CHARLOTTE NEWS, SEPTEMBER I, 1902. 8 BRIEF MENTION. Interest All Little Items That Will Charlotte. There will be a picnic and educa tional rally at Newell's tomorrow. Mr. A. Block, the tailor, has re turned from the North, where he went to purchase new fall goods. Misses Benner and Hester, the dress ers, leave tomorrow on a ten days trip for the Philadelphia and New York markets. Prof. D. T. Huyck is expected to re turn to Charlotte this week and 're sume his duties as organist at Tryon Street Methodist church. Miss Sarah Grimes Howard, of Greensboro, representing the Orphans' Friend and Masonic Journal of Oxford, is in the city in the interest of these papers. The Carolina Heating and Plumb ing Co., is moving this week into the Durham buildiing, South Tryon street, where it will have enlarged quarters for its show and wrork rooms. The Ladies' Auxiliary will meet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock in the parlors of the Y. M. C. A. Business of importance will be transacted and a full attendance is earnestly desired. Mr." Holderfield was right painfully hurt at the park today. His injuries was the result of the falling of a trolley wheel from a car. Mr. Holderfield was standing near the car when the wheel fell striking him on the head. Mr. Frank Osborne, deputy Supe rior Court clerk, is quite sick. He has been removed from his room in the court house building and is now at St. Peter's Hospital. Mr. Osborne's friends hope for him a speedy recovery. The Raleigh News and Observer of yesterday says: "Mr. Richard Busbee, son of Mr. Fabius H. Busbee, is now doing as well as the doctor could ex pect, and is free from fever. His prog ress for the last three weeks, ever since the first few days, has been slow, but steady. WANTED To find home with Chris tian people for nice boy baby, six months old. Address at once "B,'' care News. 25-;3t FOR SALE Ceder posts and fine quality of cedar lumber. H. W. Clark. 800 North College street. 1-lt FOR SALE Three horses and one mule, two second-hand wagons bargain. "D" care News. - 1 FOR RENT Elegant 5-room cottage, $10.00 per month; 6-room dwelling, $12.50 per month, city water, etc. Hugh Harris. 30-tf. FOR RENT No. 210 N. College St. 36x125 feet. Three stories, and basement. W. R. Burwell. l-3t-eod 15he PTT il app-JJi TD f ( JFh 12 and 14 EAST TRADE STREET. 11 and 15 NORTH TRYON STREET For 8ltv Irvexoensivfi uilding Site. N I . - - - M V I Tt'V MM II MM f.i " t IT JL ii JL Jk JL YOU WILL HELP THE HORNETS Nest Riflemen by going to Norfolk Sept. 9, Southern Railway. Major T. R. Ribertson, Capt. J., R. An derson, Leut., T. L. Powell, R. L. Skinner will have charge of the train. LOST Letter addressed to W. B. Bradford. Finder please return to News. . 1-lt LAY in your winter wood from L. H. McCall.West Trade and Fifth Sts., Bell Phone 346. 27-Gt. WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND one-horse wagon cheap. E. B. M. care News. 1-lt McCALL has a full supply of wood, cut to all lengths. Bell phone 343. 27-6t. FOR SALE Young, gentle, sound, small horse. Apply Mrs. Moffatt. Dilworth. 1-lt A Coming Marriage. The following cards have been is sued: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stenerson request tire honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Helen Gustavia to Harold Piatt Barstow, on Wednesday evening, September the tenth, at seven o'clock, Tryon Street Methodist Church, Charlotte, North Carolina. WANTED Wet nurse, white or col ored. 710 West Trade street. l-2t TO-DAY'S "WANTS" TO-DAY in this department. PLENTY Call's. TY OF WOOD at L. H. Mc-27-6t. NOTICE Parties who intend visit ing New York during August or Sep- tember can secure rooms at a lead ing hotel at a discount by address ing "Hotel," care News. 21-6t CHOICE LAMB AND BEEF TODAY. Both 'phones, Robinson, 217 East Trade. 25-tf 1 Goes To Atlanta. Mr. Ab. V. Harrill has resigned as city ticket agent of the Seaboard Air Line and has accepted the position of assistant city ticket agent of the Southern, in Atlanta, the position re cently held by Mr. Ralph Van Landing- ham. Mr. Harrill will leave for Atlanta as soon as his successor has been ap pointed. Two or three names have been spoken of in conneetion with the posi tion but the appointment will be made from Portsmouth and no one here knows what will be done. Our list of offerings are cf more than ordinary interest being, ls it is, at the close of a. x season we find many broken lines of very desirable garments that we do not care to carry over and to close ovit these broken lines we will offer greater inducements today and tomorrow than in any previous sale this season There are many garments in this sale that will be seasonable for several months and will be right next season 5 5 3 5 Special Sale 3 3 3 3 Men's Suits Three hundred men's fine worsted, cassimere, flannel, serge and cheviot suits in neat and very stylish colors and patterns, excellently tailored and trimmed ; eve ry suit guaranteed to fit as perfectly as if made to measure; sizes 34 to 40, regular $10 and $12 50 values This line goes in the Friday and Saturday sale, at the suit ESS o 5 Another line of about two hundred suits, excellently tailored from choicest woolen fabrics, light and medi um weights, beautiful assortment of colors and de signs to select from; sizes 33 to 42: regular 15 val ues. These go in the Friday and Saturday sale, at the suit Secure one of the three lots we are offering on North McDowell .street at $350 and $375 each. Situated on the car line with sewer main within close touch to the property Will sell the three for $1000 Can be improved to pay handsome returns on the investment ' ' 4$ Southern Real ' Estate, Loan and Trust Co. No. 207 South Tryon Street. Bell 'Phone 236. WAKE UP M A N . If you are in the money-making business see us at j that we have seen for a long time. Two lots on S. Tryon street, cor. of Gold street, 47x139 feet each. THE TWO FOR $1350 These lots are within 600 feet of lots that sold less than 60 days ago for $1300 apiece. This must be a quick turn and will go at once. One-half cash, bal ance in 1 2 months. Call or phone R. O W N & COMPANY Real Estate and Rental Agents Bell Phone 1651 217 North Tryon St. Dr. H. C- Henderson DENTIST, Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. C. Dentistry practiced in all its branche All work guaranteed. Queen City 'Phone 378. Omaha's First Citizen Dead. Omaha, Sept. 1. A. D. Jones, Oma ha's first postmaster, and the first citi zen to settle as a resident on the site of this city, died today. He was born in Philadelphia, Jan. 13, 1813, and was one of the unique characters of the West. , VOICE CULTURE. My fall term of vocal instruction will begin Sept. 1st. For the past three years I have been studying in New York with Madame Marie Gramm and Signor Emilio Belari and have acquired the latest methods .of correct placement and rapid development of the voice. For terms and general in formation address me at my studio, 8 East Morehead Avenue. MRS. MINNIE WRISTON SMITH. LATTA PARK WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3RD. J5he Telephone Girl" Prices 50c, 75c. and $1.00. THURSDAY, SEPT. 4TH. Al. G. Field's Minstrels Prices 50c, 75c. and $1.00. FRIDAY, SEPT. 5TH. Tim Mxirphy PRESENTING i "Old Innocence" Prices 50c, 75c. and $1.50. store, cor. 5th and Tryon streets, Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Wright's Pe fumes 5 Tapp-Loini Department Stores Department Stores 'Violet of India," 'Clover of India," 'Rose of India," 'American Beauty Rose," In all size packages and in bulk W. L. Ha,nd (Si Co. m I Cor. l rade & College Sts. FOR RENT. Modern 7-room house, ". . Modern 8-room house ''Z Modern 14-room hov.j, Z St. :. 3 St N. B St. West 10th, Modern 6-room house, 301 Elizabeth Ave. 3-room house, 813 E. 7th St .$5.50. 3-room house, Belmont...., ....$4.00. 2 rooms upstairs, North College St. 1 store room East Trade St. Other houses in all parts of the city. Farms and city property for sale. Call and see us if you wish to buy or rent. J, Arthur Henderson & Bro. 8 North College Street. Ate One Cent a Word K-ight Now ! GO TO NORFOLK TOMORROW. WE HAVE just received a car of ex tra fine bananas. Write or phone us. J. W. Prevost. 30-2t. This is the, greatest Building and Loan town in South, perhaps, yet there are hundreds of young men and older ones right here constantly put- FINE WEATHER TO GO TO NOR- 6. h . a T folk. You want to set with the venient ciay, ana it semom comes, x it- crowd. agers. Berryhill & McCall, Man- PLANT PENNIES here and grow dol lars. THE BEST EXCURSION OF THE season leaves S. A. L. Depot tomor row at 8:30 a. m. Berryhill & Mc Call, Managers. WANTED White young men and boys (not under 14 years) of relia ble character, to join Orchestra and Brass Band, under a skilled Drofes- sor of music. A previous knowl-fi edge of music not required (though I . some Knowledge ot music will be of advantage). For further informa tion apply to "Bandmaster," car e of the Evening News, Charlotte. 28r6t. time is now, the opportune moment is today, and until you wake up from your dream you'll never get a start. Our new series is still open. CKarlotte Building and L,Ocxr Association E. L. KEESLER, Sec'y. J. H. VanNESS, Pres. To-Night.. The first drawing occurs at Brannon's drug store. Some body will get the handsome cut glass pitcher. Watch your coupons. It's just as apt to be you as anybody else. The drawing will occur at 3:30 o'clock, and the lucky number will be published in the daily papers. If not claimed within a week a second draw ing will occur and thence on until the pitcher is claimed. Save your coupon's. R. M. BRANNON, DRUGGIST ig Vdie in Toilet Pamper Ask for the . 'Waldorf GO TO NORFOLK TOMORROW, BIG OAKS from little acorns gcrw in this column. THE LADIES' CAR WILL HAVE A porter to wait on them. Do not hesitate, this will be a nice tri p Berryhill & McCall, Managers. ROYAL CROWN SODA WATER.-- Have you tried it?. C Valaer Bo .ti tling Works. DO NOT MISS THE NORFOI-K trip, daylight rifling both ways. Berryhill & McOall, Managers. wuio! uet yewfr orders in to L. 'H. McCall for vor jd, any kind, a'ny iengm. ueia p hone 343. 27- 6t, All k U f . tAOUKSiwn fO NORFOLK TO- . morrow leaves 8:30 a. m. Get your tickets at F. a. L. ticket office.. i-uvjmd check. Finder can get , 'same by, proving property and pay ing for. notice at this offiae. 27-tf. ONSOME TIMES IN TOWN TO riiorrow. Everybody is going to 'Nor KISSES 1 . I J Pure Caramels, Cocoanut Kisses and Fudge at ID 223 North "Tryon St OUk FAMOUS NEWPORT ICE CREAM AND ICE CREAM SODA SERVED : : : : : nam rmmi o 1 T WW T ters for School Books and School Supplies. We have ( ail t r everyimiigyuu need a.t Lowest Prices ? V? 5 OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE 36TH SERIES OPEN MUTUAL BUILDING 1 LOIN ASSOCIATIO 2mu SERIES CLOSED 6 One Pound Rolls of 3,000 Sheets at 10 Cents S 1.0 0 PER DO Z i Druggists Sole Agents for Charlotte Both 'Phones No. 69. THE STURDY OAK has its beginning with the implanted' corn. Likewise the Tree of Fortune takes root with the opening of a savings account. With us twenty-five ce nts is sufficient to start an account. We pay interest on all deposits. Southern Loan and Savings Bank P. M. BROWN, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice-President. F. J. HAYWOOD. Jr Cashier. WDODALL&SH WATCH 15he Charlotte National Bank, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Your Bank and manhood have more to do with your success than all other, agencies combined. Let this he your Bank. We promise you every facility that your balances, business and responsibility warrant. Call to -see us and let us talk ihe matter oVer with you. B. D. Heath. Pres. 5 W. H. Twitty, Cashier THAT KEEP "SUN" OR WASHINGTON "TIME" ESTABLISHED 1871 15he MERCHANTS AND ALL FULLY GUARANTEED Gold, Silver and Filled Cases Ladies' Watches, $5.00 Up Gentlemen's, $2.50 Up FAHMEHS NATIONAL B A N K 35 East Trade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. Dr. J. H. McADEN.Prest GEO. E. WILSON, V.-Prest. C.N.EVANS. Cashier W.C.WILKINSON, Ass't Cashier A MODERN banking house with every facility for the prompt and careful handling of all business intrusted T IT Liberality Courtesy Strength Assets Over One Million Dollars Garibaldi & firuns. HOUSTON, DVX0N &C0. The 23rd series was wound up on the last Saturday in July, "ahead of the hounds'' as usual. In fact, from the first we have matured our series from Two to Five Weeks AKead of Any Other This means in money $1.97 more on the last series and $1.65 more on the preceding series than other Associa tions. MORTGAGES. Now ready for cancellation and de livery of same with insurance policies. NEW SERIES open and subscrip tions will be received either by Chase Brenizer or either of the un dersigned.' P. M. BROWN, Pres't. A. G. BRENIZER, Treas: LEADMG BOOK. STATIONERY AND ART STORE f Tryon St.. Op. Central Hotel For Crorn use CHENEY'S T5he Two Alex l i d e r s Are here, there and most any where else. Put your finger on either at 202 South Tryon street, or save the walk and us$ either phone. . Strictly Real Estate DeeJers Public Stenographer and .Notary " Office. Ill , .1 miWWM II I I I mil '"mmttmT!LHlLL!Z -.J-t--- "JJM """ I Four Tirxves a Year. T Do we,up interest on savings : HH accounts'; and this interest irame- kN I JtS diately begins to earn other interest. Southern Steites Trvist Co. Geo. Stephens, Pres., T. S. Franklin. V-Pres., W. H. Wood, Sec, and Treas. THE STAR MILLS GINNERY Has started up for the season. Most convenient and best equipped ginnery in Mecklenbtrg county. Capacity 40 bales daily. We pay highest prices for seed. W. M. CROW ELL, Prop'r- F I NE FAR M AT A B A JL G A I N Located just 5 miles southwest of Charlotte, quarter of a mil from Griffith Station, - containing 138 acres 93 acres under cultivation, 20 acres in fine pasture and 25 acres in oak, pine, hickory and poplar timber. Good 6-room dwelling, large barn and good tenant house. Fine orchard of eight differ ent kinds of fruit. Abundant water supply. FOR QUICK SALE $2,500. Less than $18 per acre. Who will be the fortunate buyer! F. G. Abbott & Gompany OFFICE: PIEDMONT BUILDING. JO South Tryo: EXPECTORANT- lolk. s - a 1-lt 71