V : . : i ... - ' t N CHARLOTTE NEWS, JUNE 5, 1901. People and Things. General Thomas Wilson, who died in New York on Friday last, served in the regular army for forty-three years. He was a member of "the famous class of '53," which included General Schofield, Sheridan, McPherson and several o.her men. who became Brigadier Generals. Two of General Wilsons brothers have held commissions in the army. Miss Mattie McClave, who has taught in Indiana schools for forty-five suc cessive years, and who has among her present pupils grandchildren of some of those she taught in her youth, is about to resign and give up the work. She has taught in but three towns Greensburg, Attica and Cambridge City and ever since 1871 has taught one grade at Cambridge City. Mrs. Lucinda Sampson, one of the very few women who lived to see three centuries, died on Monday last at the home of her son, in Cambridge, Mass. She was 104 years of age, and remark ably clear in mind and memory even up to the hour of her death. Mrs. Sampson was born in Newport, R. I., July 10, 1796, and was the granddaughter of John Fowler, chief of the Pequot tribe of Indians. Among the things plainly remembered by Mrs. Sampson was the burial of Commodore Perry, whosa 'body was brought to Rhode . Island from Lake Erie. Mrs. Sampson is sur vived by one son, David A. Sampson, seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. A tobacco company contributed for the comfort of the Confederate veter ans during their recent r reunion at Memphis, Tenn., 2000 pounds of smok ing tobacco, 10,000 pipes and 10,000 boxes of matches. The tobacco alone was worth 60 cents a pound, jobbing rates. The 200 pounds was divided into 16,000 rations. Another company gave the veterans 14,000 rations of chewing tobacco. c ONE CENT A WORD, o ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED IN THIS COLUMN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION CASH IN ADVANCE. NO ADVERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN TEN CENTS. BUGGY for sale. Pneumatic tire. Runa bout. Can be seen at Cochrane's stables, 4th street. 5-lt FOR SALE or rent. Brick dwelling 313 West 5th street. Tho. H. Gaither. 23eod tf FOR GRADING AND EXCAVATING see E. L. Propst, room No. 2 Hunt Building. 5-2-taw-10t FOR SALE Five horse power en gine and boiler. First class condi tion. Apply Box 342, city post office. 3-4t FOR.. RENT Furnished nice .resi dence at Dilworth from June 28 to Sept. 28. Jno. G Bryce. 5-tf FOR RENT 3-months 7-room furnished house one block from car line. Large lot; grove shade, or will rent part of house unfurnished. Address M. care of News. 4-tf FOR SALE A nice paying business in this city. Sales amounting to $25,000 or $30,000 yearly. Best of reasons for selling. Address A. B. C. News office. 5-tf FRESH Soda Crackers at Irwins. 1-tf CAPILLAUS the best remedy for all scalp and skin affections at Jacobs and Rykerts, the Barber. 5-lt BEST assortment of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco in the city. Neal's Cigar Store. 4-2t WANTED beard and room. Modern convenience in or near Dillworth. Terms to A. N. P. O. Cox 223. 5-3t REDUCED RATES via Seaboard Air Line Railway on account of the commencement Exercises Univer sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, N. C, June 2d to 6th. Seaboard Air Line Railway will sell tickets to Chapel Hill and return at the rate of $5.25. Tickets on sale June 1st to 6th inst., good to return June 8th. l.tf "PUT up for a rainy day." The best thing to put up is one of the Um brellas we're going to sell at cost Thursday. D. H. Baruch. 5-lt AGENTS in each city to sell Ice Cream Flake for making Ice Cream. Correspondence solicited. Knight and Knight, New Street, New York city. 3-6t ALL Handkerchiefs at the cost figure Thursday. D. H. Baruch. 5-lt ALL fancy Parasols at cost Thursday. D. H. Baruch. 5-it SEABOARD Air Line summer excur sion. Tickets, to Wrightsville, N C, and return at rate of $8.10, final limit October 31st. l-tc SILK Underskirts, the good kind at Baruch. v , X' iuuiouav. u XI. 5-lt TAILORS Wanted. E. Michaelsom 3 1-2 W. Trade St. 4-tf FOR RENT 4 room house on South Tryon St. Well on lot Apply to O. A. Robbins, cor. Fourth and Tryon street. 31-6t THE Seaboard Air Line .Railway, quick and convenient schedule be- tween-. Charlotte, Washington and. the Pan-American Exposition a Buffalo. Leaving, Charlotte on Ner. ' 38 at 5:30 a. m. aily you make close, 'connection with No. 66 at Hamlet, which arrives in Washington, D. C , . at 7:05 p. rn. Jn time to catch Buf falo night, express which leaves ... that'point at '7:15 p. m., arriving at Buffalo 7s 35 a. m. Returning, leave k Buffalo 8 jjfi m. arrive at Washing-, i ton 8:30 a ni.V Leave Washington 10,01 a.' m ; arriving. Charlotte 10:1.5 i- $ ' til. Round trip rate, Charlotte to Buffalo $37.10, final limit Nov. ' 3rd.; $33.15, final limit 15 days fnoni , date of,; sale. 4-5t ; 1 - " . FOR RENT Nice 3-room cottage. Third street, corner Church. H. Baumgarten. 3-tf IF you want a perfect fitting pair of Pants have Block, the tailor to make them for you for $2.90. . 31tf WANTED- By young man, position as bookkeeper or stenographer or both. Has had experience as stenographer. Good references furnished. Address Work care News. 4-2 1 THE GEM RESTAURANT will serve tomorrow Deviled Crabs. Soft Shell Crabs and Little Neck Clams. 4-2t REDUCED Rates via Seaboard Air Line Railway on account of con vention W. C. T. U. at Littleton June 6th to 9th Seaboard Air Line Railway will sell tickets, Charlotte to Littleton, N. C, and return at rate of $10.20 for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 4th, 5th and 6th, with final limit June 12th. 30-tf WHY wear read made Pants when you can get them made to order' for $2.90 by A. Block, the tailor, 38 W. Trade street. 3-tf FOR RENT New six room house on TSTnrth Davidson SL Aimly 701 N. Try on Street. 17-tf IRWIN, The Grocer, has both 'Phones. 28-tf HEADQUARTERS for Job Printing, 29 S. Tryon St. CANNED MEATS OF ALL KINDS at KUESTER'S FANCY GROCERY. We sell for cash. Stock complete. CHARLOTTE'S NEW DRUG STORE. I have purchased the stock of Whitehurst & Co. and have added a frcch ctnrlr nf nnrp riruSTS. Give me a call. W. L. O'CONNELL. Bell 'Phone 252. Corner 6th and Tryon Streets. BREAD AND CAKES Quality not Excelled 41 N. Tryon Street. Ice Cream Parlor Open until 12 p. m. Special order; given prompt attention . J. W. HAAS & BRO. Bell 1846. FOR RENT. Nice cool rooms furnished and cleaned up at $1.00 per week. Closets and sinks on every floor. Apply to W. J. MOORE, cor. 5th and College Streets. FINE STRAWBERRIES ASPA RAG US Large ripe Tomatoes Egg Plant Lettuce. New large Onions Nicelle Olive Oil is going fast and pleases everybody. J. R. VAN NESS & BRGY Charlotte and Dih S. R. BERRYHILL, ' Merchant Tailor. t Cleaning and Pressing. Bell 'Phone 1845. Hunt Building. SHEW FLY YOU CAN'T BOTHER me for I am behind those adjustable screens, sold by J J. Ezell, the PAINT AND GLASS DEALER. 216 N. Tryon St. DR. H- C. HENDERSON, Dentist Hunt Building, Charlotte. N. O. Dentistry practiced in all its branches All work guaranteed. Queen City Tt.one 272. Dr. W. h. Wakefield. Will be in his office at No. 8 N. Church street all of June except every "Wednes day and Thursday. His practice is lim ited to the eye, ear, nose and throat. FOR RENT. 5-room cottages, Nos. 610 and 612, N. Davison street, modern con veniences. $12.50 per month each. 4-room house, E. Trade St. $6 per month. 4-room house, N. Clarkson street, $4 per month. 3-room house, W. 4th street. $5 per month. Brown & Thomas. Hunt Buildina. Both 'Phones, Bell 2451, Q. C. 378. A. w. Thrown, Notary Public. HEADQUARTERS FOR Jno.T. Lewis' Strictly Pure White - Lead and Linseed Oil, and Hcirrisors Town and Country Ready Mixed Paints We guarantee Purety and Lasting Qualities. v Ask far Pricts, R H. Jordan & Co., TJ "PRESCRIPTI0NIST8. leet me at tha Fountain. NOTICE Dog Tax is now due. Tags can be gotten at City Tax Office. Get yov one at once W. EL TAYLOR, City Tax Collector. SAN For Crochet work. The best Silk finish Cotton for Art NeedleworK, all the i new shades in wash colors, 100 yard spools, 4 cents. Belding Bros. "Filo" Em broidery Silk, 4 cents skein. The One Price Cash Store. WANT A SAFE? What for. Same reason- you want insurance; protection of course." Do you take risky insurance be cause its cheapest. Nay, verily it may be higher. - Just so with a safe, there are many Standard" safes not safe at the mo ment you need safety. "Hall is tried and true, queer a new standard fire proof Hall safe is 15 or 20 per cent, cheaper than some other "Standards." , Its so just the same. Get prices and other facts of J.W. & F. D. Alexander Reality and Hall's Safes. For Rent 5-room house, 300 S. College $16.66 7-room house, 711 N. D., $15.00 7-room house, 709 N. D., $14.00 5-room house. 319 W. '9th $12.50 5-room house 204 E. Vance .... $10.00 &-room house near Elizabeth Col lege $10.00 4-room house, 9 W. 5th $ 9.00 4- room house, 1013 N. B $ 6.00 5- room house, 1007 N. B $ 5.00 2 3-room houses near Gingham' mill A $ 5.00 3-room house, E. 1st $ 5.00 3-room house, 711 N. C. , 3-room house, 200 S. JLong . . $ 4.00 $ 4.00 J. Arthur Henderson & Sro. Enameled Ware- The very lowest prices, Cojors Blue, Green and Grey. Finger & Pickens, Leland Hotel Building. Bell Phone 2453. American Manufacture ing Company, New Haven -Conn. introducing the Home Educational League, Mr. B. L. Wedenfeller, the appointed general agent for this dis trict, will call and explain plans. See or .write .? J B. L. WEDENFELLER, Charlotte, C. Local agents wanted x ; ' SILK and Knitting LU O A Large Shipment of the Celebrated Cinco Cigars Just Received. - Woodall and , Sheppard, Druggists. $ Strawhtrry Ice Cream today. LATTA PARK STOCK CO. Management of Claude Saunders. OPENING Thursday, June 6th, 'n the highly entertaining Farce Comedy. "Innocent Bohemia," ADMISSION FREE. We are Headquarters For all Kinds of Office Supplies. Houston, Dixon & Company Leading Stationery & Art Store No. 10 S. Tryon St Hail Orders Receive Prompt z Attention, NEWS "Want" ads., bring" better re- turns here hGCJiiisn roo hi. Reople here, ' , 4 . VE Who Wants Them? Beautifully shaded 5 acre lot, on macadam and short distance from Elizabeth College for only $1,000 for f the entire tract; cad be subdivided into about 10 lots. Two New 4 Room-; cottages on South Tryon street, with two vacant lots in the rear, the whole to prompt buyer for $2,100. SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, LOAM AND TRUST CO THE PRICE Real Estate and Rental Agents t near the Southern passenger depot for a home. I am offering there a 7-room, 05 at a price that ought to tickle a home-seeker. House is on lot 50x200 and has all modern conveniences. R-s G. Brice. Real Estate and Insurance, No, 21 North Tryon Street, Up Stairs. Dr. McComb's Old Room. "VAIN TO HOPE TO Let a man stand with his face in what direction he will, he must turn his back on one-half the world. If perchance, the shoes we have are not just what you want, we will make it a point to get what you need. Others may have as good shoes, none have any better, but we are sure our prices for same grade are lower than our competitors d. B. MATH IS & COMPANY; Spot Cash to AH. One Price to All. 231 North Tryon St , coal A.GCraiff&Bro Phones 170. LIME WHEN IN NEED OF COAL OR WOOD . PHONE, ... LLOYD C. TORRENCE. Both Phones 121. 1 GIVEGREEN TRADING STAMPS. SPECIAL OFFER. We can offer for a limited time only, FIVE LOTS inside the city limits and in a fast growing section of the city the market vajue of which is at the present time $950.00 For Only $650.00. A day's delay may mean the loss of this opportunity to make $300.00 clear profit in a very few months. ' ; ABBOTT & STEPHENS, RearEstate, Investments -and- In- r surance. ; . - v '- " -Piedmont Building Charlotte, N. C'l r FOR RENT. 4- room cottages, 403 West 7th $10.00 5- room cottage, 513 West 11th $ oJO 4- room cottage, 511 1-2 West llth $Uq 5- room cottage cor. 7th and Mc- Dowe11 $10.00 4-roam cottage South Tryon St. $8.00 Office Rooms Hunt Block. Sleeping Rooms Brown Block. SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE. LOAN AND TRUST CO. OF A HOME It will take just, so much money to buy you a home, of course. Perhaps you have fancied that it is beyond your means.. Don't make up your mind to that, definitely, until you give us a chance. We have now on our list two .five-room cottages almost new, $1,000.00 Each, $250.00 Cash, balance at 6 per cent. A bargain for any one wanting a home on easy terms. L No. 217 N. Tryon Street is a desirable and convenient section ' 2-story residence, on shady side of street, mm Will be offered j only for short time. PLEASE ALL ALIKE." Charlotte, N, C X WOOD CEMENTi - I . . I- 1 . J'