.-V- 1 J VOL. XXTJX OHARLOTE,,N:.Om; TUESDAYtBVENING, APRIL 24. 1900. V.-'v NO.-3698 RUNDLE HALTED. 1 v , - ... . . Boers iflr Front oi Him are Re ported Too Strong for His Forces. ' i TO TRAP TUB BOERS Brabant and Hart In BasutolaridV French,, arid Pole-Carew Has- - tening to 3ar the Retreat of the Boers Northward. Wepener Almost Relieved, By Telegraph to the News. : ' , i LONDON, April 24. General Rundle apparently found the' Boers confronting ;'him 4Lt Dewetdrop stronger than he. cares to engage, . so ne is "marking time" pending the arrival of "supports. In the. meantime Brabant and Hart are pushing along the frontier of Basuto- land: hence -will he able to frustrate an attack on ; Rundle's .right; and French and Pole-Carew are hastening from , Bloem fontein to bar the Boers line of retreat, northward. v V. ,r s ". SHELLING RESUMED AT WARREN ' ' . TON. z: '" :W WARRENTON; April h 24,-ShelI was resumed by. the; Boers yesterday the fire being directed toward the Brit ish river;,redoubts,jlwhich are being pushed forward steadily. It Is believed important developments are not far v off. 7 ."'-.' , - ' r , " "' : MADE RAPID NIGHT MOVE. KARRE1FONTEIN, April 22, (Delay ed in Transmission.") The patrol of the Seventeenth Lancers this morning rounded Leeuw kop ,' They found that the Boers dad- evacuated a forage farm house where they ihad- been, quartered' and had scattered in such way that it was plain they had made a rapid night move. .'. -.. . ., -" -.- eight Miles from wiepener. p LONDONrpril 24.Brabant's force; after outflanking the Boers -;at Bijs man's -Kop, is. now reported; wtfliin eight miles, of fWepeher.hlph AioRT. ;" practically relieved DalgjUBtlyfs force was 'hardly' molested Mondayt $650,000,000 "IF." ; ' s LONDON, April 24. 'Officials of the "treasury estimate the cost of the; war in South- Africa, if it closes within three months, at six hundred and fifty minion dollars. Isidt r-'-": ' - - " ""-" V -aoi' ,rti Tr a nnrwr iu nun tnci nun . r,J' U- SrtUiinf Wife Dying 1 rom Terrible Inju ries, Husband's Tftroat Cut.; By Telegraph to the News. ' PHILADELPHIA, Pa., . April 24. Mrs.;Kuhn, of Richmond, Va., lies dy ing at St. Joseph's Hospital, la this city. She is suffering from terrible in-. . juries. - . :. .' She was found lying in the . yard of the; Kuhn apartments clad in a night dress, bleeding and unconscious. ;; Her head and face we. re 'cut as with a knife. One leg was broken! Tha body was badly bruised, as jf she had been kicked and beaten. . t .... v- - . V - The husband was" found' in (his bed-1 room, partially dressed. On the floor was a pool of blood. His-throat waj cut from ear to ear, but not deeply. IP is believed he will recover. - Kuhn' is an ex-State Senator. OPPOSE THE "OPEN DOOR." Chinese are Bitter Against For eign Aggression, fi By Telegraph: to the News. i PARIS, -April 24-A Pekjnf dispatch says the idiihese bpp'osiltlW-;! "to '4 the "open, door1 policy is growing, and is endangering" foreign capital and the lives of foreigners. : : jy'lin r; Russia is. most feared and America least disliked, because the least aggres-; si ve. The " Manchuis are 1 osing their military power an d the discontent is growing. . liUyh ' '.. '' v .' ; . : . ' : : fl "f mAL 'J. "' i. ' '' : SULTAN HB ARB F,ROM AMERICA. By TelegmpJtNews. : ,a .) CONSTANTINiOCLE April 24-The Porte has received telegrams from th Turkish minister at jWashington poinit ing 'out the bad impressiont created Jiri the United$tates ' by the ndn-pkmen t of the indemnity- xlue aiid5 Unnotinfeihg the determination" of UieAaerlcaoy-' ernment to. insist upon the; prompt "Set tlement of the claims. : . ;- Srtf MURDERED AND 'ROBBED. , : By Telegraplh to the News. . ',. ' . WILKDSBARRE, Pa., April 24.- Andrew Stubbs" was killd and robbed at the bridge over the river here last night. His body was found this, morn ing withe two buflllet wounds 'in , the head, and his pockets turned inside out. No clue to the murderers Tiascyet. been found. 5 . ' PRINCE TO COURT THE IRISH. ; By Telegraph to the News -J -y- v LONDON, April 24iThe Prittee of Wales with a large. party Is arranging for a yachting tour around ..'the ;irih coas t He will visit Belfast, SHgo; Achiel Island, The Prince and Princess will aisolikely.be present, at the Punchestown races in the fall. ,. SOCIAL, Wadsworth Cards Recalled.- Events Past, Present and Fu " ture. " ' Mrs. J. -W. Wadsworth request the; Hews to state that on account of - the illness of her mother,' Mrs, E. C; Can non, she recalls, the invitations to her daughter, Miss L Laura . Wadsworth's wedding . recerition " tomorrow night. Mrs. Cannon had -a " relaps'e yesterday evening, and her condition is critical. If she is no worse tomorrow afternoon the bridal party will' be" entertained after the ceremony at Mrs. ,Wads wcTth's. If there is aicangifjjthc worse; there will be nor reception atj all: Bishop Duncan,- of" the r Methodist tthurch, who is to officiate at, the wed ding will arrive this evening and will be the guest of Mrs. Wadsworth and family. Bishop Duncan is a devoted1 friend of tlhe family. :--;.ri? v: ; ,y .J-v; The bride will enter the 'church-on the arm f her broWieri Mr.J Charles F. Wadsworth. Mr. Stitt Will be attended by his" best man, MrTwitty. The couples will Meatetfeictfrcli in tlhe following pairs : ; Mr, r,Twitty and Miss Madge Wadsworth ; :Mr; : Wads worth and Miss -Louise Wadsworth; Mr. Albert Summey and Miss. Marga ret Cannon; Mr. R. A. .Lee and;, Miss Nan Cannon: - Mr. Julian, t Little . . and Miss Berta Oates ; Mr. J. - W. Wads worth and Miss Sadie Hirshinger; J Mr. Baxter Ross and Miss; AI16e" Holland ; Mr.yJ. iL. Cox and MiWAdeleWitt- kowsky; Mr. J.; C.' Tate frnd: I4iss : AJa Bradley, of vnoxville, Tenn. : ; Mr. : Stitt and bride will- go to;Newvork.T v meeting yesterday ' afternoon with Miss Nellie ' Tate.: After'- the t literary programme was over,-the dining room was thrown open and the. young ladies were bidden. to as prety; a Vboard as- the most aesthetic taste;, could demand A basket of ground-peas ? tied . with red ribbon was passed around and each girl, took-a: nut and 'cracking it foun it totcontain a, sentirpent; instead et -a ?'SOod:fMiss; HanielLucasdrew- handioe ?y6uth be'- sur; you'll 'havel bo.w'dhIgh..;no'sed; lie,;ll keep thee,bra:f :- i "-' .;.;'Miss sie:ctoete6n-"bon't fear, tiiv husband will be kind, and it is one shall please, thy, mind:" ' . " s Miss Julia Robertson -If this match slini vou may long stay: . then , take kind ' will: without. delayir ? - Miss Adele -Hutchison "The stars three husbands do; presage and - thou shall die in good oldf agej: c MisslEthel; JHolAccepti the ring lock he'll not m:t V Miss ,SadfeClarkso4ithme wen uy.eUj.ujy.iij.t5 suan ue, ana u.Ayyy days in marriage free." Miss.isettie JNasn-rf; tjupia commanas thee riow'todoii thenprithee; no more dispute. - Miss Violet Alexander: "A widowei,- though rich, ;thoiultJnarry, you for. a . husband- wilt long tarry." : v Miss - Julia - Alexander- 'Show him , more kindness he will '- ; speak ; '" his heart with silence :else ,wiil break." Miss Mar" Mbrrisoji A man into thy lot shall fall, straight; but neither short nor tall." . o ; . i i 4 " ; ' jr ,; ' . " - .i - "X'S"' ' -: - Master J. W. Stagg was! nine years old yesterday, and honored the day by' giving 'a' party. :which' was a feast of fun and" frolic to a host of his 9-year old friends. TJje yard at the Second' chWcih Tmahse' was filled With tHe..nier ry romping crowd until Mrs.-- Stags called them in the dining room to en joy pink ices icakefe. and bon-bohs. The nine, pandlesf burining .on the birthday jcake wereink -and ;esurrpunding line of ;faces were ' orresiKndingly, fdseateanxl pretty $ Master 'Stagg" is chip off the old block "itf-his1 knock fit entertaining He made a'finej host. f i j - ,The reception; atElizabeth i College j tonight will, he .a social event;, of inter-' tjsx ana Dnmaiicyi ; .crsiueH.i,;'xvM.a.A faculty wilt be at home to sfrtendsmnd patrons of the college from t6 11 p: m. . The Italian band i to furaish mu sic for the occasion, .and the college halls' will resound with "sweet strains and ;the.hum of . merftf dtces l""'ifj, Miss Nell Helvin C VPocanias" wilt entertain the "Just for Fun'.' Club .Thursday afternoon -at - heri home-xsoa BY THE ?0th . Ttte Belgianl)iock . i l: on the equare iwill , not be torn up before the 20thi Therx4C's. ibaTve been delayed by. wjfad atideather in getting v he" double traces' laldv toi that poinff dnd the city SiIliriofc istub : the Mecklenburg Dec laration of ' Independence, whicn occu pies the centre of the: square, until' afr ter tJhe historic date is past. Special material has been ordered by the iC s for -the switch beyond the -square, and the double tracks willterminate there until "after the "ball is over." t -. EXAMINED THE BUILDING. MessTS S. J. Asbury, J. D. Ross and F V.: Ahrens, thp committee appoint ed by the board of aldeFmen to inspect and - conde - building yesterday, af t tern&on' Ipspected tbh ty all and foumd-as taey- -were quoted in yester day's News as saying, it safe. They will make, a formal report this afters I nocn to the T alSermanic oonjaaittee on , buildings, saying that beyond some re nairs need eC on the building, It is per lectly safe. TAYtOR TO RETURN. Briidlcy arid QXhiis Say Tt ey ,Will;J)tfend Him; and - k force Speedy TriaL WILt RESIST TO THE DEATH. Jim and Perry Reward Surround Themselvew4tbiia Hundred Feudists and clare They will Never be Takeh Alive.-Capt, v Powers In Hid inj5 : , By Telegraph to the News. ' -FRANKFORT, Ky., April 24. Gov ernor, Taylor will return to Kentucky, face x his accusers and demand immediate-trial oC the indictment against him for the murder of Goebel. : .This was announced in a telegram received from-Taylor last night, a3 was also' the determination of the Governor not to take advantage of the offer of Governor Roosevelt to. protect him in the event of a demand for him by Beckham. ' .V ' - Taylor decided ;ra: this course on the advice of ex-Governor Bradley and otther JCentuckiansLwlio pledged them selves to- def eod? htm. I S jiN MOJJNTAJNoJSTRONGHOLDS. i:r They guarantee ''toorce a fair and speedy trial. jv ' 'jim and Perry Howard,' who-; are in dicted for ' the murder of Goebel, de clare they - will never- be taken alive. Ari attempt" was made to capture them last nighty but the deputies ; who - had warrants were forced to beatt a hasty retreat, as the 'Howards were intenchf ed in the mountains, surrounded "by dver a hundred f eudrstsWholeclare: the accused shall never be takenValive. ;t . ; . C APT. POWERS' RETREAT, j ; Capt. Powers, brother of ;the?,Secre? laryi of StaJt?, whois. Indicted, wasj dis covered. inr but in the mountains of ejlfeount.yesterday, guarded by ten maintain men. His position is im pregnable nd he cannot be arrested. ' swim-wall, y Wi A. Smith and, diss Bessie nr. Walt Marry To-Morrow Night. 'ri 'Charlotte, , Lilesville -rand Pineville will be particularly interested in a wedding" which is to take place tomor row; night at 8 o'clock,, at Pineville. The-'-contracting parties - will be Miss Befe Wall, of Lilesville, and Mr, Wil liam 4 A.' Smith, of Pineville, formerly of :CjS' rlbtte- The ceremony-will : be perfcrfeiedi by. Rev." Mr. McAlpine, of the Presbyterian Church. The date early;' in -May, hut? Miss. Wall's family are underline qnar a'htine in and about Lilesville; and -she cannot , return home, so as sn'iowas J alreadyj at Pineville, ,wheefIStie3.,aiad. been empioyed as music'teafcherajshe decided to be married -; trier?x -Misss Wall is a daughter, of Mr. S, G. Wall, of Lilesville, and- is a charming, ac complished young woman. Mr.Smitli is a broittner of Mrs. J. H. Ross of this cityi and is a young man of fine char acter and. popular, pleaising manners. Mr. Ross and family will attend the wedding.. Mr. Smith and bride will re turn to Charlotte with. tnem tomorrow night, Mr? adMrsRoss will, tender them a recepok1:; tgeir . home, on Liberty street, ' tomorrow' night, from 9 to 11 o'clock. MRS. HOWELL RESIGNS. Her flantle Falls on Mrs. J. L. Chambers. ; Mrs. S. M. Howell, who : has Bad charge of . theInf ant, epartment in .tHe, r,irspr- ireisuy iriap chujcu - Sunday ssSa6trfof 25 frWtt&m.'rH quested the church'tdirlijferof jthe' work, and s Mrs. J. L .CnamberV has. been - chosen as erw-ateeoiVMrs.: Howell has - been .t a' faithful; efitcient, devoited .wer;-H;etianLd zeal have been unsurpaed, dithe devo tion accorded hM?iilIdren has been1 beautiful gaiORit ail ,timesi Her -mantle could: ojPinav "fallen on more worthy, or capamesnouiuers iuau MrsChambersr Sne a scholar as well as a teacher pair, excellence." She will make the infant department of tbe Sunday school, moslt interesting arid at tractive. ; V..- y THE GRAY JACKET. he VGray Jaket,'3ie magazine to be; issued by , Julia Jackson : Chapter, qUdren of the Confederacy will make it$ appearance oa ithe morning ' of the 20tiu of May. The" staff consists of : Miss Maud Holt, editor-in-chieff; Miss Louie Jones, fiction editor; Miss Lucy Robertson, exchange, editor; Miss Dora Barron, business manager. - The con tents of the first volume will be: Poem, selection; editorial, Maud Holt; poem, f?l6rence Thomas;. story, Louie Jones; history of chapter, Douglas Robertson j report from different . chapters," Lucy Robertson; Our Future Work." ; ; , , REALTY. , . ' v. Mr. S. S. McNinch yesterday sold t'hxe lots on Sooth Cedar street to J. Arthur5 Henderson and D.r B.J Hender son, who iwill improve' the property at once. . f Bcnooi ior. ;xo sar o;tuw, ; auu. :w uo DECIDED ON. The Midway Plaiscnce to be on the Lot in Rear of Pied- moat Building. . ENTRANCE, fRYON STREET The Elks -Carnival Committee 'Met Last Night and;Jtecided .. Between Three. Sites Offered for the Location of the Midway. " ..." - - , The One Chosen Convenient. The site of the Midway was decided upon last night at a meeting of , the Elks Carnival committee. It is to be in rear of the Piedmont Fire Insurance building on South Try- on street. Three kites, as noted in the News were Offered : . The Piedmont lot', Vance park ,h;anl' the' lot in rear of the Stcond Presbyterian church. The merits, of each were" fully diseased last night, and , the preponderance of opinion was in favor of. the Piedmont - The parties interested in the lot whlo had to be seenwere: ' Mrs. Iar vey Wijson, and Messrs Frank. Johnston. EvfrtD. Latta -jandH. M. McjAdeh. ;The consent of each has been secured; js Mr. mithj of the South Eastern Tariff ' Associa tion fe the ' only other party. A With whom the committee has . to treat, in regard to insurance. It,; is not tnought that there will be any objection raised , on this line. No better location could have been found for the Midway. It is xpracticaily '.on, Tryon street within minute's walk of the quare, and acces sible from Wvefy: point, -The entrance will be on Tryon &tree"t this side of the Piedmont building. "The Carnival com mitters are busy- atvwork.; The camels are coming, in plenty of time, and the midway will pitch its tents in the very "Heart of ; Midlothian." i HARPING QN 0NF STRING. .1 i PiaipfiTuners l'orm Temporary Organisation, -;r The pian,o tuners formed a temporary organization last night, meeting, as an- nouncd sat v-. the Stieff " Music Hbusa1) .Mr. s ; ;J;s W. Crum, : of the Stieff Mus ifc Jlouse, was chairman and Mr C. H. iWilmc th, seicretary. The chartepjmembers were the same as named9in yesterday's News Messrs urum, . fWiilmoth, Badham, Brown and Leischjrhe secretary was instructed i toaddSrBssa communication to all rep- atablecttfB.ers Of the State inviting them to 'meet i with the local members of the flSBniat.ienoHH;a- 22rd ih rTnarlottft; "txi effect a permanent organization. Theref has never Jbeetf tieh. apj association in the State, y phevobjit o he associa tion " is to;ut8tlhelausines& on a pro fessional bais anbxia;firotect the com ipetent tune aivd'thHlJ'iic at the same time: vyj,' j ,fKv i) ; if ON THE G CLEF. . Mrs. W; F. Dowd is to handle the gr gan at Tryon Street Baptist church next Sunday. Miss CI eve Stephens will play during the rest of the , time that Mrs. Alex. Stephens is absent, ; -.- , . ': y-i'r: -: Messrs. F. H. Andrews, Glare f Pharr and H. L. Sanders are, furfiisjng. pi tenor at present for t&eEl rat, church' choir. , ' , -. .... m ' . ..... . ' Prof. McCoy, of the : Presbyterian College, is arranging for a recital 'to be given in the course of a week or ten days. , ... ' It is not improbable that Mr. Craig hill will be added to the musical fa culty of the Presbyterian College next session. 1 He is as capable as a teacher as he is as an organist. . , . . - Tihe organ recital to have been given Friday night, by Mr. Craighill, . has I been : postponed. The St. Cecilia Choral Society wiU meet Thursday al4ght.''f-ii..;';, IMPROVING THE P,RopRTy& T Ae?Geheral Fire Es$ ejrtt' Com pany, which purchasedeifiattvor the old i turmture raciory. . Biw(ifrjLv c furniture factory. . siteofiLeventh I street and tfie railroad, iBari?is jdown old buildings and puittinffmp new: ones. The corrugatedsiron: structures-are: to giveaway txFsubstantiaI; -"b k The new owners will . convert the old V property ? into a valuable factory site. -.;."-U.U'S;BAPTIST. - '" - - The baptist Young Peoples' Union; Auxiliary to the Southern Baptist con vention, will meet at Hot Springs, Ark, May 10th. Delegates will get the, same rate as the' convention delegates. The B.-T, P. U's., of .Tryon Street churfeh, will send, a delegate. -.. v Mecklenbur: and - Cabarrus Baptisf Association meets (Friday at Arlington church. .Revs. A. C. Barron," D. W. Thomasson and L. R- Pruett, and Lay men J.; A. Durham, W. C Dowd and, ethers will. attend,.. , . TO (RATIFY. . . The second convention of the . Inter" State Telephone (Association will be held herie next Tuesday for the purpose of ratifying the proceedings of the first meeting held .here about two, months ago.-. a, '.sc. . " TC2SITE PYTIIIANS. This Section Will be in Evidence r, ;' - at the Grand Lodge. Eythians were thick as hops at": the Southern passenger statioy this morn- ng. They were not recognized, a la Daniel in the lion's den, by the "green umbrella," but by their beaming coun- tenances and imystic loyal badges. In the Pythian "push" these faces' were recognized: Mayor J. D. McCall, repre sentative of lodge No, 90; E. A. Mc Causland, representative of 37: F. R. McNinch, of 83; T. S, Franklin; past grand chancellor; D.x F;. Summey, grand" vice chancellor,, who came from A 4.1 i i.!'fi.'i''.'l. Auictuia lu joinn j Dremr-enai tne lodge here; R.trB. "Babbingtbh, Mt. Holly; H. D. iWlson, Shelby: - W. F. Stephens, Matthews; Rev. Dr.' L. i A. Bikle, of'King's Mountain the youn gest member of the grand lodge; Fred Chambers, James Northey, James Stinson, Charlotte; C ' R. Sim mons, M. D. Harris and E. "' E Lorrance, Forest City 'the latter grand outer guard ; J, CiMills, Ruthet fordton, district deputgiard; ' W. M) Lyles, Charlotte districtfifth) deputy grand; George C. Goodman, . J. Frank Brawley, Mooresville; v. V M. Houston, S..E. Sherrilir, Davidson r Mesisrs. John Wijber- Jenkins, Graham Weddington Earle Pegram and E. S. Reid, start on their pilgrimage tonight." The grand lodge convenes tonight at 8 o'clock in Castle. Hall at Durham the. handsom est Pythian hall in the State. Durham in her usual and far-famed hospitality will care tor the . visitors in rpya style. The D. O. KK; -will also meet during the session of the grand lodge BAIN COMMENEEMENT. Annual 5ermon to be Preached by Rev. Frank Siler. The closing exercises of Bain Aca demy begfn. gunday, April 29th,; and conclude J Friday,? May 4th, , The ; pro gramme is as' f otlows : 1 ; Simday Annual i sef mon, ; '-i byf Rev. Frank Siler,. Charlotte, 11 o'clock a. m. 'Tuesday, May 1st Entertainment .by primary , department, .7 o'clock p, in.- WenjdayConcertj.Tv. o'Moc&pl Thursday Debate by Demosthenan Society, 7 o'clock p. m. Query: "Should the United States Exercise Sovereignty Over the Philippine : Islands." Debat ers: Affirmative H. C. Martin, "A. R. Harrison, G. M. Garrison. f Negat'i ve M ;l; Medlin Wr A.;.Henderson, C. E. Hamilton.. . v- "- '.,,..'. '. . Friday-Commencement exercises, 10 1 o!clock a. m., Literary address,-by Hon. f J.)D. ifcCall, pharlotte; NaisVocloek P- h ( (Managers: C. E. Hamilton, t$iUt; 3: ri$on, H.! ; jMartin, W. A. Henderson, Jesse Gaflt. j.,.- '. "-" v.. ':'k v' V'C i Music iy (Steele Creek; Band. 'ri. RALLYING POINTS. White Supremacy Club Speaki ng, Places and Dates. .The White Supremacy Club.is not sleeping . on the "amendment au con traire, it' is very - active and - wide awake. The club . has arranged to have a series of speakins six an all at the following times and places. .- Tonight at Gingham's Mill, (McCoy s Store) i-Cy -tAi : vi , iM'.-. Monday, 30th at Ada v Mills, ( Mc Lelland's Store); " ; Thursday, 3rd at' Charlotte Mills, in f rant ot Knitting Mill ; ; : ; Monday, : 7ih At Alpha-Mills, (cor ner ,12th and B) ; . Thursday;-; 10th- TV,fni. .... . . ,0- ctor :; Cotton Monday;" ;14that Xuise 'r Mills, ( Cowan's'-' Storey'v. H.iV5 The speakers tonight .wilt be Messrs. Clarkson, iXw; ; F Moody and JiJHam ilton; .:)-; :'l y- ."- " : BALLAST. -Kit, Basses and Tenors ri rIt .the St. ' " .:- v: yu) The St. Cecilia, merged for the. 20th Loir May; weeK inxq a cnorai socieiyf is making good progress with "May Day," the cantata -chosen; tat, presentation T at that timA. 3Tie practice tastnlght was satisf aclory Miv Craig3iilL pianist for the occasion, and assistant- V director, has enlisted - the -following named gen tlemen, . who x will furnish the balance of musical power to the club in . its 20th.; of May effort: i 'p'y: Tenors: Messrs.; Clarence Reid; Mar tin, John McNeely, FrankH. Andrews, H. L. -Sanders,' Claife Pbarf , D." N. Mc- flver, George, Newcomb, tWade Cowan, Smith, Dr. Crowell, J S. Cothran, Har vey -Overcarsh. , - . ' , -I ; Basses: Messrs. Norwood, : Watson, Thompson, ; , Moore, Southerland, Pat-' terson, Pleasants,, Hamner, JP. N. -Tate, Rev. Mr. Doritee, Fred Nch, Jr., Wal ter Scott. y . ' -.' - - ; ROYAL ARCANUM , . . The Grand ,Council. of the.Royal Ar canum of North Carolina meets tomor-; row in Callcbury. 'Cquire r. P; Hutohi son, recrsrt' of '.Charlotte council, -will go in bis oScial capacity, and Capt. John R.-' Erw.in, grand orator i of the" State council, jrfJl.atso attendt ;m.. Jopcjar gatnering o ciock p. m. i .lars.baas W. P. Ashcraft, W.J.Arm-r effort field, ,G.riM Garrison, Chief ; ' JV-f ifnln Murray. Jr,, W. Gv Martin'Med&S mu,iJ': vi Mann .'.-"-""M.-tii 2 STORES ENTERED. Burglars Break Glass in Rear ; Office at Dowd & King's : and MurrilFs. VERY: PECULIAR TH I E V E S, They made no Effort to QetiMdn- ey but Stole Cuspidores.Diistihg Brushes. Clothes and Clocks. The Burglaries Happened Be tween ia and i O'clock; Charlotte has had a good long rest from the nocturnal visitor, who comes through, the t window instead of the - ... i - door; but the rest was , broken last night. Two burglars were reported, 'to the polide this morning.' ' Dowd & King's store runs back from Tryon street some distance, into close , juxtaposition to the rear of , the Queen ' City Printing. Company, which, faces on Fourth street;. The lot into w!hich the back doors "of -the two stores open, is as dark as Erebus at night, and is, in its darkness, an ideal "Jack-the-RIp-per" resort. Is Last night ' between 12 and .1 o'cldcfe'fMr. S. , F. King, who sleeps on the third floor of the Dowd building,- heard somethings like . win dow glass fall. , He listened a. minute, but hearing nothing , further, he 7 thought a t had jumped against a glass; causing the noise. This morn ing when the boy Who opens the store went, in he found the office doors, whicfti open into the store proper, lock ed. He notified Mr. King, and they be gan to investigate. They found that some one had knocked a pane of glass out of the rear window and entered the office.; V.The handles of the safe had been knocked off, but no attempt made to; open the safe door. - The desk had been ransacked, but the money drawer in which were a few pennies, not dia-: tiirbed. A lot of postage stamps were stolen, also, aj poati n jxfy -jand. pair ,of, shoes.ibelqngkjg ti Mri fns ; a cuspi dore and dius 1 " AT MURRILL'S. ' About the time that the burglary at Dowd & King's was discovered, the of- , fice boy at the Queen City Printing , Cpmpany's made , a similar discovery.. A' pane of glass had been broken out of, the rear window, next to Dowd & King's; ahd some' one had erJtered : the , , building. A time-keeping clock, worth. $25, was taken, but," as far as discover- nothing else. The thief, made noi . to get fin to the f rent-office, con- : nis' fonnildWIcn ' were to the printing office. The po lice are on the, alert, and will keep an ey'ev on the dark corners and lots to-lipt:-; . ' 20TH DOTS. Committee Will go to Washihg- ton Sunday Nlgtit. ' Last evening at 6:30 o'clock Mr. S. Wittkowsky received, a telegram from Senator Pritchard saying that Presi- ' dent McKinley would receive the 20th of May committee next Monday morn-, ing. The committee will leave here Sunday night..; The original committee will go withevbut s three exceptions, . Messrs.-MJCi Mayer, George Stephens and H. MMcAden, alternates, taking three of the principal places, who will be unable to go. ' . The News suggests tihat 20th of May buttons be . ordered . and scattered broad! cast over the land early inMay, reading: "Meet me in Charlotte, May 20th; 1300." Richmond is to have sim ilar button-5 on May lh, when a "free street, fair", is to take place. . i ' , . - .;.-.. 'A 'florai parade is talked of for the 20th.;. "Saratoga has an annual floral nararfe' ahd the event is one of sur passing interest as well as beauty. Qbarlotte could have Saratoga success along this line. . . I JmRKEERAN'S CLASS OFFICE.- I-rrhe News:acknokledges from Mr. Jfames L. Keerans, an invitatton-to-the commencement exercises Ht tSeABal timcre College of Denta?a-gery. April 30th. Mr.. Keerans f'vfSe presi dent of this year's class. Other North Caroliaians . in , the class are : J ohn D. .Tnsmh W. Harbin. Alexander , - l. - r C ,1 1 n J. Sinclair, uyrus jlovc oauic. Elmer E. Richardson. . and -FLATTERING TO. CHARLOTTE. The Charleston S, C, reel team ba3 received 20 invitations this spring to reel meets and tournaments. Yester day the team had a meeting and deci ded, out of the 20 invitations, to ac cept" the one extended by Charlotte. This flattering decision will meet with due appreciation , as will be shown when the team arrives. ; - RAILROAD COMMITTEE. The railroad committee of -the Cham ber of Commerce met last night In ther absence of Chairman M. B. Spier. Mr. A. H. Washburn presided. , The committee discussed freight rates here and elsewhere; with a view, as at pre vious1 discussions, of f getting the rate made as favorable to Charlotte as pos sible. . . nr. ,1 ; V - i . .....