8 CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 23, 1902. IN BRIEF VEIN. Short Items Gathered Over Charlotte Today. The Davis orchestra has been re tained to furnish music for the Acad emy of Music. The big excursion to Norfolk will run September 2nd, instead of 22nd as was stated in yesterday's News. Mr. "Billie" Douglas returned from Mooresville lat night and leaves for his home, Charleston, S. C, today. Mr. J. G. Monahan has sold his stock of goods in the store house on North Church street to Messrs. Corner and Laneberger. Mr. Claude W. Brown who has been ill at the Private Hospital is im proving daily. As soon as he is able, he will go to Wadesboro to spend some time with his people. A letter to Mr. Caswell Tate states that Lieut. Thad B. Seigle is sick at his post in the Philippines. He hopes soon to be able to return home on a sick leave. The building to be occupied by the Southern Pants Company on East 5th street is nearing completion. It is two stories high, well ventilated and is large enough for all demands. There were seven bales of cotton all new crop received at the city platform today. The prevailing prices were 8.65 to 8.S0. For the same date last year the receipts amounted to 12 bales, best price 8:30. Mrs. Clem Dowd was called to Statesville by telegram yesterday on account of the serious illness of her brother. It is likely he will be oper ated upon today for appendicitis. Farmers in the city today say their crops are growing and maturing nice ly. The section of the county visited by the wind, rain and hail storm is the only portion from which bad reports come from. Mrs. J. Sol. Reid was moved from St. Peter's Hospital today to the resi dence of her son, Mr. E. S. Reid, on West Morehead street. Her condition continues to improve. The operation that was at first thought to be neces sary, is not now deemed best. As soon as she recovers sufficiently, she will re turn to her home at Matthews. Scarr Alexander who has been em ployed at Jordan & Co's during the summer months, stops work this even ing. He will go to Statesville Monday to spend a week before returning to school. Scarr has made many friends among those who drink at the foun tain. He is an exceedingly bright boy and his services are highly valued by Jordan & Co. TODAY'S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "You will miss a treat if you fail to see my line of fall sitings." J. S. Phillips. "The Johnson Bargain Store will open on September 1st." "The largest, finest and cheapest col lection of leather furniture ever shown in this State" Andrews Furniture & Music Co. Leather goods, pocket books, card cases, music rolls and wallets at Hous ton, Dixon & Co's. New "for rent" list from J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. Mosquito Lotion at Woodal & Shep pard's. "Watches that keep 'sun' or 'Wash ington' time" Garibaldi & Bruns. "We cordially invite you to open an account in our savings department" Southern States Trust Co. The Mitchell Grocery Co. carries a strictly first-class stock of groceries, etc. Property for sale at a bargain by the Alexanders. "Do you play 'Flinch?'" Stone & Barringer. THE WEATHER. For Charlotte and vicinity: Cloud v, probably showers tonight and Sun day. For North and South Carolina: Local rains tonight and Sunday. Fresh northerly winds. There is much cloudiness this morn ing in the South Atlantic States and in the Missouri Valley; rain was fall ing at the hour of observation at Asheville, Boston and Omaha. Cooler weather has spread eastward over the Atlantic States and continues in the Lake region. Showers occurred in the past 24 hours in the eastern Gulf and in the South Atlantic States; stations in the Missouri Valley and in the Northeast report light rains also. G. R. OBERHOLZER, Official in Charge. Huntersville Big Rally. The big educational rally at Hun tersville next Tuesday will drawn a large crowd from Charlotte. The pro gram as arranged will be as follows: 10 a. m., Baseball to be followed by Speeches on Education by Hon. Lee S. Overman and Hon. E. Y. Webb. DINNER. Tournament Charge to the Knights by Mr. A. B. Justice, of Charlotte. Coronation address by Mr. F. R McNinch of Charlotte. At night there will be a big ball. Mr. Eakes Injured. Mr. J. L. Eakes, manager of the Model Steam Laundry, received a painful injury this afternoon. While working at the shirt machine, his right hand was caught in the machin ery and was severely mashed. Knox Gets Busy. Washington, Aug. 23. Attorney General Knox returned to his desk after his summer vacation at Atlantic City and immediately buried himself under work requiring his attention be fore his departure for Paris. stohia. Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bougfit WIGWAM POCAHONTAS, Tribe No. 29, Hunting Grounds, Charlotte, N. c. 23 Sleep Sturgeon Moon. Dear Brother: You are hereby or dered to assemble at your Wigwam at No. 37 East Trade street, Sunday 3. p. m. to attend the funeral of our de ceased brother; A. E. Cogbill. By order of , J. J. SHUMAN, Acting Sachem. J. R. ANDERSON, C. of R. One Cent a Word GO TO NORFOLK SEPT. 2ND. 23-lt I HAVE A "CRACKER-JACK" NO. 7 Remington Typewriter for sale cheap to quick purchaser. Frank F. Jones. 23-lt "DOROTHY DODD" EXPECTS TO spend the night with every lady in Charlotte. 23-lt FOR RENT Five-room cottage on W. Tenth street. Address Brevard Nixon. No. 18 Piedmont building. 22-3t WANTED Second-hand family range. Must be cheap. Address "L," care News. 22-2t EXCURSION TO SAVANNAH AUG. 27. Train leaves Southern station promptly at 9 a. m. 21-3t FOR RENT Lower part of house, 13 East Seventh street. 22-3t NEVER SUCH A CHANCE BEFORE to visit Savannah, Ga. Round trip $3.50. 21-3t S. A. L. NORFOLK EXCURSION leave Charlotte Sept. 2nd. Berryhill, & McCall, Managers. 23-lt FOR RENT 211 W. 8, 7-ro.oms, mod ern improvements. W. M. Van chover, $16 per month. 23-2t THE BEST EXCURSION OF THE season, go to Norfolk Sept. 2nd. Berryhill & McCall, Managers. 23-lt BY THE USE OF HANCOCK'S Liquid Sulphur and without possibility of harm, you can accomplish quietly in the retirement of your home a bet ter result, even could you afford the loss of time and great expediture needed for treatment at natural springs. For sale by Burwell, Dunn & Co. The Hancock Liquid Sul phur Co., Baltimore, Md. 6-13-oawtf DAYLIGHT TRIP BOTH WAYS TO Norfolk Sept. 2nd. Berryhill & Mc Call. Managers. - 23-lt PATENTS Protect your ideas. No allowance, no fee. Consultation free. Est. 18G4, Milo B. Stevens & Co., 817 14th street, Washington. 5-6-T&S-32t LADIES' WISHING TO GO TO NOR- folk Sept. 2nd, can engage room on "Special Car for Ladies" by seeing or writing us. Berryhill & McCall. 23-lt HEDGE PLANTS, FRUIT TREES, vines and all kinds of plants cheap. E. Asbury, 810 North Church. 23-lt THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR to go to Norfolk Sept. 2nd. Berry hill & McCall. 23-lt SAVANNAH EXCURSION, TICKt fS for sale at Jordan's Drug Store, Gem Restaurant, Belk Bros. 21-3 1 NOTICE Parties who intend visit ing New York during August or Sep tember can secure rooms at a lead ing hotel at a discount by address ing "Hotel," care News. 21-6t BAGGING AND TIES AT 25 CENTS per bale. Apply at mill. Ada M'f'g. Co., Charlotte, N. C. 15-d&w-tf BEFORE BUYING, SEE MY STOCK new spring wagons, Bargains. W. S. Wearn, 7 East Sixth street. 21-3t FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH I NG and horseshoeing at W. S. Wearn's, 7 East Sixth street. 21-3t DON'T FORGET RADER'S PHOTO- graph Gallery. We have a lot of new styles. 19-7t CHOICE FRESH MEATS DAILY. J. S. Robinson, 217 East Trade. 21-tf FOR RENT Four sleeping rooms, ensuite or singly hot and cold baths, furnished or unfurnished, over Andrews & Davenport's. W. F. Dowd. 21-3t FOR RENT Two -story, 6-room house, modern conveniences, on Elizabeth avenue, this side Bridge, $15.00 per month. F. R. McNinch. 20-tf I HAVE JUST COME FROM THE East where I have bought to the full capacity; of my room, and to the interest of the people, and we are now at work on the inside mak ing ready for the opening, which will not be long and after you see the bargains we have to offer you will not consider your waiting in vain. The Johnson; Bargain Store. 18-tf FOR RENT 204 S. Myers, seven rooms, gas and water; large yard and garden. John F. Orr. 18-6t ROYAL CROWN SODA WATER. Have you tried it?. C. Valaer Bot tling Works. 9-tf Dr. H. C. Henderson DENTIST, Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. C. Dntistry practiced in all its branches All work guaranteed. Queern City 'Phone 378. Hear This The Charlotte BuOding and Loan started out to make the August series the largest on their records, and they are doing it. Many new stockholders have been added, but in order to make this an unusually large series tbe books are still kept open, so you can still get in. Your delay is your loss; for, beyond all doubt, this is the best, method de vised by man for earning a handsome Profit on small stums,' and its safety js assured. E. U KEESLER, Sec'y. 25 S. Tryon Street. J H. Van Ness, Pres. , T&OO-L 1 il 11 12 and 14 EAST TRADE STREET. losiiin eoarate 1 his sale offers buying a.dvaLntaLges that will eclipse any previous offer made in this community. Every pair Men's Light and MedKim Weight Trousers in stock to be closed out re gardless of valie For style and beavi ty of pattern, the Pants offered in this sale cannot be excelled ? ? Prices All 5 Trousers reduced to $3 89 All $4 Trousers reduced to 2 83 All $3 and $3 50 Trousers reduced to $2 39 T5he Department Stores AN EXQUISITE CUT GLASS PITCHER THAT COST $12. A . HANDSOME ROCKER THAT COST $12.50. A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL SILVER CANDELABRA THAT COST $15.00. AND A HANDSOME BRASS AND ONYX TABLE WITH A LARGE AND EXTREMELY PRETTY PICTURE LAMP. THAT COST $25.00. These are the four prizes in Brannon's Coupon Contest. A Coupon with every 5 cent cash purchase of soda water, ice cream, cigars and tobacco. First drawing September 1. Save your coupons. BRANNON'S DRUG STORE 36TH SERLES OPEN MUTUAL BUILDING k ASSOCIATI 2 3RD SERIES CLOSED The 23rd series was wound up on the last Saturday in July, "ahead of the hounds""3 as usual. In fact; from the first we have matured our series from Two to Five Weeks AHevd of Any Other This means in money $1.97 more on the last series and $1.65 more on the preceding series than other Associa tions. MORTGAGES. Now realdy for cancellation and de livery of same with insurance policies. NEW SERIES open and subscrip tions will be received either by Chase Bnmizer or either of the un dersigned. P. M. BROWN, Pres't. A. G. BRENIZER, Treas. AUGUST Is one of the best months in the year to have that vehicle of yours Re paired and Repainted. My work in both lines is equal to any in the country. Fine Carriage Painting is my specialty. G. A. PAGE, cor. Fourth and Church Streets, Charlotte, N. C. LO 1, g (Co 11 and 15 NORTH TRYON STREET roisers Out ave Been Reduced as Shown Below All $2 and $2 50 Trousers reduced to $1 63 All $ 1 50 and 175 Trous ers reduced to SI 15 All $1 2s Trousers re- duced to 89 c Department Stores 1. Leather Goods I PocKet Books I Card Cases Music Soils Wallets ) LEADING BOOK. ., 1 STATIONERY AND ART STORE V South Tryou St. Op. Central Hot. 1 L UITO LOTIO HIS is obnoxious to the Mosquito, will relieve the intense itching and is an antidote to the bite of poisonous insects Druggists Both 'Phones No. 69 9 THREE-ROOM HOUSES 3 y all in a row, renting to white people for $3.00 per month each. Income per annum, $325. PRICE, $2,500. Earning 12 7-8 per cent. Free of city tax. Location thickly, settled su burban, on and near one of the macadam thoroughfares. ALEXANDERS J. W. &F.-D, Notary Public and Public Steno grapher. STAR. MILLS CORN MEAL Is the best, so say all who have used it. You can get it fresh in any quantity direct' from the mills. W. M. CROWELL, Proprietor. Bell 'Phon 297. MOSO T w mm p bd Will Sell orv D esirable 8 - dervce No 623 North. College, located just above the handsome Presbyterian College building and one of the choicest residence sections of the city Lot fronts College street, 48 feet and ex tends back 3 50 feet Note the depth and see us fot price and' terms. Southern Real Estate, Bell 'Phone 236. R eod Estate and Rents We Kacve always good baLrgeLins in Houses, Biilding Lots and Farms, If you think of pur chasing consult us. BR.OWN l Bell Phone 1651 8 A fresh supply of powdered and whole Spices, just received. The best quality for . pickling purposes. Free delivery to all parts of the city. 'Phone 292. W, L. Heund Co. Cor. l rade & College Sts. . ! a THE STURDY OAK has its beginning with the implanted corn. Likewise the Tree of Fortune takes root wi th the opening of a savings account. With us twenty-five cents is sufficient to start an account. We pay interest on all deposits. Southern Loan and Savings Bonk P. M. BROWN, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice-President. F. J. HAYWOOD, Jr Cashier. mi MJI.IIi. lll imrrriniTH 1 Tit Charlotte National Bank, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Your Bank and manhood have more to do with your success than all other agencies combined. Let this be your Bank. We promise you every facility that yn-ir balances, business and responsibility warrant. 1 Call to see us and let us talk the matter over with you. B. D. Health. Pres. W. H. Twitty, Cashier ESTABLISHED 1871 J5ht MERCHANTS AND A " FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 35 East Trade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. all ScmtKern St a tes T r vi s t C o mpa'y Geo. 3 3 FOR. 9 5 SIR ?TasLSenth street,. new-5-room cottage $12.00 per mo..u No. 00 North Poplar street, new 6-rom cottage $15.00 per raouu Sa ??uth Tryon street, new 6-room cottage $15.00 per No. 201 East Morehead street, 7-room house $20.00 per mon No. 501 West Fourth street, new 8-room house $23.00 per nion.J Large 10-room residence near Elizabeth College $30.00 per niontn SEPTEM BER 1ST ' No. 503 East Avenue.. " $-7 50 per mont" No. 1000 South Tryon street. . . ..' . .".'. $25.00 per mn-a Real Estate to suit everyone for sale by F. C. Abbott & Company OFFICE: PIEDMONT BUILDING. Easy Terms R oom fiesi- . Loan and Trust Co. No. 207 South Tryon stree 8-room house, city water Co Church and Liddell streets $10.00. " 6-room cottage, E Ninth, largp 'w $9.00. 6-room house, E. Liberty street $12.50. Modern convenience. 4-room cottage, E Fifth strept Ex tended, $7.00. The Ryder Flat, Modehead Strc-e strictly up-to-date, $40.00. 6-room house, 713 N. DavHsor $10.00. COMPANY 217 North Tryon St. ' FOR RENT. Modern 14-room house. r "-;:t Tenth street. Modern 8-room housr : North T) street. Modern 7-room house , i4 North p, (Sept. 3rd.) Modern 6-room house, 210 W. Eight;! street. Modern 6-room house, 301 Elizabeth Avenue. Modern 5-room house, 614 North i) street. 5-room house, 808 North College SI. 4-room hcuse, 7 West Twelfth strict. 3-room house, 813 E. Seventh street. 2 rooms upstairs, 9 1-2 N. College. 2 storerooms on East Trade street. Other desirable houses in all parts of city. J, Arthur Henderson & Bro. 8 North College Street. 'lla iM 1 1 1MB, Hi, U.MI.IM.'l!Mi'Wl.j,ffuai?a Dr. J. H. McADEN,Prest GEO. E. WILSON, V.-l'rust. C.N.EVANS. Cashier W.C.WILKINSON, Ass't Cashier MODERN banking house with every facility for the prompt and careful handling of business intrusted 1 Liberality Courtesy Strength Assets Over 0ne Million Dollars FOR EXAMPLE Mr. Brown earns nine dollars a! week; he puts one dollar of this in the bank. He tells us that he neverj misses that dollar and that he is ds- lighted and surprised at the rapid; growth of his bank account. i We cordially invite you to open an; account n our Savings Department.: Stephens, T. S. Franklin, W. H. Viooi, Pres. V-Pres. Sec -Treas. RENT 3

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