1 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE CITY, The News IS A PAPER OF THE HOMES, NOT THE STREETS. : : : : T K e ; N e w s IS A 'NOT -AFRAID-OF - ITS-CIRCULA-T I O N" NEWSPAPER. EW THE WEATHER: Rain tonight and Sunday; clearing by Sunday night; warmer tonight. VOL. XXIII. CHARLOTTE, V 0., SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 18, 1902. NO. 5157. CHAR3L 17 ENGLAND SEES SHE CAH'T CHECK T MRS, MAYBRICK 1 I- TO BE PARDONED,! AMERICAN Baroness DeRogus Receives Semi-Official Promisefor ti ii . i f n I rnnce nenry s visunecog- Her Daughters Release nizea as rutting a guieius r in l on rowers' cneme- poron ation amnfrty. ii viii ii i vi fiiii ii j OUR ADVANCE AMONG NATIONS American Woman Was Sentenced to Life Imprisonment For Poisoning Husband. Chamberlain Person Per vades ParliamentStrong er Than Ever Before. ETJMORS OF PEACE ARE RIFE London, Jan. 18. Parliament's open ing was the dullest in years. Above all Chamberlain's personality looms larger than at any period since the early days of the disastrous Boer war. Rumors of peace in South Africa are confidently repeated in inner govern ment circles. Englishmen interested in Prince Henry's visit regard the event as mark ing another step toward advancement of America among the world powers, and th8 official recognition of the futi lity of the mooted continental schemes for checking the progress of American trade. ? Reuter's Telegram company has re ceived the following dispatch from Amsterdam: "According to trustworthy informa tion, Df. Kuyper, the Dutch premier, recently intimated to the Boer dele gates the desirability in view of Lord London, Jan. 18. It was learned to day that the Barroness - De Roqus-, mother cf Mrs. Florence Maybrick, the American woman who was found guil ty of poisoning her husband and sent to prison for life, has received semi official assurance that her daughter will be pardoned during the coronation in June as part of the general amnesty extended to criminals of good record. MRS BILL OH LOCAL OPTION IS ITB COM ISS Q South Carolina Legislature Worries Dispensary Peo ple by Action. BILL TO PROTECT FISH It Passes the House on Third Reading The Senate Ad journs Until Monday. IMPORTANT BILLS IN SENATE 10 SETTLEJ1I CAIIAL, In Session Today and Will Remain so Until Conclu sion is Reached, WEEKLY MAIL SERVICE Contract Let to Bed Star Line Mon ey Wanted For Tobacco Claims. Reports of Surrenders. Mckinley memorial day will be observed. Cleveland, Jan. 18. The following bulletin was given out yesterday from the McKinley Memorial Association headauarters in this city: "Hon. James A. Gary, chairman or the executive committee of Maryland, reDorts to the McKinley National Me- accede morial Association that the members fixing next Tuesday as the day for hold Columbia, S. C, Jan. 18 The State today says: The House yesterday did a considerable amount of work, killing several bills. Incidentally one or two bills passed second reading. The San ders local option bill was defeated, be ing sidetracked with a committee. The dispensary people became very much worked up over the measure. Mr; McCall's bill to protect the fish of the navigable streams from depreda tions at the hands of wholesale fisher ies passed third reading and was sent to the Senate. The House refused to to the Senate's amendments of the Memorial Association of Mary land have already begun action, and there is every promise of gratifying results. Governors Shunt, of Idaho, and Candler, of Georgia, write saying that the rtav will be generally ob- ing elections to fill all vacancies. The House agrees to elect judges on that day, and those elections will consume a great deal of time. The House insists that no State librarian is to be elected The House refused to adjourn until Washington, Jan. 18 The isthmian canal commission met tody and expect to remain in session until a decision is reached. A report is expected late to day. The War Department has been ad vised of the surrender of 365 insurgents to Brigadier General Wade, at Cebu, January 14. They took the oath the f ol lowing day, at Tagblibaran Bohol. The Postoffice' Department has awarded contracts to the Red Star steamship lines which will supplement the existing one and will provide for a regular weekly mail between New York and Venezuelan ports and a regu lar weekly service to Porto Rico. The Treasury Department has asked Congress for $3,250,000 with which to pay the tobacco claims from the stocks on hand July. 1, when .the new reve nue law went into operation and which had been at thesfold rates. RAMS FY TELLS STRANGE TALE A COMPLA A T Mrs. Gorman Had Him Before the Recorder Said She Was Twice Married. TRIAL OF KLAUS EIIDS 111 FIZZLE,- Charged With Inciting Boers to Murder, the Allega tions Fall Through. CONVICT HIM ANYHOW, SHE HAD TO PAY COSTS OF CASE. Sol Griffin Graphically Re lates the Vagaries of a Smallpox Patent SAYS HE WASN'T RESPONSIBLE. t Prosecntion Then Presses Another Charge nd He Gets Two Tears in Prison. served in those States. Governor Monday in order to commemorate to- Jennines. of Florida, says an appeal win published throughout the State, and there is an active auxiliary of 25 members m Florida "Governor A. H. Longino, of Mis sissippi, in replying, says: 'President McKinley was not only a great and day as the anniversary of the birthday of Robert E. Lee, tomorrow, the 19th, being the real anniversary. At the conclusion of business yester day the Senate adjourned until Mon day night at eight o'clock. This was done to enable the members to go home Rosebery's speech at Chesterfield, ot noble man, but possessed such a rare t0 spsn(j Saturday and Sunday and was m mm . i i i -i i . - i yi : ..x: - I their giving some intimation to tne combination ot an tne nnsuau aga to without discussion British government of the basis ' upon virtues that his name deserves to oe There was considerable discussion, which they would entertain peace ne- fittinelv commemorated and in your n(1 inridpntallv some narliamentarv Rotations. Dr. Kuyper pointed out the noble undertaking: you will have the priTlf,lsinT, 0 ty,e mipstinn nf fixiner the improbability of any of the great pow- sympathy and support of the South time for Welding the, elections for dis- ers intervening in bouth Airica in the which has recently rememDerea nun pensary and penitentiary directors near luture ana suggested mat ne De with the most proiouna grautuue ana aITqfldiflifoiaall3U9 Fienulsl f ewrence .' response. The Dutch , premier accord ingly met Abraham Fischer, the leader of the Boer delegates and others at Brussels, where a long conference was held after which Dr. Kuyper proceeded to London. The result of this visit, if any has been attained, is not yet known. "It is understood that Dr. Kuyper assured the Boers that Holland, under no circumstances, would act as an in termediary.' ; ' . GAYNORS MUST GO TO GEORGIA FOR TRIAL. New York, Jan. 18. The mandate ot the United States Supreme Court in the face of the agitation against the Gaynors, charged with complicity in the frauds for which Captain O. M. Carter is now undergoing imprison ment, was received here today by the United States Supreme Court. Judgo Lecombe made the order directing the four defendants to appear in court on Monday next, on which they will be surrendered to a marshal and taken to Georgia for trial. WIFE'S GRANDCHILD IS THIS MAN'S BRIDE. Suffolk, Va., Jan. 18. Having been refused a license in Isle of Wight conn ty,' their home, James A. Turner, aged about 50 years, and Miss Maggie A Stephenson, who is only 19, got up be fore daybreak and left for North Caro lina, where they were married. The girl is a granddaughter of Tur ner's second wife, who was Mrs. Sykes The maximum penalty prescribed by Viginia laws for the marriage is six months inmrisonment and 550- line Turner says the girl's dead grandmoth er requested him to wed her grand child. CASHIER MISSING AND LIKEWISE MUCH CASH The ball was started by the receipt of the house resolution, adopted Thurs day. fixing .yesterday at 12 o'clock as the time for holding these elections. Mr. Herndon moved to amend by chang ing the hour to 1 o'clock. Mr. Marshall 18. The peace confer- moved to amend by fixing the time AGREEMENT REACHED IN PEACE MEETING. NORTHERN TOURIST SEEKS DEATH IN FLORIDA. Sol Griffin, the negro who gave the authorities a lot of trouble while at at the pest house was before the Re corder this morning to answer to the charge. Griffin took occasion to make a strenuous plea for himself. Among other things he said that a man while in the throes of smallpox was not responsible for what he does or says. He admitted that he had not obeyed the orders of the pest house authorities, but condoned his wrong doings by saying that he was not responsible during the time he so acted. The Recorder could not see it this way and in consequence, Grif fin was sent to the chaingang for thir ty days. The Recorder took this opportunity of telling the negroe's present that Griffin's case should be a warning and a lesson to all. That the city ' has London, Jan. 18. In the trial of Dr. Klaus, Lord Chief Justice Alverstonc today sustained the objection of prison er's counsel to the effect that the charges of incitement of the Boers to murder is not proved. The charge of attempting to incite to murder the British officers at Johannes burg, which was pressed after high treason and other charges against him had been dropped was sustained and the prisoner: sentenced to two years imprisonment. DURAN REPORTS A VICTORY OVER BOERS. Miami, Fla., Jan. 18 Finlay Gray, a prominent tourist who was spending the winter in this city, shot himself with a revolver, killing himseit m stanly. Mr. Gray was in his room ainn, at the time of the shooting. He left no message' informing his friends vr roaenn fnr this rash act. His bndv was nrenared for burial and ship tpyI tn Onincv. Ind.. the former home of Gray. The body was accompanied by James R. Standt, a friend.- STEAMER GOES ASHORE BUT SHE IS SAFE. Cape Town, Jan. 18. Col. Duran's column attacked Wessel's command. One Boer was killed and six captured. Three natives and a number of horses were .taken. THIRTEEN AT DINNER THIS MAN'S DOWNFALL. Seneca Falls, Jan. 18. Abram H. Reynolds, who is visiting George A. health laws and these laws will be Beals, of this village, has met with Mexico. Jan ence has come to an amicable settle meat at last. Mr. 5ucnanan, oi iu United States delegation, afforded a means whereby, in spite or previous discussion, both Ecuador and Chili mieht adhere to The Hague convention, proposing that the minutes or tne iaso two sessions showing the feelings of Chili with regard to arbitration should form Dart (as annexes), of the proito p.ol wherebv the nations reported at the , conference express tneir acceptance ui The Hague convention. (Continued on Fifth Page.) Norfolk, Jan 18 The steamship How ard, of the Merchants and Miners transportation company, from Boston, went ashore this morning enforced no matter who violates them. Will Ramsey was before the court charged with being disorderly at the home of Mrs. Dora Gorman who lives in Oates' Row. Mrs. Gorman stated that Ramsey came to her house yes terday in a drunken condition; that she ordered him out but instead, he sat down to the table and com menced devouring everything to eat. in sight. She called for an officer and had Ramsey Jocked .up. several accidents; which he attributes to having eaten dinner with thirteen persons seated around the table. After dinner Mr. Reynolds went skat ing and fell through the ice. He was thoroughly drenched. On his way to Mr. Beals's he stumble! and fell, cut ting his head on a stone. When he had changed his clothes he went, into the kitchen in his stocking feet. He stepped on a tack. , j - While h& was sitting by the fire to t REPORTS OF EARTHQUAKE i VICTIMS EXAGGERATED. WOMAN TO TESTIFY IN PATRICK'S BEHALF. New York, Jan. 18. Mrs. Adle Fran 1 nXinlAnA Dot c.p.s who ior years nas suiciucu i m.- rick, will testify in his behalf at the trial Monday. Her testimony, it is hoped, will save him. FATAL EXPLOSION IN A SPANISH MILL. MEXICO CITY, JAN. 18. A PRIVATE TELEGRAM FROM r.HIL PANCINGO SAYS: "I AND FAMILY SAVED; MANY X HOUSES DESTROYED." THE FACT THAT NO MENTION OF $ GREAT LOSS OF LIFE IS MADE CAUSES THE SELIEF THAT THE FIRST ESTIMATE OF DEATHS WAS GREATLY EXAGGER- A ATED. - - Ramsey's story was ust . the op- dry himself , tthe. trnair w&Ke. mrowms posite of the one related by Mrs. him backward ' into a boiler of hot Gorman. He said that he had .been water. About an hour later he burned boarding with Mrs. Gorman for a one of his. fingers' while lifting a lid month or more and that during this from a kitchen stove. While he was time, Mrs. Gorman had made several taking a teacup from the cupooara a propositions to him to run away witn glass pitcher f ejl from tne top sneu, her and eat married. Oh one occasion striking: him on the nose and cutting Ramsey said that Mrs. Gorman told a gash. In the evening he fell down him that her husband was old and the cellar stairsi would not provide for her and that Mr. Reynolds says that he would not she was tired of him; also that Mrs. have eaten dinner with thirteen peopin Gorman said that she already had a at the table if he had known it. He husband in Charlotte and one in says this is the third time that he has Salisbury; that neither of the two been the victim of accidents caused ny suited her, but that he (Ramsey) was eating with. twelve others. the only man she had ever loved. Af- . : . ter saying this, Ramsey stated that T0RE PRIEST FROM ALTAR t Mrs. Gorman threw her arms about him and caressed him in a most af fectionate manner. The recital of - this . love-making hroiisrht down the house. The Ke THEN SMASHED RELICS. Passaic, N. J., Jan. 18. In the insane ward, at St. Mary's Hsopital, lies Rosa oruuguL uuwii uuuo. varhoii flppd piehteen She is suner- corder was struck with the statement YajbeU aged eighteen. J i made by Ramsey and in passing judg- "r;: Wt T hundred ment, discharged itamsey ana re- X"" , Q th f symbols in st. Mary's auired Mrs. Gorman to pay the costs fl?lla wor" Q i,, W. H. Hayden, John Probst, Cicero ;";1r,nP " Albright, David Stewart and Charles - Barcelona, Jan. 18. The boiler in a spinning mill near Mauressa exploded today and wrecked the building. A large number of employes are buried in the debris. Several were hurled a long distance away. DAUGHTER OF ACTRESS DIED IN NEW YORK. FINAL BOUT IN COURT. New York, Jan. 18. Elizabeth Nay hew, daughter of Marie Wainwright, the actress, died today. DRlNir.F HEN Rl SAILS FOR AMERICA TODAY. Philadelphia, Jan. 13. Tom Sharkey and Petfcr Maher fought the final round of their contest this morning in Magis trate Elsenbrough's court. The judge declared the bout "no contest" and re leased the boxers and the managers of the club from the $5,000 bond under which they were placed yesterday. TWO KILLED; MANY HURT. Victoria. Ta.. Jan. 18. The boiler of a Rock Island passenger locomotive Smith all white, were before the court charged with violating the va grancy law. The three last named said they were from Burlington, N. C, and had come to Charlotte hunting work; that they were arrested last night at the Southern's passenger station while in the waiting room warming. The boys gave their ages - I Y C exploded today, the engineer ana nre- lg 14 and 13 respectively. They were killed and a brakeman and were discharged but told to get them I i tTnvr1n n t-i .4 DnAKa warn crinnsiv iniured. The seives a juu. nucu xu.u. BANK STATEMENT FOR LAST WEEK. Kiel, Jan. 18. The Imperial yacht Holenzollern sailed for New York this morning. Fulton. Mo., Jan. 18. The Commer cial Bank of Fulton was, closed yester day by George B. Carstarphen, chief o the State banking department. Philip Adams, cashier of the bank, left Ful ton Monday afternoon, ostensibly for St. Louis with $4,500 in gold and cur rency to be deposited in the Franklin Bank. His whereabouts are unKnown It is believed the paid in full. Pavina Off the Teachers. Cochran has been busy paying off the school teachers of 061,450 the county today, me ayyiuViu0 j u V.Q, vnarr! of education, the III (AUG Ujr 'iuc. uu"" . A first of the week, is being rapidly hand Reserves increase $6,103,000; Loans increase $3,292,300; Legals increase $95,300; Deposits increase $ll,739,tUU; Specie increase $8,94Z,bUU; uircuiation decrease $18,100; surplus now man two porters Pullman car from Des Moines rolled down an embankment and several pas sengers were injured. BRITISH STEAMER ASHORE ON LOS DESERTAS. JACKSONVILLE TO HAVE NEW PUBLIC BUILDJNG. a ovamination was held today ' at which there were a number of teach- , .... sit v- - i ii- nn.hvo n 'c nmr.p. uie- nenositurs win ue nrs nresent. mi. wi-un." - j sented a busy scene most of the day. KUUjL V JUL I lUllllViL.J Washington, Jan. ' 18,--The House committee on public Dunamgs ana grounds today decided to make a fa vorable report on the bill appropriat ing !$31,500 for a building at jacKson Ville. ' : EMBEZZLER'S SENTENCE. KAISER RECEIVES ACTOR BENOIT CONSTANT COQUELIN WASHINGTON, JAN. 18. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT HAS COMMUTED THE SENTENCE OF WILLIAM BIGGS, EX-TELLER OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DOVER, DEL., WHO WAS SENTENCED TO FIVE YEARS IMPRISONMENT FOR EMBEZZLEMENT IN 1898, TO EXPIRE APRIL 25, THIS YEAR. Berlin! Jan. 18. The Kaiser today re- ooivprt "Rpnnit Constant Coauelin. the French actor-author. Funchal, Island of Madeira, Jan. IS. The British steamship Largos, Cap tain Huges, from Liverpool, went ashore today on Los Desertas during a fnp- The. crew and nassengers were saved. It is hoped to recover the mails. older than their companions but they were alowed to go with the same ad monition. The three little negro boys,' Babe Steele. "Biscuit" and Eugene Cooper, were up charged with breaking into several meat markets and carymg awav a lot of fresh meat. "Biscuit was given his liberty but Steele and Cooner were held m a $50 bona m four different, cases. BRITISH FEAR UPRISING MAY COME IN INDIA. While Father Haltinger was perform ing a wedding ceremony, in the church, whinh was crowded, the young woman dashed down the aisle. She grabbed the priest and tore him from his posi tion in front of the altar. Members of the bridal party hurried tne gin ouu No one knew her and no one could as sign any reason for her action. Quiet was restorea ana me weuumS went on. An hour later, wn r aiu Haltinger entered the church, he found girl lying on the altar steps. Around her lay, in a hundred pieces, the canon of mass and the symhois oi ine last K"f pel. An attempt had been made to break the case containing the blessed sacrament. . The girl was weak from her efforts. She was sent to the hospital. She has been worrying, it is said, for several weeks, though no one knows over what. TWO NEGROES KILLED IN MINE ACCIDENT. SCHLEY'S APPEAL READY FOR THE PRESIDENT. ' Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 18. Two negro miners were killed and eight oth- T,nn-!Gr iniured one ot tnem pruuauij .. . -i.-x v i i tha ntmnpr ana vuai mu India have tasen precautions against a leeas, u,ngianu, jeu. xo. xuo u-iia """..j.. .t th don correspondent of the Leeds Daily . fatally, m aaaccmeui . "vr possible uprising of the native regi ments during the winter. Manoeuvres to this end, the corres- naitimnrp Jan. 18. Schley was not! r- 1 A ,7 V it rin.nnel PaVTlfir flf the ? President pondent says, are now proceeding uJUipicuuu Ul uio UJJ". I Roosevelt, Coke Company. Tney were namg a car and while going down hill crash ed into a train of empty cars. I he dead are: Leon Mills and Floyd Thompson. CYCLONE SWEEPS OVER THE CANARY ISLANDS. MARCHETTI, COMPOSER, DEAD IN ROME. Rome, Jan. 18. Philipe Marchetti. the Musical composer, died today oi cancer. Las PalmaK Canary Islands, Jan- 18. A cyclone swept over the Canary is lands, resulting in heavy damage to property and causing. a shipwreck. SIR ELLIS BARTLETT A VICTIM OF APPENDICITIS SOLDIER PUNISHED FOR THREATENING ROOSEVELT. TTidf.n Jan. 18. Sir Ellis Ashmond Bartlett died this morning as the result of an operation for appendicitis. PORTLAND, ORE., JAN. 18. FRANK RAKOWSKI, A PRIVATE OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY WAS TODAY DEGRADED AT FORT CAN BY AND SENTENCED TO TEN YEARS IMPRISON MENT AT A LCATRAZ ISLAND FOR THREATS TO ASSASSI NATE PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. ' ... j;.

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