CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 28, 1902. Mew oods We arc constant ly setting in wanted aoods, and new fresh goods arc always trar. more desirable to choose from. Light Outings We had our Light Outings hurried for ward, as so many want to maKe up Gowns, etc., now. Ours is beautiful, soft and well fleeced, the very best that can be gotten. Dainty stripes in Pink and Blue, also solid light Blues, Pinks, etc. 10c. yard. New Percales. Just received, another case Dark Percales in pretty light Blues, Reck and other desirable shades, the quality is fine, only 7 1-2c. yard. 10c. and 12 l-2c. Percales, 7 1-2c. yard. An opportunity to buy fine yard Percales in solid colors and stripes, our regular price 8 1-3, 10c. and 12 l-2c, reduced to 7 1-2c. yard. New Madras. Yard wide Madras in solid colors, worth 15c 10c. yard, Also new solid colors of pretty Ginghams 10c. yard. New Dress Goods Our new Dress Goods are going fast. We have many bargains. 26-in. all wool Grey Suiting, a special bargains 30c. yard. 42-in. cheviot Serge in Black and colors, note the width 50c. yard. 38-in. Canvas Cloth, a firm, heavy weavc 50c. yard. heavy Grey Suiting, $1.25 Wahty 75c. yard. Corsets. "We have alded Warner's Rust Pl'fof Corsets to our line of Popular Corsets. Try our rust "".gin, 11 Ullt VAJIOUU guarantee satisfaction. We have had several customers to ttll s they never put on as iiortahlo corset before, and th': '"st proof feature will add (lou' t' its worth, $1. and $1.50. a. IVEY (El CO. OFFICERS SCHOOL ELECTION. luwnsmps to vote on Extra i ax sept. 9th. T . ," . xii &verai scuooi districts in three ui ine townsnips m Mecklenburg coun ty , .tu eiecuon win be held on Septem- Der 9n for the purpose of ascertaining ;ucluer OI not tne citizens of the dif- ferent school districts desire to levy a special tax ior school purposes. The school districts in which elections will be held are: Districts Nos. 1 and 5 in Steele Creek township; districts Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in Berryhill township and districts Nos. 3 and 4 in Morning Star. For each of the school districts nam ed, poll holders and registrars who will have charge of the election, have been named by Prof. Cochran, superinten dent of education. In Steele Creek district No. 1, Messr. a. a. Forter and W. B. Choat will act as poll noiders, and Mr. J. W. Potts registrar. District No. 5, Steele Creek, Messrs. w. a. urier and K. F. Byrum, poll noiaers, and c. B. Campbell registrar. cerrynm towns tip: District No. 1, Messrs. Joe A. Freeman and Charles Brown poll holders, and Mr. R. C. Freeman registrar. District No. 2, Berryhill, Messrs. laruce urown and J. C. Moody, poll noiders, and Mr. W. A. McGinn regis uistnct NO. 3, Berryhill, Messrs. J. H. Bigham and H. S. Suggs poll hold ers, and Mr. H. L. Sloan registrar. Morning Star: District No. 3, Messrs. tr. W. Fesperman and R. J. H-arKey, poll holders, and Mr. W. J. Lraig registrar. District No. 4, Morning Star, Messrs. i . A. Newell and J. W. Hood poll hold ers, and Mr. A. P. Nisbet registrar. IN GRAHAM COUNTY. Dr. Mowerton Gives an Idea of the Church Work There Dr.. Howerton interested his congre gation last night with a report of the church s work in Graham county, where he has lately held a ten days' meeting. After a good discription of the beautiful and picturesque features of the county, it being hemmed in on all sides by mountains, one point of the Balsom being the largest point east of the Mississippi, except Mt. Mitchell, he gave a very interesting account of the work now being done by Mecklen burg Presbytery through its evangel ist, Mr. Vaughn. He deplores the low state of morals and need of religious betterment, but says, with emphasis, that that there is nothing there so bad, that he could not find a parallel for it in this city with so many churches and Christian peo ple to give out the light. He reports Mr. Vaughn as being pre eminently suited for the work. His earnestness and zeal have secured the hearts and confidence of the people and to a great extent, they hear him gladly: He predicts that Mr. Vaughn will be Bishop of Graham county. Dr. Hower ton appealed to his people to take re newed interest in this part of their work. ALF BOST IN TROUBLE. Bound Over to Court Charged With Perjury. Alf. Bost, the colored base ball play er, was before Acting Recorder Hil ton this morning, charged with beating his -wife. It seems that Alf. got wind of the fact that the police were after him and for fear they would nab him, he went to a magistrate and submitted. The magistrate gave him a receipt for $1 and when he came before the city court this morning, he produced this receipt. The question then arose as to whether the case had been heard before the magistrate before the receipt was given. Alf., at first, claimed that it had, and afterwards admitted that no evi dence had been adduced at the time the receipt was given him. For this faulty memory Alf. will have to go before the next session of the Superior court and answer to the charge of perjury. Act ing Recorder Hilton held Bost in a $50 bond. He went to jail. THE LONELY WIDOW. She Appears at Col. Gray's Play House Monday Night. The "Lonely Widow" will be present ed for the ifirst time in this city at the opera house Monday night. The play is a musical farce comedy with a mixture of singing, dancing and musical spec ialties. The music is all specially arranged, composing full choruses and popular medlevs throughout the action of the 'play. Madamiselle Francine features her wonderful transformation dance, handling a dress 150 yards of material. For the first time in this city will be presented the remarkable sextette buck and wing dance which nas maae a tre mendous hit throughout the North and East. Besides numerous specialties, the comedy the "Lonely Widow" is pos- coocpH nf tbp mnst. amusing Plot m fame eomedv. which maKes you roar with laughter. The loneliness of the Wirlow is the keynote to your happi ness and entertainment throughout the pvpnine- Seats on sale at Joraans Friday night at 10 o'clock. Mr Kane With 'Telephone Girl. joe Kane, me wcn-ivuuwu "- - York favorite who won unqaulified sue- 1 . 1 1 Vn niTTTI XT1T(7 peas in the character of the polite luratic" in the big New York Casino rupps "Tbe Belle of New York," will be seen in this city with "The Tele phone Girl" another Casino success, on Wednesday at the farK Auaiiunum. Kanp will, on this occasion, be seen in the character of Hans Nix, the role ma do famous bv Louis Mann, who is now one of the most successful stars of Amprina. Kane, who is a young man, has received the warmest praise for his clever character work wherever seen. Preferred Stock Issued. ThP Dnwd & King Supply Company, nf thi Htv bas issued preferred stock to the amount of $15,000. Papers to this effect were filed yesterday with the Secretary of State. This is in addition i7n charps rf fOTTimon stock. . The LU XIV Oil" T - J - CI T7 otnMrhnlrlprs are W. F. Dowd, S. 1. TTj,r n w rhasmar. John H. French XVllXg, VJ i. j and Z. V. Kendrick. 1 - fft IB THE PEOPLE. These Were Movinq From Place to Place To-Day. Miss Gertrude Thompson who has been visiting in Mecklenburg for the Tiast twn wppVs rotnrnpil Vinmo n Princeton, Johnston county, this morn- mS - Miss Thompson is a sister of Mes- dames W. O. and W. P. Cochrane. Mrs. A. Brady, Mr. Robert Craig and Master Jenkins Brady, returned this morning from Gastonia. Mr. E. B. Springs came in last night from a business trip to New York. Rev. W. L. C. Killian, of Gastonia, is in the city today. Rock Hill Herald: Mrs. D. M. Davis went up to Charlotte this morning to be with her daughter, Mrs. E. F. Black- welder, who is confined to her home by sickness. Miss Jessie Hart, who has been visiting Mrs. W. J. Neely, return ed to Charlotte Saturday night. Mr. Ned Marshall and friend, Mr. John Perser, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in the city. Miss Pauline Davis return ed yesterday from a visit to her sister in Charlotte. Concord Tribune: Miss Louise Wadsworth, who has been visiting Miss Mary Virginia Wadsworth for several vdays, returned to Charlotte this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Brown and little daughter, -Gladys Lora, of Charlotte, are visiting Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. D. A. Johnson, at Forest Hill. Messrs. Walter Scott and .J. H. Craighill, of Charlotte, spent last night in the city. Miss Mary King went to Charlotte last night to visit Miss Ruth Ebeltoft. The Misses Davis of Providence township, returned this morning from Salisbury. Mr. L. H. Phillips and two children of Newton, are guests of the Buford. Mr. J. E. Sherrill of Mooresville, and Miss Sherrill were Charlotte visitors today. Miss Fetzer of Reidsville, is m the city, at the Buford. Mr. Ira Mehaffey of Concord, is at the Buford Mr. Frank F. Kerner of Kernersville, was here today Mr. J. M. Bernhardt of Lenoir, is at the Buford. Mr. J. B. Brown and wife of Ash- Dole. are guest of the Buford. Mr. John F. Schenck and cmidren or Lawndale, are in the city, at the Bu ford. Mr. W. B. Singleton of Nashville, was nere toaay. Pant A Thais of the Haile Gold Mine was her today. Mr. Rufus McAden of McAdensville, was here last night. Mr. J. M. Brown, of Pawtucket, K. I., is at the Buford. Mr W M. Hendren ot Winston, is here todav. Mr. J. A. Abernethy and Miss Bessie Ahprnpthv nf Lincolnton. were here last night. Mr. C. S. Matthews of Wmnsboro, b C, is here today. Mr. H. E. Burdett of Harttcrd, conn. is at the Buford. Rev. C. E. Todd in Baltimore. Rev. C. E. Todd, formerly of Char lotte but now of Due West, is again in a Baltimore nospitai. nis ueaitu wi- tinues very poor. The Associate Re- fnvmpr! PrpRhvtfirian in SDeakmg or the condition of Mr. Todd, says: lne issue of the visit will depend on the advice of the surgeons after a thor ough diagnosis of the case." Died in Greensboro. Mrs. D. B. Rankin, wife of Col. L. Rankin, died in Greensboro Tuesday nieht. The body arrived m Charlotte yesterday and was taken to Mt. Holly for burial. Mrs. Rankin is survived by a husband and two children: Mr. Frank Rankin, who is superintendent of education and Miss Kathleen Ran Trin Defeased was an aunt of Mr. R. P Rutledge, Sr., of this city. A Card I wish to extend thanks to friends and neighbors for their kind ministra tions during the sickness and death or my husband. MRS. J. E. MlSEMiiUlMiSK. Must be Sold We have four lots 56x164 wth 10 foot alley in rear on Allen street in the suburb of Bolment, which must be sold. They are located near the new Graded School now being built. The owner needs the money more than the land. Let us show you his property. ALFRED W. BROWN & CO., Hunt Building. Bell 'Phone 302. Founded 1842.' JV--'. 'Smg their own praise. D -j- 7- Diy H rOm Die Makers and Save Q There are only two kinds of pianos, the artistic Stieff, and the rest. Stieff pianos don't go back to j. j? i. 4- trKiii1f n f f nl' o o o o me laCLOiy LU UC icuuno anw Q tew vears use. O Stieff pianos are not sold in O department stores. o Stieff pianos are. sola ciireci. We make the Stieff, and being its maker know every inch of it, q a o o o and we pass it to you a.L aamyic q profit price, which means a clear saving to 3rOU 01 num -pj-uv w $250. When a retail dealer of fors nnv niano at price we sell o o o o o o o ho stiPff be is clearing from $150 to $250. Can you afford to waste that much money.' io you love the retail dealer that q much? INVESTIGATE. STIEFF, 93 11 THE SMARTEST NECKWEAR MANUFACTURERS In the country have con tributed the choicest of their products to our stock. W1 E have opened our Fall lines for your inspection and as some of these cannot be duplicated at any price, or be found! elsewhere, we advise you to j make an early selection and assure you that there will be no disappointment on your part. We call Special At tention to oir 50c lines, whicK are tKe best in. the world for! the price. 3 3 5 3 Carolina. Clothing Go-,! J. A. SOLOMONS, Mgr. Opersc H oise One Night Only Sept. 1 MONDAY The bright musical farce comedy in three acts. &e : : : : Lonely Widow Interpreted by a company of 20 Artists. Fine Singing. Catchy Mu sic, Clever Dancing, Pretty Girls. WRITTEN FOR LAUGHING PUR POSES ONLY. Prices: Orchestra chairs, 75c; bal cony, 50c; general admission, 25c Seats on sale at Jordan's drug store Friday morning at 10 o'clock. For Croun use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT OPENING OF ?56e 75he JOHNSON will open on September and all. Don't fail to goods and learn our prices. We will have goods that every man, woman and child needs. Hardware, Tinware, China, Dry Goods, Shoes acrid Notions All purchases made on opening day will be allowed 10 per cent off. Don't miss this ioc on the dollar !5he Johnson Bevrgaari Store 14 North Tryon Street (f CENTER, Always in Demand. oakmahogany and IRDyS EYE PRICES FROM UP 4 5 Onyx Tables and Tabouettes w a.t prices to suit the times W. ' The Leader in Low Prices on High Grade Goods. OPERA HOUSE STORE For Two beautiful lots on North Graham St., one block from car line. L. C. Herndon, 26 W. Trade St. Yovir Sxit! How about it? If you need a new suit for the coming season you will miss a treat if you fail to see my line of fall suitings. Many new styles this season and I have the choice ones for you to select from. Don't think of buying until you have seen my BEAU TIES. J. S. PHILLIPS, Merchant Tailor. First National Bank Building. WE HAVE Buggies, Surreys, Hacks, Farm Wagons and Har ness of every de scription and seat ing capacity. During the month of August, 1902, we will offer our stock at greatly re duced prices. You can buy better goods from us at lower prices than any other place in Charlotte. Come and see for yourself. J. w. Weeds wo r t k's Sons BothPhones 26 1 Small enough Stone & Barringer Book, Stationery and Art Store for 10 Books ...... Large enough for io,ooQ Books is the Wernicke "Elastic" Book Case The only practical book case for a growing library. tone (EL arringer BARGAIN STORE ist. I cordially invite one come, see and inspect our the Glassware and Charlotte, N. C. DSC 5 HZuto TABLE MAPLE Library Tables Speciedty n NEW STORJ McGOY, FOR. SIGNS o f every description come' to headquarters Charlotte Cloth Sign Co. 40 EAST TRADE STREET Here is Where You Come In. Summer suitings, trouserings, etc., being closed out now at great reduc- ion. A handsome line to select from sure to be something to suit you at substantial saving in' price. . A. BLOCK, TaJlor 4 t choolt T i m e v TACATION davs are X V nearinff their end & and soon, as Shakespere J has it, the boys with shin- Y inn- fnpoo will Vk prppninor A like snails to school. : : T We have anticipated ? this season and have filled 4 in one big floor full of oys tnd 4 i Children's ScKool Suits t 1 We have them in knee J pants and long pants Suits ? 4 black and blue Chev- 4 J iots, Oxford Greys, Worsteds and Cassimeres 4 in all colors and textures. $ f All prices, ranging from f If In this as in other lines $ we lead the State. : : 4 4 Ed Mellon Company "IF Mail orders filled any where. OUR STOCK FALL 1902 - 1903 I A T S NOW READY FOR YOUR IN SPECTIONALL THE LATEST STYLESIN STIFF AND SOFT HATS Special attenion to mail orders. E x pressage paid one way. : : : : : L o n Ml OF Tate Clothing CompV t 4 o Bears the Signature cf 0 213 N. Tryon St., 0 Charlotte, N. C. 0000000000900000 si iThB Kind You Have Always uougni 13 w ' est Trade Street. 39C - 111 1 VDCD CZZj i

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