e ?. ' , r. : : 1 vol. xxm. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 26, 1900. NO. 3700 SPPIMS-SMIT Mr. Richard Springs and Miss Lilian Smith to Marry To Night A POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE. I Dr. Barron is to Pronounce the !wif? Words That flake the Two ti.-t One at Eight O'CIock at Tryon Street Baptist Church. An Event of Interest. At S 6'plock this evening in Tryon Street Baptist .church Miss - Lilian Smith, one of Charlotte's loveliest young women, -will become the wife of Mr. Richard Springs. The solemn and .beautiful -words, so full of interest and meaning, which are to make the two one, will be spoken by Rev Dr. A. C. Barron, pastor of the bride. The church has been elaborately decorated for the marriage of these popular young peo ple, "and will toe filled, at the, nuptial hour, with a large and brilliant assem blage of friends J glad ; to witness the union of such1 happy , hearts and such glad hands,.' Miss Addle Williams will play the March, i Mendelssohn, by re quest. The ribbons will be dropped promptly at 8, and the bridal pirty will pass down the aisle in the following order: Messrs. Jackson Baird, Holland Springs, D. B. Tray wick and Frank M. Davis, ushers, in pairs, separating at the altar and passing to right and left; Miss Julia Smith, sister of the brides and mer counterpart in beauty of face and Character, maid of loner; in "greeh silk, veiled with white prgaiidle and carrying white carnations. The? groom with his best man, and brother, Mr! -A, A. Springs, Jr., will enter3'- from -P the choir room on the left, and crossing' in 1 front of the altar will meet the bride ; as she comes forward on the arm of her - father, Mr. W. M. Smith. , The party will leave, the -church to the strains of Lohengrin. Mr. and Mrs. Springs7 will take the 9:20 train for Washington, where l hey will spend a week or ten days. TUB BRIDE. I The bride : is the eldest daughter ef " Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Smith. "She is a tali brunette, with-beautiful brown eyes, soft and spirituelle, and an expression Madonna-like Jn sweetness.' Her char acter is as lovely as her face sweet and pure. Happy indeed is the man who has wooed and won her. Her bri dal gown will oe white ' mousseline d3 soie over white taffeta, court train and high cut bodice, trimmed with pearl passementerie and touches of Duch esse. Her flowers will be bride's, roses and lilies of the valley. Aj handsomer bride will seldom b se.n. ' " TUB aRi-XJ?.F' S " Mr. Springs is, a sohof.-Mrj A. A. formsrlv of Lexineton. now of Charlotte. He was employed as' 'clerk? in the Southern Express office, -mit is now of the clerical force in the Mer chants' & Farmers' Bank.- He is a young man of exceptionally fine char acter, and is highly esteemed in every ;i whnro Vi-is "known. He has a liuviv hrtot nf friends here and in his old fno-rnTi . and all reioice to know that he is winning such a wife. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Springs will live at the; Arlington, ad springs wed . .l " . . The presents f are many and. beauti ful nmiTijr from friends in Charlotte. TPxineton. Petersburg, Richmond and other cities: Mr. and Mrs: Springs v?ill several days in Petersburg V a., on their return, with the bride's uncle, Mr. W. B. Perkinson. - They are to live at the Arlington Ho tel on their return home. . i . . ' i. ; TWENTY-TWO HUNDRFD OUT Ne w York Central Shops 'at Buf falo On Strike. Ttv TplperaDh to the News. - BUFFALO, April 26. A strike is on at the New York Central -Shops in Easf Buffalo. Eighteen hundred shopmen and four hundredyardmen . are oftt. mi o, ; rrf?ifrkt.rikte is that the men want increased wages V and be cause men have ben discharged. . PAiYMEINT OP INDEMKrUY DB-i i 'MANDED.- ;.r :V t TflioOT-onh tn the News.-- r . . CONSTANTINOPJ-E, April 26: -Uni ted States Charge d'Atiairs unw th a minister of Foreign Affairs a note based on instructions v from Washington, - which it is understood, rroTnnt. oavment of mdemni- ty. In council the minister will dis cuss the note today. LARGE HOTEL BURNED. Ttxr Tolocrrnnh to the NeWS. BRONXVIIjLE, April 26. Gramatin Inn, the largest and finest appointed Tioi n WAtchester county was burn ed this morning. The loss is two hun dred thousand v dojlars. A number. of millionaires residing near fought .the re in their night clothes. y . Mr Hayden, of Hayden-, Wheeler & Schwendihas gone to :iu"fw let the contract for the city haj, which hi Arm awdened. The building will POSTOFFICE ROBBED The Safe, in the PostoffLe at Mooresville Blown Open Last Night. MONEY AND STAMPS STOLEN. The: Door of the Safe Blown Open With - Dynamite and $300 in Money Besides Quantities of Stamps Stolen. Jhird Time This Office Has Been Robbed. The postoff ice at Mooresville was broken into last night and robbed of between $600 and j$700. A charge of dynamite was placed in the safe and the door blown open; The robbers fcfiind within the, safe between $250 and 300 (in money ; $300 worth of 2-cent stamps; $20 worth of 1-cent stamps, and quantities of 4, 6, 8, and 10 cent stamps. The entere- con tents y of the sawe were taken , leaving Postamster Temple ton sans money and stamps. He discovered the robbery at 5 o'clock this morning when he went to make up the mail for Capt. Tom Rowlanrs train. The postof- fice is located in the Goodman build ing. The safe blowers drilled through six inches of iron with a small drill. No one heard the explosion, although the glass in fhe ouilding was shatter ed. Postmaster Templeton 'phoned Postmaster Mullen, of Charlotte, at once, telling mm ox tne ropDery, ana asking for stamps. Mr. Mullen sent the stamps and wired the department to send an inspector out at once. This is the third time this office has been robbed. WThen it was last robbed, about two years ago, Mr. ' Templeton lost $1 50 01 his own money. There is no clue to the robbery of last night. A FROM THE FRONT. Boers Retreat Through ihe Coun try . Explosion at Pretoria , v; Byv Telegraph to the News. $ A LONDON, April 26. Jlundle is per suing five thousand Boers, who are re treating t;o Wepener - with - their attil lery. - ;'. :';'L-r'v-n.-';V'! :t"--;r' Generals :Branbant and Hart' .will likelv ioin in the "chasers- t-rf- i.v .j2 DETVVET'S DfORP. Aiiril-26.-Genef al . , . f French entered towntJithiar yjniorhmg; wo cavairv 'Driffaaeseit'camD at day light and ioucl the Boers. hojLding ilie hills. "whicli;wtere Shelled and the Boers retreated. iTlie ckvalry purshed around to a position above the town, where they were holding Rundle in ctheck. It is reported that six thousand Boers passed thriough-the town last night in order to avoid French's attack on their rear.- - ... " Y" -.V' ' . DEWT'S DORP, April 25, (Delayed in .transmission.) rne ijritisn col umns are pressing forward in hot pur suit of the Boers, who are fleeing to Wepener and Dewet's Dorp. The Boer line of retreat to Ladybrand leads through a broken mountainous coun try, favoring the concealment of all of Roberts' line. ' , . ' . I : Communications are now thoroughly held. : - r x TEN KILLED IN EXPLOSION AT - PRETORIA. v " PRETORIA, April 26. A serious ex plosion took place at the Reglic works, used by the government as an arsenal. The light walls of the building were destroyed and the "structure burned. ' The shrieks of the. women and chil dren in the adjoining streets . added ghastliness to . the scene. Ten workmen were killed and thirty-three' injured,, including Herr Grun- berg, of the Malager works. The most important machinery was saved. The cause is unknown. " Two hundred were employed in the works,' mostly French and Italians. : J LONDON, April 26. The War Office has received the following; from ; Rob r?ts - .- - - . "BLOEMFONTEIN, April 25. Good news has been received from Cbl. Baden-Powell up to the 10th inst. All the wounded are improving. . . The Boers captured, several native women, trying to escape to Maf eking. They." Turned the women back after stripping them ahd flogging them.'';; This dispatch f a$ls o dispose of theV, report ' of Baden Poweirar' death, ;a rumor; which sta ted . that he: was either "dead or "dying of fever on the 12th.' - - CtJRCH ' NEWS. , Rev. S, W. Newell expects to be able for duty next Sabbath, the 29th,s and will be at-Amity in the morning and at Newell in the evening. The family of Rev. George Belk.-the new pastor of. Graham Street Presby terian church, arrived nere last night and are at their home, 504 North Pop lar street. " v Messrs. Vebor Asbury and Caldwell Woodruff, weitt to Raleigh this morn sing as -delegates from : the Jr.; C. E. Society of the : Second : Presbyterian church, to the C. E. convention which convenes there tonight, r- . Mr." Cicero Wilson is a new soda water clerk at Woodall & Sheppard's. He and Mrj blaster will have charge of the ice cream parlor. A music box was added to the parlor today. 'The testimonial that appeared in yesterday afternoon's 'News praising our advertisement that ap - $ peared in the -'News commenting on the was 4 advertisement, .de d it to na v e been. " 1 1. should ha v e t rie i'rfi";: if published at fall , ."that-I sti4pit waslhe best t the had News had e v e 0 t no reference to did not sign my X t t 0 v v of Tapp, Long & Co nial in question, written by me . (Signed) SOCIAL. The Stitt-Wadsworth Reception. Evening pleasures. The reception following the mar riage last i evening of Mr. E. W. Stitt and Miss Laura Wadsworth, was a beautiful complement to the lovely bridal scene at the church. The par lor where Mr. and' Mrs. Stitt received the congratulations of their jfriends was decorated with smilax and flow ers, the mantel bank being of white roses. From the grill arch over the window recess, a large wedding bell of migonnette was suspended by white ribbori. A single -Easter lily formed the. clapper. Greenl and whitH-the wed ding colors, found artistic and satisfy ing effect in the dining room. The da mask overlaid1 . a covering r of green silk, tall cut glass vases on op posite corners, held generous ", bunches of Easter lilies, green candles, rested in the silver holders,. nd in the centre j bahked around a large plateau, was a 1 Ji 1:1: c -u n u 4-V. v.v.4Vl'rn- circle of lilies of the valley the bride's nower wnicn seemea xo d growing iu .the" mass of mdss.which j.surr?u'ded 'the plateau, GnJajie.,!boft bons and cakes completed be, jtable decora tions ''A ihandsome supper was served. The cutting of the bride's cake was at tended" with the usual interest. The' ring went to Miss Ada Bradley the money to .Mr. M. A. Lyon;.. thimble tq Miss Berta Oates. The wedding regis ter, the gift of Mrs. John Walter Mil ler, was kept by Miss Bradley. The guests, besides those composing the bridal party, were: Mr. ahd Mrs. J. W. Cannon and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wadswonh and family, of Concord; Mr. and Mrs. A. C Hutchison, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. -Gibbon, Mr. and Mrs. :C.'M. Carson, Miss Addie .Williams, Mrs. B. Rush Lee, Miss May Oates, Mr. " and Mrs. iR. C. Ross, Mr. R. N. Tiddy, Miss Fannie Larden Moore, Miss Mary Ir win, Mr. and Mrs. k ir. stokes ana ur. J. P. McComb, Mr. M. P. Pegranj. The Country Club has seldom had a merrier crowd to chat on the broad ve randa and row on Lake Leisel than the one of last night. By gleams front lan terns' dusky light, were recognized: Mrs. Leisel and Mr. W. C. White; Miss Nancy Hoffman and Mr. W. iR. Fore man Miss Edith Atkins and Mr.- Bob Craig ;x Miss Elizabeth Clarkson . and Mr. Leak Spencer, Miss Caine and Mr. David Craig. ."' -:- - - i Mr. John. Van Ness was host last night, at the Elks Club, to a charm ing party Vof friends: Mrs. . Calvin Cowles. Mrs. L.: Ai Dodsworth, Misses Caine, Saida Jones, Saide Young, Eliz abeth Clarkson; Messrs. David- Craig, Leak Spencer and Chase Brenizer. erlWay -Afternoon Book Club meelsFtotfiorrow afternoon with Mrs. J. Bj IC;enr, at -3 Mrs. R. L. Gibbon's. Misses Saida and Alice Jones are to rfir&'a'tCob'Webi'tstrty this afternoon, to itheir young cousin, Miss 'Margaret; Parham'taf Washington, who is visit ing "them. rThe off air will be as de lightful as intricate. The web will be spun in hospitable doors. The unrav-ellers-will be a merry, happy crowd: Misses Panham, Alice Cowles, Louise Wadsworth, Sadie Belle Mayer, Louie Jones, Caro Brevard, Florence Thomas, Lucy Robertson, Margurite Springs; Messrs. James 'W. Osborne," . Richard Myers, N. J. Orr Walter' Taliaferro, Jr., Rob. Brevard, Joe Smith, H. C Jones, Jr., Brevard Osborne. The din ing room will be decorated in pink, the color displayed in the beautiful style characteristic of the Misses Jones. : - Misses . Fannie and Alice Sims will spend ' Sunday with relatives in Con cord. ' " - - Mrs. John Wilkes will pe glad to have her friend, "and the friends of Bishop Cheshire, call on Mrs." Cheshire tnls evening at any time between 4 and 7 o'clock ' - , . 0 6 0 t JkT' on Friday , and results from the ri ot wh at I i4i t e n V 0 . 1 advertisement V I J r r u n for us It any o ther paper . namfebut rthe name t p;; t h e tastimo- ne ilther was 'it J., .L., TAPP. MRS. CAVE FftlGHTENED A Drunk flan Accosted Her Last Night on Church Street. Mr.? Cave, of the Model Steam Laon dry. lives in Mr. P. M., Brown's build- ; ft-.. ing on North Church street, oceupy mg the south side. . Last night Mrs Cave:-went to the laundry after dark to see Mr. Cave. On her return! home . . . . . .. she passed two white men, one of 1 whom, accosted her and threw his arms out as if pq catch her. She screamed and ran as fast as she could, gaining the shelter of her home in a few. min utes,. after. -She 'phoned Mr. Cave, who, ItK evpral others from the laundry, rfinlLKmnd the corner to. hunt the man. OflleM BradTey andijFirenlan 'Will iOw ens l-enched the scene about the; same time. The man who had accosted Mrs. Cave t roved to be Ed. Shaffer, a well know;n printerj ;.;;,whoxwas-i drunk. Tihe man who was with him was try ing tut1 take himr home. No..i)lame was attached to him whatever. Shaffer's drinkenness , would hardly., hafVe.saved bim'from Mrl Cave's anger had hot tne policeman ihterf erred and , taken the mian? to the Tobs. He is inoffensive whem sober, buif ds1 that -i raree is lialbleLtQ rrepeat tnWrlcetl t iiastmagiht.' NxtJtiHWiiie may mot' fare 'd well. The Snayor find him $10 this "morning, and in. default of which,; he went, to jail. - ytlEPISCOPAL; -v. '-A r -;: heshire went to Mt JVIourn this morning on one of 'his regular visitations. He returns tonight. Sun day morning he will be at St. Peter's and Sunday afternoon at St. Michael's (colored). . - . - . .-' , The board . of managers of the Thompson Orphanage ; will meet Tues day morning next at , the orphanage. Rev. E. A. Osborne is back from St. Mark's, Bristow, where he held a three days' mission. Bishop Chesire will be there Saturaay and will confirm sev eral candidates. MISS RUSSELLv ' MR. POWELL TO . WED. . i ' ;i w A wedding which will interest many in Charlotte, as well as elsewhere, will be solemnized Monday morning next. Tlie bride is to be Miss Kate Russell ; the 'groom : Mr: W. H. Powell. Miss 'Russell has been living in Charlotte for some years, coming here from Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. Powell is a son of Mr. B. F. Powell, of this city, formerly of Fort Mill. S. C. ; Bothvparties have many friends, in this city and section, and their approaching marriage ? will be learned of with interest. Mr. Powell is at present living at Henrietta. i DEATH OF MRS. Wm. GRESHAM. Y There has' been another death in the Gresham family. Mr. C: Grasham was apprised yesterday of i the death, r: of Mrs.. William Gresliam, his cousin by marriage. Ms. Gresham died-Satlay, Jmorning "ati3 o'clock, at her; homjln, Dinwiddie county, Va. Her husbds a son of Mr: Robert Gresham, an uncle of Mr. C: Gresham, who is residing here at present, Mr. Robert Gresham went to attend the funeral. J: O. U. A. M. INVITATION. The following invitation has been received from Morganton: f - "Morganton Juniors, on foehalf of the State Council, cordially invite you to be present at the ceremonies , of : the raising of a flag on and presentation of a Bible to the State School for the Deaf at Morganton by the State! Coun cil of North Carolina, on , June 5th, 1900, at 2:30 p. m: Addresses will be delivered by State officers. - A warm and cordial greeting awaits-you. -"Iraternally yours, BUiUKEMONT COUNCIL, No. 44.". -r CARTHAGENA TAKEN. : CARACAS, Venezuela, ; April 26. A German steamer- Just arrived at La Guayra reports that the Colombian: revolutionists are masters . of Car thagena, the most important Columbi an harbor. - VAS IT SUICIDE? MrvU. B. Williams Died Thfc Morning From the Effects ot a Drug of Some Kind. A NIGHT OF STUPOR The' SIeef;nf f Death Cnmmenrpil " 7 1 ; Yesterday Afternoon at , ft'rinrlfMr Uillinma was v. t. ..,! . uuwiMviviia am uiii viuviv uu norning Until He Died , Mr. Ulysses B. Williams died this morning a, his home, 812 West Trade street, from the effects of morphine or some kind of opiate unknown to his family or physician- - "Ms Williams had beei complaining tv not feciing well for several weeks. but was not ill enough to go to bed; aesday he had a chill Yesterday morning he complained of vertigo ad 1 ema ined at borne. Later he went rip street and remained some time. Yes terday afternoon he and his wife took a walk. They returned between i and 5 o'clock. Mr. Williams said he was sleepy and told his wife that he want ed to go to sleep. Helept so long tllat she became alarmed and woke hjm up. That was at 9 o'clotTK. SheMliscovered that" his eyes had a set took, arid she called her mother. T hey talks I to him and he seemed to -regain c jnsciousnes Mrs. Williams sat on the bed by him until 10 o'clock, talking to him to keep him awake. She then fell asleep and did not wake until 2 o'clock, when she was aroused Iby Mr. Williams' strug gles for breath. She sent in haste for a aoctor, ana ne worKea neroicany to save tihe unfortunate man, but it was too late. The stupor of death, which ihad begun at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, had increased hourly through the night, and he was beyond all - hope of recall. He never spoke after 2. o'clock. At 10 minutes after" 10 this. morning, he breathed Msulast iThe supposition is that he tebki : morphine )or; some drug yesterday afternoon, getting it on his trip up town in the morning. The at tendthe , physician thinks that he renewed ! the dose after ' his wife , fell asleep. No reason, ex cept ill ihealth, can be assigned for the deed. Mr. Williams was mar ried last March! to Miss Selma Miller,, and he and his wife had lived very hap pily together. He ihad been working temporarily j a,t. the Charlotte Supply Gompanpni' ; aiid hisf.wife were, to move o Raleierf 'hett Monday. . . MrWiiliams' wai' SOyeari lt Monday.'' He was son; ofi th ate. Ctcero Williams, df Wakye county 17fl4s' home being three miles from Raleign. He has several brothers living. , ( Deceased was corporal in Company A, First North iCarbliha 'Regiment, in tihe Spanish-American war.- His rela-r tives were wired this morning. The arrangements for his funeral will be made as soon as they can , be heard from. :;.r ., v . : ';:';:. - YATES-WILL. Mr. David S. Yates Marries, fliss Will, of Baltimore. Mr. David S. Yates will ibe married this evening at 6 o'clock to. Miss Edith Will, of Baltimore. The ceremony will take place at, the residence of the bride's parents, on -Edmondson ave nue, Baltimore, Rev. J. J. Sams, of the Episcopal Church, officiating. Owing to -the illness of the bride's mother, the marriage will be a quiet home affair, the invitations being verbal, and ex tended only to - relatives and intimate friends of. the family. There will be no attendants. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. ,R. WU1. Her fath er a professor in. Bryant & VStratton Business College. She is considered one of Baltimore's most . o'aarming young women. Mr. Yates is a son of the late w. J. Yates, one of the State's most promi nent men and ablest editors. He is a young man of .bright mind, energetic, clever land - whole-souled He has a paying" business and is steady and re liablein every way. He has built and .furnished a beautiful home for his bride -on West Seventh street, pt.their return to Charlotte,' a week from now, they win go to Dr. I. W. Faison's for ten days and will then be at home on Seventh street. '. J AN AFFLICTED HOUSEHOLD. Mrs.'H.'C. Eccles returned to Salem this morning. She received a telegram last" night saying that her brother-m-law, Dr. C. J. Watkins, was in - ex tremis. Dr. Watkins 'married Miss Flora Conrad, a sister of Mrs.vEccles. He is 5 years old. Dr. Watkins baa been for years one of the leading den tists in bis section.. He. has three chil dren: Messrs. William and" Conrad Watkins, and Miss; Bessie Watkins. i Mrs. Eccles mother Is also ill at Dr. Watkins. ' ' . BENEFIT FOR HEBREW ORPHANS. BROOKLYN, April 36. The Booth Dramatic Society- will - present David Belacock's "Charity Ball" at the Acad emy of Music for the benefit of the He--brew Orphan Asylum tonight. The ad vance sale of seats has been large. ' , FOUND DEAD0NF100R Annie Edwards, a Friendless Un- happy White Woman, Finds Rest. DID SHE KILL HERSELF cl. r j Hvcu ' Aione in a npuse on Hill Street with HerTChildan ; Infant ot Three Honths.-i'The Baby Asleep in Bed; the Moth er Asleep in Death on the Floor. Annie Edwards, a white woman' who lived in a small house on 'Hill street opposite the Good Samaritan Hospital, was found dead in, ther home this morning. The woman came from Paw Creek SQjje time ago.'. She , worked a,t the com mill in-Dolworth. She employed a ne gro woman to wake her an the: morn ings in timef for uer to go to work. This morning the woman went to wake her as usual, but gotvno response to her call or knocks on the door. She went back several times, thinking the woman was,, only sleeping? soundly. Finally, after beating on the door with a stick and still getting no response she , concluded that, something .was wrong. She went for ' assistance, and sue and several other negroes broke the door down and entered the house. I They found the wretched Inmate of the nouse lying on rne noor in one or the rooms, dead.Her infant, only three months old,-was in the bed in an ad joining, roomVleep.uTTiere was no evidence of foul play;; no signs of any one haying been ; in the house; except the unhapjy creature who was cold in death. . ' . " - - , : - .1 he woman was reared nearMt. Hol lyj She had, lived in Mr.' Wilton Jones famdlyin;vPaw Creek, and after leavins there iiad;come to Charlotte. She lived alone in, the house on Hill street. Sht and her Jchlld were insured for $62 in the Virginia Life Insurance Company. She had paid in some money, Chief Orr finding the tpolicies in her bureau drawer this morning. The babe is be ing cared for by people in the neigh borhocd until . further provisions is madefor it. Chief Orr sent out to P&vr Creek' this morning for Mr. Jones. . Coi'onerCathey was in town today He would have held an inquest, but no one made out ah" affidavit. The dead woman, wa3 examined by Dr. Strong; He said death was due to apoplexy. The; woman has two children living in Paw Crjeek She will be buried tomor- COW ; rnornng. r r - - - PERSONALS. 01 Pleasant People Whom One Meets . . on a Day's Rounds. - " . ..f).,'.'-- . 1- Mr. and jMrrwHarryItWeemes are at Capt. W.E4hreiif - s , Miss DiiJ. fjCobert, superintendent, and Miss Weaver, nurse; of St. Peter's Hospital,5 leave tomorrow morning for Cleveland Springs. ' ' Miss Mamie Bayes who came over from Salisbury to attend the wedding last nigiht, . returned home this morn ing '': .. ' - . . ; ": ' Mr. R. H. Jordan is expected'voaclc from New York Saturday.'; , r Mrs. John Gum went to Salislbury this ;miorning to visit her grandmoth er. ' .- - " Mr. and tyrs. J. W. Cannon and fam ily, ard Mr. and Mrs .J. C. Wadsworth and family returned to Concord this morning. . '' ' , Mr. J. W. Kates, general superinten dent of the Postal Telegraph Company,, is. here todday. Mrs. Lizzie Presson Boone, of Ashe ville, is visiting her mother, on North College street. - ' ' Col. H. C. Jones went to Concord this morning to attend court. Mr. Robert Morrow, of Monroe, was here this morning on his way to Green ville, S. C. W. D. AIKXANDER FOR THE ' . r-" t : ' . - ' ' house.,: By. Telephone to the New'.7' DAVIDSON, N. C, ApijBelIev ing as :I do that faithfujand zealous Demicrats'vShouli i be flre,cpgnlzed and rewarded; it gives r mercat pleasure , to present the name of W. D. Alexan der, of Mallard Creekf to the Demo cratic voters of this county as a suita ble man for the Legislature. The lead ing spirit q Democracy well knows the service Mr. Alexander has done the party. He has been ever ready at any call tp. work night and day when ne cessary, sacrificing his time and. inter ests for the good of the party. I would like ;to add that this card is written without his knowledge, for I do not know "that it is his desire, but! feel, judging from the nature of the man, that, should it be the desire of the peo ple to have (him represent them, he would not refuse. Respectfully, ; . J. LEE SLOAN. The children at the Thompson Or phanage enjoyed the graphophone con cert given ' them last " evening by Messrs. A. L. Smith and C. W. Riven barki It was a happy thought in these gentlemen. v ' ) ' -V.7.,VJ,,-: r'i ' Hi., cost $25,000. ' ' :