charlotte; news, august 30, 1902. FULL REPORT OF a EST ADVICES FROM THE REALM OF THE BULLS LA AND BEARS. (Reported by Ware & Leland, Private Wire to George A Howell.) : THE COTTON N. C. Aug. 30. I have f nnttnTi r-fin fl 1 lose ouservfi ui vulh i" - ' ,..r vo.irs My last three I'htllH rStil!' of the crop are as iuuuws. ,l,l ..!Lw 1S99 .... 9.474,000 . ill,.,. M'V! ' iu November 1900 10,400,000 J November 1901 .... 10,760,000 Mii'( 111 n,.a with final fisrures Yt.'ii in cvHii (in ' c that the above were pretty ml StV " t om fniiv convinced ' ''.T if T all' guess work, although I He nlwavs after h.'iv. t "ill'PU HI J isonii. - spring tht effect or Killing uu&i. u is ,.pt' to make any intelligent t,)(i M'-.' - nwrnt, nrnn After ear:' S ; .Velv' watching the crop develop I Vv Vome to the conclusion that on .nut of fanners being forced to use 1 from last vear's quickly matured M" w(, i, ive a dwarf plant and early ('10'' H earlv plant life is dwarf and ;Vrlv matured cotton is no exception. Uk to the fields will show you that v-r"niiM-tenths of the present crop was ni; adc in Juiy ami uaiuij, ii Anm'.st. Whv is this? conditions 11 . f Aifn.n Kin OT.l tTflltr n h ive neeu mvuiauic a.u. j- Willi , , , ,, ,nnAaA been dmi; i we not not nave iaisc swuvd iwj,uc;u with bolls? Tllf, crop has made no headway m as it seemed to have matured Ails"' 1 i i. re it,: ,-.5 in July IV pllil Stopped WUIK. 11 Lina iuuui- rot's on in September, as it is like- lion iv to ilo we cannot nupu iui ciuj- mwic !.utton than the present going out crop as we are not any better off than this time last year. You would be surprised to see the -liftVeiH-e in the crop-now if you have ", it senoe first of July. Of (.oulse iii.v.v are plenty of bright spots, ,Ui if vou will inquire, you will find ,.,,, in ser ting seed will be one of the xw of this. There are plenty of dis-miiointiP-'-J spots rust and .shedding ,vtiuvr in their work. Plenty of farm 'v, who would not have taken 20 bales for their crop on 1st August, will sell tinlav for l-. 1 oo nor. ueneve iu smaii T .nnnnf Olinl' t 12 Tl n 'en' now to make under 10.000, es but I do believe that while : a ehance of making 12,000,000 jii.imjo for this crop that possi ias passed and A-e will do well . make 11.250,000 and probably ?r ld.r.OO.OOO. Cotton at 8 cents und is cheap if we only have a f 10.500.000. So keep your head on and watch what you are If our farmers see no improve- n condition of crop in September vhat it is now and will not force he market, they will reap rich ,es. We will not see any 5 cents tjtton in any event, but if the crop pVospeets improve, it will not pay to jjjld cotton for higher prices, although 5$ie may he obtained in the spring summer. North Carolina is being teWip by the bureau reports as the smetoving tne banner prospect for (ottcn crop, but t conditions have okad-ainl we have rust and shed ding and crop making no progress since 1st of August. GEO. A. HOWELL. THE PRODUCE Chicago, Aug. 30. Wheat There kj buying at the start on rains in the icriliwest allowing of a fair sized ad ranee in Sept. local shorts being an e'oos to cover on scarcity of offerings, rtile there was good commission tees buying of December. As a gen ial thing hut little interest was taken inhe market while scalpers were dis- ;i io even up over the holidays. -jl w.;o was a little selling of September JV wards the close. It looks very much Wtif weather conditions would be the :ciamg lactor, and as tar as Sep tember deliveries are concerned on iday next we think they will be VErvlieht if of oil i, --Qv n (Ail, Coin Receipts were light and the jsarket was inclined to strength due to toll's of cold weather although condi tions in Iowa were much improved. Operations were largely on the scalp ing order with local traders evening up. A larger run of receipts can be expected during the coming week. Uats Were higher on the poor grad and indications of more rains To the close long holdings came Jiit. local traders not being disposed to 'iTy them over holidays. BONES OF INDIANS. Wash Up by High Water in the Ca tawba. In some of the operations at the Ca tawba Power Company's plant last W a find of three Indian skeletons let" ?t " There were in the Slaves a anv nrlsome beads. different from I'm etr found in this section before. f, 1V- lJli or one warrior was r found or.e o: Ul tne bones, when measnrpri hv a C-foot mnn'o , . J tannp,i ;Cr, "efcpunaing oone, over all TinV mUer tUlly one-third. Fort The e bonp3 ir l ! -. ed hv iu 11 uuesuon were uncover- bt Vre Tv freShet of last year' f this year dC0vere(i until January larm j ?, They were found on the Bovi in a eSf,S- Davi(i and William WriSffepnburs count N- C, ba r ver rZ7 and along the Ca" of imt J ?y are evidently those bXms ad b6en interred n ds of SI are sPecimens of hun- beads had ,niS t,ibe seen there- The the E,iTloubtedly Deen buried in - W H w ? Indians erl colnrf ' x : lh(: secured 466, of sev- mber arp nt V, . maiority of the c or a rerhi WT UeiStl snade- Some with rpri umers oiacK ?triPes. . )e.s and blue with white bo ne. The twn f"Zl?ss cnalk ad i UPV 5fD e . i . . ne(' to hp - lu'mer Kinas are sup- ",ake. nnn "l "giish and French tor their ia;;:ccraaed to the Indians tonic eaught Th in Vr,? a - : aim ior ani- ine snpn; imps &s of S oi the glass beads show 'hat t'rev nation. :.y weiP rri It. IS tvirlan sir. off time w'h!SdSr g!?und since that 1 vaiawDas roam- TODftY'S MARKETS. MARKETS. New Orleans, Aug. 30 The Ameri- . . - - deal. Then, again, there is just now a peculiar need for calm study of the environment. In the furor of an upward movement as in the dead calm of a dribbling de cline, the average man takes a great deal too much for granted. It does not necessarily follow that the unusual period of rest will enable anybody to see through the millstone, but the bliss of acknowledged ignorance may come with the protracted pause. The devel opments of the hour teach the need of caution as to estimates of the crop. ! For example the statement of the New York cotton exchange shows that no less " than 10,741,000 bales have already come into sight for the commercial year which is about to end. The explanation of this unexpectedly large total is found in the allowance of 1,974,000 for southern consumption. Mr. Hester will publish his figures on Monday next. If his report confirm the statement just noted, Mr. Buston's forecast of 10,750,000 minimum will re ceive historis seal. If a deduction for new cotton brought into sight during August be made, the estimate of this journal's correspondents (10,400,000) will come pretty close to the mark. Mr. Price and the agricultural bureau are among the horses which "also ran." After all, crop guessing is no depart ment of Astronomy and each investiga tor should be content to give his infor mation for what it is worth. In such a case pride of opinion is simply pre postrous. As a rule the composite pho tograph of a crop affords the best like ness. CHARLOTTE COTTON. Corrected Daily for the News by tleath-Reid Jobbing and Commission Company. New Crop 3ood Middling1 ..... ........ 8 Strict Middling- sy2 Middling Sj Tinges , 73c Steady LIVERPOOL COTTON. Futures Closed Barely Steady Aug: 4 5 .4 47 . 4 37- 4 30- 4 27 .4 26 .4 26 .4 25- 4 24 .4 24- Aug-Sept Sept-Oct Oct-Nov Nov-Deo . Dec-Jan . Jan-Feb Feb-Mch Mch- April April-May Spots Dull Middling Receipts Sales 5,000 l-32d MARKETS. Provisions There was not much fea ture to the market operations being largely of a holiday character although there was a little spurt in October lard. Should any declines appear we look for good buying. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. WHEAT High eptember 71 December 67 May G94 CORN -'eptember 57 December 47 May 39& OATS -eptember 27 December 2GJ &3a 31 Low 70 67 H m 4 39 2G 30M Close 70 C7M 3- 26 25 30 PORK September . . . October 17 02 17 17 16 95 17 12 14 75 10 42 9 47 8 22 10 25 9 85 7 72 17 00 17 12 14 77 10 42 9 GO 8 25 10 25 9 12 7 75 January 14 LARD September 10 October y 82 47 70 January 8 25 RIBS September .10 37 October 9 95 January 7 77 ed these regions the mighty mon archs of all their surroundings. Dr. Gil Wylie, while here recently, secured from his brother a number of the beads and will treasure" them as interesting mementoes of a great tribe of Aborigines, now almost extinct, whose mournful fate is a sad page in the history of our country. Rock Hill Herald. Wednesday Night's Attraction. Manager Leath of the Academy of Music, has made arrangements where by "The Telephone Girl," one of the best and acknowledged musical suc cesses, will be seen at Latta Park on Wednesday night for one performance only. The production will be complete in every detail, beautiful costumes, great cast, foremost comedians, large fmd pretty chorus all of the gentler sex. in fact look forward to one of the theatrical treats of the present, season. Opera House Very Much Improved. Mr. Nathaniel Gray, manager of the Charlotte opera' house, was walking about town today with a broad smile playing over his usually sedate coun tenance. The cause of this was the generally improved appearance of his play house. Painters and carpenters have been at work for several weeks getting the house in order and it real ly does present a most attractive ap pearance. Monday night Mr. Gray has the Lonely Widow as the opening at traction. It is said to be a really fun ny attraction and worth the price of admission. Fnr LaGr-inne and Influenza use "CHENEYS EXPECTOR can uotton Exchange will be closed five States have recognized the right of until Tuesday. The long closure is wel- the toiler to be thus honored. The gov come for more reason than one. In the erno'r of North Carolina and the mayor first place, speculative activity is ter-' of Charlotte have already issued ap ribly trymgm such weather as the propriatc proclamations and the wage south has had to endure for some ; earners of the city propose to do jus weeks. One does not like to sweat him tice to the holiday, self to death, even over a winning The nrosrra m f nr th T.ahnr n,v ANT. ALL READY FOR LABOR DAY CELEBRATION (Continued from First Page.) will be several excursions one from down on 'the coast to Charlotte during the day. At least 15,000 visitors are ex pected. Many of the Stores will close or give half-holiday, as Labor Day is not only a Stntf hilt t MdHrvnol Vinlidoir TV.5..4-.T " " , "J A. U L1VJ A t lllil lllH V I till I V xrade is given elsewhere. The rime-ram lor tiie amusements at Latta Park in the afternoon and the minstrels in the evening follows: PROGRAM OF GAMES. 1:30 P. M. MULE RACE. Half mile; each man to ride the other fellow's mule; the last mule under the wire will be winner. Prize, $2.50. 2:00 P. M. FAT MAN'S RACE. . 50 yards; each union entitled to two entries in this race. First prize $2; second prize, $1. 2:20 P. M. TUG-OF-WAR. Between two unions, "Prize, $2.5o. 3:00 P. M. BASEBALL. A professional game of ball will be played by the Printing s Pressmen's and Iron-Workers' Unions. After the baseball is over BICYCLE RACE. Each one that wishes to enter this race will pay $1.00 entrance fee, and the winners wall take two-thirds for first prize and one-third for second prize. Following the bicycle race will be the WHEELBARROW RACE. 100 yards; each union entitled to one entry. First prize, $1; second prize, 50 cents. PIE EATING CONTEST. Each union entitled to two entries. First prize, $1.00; second prize, 50 cents. GREASY PIG CONTEST. The one catching the pig and holding same will get the pig, but two people will not be allowed to hold the pig. The above games will come off in the Baseball Grounds, and those wishing to see the games are cordially invited to take seats in the grand-stand free of charge. LABOR DAY MINSTRELS. Door open, 7:30 p. m. Curtain, 8 p. m. Stage Manager H. N. Banks. Middleman R. P. Smith. ) End Men Messrs. Page and Sawyer. ; PART ONE. Any Old Thing. OPENING CHORUS. Solo and Chorus, "I'll Wed You in the Golden Summer Time" F. A. Sawyer. Jokes by Everyone. Song, "'Way Down Yonder in the Corn Field" Frank Harris. Song, "Fly, You Blackbirds, Fly" . . Mace Hunter. More Jokes. Song, "Mr. Dooley" Elmer Michael. PART TWO. "T'm TTnlnnlrv" Comic Son Herbert Banks. Fun in a Hen House Messrs. Harris and Redfern. Song Walker. Song and Walk Around Messrs. Page and Sawyer Song, "Oh, Lucinda Jane" . Elmer Michael. Shoot-::.; Match Messrs. Smith and Banks. Song Frank Harris. "In Union There is Strength" Messrs. Page and Michael. Seng, "Aint Dat a Shame" Fred Sawyer. "Warming 'Em Up in Dixie" By the Whole Gang. An Invitation. Editor News: All white union men and friends of organized labor who have not been as signed to places in the Labor Day pa rade, are cordially . invited to march with Federal Union No. 8932, and are requested to. meet at Labor Day Head quarters Monday morning promptly at 9 o'clock. W. H. SINGLETON, Pres. Captain "Putty," having sailed wHh La Yohe Tor South America, look out for another revolution in one of the strenuous republics about the time he arrives. New York Press. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 30. STATIONS Temp'ture Kainfall, inches and hun--dredths State I OF weather DISTRICT Max Min Charlotte.. 84 62 0 Cloudy Cheraw . .". 84 60 0 Clear Florence ..86 62 0 Clear Goldsboro: 82 60 ' .0 Foggy Greensboro 82 60 0 Clear Lumberton 84 60 0 Clear Newbern.. 84 64 0 Cloudy Raleigh .. 84 62 0 Clear Weldon . . 82 62 0 Foggy Wilm'Kton. 84 62 0 Cloudy HEAVY RAINFALL. Columbus Miss 1.90 CENTRAL. Number District Averages STATION of Tempe'ture Rainfall, iwh station Max Min esaadhun- eport- dredths ingr Atlanta .... 14 78 64 T Augusta .... 11 82 64 T Charleston. 5 82 66 0 Galveston... 32 98 74 .02 Little Rock. 13 92 70 T Memphis ... 13 86 70 .02 Mobile 10 90 72 .50 Montogmery 9 86 70 .04 New Orleans 15 92 72 .04 Oklahoma . 10 100 68 0 Savannah . . 12 86 70 .04 Vicksburg. .' 13 88 72 " .04 Wilmington 10 84 62 0 REMARKS. Local rains have fallen in many por tions of the cotton belt. Changes in temperature have been slight. R. W. GRAY, Observer Temporarily in Charge. THE WEATHER. Forecasts for tonight and and Sun day. For North and South Carolina: Fair tonight and Sunday, except local rains in the mountain districts, warmer in the interior. Fresh easterly shifting to southeasterly winds. Notes The - weather is generaly cloudy this morning in the Atlantic and Gulf States, and over the north ern valleys. Fair conditions prevail elsewhere. Rain has fallen quite generally over the Missouri and upper Mississippi val leys, and in Florida; and ideal rains have occurred in Georgia, Tennessee and the east Gulf States. The pressure is high over the mid dle Atlantic and north Pacific coasts and continues low over the Southwest. The changes, in temperature have been slight. R. WT. GRAY, Observer Temporarily in Charge The fellow who sings his own praise seldom gets an encore. BRAIN-FOOD NONSENSE. Another ridiculous food has been branded by the most comnetent au thorities. They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is Heeded for brain, another for cles, and still another for bones. Ax correct diet will, not only nourish a particylar part of the body, but it Will sustain every other part, et, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dys pepsia. You must prepare for their ap pearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's Au gust Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the blood,, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Fitzsimons Drug Co.'s. A Noted Detective of tfre South. Testifies Mr. J. Samuel Wilkinson, 5011-2 N. 28th St., Says: "I was cured of a very bad case of stricture with three bottles of L. J. Hayden's Wonderful Indian Herb Medicine, after having been operated on by three different doctors that only gave me temporary relief. I was advised by Mr.. J. J. Graves, Justice of the Peace for Jackson Ward, to o to Mr. Ii. J. Hayden, 404 West Eroad street, Richmond, Va., and was cured without any instrument. I most cheerfully recommended his medicine to all who. are suffering from this cause, and will, with pleasure, give any information as to how I was cured." Very respectfully, J. SAM'L WILKINSON, Ex-Sergeant-at-Arms City Democratic Committee for 17 years, and Private Detective with Wren's National De tective Agency for 14 years. Richmond. Va.. April 23rd. 1902. FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER, TAKE Hancock's Liquid SilpKir, . : : Nature's Great Germicide. A guaranteed cure for Eczema and all blood and skin diseases. The therapentic value of sulphur is too generally known and too widely recognized to enter into a long history or explanation of it here. Sulphur in a powdered form for many years has been prescribed by physicians in all parts of the world for a great variety of ills mankind in heir to. Owing to its insolubility no one has ever been able to apply it in sufficient strength to bring into action a hundredth part of its power. By the late discovery of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur all obstacles hereto fore encountered have been removed in obtaining in a liquid the full strength and effectiveness of sulphur. If sulphur is a specific, then one can very readily see why the liquid must be much more beneficial, as the skin absorbs it the instant it is applied. At the present day authorities on. skin diseases concede and have dem onstrated that skin diseases of every nature are caused by microscopic germs, baccilli, bacteria, microzyme, or other forms of animal decomposi tion. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur ar rests animal decomposition in every form, and is an absolute destroyer of all germs in such diseases as eczema, tetter, pimples, acne herpes, salt rheum, ringworm and open suppura ting sores. For sale at Burwell, Dunn & Co.'s. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR CO. Baltimore, Md. oaw-tf KILLS BED BUGS, ROACHES, ANTS, w SPIDERS, FLIES, VERMIN, AND ALL NSECT LIFE. Harmless to People I Death to Insects ! 10 and 25 Cents. You can clear vour house of rv i i r, i all vermin by liberally using UZaUX UUSl. You can keep your animals ' and fowls rid of insect pests fttolli Duel by judiciously using . . . UCdUl UUU You can enjoy your rest at night by killing mosquitoes, Hpafh HlKf burning small quantities of UWUl LU3U The Best Insect Powder in the Trade is DEATH DUST. AT ALL DEALERS. C5FThe 25 cent package (large tin cans') sent by mail on receipt of money to any address. The 10 cent size is unmailable. The GarroIJton Chemical Go. " BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. 'Let the GOLD DUST twins do your work.. As a cleaner soap doesrft begin to compare witli GOLD DUST does more work, better work and does it cheaper-. - .It saves backs as well as pocketbooks. .Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, New York. Boston, St Louis. Makers of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. 13he Baltimore Specialist 1 , 55- J. B. WEBSTER, M. D. Consultant on Matters of Health Promotion, Wasting and Chronic Diseases, , Nervous Affections. AmGntr Others Who t.n t.hp. rpmarlrnhli cures which Dr. Webster has accomplished are : REV. M A. KKNNELLRY. Pastor firapp TTnitPri Evangelical Church. Baltimore. JUSTICE H. N. GKENINGKR.Hebbville.Md. PROF.W. H. ZIMMERMAN. Halethrope, Md. MRS. WM. B. HOHGES, 1448 Henry St., City. WM. F. BRIGHT, 1801 Division St., City. CASHIER S. EDWfN COX OrlvPi-t Rant Haward and Saratoga Sts., City. Write to Dr. yebsttr at once or submit your case and get the advantage of the low .summer rates. OFFICE 209 N. LIBERTY STREET Baltimore, ma. OI TICK HOTTHS 10 A. M. TO 5 P. M. SUNDAY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Founded 1842. J "Sing their own praise. 55 Biy From 15he ' Makers and'Save There are only two kinds of pianos, the artistic Stieff, and. the rest. Stieff pianos don't go back to the factory. to be rebuilt after a few years' use. Stieff pianos are not sold in department stores. Stieff pianos are sold direct. We make the Stieff, and being its maker know every inch of it, and we pass it to you at asingle profit price, which means a clear saving to you of from $150 to $250. When a retail dealer of fers any piano at price we sell, the Stieff, he is clearing from $150 to $250. Can you afford to waste tliat much money? Do you love the retail dealer that much? INVESTIGATE. STIEFF, 213 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. RALEIGH MARBLE W O R. K S Cooper Bros., Proprietors Raleigh, N. C. MONUMENTS Tablets Curbing Vases Iron Fence We Pay the Freight Write tor our New Cata loRue. This will interest you it your hall falls out or if you are troubled witl Itching, dryness or scurfy eruption. Mrs. M. P. Alexander, of Concori N. C, says this of Mrs. Grier's Rea.1 Hair Restorer "Leas than a bttl of MRS. GRIBR'I RESTORER gave . my little toi a clean, healthy scalp and plenty ol natural hair, instead of a distresgmt scurfy eruption and thin, dry hair." Wire Railing & Ornamental WireWork DUFUR. (EL CO., 311 N. Howard St. Baltimore. Md I Wire Railing for Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens, Offices and Balconies. Win dow Guards, Tree Guards, -Wire Cloti)! Sieves, Fenders, Cages, Sand and Coal Screens, Chairs, Settees, etc. Eleva tor Enclosures a Specialty. Is the oldest and only business college in Va. own ing its building a grand new one. : No vacations. Ladies & gentlemen. Bookkeeping,Shorthand Typewriting, Penmanship, Telegraphy, &c. Leading business college south of the Potomac river. ' Phila. Stenographer. Address, G. M. SmithdeaU President, Richmond, Va. 4 f f the up-to-date 'Wall Finish. Beautiful colors, cheap and- durable. For sala fey - . J. J. E Z E L L. No. 12 West Fifth Street. , 1 '-r . Housekeeper: . . .2 L ... -v- .4. i - w -- "If I had to give up either . . - .: :.. . : my gas Range or my husband I'd give up . Well you know it doesn't cost much tq keep a Gas Range." Sold on Installments. ' V . Jj I Building Mater Window Glass Feed B. F. WITHERS 1 202 S. College Street Charlotte, N. C. ? i BOTH PHONES. Building Materikl ANCHOR ' BRAND. VIRGINIA LIME. v Highest Award Chicago Ei- , position. LEHIGH BRAND PORTLAND CEMENT. Highest Award Buffalo Exposi tion. Only house In Charlott in this line reached by all rail roads; therefore we are en abled to undersell all competi tors, v Write for pricei. W. W. Watrd (EL Son J Charlotte. N. C. TRAVELING RiEN? - can leave their - tL A U N D R Y t t t v With us while passing through Y 5nd have it promptly forwarded T to almost any address in this sec- X tion of North and South Caro- a. una WIIHUUI tArncoo CHARGES, through our numer ous agencies in surrounding towns. Our work will be found. to be FIRRT.r.l A RQ in vpu uiau anrf I ? m m I w mm m n mm AM T r we get it to you when promised. T. . ; t STAR LAUNDRYi - - 28 West Trade ; St. ; -J H. B. McDowell pro pr llrv 15he of Fcshior V. There is nothing that looks so pleasing as a "swell" laun dered Shirt Front and Collar. We undertake the most deli cate work and we please the most exacting and finicky. Any kind of finish and that the best. ' "Bhe Model any BOTH PHONES. :r rrr .: i K II -s- Glass Lavirvdry Comp

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