CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 30, 1902. 8 LUTE TELEGRAPH Strikers AssumeThreatening Attitude By Wire to The News.) Rome, ,Aug. 30. The general strike which has been inaugurated at Florence is assuming a grave aspect. The An archist agitators have greatly excited the people, calling on them to seize the rifles and portect their rights. The Gov ernment fears violence and is holding troops in readiness to send to the scene of the trouble. Aimed at Canadian Corn. (By Wire to The News.) Berlin, Aug 30 The introduction of a certificate of origin on American corn, recently announced by the Hamburg customs authorities, is directed against Canadian corn, which often enters as an English product. High Prices Rebound on. Fruit Trust. (By Wire to The News.) Washington, Aug. 30. In order to keep up price of bananas in the United States by limiting the quantities of im ported fruit, the purchasers have found it necessary to destroy large quatities in the country of production. China to Have Legation at Havarra. (By Wire to The News.) Washington, Aug. 30. Minister Con ger telegraphs the State Department that the Chinese government on Friday issued an imperial decree ordering that all liken stations, - which are inter national revenue custom houses, be abolished immediately. China Abolishes Customs Houses. (By Wire to The News.) Havana, Aug. 30. The Chinese Con sul here has notified President Palma that the Imperial Minister at Washing ton is coming here to establish a Chinese legation. Flames Destoy Property. (By Wire to The News.) Port Jervis, N. Y., Aug. 30 Fire to day destroyed Collier's livery stable, sixteen horses, a hotel and business houses. Loss $100,000. Three Italians Drowned in Erie Canal (By Wire to The News.) Schenectady, N. Y., Aug. 30. Three Italians were drowned today while crossing the Erie Canal in a leaky boat. Excursionists Return. The excursionists to Savannah re turned this morning at 8:30 o'clock. They report a pleasant stay in that city. A number visited Tybee Island and other points of interest around Sa vannah. The return trip was begun last night at 10 o'clock. Messrs. Harkey Bros, and Thomas, the ones who char tered the train say they came out alright. Educatioal Rally To-Day. At Arlington church, in Clear Creek township, there was a large crowd in attendance upon the picnic and educa tional rally today. Speeches were made by Revs. J. Q. Adams and L. R. Pruett and Mr. W. C. Dowd. The crowd was exceedingly enthusiastic and very at tentive. The dinner was a sumptuous affair and added very much to the pleasure of the day. Death of Mrs. Black. Mrs. E. C. Black, a sister-in-law of Oificer Thomas Black of this city, died .it Croft yesterday. The funeral took place at Croft today. Deceased was popular in her neighborhood and was an exceedingly good woman. She was about 50 years old. VOICE CULTURE. My fall term of vocal instruction will begin Sept. 1st. For the past three years I have been studying in New York with Madame Marie Gramm and Signor Emilio Belari and have acquired the latest methods of correct placement and rapid development cj the voice. For terms and general re formation address me at my stuc' io 8 East Morehead Avenue. MRS. MINNIE WRISTON SMITH One Cent a Word WE HAVE just received a car tot ex tra fine bananas. Write, or mhrmP J. W. Prevost. 30-2t. us. LEARN SHORTHAND and typewrit ing Fleming University night school. Opera all .t;ne year round. 30-lt. $4.00 FOR ROUND. TRIP from Char lotte to Norfolk Sept. 2d,, intermedi ate points in proportion. Berryhill & McCall. 29-lt. 15he PLANT PENNIES ,ere and grow dollars. SCHOOL B'OOKS,, at lowest prices, Houston, "Dixon & Co. 30-lt. WANTED White young men and boys (not under 14 years) of relia ble character, to join Orchestra and Brass Band, under a skilled profes sor of music. A previous knowl- i edge of music not required (though some knowledge of music will be of adyantage). For further informa tion apply to "Bandmaster," care of the Evening News, Charlotte. 28-6t. FOR RENT Elegant 5-room cottage, $10.00 per month; 6-room dwelling, $12.50 per month, city water, etc. Hugh Harris. 30-tf. SCHOOL Houston, BOO KS School Dixon &' Co. supplies, 30-lt. FOR RENT Handsomely furnished 6-room cottage, No. 903 S. Tryon St., also unfurnished flat for light housekeeping, No. 901 S. Trypn St. Apply A. M. Young. " 30-lt. SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITOR, ABLE and experienced to solicit subscrip tions for three periodicals. Great chance for live man. Exclusive ter ritory granted and existing busi ness transferred to satisfactory party. United Publishers Corpora tion, Sub. Dept., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. 8-16-oaw-3t LAY in your winter wood from L. H. McCall.West Trade and Fifth Sts., Bell Phone 343. 27-Gt. GO TO Houston, Dixon & Co. for school books, school spplies. 30-lt. McCALL has a full supply of wood, cut to all lengths. Bell phone 343. 27-Gt. TO PROPERTY OWNERS We are house renting agents. List your houses with us. We can fill them. We move our customers free of charge. Office 204 S. Tryon. 'Phone 200 or 1892. Branner Moving & Storage Co. - ' 26-5t FOR SALE Building lot, Villa Heights. Mrs. M. E. Ezell. ' FOR RENT 6-room house. 15 East Hill St., city water, $11.00. Paul MnKanp. 29-2t. TO-DAY'S "WANTS" TO-DAY in this department. t Tsui 12 and 14 EAST TRADE STREET. 11 and 15 NORTH TRYON STREET Our list of offerings acre of more than ordinary interest being, qls it is, at the close of a. season, we find many broken lines of very desirable garments that we do not care to carry over and to close oit these broken lines we will offer greater inducements today and tomorrow than in any previovis sale this season There are many garments in this sale that will be seasonable for several months and will be right next season 5. 5 3 3 5 ! 3 M en s jits FOR RENT- Church St. -Room at 401 South 30-lt. PLENTY Call's. OF WOOD at L. H. Mc-27-6t. WANTED TO RENT Two or three unfurnished rooms on or near Try on street. "Rooms," care News. 29-2t. SALESMAN Experienced in proprie tary medicines with retail drug gists; high class line; liberal pay. Address, stating experience and ref erence, E. B. Giles & Co., 2330 Mar ket street, Philadelphia, Pa. 29-2t Sat. & Wed. NOTICE Parties who intend visit ing New York during August or Sep tember can secure rooms at a lead ing hotel at a discount by address ing "Hotel," care News. 21-6t CHOICE LAMB AND BEEF TODAY. Both 'phones, Robinson, 217 East Trade. 25-tf BARGAIN Fotir volumes Universal Dictionary cUeap. , 34 N. Tryon St. 30-lt. I R.E you go ing to Nor folk with your Military Co., Sept. 9th. So. Rr R. 2 ileLys in Norfolk Dr. H C Henderson DENTIST, Hirnt Building, Charlotte, N. C. Dcr.tistry practiced in all its branche All work guaranteed. Queen City 'Phone 378. BIG OAKS from little acorns gdrw in this column. ROYAL CROWN SODA WATER. Have you tried it?. C. Valaer Bot tling Works. 9-tf FLEMING UNIVERSITY, Wilkinson Building, makes a specialty of ..shorthand and typewriting. 30-lt. QUICK! Get your orders in to L. H. McCall for wood, any kind, any length. Bell phone 343. 27-6t. FOUND A check.- Fmder can get same by proving; property and pay ing for notice at this office. 27-tf WANTED To find home with Chris tian people for nice boy baby, six months old. Address at once "B,' care News. 25-3t HOUSTON, DIXON & CO. are head Quarters for school books. 30-lt Her This The Charlotte Building and Loan started out to make the August series the largest on their records, and they are doing it. Many new stockholders have been added, but in order to make this an unusually large series the books are still kept open, so you can still get in. Your delay is your loss; for, beyond all doubt, this is the best method de vised by man for earning a handsome profit on small sums, and its safety is assured. E. L. KEESLER, Sec'y. 25 S. Tryon Street. J. H. Van Ness, Pres. fl KISSES Three hundred men's fine worsted, cassimere, flannel, serge and cheviot suits in neat and very stylish colors and patterns, excellently tailored and trimmed ; eve ry suit guaranteed to fit as perfectly as if made to measure; sizes 34 to 40, regular $10 and $12 so, values This line goes in the Friday and Saturday sale, at the suit Another line of about two hundred suits, excellently tailored trom cnoicest woolen labncs, light and medi um weights, beautiful assortment of colors and de signs to select from; sizes 33 to 42.: regular $15 val ues. These go in the Friday and Saturday sale, at the suit 15he 11 ap p-Lon 1 (Oo til or atrv nrvexoensn building Site. w, v - in or Secure one of the three lots we are offer McDowell street at $350 and 375 each. Situated on North on the . 1 .T . itti 4-1- r-i - TT7-T- 1T Tin TI7 if Vllt-1 1aCO f- r 1 1 -. K 4- i 1 Ucll 111IC VV1LU 3CWt;i. iiicxiiA vYiiiiiii wuo cwull L(J lie Drrrc. Will sell the three for $1000 Can handsome returns on the investment be improved to pay Southern Real Estate, Loan and Trust Co Bell 'Phone 236. No. 207 South Trv on Street A K N u If you are in the money-making business see us at once. We have the biggest swap in Real Estate that" we have seen for a long time. Two lots on S. Tryon street, cor. of Gold street, 47x139 feet each, THE TWO FOR $1350 These lots are within 600 feet of lots that sold less than 60 days ago for $1300 apiece. This must be a quick turn and will go at once. One-half cash, bal ance in 12 months. Call or phone R.OWN'a COMPANY Real Estate and Rental Agents Bell Phone 1851 217 North Tryon St. rigor s Perfumes 'Violet of India," "Clover of India," "Rose of India," "American Beauty Rose," In all size packages and in bulk Department Stores Department Stores M First Drawing fandsome Cut Glass Pitcher Goes Next : onday Night Wait and watch your coupons. Somebody's going to win It may be you I hope it will But save your coupons. There will be three more drawings. You don't want to forget tha t R. M. BBANNON, DRUGGIST 222 6TH SERIES OPEN 1 ! i Pt S - , t3 ruic vcticimeis, ocoanui Kisses and Fudge at HAHN 'S 223 North Tryon St f OUti FAMOUS NEWPORT ICE I CRKAM AND ICE CREAM I SODA SERVED : : : : : ters for ScKool Books and School Supplies. We have everything you Prices 3 5 3 OUR. STOCK IS COMPLETE MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSQCIATI 1 23RD SERIES CLOSED The 23rd series was wound up on the last Saturday m July, "ahead of the hounds'' as usual. In fact, from the first we have matured our series from Two to Five Weeks Aheocd of Any Other This means in money $1.97 more on the last series and $1.65 more on the preceding series than other Associa tions. MORTGAGES. Now ready for cancellation and de livery of same with insurance policies. NEW SERIES open and subscrip tions will be received either by Chase Brenizer or either of the undersigned. P. M A. G. in Toilet Peeper Ask for the Waldorf -99 One Pound Rolls of 3,000 Sheets at 10 Cents 51,0 0 PER DOZ WOODALL&SHEPPARD Druggists Sole Agents for Charlotte Both 'Phones No. 69. w pin C THAT KEEP "SUN" OR WASHINGTON "TIM E" BROWN, Pres't. BRENIZER, Treas. I I HOUSTON, DIXON &C0. 1 1 LEADING BOOK. h 1 oiaiu 10 South 1 LEADING BOOK. STATIONERY AND ART STORE Tryon St. Op. Central 3! ral HotelJ AUGUST Is one of the best months in the year to have that vehicle of yours Re paired and Repainted. My work in both lines is equal to any in the country. Fine Carriage" Painting is my specialty. G. A. PAGE, cor. Fourth and. Church Streets, Charlotte, N. C. ALL FULLY GUARANTEED Gold, Silver and Filled Cases Ladies' Watches, $5.00 Up Gentlemen's, $2.50 Up Garibaldi & firuns. 15 he Two Alex riders Are heire, there and most any where else. Put your finger on either at 202 South Tryon street, or save thp walk niir! nck mthor phone. Strictly W. L. H?xnd (Si Co. S Cor. I rade & College Sts. raj FOR RENT. Modern 7-rooni house L B St. Modern 8-room hou:. ,..7 M. B St. Modern 14-room hc :e, West 10th St. Modern Ave. 6-room house, 301 Elizabeth 3-room house, 813 E. 7th St... 3-room house, Belmont.... $4.00. 2 rooms upstairs, North College St. 1 store room East Trade St. Other houses in all parts of the city Farms and city property for sale. Cal'j. and see us if you wish to buy or rent J, Arthur Henderson & Bro 8 North College Street. THE STURDY OAK has its beginning with the implanted corn. Likewise the Tree of Fortune takes root with the opening of a savings account. With us twenty-five cents is sufficient to start an account. We pay interesUon all deposits. Southern Loan Liid Savings Bank P. M. BROWN, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice-President. P. J. HAYWOOD. Jr., Cashier. gag? 15he Charlotte National CHARLOTTE, N. C. ankt Your Bank and manhood have more to do with your success than all other agencies combined. Let this be your Bank. We promise you every facility that your balances, business and responsibility warrant. Call to see us and let us talk th e matter over with you. B. D. Heath. Pres. 5 W. H. Twitty, Cashier ESTABLISHED 15 he 1871 MERCHANTS -AND FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 35 East Trade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. Dr. J. H. McADEN.Prest GEO. E. WILSON, V.-Prest. C.N.EVANS.Cashier W.C.WILKINSON, Ass t Casbior A MODERN banking house with every facility for the prompt and careful handling of all business intrusted Liberality Courtesy Strength Assets Over One Million Hollars n nw aw win nm mum i nrn-- ir i nmmwimMa ' "'"' eal Estate BeeJers Public Stenographer and Notary Office. I 22 1 THE STAR MILLS GINNERY Has started up for the season.. Most convenient and best equipped ginnery in Mecklenburg county. Capacity 40 bales daily. Ve pay highest prices for seed: W. M. CROWELL, Prbp'r SoztHern States T r i s t Compa'y fDLE MONEY. Funds of ten lie idle awaiting profitable investment; but this money should be earning something; and it will if you place it in our savings de partment. We pay 4 per cent. rterlv, wmuim - -1 Geo. Stephens, T. S. Franklin, W. H. Wood, Pres. V-Pres. S3C.-Trsas. FINE FARM AT A A R. G A I Located just 5 miles southwest of Charlotte, quarter of a mile from cllt" Station, containing 138 acres 93 acr es under cultivation, 20 acres in pasture and 25 acres in oak, pine, hie kory and poplar timber. G?A. dwelling, large barn and good tenant house. Fine orchard of eight a ent kinds of fruit. Abundant water supply. FOR QUICK SALE $2,500. Less than $18 per acre. Who will be the fortunate buyer? F. G. Abbott & Company OFFICE: PIEDMONT BUILDING. )