CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 29, 1902. . nrnnnT nr innsu I Html TODM S MARKETS ! LATE ST Jr ftflSnirTO old soldier's experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good AI1VIP.ES FROM THE REALM OF THF RIlllQ cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. AND BEARS. (Kci oi tcdby Ware & Leland, Private Wire to George A. Howell.) I which worked wonders for her health.'' They always do. Try them. Only 25c. at Burwell . & Dunn Co.'s drug store. THE COTTON MARKETS. 29. The cotton the ;1i'Ki''i in" ,,oSt be enaracierizeu m ntinn which 0f pen "u'""v thp lins of old JW'1 , Mamma, tough is J. B., :' VAK,xv slv." If there be the t);-!i!Ul, ol, this point let the in- li-r,'ltc-1 ,l7,or I).-- called to the witness ,!il,U Vi0loi.s a host of -tender - t:iii'" Nt')'nrn in love with he idea W !k'u' !;';: of plucking the heart i "v'.t-iv has been confided to tlx' ' t;"''-nl- n ,,i.ri,r the captain cf a base o for shori scop some , ,', who could not keep 1; .'-- (r;.lir through a zrue. Sel ii -. i ;i.r the position been more li.m1 " ' Jill':!'"1' r.i'i 11 i.ii in-- ' s!i;w' Mil . ... tli:it ..Minns am The Uio. i y or me vi'cpsf.aff. H one as has decided another it would seem to fol- must throughout iiMit vie ' . i 1 . - II.--. fill rttif Jin Ml ' t;i:i thankful for the dole. Mintter of pith and mora- to widen tne uis- niany .mi ;.,!, rvciii' " i p., Ttr;u 1, H'u'V ami ittut. v hi me Friday and Saturday; fresh east to southeast wiads. Georgia, showers Friday with warmer in North portion. Saturday," fresh east winds. Alabama, and Mississippi, showers Friday and Saturday. Friday fresh southwest winds. Louisiana, showers Friday. Saturday fair; fresh south winds. East Texas, partly cloudy Friday with local rains in the interior; fresh south winds. Saturday fair. For West Texas, showers Friday and Saturday. Arkansas, fair Friday. Saturday, showers and cooler. Amount cf cotton in sight for week, 83,806;. total for season 10,741,193. Port receipts for week, 62,259; total for season, 7,6oo,964. Overland this week, 1,547: total, 1,111,472. Southern con sumption this week, 20,000; total for season, 1,973,757. NEW YORK COTTON. Bears the Signature cf i The Kind You Have Always Bought tw in iW' i'ii t remain cairn : 9 Will the Will the ...iv v.v.v: l'u" . : ... r.,.vl':rr HPflCP ' r.Tl n i v t ... r;" I,;: ,mYa lumping hand? : . ,11V uostions which must be v',,Mi"t' M-1 the main problem can answei - ' ' ,,.,,.,.,,,1 Thp nvivilpffp ' lu-:' things alone is often the -: ; , ihe free-born Ameri- i . : . , , ,0 -U.-e- t':i ea (irle;ti! Spots Stead v Mid. $l vt.w York. Aug. 29. The market to- T.-Kof Vi n c; -.1 m o 'iS liri'll .--i.Hll U" iiii sjuiuv 'l'. i ( 1 I Ul, . l JO " that any advance must 1.- n rr T i TDi'nnnl iV S.ilU" lunula - ,i,-n t seem iu ue uuss13'1 auuui. cotton for nothing out Hipv are wary auout re- day -.p.le a ;nit' To y i';'!i: t High Low Close - Futures Closed Steady August 8 63 8 45 . September "... 8 45 S 31 8 42-4JJ October 40 8 2i 8 35 36 November 8 31 8 21 8 20 2 i December 8 33 8 22 8 29 30 January S 32 21 8 2S 20 February S 2v 8 21 8 22 23 March 8 28 8 14 8 21-22 April . . 8 25 8 25 8 22 24 May S 28 8 20 8 24-26 Spots Quiet Middling ic LIVERPOOL COTTON. Futures Closed Quiet Aug 4 54 55 Aug-Sept . 4 4 - Sept-Oct 4 3;)- ... i lilt ui - f tiamao.. coming to hand. They Tl'll UIlS 111 A uAdO Will liltllti I Oct-Nov Nov-Deo . Dec-Jan . . .1 an -Feb . . Feb-Meh . Mch-April April-May Spots Qaiet- . . . . 4 33- ... 4 o0" .. . ' 4 fV i9 4 28- 4 27 23 . 4 2S- -Middling 5 1-3'M HO! For the FAIR THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF H6e Mecklenbirg Fvir Association, TO BE HELD AT CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURS DAY AND FRIDAY, SEPTEM BER 30 AND OCTOBER 1, 2, 2, 1902. A solid week of enjoyment and in struction for visitors to the Queen City of North Carolina. Full program of unrivaled attrac tions. A premium list that runs into big money. Complete, line of competitive exhibits. Notable running and trotting races. Reduced rates on all railroads. Ample accommodations for every body. Nothing will be left undone towards making this initial meeting of the Mecklenburg Fair Association the greatest success of the State. Come and bring all your friends and kin with you. DR. R. J. BREVARD, President, JUNIUS H. HARDEN, Secretary. Receipts 2,000 Sales 4,000 The following is lie U'V nvi.vvihiiiu' alright "weather fore-east icr Friday and ?-!t;i:'ila: i.-r Virginia partly cloudy Friday CHARLOTTE COTTON. Corrected Daily for the News by lleath-Reid Jobbing and Commission Company. New Crop oiood Middling1 .... S4 i i i wiiii ,val rams. saturaay locai rams iiuil waritu-r. Fresh winds. North and kmili Caieiina. showers Friday with 'varum- in west portion; fresh east v!i,ls. Saturday showers. Easterly. vhvuh) ml West Florida, showers THE STOCK MARKETS. Strict Middling . Middling Tinges ......... Steady 8e .78c Fleet ays: London strong. News a ? .and eft. Our market firm on huy iasr bv shorts, who have taken courage fnni" report that treasury will favor imiease in circulation to move crops. Shukl bank circulation be largely in-i-rek-fM it v. auld help Wall Street and a bull in uhet of moderate proportions might :esult. organ circular in fa vo r of Southern Railway situation .ws he wishes to retain his grip on .-'ui'.ih.rn Railway, Reading and other Kcpcrties without being compelled to own the stock. The strike looks the sffip. The men are going to hold out. Kee-ie is bullish cn the market. Ban; rtatement will probably show 4 or 5 million in reserve. Money about W2 Market looks like easing off a little. A. C. P. stronger on shorts covering Quite a bull is out on it and Sugar. Cnnie & Stoppan; say: No great " -' is immediately expected, 'lhere ; : been profit taking and it may con tinue ami we would incline to look for a reacticn. Milntyre & Marshall say: Taking the niaiku as a whole we are inclined to ronl it as high enough and hardly Mii-'ve a further advance will be soiipht bv the leaders. The market is not broad enough to submit successfully to realizing sales 'wpt from among those shares which at'-' supposed to be strongly held and til-.1 industrials among which may be classed the coppers have not taken on Ktrcni'll) Hidifly says: I would be inclined to ild long stock over the holidays. V ru w'ult 1 (-an see now, the expected fc"ptember break may not come. Suit yourself, about taking profits on bulge. We have crime to the dividing of specu- H.UH1 ways. My judgement is that ex I't in the case of Southern Pacific sbiks are high enough and profits 0isht to he taken on rallies but the j.''!y Vst information, and from re aM' sources, too, is that prices are ig away higher. I am not inclined " '"'st any lot in that with big men, .;,lt- ;li'e liieuared tn run nnir-VIv if it speaks of negotiations pending having important bearing on property. Under these circumstances it is thought ad visable to retain control ' in present hand. Dun's cot tor report foreshadows crop at least as large as last year. Tennessee coal opened firm. Better ments will be made soon. . Big Four for year shows surplus decreased $254, 000. Money having been freely spent cn improvements. International Pap er apparently earning little more than preferred dividend. Believed four par ties interested in Reading including Vanderbilts, Morgan, First National Bank and Baltimore & Ohio movement in Baltimore and Ohio attributed to Western operations. Shorts in Atchi son believed to be large. Keene open ly bullish on Union Pacific. Twenty active stocks declined 021. Twelve in dustrials advanced. London steady. NEW YORK STOCKS. Atchison S5i The Central Hotel office and waiting room have been beautifully painted and renovated and with many additional electric lights they will be perfectly illuminated. The table, the rooms, the ser- p vice, etc., of the Central are ex- g o11oTit nnrl Pnnnl n those of SI1V K$ ii 1 ItllU l V-w - ' I commercial hotel in the South. I Under the personal management of Mr. C. E. Hooper. C. iL,. Hooper ci o, PROPRIETORS Seaboard Air Line lailway. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Betw- u New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT MAY 25, 1902. Southern Railway In Effect June 8tthf 1302. This condensed schedule is pub lished as information and is subject to change without notice to tho public: 6:00 a. m. No. 8 daily for Richmond and local points, connects at Greens boro for Winston-Salem, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Newbern and Morehead City, at Danville for Norfolk. 7:10 a. m. No. 27 daily, for Colum bia and C. C. & A. local stations. 7:15 a. m. No. 16 daily, except Sun day, for Statesville, Tayiorsville and local stations, connects at Mooresvillt for Winston-Salem, at Statesville for Asheville, Hickory, Lenoir and Blow ing Rock. 7:45 a. m. No. 33 daily, Atlanta Ex press, Pullman sleeper and day coaches .0 Atlanta, Pullman tourist sleeper to San Francisco, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, via New Orleans and Southern Pacific; close connection at Spartanburg for Hendersonville and Asheville. 8:30 a. m. No. 33 dily, Florida Ex press, for Rock iiui, Chester, wmns boro, Columbia and Savannah; Pull man sleepers to Jacksonville, Pert Tampa and Augusta, first-class coach Washington to Jacksonville. Dining car service. 9:25 a. m. No. 36 dally, U. S. Fast Mail, for Washington and all points North; Pullman drawing rooms, sleep ers to New York and Richmond, day coaches New Orleans and Memphis; Pullman observation car, New York to Macom. Dining car service. Solid Pullman train. 10:05 a. m. No. 30 daily, for Dan ville, Richmond and Washington and all noints North. Pullman sleeper to New York; first-class coach to wasn ington. This train is opeted via Richmond, Va. 11:10 a. m. No. 28 daily, for Win ston-Salem and Roanoke, Va. 12:35 p. m. No. 11 daily, for At lanta and local stations; connects at Spartanburg for Hendersonville and A. sli 6 VI 11 6 6:40 p. in. No. 12 daily, for Richmond and local stations, connected at Greens boro for Raleigh and Goldsboro. 7:15 p. m. No. 24 daily, except Sun day, for Statesville and local stations., connects t Statesville for Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga and Memphis. 8:18 p. m. No. 38 daily, Washington and- Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points North. Pullman Bleepers and Pullman observation car to New York. Dinmg car service, soua Pullman train. 9:30 p. m. No. 34 daily, New York and Florida Express. Pullman sleep ers to New York; first-class coach to Washington. 10:10 p. m. No. 35 daily, U. S. Fast Mail, for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. Pullman drawing room sleepers to New Orleans and Birming ham; day coaches Washington to New Orleans. Dining car service. 10:35 p .m No. 40 daily, for Wash ington and joints North. Pullman sleeper for Washington, Charlotte to Richmond, Charlotte to Norfolk. First class coach Atlanta to Washington. C. H. ACKERT, General Manager. B. H. HARD WICK, Gen. Pass Ag'nt, Washington, D. C. R. L. VERNON, Traveling Pas3. Ag'nt. T. J. WITHERSPOON, City Ticket Agt 11 S. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. Baggage called for and checked from hotel and residence by Wadsworth'a Transfer Co., on orders left at City Ticket Office. Rev. E. K. Cars- ell, lute Of Qa ST AST A-ST AMMER.ING. A Minister's Great Dis covery The One Cause and Its. Sure Remedy. No Knife, N o Medicine. Infallible, natural, sci entific, quick. No oth er cure. Other methods artificial and afford only temporary improvement. No relapses when onq the Fon-Lin Method ,!t akes." Best References. Send stamp for Pocket Pamphlet a nd Summer Terms. , ; CARSWELL INSTITUTE. 2325 Callew Ave Baltimore, Md. SUMMER RESORT. 75 he Seashore Hotel, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. Opens for the Summer, June 1st, 1902 For the coming season of 1902 we have added sixty large, airy, bed rooms, twenty en suite, with private baths, bowling alley, pool and bit lard hall. Hotel being but a few yards from old Ocean's edge renders It cool and comfortable at all tildes. No malaria, no mosquitoes, no flies. The finest bathing, boating and fishing along the Atlantic coast. The cuisine will be thoroughly up-to-date, embracing everything in the way of delicacies in sea foods and choice edibles. Artesian water. Music the entire season by Professor Hollow bush's New York Orchestra of eight pieces. No more delightful resort in the South. Write for descriptive booklet, rates, etc. Address, JOE H. HINTON, Manager. Wrightrville Beach. N. C EDUCATIONAL MREMON nu Grci YoiMGWoMFN H ICKORY; N; FlfTf EN UNIVERSITY TRAINED TEACHERS A INU l cu ntftli n hcjuki. 1 i i , i TVVFtXi: rrtllDF fF iT!irY I s "LEIRMO. DIRECTOR. 'Jf 11 4QO PIAMO GIVEN IN MUSIC. BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE FRffij I E tiliS STKiSiiA.A.r Z. S?S!-ftJtfftSi I I.I.HAORMlN. MJS. Di)C.OXKROM I ihTMAI.H ATT ON. A.M.. LITT. M . PrD "a ----- H - F OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE "1 B 51 C- 7zn PREPARES for the UNIVERSITIES and COL 1 25L 1 Cell LEOES as well as for BUSINESS, for TEACH- INQ, and for LIFE. Situated NEAR GREENS BORO, N. C, over 1,000 feet above the sea level, in view of the mountains. Largest and Best Equipped Fitting School for Young Men and Boys in the South. Rates: $125.00 to $175.00 per annum. FOR BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE, ADDRESS J. A. & M. H. HOLT - - - . Oak Ridge, N. C. .l2M , 55 48 Vz . 23 41 .100 171 154)i .185 110M 99.1 7A fM-oini..s evident that they are unload- 'jmnein Railway by circular urges ''tun voting trust for few years and THE PRODUCE MARKETS. Balto & Ohio . Can Pac Ches & Ohio . . . Chi & Alton . . Chi & U. West Chi Ter & Tran Erie I lock Valley . . Ill Central Lou & Nash Man Misso Pac Misso K & T NewYC -. .1(3 Norfolk & W Td Ontario & W 35 Penna... 1629 Read 69 Sf Pmil lb-M So Pac 7M . 90 7 J50. Ky '8 SoRvPfd 96 JS Tex & Pac Union Pac... H3X Wabash Amal Cop Brook Rap Trans . Col Fuel & Iron . -. Nati Lead Peoples Gas Sugar .... Tenn Coal & Iron . . TT S TiPntber US Steele f$ TT S Steel Pfd fJ Wpstpm TTnion. 9,r VC Chemical 6eM No. 32. No. 40. jV. Charlotte .... 7:27 p.m. 4:50 a.m. Ar. Monroe 8:25 p.m. 5:42 a.m. Lv. Monroe .... 8:4U p.m Ar. Hamlet .....10:15 p.m. Ar. Wilmington Ar. So. Pines .. Ar. Raleigh Ar. Norlina Jc. Ar. Portsmouth No. 34 11:33 p.m. 5:52 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 8:34 a.m. 1:30 a.m. U:00 a.m. I 30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 7:15 a.m. 5:35 a.m. Ar. Richmond . Ar. Washington Ar. Baltimore . . Ar. Phila Ar. New York . 6:35 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 1:36 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 8:36 p.m. 11:25 p.m. 2:56 a.m. 6:30 a.m. No. 33. No. 41. Lv. Monroe Ar. Athens Ar. Atlanta .... Ar. Montgomery Ar. Mobile 9:10 2:40 p.m. 4:55 p.m. 9:20 p.m, 3:05 a.m 12:20 a.m. 6:13 a.m. 7:50 a.m. .... 67 . . .. 6 . . . 82 .... 24 ... 104 ....181M .... 70 .....1354 Ar. New Orleans 7:40 a.m.. Lv. Charlotte ... Lv. Lincoln Lv. Shelby Ar. Rutherfdton. 10:18 a.m. 11:35 a.m. 12:39 p.m, 2:10 p.m. orfolkwesi Scheduls in Effect Schedule in effect June 8th, 1902, Through Train Daily, Charlotte and Roanoke, Va. Lv. Charlotte, So. Ry ..11:10 am. Lv. Winston, N. & W. Ry. . .3:00 p m. Lv. Martinsville 5:15 p m. Lv. Rocky Mt 6:35 p m. Ar. Roanoke 7:40 p m. Ar. Charlotte, So. Ry 6:00 p m. Ar. Winston, N. & W. Ry. 2:UU p m. Ar Martinsville 11:45 a m. Ar. Rocky Mt 10:26 a m. Lv. Roanoke 9:15 a m. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Chaurlotte, N. C. Opens Thursday, Sept. nth, 1902. Magnificent building with ail modern conveniences. Enlarged faculty of exper ienced teachers. Physical culture a special feature. Gener al advance along every line. For catalogue address, REV. J. R. BRIDGES, D. D COLLEGE ELIZABETH FOR WOMEN Select ONLY THE BEST when it comes to EDUCA TION. If you do not you will regret it. In your search for a school whose motto is THOR OUGHNESS in ALL THINGS, consider ELIZABETH COLLEGE. Examine the records of our teachers, and the courses of study offered in Science, Languages, Music, Art, Elocution, Business and Physical Culture, etc. Session Opens September 18th. 1902. For Catalogue, call at Jordan's Drug Store, or address C B. KING, President, Charlotte, N C Chica: Aug. 29. Wheat Long u i.. . "u came out at the start on fine con ditions in North West and decided fairness abroad. Receipts were large II1. th ''St and promise to run big. bin- good commission house lnS at 70 for Sentemhpr and this """'on was ?ht firmly held. Trade was CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. m 'hr options, thp rash renort Iestrainin? The hears. While we would 1 Tlir Sntpmhor olrvTVo "hnt 0 fother ontions nn harri snots Elioulfl , U1U prove Tu-ofithlP 'o'HiS A!,tiIjts light but weather v-mT Viy much improved with vices f ! hlh"r temperatures. Ad ish butm(0Utl1 West were Quite bear hoso 1 t'-Cff were goocl commission held " o"ns anfl Prices were firmly nv 'as TPt' ml;'r is a ans610"8 month whorp r!nan:,lation can Put the price sepms "U;!" '-hr'y want it. December Oats-t"'00'1 sale at 43 and above, light ' re,U -'!'r' stronS on account of 'A'e ((Iivl5.)ts. anl shorts covering. niai-Hn- lifl'' present prices can Provi" 1 ancl favor sal&s ftiiss'i',??'1'6 ong on good l:ha',.e or:';e buying. We think fitalifo '"Pactions should prove WHEAT eitember . December . May ' CORN September . December . May OATS September December . Ma? .... PORK September October . . . January LARD September October . January . RIBS . September October . . . January . . Hijrh Low 69 69 51 55 43 43 39 39 30M 3M Close 70 1 '74: !Q1 . 3V 25 30 .17 10 10 85 17 05 ..17 20 16 9 17 15 . 14 82 14 50 14 75 ..10 65 10 37 10 40 . y 50 9 42 9 45 8 2r 8 32 8 22 . 10 30 9 92 10 25 .. 9 87 9 85 9 87 ... 7 75 7 GO 7 72 Trains arrive Charlotte daily, 10:08 a. m., 10:32 p. m. From East and South 7:17 p. m. From the West. Pullman sleeping cars between Char lotte and Porstsmouth on Train No. 32. Connects at Monroe with fast through trains and through sleepers to the East ond firm til . n,iir.VAst. time between Charlotts and New York. Leaving Charlotte 4:50 a. m., arrive in New York at 12:45 night, same night. For detail information address, AB. V. HARRILrU Charlotte, N. C For Whooping Cough Use CHENEY'S BXPFCT0RANT. Connects at Roanoke via Shenan doah Valley Route for Natural Bridge, Luray, Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania and New York. Pullman sleeper, Roanoke and Phii&delph'a. Additionalt rain leaves Winston Salem 8:00 a. m. daily except Sun day for Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah Valley points. W. B. BEVILL, Gen. Pass. Agt., Roanoke Va. M. F. BRAGG, Trav. Pass. Agent. . WAR QN INSECTS -i-- . -r I More I I Money mmS3r Founded 1864. " Incorporated 1893. Turn your talents to more profitable and more Peasant work. Business men everywhere are Jooking for competent managers, assiSSnts, confidential secretaries bookkeepers, stenographers, etc. These positions lead to increased salaries and Sallade's Mosquito Bite Cure and Insect Exterminator Kills liugs, Roaches, Moths, Fleas, Ants, etc. Never fails. Wonderful disinfectant. 25c. Bottles 1-2 gal., $1.00; gallons, $2.00. At all dealers, or SALLADE & CO., 122 CEDAR ST., N. Y. The Only Negro Dentist in the 8UU. Dr. O. H. Arnold, (Dentist.) Offic hours: 9 a. m. to l p. m. 2 to 6 p. m., 216 B. Trade street, CharlotU. N C ' CONSULTATION FREE. Great Opportunities. No mistake in attending SADLER'S BRYANT & IKAllun COLLEGE, with its record of thirty-seven years success. . This institution prepares men and women for these : posihons by actual trainman in the work-one that will make you a, success and pre Se you Kyiry. Let us write you about it and send you booklets. Terls fio per month. No extra charge for, Shorthand and Typewriting. SADLER'S BRYANT & STEATTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, ' 2 to 12 North Charles St., Entrance No. 12, Baltimore, AM. ii m i in J ii i I 'jy Cholera is steadily increasing Egypt and Manchuria. in For LaGriope and Influenza use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. INSTITUTE for YOUNG LADIES CONSERVATORY MUSIC LAR GE FACULTY, HIGH STANDARDS. FULL EQUIPMENT. AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR. OUR. LIMITED NUMBERS PEACE appeals to its patrons on account of its few. not its many, pupils. Many schools cost more, but none yield more on the investment. For Free Catalogue Address President James Dinwiddie, Raleigh, N. p. the present at least.