I VOL. XXIII. iiJiOTTE, N. FRIDAY, EVENING, APRIL ?,738tf6. NO. 3701 THE OTTAWA FIRE. PotLe Think the Ottawa Confla gration the Work of Fire Bugs. v SIX BURNED TO DEATH And Others are Reported Alissing; Municipal Buildings Crowded ; acd Homeless Housed in Tents. Property Loss, $20,000.00. . Fires Kindle ina Circle.' By-Telegraph to the News: OTTAWA, Canada, April 27. Esti mates of the loss in the great fire vary from twenty to thirty millions of dol lars. Itas. stiil burning in Hull, but Sias been stopped at (Cliffs and Ottawa streets.. Ottawa is crowded with (homeless men, women and children. ' FIRE BUG PLOT. . It is reported this morningthat. the police have reason to believe the fire is the result of a gigantic fire-bug plot. The fires were set in crescent form, so the wind would cause them to circle the entire lumber district. ' SCENES OP . SUFFERING. Several lives have been. lost. Hun gry men, women and children are cry ing for bread. It is estimated that twen ty-five hundred houses were burned. The militia iiavebeen called out and are- guarding the public works. The municipal government buildings are too small to hold the homeless and tents will have to be used. Six persons axe known to be dead Two others are reported dead and one is reported missing. LOSS. TWENTY MILLION. w TORONTO, April 27. Dispatches fronl: Ottawa, this morning summarize v.'iJ" lii4... 1 ri- T : 1 inks destroyed, two thousand : Hull bu'ildingsestroyed ej'ghieenliundted;5 11 JU do' lars WARREN APPOINTED GOV. At miner's Reauest."r-r ve- n tJHf lirs?,. mem Begugtr L M W M-?A. ief t flafe- ..'3 a sia s if - - f , By Telegraph-to the News.; LONDON-April 27. The best news "that has reached here in a long time is that General Hunter is going to the relief of Maf eking. His Tenth divis ion is now at Kimberley. Part of the command are veterans of the Lady smith campaign. WARREN GOVERNOR OF GRIQUI LAND WEST. LONDON, April 27. Lord Roberts reports that General Warren, chief in command aC Spion Kop, has been ap pointed military governor of Griqui. land West, at the request of Sir Alfred Milner. FRANKLIN MARKET BURNED. By Telegraph to the News. PHILADELPHIA, April 27. Federal market and hall an old landmark, was burned early this morning. Twenty nine"""small stores suered from, the flames. Many families are homeless. The loss is $80,000. SEND IN YOUR ENVELOPES. Chief Campbell asks all merchants in the city to send their envelopes to the News office, where they will be ornamented, on the back, with the. red 20th of May, advertisement. ; He has left an order for 50,000 envelopes to be so ornamented, this being adjudged as a good way to advertise' the 20 th throughout the "country. The printing on the envelopes is to cost the yi mer chants nothing, ottie expense being borne by the ' Ohahiber of Commerce. ANOTHER NEGRO GOES TO PEST HOUSE. Miserv" loves company. The inmatesr- of the pest house give a glad if poxy hand to any new comer. This mprnri in 5 the doors were opened to receive- James Dufihgs, colored who was well broken out with small-pox. : The negro was on the street "whten picked up by. one'of the iicem6h He ' was - put iii I the small-pox corner in he city" hall ; until . the pest house'' cart could be got ten ready. Durings had been broken out with the disease since Monday. - MR. VAN kORN AT Y. M. C. A. Sunday will be a day of special in terest at the Y. M. C. A., because of the visit of Mr. O. B. Van Horn, gen eral secretary of the Asheville associa tion.' Mr. Van Horn will address the boys at their meeting at 2 : SO o'clock 'p. m., and will conduct the men's meet ing, which will begin at 4; 45 o'clock p. m. - - f ' Mr. David Badham will sinig at the men's meeting. All men are invited to attend this meeting. THE 'WEATHER. Forecast for the 36 hours ending at 8 p. m., Saturday. ;-. : . For Charlotte and vicinity : General ly fair weather tonight and Saturday. , For North Carolina,r Fair weather tonight and Saturday. Fresh north winds. . - - , dollars! Insurance, ' i wel ve ' mil Hon' A COUP D'ETAT. Presbyterian College Secures Miss Jean Graham as a Teacher J, The Presbyterian College has- taken on new life with the prospect of a new building. - In addition to other advanc ed steps, they have enlarged their, fa culty by the valuable addition of Miss Jean Graham, whose literary .attain ments are well known in 'Charlotte.' Miss Graham is a graduate with hon ors ft English and history, from To Jfonio&niversity, and is a graduate al- fco?f ' Ontario Normal College, of Ham- iltt.jSjie has also taken post-graduate work in Anglo-Saxon. . She will be ttfiteMiWith Miss Colton in the conduct of the English course. Miss Colton has made -a fine reputation as a teacher of English, and Miss Graham with a sim ilar reputation will add strength to an already . strong chair. V Miss Graham will give part of her time to literary work for Northern per iodicals. TEe Presbyterian College is to be congratulated upon its : bright f prospects . and this strong ; addition to its faculty. - BASEBMJ. Tar Heels Fighting in Georgia and South Carolina The U. N. C. baseball ieam and con- tingent, numbering in' -all 25 persons, passed through Charlotte .st niht en route to Atlanta, where today, they cross bats With the University of Geor gia. Mr. Harvey Lambreth, cousin of Mr. Geo. Stephens, who played tird base for Charlotte last season; came in yesterday morning ahead, of the team, to spend the day with Mr. Stephens, rejoining the" boys last night. If the University has as - much muscle t ar brains the conte.-3t "going , on in Atlanta this afternoon, will result in a Vanderbilt victory for the Tar Heels. -, ' :"' V -v";K;-' I Davidsqn College got a bla dubbing yesterday by Columbia score5 ?20 to 4 but it is to be hoped she wilt find' the salt air of Charleston invigorating7 "tb-; day : and pull herself : .tpgother into f a, victorious shape. Tpmprrow shp tackling the.: Citadel-it iSiti hoped capture it. dh.ir "r . ' ' : - . ta , CHURCH NEWS. .'Rev, : Mr. Berger,. a Congregational minister, of Clinton, N. J., is'expecteil to fill the pulpit of the Second Presby terian church Sunday , 1 ': ; -;Rev. Mr. "Bridges,! of the Presbyter ian CollegevWil J -pceach .. at' the Firsts Dr. ChamersAiW called io in boiro, S. IC., last, diight . tor visit -sonic former parisnioners 'wno are quicefiiiu. He returned today pn the belated vFlor ida trains s v 'iTjtJ There will be services again atrWie First A. R. P. church tonights at. 8 o'clock," preparatory to communion on Sabbath.. Rev. Samuel J. Patterson, of Central Steele Creek conducted services last night, and will" also ..preach to night. y ' DEATH OF MRS. McAULEY. Mrs. Mary M. McAuley died yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock at iher home, four miles from Huntersville, at the age of 70. She had 'been in feeble health for sometime, ajid her death was not unexpected. Mrs. . McAuley was the widow of Hugh McAuley. They had five children: Messrs. T. M and W. C. McAuley and Mrs. J. T. Baird, Mrs. Wm. Bradford and Mrs. Mellon. Deceased, was a member of the A. -R. P.. church at Huntersville: She was a good woman and her good example will bejfelt for long. Mrs. Mc Auley was an aunt of Mr. Green Mc Auley, of this city. The funeral services took place "this afternoon at 3 o'clock at Huntersville. N . ' FAMILY REUNION. , Mr. and Mrs. ."J. L. Wray are happy to have their two sons, Messrs. Jesse and Linton Wray home again. The former is seeing "his parents for tha first time in a coon's age-13 years. He has been living in St. Louis, having a position there as foreman in the Ar nxQur Packing ;House. He is just re aehtly from Hot, Springs, Ark. Mr. Linton Wray, is the soldier. He belong to patters I, 0th. ArtUleryJ lrX.AV'ray gained the regular army 1 before'; the Spanish-American wary He has; been at Honolulu." The boubonic plague ran hini' home. ?;THE?toO(UR-AG , '!0wihg to :itieT: torn up condition of Tryoii street, on v account of the lay ing the" double street car track,; the course of the firemen's' races 'i for? the 20th has been changed.- The course will be on West Trade, in front of the First Presbyterian church. A plug is to be put in at the distance decided upon; the uneven places made even, and the street put 'in good condition for the races. The local team is sawing wood and saying nothing. Watch ' it run off with first, prize. 1 , , . - REALTY MR. FORE TO BUILD. " Mr. D. Baxter Henderson yesterday sold his pretty lot on Nortth ( College street, between - Messrs. Mallory and Stenerson's places, to Mr. J. A. Fore, who is to build a handsome residence thereon ' at cace, for ihimself and fam ily. . Brown & Thomas yesterday sold, a housT andiot on North Church street elonginf3 to Mr.' -J.; A. Elliott,' to Mr. J. R. Gordon. xnslCleralon z,stv f 0 DID F ELLO W S . The Local Lodges Celebrate the 81st Anniversary of Odd Fel lowship in this Country. INTERESTING EXERCiSES Speeches, flusic, Recitation by Miss sEither. Paul, Refresh- ments, and j-asi hut not Least a handsome Gilt to Mrs. Luke Seawell. The exercises commemorative of the 81st anniversary of the I. C O. F. were held last night in the hall of Charlotte Lodge-, No. 88, on. East Trade street. The hall was crowded with Odd Fel - lows, JOaughtfrs of Reibekah, and their trienos mae taD a iemaie. ine pro gramme opened with a prayer by t he chaplain, 'Revir C. L. Hoffmann. This was followed by an instructive s dia logue between "Brother" J. A. Bell, noble grand, and "Brother" George F. Duke, vice grand, which gave the his 1 tory of the order in simple colloquial style. The anniversary proclamation was read by "Brother" -R. H. Ramsay, after which the Thanksgiving Hyinn was sung to the familiar tune "Corona tion." The prayer of- thanksgiving followed. Short addresses, interspers -ed with music, were made by Mayor McCall. Mr. W. .M. Smith (who said he wanted a "Rebekah," "Rachel," "Mary Jane," or any other old girl to make him an even fellow,, and Rev. George A. Page. Mr. Page was intro duced as "an Odd Fellow pf 50 years." He pu t in his disclaim at once, ' but the first proposition stands,7 as his years, were judged by" his "wisdom and wit" as Noble Grand Bell iieatly turn ed it. Mr. Page explained jfor the ben efit of the uninformedrh,a, V the'subor dinate lodge bore the same ; relatioW ig the Encampment degree tMat - the Jiigfi School: d,es to the collegiate course. In the 'Encampment branch there sare fth.ree.i degrees: . :-" ;: .. - '.-c-p:;v . $ JHlfii Patriarchal-denoting simpuci 1 e "2.- Golden Rule toleration.; - : '- j '"3?- Royal -Purple the ihighest I and iast.v - rr:-:-? ueiiiiier.-oj. me.- inpic - iie--r xienusaiy , Truth and Love- the following; resi? tation on "Odfellowship" was given hyrMassEsther Paul: '-.-"- SH V; tio'Eightyone years have passed? away jMnce the ; noble order of Odd Eellows g t0 America and' planted fOnrntjjxspil,! Eight decades have become a parrt'vpf, history since the three : links were-first seen in the landof Llbeifly,; And now. my hearers. i'tffii'bbver4is5 in the last year of thglh'eehtiiiyjtarri A : 1- 3 t -l":f1fi'T!J- ' 1 J. dctsi. u. uauiiwiu u iouij ttii see- w licit has been done by this brSerf and, as we stand at the gate of the '20th century, so full of marvelous possibilities the century ' when all the world ' seems looking for the golden age to try .o forecast the future prospects of this noble brotherhood. Certainly, one who stands on the outside of this order can never fully understand the amount of good that has been done by this order, in the widows that have been visited and relieved; the orphans for whom it has provided ; the sick and afflicted whohave this order to thank for time ly help; the thousands to whom the' three links stand for all that is best in human nature, reminding them of the visits Of true ministering angels. The amount of good. done by the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows will never be known until the whole world the good;, and bad of every . nation shall stan da9bef ore the great white throne andfle secrets of all - hearts shall be naked and open t the eye of Him that sitteth on the throne, : the Judge of the spirit of all the earth. Then, it is to be hoped, when the judgment age shall; have been ended, thousands of "Odd Fellows shall hear the ajvful judge arbiter of the des tiny of billions of intelligent beings say, 'come, ye blessed, inherit the kingdom prepared fqr you from the fou5dafohof jgUt3,wprld for I - was hungered and 'jr-fftd meVnaked and ye clothed. meV sick and In prison and ye visited me. And these shall go into life eternal. Let us hope that the time will soon come when the principles of Odd Fellowship i will : become- ' uniyersal ; that all. the earth shall .be a-brotHer-hoor that there will be .one God and His name jane: Father of ,a : race of equal, free brothers true - "When inan to man united, And every wrong thing righted, The whole world-shall be lighted 1n the parliament of man, the Feder ation of the world." "I am very much interested in' the Independent Order of Odd .Fellows, for personal reasons. My; father and brothers" are members ots this - ancient order, and I think that whatever they all agreed on must be true. When I have become a woman,' though I can not have, the same rights as -men, . I shall certainly become a member of the Daughters - of. Rebekah and - am impatient for that happy period t& dawn. ' ". "Rebekah! a character . dear to- both Hebrew and Christian; and weH chosen as "a part of the name of the" female portion of "the Independ- (Continued on Fourth Bas0. .. .. . 1 CANDIDATES HERB Will Speak : at., the County Court Rouse Tq-Alorrow ; Morning. VERY-SUCCESSFU t TOUR and. Enthusiastic Crowds ttave Heard Them . at4 Other Places To-Day is X Q Hal id ay for the 5peakrs, and They are Enjoying the Rest. The next Governor of. North Caro Una is in the city. And so are most of the men who ( will occupy State of flees after "this year. . In the party are : Mr. '. Charles- B . . .. . ... , ... . :.. . . . $ i Aycock, of Wayne, Democratic cfihdi aate " lor Governor: Mr. J. Bryan Grimes, of Pitt,' for Secretary of State; Dr Bf. Dixon, of t Shelby for Audi tor; , and Mr. R." D. Gilmer, of Hay wo4d. for Attorney General. - Ji mother of Mr: W. D. Turner, caimdate"' for ' Lieutenant Governor, di 1 taew days ago, and he has not yeu fejoined' the. party. Gen." T. F. Tognfe'-candidate for Superintendent of Pulllc Instruction, left the party at Greensboro, and will probably-Jiot be iiere tomorrow. : Mr. B. 'R. Lacy, can didate for Treasurer; ih as been, sick, for several days, and went to Raleigh las night for a rest. ' Mr. H.' B. Varner candidate for Labor Commissioner, . is spending today in Lexington, but wil ' be here' tomorrow.. Mr. E. . Y. ; Webb the energetic youn'g cliairman of Cleve land county, accompanies tihej candi dates to, Charlotte. ' The party spent the time quietly to- dayi: Several of thenirfiad'hbt been to pttariotte; itf 'year3, and were surprised at its growth;Kr SV; ; "" -:.r ' "It is a great relief! to rest, even for a day, when you 'have been on a long speaking tour;', said Mr Aycock. He is in fine health and, spirits, however, and : Is standing the strain well The speaking will take place at . the -Ci3Ut houi3e 'tomorrow at 11' o'clock everybody , is -invited to ;, attend apd iearj the" issues . of the campaign jdis ' f ayor McCaTF will introduce : Mr. Aycock: cMf.-v Hertot jClarkson, Mr1. Grimes; Mr. J; A. Belli Dr Dixon; Mr C." W. Tillett, Mr. Gilmer; Mr.' Hugh W. Harris, ''Mr- Patterson; ..Mr. W. C Dowd, Mr. Varnef i i-'- V , " "We have Ifadilarge crowds' and con siderable enthusiasm, wherever we have been,?j0Baid Mr. Gilmer, "and- I was particularly pleased, because .a nmmberr bfcthe meeijgis-hiave been in my own section of thetate.' Mr, Grimes is ver.mucK pleased with Charlotte, and. tnkS' it shows as much enterprise as, , any town in the South. " . ' ' . - v ACCEPTS THE CHALLENGE. - . .. r- r y Hark Schack will Wrestle With Bill Hickey- Mark Schack, the champion light weight wrestler of the United States, who, as noted in the News, arrived in the city last week, to spend some -time Teouperating his health and strength, has; been "challenged : by Bill Hickey ' to a catcfli-as-catch-can match. Mr. Sdhack today hands the News his acceptance of the challenge, -which reads as fol lows: "I hereby accept -Mr. Bill Hickey's challenge to meet him in a catch-as-catch-can wrestling match, the1 Lanca shire rules to govern, and the 'oest two out of three falls to count. I-will' give him as big a side bet as he dekfres, but the sfde bet niust be over $250, money to be posted at the same time as arti cles of agreement are signed. My man ager, J. Sheehan, will post my -money and sign articles. The match .is C to take place, if possible, in Oharloitte, N. C, four weeks after posting the money. If the match can't be pulled of Jn Char lotte, any : other place1 wilL; suit ae, Give or take expensed aitfl Wuiner-m take all, ' except the - eoepenses" for the matefh. ".:". --'" - -y;",-V "Mr; Hickey. -weighs 145 pounds,and I weighti in condition, 133. : The match is. to ;be. at' cacch ' weight, and the' ref .eree selected 24 hours before "the bout. I' would have met ' Mr, Hickey i sooner,' wit mv health did not permit it.""5 Mr. Hickey is the hardest man in- the wel ter weight "class, and he has got a very clean record. In the last three years I have met at least 350 men. I traveled with the McFadden Athletic Combina tion: for two seasons meeting; a differ ent man every" night I offered $50 dol lars to any 135-pound man that could stay fif teen minutes with me. Nobody ever stood the limit. I had to defeat three men one night in Boston for the championship, and I wrestled a 22-; minute draw with the American bull killer, :who weighed - 224 pounds. He was a partner of Jansouf, the terrible Turk.' i have never tasted defeat and if sobriety goes for anything, I guess I never .. will. Mr. Hickey spoke his Piece,' now let (him put or shut up. Money speaks all languages, with me, and now it "Is up to him. .v I -have de feated the - champion of England, j 1 . - MARK scHAtsr,; Champion Light-Weight - Wrcctler of the World. y SOCIAL. Airs, J. n. Oates to Entertain. Au r;ay " 1 Club Resumes. 'Just for Fun" Yesterday. .iW-J. Mrs. J. M. Oates , gives a 7 o'cloi dinner tfiiis evening at" her palatal home; on South Tryon street, in hpVor of fief kinsman and guest, Mr. Johh P. Woodard, of Wilson. The table -will be rich in appointments and beautiful and dainty: in color, pink and white to be blended in a charming effect sug gested by Mrs. Oates perfect taste and artistic skill. Invited to meet Mr. jodard are: .'Messrs. F. I. Osborne,' J. P. Caldwell. M; P. Thomnsom W. C. Dowd, H. A. Murrill, Piatt D. Walker, C. W. Tillett and Dr. E. P. Keerans. The Just for Fun Club had a thor oughly enjoyable meeting yesterday af ternoon;. Miss Nellie Helvin being bos tess. jsacn score cara naa written upon it eleven odd ones. The club members were informed , that a very rare and diversified musicale". was en tapis. Then the fun began. Miss Nan Dowd was requested to take a seat at ' the piano and play eleven' selections from popular composers,' while the rest of the company racked their brains to re call the 'familiar airs as they were ren dered Paderewski, BoccherinirStraiuss Mills, etc., alternating with "Georgia Camp Meeting," "Auldi Lang Syne, "Dewey March,' JustfOne GrlJl' etc. As these were guessed, they were plac ed on the score cards opposite the odd numbers. Miss Helvinr then displayed .1 i Jin j i " . ' . - . . . cieven uinereni articles, eacn typiry Ing something musical: A watch for "time;" smoothing ironfor "flats;' yard stick for "measure ; " dollar bil for "whole note;" 25 cents for "quarter note;" carving knife for "sharp," etc The answers were written opposite the even numbers on the score cards. " The contest was spirited and very jolly and all were sorry when it was brought to a close.' Miss Nan Dowd won the prize a pretty cdfjffpt ?St Cecilia framed in carved eocny? miss ; Mamie Chrietz berg fell heir, to the booby a frog s musical hopper' whose - notes- have pidrced inany ears by day ahd?night: Onie; might; fhave anticipated 5 tha1 ?rPp VWUUM18 ; jWUUIU 1 CcUT (HCt W 111 IKS SIS ters wi th;$an i Aboriginal repast-r-Indian meal-r but the ; refreshments that. ' ap peared, were up to : date, " genuinely. Americanized, anq ueiicious. ine crao will meet next Thursday afternoon with Miss Fannie Little. . " This wil possibly the 'last- meeting tmtll"ts falir.'''- f The -"Au Fay Club,'' the membership of which represents a number of two aiid-tn'reeears-hencedebutanteilsto feumfiks meetinigs. ;Miss'ninie':'Ijea Blair-. As- hostess this .afternoon. Her 'club mates' rand confreres arjMisses t?e6TaPegasn'Iuise.;WklIsw'oHh; Ldceille Reilley, Hettje Baruch," Louie Jones, Lucy and Douglass Robertson, Laura Watfiris," Willie Durant, Ade laide Clarksoa Saide Belle Mayer, Le onora Sloan and Isabelle Beall. Irs. E. T. Anthony will be the power be hind.' the throne and will see that the young club women have ices, cakes and candies. " ; The reception given last evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. H Ross, at their hos pitajble home, on Liberty v street, - in honor of Mr. W. J. Smith and bride, of Fine ville; was a delightful affair. The bride wore a dainty dress of white or gandie over silk. Mrs. Ro3S was as sisted in receiving 6her. sister, Sfiss Mamie Smith. '-f,0 The organ -recital to be given by Dr. Fisher, at the Lutheran church to night, assisted by . Miss Van Wagner, the vocal teacher, will be one of the musical events of the season. . r- . The- fiit iv.iay.- Morning Club will meet om r j ,v with Miss Mai y Armond Nash. v , ' " The Married Peoples- Whist ? Club will meet tonight with Mrs.' Fred OH- ver. - " ' ... v ' ' DEATH OF MISS HUEY. Passed Away . This Horning in New Ydrk. : Mis TMTinptf. Hnev died this rtci'h ine in the New York nospital, ! : . 69$ Vnrir iitv xt tvnhoid revor after an illness of flirweeks.. Tie aeath was received tais ; atternoon about StSO.Miss Huey was a daughter of the late M. M. Huey arid s'ster of Mr. J. E. Huey the contractor, Mr. S. G. Huey and Mr. J. C. Huey. of ftfew York. She . was a trained nurse, and had been at the hospital for some time. Three weeks ago she -was taken ill. 'Her mother went on and nursed her through her Illness., The remains will reach here Sunday morning, ac companied by Mrs. Huey . and Mr. i. C. Huey. ' y : Miss Huey as 31 years ofage. .She was ,a member' of the A. . R. -P. church and a woman of fine sense and char acter. ' . ' . ' . A SJARBLE FRONT. -yOn'th- side-walk in front of, the 4Csi property on South Tryon strcst is- a pile of Georgia marble, in blocIJ, to be used in ornamenting the 4C s, building. The building- is to be three stories, and will have, Contractor Joaea cajs, the richest treat cf any hnililzz ia- tLs Ctate, , . u ... A FLORAL PARADE, The 20th of May Committee will Add Beauty and Fragrance to the Celebration. WO ME N A ND F LO W E R S TLM&tvUxs of Both to be Invo- ttftof; Give th , Finishing Touches to the oth Programme VTheCadiesVabd Bless Them" the Men Need Them. 1 A floral parade has been added as a feature of the 20th celebration. The committee, through - Chief Campbell, today requested Miss Addie .Williams to take charge of the parade, the in vitation coming in the letter given belowv which Is addressed to Miss Wil liams, but intended also to the ladies of Charlotte: ; ' . APPEAL TO THE LADIES. Dear Miss Williams: To blend beauty with patriotism and to give a finishing touch to the attractive pro gramme now about completed for th 20th of May. celebration, ' requires the assistance of the ladles of Charlotte The management of the celebration feels encouraged by the universal in terest . every ijesson has displayed, who has been called upon to act in any ca- pacity, and every one has cheerfully responded to the call to duty as the early patriot of this country did in pro tecting the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, the memory of which we now commemorate.' , The ladies of this country from its earliest history have always been . as courageous in their devotions . to the nation as were the brave soldiers which guarded their homes and won the liberty of its peo ple. A celebration commemorative of a historical scroll like the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, without the ladies, participating actlvely in.. It,: would be.asvVhefiow.withqut itsifra - .The mainaemeM 'of f'thisvceiebration deem It essentia q jthe.'sviccesdi of the event that w.e have both. flower and its fragrance. r To secure the artistic 'fin ish ,so desirable to out ' approaching celebration, a floral parade - directed and modeled under the minds and HsSqOT . be.1adies4 would lenjd that J oharmi f b the occasloaii which women only tcah. give to a public function. Act ing upon the. above thought the man agement deems lt proper that a leader should be1selecteff 'ahdlrfin power" in the choosihg o?i3 (loRgi1 staff to co operate!; with her in this fj6aitiful work. We desire you to act as floral director., The assemblyh.all. of the Chamber of 'Commerce , is at ' ybuj? set vice and any meetings ; that you may- call can be held in our hall. . : We . pray your early acceptance - as floral director with' power to select your own staff , as above mentioned. I remain, tVery respectfully, - ' : : C. H. CAMPBEUL, . ' " Chief Director. PATRIOTIC SONGS. The next thought of the committee was expressed today in an- invitation to: Mrs. W. B. Ryder, director of the St: Cecilia Club, asking the club, through her, to "sing - two songs "America? and "The Old North State' on the speakers stand during the exercises of speakers' day. ; The basses and tenors who are at present assist ing the. club, are included in the invi tation. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVEN TION. ;,...! , The :Republican county convention will.be held tomorrow at 12 o'clock in the old' court house, to . appoint dele gates to the State and congressional conventions. The Republican primar ies are held whenever and wherever the ward commits elect, prior to the county convention. The delegates to the latter are elected at the ward meet ings. ,The-lsst one was held last nignt, and delegates to the convention; tomor- row appomtea. . The meeting of this convention will call off the Republican sheep from the Democratic pasture.; They will get no amendment diet. ; . PTION TO BISHOP AND MRS. CHESHIRE. ,- r? (wtaHniis wpr( issued vesterdav follows: "you are cordially invited, by the Women of St. Peter's Parish to meet Bishop, ana Mrs. Cheshire, Monday, April 30th, 4 to .7 p. m., at the residence of Mrs. Hamilton C. Jones, 406 , East Avenue. The invitations are confined to the members of the parish, and to the physicians of the city and their wives. NEW BCOKS AT Y. M. C. A. , The following books have been added to. the Y.:M. C. A. library: "That Lass r T " Vk-.r ICVannai XJnjI trorvn Rill nett, the gife of Mrs. Luke Seawell; 'What a '--'Young Man Ought to Know,'. "What a Boy Ought to Know," both by Sylvanus Stall, D. , . BURIED TODAY. ' Mr. U. B: Williams, whos death was noted in yesterday's paper was buried this morning at Williams Chapel. He has a brother living near there. Major T. It.; Roberston. and others., cf Corn pan A - First North Carolina Regi cent, accompanied the remains to tLdr Izzt resting place. , j T? I V iV. ' '-fjj r-