RECEIVED BY THE PRESIDENT. The Charlotte Delegation Wei- corned, at the White rtouse ' s This Morning. v WILL COME I F H E C A N n...M.nt Will rVicI Chnrlnttf During thfeilCarniva Un less Public Business Prevents Thanks for the Souvenir In vitation. ' "' ': vv' '" Special Telegram to the News. (WASHINGTON, April 30.-tA - large delegation headed by Senator Pritch ard, Assistant Attorney General Boyd, and Mayor McCall, called at the White House this morning to present an in vitation to President McKinley to at tend the Mecklenburg celebration -in Charlotte May 20th. ! . , Senator Pritchard' was the principal spokesman for the : delegation in pre senting the rinvitation, and urged the "Pi-sirtP,Tvr tn -accent. The President re plied briefly, ; thaiikiiigi 'the delegation for the handsome iouyenir invitation. The President t promised to visit Charlotte if his official i duties permit him to leave Washington at the-time of the celebration 1 ; , TELEGRATvi FROM MR. WITTKOWS- KY. ' ' ; Mr. S. Wittkowsky, of the Charlotte committee of invitation, sends ;thf; "The President receiyedilef'tefe mittee very graciously andisfavbrTv ' ably inclined. He will look over; with .Messrs. Pritchard and : BoyidiM;'tf t r sr vo rrr-rr r-ra o r rl o rl-ri CO lie Tof TllQ rOTf TO ABAIDON FREE S TATE. Boers Retiring to the Transvaal Commandoes Safe at Brand- . frot..;:-,,, "By Telegraph to the 'News. ' . LONDON, April 30. Advices from Loren zo Marquez say the Boers have decided to abandon the Free State to the British. It ; is said the Burgbers will make no stand against Roberts south of the Vaal River; that the movement of their forces across the stream "has already - begun. This inT; . volves the abandonment of Brandfort and Kroonstadt. It is understood the Boers are already moving a,way..fromj those points toward the Transvaal. T v BOER COMMANDOES ARRJE , i U 'Di A "VT rTTTVO T .' ' - ' -; TT TT-VT T A A it nrr tS 1 J "J Transmission. ) Commandant Graveti J 1 1 A-m - ' 'i t" ' xeiegrayfiiH ironi me coer camp at. Brandfort that the Federal forces who were at Dewet's Dorp and' Wepener had arrived safely. SEMI-ANNUAL, ANNIVERSARY OF SIEGE OF MAFEKING. LONDON, April 30i--Ad vices from Maf eking, dated , April 17th, say . every thing is moving sasifactorily. The semi-annual anniversary "of the begin ning of the siege yas 'celebrated by the Boers firing heavil into' the town. The attack was repulsed'. On April 11th sixty-eight shells entered the town. No : casualties resulted. ' STRIKE ON N. Y. CENTRAL. All Branches of the Road Threat en to Go Out. By Telegraph to the News. NEW YORK, April 30. State Board Mediator Delehanty arrived this morn ing from Buffalo. He says the situa tion on the New York Central is ex tremely serioais. "I . am afraid 4nere will be ageneral strike in all branches of the New York Central," ihe said. "The men will not, give, way and the only hope I have is ,jthajt,the Central officials will make, ncessions. Unless they meet the demands fpt the men there will' be a generke." r Chairman Delehanty hjd a confer ence , with Superintendent of ? Motive Power Waittof the New York Central; this morning1 on &EeA demand ; of the v Buffalo strikers. Waitt intimated after the meeting that the", railroad will - make'no concessionsHe''Said hte thought Ithe final demand Of thestrik ers was a bluff. - ; HIGHER PRICES EXPECTED. Price, McCormick & Co., Think " Extreme Prices Inevitable. Special Telegram to the. News. . . . ' n . 1 "V ff ? :' . . 1;'-. . uppiy 01; cotton is zne smallest since 1S90V when cotton sold at thirteen cents. Consumption about "fifty per cent ! greater. Extreme prices seem in evitably. We shall be glad if you will give the widest possible publicity tp this telegram. V " "PRIOE, McCORKICK & CO." May Day legal hpliday at the law building tomorrow.. '. PARIS EXPOSITION ACCIDENT. Bridge Collapses Killing and . Wounding ' Many Pleasure Seekers. .. . , ., ..,-r k r- z -y PARIS, April 30. An accident with in the . exposition grounds yesterday caused the death of six persons and the injury, of about 40. A. temporary bridge, unable to withstand the Sun day crowd, broke. , The accident threw a pall "over ' the happiness of an immense throng who had profited .'by the magnificent weath er to visit the exhibition. Sunday's was probably the record attendance. Not merely the interior of the grounds, but the precincts were also crowded, and the concourse was particularly great along the Avenue de Suffren, which forms the northern boundary of the grounds. Here is situated a big side show, the Celestial Globe. A foot bridge, on which the finishing touches were being put ' today, crosses the Ave nue de Suffren,-connecting the side show with, the exhibition. It was con structed of . wood1, wi t!h a stucco facade and with a' plaster-made tower at each end. -;,'-v ;- r .-..--.'". .-' Strangely enough, the; bridge had been condemned only yesterday mornt ingas unsafe, by the exhibition author ities. The public was, therefore, not allowed to go upon the structure, and in 'this way a disaster even mtore terri ble than that which occurred - was averted. The gay crowd was passing along the avenue and some -hundred or more persons wre walking (beneath the . bridge ' when, su ddenly an ominous crash was (heard. Before, those under neath could tu.rn aside the structure fell with a fearful crash, burying near ly 50. A I sjhout of horror rose from the spectators', mingled with the cries of the victims. - vFor a moment nothing could be distinguisJhed but a cloud of dAt and plaster: scea of the great- est excitement and confusion followed. iBjit. this was only for a few seconds. Almost' immediately the crowd attack ed the detbris in an' effort to release those lying beneath. PLAYED WITH MATCHES. Mr, J. "D. Collins' Daughter Pain :m$0A $mmi Burned ',0, : Ethel; . tiie;-thlriet-yer ter Mr. and Mrs. JSm JCSllinsas ? ; painfully burned Friday. onL mnhps w,iltimore' traveled the , South; for knowing it, and gene out in fthe yard f to play with them. In striking, one :of.i, xtri x&Z -t it.tL 1 1 T lotte and this section, and on one . of them she set her clothing on fire.1 The. house girl happened to look out of the ; ,3 x : 1 xl . j I- and to her horror saw h6rflaniei!: one ran ip ner assistance andJcorenxno. burning garments qff h'er, Utrrnrng hecr handrthereby: ' The child was ainf uH ly buraed uider and oh'hei'ieftriiTff and t.feft sidf fWeiP face. But? for jthepfQun?Lte thought of the house ;girl, in'f.Mn'ig put for the child, she would j have been burned to death. ' "OAKHURST." New Town Springingup in rt! the Northwestern Suburbs. r A new surburban town is ooing built in the northwestern port of the city. The factory of the Charlotte Cof fin Co., recently built on the . Heath property, is in operation and new j ver, at PIneville. ; They have proved, houses are springing up all around it; by the magnificent success of tlio ?up v. Contractor Herring is now engaged ' ply house, their ability to make any in the construction of fiw dwelling business. They are among Charlotte's houses and a. j good-sized boarding- ; foremost business meni and any knQye hmioo rf WArlrman't Vinfal TKqc-q -.n.-tll . thV TT1 Will : bfi V flf .".interifit: :I in V J 1? Ill ' be completed shortly. ! The property is loetaed on the Sea- i board Air Line railroad, ?.nd the losi- dents ave petitioned the railroad company to make this place a station. I a 4. a with, a nea waiting room will be . trolling tlie Charlotte Tex erected 1 ; : - tile Mill Supply jCo., which practically The name of the new ... suburb is "Oakhurst " TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION, TO MEET:' - The Independent Telephpne Associ ation , of the Carolinas, will meet in this city tomorrow morning. This is the second meeting of the Associa tion, the first one having been held here about two months agoi The As sociation is desirous of extending its trunk lines through all- parts of, the Carolinas. and the meetinsr tomorrow as in reference to proposed extensions. Manager Helvin anticipates a large at tendance of members.-;' ; : -: ; OFFICE-HOLDINO DELEGATION J - The delegates tP the State -Republir canr cPnvehtiPh at Raleigh are-lMessrs J.. W. M-wlIeh; postmaster ; WS Clan ton;' director tjf the vmih Albrigm ueyui.y cwim;wr nz lnieruai revenu; Hampton, deputy marshal; M. B. Wil liamson, clerk of the court; and Dr. Houston, who ran for ofllce, but didn't get it. . If the- delegations from other counties are. like this, the convention will probably endorse the McKinley administration. , j , ' I CARDS FOR THE 9TH : I ; Cards were received here this morn ing announcing the marriage, May 9th, of. Miss Caralie Britt Smith vand Mr; Walter Scott "Sergeant; AThe' cereT mcny will take place at 11 a. nl at the home cl;the .bride, .130, . iPrince Street Greensboro., The. bride, elect is a daug ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Smith, for mer ir of this "city, now of Greensboro, md -a sister of Mrs. J. A. Clinard 'and Mr-. J. Glenn Smith. : N- BIG TEXTILE DEAL. The Charlotte Supply Company Passes Into New Hands To-Night. X FIVE IN. THE SYNDICATE. Capitalists of Rhode Island Buy the Stfpply Company Out, Ac cepting ) Option Given Them NeSlfe Year Ago The . New Firm Takes Charge Thursday. One of the most . interesting . deals, that has ever taken place in textile cir cles in this city and section has, after days and months, of negotiation,- cul minated. The Charlotte Supply Co., which does the largest business of any concern of its kind in the United States, has passed into new hands.. , 5 T Messrs. E. A. Smith and J. P. Wilson have sold ttieir interest in the . com pany to a party of Northern capital ists: Messrs. R. B. Goff, J. Goff, H. C.; Clark: R. W. Eddy, of Warren, R I. and C3 H. Child, of Providence. Mr. RV B.Goff began negotiations with Messrs Smith and Wilson about a. year ago. At that time the D. A. Tompkins Co. owned an interest in the business. This was afterward bought by Mr. R. ' M Miller," Jr. Mr. Goff a month or so ago bought Mr, Miller's interest. He then began negotiations with Messrs. Smith and Wilson.- They made him an offer, 'K S, Goff Is here to accept the proposition. Messrs. R. B. and J. Goff, Child, Eddy and Clark will in future constitute the Charlotte Supply Co. Mr. Clark will be; president of the new concern; and Mr. Eddy treasurer. Messrs. Clark and Eddy will move to Charlotte, ,and will ;have charge of the business as Messrs.' Smith and Wilson have now '. Messrs. Clark and Eddy will arrive Ciere Thursday niglht, and v.will take charges at once. . -S' tCt':,: Twelve years ago Mf . E. A. Smithvof Northern supply houses. I He toresaw his return' trips to. Baltinlore interest ed Mr. J. P. Wilson in the matter. They iTbpkilis result was the Char- .fhac.iv ' wiTreiW -Lni? Wilson ;and tine.' D TpmkihsnCoi; a partners in tihe!inW Wti&&vLiS bftsfx(s.'iThe ccimpahy s tghized ten Years ago, and began business on College street in the building now oc cupied ; by ithe Williams-Shelton. Co. The business scon outgrew the store, and a move into larger quarters was necessary. The building on West j gathered; in to Christ, v V Fourth street was rented from Mr. Car- j Mr. Berger's sermons have been son. The business. has grown to be the generally praised. The congregation largest of its kind, ntot only . in the were delighted with him. He will re South, but of the United States.. ! main here several weeks" as the guest Messrs. Smith and Wilson have not ef DrV Stagg. 1 . - :l decided what business they, will ., mt.i 1 4t n engage in. They will each devote a ' MIuBLLAm. i . great deal of their time to their re- Quarterly meeting was held yester spective railTs the Louise and the Do- day at Trinity Methodist church. Rev. mi ' ' . - . the businras worii-of this secaon. i ney avow their intention of not r leaving Charlotte, which, after all, is the roint in which te city is niost; interested : r.-v iP? 'f?'i?EY.1?:-?f!!- in tnp rvftws nas Ti11rr.11a.set1 Liie . uuu- Ps 'tne xwa supyi, "" same interest and management. l , UnariOtte Will weicviue me iicw.wi' italists and citizens. Tiheywillv find this a healthy, congenial clime, and the centre of the industrial interest of the South. ' ---?-:;: v : ,;; -. CLASS OF 1900. The commencement at Elizabeth College begins with the ; baccalauratc sermon -thej Mlt Sunday .in June, at St Mark?s prtberan church. The ser mon will Reached by- Rev. Dr. Schaefferjjdf Svfcna,h, Ga.The comT mencemettt! exercises will1 be neia tne following TTuesday andc the i : annual concert- Tuesday night. The graduating j class consists of i Misses Maud Schaef -r j ferrpaisjr7tearf Nancy Koehfg and Emmie; Hains. 4 CHANGE OF BASE. ; s Mr. J. F. Williams who has been with the Dixie Pants Co. , for some years as general overseer and head man in the shipping department,- has resigned his position, to become trav eling salesman for V the Williams Shelton Co.: wholesale dry goods house. Mr- Williams is a "reliable-, and. efficient 'business man. He will work up a good business on the road for his new. firm. - ' -' . . . ' SOCIAL. ... -a 1 nere appearcu iu. iv puuuj York Herald on a page of Southern j beauties, a picture of Iss JIcKay, of , . Wilmington, who,' it is said, is to come to CharloUe in the fall as. a bride. The- eroom-elect Is a well known and potf- ular yoimg man pf this city, : j THE CHURCHES. Large Congregations Filled the City" Sanctuaries Yes . terday. BISHOP CHESHIRE H E.RE. Cdnfirmation Services at ti Pat ter's Episcopal Church JUrth$ Morning and at St. Michel . i Colored, in the Afternoon New Jersey Divine at and Church. The services at St. Peter'J Episcopal church yesterday -were both interesting and .beautiful. The congregation at the 11 o'clock service filled Jthe church to overflowing. The young ladies of both Elizabeth and the Presbyterian CoP lege, attended. The ocasion was that of theT visitation of the Bishop, for cofiurmation. Ten,-persons were pre sented by the rector and received the "laying on of hands." Bishop Cheshire preltched an able and instructive serv mon. The, church was elaborately dec orated and the music by the vested chojr, was beautifully rendered, speak ing -high praise for-the efficient direc tor Dr. Charles R. Fisher,. At the night service, Rev. Royal G. Shannon house, minister in charge of the churches at States ville, preached. Mr. Shannonhouse is always heard with interest and pleasure in St. Peter's. His sermon last night was carefully prepared and well delivered. Altogeth er the day was one long to be remem bered at St. Peter's. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN- CHURCH . Rev. W. F. Berger, pastor of a Con gregational church in. Trenton, N. J. preached at the Second Presbyterian hufch yesterday. His sermon in "?the moTfhg was on the -'liaw of Lover." In te; evening, he preached pn "Vica rioiii f Service - for Jesus Christ," basi3 hisif iermon, on the. parable of the talti: He said the pivJhircple lis not effective in 'our'li ves exceotf as wc exemplify i t i n ou r deeds ; ' we are no more Christians than we .i- exemplify our "love of Christ. The-world needs more deeds, less creeds. Our confess sipcP niay ,f be strict, and at the time; we iuay be like the barren fig tree. We want to place ourselves .a living sacri fice on the altar of humanity. Ask yourself, what do I possess that I must give to; Christ? The gret sin bt the age is srfignesSji pd exgecjs us to userxjur pcrweS tfeij. 9 fellow menAYhen God pian,ts e seeds, the harvtet is bound to cpm If we spend ouBirEtes. in' service, He will reward us withbeaiitif ul results and a crown pficejiifclitg. iThe harvest will be great rg and k mans .k golden sheaves will be d. o. ; 1 urrenune, presiamg v eiuer, preached two strong" sermons to arge and attentive congregations. Hev. Mr. Siler. the pastor, preached the annual sermon f or-Bain Institute in the morn ing. At night he preached at Brevard r. . ... . , . . ; tmmiBl m.uui. Rev. Mr. Gay, .of Brevard Street JJ ZrLni i t, - r - : t back from Fayetteville . tomorrow night He weitt ther to attend Presby tery. ' ; I . ' Rev. Dr. " CSirietzberg-. i3 - having a successful meeting in Monroer ' He is being heard by .large congregations. The meeting will continue until the : latter part of the, week. . : : i Rey. Drs. ; Hpwerton and Stagg will return from New York jby the latter part of -the week. . :.'.: -; ' " Rev. Mr. Bridges, of the PresbMterian College, knows, nothing. officially of any call to the Presbyterian church in Concord Said he Saturday : 'Rtftdttk. it is all rumor. , I have been preaching i there as supply and' that is .hownthej report started. I Jhave not received egyj call to the church.' j. The Baptist , Young People's UtniPri has .changed its meeting frpm Sunday morning r to- Monday - evening at : & There were eight or nine additions to the ilr Riip chtirdh ; yesterday moalr; ing.;5- :a - e - - sfv Rev. Mr; Bagby, of Monroe, preached two interesflng sermons yesterday at Tryon Street-Methodist church. He is a pleasant" speaker, fluent, and illus trates his points well. " J - ' ? i;"!K"' , ' r" '' MR. BRYCE BUYS; MR. VILLALON ' 'GER TO BUILD. Mr. John'G.i-Brycc has- bought the Crittender place in Dil worth. The con sideration was in the neighlorhood of 3,000 Mr. "Villalonger, who at present .occupies the House, is to build on a lot opposite -Mr. T.- B Gautler. ' ' ' , - 'MARRIED,: -: - V Mr. B. A. ,Bowland, of Concord,, and Miss Lucy E. Brown, ; Of tne ixims mill were married last evening at 7 o'clock: by. 'Squire laxwell. - LAWYERS" PlfNIC. Charlotte Bar to Spend To-flof-row on' tbe Kiver, -1 The law building will be deserted toV morrow. " The Charlotte bar is to take a day' off- is to spend a day---"far from the maddening, crowd's ignoble strife" upon the classic banks ofthe Cataw ba, there to angle for fisth,-both great and small.-r Referee in . Bankruptcy Smith is the chaperon of the legal par ty. - In lieu of the triD. narties wan J - ing divorces, papers in bankruptcy or legal advice and business of any kind, are hereby and herewith notified that "no sich" can be attended to tomorrow. If, r perchance, anyone of the lawyers cannot see this way clear, tomorrow morning at daybreak, tojoin the par ty, ihe, will be required to hold up bis right hand and solemnly affirm that he will not give or take advice or fee dur ing the day." .The party will leave by the bright - light, and will be met at Mountain Island by Col. R, . L. Aber- nethy,f with a party of seiners, Mr. F. R. McNinch having arranged this part of the programme today by 'phone, and will be directed to the places where the fish are large and plentiful. Of course tomorrow being the first of the month, , (bill day) 'has nothing to do with the lawyers , leaving town 7 PO WEI.L- RUSSELL. fir. W. H. Powell and Miss Kate Russell flarried. Mr. W. H. Powell and Miss Kate Russell : were married this morning at ll o'clock at the home of the bride on. North Tryon street. Rev! 'H. L. : At kins, of Salisbury, fprmer pastor of Calvary Methodist church, performed the ceremony, that of the Methodist church, which is always beautiful and impressive. There were no attendants. The bride and groom entered the car lor, whicb was tastily arranged forXhe occasion, as the tlock struck ll, and in the presence of a party, of . about 80 relatives and frgmds, plighted tthei troth. They left on the noon train,, four. Ashevilie, Waynesville andivxOtheTi pp.irjEts in the f "mb'tainsJrheTeVthey willfjpja their re'ttw?iithey will go? to Forest Cityivwh iSiey wiil?reslde, Mr. Pow ell having" )trhas'ed i pretty home for ;his;bride;vv vr' ' ' The bride is a native of Yorkville, S. C, She lived for some years at Rock Hill and came, from there to Charlotte. She has a number of 'friends here and at her former home.-The groom is ,aspn of Mr, B. F1 Powell. He lived in Char lotte forrj ttumberipf years, r and is well, krisynr 'imimeroantiJe circles. He is - fit j prespi -to! thefiryil business 7at Forest ,i(Jit. He'ii:ha? raany, , I riend& Uirpuiit fthisiisejctiiaikfjwho -be, interested to learn -rof his marnae. ' f., . ... . .: . , ' "' 'llUnA , CHILD DROWNED. Jin Fell Headforemost in a Kit of Lard in Which Was Water. John Gaither, colored, and family live on Mr. D. P. Hutchison's place, northwest of the city. Yesterday evening J&hn and his family were sit ting in the house erifjoyingi the test c the Sabbath, The .two youngest- chil dren had gone around the house , to play. John went to lpok aftr them some minutes after, and found th& youngest. . Hattie, aged . 13 months head foremost in a lard kit in which there was water. He' ran and ! pulled her out but to his horror found . her dead. There ' was . about a gallon of -water in the kit, and, the child fall-; ing in head fpremcst, had been strand gled. The grief of the parents was pa thetic REALTY. ' ' Mr. -W. H. Phifer, of Monroe, today sold a lot to Mr. Lewis W. Austin at the extension of East Trade and 4th streets. J. Arthur Henderson & Bro., made the sale. Capt. J. M.! Davis today bought, a house and lotrin'Groveton, from Ed ward Bros.' Consideration $400. Brown & Co.,-the real estate people. have sold the following parties lpts-ii ;Vlla Heights : Miss, Julia Gay, t wo J)jts; Miss Ella Gay one lot; Mrs. Qrice, two lots; MJss M. M. Hunter, kche lot; M. Long, two lots? Miss Lelia bHiimphrey's, one lot and- Mr.: Jpe Orr, ; DEAD CHILD FOUND. :;.: r- The body; of a dead wihite- baby was found this morning under the.: bridge over the creek between town- and Se verslle. f -T child, a girly waa abppt Bpnths old-ghe jKjtaa Jbrpwn in the creefc some time lasi mgni, ior there , were a number of boys' wading in the; creek yesterday afternoon, ana It was not there at that time. Dr. Strong' and "Chief' Orr went to the spot as . soon as .the find was- reported.. 'Dr.: Strong said the cbild was dead when dropped fromthe bridge. Thfe chief is trying to solve the mystery. - - ' - . - DIED OF LOCKJAW. Willi Mercer, the 3-ear-oId son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Garx, died in Sa vannah, Ga., 'Saturday: morning at 10 o'clock of lockjaw caused froiai vaccination.- The remains . were , brqasht here Sunday morning, and the funeral sefcrvices held, yesterday afterrjoca at XIr. William Giles'. , by Hev. , Georse Belkw of Graham Street Presbyterian I churcCi. -"' - . . , DE At II OF IR COLLINS Prominent Citizen ol Steele ! Crieek Died Yesterday r i Morning. TWO YEARS OF DECLINE. .1, A Pa ralytic 5troke 'v)As the Be- ginning of the -End r to This Good nan --. The Death Rcc- -" " , i ord: Here and Elsewhere. ; Mr. : James S. Collins died yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock, at his home. in Steele Creek township. About two years "agp Mr. Collins had a stroke of paralysis, jrpm whicn he had never re covered. He was ale to attend to his farming ; duties, but was ' never strong after the paralytic stroke. The decline was gradual For weeks Mr. Collins had been seriously affected, but he wart not confined to 'bed. : His energy and activity kept him on his feet Satur day morning Ihe was up , and on i'lie porch, although the weakness afld sink ing, premonitory of death, 'had -begun Thursday. Toward daylight.,, Sunday morning he grew wc r se a nd ' at ,10 : 30 the end came. , ;' .;t ' .. DeQeased'.was born' and reared, in Steele Creek. He was a farmer .'""and spent nis long ama peacetui life neatlt the shade of the trees where he was born. He was an (honest, upright man; genial, kind and gentle. He was pas sionatelifpnd of music, and for years conducted flinging school at Steele Creek. :ile wafek.k'iiown as "Prof. Col lins, tfie sittgjttg sc.Hbpl teacher." He . was connected rwi'lLh the i musical affairs of Steele Creek church and schools, and taiight niaiiy in'tne county the art of ;:do re mi? Mr. Collins was a life- V? iong? member of Steele Creek churchyc -iHeVlttyedtfie Presbyterian: faith .anffr HvedJ consistent, Christian life. He was' ttirlce married. His first wife was Miss-Kancy Sloan, of 3teele Creek? to is secondfMiss Addle Henderson, daugh ter of Mr. James Henderson, and his third;' whoi- survives Miss Mary Hen derson, daughter of Mr. Robert Hen derson, of Hopewell, He leaves five children: Mr. R. Sam Collins, profes sor of writing in Philadelphia Commer cial College; Mr. Charles A. Collins, of Knoxville, Tenn. ; Mrs. .William Sadler, " of this county children by his first wife; and Mr; Frank Collin and Mi.s& Iva Collins, children by his second wife. ;f His third wife ihad no children. . Deceased was 71 years . of ; age . . Prpf. ' R. S. Collins' arrived from the" ftieral, : which was held this af- . jj wteooii. at;3 o'clock, at Steele Creek, , j j ch'uttih; by Rev A. A.: Little. - . ' ir-l t,XiilfDEATH OF MRS; WILSO. v Mrs. WHson?' toe-: wife of Mr. J. B. Wilson, , died (at tHeibbise mill this morning aged twenty' years. ' - She- tions, ca.used her death. She was for merly a 'Miss Willis, of Gastonia, and tne remains will be carried to that town for interment DEATH OF MR. Wm. ZACHARY. Mr. William Zachary, step-father of Mr. W.i A. Avant, died Sunday moil 1 r' ing at his home on Northryonstl'eet. He, bad been ill for a long' whil Con sumption was 'the cause. pf;hjs death 'He was ! originally f roira;Lainnjbur. and was a well known business man of that place. He was about f: sixty years eld, and lived a Christian life. He leaves a widow and one child. The remfains were this morning , carried to Laurinburg for interment. DEATH OF AN INFANT. The infant of .Mr. and, Mrs. Watson Isenhcur died yesterday and was taken to the country this morning for burial- IN HONOR OF THE BISHOP Bishop Cheshire and Wife the Recipients of Social Courtesies. Mrs.'W E. Holt entertained Bishop Chete and wife at tea -Saturday lening, - Inviting to meetthem: Rev. H Mrs' f! l! Hoffmann'.CoYahd Mrs. W.iS: Malibry. ;. Col ah'd efMrs?' A; L, Smiths Cant, and Mrs. 'Jbhh Wilkes, ' Mr and Mrs R. M. Oate1, Jr.; Mrsf- R Lockwcod Jones and Mr. and Mrs. J. RenwieJ.'Wiikes, Xayhe Bishop and Mrs.. Cheshire Ife; theguests, at dinner, of Mrs. $ixterrH Moore. A party of twelve friends were bidden to meet them, and enjoy Mrs. Moore's delightful hoapital- j jy; . . i This af'terropn the 1 ladies of the St. Peter's Parisih give a reception in hon or of the Bishbp and. his wife, at Col. H. Jones'. The hours are from 4 to 7, the invited being only the members of the parish. -, .. ,. -: Tomorrow vening Mrs. R. J. . Bre vard will be hostess to the Bishop and Mrs. .Cheshire;: and friends invited" to meet them. ! Fromhere the Bishop and Mrs Cheshire go to Burlington to spend a few days . with Mr. -and jMrs. .Lawrence Holt Mrs f John Wilkes, who toas been eo-ill for the past three weeks, was -ableto he up for'a short while yester day' - - .'- .:; leaves two children,'one an infant only four daysibjd.', .EfhVnaii ' an attack- of pneumonia, anatnat, with complica- v- f. I -

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