committee consists ' of: Rev. Brs. Hcwerton and Slagg; Dr. John R. Irwin; Caat. .A. G. Brenizer, W. S. Alexander, and. Dr. Frank Raibfn son of Lcwell. Drs. J. B. Shearer, of David son College, is a member ex-officio; of the committee. Dr. Rdbirison retu:rhcd home JthCs morning, and dd net meet "-with'the pl:ani3'-cti'mmitcee.''T:he latter, Hrhieii osists' 4f, ;Dr,. J. R. Irwin, and Messrs-P. " S J Gltohrjst, W7f,ST ' Alexan der and Win,. 'Anderson, met ibis ,'aiorn ihg at 10: 30 in thesSewmd Presbyterian chur ch, the executiv e j , c om mi tte e also being present. Plans for the new' build ing were submitted .by,-the fbjlowhig named 'architedts: iHayden, Wheeler & Schwend; Hook & Sawyer, and ;f FY1 P. Milburn, of Charlotte; Pearson &'i4'h-1?, cf Raleigh; WilsoJn & Edwards, Colum bia, :S. C, and W. P. Tinsley, BTistt)T, Tenn. Hay den, Wheeler & Sctiwend'b plams were the first su'bmuited. The committee gave them all the audience they desired and. then took up Mr. Tin sley's. plant. The cither plans were to be submitted; in order ithi3vtaftern;bon; the committee hoping to have seen them all and heard their, respective merits iby night. It will foe several days before & plan will he .decided on. The committee has an .importaht matter be fore it, and wdll exhibit the Presbyterl' an trait being slow and sure. SWITCHED ON TO THE WRONG TRACK. Quite a serious acelden-t occurred n the freight jard of the Southern road yesterday morning at an early hour. A shiSting engrhe was moving sctme cars, preparatory to making up a train, whien -through the mistake of some one. tshe engine and cars switched cn one of the short tracks and before the engin eer realized it, two of the cars were in Second street and the rear car had smashed into the side of the compress building, on the opposite side of Sec end street. A large hole, the size of a bale of cotton was Xfoe extent of the diamage to the compress fonj.ilding While two cr three cars were. bacUy broken up. Z - . ' '. V :' HOME MISSION COMMITTEE., The home, mission committee of Mecklenburg . Presbytery met this morning at the First church. These present were: Rev. Messrs. Thomp son, Newell,, Dixon, Miller, Little, How erton, Allison; Elders Hahha, Anr drews and Crowell. The only, business transacted besides that of a routine na ture was the appointing of a sub-committee to prepare reports for Presby tery. This committee consists of: Pev. Messrs. Thompson, Howerton, Allison: and Elders D. W. Oates " and Hanna. This committee will meet Monday in Gastonia. " RAILROAD. Mr. George' Butler, of - Gainesville, Ga., has succeded Mr. Webb,' (resigned) , pt the Southern's round Birmingham, where -he uacj baen at work. He is a fine machinest' and 'a clever gentleman. - - , ODD FELLOWSHIP.! April 26th the Eighty-First An niversary of the Establish -; ment of the Order. 1 THE PROCLAMATION ISSUED. Grand Sire Pinkerton Calls Upon all Odd Fellows to Celebrate the Occasion in Proper Planner. Charlotte Lodges Will Obey the Proclamation. -1' . The Odd Fellows of the city are con sidering the question of celebrating'tiie' 81st anniversary of the order in Amer ica, on, April 26th. A joint committee from Mecklenburg Lodge, No. 9, Charlotte Lodge, No. 88, Catawba River Encampment, No. 21, and. ihe Charlotte Rebekahs have the plans in hand and from present indica tions the 26th will be a red letter day for Odd Fellowship in the city. -Charlotte Lodge, No. 88, met last night to receive the report of the com mittee appointed to confer with the Ca tawba River Encampment committee and 'Mecklenburg Declaration Lodge, No. 9, committee, in reference to the anniversary celebration. The commit tee reports to .Mecklenburg .Lodge to night. ; They formulate the plans. A part of- the celebration ithe banquet especially Vwill be put in the hands of the Daughters of Rebekah. The celebra tion is . at certainty, but the plans are not yet matured. The anniversary pro clamation issued by the grand sire is as follows: PROCLAMATION. To the "Officers and Members of Grand and Subordnate Bodies of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, and to all Whom it May Concern: In accordance with time-honored custom, and in obedience to the resplu tiotViOf the Sovereign Grand Lodge, I, Alfred S. Pinkerton, Grand "Sire, by virtue of the authority vested';iH ine. do hereby enjojn upon all grand, and subordinate bodies ainder the jurisdic tion of the order, to take appropriate action for the clue commemoration of the twenty-sixth day of 'April, 1900, it being the eighty-first anniversary of out order.' by suitable exercises in ob servance of the day and by public thanksgiving to Almighty God for 'His manifold mercies to us as individuals and as an order, - 0one at the" city of 'Worcester, Mass.. Fefo. 19, 1900. - , : ALFRED S.' PINKERTON, : . Grand Sire. J. FRANK GRANT, v Grand Secretary. i Grand Master John A. Stevens has is sued in accordance with the above ' a isub-proclamation enjoining upon all subordinate lodges in the estate of North Carolina to take appropriate ac tion for the due observance and com memoration of the day set apari; tby the Grand Sire April IGth.' . -V: . , ." . NOTICE. ' :T n. . , .All members of Charlotte Rebekah Ijodge are asked to meet in tihe' Odd fellow's Hall Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clcick. Important business about the anniversary celebration will be dis cussed. " LADY USHERS. . The Chronoithanaitoletro'n is coming on nicely. The ladies who have charge of the entertainment are to' introduce a novelty in the Way of having ladyt ushers, The following -named charming young women have consented to act as such: Misses Sadie oYung, Grace King, Midge -"".MoAden, Elizabeith Clarkson, Ada Heh, Hope S.pencer, Nan Dowd, anidf iAsnil Locke Hutchison. Seats' are cn sale at Jordan's. Admission 50 ceats for grown people; children under 13 years, ao cents, a real - live jgyptian mummy is: 6 be one of the attractions; also two queens and antiquites dating from the' time cf Abraham,. The chil dren's part will strike your "fan-cy." DR, FAIR WILL PREACH THE SER 1MON. The people of Charlotte have always kept a warm spat in their hearts for Rev. Dr. J. Y. Fair, and are glad at any time to; hear of his coming to Charlotte, either to visit or preach. Rev. J. R "Bridges, president of the Presbyterian College, is to give them the pleasure of hearing'Dr. Fair again in Mayy having' secured !him to pTeafth the baccalaureate sermon before-tftes graduating class of the college, SthdaS" May' 27th. The church will ; be an nounced later. BURIED HERll Mr; W. A: (Democrest, friend of Mi Arthur E. Rice,, who died Sunday on the vestibule, arrived last night. ; He decided to have the body buried here. The uneral took place this afternoon at 3 o'clock, the in'ermenc being in Elmwood. No services were held. Mr. Rice ihad at one time been in good cir cumstances, but- had run through his property, in England, and was at the time of his death, a book-keeper in New York. His wife lived in England. Their married liffe had not been happy. A lonely, friendless man. has found a resting place in a strange i and, but in friendly soil. REALTY. Th. T?Aal Estate Loan & Trust Com- f I a- - yesterday sold the Moncure place, ccvc- of Tenth and Church streets, to Mr. Ju ' Leisel. Consideration $1,750. corv commissioners. Registrars and Judges of Election List-Takers Appointed To Day. 'The county commissionerc? rw, their session this morning. Just before adjourning yesterdav afieriwwvn. thw appointed' the following named rezis tra& atod judges of election, for the municipal elections in, the towns of Matthews, Huntersville ahd Pineville Matthews Registrar, T. J. Iten frow; judges, F. Y- Howie, W. F. Stevens, J. M. Barneitt, and E. J. Fun derburg. Hnntersville Resistrar. J t. rWnnf judges, N. C. Frazier, J. S. Sossaman. K02s 'Steele, Jr., and J. B. Nichol son. -Pineville Registrar. T . J . ftmi i r, - judges, R. M. Erwin, J. H. Spenicer, E. jv. xvussen ana t. u. Hoover, j, Davidson is allowed' to appoint its own registrars; and . judgs-s Cy s;pecia 1 act .of the Legislature. LIST TAKERS. -The heard this1, morning appointed the following list takers tor the cou'a ty: .. : Charlotte: H. C. Severs, R. A. Toi ranee, J. B. Powell. Berry hill: A; H. McCombs. Paw Creek: J. M. Grice. -utog 'Greek: J. M. B . Alexander. , kemley: If. C. iHulbbard. Huntersville: -D. W. Mnyes. Devese: W. P. Sloan. Mallard' Creek: W..D. Alexander. Cra b Ordh ar d : D . C. M o ere. Clear Creek: CP. Mungo. iMorning Star: (S. B. Smith. Providence: :David Dciwns. Sharon: J. C. Reid. Pineville: J. C. Harris. " Steel Creek: Thomais W. Neely The list takers 'begin their work June 1st. A FATAL SPORT. Rev Mr Williamson's Son Killed by a Playmate While Target Shooting. The News noted week 'before last. a report to the effect that a son of Rev. J. L. Williamson', formerly pastor at Sugar Creek, now of. Newberry, S. C, ihad .been accidentally shot and ' mortally wounded.:-, A letter today from Mr. Williamson to Dr. E. Nye Hutchison vgives the. sad particulars, also the 'following, clipping from the Newberry; .;(;3. paper: , , ". .'.'Tenc'h Boozer,- aged thirteen, years,' son of Thios. Q. .Boozer. Leumas Dun bar, aged ten, son of James Dun'bar, and sHope Williamson,- aged 'twelve, son of -Rev. R. L. Wiiliianrscn, pastor of the Presbyterian church, were hunting rob ins Monday after'neon; all wMih one gun a parlor rifle. After hunting tor a time they began target shooting, and Avhen the fatal accident, occurred they' were engaged in shooting at a tar get in the form of a 3 tick wCiicih they had set up in the ' meadow.. When it came LeumaiS Dfrnbar's time, to shoot' at the target, lif loaded the , rifle and pulled back the tehxmer at !!.ts full Tpo siticn, as lie thbh'ght',' and was get'tinS ready to take aim. -At 'this pointt (he let go the hammer, the guh'Was d iiiriharged and the 'ball struck Hope Williamson just above the left eyer'causing a'frac ture of the skull, andpenetrating fthe brain. The rifle carries a 22 cali!bre cartridge. The companions of the un tunate boy were horror-stricken, and ran in all ha-site to Mr. Du'nbar's. Mr. Dunbar sumimcned physicians and went ait once to the scene. The grief-stricken parents (also reached the spot soon af terwards, and the little fellow was conveyed to the Presbyterian manse in Calhoun- street. The attending physi cians, Dr. J. K. Bilder and Dr. O. B. Mayer, could render n'o medical assistance,-for Ch wound was a mortal one. The accident occurred about half-past five o'clock, and the little fellow breath ed' out his ife at a auarteii pa-t seven. The deepest .sympathy is expressed for the grief-strficken members of the family circle. This feeling was mani fested Tuesday afternoon in the very large concourse of their friends and acquaintances wlhich was present at the funeral service." ; ) . .-: : . ; ": i soW. H. VAN NESS PRESIDENT. " T.he election in the Elk Club last night, as foreshadowed in yesterday's News, resulted in Mr. W. H. Van Ness being elected president. Other officers were: J. P." Wilson, vice-president; B, S. Davis,- secretary and treasurer. M. M.' Murphy, fM. A. Lyon, P. H. MoMa lon, Charles F. Wadsworth, W H. Van Ness, W. J. Chambers, B. S. Davis, J. P. ; Wilson and J. Leak Spencer, bcarjdof governors. Mr. M. A. Lyon wasnfciief president of the club up to last night. HLs speech on retirng and on, greeting his successor was a gem. It will pe preserved in the corner stone archievW. - -- ' L WILL LIVE IN DENVER. Mr. J. M. Allison and bride are vis iting at Mr. W. H. Torrence's. They arrived last night from Statesville. Mr. Allison is- a brother of Mr3. Torrence. He was adjutant of the Second Battal ion First North . Carolina . Regiment,, in the Spanish -American war. He mar ried some weeks ago. Miss' Zylphia. Force, cif Selma, Ala. He and his wife after a few days ihere. leave for Denver, CoL, where they will make their home in future. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ' Mr. J. 'M. Marry is in Raleigh at etnding the funeral directors associa tion, ofwhich he is a member. A pro fessional emhalmer from Chicago is present and will give exhibitions for. several days, of his work. at. '4 A