CHARLOTTE NEWS JANUARY 1, 1903 OLD CUSTOM IS REVIVED TODAY Charlotte Folks Take Holiday Again Today and Spend it Generally in Making Social Calls The pleasant old custom of New Year"s calling will again be observed in Charlotte. A number of homes will be open for the reception of visitors and a cordial welcome will be ex tended to all. Below will be found a complete list of those who will re ceive and those who will assist in re ceiving the callers: Mrs. Wm. E. Holt will be at home from 8 o'clock. In her parlors will be found Mrs. Robert M. Oates, Jr., Miss Ethel Hall. Miss Long Hall, Miss Maud Holt, Mrs. Vinton Liddell, Miss Hall. Miss Stackpoles, Mrs. George Whites, Mrs. Harry Wilcox, Mrs. E. P. Kerans, Mrs. Capt. Ryder and Mrs. Warren Beatty, Miss Mary Oates Caldwell, Miss Hattie Orr." Miss Annie Wilson, Miss Doug las Robertson. Miss Rebecca. Cham bers. Miss Lucy Robertson, Miss Acton Lotta. Miss Madge Wadsworth, Miss Lizzie Faison, Miss Hope Spencer. Mrs. D. P. Hutchison's hours will be from 9 o'clock on, and with her will be: The Misses Hutchison, Mrs. Geo. Fitzsimmons. Mrs. A. L. Smith, Mrs. A. W. Brown, Mrs. C. S Stule, Miss Violet Alexander, Miss Julia Alexander, Miss Sadie Clarkson, Miss Adelaide Clarkson, Miss Nan Dowd, Miss Wiley, Salisbury: Miss Mary Young, Concord. Dr. and Mrs. J. R.Howerton, at the First church manse from 4 to 10 o'clock. Receiving with them will be: Mrs. S. M. Howell, Mrs. Geo. B. Han na. Mrs. A. G. Brenizer. Mrs. J. H. McClintock, Mrs. Frank H. Andrews, Mrs. E. T. Cansler. Mrs. R. A. Dunn, Mrs. R. E. Cochrane. Mrs. W. W. Ward, Mrs. W. S. Alexander, Mrs. G. H. Brockenbrough, Mrs. Geo. A. Howell. Mrs. H. H. Orr, Mrs. J. E. Carson, Mrs. T. S. Shelton, Mrs. Ed. Mellon. Mrs. M. A. Jackson, Mrs. M. A. Osborne. Mrs. L. W. Sanders; Misses Eldora Ross, Julia and Violet Alexander. Hattie Brenizer, Annie Wilson, Margaret. Nannie and Cora Ward, Delia and Kate Torrance, Lot tie Grey, Douglas and Lucy Robert son, Carrie Marshall Brown, Fannie Sims, Mary and Fannie Andrews. Miss Addie Belle Barron will re ceive at her residence from 9 to 12 o'clock. Assisting her will be Misses Winnie and Dora Barron, Margaret, Sarah and Lila Kelly. Maud Harrill. Grace and Agnes King, Alice Baird, Lizzie Conrad. Estelle Vernon, Eva Liddell. Hattie Orr, Bettie Nash, Faye Ross, Hattie Brenizer. Kate Torrance, Gay. Annie Clarkson, Ruth Ebeltoft. and Misses Huffman, of Gastouia; Miss Josephine Osborne. Mesdames A. C. Barron. B. D. Heath. Heriot ciarkson, R. Lockwood Jones, T. Sim mons Clarkson, I. W. Faison. Robert C Moore. Richard S. Busbee. W. H. Dula, J. C. Leslie and T. S. Franklin. Mesdames R. M. Miller, R. H. Jor dan. Ed. Gresham. Charles Green and W. G. Rogers. Mrs. B. D. Heath, Mrs. F. C. Abbott and Mrs. G. F. Rutzler will receive at Heathcote from 8:30 to 12 o'clock. The following names are found on their list of assistants: Mesdames E. C. Register, J. L. Sexton, R. H. Jor dan. M. A. Bland. J. C. Montgomery, E. T. Cansler, Walter Brem, W. H. Twitty, Clinton R. Mayer and Misses Carrie Marshall Brown, Florence Thomas, Hattie Orr, Norma Van Landingham, Faye Griffith, Mary and Sadie Belle Mayer, Katherine Jordan, Dora Allen Sater, Ora Ragan. Mina and Helen Brem, Georgia Pegram, Clara Boyd and Johnnie Sturdivant. Ladies Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold their reception from 8 to 10 o'clock. The following young ladies will assist: Misses Delia Torrence, Mary Irwin, Nellie Battle, Laura Wat- win3 Flax Le Grande, Bessie Gibson, Sallie Alexander. Louise Wadsworth, nnn Tna soiiin 7.aohftrv Minnie Crawford, Margaret and Sarah Kelly, Alice Cowles, Lottie Gray, Eari uiov- er. and Mesaames rt. w. nuucu, Misses Mason and John Zimmerman. Miss Mary Courtenay Oates will give a "moments musicale" Tuesday morning in honor of Mrs. Warner Butt. Mrs. W. H. Harris will entertain a Dr. Cox stands ready to prove that he is the only- Specialist that Guarantees to cure BLOOD POISON He is recognized as the foremost Specialist in the world on Blood Poison and unfortunates are flocking to him. Remember the Doctor Guarantees a cure. Send for symptom blank. Every word sacred and confidential. T. A. cox, M. D., .Specialist, 210 ,W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. number of friends at hr home this evening at a Flinch party. The Virginia Dare Circlp will -with Mrs, J. L, Chambers tomorrow afternoon, at 4 o'clock. -.v.v, wminijuu I tl i 11 1 1 1 the Thursday Afternoon Eucre Club this momins- Miss Mid o-o M.aId.-i 3 ' " ' ' ' " v O i' 1 V . k V V H won the prize, five pounds of Huyler's. which all the members and friends of the church are invited, will begin this afternoon. The hours will be from 5 to 8 o'clock. The receiving nnrt-v uu-ui Kq- tmv and Mrs. Walter Brem, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mayer, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Craig, Mr. Walter Cuthbertson, Mr. D. E. Allen. Mr H n Tint nivo no.. ' - .4 Liiun, mi o . uai l , Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. C. E. Mason, Miss Katherine Jordan, Miss Sadie B. Mayer. Those who will serve refreshments: Misses. May Mayer, Helen Brem. Fannie Little G enre-ia T.nw TVTa iron. Treloar. Mable Irwin. Laura LitH. Mable Cuthbertson. Lenora Ed wards, Georgia Kelley, Sadie Allison, Myrtle Detwiler. Mr J. Frank TrinwAro Tr will ana. - - - - - ' V . , II 111 V, 11 l, 1 tain a number of his friends at dinner ai Anarews uate tomorrow evening. Mrs. T2. N. Fflrrinr cavn n hanrlonma luncheon today at two o'clock. Miss Eva T.idrtpll will pntprfnfn anmp friends tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock. The Misses Qnerv pnferlninprl a Wfltrh Partv nt thpir tinme rm TT!icf Sixth street, last night. The following were present: Misses Ida and Ella Hand, Mary Moody, Nettie Wilkinson and Mnrinmp Mnnmana-h- Mpssrs Ockert, Kimbol, L. A. Turner, W. H. Overcash, R. W. Mithcell, Gill Spratt, Luke Query and Sam Reid. A very pleasant evening was spent playing games, after which refreshments were served. TODAY'S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Announcement of winning coupons warrior, jeweier. Full dress suits. Tuxedo suits and coats and full dress trousers at Caroli na Clothing Co. We are nrenared to make estimates on any kind of monumental work. Z. A. Hovis & Co. We thank all for their liberal holi day Datronaee and wish every one a happy and prosperous New Year The Palamountain Co. We wish you a happy New Year Houston, Dixon & Co. Act now. take out a policy in the Piedmont Piedmont Fire Insurance Co. A happy and a prosperous New Year -The Bee Hive. Increase the lieht in vour factory or store fifty per cent, by using our Cold Water Paint. Tanner Paint and ua Co. We have Dlentv of high grade fur niture Lubin Furniture Co. The Drettiest store in Charlotte wisn- es you "A Happy New Year" C. B. Flournoy & Co. 1903! Time to see about that acci dent, sick benefit and life insurance. The Royal Benefit Society. Out of town lady customers write Brannon complimenting him on his ice cream. The store that has more clothing. hats, furnishings, etc., than any other n the State wishes you "A happy JNew Year" Ed. Mellon Co. Just received Butterine Bridgers & Co. We have finished taking stock and enlarging our quarters J. E. Davsey. New series now open in Charlotte Building and Loan E. L. Keesler, sec retary. If you want a home or vacant lot I discount all others as to prices and terms E. L. Keesler. Teeth extracted painlessly and safely by Dr. Zickler, dentist. Flannels, all-silk taffeta, black serge and hosiery at Youngblood's. Wrater rents due Charlotte Water Works. A DUEL TO THE DEATH. Logan County Rivals Fought It Out With Knives. Huntington, W. Va., Jan. 1. Jamts Chambers, a rrominent young man. who resides in Barboursville, is dying, and Geo. Thompson, of Huff Creek. Lnean countv. is thought to be mortal- ly wounded. This is the ivsul: of a auei witn Knives luugm. ucai u5an, LiOgan county, tms muruiug. The men were employed by a leading lumber company. For several weeks they had been at outs because botn loved the same young woman. This morning they met and it is said that hot words passed. Each drew a xnife, it is stated, and they plunged at eacn other like demons. Chambers was the first to fall, h3 having his body punc tured in half a dozen places. The keen blade of his antagonist's knife .it one stroke almost disemboweled him. Before he fell, though, he inflicted injuries to Thomas that will, it seems certain, cause his death. Thompson attempted to escape, but fell less than 200 yards from the scene of the tragedy from loss of blood. Chambers is from one of the best families in this county and had been employed as bookkeeper. The tragedy is one of the bloodiest known in Logan county in years. CABLEGRAMS CENT A WORD. North Sydney, N. S., Jan. 1. Inven tor Marconi was given a banquet last evening at the Sydney Hotel. Among the guests were Premier Murray, of Nova Scotia; tha Marquis Solari and the Mayors of Cape Breton T n TIT TVQ The. electrical . decorations were erected miniature Marconi tow ers representing the Table Heart ana Poldhu stations, respectively. Between these electric sparks were flashed at frequent intervals. "When," said Mr. Marconi, "we con sider that the cable rates, which com menced at $5 a word ,have now drop ped to 25 cents, it may reasonably be expected that wireless messages may ultimately drop from the initial charge of 10 cents a word to the astonishingly low rate of 1 cent a word. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. Dr. H. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined'with other vegetable liver tonics, cathartics, aromatic stimulants and blood purifiers. Sold by druggists. For biliousness and constipation. For indigestion and sour stomach. For sick and nervous headache and the grip. For pains, palpitation and irregular action of the heart take L emon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness. For loss of appetite a nd debility. For fevers, malaria and chills, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, Tor natural and thorough organic regu lation, take Lemon Hlixir. 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle at druggists. AT THE CAPITOL. I have just taken the last of two bottles of Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir for nervous headache, indigestion, with diseased liver and kidneys. The Elixir cured me. I found it the greatest medicine I ever used. J. H. MENNICH, Attorney. 1225 F. Street, Washington. D. C. Mozley's Lemon Hot Drops Cures Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Threat and Bronchitis. 25c. at Druggists . . ; Mere Opinion. ( Record-Hearald. ) It always makes an old lady angry when the papers publish another wo man's portrait taken from a photo graph made twenty years before. The people who made the English language builded wiser than they knew. Think of the poetry that would be written if there were more than three or four words to rhyme with love. It doesn't take long to spoil a boy by giving him everything he wants. This may explain why men are as little children, in the sight of God. People who are gifted with im agination have an immense advan tage in being able to dream of the happiness that might be theirs if things were not as they are. EVERY BOTTLE OF CHAMBER LAIN'S COUGH REMEDY WAR RANTED. We guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to anyone who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents. This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. R. H. Jordan & Co. Undoubtedly the sending of the first message across the Atlantic by wire less telegraphy will be the one oon spicious thing for which the year 1902 will be remembered. Manchester Union. DISLOCATED HER SHOULDER. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, of Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon to get it back in place as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chamberlain's Pain Balm ad vertised for sprains and soreness, and she asked him to buy her a bot tle of it. which he did. It quickly re lieved her and enabled her to sleep, which she had not done for several days. The son was so "much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommended it to many others. For sale by R. H. Jordan & Co. The University of Chicago seems to have established a. very effective block ade around Rockfeller; so effective a blockade that no other institution can run it. Houston (Texas) Post. CROUP. The peculiar cough which indicates croup, is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children. No time should be lost in the treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal approval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do not waste valuable time in experi menting with untried remedies, no matter how highly they may be re commended, but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms cf croup will quickly disappear. For sale by R. H. Jordan & Co. YaVs enrollment of 2,S16 includes the students, the football team, and those who go there to learn how to give the college yell correctly. Bir mingham News. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. . This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, . in fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell Home of Sr-amp-Root. ing all about it, including many of the thousands . of testimonial , letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Cu, Binghamton, N. Y., .be 'sure and mention this oaoer. Don't make any mistake, But re member the name. Swamp-Root, Dr, Kilmer's SwamD-Root. and the ad dress. Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle, If John L. Sullivan has really signed the pledge, we feel sorry for the knock out that is coming to it before the New-Year's dawn. Atlanta Constitu tion. TO MY PATRONS. Owing to the great increase in my business I am compelled to move into a larger building. After January 1st you will find me at No. 209 N. Tryon street, Hunt Building. I shall be bet ter able to serve you than ever be fore. Thanking you for your kind pa tronage in the past and soliciting it in the future, I am, respectfully, Mrs. J. M. Hester, Proprietress Queen City Pressing Club. Fall and Winter Suitings and Trouserings to be closed out at great reduction. This line includes the latest and choicest fabrics and our tailoring is not to be. surpassed anywhere. A. BLOCK, Tailor. PERHAPS YOU DON'T KNOW What we can do for that old shabby, ramshackle Buggy or Carriage of yours. Well we can just take it, over haul it, replace the broken and worn out parts, true it up, repaint it and make it look like new. Perhaps if you knew this you would bring it to G. H. PAGE, 28 and 30 West Fourth Street. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS NOW. Buck Steel Range Given Away Free. Grand Christmas Drawing For Users of "Pride o Charlotte" Patent Flour. One ticket will be placed in hall sacks and three tickets in whole sacks of "Pride of Charlotte" Patent Flour and the holder of the lucky number will be given, a fine BUCK STEEL RANGE now on exhibition at the Allen Hardware Co. Be sure to see that you get "Pride of Charlotte'' Patent- Flour and that the sacks contain tickets as adver tised. Preserve them, for one of them may get this valuable prize. The Drawing takes place Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 1902, and the lucky number will be publicly announced. Any dealer in Charlotte can sup ply you. if not, go to one who can. This is too great a chance to be missed. MECKLENBURG ROLLER MILLS, J. LEE KOINER, Prop. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by E. D. and E. C. Mullis, bearing date May 17th, 1S97, and duly registered in. Book 111, at Page 187, in the office of Reg ister of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, and because of default in the payment of the debt therein secured, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at the county Court House door in the city cf Charlotte, N. C, on Friday, the 16th day of January, A. D. 1903. at 12 o'clock m.. all that certain lot of land in said county, adjoining the lands of John Lillycrop and Mrs. A. S. White sides, near the city of Charlotte the same being a part of the real estate of the late M. M. Phifer and described and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake or post on the West side of an extension of "D" (now David son) street, of the city of Charlotte, 298 feet from the center of the C: C. R. R. Company's track and run ning thence in a Northern direction 49 1-2 feet with said "D ' street to a stake on said street; thence in a line parallel with said R. R. track in the direction of "C" (now caldweii) street 190 feet to a stake; thence in a line parallel with the first line 49. 1-2 feet to a stake, said line run ning in the direction of said railway track; thence 190 feet to the begin ning on "D-' street. This December 16th, 1902. R. E. COCHRANE, Trustee. 12-17-tds. CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, CALENDARS, Call and get one at INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS l For Croup use CHENEY' S rCTGRANT. oxooooo Q iiiiinii ii nrinrfiT The Coupons Drawing Our Gash Prizes Are As Follows: 18463-lst Prize $50.00 in Gold 1.7464-2nd Prize 20.00 in Goid 19863-3rd Prize . 10.00 in Gold 16267-4th Prize . . 5.00 in Gold 15148-5th Prize . 5.00 in Gold 16198-6th Prize . 5.0TinGcld 181117th Prize . 5.00 in Goid If any of the above prizes are unclaimed by Noon, Jan uary loth, a second drawing will be held for the unclaimed prizes and similar drawings will be held on the 1st and and 15th of each month until all the prizes are claimed. If you should not win a prize oa the first drawing SAVE YOUR COUPONS. We Wish You a Happy and Prosperous New Year : : : JEWELER A CHARLOTTE X oooooocoooooo THE PRETTIEST STORE IN CHARLOTTE WISHES YOU "A HAPPY NEW YEAR" C. B. Flournoy & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers m Fine China, Fancy Goods, Novelties and General House Furnishing Goods, 20 East Trade Street. Bell 'phone 2264. Time to see about that Accident. Sick Benefit and Life Insurance. V 15he RoyeJi Benefit Society Offers You Superior Contracts. Investigate and then you will in vest. Agents wanted upon the most liberal terms. M. J. GREEN; Mgr., 218 East Trade Street. Ev&7 Woman is Interested and afcould now about the wonderfa MARVEL Whirling Sproj The new g 'l Syrtef e. Jnjeo not ana auciton. Jett sat. ea t Most Convenient u vieaaies uuubuji Itk yoor drnggUt for It. tf he cannot supply the ARVL. accent no ether, but aeod stamp for ft lastraUd book Micd.It givM toll particulars and directions In. raiuable to ladies. MA RVX CO., rm Tinea BdK.,ivr fork. Keliam Cancer Hospital, a TWELFTH AND BANK RICHMOND, VA. ST$ O Q Q We cure Cancers, Tuwr and Chronic Sores Without -he $ Use of the Knife. A 61 ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE- Q 0 Come and see what we have w e done, aad are doing. If then you W are not satisfied that we do all 9 we claim we will pay all of your sxpensea. e 9 o 9 0 o 9 o 6 e 9 HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway ana 63d St., N. Y. City. Absolutely Fireproof. Rates moderate, excellent cuisine, efficient s ervice, extensive . library, modern., exclusive, accessive. Orches tra concerts every evening. All cars pass the Empire. , From Grand Centra! Ration take the cars marked Broadway and 7th Seven minutes to Empire. On Grossing any of the ferries, take the 1th Avenue Elevated Railway to 59tn street from which it is one minute's walk to hoteL Send for descriptive booklet. W. JOHNSON QUINN, Prop. - GONORRHOEA AND GLEET - Cured In 3 TO 5 DAYS by using DR. BER NARD S INJECTION or taking- DR. BER NARD'S SANITARY MIXTURE. Preven t Stricture. Price 50c each. For sale by W. L. HAND & CO., Druggists, corner Trade and Col lege streets, Charlotte, N. C, or sent on receipt of 'price by D. F, CNNEN. Apothecary K00 Sharp St.. Baltimore. Md. SEE YOURSELF AS OTHERS SEE YOU. BUY A MIRROR FROM EZELL THE LEADING PAINT AND GLASS DEALER. 12 West Fifth Street, Charlotte, N.. C. BLOOD POISON Is the worst disease on earth, yet the easiest to cure vv jhjiin iuu liiNUW WHAT TO D . Many have pimples, spots on the skin, sores in the mouth, ulcers, falling hair, bone pains, i a tarrh, don't know it is BLOOD POISON. Serd fo DR. BROWN, 935 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa , iur Dauvvm o dlajju UUM, SZ.OU per COtllf, lasts one'roofitb. BROWN'S CAPSULES iwda For sale by R, M. Bi-Jkunoa. Druyyisr ni:n-. lblte. N. C. cNELIS B 4 U RENT One six-room house on North Bre vard street. One five-room house on West Thirteenth street. Two four-room houses on West Seventh street. C. McNeiis. What's 15he Use cf a Christmas in a cold house? Who ever heard of a Santa Claus that shivered? Got to have a warm body to wrap a warm heart in. We'll warm your body, then your heart will warm itself. Christmas Coal the very best grades at the price of ordinary Coal WE HANDLE ONLY THE GENUINE OAK AND PINE WOOD as wanted Peoples Ice & Fuel Company THE OF THE OLD DOMINION LINE Makes a most attractive route to New York and Northern and Eastern Points Express steamships leave Norfolk, Va., daily, except Sunday, at 7 p. m., for New York direct, affording oppor tunity for through passengers from the South, Southwest and West to visit Richmond, Old Point Comfort and Virginia Beach en route. For tickets and general information apply to railroad ticket agents ,or to M. B. CROWELL, Genl. Agt., Norfolk, Va.; J. F. MAYER, Agt., 1212. East Main St., Richmond, Va. J. J. BROWN, Gen. Pass. Agt., H. B. WALKER Traffic Mgr., New York, N. Y. m Schedule in Effect Schedule in effect June 8th, 1902, Through Train Dally, Charlotte and Roanoke, Va. Lit. Charlotte, 8o. Ry ..11:10 am. Lr. Winston, N. & W. Ry. ..3:00 p m. Lv. Martinsville ..5:15 p m. Lv. Rocky ML.. .. ....6:35 pm. At. Roanoke.. .. .. ....7:40 pm. At. Charlotte, So. Ry. .. ,.:00 p m. At. Winston, N. & W. Ry.. . 2:00 p m. Ar Martinsville. . .... . .11: 45 a m. At. Rocky Mt 10:26 a m. Lv. Roanoke ....9:15 a m Connects at Roanoke via Shenan doah Valley Route for Natural Bridge, Luray, Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania and ; New York. Pullman sleeper, Roanoke and Philadelpn'. Additional! rain leaves Winston Salem 8:00 a. m. daily except Son day for Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah Valley points. W. B. BHVILL, Gn. Ps. -Lit., Roanoke Va. M. F. BRAGG, . Xrav. Past. Agent P"" -""-"I -V i A RIP M'JNorfoik SOUTHERN RAILWAY In Effect Dec. 14, 1902.' This condensed schedule is publish ed, as information and is subject to change without notice to the public: 5:00 a. m. No. 8 daily, for Richmond and local points, connects at Jreens- boro for Winston-Salem.' Raleigh. Goldsboro. Newbern and : Morehead City, at Danville for Norfolk.' 7:10 a. m. No. 27 daily, for Columbia and C. C. & A. local stations.'- 7:10 a. m. No. 16 daily except Sunday, for Statesville, Taylorsville and local stations, connects at Mooresville for Winston-Salem, at Statesville for Asheville, Hickory, Lenoir and. Blow ing Rock. 7:45 a. m. No. 39 daily, Atlanta Ex press, Pullman sleeper and day coach es to Atlanta, Pullman tourist sleeper to San Francisco, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, via New Orleans ?.nd Southern Pacific ; close : connec tions at Spartanburg for Henderson- ville and Asheville. 8:30 a. m. No. 33 daily, Florida Ex press for Rock Hill, Chester, Wlnns- boro, Columbia and Savannah ; Pull man sleepers to Jacksonville, Port Tampa, Charleston and Augusta; first class coach, Washington to Jackson ville. Dining car service. 9:25 a. m. No. 36 daily, U. S. Fast Mail, for Washington and all points North; Pullman drawing rooms, sleep ers to New York and Richmond, day coaches New Orleans to Washington; dining car service. Connects at Greensboro for Winston-Salem, Ral eigh and Goldsboro. 9:30 a. m. No. 37 daily, Washington and Southwestern liigited. 'Pullman drawing room sleepers. New York to New Orleans and Memphis; Pullman observation car, New York to MaCon; dining car service; solid Pullman train. 10:05 a. m. No. 30 dally, for Wash ington and all points North. Pullman sleepers to New York; first-class coach to Washington. Close connec tion at Danville for Richmond, Va. 11:00 a. m. No. 28 daily, for David son.- Mooresville, Barber junction, Cooleemee, Mocksville, Winston Salem and Roanoke, Va., and local stations. 12:35 p. m. No. 11 daily, for Atlanta and local stations; connects at Spar tanburg for Henderscnville and Ashe ville. 6:25 p. m. No. 25, Freight and Pas senger, for Chester, S. C, and local points. 6:40 p. m. No. 12 daily, for Rich mond and local stations, connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Golds boro: Pullman sleeper Greensboro to Raleigh. 7:15 p. m. No. 24 daily, except Sun day, for Statesville and local stations, connects at Statesville for Asheville, Knoxville," Chattanooga and Memphis. 8:18 p. m. No. 38 daily, Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and"all points North. Pullman sleepers and Pullman observation car to New York. Dining car service. Solid Pullman train. 9:30 p. m. No. 34 daily, New York and Florida Express. Pullman sleep ers to New York; first-class coach to Washington. 9:50 p. m. No. 29 daily, for Colum bia, Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and local stations beyond Chester. Pullman sleepers to Jacksonville; first-class coach, Washington to Jack sonville. 10:30 p. m. No. 35 U. S. Fast Mail for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. Pullman drawing room sleepers to New Orleans and Birming ham; day coaches Washington to New Orleans. Dining car service. 10:25 p. m. No. 40 daily, for Wash ington and points North. Pullman sleeper for Washington, Charlotte to Richmond. Pullman sleeper Charlotte to Norfolk. First-class coach Atlanta to Washington. C. H. ACKERT, Gen. Mgr. S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Agt. Washington, D. C. R. L. VERNON, Traveling Pass, Agt. T. J. WITHERSPOON, City Ticket Agent. 11 S. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. Baggage called for and checked from hotel and residence by Wadsworth's Transfer Co. on orders left at "City Ticket Office. Seaboard Air Line Railway DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New Orleans and Points South and West. -IN EFFECT MAY 25, 1902. ; No. 32. No. 40. Lv. Charlotte Ar. Monroe . ,.. 7:27 p.m ..I 8:25 p.m. 5:01a.m. 5:45a.m. Lv. Monroe . . . Ar. Hamlet Ar. Wilmington Ar. So. Pines .. Ar. Raleigh Ar. Norlina Jc. Ar. Portsmouth 8:45 p.m. 10:20 p.m. I No. 34. 5:50a.m. 7:20a.m. 12:30 m. 8:44a.m. 11:20a.m. 1:35p.m. 5:35a.m. 11:33 p.m. 1130 a.m. .1 32 a.m. 7:15 ajn Ar. Richmond . Ar. Washington Ar. Baltimore . . Ar. Phila Ar. New York . . 6:55 a.m 10:10 a.m. 5:15p.m. 8:36 p.m. 11:25p.m. 11:25 a.m, 1:36 p.m 4:15 p.m 2:56a.m. 6:30a.m. No. 33. No. 41. . Lv. Monroe 9:20 a.m. 11:35p.m. Ar. Athens 2:52 pjn. 5:58a.m. Ar. Atlanta 5:00 p.m. 8; 35a.m. Ar. Montgomery 7:55 a.m. ......... Ar. Mobile 3:05 a.m Ar. New Orleans 7: 40 a.m.j . . . . ..... Lv. Charlotte . . Lv. Lincoln .... Lv. Shelby ..... Ar. Rutherfdton. 10:43 a.m 11:49 a.m. 12:49 a.m. 2:10 p.m. Trains arrive Charlotte daily, 10:08 a. m 10:32 p. m. From East. and South. 7:17 p. m. From the West. . Pullman sleeping cars between Char lotte and Portsmouth on Train No 32. Connects at Monroe with fast through trains and through sleepers to the East and South. For detail Information address, ... . R.M.COFFEY P. and T. A. r'or Asthmause CHENEY'S EXP CT0RANT.

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