continuity. (7"" TT TT i j VJ jfA "TT rr a n as A HE CHARLOTTE "" -JJ " r? -iL. N U A V V JF ALL THE TIME. ni win w wtai - . - - am i m i t I ft to tWIi, . . iVJm 0Oi5 lu t i ORDER LEGISLATURE CULLED 10 Members of Both Branch es S-vorn in and Adjourn ment Comes Then After Organization Washington, Jan. 7. Among the nominations sent to the Senate toriav are Marcollus 0. Markham, of Georgia, to be Surveyor of Customs at the port of Atlanta, Ga. onAKLOTTE, N. C WED NERD A V purmimo ,Axt,i,, ' - v i-muu, JrtlNUAnY HER RESIGNATION Philadelphia, Jan. 7. Another hie- , ui witnesses, non-union miners ! duu members of their families who suf- fered violence and abuse at the hands vi. uuiuu miut'ih uunng tne strike, were on nana in the Circuit court room this morning when the anthracite commis sion met. (This Time He Is Charged With Beinq SIMPLY REQUESTED Short In His Accounts. t Again the elements are disturbed in jthe vicinity of the post office. This j time Postmaster J. W. "Mullen is charg ed by an inspector of being short in jhis accounts with the government 3PrnrY.nnni. I r . ol iur. Mullen s friends wero ! rrOmment Lawyer Of MlSS-jseen .t0y and they, one and all agree -".v .l hkji. uaiL as uau a case as the ; SHIPS WILL ASTONISH WORLD BURTON OF ROCKINGHAM Washington, Jan. 7 Ouav was nrps- ent in the Senate this morning after a brief absence and immediately re- buniect charge ot the Statehood contest RCTQ IN TUC CIDCT Dill I -y senclinS to the desk after the open OLIO 111 Int rlnOl DLL lnS of the Senate an affidavit of Wil liam uoscnert. justice of the peace in New Mexico, denying under oath what purported to be his testimony before the sub committee of the Senate sent aurmg the summer to personally in vestigate conditions in New Mexico., Arizona ana Alabama. issippi Says Tale That Ne gress Was Threatened is a Falsehood The Fresh Happenings of the Country Today as They Were Caught By The News' Camera uaieigh. N. C., Jan. 7. Lieutenant Governor Turner called the Senate to order today at noon. There were pres ent 48. The Senators were sworn and the Democratic caucus nominess elect ed. Burton (Rockingham) introduced the first bill, its object being to increase the commissioners of Rockingham. The Senate adjourned till tomorrow out of respect to the late Senator Zeb Wilson. The Representatives were sworn in by Justice Walter Clark, there being present 116 out of 120 members. Doughton, of Alleghany, presided tem porarily. The election of a speaker resulted: S. M. Gattis, 97; Frank Benbow, 18. After completing its organization, the House adjourned. HAPPENINGS. HAPHAZARD Chicago, Jan. 7. The van teamsters of this city, numbering three thousand men. have prepared a wage schedule for the ensuing year. If accepted, thev will receive an aggregate increase of ray of seven hundred and fifty thous and dollars. Nacogdoches, Tex.. Jan. 7. B. S. Wettermark, of the banking house of Wettermark & Co., which went into liquidation Monday, has disappeared. The accounts are in such shape that no knowledge of how they stand can be attained without. his presence. The in vestigation so far shows liabilities of $400,000 and apparent assets of $250,-000. Bismarck, N. D., Jan. 7. H. C. Hans brough was nominated by a Republi can caucus last night to succeed him self as United States Senator. MAKES THIS REPORT TO SENATOR McLAURIN asnington, Jan. 7. According to the State Department, German's an swer to Castro's proposal for arbitra tion differs from Great Britian's only in language, it insists upon certain conditions as necessary preliminaries, but in view of this government they Know ot nothing calculated to over throw the negotiations. No Force Used and Woman's Act Was Voluntary-Payne Thus Far Refuses to Re leive the Situation Norfolk, Va., Jan. 7. Mary Wallace wail Harwood has entered suit for divorce from George Washington Har- uuu, ui Luis cuy. ine couple was married in Raleigh, N. C, in Novem ber, 1901. They went to Jacksonville. Fla., where the plaintiff alleges she was ueserted within a month and was lett penniless. Since then she ha: earned her living as a stenographer. She names Jennie Delk. of Newnn-t TVT ' - es, as corespondent. DEWEY IS TICKLED WITH THE RESULTS Having Decided That Purpose ot the West Indian Maneu vers is Complete He Or ders Ships Dispersed un board battleshm Alabama off Lulebra Island, via San Juan. P. R. Jan. 7. Admiral Dewev d the United States Navy is more readv for war than ever before in its historv. ihe Admiral having decided that the purpose of the concentration of war- hips has been accomplished, has issu- d oraers for the squadron to to the former stations. Dewey and his staff on the Mayflow er and Dolphin will sail Thursday for Washington. The cruiser Alabama will sail Monday for Boston where she viil be resheathed; the cruiser San .Francisco and Nashville go to Norfolk Centralia. Ills.. Ja n 7 Dnvo MdoI-is the "sleeping girl," has not recovered to underg repairs and Rear Admiral consciousness. This is the dredth day of her trance. one hun Washington, Jan. 7 Andrew Car negie. accompanied by his wife, arrived here last night and will make the prin cipal address this afternoon at the opening of the new Washington public library which he donated to the people or tne national capitol. W ashington, Jan. 7. Among other persons suggested for the vacancy of United States Minister to Liberia, is Rev. Dr. Lyons, a negro preacher of Baltimore. It is said the President is favorably considering his name. Washington, Jan. 7. Only a few members were present when the House met today. A bill to promote the ef fieiency of the constabulary service in the Philippine Islands was made the special business of the House for to morrow. The debate is limited to two hours. Lvansville, Ind., Jan. 7. Senator Samuel Crumpacker, of this county, wjll introduce to the Legislature a bill FIERCE BUZZARD SWEEPSEASTWARD Worst Storm of the Season Disfigures Heavy Buildings, Cripples Railways in Five Western States St. Paul, Jan. 7. The worst storm of the season is now sweeping this State, the Dakotas, Idaho and Nebraska. Special dispatches from tnany points "i the five States indicate that a' terri ble blizzard is raging and travelling eastward at a rapid pace. In Council Bluff, la., heavy store fronts were blown in to tho There will be great suffering and much Jive stock will perish. It is feared til railway svstpm ; bumner has transferred his flag to a the cruiser Newark and will return to the South Atlantic station today; the torpedo flotilla sailed north Tuesday; the Prairie starts today with the pa tients who became ill during the maneuvers. ASKS ROCKEFELLER TO SELL. Henry Frank Advises Young Million aire to Make Restitution. New York, Jan. 7. Henry Frank, leader of the Metropolitan Independent Church, has addressed a letter to John Indianola, Miss., Jan. 7 P. C. Chap man,, candidate for circuit judge and one of the most prominent lawyers in Mississippi, in response to a telegram from Washington has mailed Senator McLaurin a statement of the situation and origin of the trouble here. The statement emphatically denies that any intimidating threats were made at any time against Minnie Cox, the postmistress, and recites further that the woman's resignation, was vol untary after she had received a peti tion asking that she stive nn thp nffW Washington, Jan. 7. Senator Mc Laurin, of Mississippi, yesterday con ferred with Postmaster General Payne on the situation at Indianola. Miss where, ,he postoffice has been closed as a result of antagonism to the negro postmaster. Subsequently Senator Mc Laurin stated that he believed the of- nee would he re-opened this week. Mr. Payne said that the office will be re opened if there is no intimidation of the postmaster. Last evening Senator McLaurin tele graphed to Indianola, requesting a statement of facts connected with te po.T toff ice quarrel. He said, after his interview with the Postmaster Genoral, that the latter had given him a cour teous hearing. Senator McLaurin told Postmaster General Payne that he knew the people f Indianola and vicinity to be as good and as law-abiding citizens as could found anywhere. He said he felt snre that there was no considerable ?rowd at the mass meeting. He next 3sked Mr. Payne that the mail from Indianola be sent to Baird instead of Greenville, as it would be more con venient for the citizens to get it at that noint. This the Postmaster General re fused to do, on the ground that the postoffice force at Baird was not large enough to handle the mail. Senator McLaurin asked thai- .T. H. Baker, a white man, and one of the bondsmen of Mrs. Cox, be made post master temporarily until the matter report from Washington would indi cate. It is, however, very generally con ceded that Mr. Mullen will soon relin quish his hold on the postmastership While this has not been definitely de cided, this seems to be the talk among his party associates. Nothing, how ever, will be done before Senator Prit- -.a-hj ivv.t.vcio &j mitt lie can De at the naming of the man who is to succeed lur. iuuiien. It is stated on good authority today that should Mr. Mullen be turned out Mr. Jake F. Newell will be the ap pointee and Mr. D. Kirby Pope will be iiio QMismui.. iins me iews man neara in a breath today that was no aoove a whisper. It is said by the friends of Mr. Geo T TT! ... . . r. mss mat ne win net. in any way, ngure as an applicant for this position. In fact, Mr. Hiss stated in an interview in the News several days ago that he would not have the office under any uuiisiueration. In the meanwhile the track to Wash. ington will be kept hot by those who are wining to throw to the winds their personal feelings in the matter and ac cept this small job that carries with it $.1,100 cf Uncle Sam's good, cold cash. j British Admiralty Studying Hans ot Naval Ships, the Like of Which Has Not Been Known OTHER LATE FOREIGN NEWS AND VIEWS c s OF CITI IS TOJE TAKEN Sanitary Officers Will Ascer tain Exact Population and AlsoThoseWhoHave Not Been Vaccinated Aglipay to Return to Mother Church-Austria and Italy to Join England in Coerc ing Sick Man of Europe Birmingham, Jan. 7. The Post to- aay asserts it has reason to believe that designs have been made and are now under consideration by the admiralty for the construction of a new kind of vessel intended when completed to nul lify attacks by submarine vessels. The details are necessarily a profound se cret, but the Post quotes a high naval COMMISSIONERS DELAYED. Owing to Lateness of Train There Was No Morning Session. Owing to the fact that the train from Washington was about six hours late, there was no session of the Inter-State Commerce Commission this morning. Commissioners Fifer and Prouty arrived in Charlotte at 2. o clock this afternoon and it was understood that the commission would dx once go to work taking evidence uui up - to 3:30 o'clock been done. YOUNG HOD nothing had It is supposed that the first hearing will be in the morning. EIGHTY DOLLARS PAID OUT. That Amount of $100 Cash Gold Prizes Claimed At Farrior's. Eighty dollars of the $100 cash p-o1,i prizes offered by Jeweler Farrior and drawn for New Year's Eve have been claimed. Mr. W. P. Rierson won the rrZJ' nun?b-er ing .,.. uui. xv. i. Alien, nf HPirfairm wt, , .... ' "v-.ii me acuuuu nrizfi nr S'-M hie. m t i I . -irr i it i ... . . t The hfth and sixth prizes of $5 each were drawn by Mrs . D.Lethco and Mr. Phil McMahon their numbers beine 2 98- The third prize of $10 or "ie Iourin Pnze of $5 (1G, 4b I) and the seventh nHo ,-(o 111) have not been claimed. If no claims are put in by the 15th Inst. Mr. mt,. m nave anther drawing. LOSESJNE ARM Distressing Accident Befalls Son of Prominent Nearby Farmer While He Was Out .Hunting BARREL OF THE GUN EXPLODED SUDDENLY ii Explosion So Badly Lacerates the Hand That the Doctors Found it Neccessary to Amputate Memb; Clifford Stewart, thp 14 or Mr. John St.pwnrt of faT,, , ' 1WM,Liucno. was awaited with was one or the mnRt imn.t.( .,:Ji..,, lu"""cv!'i ot an the local contests and the out-! terc 21 U nand yes" much in-t The entirp iqh mtn.nJ , v-iiv-v-icu Liie ii aim just below the wrist and the member was so badly lacerated that amputa tion was found come was terest. Took Carbolic Acid. uanvine. v&.. Jan. 7 Mp6 ihe sanitary officers of the city, Messrs. J. R. Winchester, R. M. Hovis, b. H. Myers and E. M. House, started out this morning to take a complete census of the city of Charlotte. ihis is for a double purpose. First, to ascertain the exact number who re side within the city limits and to also learn how many within the city limits have not been vaccinated. These officers are required to report JeteTdiedather home 'Z ! iPlrmea the operation: night from the effects of ,Biewa,t ett h0 yesterdty authority as saying that the new vessel ! olic Whether the deadly poi - , nVar Mat hews He ha? ZlJ will prove one of the most striking in- KWfi i E o!Z- ventions of modern times and will be known that she had bee , ZlnnllZ ! lf i!W ui. H,e leJelled sun at luc uus ana nrea. The barrel of the gun bursted just as the spot where he gripped the barrel with his left hand, and the entire load passed through his hand. He came near fainting from loss of blood and the severe shock, but he managed to get home. Physicians were hastily summoned and on exami nation it was ascertained that the hand was so badly injured that amputation would be necessary. Dr. Bruner, of Matthews, and Dr. Reid, of Pineville, performed the operation, taking the injured hand off at the wrist joint. Today, the young man was said to be getting on as well as could be expected. Rome, Jan. 7. The latest news from the PhilinDinos indi (atps that it ia likely the self-appointed BishoD Asrli- pay of the Independent Catholic church I will return to the mother church and i thus end the schism. as able for the purpose of offense as for fo" some time. She had exnressprl w. defense. 'sel frequently as being tired of lifp SWEEPJHE EARTH? Prominent Physician declares the Conscientous Enforce ment of Vaccination is Only Way to Stop it Constantinople, Jan. 7. It is believ ed in official circles here that Austria and Italy are willing to join England in securing from the Porte a statement that no warships will be allowed to pass through the Dardenelles. Last September the Turkish government granted Russia the right for four Rus sian torpedo boats to pass through the Dardenelles, flying the Russian colors. London, Jan. 7. The Western Daily Press says former chairman Tweed of the Southern Pacific Railway is com ing to London to join the .firm of Snpris Rrnthprs all who have not bared their arms, to tend the financing of Charles T. Yerkes the Recorder who in turn will deal tube-railway scheme. with them as the law in the cas3 pre scribes. It is the purpose of the city author ities to rigidly enforce the compulsory vaccination law. While this law has heen m force for the nast thvpp months, there are many within the citv limits who have not complied with the lawr. Mayor Brown is determined that the health of the city shall be properly looked after and if the people, of their own free will, will not be vaccinated he will see to it that the lav is en forced and that, too, to the very let i ter. DEATH OF MRS. AUTEN. The C, End Came In Greenville. S Early This Morning. Mrs. J. M. Auten, formerly Miss Laura Cathey, died at an early hour this morning in Greenville. S. C, after an illness of several months. The body was Drougnt to Uharlotte at 10 o'clock Madrid, Jan. 7. The remains of the late Premier Sagasta continue to lie in state in the rotunda of the hall of congress. Today the body is covered with magnificent clothes, embordered with crowns. King Alfonzo has ordered three days mourning with field mar shall honors. The body this afternoon will be removed to the attochja of the cathedrial, which is Spain's pan theon for the illustrious dead. The Pope today sent condolences to the family of the late Premier Sagasta. authority to do this, but would make an investigation to determine the question. senator McLaurin will confer with D. Rockefeller, Jr., in which he ad- the people of Indianola and get their vises the young man vhen he has come into his inheritance to sell out the Standard Oil Company and give the proceeds to the competitors whom the corporation forced out of business. Mr. Frank read the letter to his con gregation in Carnegie Lyceum, and sent a copy to the millionaire. The evangelist regrets that he is not a member of the Bible class, so that he might make his criticisms in a con versational way. Mr. Rockefeller could not be seen last evening at his home, 13 West Fifty-fourth street. He sent word that he did not care to say anything concern ing Mr. Frank's letter. , DID NOT GO TO VENEZUELA. omc ui tue case tuny. Alter this is done he will present to the Postmaster General whatever evidence he may collect. Senator McLaurin insists that the case has as yet been presented in a one-sided way, and that it has been unduly magnified. Senator Mci.aurin will not introduce a resolution of inquiry in the Senate for the present at least. There is a general feeling that if something is not clone satisfactorily to the Indianola people, the Southern members will bring the matter up in Congress in some way and give it a good airing be fore the country. Sydney, N. S., Jan. 7. Marconi denies that he is engaged to marrv Miss Nina McGilivray, daughter of T i ..": n J 1 .. . . . -J.:vrllviia. Ul IHIS CITV. Hi r.rss work at and leaves for Cape Cod in a few days. FOR BISHOP OF MISSISSIPPI. Rev. The smallpox situation in Charlotte should be settled. Mr. Payne replied !? 'n m,any resPects. much better than practically completed his that he was uncertain whether he had VA has been ?or some tim"3- There 13 Glaze Bay wireless station nu uiinoiou iui any uuuue aiuim, uui the physicians, all of them, agree that the only way to thoroughly stamp out the disease is for the people to be vac cinated. In speaking of the matter this morn ing a well known physician said: "I cannot, for the life of me, under stand why a certain element of our people regard vaccination in the light they do. It has been demonstrated that the only way to deal with small pox is by and through vaccination and as this is the remedy, why should peo Lloyd Turner, Descendant Of Francis Scott Key, Is Found. New York, Jan. 7. Lloyd Turner, the young man who was reported by his mother, Mrs. E. H. Turner, of 95 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn, as mys teriously missing, is safe at home. It had been reported that he had gone to Venezuela. , It is learned that young Turner, who had obtained an appointment as as sistant purser on the steamer. St. Paul, now in New York, was busy in the hold of the ship when his mother went to the pier to look for him and that she thus failed to find him. Mrs. Turner is a granddaughter of Francis Scott Key. AWFUL REVENGE OF REJECTED SUITOR On Nurses Refusal to Marry Him, he Severs Little Child's Head From It's Body and Then Kills Himself Mount Vernon, Jan. 7. The reiec- tion of the suit of Alfred King, coach man for Dr, i-izzie Cannon, has resulted in the Marriage At Huntersville. This afternoon at 4 o'clock Mrs. Lula Ji.wart ana Mr. j. l. Alayberry were murder ami sniri nf R-ino- married at the home of the bride in Frenzied at thp srirl rpfnsai tn Huntersville. The newly wedded ecu- marry him he cut off the head of the pie will pass through Charlotte tonight four-year-old daughter of J tt wir.w en route for Lancaster, where they will ! and then shot himself in the head remain for a few days. On their re- J Miss Cannon was the little one's turn they will begin house-keeping in ; nurse. This morning while the little Huntersville. ! srirl was in thp nnrsps rhsrp-P ifintr RntVi thp hririp and prnnm nrp well ' onnnnj -, .1 .- . , u. ... , - it 10 iviiivu - uvv. v. o :ul,ircaicu emu again pressed nis SUll. . e a geral crippling of J known in Charlotte, where they have Being refused he took revenge on the Dr. Arthur Lloyd, of Richmond Will Be Chosen, It Is Said. Jackson, Miss., Jan. 7 It is conced ed that when the Episcopal Council of Mississippi meets in this city, January 20, Rev. Dr. Arthur Lloyd, of Rich mond, will be chosen as Bishon of the Diocese to succeed the late Bishon Hugh Miller Thompson. It is asserted by eminent churchmen V V k m , V "tdlLU that no other name will be presented and probably their lives just because and he win be e, t . Qn th-?n lot. Dr. Lylod is at present secretary of the General Board of Missions of the Episcopal Church, with headquar ters in Richmond, although a great portion of his time is spent in New York. t.ney do not regard vaccination as a preventative for smallpox?" The opinion as expressed by this physician is the opinion of all who know the good effects of vaccination nnrl if our nennld will not pomnlu with ! 'A- V pwlU T i. JL Vf J X.A-X J I? J. K. A the law, of their own volition, then steps will be taken to compel them to submit to the mandate of the law. Colubus, 0., Jan. 7. Dr. O. Probst, secretary of the board of health, in an interview, expressed the belief that there is danger of a world-wide eni- ! tnis morning and was taken from thp demic of smallpox. He says reports I lain to the home of relatives in Steele show tb t th, prevaI.nt iazrs:s? this country, and Europe, that it is in morning. The interment will be in the a virulent type and he attributes the thurch yard. great increase to the neglect of vac- ! Mrs- Auten was a native of Charlotte cination. He says it is his opinion ' and is survived by a husband, one that the only method cf avoiding an i child ani one brother, Mr. Andrew epidemic is to see that general vacci- Cathey, of this city. She was one of nation is enforced. j the best women and her sad death will j be mourned by numbers of friends in Indonapolis. Jan. 7. The smallpox ! Charlotte and Mecklenburg county, situation in this city is causing grave ' Deceased was about 25 years old. concern. Two of the public schools are j closed. A number of new cases have ( OFFICERS INSTALLED. developed, among them several of the type known as black smallpox. The ' Interesting Ceremony By Mecklenburg trouble principally is with negroes who : Lodge Last Night. ierube to oe vaccinated and disobey i me quarantine regulations. MINERS WORKING HARD. At a regular meeting: held in Meck lenburg Declaration Lodge No. 9 I. O. O. F. the following officers was in stalled for ensuing term by Lodee au -x r, iJjepuiy j. t. A. lowing: T. L. Bris- Anthracite Being Brought Out In j endine, N. G.; C. M. Berryhill V G-TO-- i9e Q"antlt,es Now. H. d. Duckworth, Secretary;' J. T A Wilkesbarre, Pa., Jan. 7. With the ! Lawing, F. Secretary; W. M Crowell exception of a few stragglers all the j Treasurer; Geo. McGill Warden- G miners went to work today, worked j F. Cross, Conductor; P.' B. Anders I with surprising energy and got out alG.; W. J. Sellers A G D V large amount of coal. The operators ! Ritch, R. S. N. G .; A. A Anthony' now believe that with no holidays in j L. S. N. G.; O. L. Dunn R S V sight for a couple of months they will iG.; J. E. Heny, L S V G a' m" keep up the good work and the phe- . House, R. S. S.;'r. t". Cannon L nomenal record in coal minine bf lasf s s w a r,,t,r-, -.,,':--.' month will ho .Timoi.i.iJ V.J-. ii. I-, ' .,..1 l0 ouijiaacu llllO U1UI11I1. Ever since the strike ended almost all the mines have been run with in creased forces up to their fullest capa city, which accounts for last month's increase in output. Outsiders don't re- alze the quantity of coal that has been w. M. Cross, S. P. G. At the same meeting seventeen candidates were initiated. Card of Thanks. Mrs. Jennie Shaw wishes to extend her thanks to the laboring men of EMMA CALVE ENGAGED. Jules Bois, A Writer On Occulatism. Is The Happy Man. Paris, Jan. 7. Emma Calve, the noted singer, is engaged to be mar ried to Jules Bois, a well-known writer on occultism and kindred su-b jects. The date of the marriage has not. been fixed, but it will take place shortly. Mile. Calve, who has gne south to be treated for throat trouble, will not leave the stage, but will ful fill her American engagement next season. Her husband will accompany her on her American tour. MULATTO Rssphall Pnr- V i rn i n i -a Aniin House at Chester Hill by Richmond, Va., Jan. 7. It ' now on. has resulted in the r.c-c,i tt;,--. s u professional baseball next summer, and that the old State League is to be organized. The circuit, will prob ably include Richmond, Norfolk, New port News, Petersburg, Lynchburg and Roanoke. If the circuit is to be eight clubs Alexanderia and Danville are contemplated. W. B. Bradley, who managed the club so successfully here OF A NECKTIE PARTY Paul Woodward, Slayer of 2 Young Camden Boys, Pays the Penalty of His Crime On the Gallows HIGHWAYMEN sdtKr vdsir atrike TdT srsrs cuai supply up to its normal state. But ! it is believed with judicious handling by retailers all can from now cn get a j sumcient supply to meet immediate needs. Everything at the mines is now in good condition, plenty of cars, ample transportation facilities and the men working hard. The anthracite will be speeded to market as rapidly as possible to meet the urgent demands of the public. ROB BISHOP GULSTAN DEAD. His several years ago. will have of the local end of the league. charge Illness Noted In First Soecial Dispatch Over New Cable. Honolulu, Jan. 7 BishOD Francois j Rupert Gulstan, head of the Roman Catholic Church in th Hawaiian T vamuen, jan. i. j-aui Woodward, i lands, died here late last night. He the youthful mulatto, murderer of ! was titular .Bishop of Panopclis, John H. Coffin and W. Price Jenkins, aged 11 and 14 years respectively, was hanged here this morning. The boys left home Wednesday morning, Oct. 14, of last year, osten sibly to visit the Trenton fair, and never returned. The bodies of both boys were found near Haddon Heights the following Saturday, RICH CONTRACTOR He Identifies His Assailants and the Police Promptly Land Two of Them in Prison Cells as well as Vicar Apostolic of Hawaii. Consecrated in San Francisco Sep tember 25, 1892, he at once took charge of the apostolic work here, and under his regime the church made great pro- jgress. He was a Frenchman of the .uazanst Order. Bishop Gulstan had been ill many months. On his deathherl it wa a ! SOUrce of much OTatifirtinn trv v.; i vrr j t-0 A t D-."V-.l,iWll v-Vjl 111 111 L J VVOOawara j be nble to enmrnnnimto -nritv, tu-, ti j.1 i . ... .. . t -..vv,v. uiuu l ii v; ruue IT'ltV? e ys .br cabIe d to receive the Pontiff's The father and the third assailant are - u .."o "u auu wu,!u. messing just before his death. at lare. Boston, Jan. 7. In a dark corner at the north end of the park last night three men held up Raffale Carmoise, a progressive contractor, choked him in to insensibility and robbed him of $2, 350. Carmoise furnished the police the names of two of them, father and son, the latter 17 years of age, and early this morning the boy was arrested.