yOL.xxm. CHARLOTTE, N. 0., MONDAY EVENING, MAY 7, 1900. NO. 3709 OCCUPIED SI.IAALDEL No Opposition to British Gen. Hamilton Has Occupied Winburg. ROYAL WELCOME TO SAILORS Greatest Demonstration of the , War for Laddies of the Naval Brigade They March Through Solid Streets of Cheering Thousands. x By Telegraph to The News. LONDON, May .7. Lord.. Roberts ca bles" from Smaadell Junction, . dated the 6th : "We crossed the Velt River this morning and are now encamped here. The enemy is in full retreat to ward Kroonstaadt, on the Zand River. A turning movement was made by the mounted infantry just before dark. It was a very dashing affair. The Cana dians, New South Water, New Zealand Rifles and Queensland Mounted Infan try vied in . determination to close with the enemy. The navalguns and artillery made excellent practice. We captured a Maxim and twenty-five prisoners. " Our casualties are few." OCCUPIED SMAADBLL UNOPPOSED SMAADELL.May 7. The British oc cupied this place unopposed. The Boers' last traig left Saturday, night. The Boer loss yesterday on the west flank was forty killed. Their ' rear guard remains behind the 'Kopjes ten miles distant. It is reported that the Zand River bridge has been destroyed. GREAT DEMONSTRATION OVER NAVAL BRIGADE. ' r ; LONDON, May 7. The naval bri t,gade of the cruiser Powerful"- arriv 1 ed to-day and were 'heartily welcomed. .The station was crowded with cheer ing multitudes. The sailors marched Hhrqugh cheering masses to the bar bracks ofythe 'Horse Guards, where Jthey were ;'inpt;';.The.: reception of" the i sailors! aiongrtne route of march rwas the imcst demonstrative '' the war has yet produced. . ) i. 1 BEEN RELIEVED; Vv reported from Boer sources that. Maf e king has been relieved and that Gen eral Lemmer and three thousand. Boers have been captured at (Fourteen Streams. Confirmation of these?., stori ies is lacking:' ; nr HAMILTON OCCUPIES .WJNpR. LONDON, May 7. The occupation of Winburg by GehjS Hamilton isweon firmed. notsa . t 10 HELD 8O0AT BAY. Tiny American Garrison Overwhelming Force of gents, By Telegraph to The News. MANILA, May 7. News Repels Insu'r- reached here to-day that on April 18th on the Island of Leyte at Jaro the garrison of twenty-five received warning of a coming attack of insurgents. Lieut. Estes, off the Forty-third Volunteers, posted sixteen anen to protect the head quarters. ' He took four men and him self and four more, under a sergeant selected a fortlffied position where they waited the attack which began, at day light. It is estimated that there were eight, hundred insurgents armed with Bolos aria" thirty rifles. The fight lasted all day, and finally the insurgents were routed. The Americans buried 120 Filipinos. CAPTURED CANNON AND SUP PLIES. ' They captured ,a cannon,' silken banners and a large quantity of equip ments and food. 1 All indications show that the insur gents were confident of capturing the place. None of the Americans . were hurt. . , . . ' KAIY FLYERS WRECKED. Fireman Killed and Engineer Fa tally Wounded. By Telegraph to The News. -ti-' - ST. LOUIS. Mo.. - May 7rA; (Washed. - out trestle leading to the 'Burlington railway bridge;" south of St. Charles, Aao., caused the wreck of. the "Katy Flyer" on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas, and - resulted inr the death :. oe John Boyle', fireman, and"-tha fatal, in jury of engineer Palmer, r . The engittei baggage and smoking ' cars went through the trestle. No passengers were injured. - - . s TWO SMOTHERED BY FALLING ' HOUSE. By Telegraph to The News. N ST. LOUIS, Mo May .7. A house collapsed on North Eighth Street to day. Cora Everson and' Helvina Nel son were suffocated. Seven others were seriously injured and narrowly escaped death. : TO RETURN THE VISIT. x ; By Telegraph toThe News. VIENNA, May 7. Emperor William will return the visit of Emperor ; Fran cis Joseph about the' end -of ; J une' c the beginning of July. . , RED AND BLACK. Chariot to Colors in New Ball Uni- . forms are Here The uniforms for the Charlotte base ball team arrived this morning and, are xn exhibition at Stone & Barringer's. They are of the best grade of Spald ing's goods, and are undoubtedly swell in appearance. The .stockings are black with three one-inch stripes of bright red; the trousers, Yale gray; the belts, black leatber with golden buckles. - In stead of shirts, j erseys will be worn. These will be, black with a. large "C." in red on Cbrastr and -narrow stripes of red on rbllarVeleeves and cuffs. The caps willbWlak. , Statesvilve Jias;' finally announced the le-unof jw; tani and it's a dandy: Imbertv.ofast gear's Pelzer, S. C; and Tarboro teams, will catch ;vKenna Taylor, Malone and John iPox will pitch; Osteen, of last season's Pied mont, S. C, team will play first, James Pox, second; Sennet, of Oak Ridge, third; Mangum, short stop; Turner, of Trinity, left field; , Nattress, center field," and one of the battery men in right fiejd. This aggregation ought really to be in Charlotte's class. A meeting willjprobably be held at Salis bury within the next week, at which an organization of the league will be perfected. " . - COUNTY COM HISSIONERS. Jury Drawn for July Term Crim . - ' ----- "j-f inai uourr. .,i)i-v, The county coaunissi oners met in regular session today. The morning' hours were devoted to auditing ac counts. On re-convening this after noon the following jury was drawn for. the July term of Criminal Court, which convenes oh the 15th: Tom Douglass, W. S. Elenniken', W. M. Garrison, N. "S. Alexander, W. E. Alexander, A. M. Rea, 'R. W.' Alexan der, D. P, Thomasson, C. P Elliott, W. H. Turner. R. J. Wilson, J. K. Price, Z. B. Morris, R. J. Mitchell, B. . Noah Griffith, J: W. Dunn, John Kuck, Jr., J. L. Rea,." Jr., W. ,F. Strange, R. J. McGinnis, W. J M. Finger," W. J. A. Overcash, T. M Harget, -R. L. Hayes, W. M. Crawford, J, G. HWilsohv A. J: HowaFdeWi H. .WifigaWHi "M.. Lipeva A. -PrlmlJ Withers, B: F. WolfeFjvR.; DUrbam; W. S. Alexander, J." Hi'frRoss, C. . F. Todd, W. L. Todd.'. ; ' ELECT ION BOARD MEETS.- The board of "elections, w!hihT con sists of Messrs. J. H. Weddington, T. J Smith and W-.- F. Caldwell; met today IWifhe first time. The board organized bi th: election Of Mi' Wfeddiniffton - a s J Kairmahv. and Mr. Smith ;as sec'retaryE! Tay enayfiibTlsiness transacted beyond this -was with reference tortile wpeti tions from Huntersville and Pineville to Consolidate the two voting pre cincts in each township, making but one precinct in each. The board voted to allow the granting of the petitions, Huntersville township- will ' hereafter vote at Huntersville, and Pineville at Pineville. The board meets subject to the call of the chairman." - SUDDEN INSPIRATION. , M. O. W. Drum and Miss Addie Mc- Call were married yesterday afternoon at the x residence of Rev. Mr, Surra tt, the latter officiating. Mr. Drum got Iris license on the 28th of April. For some reason he and his fiancee ctould not de cide onthe date of the wedding. Yes terday afternoon they went to -walk, and meeting Mr. Surra tt, and Mr! Drum having tfie license in his pocket, . the lovers decided to wed at once.' No sooner said than 'done, and they re turned from their walk husband and wife - ! - ' " . DEATH OF MR. WILLIS. Mr. V. O. Willis received a telegram last night announcing the death.which occurred yesterday morning at 1 o'clock at his home at Culpepper Court House, Va.,; of his father, Mr. James A. Willis. - Mr. Willis left last night for Culpepper to attend -the fu neral. . " ;;:;.: Deceased, was 74 years of age. He had beem ill only a week with grip. He was a member Of the Baptist Church and leaves a wife- and three children. ; ' -jIJ': c. ... .. - ....... 4 VWLCOME." . t fvf. JlKa Sninnftra' voices will The ihuml i . 1 hk rrETf ' : Tbe heard Wednesday night, the ad- j vance guaf-dt of rhe annual 1 meeting to - - report at that timer The - Southern ; Electrical Company,, which : has the contract for the electrical display in ! the, hall . and banquet .-room, v today -placed over the baniquet -hall door the word "Welcome," which 1st to be in in candescent lights. 'Further prepara tidns for the banquet and meeting are going forward. MR. LITTLE WILL BE CHAIRMAN. The Home Mission committee' of Mecklenburg Presbytery; will meet to morrow morning at 10 o'clock at the First -- Presbyterian, church. During Rev. Mr. ' Thompson's absence West, "Rev. A. A. Little, of Steele Creek church, will act as chairman jot the "committee. All : communications in connection ' with the committee should be addressed to him , during the next . six weeks. . '- - " . DEATH IN MALLARD CREEK. Mr. tRufus Deaton, an aged . citizen of Mallard Creek, died yesterday morn ing: at 2 o'clock." He had -been a great stiff erer with dropsy. He. leaves , a family. - ' - ' GOES , ffO . TUUNE Dr. Alderman Resigns the Pres idency of University of North Carolina. LETTER OF. RESIGNATION. Sent to President Battle, of the .Board of Trustees, This Morn ingNew Position dives Him Wider Opportunities foir Edu cational Service. , 'uv The decision of Dr. Alderman, pres ident of tlie University of North Car olina, in reference to accepting the presidency of Tulane University, New Orleans, has been awaited with eager interest. The News is glad to give the public his decision in "the matter; but sorry , for the sake of North Carolina, that it is as it is.i Thevfollowinig tele gram twas received todar at 1 : 30: and was immediately bulletined: -i. SpeciaJto the News. CHAPEL HILL, May .7 Presiden. Alderman goes to Tulane. Resignation takes effect June 15. - - - j. . . J. K. ROSS. Dr. Alderman's letter of resignation followed by wire a few minutes ; after the telegram or announcement was re ceived. It is as follows: LETTER t)F RESIGNATION. CHAPEL HILL, May 7, 1900. To Hon. R. H. Battle, Secretary: Dear Sir : I beg .- to offer to. the board of . trustees mV resignation as president, of the University of North Carolina, to take effect on , June 15th, 1900. I take this step after patieht:st-i- dy, in order that I may accept the pres idency of Tulane University, of Louis iana, to which I was elected on April 5th, 1900.. This decision has been reached in the belief that it is just to my professional life," and to widef o potuhities for educaional service 13iat I maite-'the change: ! have tried very! hafdt6T do the right thing along large? lined ;and to eliminate from this prob lem the cohimon place and the sordid If I have seemed ;::to take undue time to ! act, it is Befcause time has been needed ; to . see itbtVeVen partial vision tiie path to treadj . . I have a . firm bel ief that every thoughtful man who has had this mat ter in mind at all, will know something of the hurt of mind and heart through which I have passed and the- conflict of duty , and emotion1 in ; whicfi 1 have stugged'3t' ls :the; ihardest tiling I have yet-ha'to do, lu my life. I do not need to- s'a'f tJiatny heart has been touched bythe evidences of aDnrecia- tionv allltcbeg"e4rus and undeserved, irominei people jx tne estate wnom l havfel Ia1kred for "since manhood: from youri ihonoralble body, so helpfu 1 - nndi :Iitet tdane always : from the body . of . Mtinmfo and from the faculty and risiiti-1 dents oi this instiv.ition in whose ser-?. vice I have knyn the Joy of striving I count this appreciation the finest re ward of a life of some toil and struggle for the upbuilding of my native State. With assurances of my personal es teem I have the honor to remain, - - Very sincerely' yours, , ; EDWIN A. ALDERMAN. CHURCH NEWS. , : A series of services began' last might in Twelfth Street Baptist church, and will continue throughout the " week, Rev. L. R. Pruett, the pastor, doing the preaching. - - . -: ' Rev. Dr. Barron will go to Davidson College Sunday next where, at nighty he is to preach the annual sermon be fore the North Carolina Medical Soci ety. ' r. . Revival services were begun at Cal vary Methodist Church last night and will continue through '-hi s week, be ginning each night af 'b'clock: To night the pastor, Rev RM. Litaker. will preach. Subject:, "The Unpar donable Sin." Everybody cordially in vited. .:,': '-v 5;;",---.'t;: ' May devotions were iheld at ? the Catholic church last night; and wei-e as ever, pretty - and interesting, The Children of Mary formed the usual pro cession, and the church was 'filled with flowers and muisj.. - if'41 Rev. A. A. LfJlereaclJW West minster Presbyterian. tCnt&chv last ndght, delighting all who Jie'ard him. Rev. J. Y. Love filled the pulpit of the A: R. P. Church yesterday, preach ing a clear, "stroarg; ; sermon.. ; BRIDES AMD- pOMS. ' David ' &. Yates "and b?lde will Charlotte to-night, and will be T -W WalSion'f. - ' Mr, reach at Dr. S - fMr;tnd Mr. E. W. Stitt reave NeV fYpfk" to-morrow for Virginia?; They will get to Washington Monday next. Mr. Richard Springs and bride re tufn from their bridal, tour to-night They will be at the Arlington Hotel. Mr: W. H. Powell and bride have re turn from Asheville. ? , MILITARY BALL FOR 20TH. A grar;l military ball Isj to be given in the auditorium at the park on the night '-of the 22nd.. in honor of Lieut. Anderson, one of the guests of honor during the celebration. , 1 Mr. I. E. Avery has been appointed chairman of the. committee of ar rangements: He will .select his assist tants j this week. Mr. Avery will see to it that the ball is one of the most brilliant features of the celebration. : HA5ISTRATES J.1EET. Bourd of Trustees of Charlotte, Township Invade Criminal , Court Room. , . OLD OFFICERS RE-ELECTED. Reporis Submitted From the Road RoJd Committee on Works and From nr. Ritch, on expenses Chairman nutsni- son Occupied the Chair. - ... . - ... . The 1oard of trustees of ..Charlotte township met. today.' at noon at, the court iiouse. The following named were present : D. P. Hutchison, dhair man; J. R. Erwin. W. W. Rankin, C. C. Moore, Richard Moore, R. E. Yicung, J P. Connell, T. J. Keith, D. G. Maxwell, M. C. Maver' L: J. iWalker. J. W. Brownf H. D. Duckworth. Walter Brem. J. B. Clanton. C. LI Hunter, -ii J. Har ris.-S. J. Torrence. J. M. Morrow. E. D. McDonald, Raleigh Brewer, T. A. Aus tin, C..H. Wolfe, S. W. Davis, J. H Hatch,! H. , Ci , Severs, J. P. Alexander, Thomas Griffith, D. A. Johnston, T. R Robertson, J: O. Thomas. W. . S. ' Mal lory, T. Smith, J. N. Wilson, EL M Crowell, W. J. Hutchison, W. W. Phi fer,S4H. Hilton, T. S. Cooper, John Van Landin gham, FC. Abbott, Walter, Alexanaer Messrs. Grifflthand Smith reported that the executive committee had ex amined . the accounts and found them correct; - - ' V Mr. D. T. " Ritch then submitted the following semi-annual report of work expenses,- etc., for six months ending May 7th: : ;":: .-- -iJ-: . .REPORT. .1 . Cash in hands of Co.' Treas. . . . $ 530.39 Cash in lieu of labor 387.45 Rent of! road maehine . . . . , . . 4.00 For crushed tonir' i . 14.06 County for repairing bridge. . :: 10.80 S. Witt kowsky, contributor '. . 100.00 C. C. Railroad Co., expense of movihg roller by. reason of defective bridge . , ". . . . . 25.00 .,6,342.83 Taxes 1899 $7,929.33 DISBURSEMENTS. Labor including salary . of Su perylsoT . i.. r: ,v ., 300.00 500.00 Board off team& '. .". 1120 4r5 yards stone i , 448.32 Note and interest . .i. 1,515.0 Salaries sj. ,-.igt . ..'v . . . . . 125.00 lS50' Force pump - fc ; Oflfe dozen' shovels .. . 1 , 3t)0 Advertziaing . meeting Nov. . . . . Wireiicable -,rr. m i .,. . . ... Repairs to machinery and shop , MP work . v . . L lo . . .... . v no 6 Sheriff condemn-right way) for road ...... J rfov. u. 8.00 Cash in hands of. treas. . . . . .. 3,897.75 ' ;5 V. - i: ... ($7,929.33 Chairman Hutchison made the fol lowing report for the road committee: I REPORT. Ytr: To the Board of Trustees of Charlotte Township : - ' -""--v. Your committee beg leave to report that they lhave finished the reaohstruc tion of the Beattie's iFord road, be tween the two and four -mile posts, which was in process at your last meet ing. General repair-work bas occupied the time of the road force, With the ex ceDtion of the construction of about one and one-fourth miles of new road. ' Five petitions for new roads have been received and acted upon by your committee, one rejected.. " two under consideration 'and two -granted. ,The first granted was a road . three-fourths of a mile in length' conecing the Dowd road near the .resjldeiqe of the late J. c. Dowd, was opened to .tine up per Steele Creek road, near the three mile post: A contribution of i$100 was made by Mr. S. Wittkowsky in aide of the construction; the second was a linK connecting the Tuckaseege, - near the residence of S. B. Alexander, with the Rozzle's .Ferry .road, one-half a mile we3t of StewaTt's xnill. .The comple tioji ot-this road makes it piossible to Imva tw-MJ-v. anith i Trvon-5teet. thence 'by the upper,;Stfl3e CreerAtfitt- kowskv. Txjne:. Dowd. Harris, Tucka seege, Alexander, Kendrick and "Roz zle's Ferry roads, returning by. West Trade streeta t great convenience ; to citizens of the southern - and western portions of the township, as ". well as ,a pleasure to those driving. . We recommend to our successors, the opening - of a road v from- the Beattie's :Ford to 'SOjg: pointotftt3te- Sttesiville street railroad crossing may be. avoided by a. great many. The travel of three roads is thrown into West Trade street extended at Seversville, causing quite a gam at times. The Providence and Sharon, or Park, road should be' con nected near the line between the old Springs and JS." Myers places on the Providence: road and he:baBeball park on the SQiaron road, as it would shorten the travel to the oouthern part of the city from the Providencer section some thing over two miles. Theworfc maped out at present is the widening and sur- f acins of the Lawyer's road, for wlhich we have on; 'hand some 1200 yards of stone. Mr. Ritch, our eScient super visor, suggests the. adyirifcillty of wid ening all roads from the citVlisaitsrout one mile to the full widtfe of 40 feet to avoid trouble in tne future, as many will object to widening the roads after they have built their homes. ; , , On amotion of W. S. Mallory, D. , P. Hutchison, M. C" Mayer, C H. Wolfe and -W. W. Phifer wrere re-elected. Chairman, executive committee . and secretary of-the board to receive the same compenftatiCQ as the preceding year, ' . .. 'AlJdl HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. Attacks on Presbyterian Church Not NewChurch Will; Stand the Storm. , n Rev. Dr., llowerton, of the Presbyterian ; church,, preached a ser-: JrXttrr): -ihe Result Figures of the ing as -it did upon the attacks being made on the Confession of -Faith by Parkhurst; and others of his ilk; His text was: "That we henceforth be no children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men, and, cunning crafti ness, whereby they lie iriwait,to de ceive" iEpesians 4:14. , ' .- A Dr. Howerton emphasized the point that the Church should form its opin ion upon all points of doctrine from the Bible- and not.. from the secular papers and periodicals. He said the present attack on :. the Church was hojthing new;- that through all ages the Church had been . the subject of such attack, and cited as a reason for this "the strictly logical nature of the system of theology of the Presbyterian - Church, The Churcfi had survived all attacks in the .past, and would- survive the 'pres ent one.: The Confession of Faith was written by men who represented" the wisdom of their day. They were great men,- The present move by the rev is ionist is not for a change of language, but for a change, of the doctrine itself Touching the: creed of the Church, Dr. Howerton said no one had a- right to attack it without first having stu died it and knowing whereof he poke. This creed bad stood the abuse and attacks of ages, and would stand until the end. pUN HERE. Arrived' Last Night Will be Fraced in Front Post Olf ice. The. Sainnish cannohhas arrived. It got inu fast night; ancF can be seen, at the Southern freight depot. The South ern.and Old Dominion S.- S. Co. trans ported the gun free of charge, a cour tesy: which-is duly appreciated. The giin' left Governor's Islan.d; JPriday; at 3:30 p. m.. and arrived at Charlotte at 11 last - night," ; 'making.;, the trip , in aimosi. ,recora-DreaK.ing. t... ume, , tne frejght trains running; on Sundayonly it i -:-7,;.Kt. -i' ri Ftm the qutfckhss, inansprtation ho'h9feisrhimself everrfeady to serve Charlotte; any way possible. The gun wasj. th, object of interest at - the potdepote jtchday . , : . The : gimnwiU be located in front , of the' postof fice. Asbury & - Finger are to mount it, and will be done style- worthy' of its historic .interest and value. 'hVvV -" SOCIAL. x --: : - ' Society ' finds several en gage- meets on its calendar for this week. To-morrow afternoon Miss Katherine Jordan gives an afternoon tea, in honor of the Sans Souci, of which sho is a anember. 1 .V." - ; ' ' ' ..'" ' - . .- ' ' I'- T., To-morrow ' Ai?igt Mrs. Ed ard Thompson entertains a party or friends,; at euchre, in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd, of Atlanta, who is visiting her. . .' Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jesse P. Wilson give a euchre m nonor of their niece, Miss Katherine Wheat- ley, of Baltimore. - : ; ;t . Wednesday afternoon .from 5 to; 8 Mrs. W. C. Maxwell, gives an at nome complimentary to her. sister. Mrs C. M. Bolton, who is her guest. ; . f MUSIC FOR CHARLOTTE EARS. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Leisel and party Misses Oates, Bason and Cannon, ana Mr. Robert Craig were richly repaid for remaining in Spartanburg Satur- dav. Several of the festival artists, Conductor Mollenhauer, Messrs. Mrresr baritone, and Rogers, , harpist - ae thv litnd t.h artists "were 1 ' . t kl stayiiig.V The latter were there await" ing the train to Knoxviile, ana .naving met Mr. Leisel and 'party in the- hotel, were recinrocal in kindness shown. Mr. Miles sang several numbers," the harp- i -o-ova thrA with-; Mr. - jtiolienaauer accomnanyinchlhi.; rThe &arl6ttean enjoyed the treat thoroughly, it was a pretty .compliment which they duly appreciated. ' MR; TATE TO BUILD. Mr. Fred N. Tate, agent at' the South ern freight depct, has bought a beauti ful lot Jn Dilworh, corner of .the boul evard and Kingston avenue, and will build a handsome residence there this summer. . . . ..v- HER . MOTHER ILL. - Mrs W. A. Graham, of Lincoln coun ty, was called to Amelia, Court House; Va., this morning on account of the ill ness of iier mother, Mrs. Julia Lane. . Business at th.e depot Is . unusually good for this sezzozk cf the year. m TAX SALE T0DA1T - . - - - ( .' - v v ; - - '-...-'.-'' . Property in ChariottejTownship end OtBer Townships Sold . for taxes. ' BOUGHT BY CITY AND COUNTY The' Sheriff arid Tax Collectors Crowd but Not Huch Money v Sale. I ' ' ' ' - - -. Today was sales' day in front of the) court 'house. The following property? in Charlotte township was sold at pub lie auction for the non-payment of: - - - - State and county taxes for the year 189, as per advertisement: s Jtiaii acre ownea Dy uaiariey tiogan, ' brought $4.76; Jasper Caldwell, one city lot, $7?82; H.H. Card well, one city tot. $7.45;; Harriet Cochrane, one city lot $3.70; J..W. Gordan, two city lots, $15.95; 'Martin; Hall, one '-city lot, $4.86; Walter lHiltrcne city lot, $7.20; H. T. Hughes; one city lot, $3.70 ; Hattie Hun ter, two acres land, $2.54; Amanda Moely oie city lot,. $2.54; T. B.'New- man, one city lot, $8.71; Margaret O'Neal, one city lot, $4.28; Dr. M. T: Pope, one city lot, $19.80; Lizzie Smith, one city lot, $2.54; Cora Tyler, five acres land, $3.70; Bra wlcy Oates, heirs, one-half acre old fair grounds, $7.20. All of the property was bought by the city,, except the three last pieces owned by Lizzie Smith, Cora Tyler and. Browley Oates ' heir. .The, Smith and Tyler property was bought by Mr. H. C. Severs for 25 cents, and $3.70 by Mr. H. C. Severs; the Oates property by Mr. John Van Landfhgham for $7.20. " r COUNTY. . In Steele Creek township : 256 acres, belonging to C1 LJCapps, bought bjr; Judge A.Burwell for $17. 12. r Sharon: 94 acres, belonging to G Wl Baker,;v$l4.08 ; . 40 . acres, " belongiri g . to) ' w; EteTcage, $197; ' 215 acres, '-be-:' longlri5;t9.:-,Mv.Smith;. 419.5, V " PinevilleOp, acres, (belonging to M A. Alexander')$7.J80;Kl6. acres, .belonging to C. .Gresham, t'$l.61." . ' . . " Providence: 108 acres, belonging to H. C. Warlick,' $9.55. ' Clear. Creek: 88 acres, belonging to C. Gresham,, $6.85; 207 acreS.beloifging: to H. B. Long, $14.61. ' ; '. , Crab Orchard: 157 acres, ; belonging: to Dan-vA.-Johnston, $16.05 ; 20 acres, belonging to , Alex Orr $2.19 ; 54 acres, belonging tORy W.' Roberts, $5.92; 300 I ...... VJAlU T Tl "ru&J2 John - Wilkes,. to Mrs. M HuntfearsviUec ;OrJe lot WMlimgins ,3tc , SanvAlexainder,v$6.f64; 50 acres, belong ing to A. G. Barnette, $4.86 ; one, lot, belonging to A L. Burton, $605; , 2& acres, belonging to F. R. Brown," $5.91 90 acres, belonging to J. R. Ewart, $8.61; 5 acres, belonging to Jim Hol brooks, 80 cents; one acre, fbelonglng: to Mrs. M. M. Ramsey, $1.96. ; Berryhilin5 acres, belonging to Geo Cathey,$1.27; 85 acres, belonging to H. M. Jamison, $20.78; 118 acres, be longing to L. A. Potts, $11.42; 52 acres, belonging to Tom Weeks, $8.13. . Paw CreekT 11 acres, belonging to Mrs. Ann E. Auten, 94 cents; 85,acres belonging to S. M. Lawing, $24.11; 1 lot, belonging' to James Means, 95 cents; 5 acres, belonging to Mrs. S. E Morrison,1 T.40; 44 acres, belonging to T. H.' Openhour, $9.00; 31 acres, be lonstfng to J. A. P. Robinson, $1.93; & acres,: belonging to J. M.. Sloan and wife, 62 cents; 7 acres, belonging to R. W..Sandifer, $1.41; 5 acres, belonging to Scott heirs, 49 cents. Long Creek: ,70 acres, belonging to J. M. Wilson', $4.32; 1 acre, belonging; to M. C. Whitley, $1.30. . . Dewese: 315 acres, bolonging to Mor ris & Overcash, $11.86; one lot, belong ing to L. A. Potts, 80 cents. Mallard Creek: 85 acres, belonging: to C. A. Dixon, $8.13; 29 acres, belong ing to" Watt Walker, $4.30; 35 acres, be longing to W. A. Smalls, $1.85. 4 All of the above sales in the county were bought by the county except the Lojng property in Clear Creek, the Ed wards property in Huntersville, bought by Mr. C. H. Dilla, and the Poits prop erty in Dewese, bought by Mr. S. Sherrill. ' . . . ' tt7T tr IVSTAf.f.KT) fiYesterday was an interesting day at Graham Street . Presbyterian n Chum n. Rev. George Belk was installed as pas tor, the installation services bein held at. 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The -f church . was packed. Rev. Br, Stagg preached the sermon c Df HoW erton propounded the questions ; Rev. Mr. Little delivered jthe charge to the. pester and Rev. Mr. Dorritee to the people. Mr; Belk preached a fine eerr mon to a large audience at night. (. ,. ' WESTWARD, HO! jRev. -G. T. Thompson, of Sharon, and Lwife leave in the morning for inaian Territory, where the former is caiiea on business. "On their return they will stop at Louisville, Ky.. to. take In the conference. reunion. They will then go from there to Georgia to visit rela- tires. Their trip . will extend over a period of six weeks. , ' ' ' f j -. A - . The ofSces at the Southern freiglzt i fiesot are : being renovated, repainted t4 overhauled . entirely; . ri I hi s v

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