v.-v, ... A .? - .. ... '. 1 v . , . y V . . . ... ..- .. . - . . t. . - - . v. ... ' ..'.. . - ,1 . . . - - - ' - ; .. . - - : . . , - v ' ' f , M , . - -'' ' 1 - - . . , ..... .... . - - - " : . . ' . . ! - VOL. XXIII. caunny.c,; GHAKLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL, 4, 1900. NO. 3681 I ; r : . .. r ' SCHREINER MOBBED. Dutch Premier of ' Cape Colony the Victim of a Gang of Loyalists. AN ANNEXATION MEETING. He Makes a Speech to the Crowd Telling: Them He is Loyal and Leads in the Singing of the British National ' Anthem In Cape Town; By Telegraph W . the NeWs. -CAPE TOWN, April 4. A great and enthusiastic meeting of English resi dents was held today at which resolu tions -were adopted . reaffirming the opinion of the loyalists that the annex ation of 4he Boer republics is the only solution of the South African troubles. After the meeting the crowd met Schreiner, the Dutch premier of Cape Colony, returning from lunch and mobbed him. Schreider took refuge in the Parliament House. The police pro tected him. A number of arrests were made. Protected. by the police, after ward Sdhreiner addressed the crowd. He protested at what he called ithe un just attack. He told ithe. people they had not been informed as to the actual facts. He declared the results would show him as loyal as anybody in the crowd, perhaps more so. He advised the singing of the national anthem, joining in the song (himself. BACK AT BtiOEMFONTEIN. BLOBMB10NTEIN, April 4 Col ville's infantry and a division of French's cavalry have returned here. DEWEY A DEMOCRAT. Said He Prefered to Go to a Dem ocratic Club. .... ! .-. By Telegraph to the 'NeWs.':; NEJW YORK, April 4.-Tuie Journal this afternoon says: . "Recently' Ad mi r ai Dewey visited a welt knawn. busi ness man in New York. Later in the day his host proppsed going to a club. He said, "l am a member of two, one Democratic, the other non-partisan. Which do you prefer?" , Dewey replied: "As I am a Democrat, we' might as well go to the club, wiliich I is Deniocratc." Accordingly tihey took lunch at the 'Manhattan Club. ; DEWEY 'OONiFIUMS- THE REPORTS. ' (WASHINGTON, April Admiral --iJewey said this morning the -would ac cept the nomination for President if offered him. V DEWEY IS WILLING, lard and cottolene, 8 l-2c; metll 55c. today prints a signed interview with Admiral Dewey, in which he sajs he is willing to run f or President if ithe peo ple w'ltla it. - He sayis: "It is the highest ihonor in the gift. of the nation. If the people want me, 1 shall be only too willing to serve.". . . : - - rr : : CONVENTION HALt BURNING. Kansas City's Famous Auditor ium Afire By Telegraph to the "News. KANSAS CITY, Mo., April .4. The famous convention hal lis burning. An , alarm of fire was turned in a short time ago and the fire department re sponded promptly,; In spite of their ef forts the flames are spreading. This is the largest regular auditor ium in the United States, and in it the Democratic national convention was to be held the. fourth of next July. , To what extent the building Is dam aged cannot yet be determined. MAY COME TOGETHER. Differences in Cotton Prices for Summer and Winter Months May Disappear. By Telegraph to the News. NESW YORK, April 4. There ap pears to be a feeling on the cotton ex change that the summer and winter months will come together very soon, thus wiping out the wide differences that have existed for some time. Every day of , good weather in the cotton belt is said. to intensify this be lief. ' ' TURKEY TO. CAUSE A LAW SUIT. Mr. E. TV Hone$-cutt, of Stanly, was ;nere yesterday to consult. m lawyer in regard to a case involving the Sabbath day and a turkey. The two not infre quently go together, but this time not in the usual association. A wild. tur key Hew . up in a tree on Mr. Honey cutt's place. He got his gun and killed the bird. Shortly after, Mr. Jonathan Trees, Who lives five miles from his place, called and claimed the bird. Mr. Honeyeutt disputed the claim then, and will do so further in the courts. He brought the turkey to town yesterday and sold it to Mr. John Lillycrop. It weighed 21 1-2 pounds. . . Mr. Trees claims $8 damages. - Dr. Hawley reiturns . toniight from Paye'tfteyi'lle -wax-are he went to oBtead Ihllsi miciSher's funeraL. fWilliam T-OTi Bhiladelphia yarn merchant, is in the city. QUEEN'S RECEPTION CORDIAL Immense Crovds Lined Streets of Dublin the By Telegiaph to The Ne ws. - DUBLIN, April 4. The .Queen land ed at 11:25 o'clock this morning. Vast crowds lined the streets, all trying to get a glimpse of the sovereign.' The Queen received a hearty welcome. "After responding to the address Her Majesty was driven to the Vice-Regal Lodge. The greeting along the entire route was 'very enthusiastic. FWANTS TO SNUB THE QUEEN. DUBLIN, April 4.r-William Butler Yeats, fihe poet and dramatist, writes the Irish Nationalist papers, urging Irish Nationalists not io take part in the Queen's welcome. UNION JACK ON REDMOND'S OdORl DUBLIN, April 4. Some' time r last night a -Union Jack Avas painted- on William Redmond's door. Redmond resigned from the Dublin Corporation because of the adoption of the loyal address to the Qiieen. PENOING BILLS. Probable Fate of Porto Rico and Sbio Sudsidy Bills By Telegraph to the News. WASHINGTON, April 4. Thq out look for adoption of the Senate combin ed , tariff -and civil government Porto Rico bill, by tihe House is uncertain at the present writing. Still the party managers express confidence that they Tan carry out the Republican policy and pass the bill as passed by the Sen ate. GROSVENOR F OR REPEAL. Chairman Grcsvenor, -of the House ways and means committee, favors the proposition to repeal certain features of the war revenue laws. WANTS EARLY ADJOURNMENT. After a conference, Senator Allison 1 is busying himself finding out how soon the present session of Congress can be brought to a close. The Presi dent 'has urged an adjournment the 1st of June. . . SUBSIDY BILL WILL GO OVER. The situation of the ship suibsidy 'Olil is as follows: It .may, pass the Senate in April. It will probably not come up for consideration, in the House at the present ' session.- Congress will un doubtedly adjourn as soon as the rou tine bills and apprcpriatic-ns are dis posed of. t i : ; ' TAXES TO CONTINUE! Proposal to Reduce Might Pre vent Early Adjournment. By Telegraph to the News. WASHINGTON, April 4.-M embers pf the Senate committee sayv there : is Vj.pt much prpbability:of a.riy .action be ing takesn at ? the - present, session" tdok- mg to a reduction of taxation, hot' "be cause this sh ould not be done, but: be- causeait' would raise an Interminable debate and prevent an early adjourn ment. Vhich it is proposed to effect if possible. RUN NIGHT AND DAY. Chicago Hachinists and Employ. ers on Best of Terms. By Telegraph to the News. CHICAGO, April 4. Since the call ing off of the machinists' strike, manu- iaciurers nave Kept many plants run ning day-and night, in an effort to catch up with orders. Business was never better in this line. Work was resumed the first of the week. The workmen with bands have been serenading the officials of the dif ferent works. BURIAL OF RICHMOND- PEARSON, . JR. - The funeral party accompanying the remains of the late Richmond Pearson, Jp-v came down from Washington on the Southern ' vestibule this morning, and took the Western North Carolina, train for Asfheville, where the funeral took place this afternoon. The deceas ed was about fifteen years old, a son of CongressnJan Richmond Pearson, and grandson of the famous chief ;hjstice of the same name. He was taken sick with scarlet fever, and this ,was follow ed- by endocarditis. He was taken from Asheville to Washington last week, but spite of the care of physicians and family, died Monday afternoon. . RUNS TWENTY BANKS. A party of , Georgia capitalists com-' posed of Messrs. H. " L. WdthaniU c of Hartwell; ;W. S. Wilham and A. Rieh ardscn, of Atlantat, and H. H. TIfton, of Tifton, is tat the (Buford. -Mr. Witham probably owns more banks than any other man in the country. lie some twenty of them scattered through Georgia, ' ' - " . - . . . WILL AiSK HIS PRESBYTEPV. ; Rev. J. K. Tlh'cm'pston, sxm tot Rev. G. T. Th'omp'som, of Sharon, who twas 03;lled' 'reoesitly to tine Presbyterian churdh of Conciaxidv has returned to Texas, wfhe're ;hfe alreiMy rhas ia ohiarge, to lay the maifcter before his Pressbytery. He Willi accent the call to iCou'Cord; if tihe Presbytery "dn Tesas w.ill release him. . : PARTED COMPANY. Hagler & Yandle, who "have been op erating a store on (the Derita' road, at the forks of the road, have dissolved Mr. Hagler selling out to Mr. Yandle. t . i t v- i : i SHOT AT THE PRINCE. Attempt to Assassinate the Heir 4o the Throne of England. : v OCCURRED IN BRUSSELS. Prince and Princess of Wales Were En Route to Copenhagen to Fake Part in the. Celebration of king Christian's Birthday Neither Shot Took Effect By Telegraph to the News. BRUSSELL, Belgium, April 4. The Phce; cf Wales was shot at while leaving' the railroad station here this morning. He was not hurt. It is supposed the attempt on. the Prince's life was the result of the anti British feeling prevalent on the conti nent, owing to the Boer war. Two shots were fired at him, neither of which took effect. , The Prince and. Princess of Wales started today for Copenhagen to attend the celebration of King Christian's birthday. The shots were fired by a man as the train was leaving the Northern station for the Southern Railroad station. The would-be assassin has not yet besr. captured. 1 . " " PIONEER LUMBER MAN. Mr. P. A. Ford Built;' First Saw Mill 25 Yeat s Ago. MrVP. A, .,.Fci''J', of Alma, was in the city today. Mr. Ford iis the pioneer lum- 9r nraa .'if ttils e?tiicnj of N6Fta Car G'li.nu, as well astiiie builder of the first railic:3!d! isf the. coun'l'ry 'iStb-oirt Maxton: Twcincy-five; years: ago (Mr. Fcad and Mr J . B . W il kinis'o ni, f oomerly propraetor of Ulevt and Spiiings,. pet up a sw nnill at-Alac'.a, two n?il&3vfrc?m Maxton, an! builic .a railrcad ivcaa- the saw mill to 'Jae Setahc-ard's niiaiin! line, for the ptirpose c gettiinig fche. lumber to mar ka:. "Since ithe essiblishme-nf of that .first saw miDl, the luniiber business d;own tfc;e 'S'satocaard: has pifoven to., be, almc::t; 'ths ?shi,6f inidU'Stry. The woo d p::ne this 'hacdleii -is the lang .leaf cn,Iy-f or builciiig ..puarpc ses Mr. Ford is at -'pcciteiiit-'getjliEtg ot'lum'ber for one of tCae new fadifories. lac Gasitonia., iand torctthier ib;f Mr. F-ciiW. .fcreman of zae CccCua'a": Miaaaifaietiitrin's .Ccmpainy JL M'R.. WILLIAMS AFTER CON NELLY'S. ; M: Henry Willifa'ms, of ithe Leland, we pit to ia Saury lat nijght, to make hC.s" arriabgeienits for taking- c;h:arge' of ;iih3 iholicil Connelly Springs." . again jtlai?. siammer. MrflWHJ)a3i3r, has Wfe. the !h;-;!t;el m:cst saiciessf v,lly. "for ."ireveTal s-'c'sscm?. He .thought, -whs h he left Jast xt.'gttt Ctnt .t;hre wouHd :be inoihing - to prevefeit -Ms a-gain- lassmming eharge' of tihe hsatel. SOCIAL. Misses MargurKie . and Blandiina Springs, axe to have a masque rade par ty "Easter Moaday might at their ihome in; DolwcTit!h. The cardis1 will be issued Friday. The affair will be anteres'tins siatd h'aTidome. 1 ? ... .- .-. -rv- April gave the town --a sccirm party liast might 'wMich' wais a thnndeWng and brulliant affair. The' uio'urs were from 9:30 So 12. : CHURCH ENTERTAINMENT. The Ycm ng People's Union of the Second A. R. P; cihuiribh 'will have an eHite.Ttainmen(t: tomorrow might i!n the Sunday sdhool room. Adimiission -;!0 cenits.. , ' -: ' - : - V " ' The birthday party gW8x& by the land's of tfhe First A. R. P. 'churdh last night at Mr. J. H. Ross' - was suoeesisful Quite a neat Llttfe sum was railsed. OUT OF DANGER. " Mr.-E. B. Dickson, of Brooklyn, has returned to the city. As will be re membered, he was called (home on ac count of the critical Illness of his wife, sister of Mrs. -R. M. Gates, of this city. Mrs. Dickson is now out of dan ger. REALTY. , -Mr. Vinton Liddeli yesterday bought twoivlotsnear Elizabeth College, one fromAMn J. T. Jeffreys, through Abbott Stephens; the other from the South ern Rial Estate Loan & Trust Com pany. 1 ' '" MISS WILLIAMS DEAD. Mr. R. O. Colt received a telegram this afternoon announcing theleath or. Miss ,Ida 'Williams, at her homei in Gapj Charlesy Va. gJDeceased .was a si-; ter Ofi?.irs; t?0lt ana - wwif vu and greatly loved throughout Eastern Virginia. - : . v. CHURCH. 7 . v Th e pr-atVcT-meetiing tonigihit, 'of iboth the First 'amid Seconid Piresbyteirian chuirciheis', widl iba iu a measure prepar atory services to oomnmntonrwlh.i'dh. will ibe oituservetd'by boith congrpeigatons Sun fd&y mio.rnsi'nig'. Toniigiht Dir. Howerttjn will cond.uct ithe services ait tihte Be xnid cihurcih, arid iDr- Sfcaigg the AeTvice at tibe First -cihursdht. . -The News welcomes Mr. W. X File to its advertising columns. Like all I nrmrrocctvc marxlhaiits Yit TinJI , LINCOLN CONVENTION Enthusiastic Gathering of Dem ocrats at Lincolnton This Afternoon. MAJOR GRAHAM PRESIDED. Sentiment of the Convention for Aycock for Governor, Lacy for Treasure r and Thompson for Superintendent Richmond and Warren Co. Conventions. Special Telegram to the News. LINCOLNTON, N. C, April 4. The was the county Democratic convention held here today at 1 o'clock in county court house. The Democrats all gathered in force and the meeting was very enthusiastic. Tihe convention was called to order by Mr. C. E. Chllds, and Major W. A. Graham, of 'Macpelah, was elected chairman of the convention. Fifteen delegates were elected to the State con vention 1 and fifteen to the senatorial convention. The sentiment of the convention was in favor of Aycock for Governor, B. R. Lacyi for Treasurer, and Prof. D. Matt Thompson for State Superintendent of Public -Instruction. ' The convention was one of the most harmonious that has been -held in the county for many years. - -: A' FRIEND QF- INGERSOLL'S. Mr. Henry Brown, of J. M. Harry & Co., Was asked yesterday afternoon, why fip religious services were held over the- remains of Mr: Arthur E. Rice, the Englishman who died on Ehe vesti bule Sunday, and 'Wiho was buried-here yesterday. He said that Mr. l3emorest, the friend" of Mr. Rice, wiho came to arranjge for his funeral, said that Mr. Ricewas an infidel 'that he was a friend of Ingersoll's-and that as he had never believed in religion when living; (he thought it would be more in keeping with his wishes and life, to have too pretence of a service over his remains. Mr. Demorest and iMr. Brown were ithe only persons -who followed the remains to their last resting- place. :' 20TH PROGRAMME. ' -Mrl -p . H . Campbeli;v dhfef. dlrectar of tife 2C;t!h of May eel ebratioa (has m:appeicl out the following general pird- gramlne on w-nieh he wiill work, the de tails j'io he; fi-ttted 5'ir later: " 1st y Day Exercises' . ooimmiemor-ative cZ, tfhMe'cklembuTg Declaration of In- cliriper.aeance. ; . , . - 2nd-i-Fi:r:etm'an'si Day. ,? f 3rd Elk s' iCar-nival. . - -. ; ; - 4ihr-rAt'hle'tii'Gs. . . ' : ; 5th rCoiored Pecsple's day. -ilhe5celeibraticn .' .ibigjiii!:s on ami (El&ses -S aturday, '. r UJ: " ' :"; i Tusiay oft is me First N!arth!C4felitt'RKi menit that -will be aisteesl to'urn'h the hlilitairy features of the ?5elebration lit, - ; CAN HOLD BOTH OFFICES. The. quiestioto has 'been asked if Mr. J. H. Weddington's. beinig a member of -tiie penitentiiary b03!rd would -vitiate his iholding thia roositicai as a member of the election iboiard. Thoe who' thave looked inlto the matter say that4t will ndt. The 'bus'inicS's of the hoaird will be to appoint registrars a'nd judges for the township !in the oounty; to decide all questionis pertailning to electians. DR. B AKE STRAW STUDYING BAC . TERIOIiOGY, Dr. C. (Rakestraw, w'hio 1 has foeen nortli several week, has been spending the greater piart otf thvtiime in Balti mJOir e. ; studying .wifth ' Dr. Rpzel Spokes, the -caty 'bacft'eriologist. He is giving speciM , atteriticla .. to the Ja-bonattory s'yislte'm aind workings of 'the 'health' de- parftment. wihicih is- :ideniiiie.al with that of New York. CHRIST IAN REID'S CHURCH. Rev. Father Francis went to "Salis bury tMsi mornanig to help Rev. Father sic. The Catholic church in Salisbury- is ic. The lathoLic cnurch in Salisibury Cihrlstlan Read's Church ;has recesntly purchascd a .iswo-miainual organ, wihich wtill be heard to advantage Easter Sun day. ' ' - - -. ' , MR. SIMS WILL BUILD. The old frame building on South Church street, between Fourth and Third, has been razed to the ground. It has long been used by a cobbler.'Mr R,. E. Young - A handsome residence is to Jje erected on the site for Mr.nJj- J. Sims. v ' v" .' : ' fc - " : THE ; RIVALS. ' ; - v ;i .h" f..- .n,;,. O'clock. ' ; : "&''i:r Prof essdrs Rt.- Huntectand ,Wfr;E. Abernet hy.n opposing candidates' for State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, will speak. It is hoped that a good crowd will come out to hear them. LEAVE SOON FOR THE SUMMER. Mr. and Mrs. C Gresttuam and (family and Mr.. jajed Mrs. Edswin Gr-esiham 'leave socta for Mk. Aary, ':'CkL,'.,wai'eTe th-ey will sipend tObe uimsmr. Mr. J.. P. andteTS wtill ihsave cftmrg& of Gresham's eating fhouse. . ILL WITH PNEUMONIA. 5 J . -TonDs dr critically IP -with pcu:xai-- Edward's SShe its scarcely "expected Wl 'hxiniw . ' - , , " RAVING MANIAC. A Woman From Gaston County a ' 7-: Pitiable Spectacle. On board the1 Air Line train this morning was a crazy woman, Prudence Conweatiher, of Gaston county, who was being taken to the asylum, at Ra leigh. Tfie woman was in charge of Deputy Sheriff Craig. They boarded the train at Gastonia, and Irom there to Charlotte, and no doubt all the rest of the route, the woman raved. She beat her head against the window, shrieked at the top of her . voice and cursed everybody in sight. Her every word almost was a horrible oath. Her hands were hand-cuffed, and she was tied in the seat. When the train stopped herey she attracted a crowd about the window where she was sit- head againatlthe window sill and curs- ed at-. the top of her voice, with every breath.., Every one who passed the window was tihe object of her attack.. The sight was terrible almost horri fying. The woman went crazy six months ago, and was kept first in the county home and the in the jail. She became so violent that she could , not be kept there any longer. DEATH OF MRS. KENDRICK. A Young Wife Called Away Sud- denly. Yesterday Qlrs Blanche Kenidrick, wifeof' Mr. Thiam'as W; Kendirick died yesterday at 2:30 ait King's'Mouritain, and Mr. Ken dirick pass'e'd lthrouig!h "here this unorn- ing Vitth the .renxaiitos' taking them to Conway, N. H., for burial. Mrs. Ken dTftek was taken ill last Thursday with acute ciaifcatriih iOf the sitosniach, and .grew wiorss raipidly, until ithe end. iHer death was a gifeait stock' to the 1 yomng 'bus ibiand. Mrs. Kenidrick was a d'a-ugihter of Mr. iW. S: Nash, ol Conway, N. H. She anid! Mr. Kendrlclc met while, she waS on a iisit to Nbrth CaroHwa, and were maririied last December. She, was a lovely and loveable young wwoman, and iher deaftb is .peculiarly sad:. Mr. Kemidlrick was (form'e'rly ifrom fSihoi'bH but resided here .f or several months. He is at present in the drug business in King's Mou'Eitaiin!. , CLEARED $4,000. Charlotte Dirt Valued Estate Men. by Real Six weeks .ago : 'j'.ftihe; ;Scm'Lhietfn' Real Eetaite,Lba!n antdTrust. CoLV pnrChiaisetd tiha Oalvini .property; norit'h'eiasife. of the iciity. Yesterday (they sold ;it to Brown & Co.t 'also real estate dteialers for $10,000, miakiing, in the giix -weeks" four thousand diolliars-'on the trtansaictiton.- Thlis slhows ihorw CbJarlotite dirt is val ued, by Chairflotteretar estate dealers7. j Brown & - Co., tcd-ay had City Sur veyor Spaiatt dn-.fca ground fiwith ' his TrhervJn -V?t!vM!o'fii'a rvrnn - eitv ud 4n lotndliseil the lots. The tatre-kusiiaitess men-ogin' to7 realize asljOh, the iDght; towards .NunitA street, are miiic:k''!0ll:fttia5.fie'ptc tc ' six jie, music; item's- -and.. the auditorium. weeks ago. ' . - ' - :"1 COUNTRY CLUB. The anmial meeting o.f ithe Country Cluib was held yestorday, and officers electeid Tor the year -as follows: Mr. M, A. Lycn; prestidie'Eit: - Mr. D. E. Allen, vice ip'resident; Mr. Walter Scctt, sec retary and treasurer. Bc'aird of goveirniDrs: Messrs. W. C; White, Julius .Leiiwel, Charles F. and J. W. Waldisn-oTliih and- Jo iFarnan. The affiaiirs saf tihe -club were found to 'be in good! eondiition.The ddbt has Ibeen re dtuiced. land is almost to waiter level. Tihe cluib toass in! pleasaint prospootiive, an enteirtaintnenit of oonsideraible mag- nitude.' ROAD PETITION. ftnt.d o fr,h!P nimissio'n.er vesterdav 1-. -1 j ginning at Walker's ferry and contin- wlimg lis the laumdry, -bakery, o.c. The ulng easterly through the lands of cesitre part of the basement is reserved Mrs. M. J. Mitdhell, G. W. Sloan, W. for -the beating appamaxus. ; xr M-w.ve n t 1 -iwzanh a The 'miain enitraince - is t.hroi.ag'h two Freeman, at the" intei-section of - th-3 Loneran ferry road, a distance of a iniTe. o!n. The matter teas not. ibeen acted: THE CHOIR WANTED. AH memibers of the Calvary church sire requested to 'be presenit ait -Ch-e con-1 gircgiationial meeting at that tfhuTch; to - l might. The pasJtor iRev. D. M. Litaker, :wfno has been atsfiJJ2tog in the meeting 1 at -Brevard Street church, will meet I 'wit.h'.his-iown congaegatiian itonlglht. He 1 W8vm dike to see every member, out; j S Wcfock is the 3iour. . , .: 55' trii Trr ; ' ' I Cards ! were issued" yesterday an- nouncmg the, marriage, April 18th, o Mrs.. Martha; SmitH pf Nimrod; and '.wlr,. Charles Gfriffitti; of Griffiths. ,Tbevt;er- ominr will talrp rilttOPi At. the home Of rS-Vio hrMo iu.t firiffitih i?t cttipt of the I most noDular. voune men of his section. TTo io Txroll tnnmn in thA cAt.v. I ALEXANDER MEMORIAL SERVICE. I The Alexander Memorial service at Sharon, chirrch Sunday will te the most -intteiresitiiinig of the kind ever Iheld in this ciwirsh. Tfli: cwnsr-egiaitlan is deeply sensible of all it owes Mr. Alex- t,, nt rr- .irtq in tL Monvrrv , ' - ' - - - Mr. P. P. Maxwell aitd da.uglh.ter, Mi usle, of DavdSon, are fajfaiig ait JT. JT. JJAIa. T !i w , m 'Sinivi l e. AVO ifft S. : I CHARLOTTE WINS. Hayden, Wheeler and Schwend Get Contract for Presby terian College. THE CON fEST WAS CLOSE. Narrowed Down Last Night to Two Charlotte Firms, Winning Firm and F P riilburn The Committee Awarded the Con tract at 4 O'Clock This P;fl The committee on plainte for ta.new Pl-esibyteiri am College building wa;icih began looking at plans and listen- rag to architects yesterdiay mtcrning at 10:30, continued to so 6io until a late Jhiciur last night, and then adjourned to (resume1 w:crk this a.f ternoion at 3 . o'clock. The comimittee gave out the in- iformatlon lat night that the extract would be. arwurded a Oh'arlotte firm of arch.itectis .anid this monning cocijeCture was rife amongst the friends of the three Charlotte firms represented: Hayden, Wheeler and Schwend; Hook & Saiwyer and F. P. . Milbtiirn. The Neiws 'leiarined, 'tih'Is mcirniing tjiait the contest - was between Milburn - and Hayden, Wheeler & SchweTid, Hook ft iSa-wyer ibeiing out of lit tost night, .when the committee adjourned. Tho; com-, mlttee met at the church at 3 o'clock tthiiSi afterncion'. as ' per "adjournment. After an hour's further discussion and comparing of the two sets of plans . under consideration, the committee awarded the contract to Hayden, Wheeler & Schwend. The cost Of the building is to be $50,000. HAYDEN, WHEELER & SOHiWEND. Hayden, iWheeler & Sohwend's plan is a classic desigteof ;Ionic style. The building is shapea'llke iT,,- It has a frontage of 300 feiion.OoJletge street, &ti$ ."''300 on Nintii. ; iThe building is three stories high, Hi'ith the exception oir the two wings, which are two stor- ie? .The one fronting on Ninth street contains -an auditorium which, with galleries, will seat 800 people. The basement contains, besides the heating plant; a large gymnasium, and towards Ninth street, kindergarten and music rooms. In the rear are the kitchen and laundry. . The building is entered through a portico into a circular hall of ample proportion, 'lighted through the floors above from the large dome which forms the crowning feature of the cen- trai Duiicnn Around this centre are situated the class rooms. The parlors, president's office, reicep ttan rxtom ' alrid..lafS"s rocens -are-ou the first floor. Three halls lead fcoim the centre el. tes nz to -iiorary, 1 siiaftv. tball amld infirmary, the laftter foye:rlcoking the. Secomd c'h.uoit'h manse, xorUrst9lxXT w .wo swries uto iv I'Dit-n street, tne emcra'u'jt; utis iiuu,u--aim:e-;a"nalorrimo. The- diining Tccim' 'is '-' in 'the -yr-ear. Three fire proof. cTWavs lsad to'tihe second and thircT: flcsore. The second floor Is devotefd to j ciaa3 rooms m the centre of ithe 'buiild- t a-iul diormiiiiairles.. TJha- tbwd flcor 'contaiius do-rmltDTieStTne Jjujimng as 01 brick, 'stuecced,. The des.ign is- mias&tive. hfandscme aold.opjK'g. The college will' be" cine cf the hiadlsomest in tihe South. MILBURN 'S PLAN. : Mr. Milburn's plans show a clias'siic desigin: cf Greek treiaitimeint. The sihape of the 'buiiilidiinig is a cross.. It fronita 300 f8tit c,a Ciollege street, facing. College Avenue, and 200 , feet on1 iNintih stre'et. There are three w.in'gs Joined to' the old buiildiing to which' a story ihatsJ'be&ii added. The hasem'anit, is anianged' for a nataDariurn tafu:a 'gymmasium an. wiffSand. -a kindwgarten. alnd pmcti, !in2 rmmi3 tin the other. In tae' ! rear terraces amid open -pcrtricos siuippcrted wiiiih Greek columns, pach TX-ance leiacuiio - wing. j.". -" -" wtogs .As the auiudbcirium aril' ;cihapel .fcowa-ili'otJi tireeit; in the ccrres ponclltg w'iE'g-are dormilitaries. arti,in the rctar the dining room and kitchen... 'T-hPir are four clxss rooms, preslden t'a off ice .cu. ani reeTp'tion, tccok on - , nciorThe rotunda is ffigraited lfronr- Q id.c,mie. Tihe emSlre second flooa ia to dormd'torles except the part p.-nwrtoA Fibnrv of the audito- 1 Tiie rfihirfd floor is mtirely de- kA to dornrrtorie. There are'lOO der- rwir a!viTiifldi&e SOOshbard-ers. rrn t,.,itJ!;.-. i o -i nima Krfplr stfllinrOftd'- ."I ; MR BELK'S HOME, . Rev.- George Belk,,the mew piaistcir of Gratoam .Sltreiett Preshyteriaa dhtProh, wlndicomee' .'take IZhpr-g of his newe. work Easter Sundiay, is to occupy Miss ' Vogel's ancuse on Nortth -Poiplar; jmsft va- .naA Kv- Mr .ToiniinkLiis and family. ,WHiTAN TN cHAKut. TiTiirtine. of New York, arrivea here yesterday to take cfoiarge of the lining aiwa irae u' CSh-arlotte Cakt Co. The, PJ-W gotten well under way and is turnin,, out some beautif ul Work. a ; -v' "r" , nr'etIPt, WA,pP AT THE WASHEE. iWASHBii. . Air. J. F. Spalding, formerly, of .the Charlotte Steam Laundry, but who left nor a snmR . time agio, returned this morning to flllPO"OD WUil . . . t . JWU ' 'I. L ) ' r - ft X