CHARLOTTE NEWS-JANUARY 7, 1903 LEGISLATION BY ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE Will Seek To Have Sweeping Reforms Instituted in This State Anent Sale of Liquor Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 7 The follow ing are the features of the temperance legislation proposed by the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Anti Saloon League in session with author ized representatives of the North Carolina Methodist Conference and the Baptist State Convention: 1. Prohibition of sale or manufac ture of intoxicating liquors outside of incorporated towns. Prohibtion of sale of liquor in towns of less than .500 population, whether incorporated or not. Prohibition of manufacture of liquors in towns of less than 1,000 pop ulation, whether incorporated or not. The distinction is made between in corporated towns and unincorporated communities because incorporated towns are organized and policed. It is made also to protect the rural districts from the saloon. It is made also to protect the towns and cities from being surrounded by saloons. The distinc tion is made in respect to population mainly to prevent the evasion of the law by the incorporation of saloon or distillery settlements. . . ',. 1. Local Option elections in incor porated towns of more than 500 inhab itants at any time upon 30 days notice and upon petition of one-third of ths qualified voters; provided elections shall not take place oftener than once in two years. In such elections the question of sa loons or prohibition, or saloons or dis pensary, or dispensary or prohibition, may be submitted as peitioners may request; only one question at an elec tion, however. 3. Prohibition of the importation of liquors by any means into prohibited or dispensary territory. ' 4. After July 1, 1903. all applicants for license to sell or manufacture liq uors shall present with their applica tion petitions in their behalf signed by a majority of the qualified voters, save in those towns and cities in which be tween the date of the enactment of this bill and July 1, 1903, an election shall have been held and carried for saloons. These propositions are clear, and need no exposition. They look to the suppression of the saloon and distillery in the rural districts, and to local op tion elections in the towns and cities in the near future on a fair and rea sonable basis. There should not be a saloon in any town or city unless the majority of the people expressly call for it. The people of North Carolina are entitled to this. They have long been opposed to the saloon. They have nev er had a fair chance in a struggle with it. They have been hampered by the ignorant vote. They have stood in fear of division. But these things are now passed. And now that they are passed, the General Assembly should freely grant the people's petition for a fair opportunity to grapple with the evil that in their long affliction fastened it self upon them. Especial attention is directed to par agraph four. That calls for the recog nition on the part of the General As sembly that the people of North Caro lina are moral people. The saloons now exist with the consent of the peo ple of North Carolina, but solely be cause conditions have prevented the moral forces of the State from assert ing themselves in elections against the saloons. Every intelligent public man in the State knows that this is true. It is but reasonable to ask now that the patience of the people be reward ed, and that the true attitude of the majority be recognized. Is it unrea sonable to presume that the saloons should not be opened unless it is ex pressly voted by the majority to open them? Is it more reasonable to pre sume that the people of North Caro lina desire the saloons recognized as ruinous, as the sources of all manner of crime to go on with their work un less they vote to the contrary? To be sure, he does violence to the character of the people who holds that they favor saloons and that saloons must exist un til they have been voted out. One dees not ask a good man if he loves virtue. Thousands Hare Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. "What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get ;up many .times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more abcut it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Home of Swamp-Root Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generot 6 offer inih'S ptvper. Don't make any mistake, Dui re- nember the name, Swamp-Root, .Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. PROPOSED l His character is answer. One who be lieves in the people of North Carolina will say that the people desire the sa loons closed, and he will not ask the people to prove this, but will bid the saloon men disprove it. This is just what paragraph four calls for. It is fair; it is representative; it is reason able; it is only a just recognition of the patience of the moral forces of North Carolina; it presents' them "with the opportunity that they have long waited for. In their name we ask for this recognition and this opportunity to vindicate themselves and those who respect them. J. W. BAILEY. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 2, 1903. The Executive committee: N. B. Broughton, A. J. McKelway, J. O. At kinson, T. N. Ivey, I. C. Blair, J. O. Oates, J. W. Bailey, and Q. K. Nim rocks," representing the N. C. Confer ence, and M. L. Keesler, reprssencing the Baptist State Convention. I Theatre I I Creatore, the great Italian band leader, whose interpi'etations of the music of the masters have won him great renown in New York city and elsewhere, will be here with his band at the Academy of Music next Friday night. On this occasion some of the most entracing band music ever heard will be played, the numbers being selected from the most successful music this band played during itz run in New York, where it was the music-craze all summer. Several of the band soloists will be heard, in cluding Mme. Barili, the prima donna soprano of adequate merit to be one of the features of this great organiza tion. Otis Skinner, who has given to the stage many notable productions, promises in "Lazarre," which he presents at the Academy of Music next Monday night another fine dramatic offering that ought to appeal to every lover of good stage art. Mr. Skinner has spared no expense in his revival of "Francesca Da Rimini," the play presented by him last season, and he intends to maintain the high standard as a producer that he has achieved, with the Booker play. Mr. Skinner has undoubtedly increased his reputation by his performance of Lanciotto, and established a clientele of new admirers throughout the coun try. His leading woman this season will be Nannette Conistock. TODAY'S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ladies', misses' and children's knit underwear at a greatly reduced price T. E. Youngblood. Red Men's badges, buttons and pins at The Palamountain Co. Frost King or Frost Queen Chamois Vests at Woodall & Sheppard's. Greatest bargains in canned aspara gus today at Bridgers & Co.'s. We sell and guarantee Waterman's ! and Wirt's, fountain Dixon & Co. pens Houson, ! ' We wash everything washable; we clean everything cleanable Charlotte ' gteam Laundry. Take stock in Charlotte Building 1 and Loan today E. L. Keesler, secre-' tary. I can do you good in real estate E. i L. Keesler. Sweeping reductions in all coat ' suits, jackets and wraps The Tapp Long Co. Annual stockholders' meeting Southern States Trust Co. See and hear the "Cecilian," the only perfect piano player Chas. M. Stieff. Big January sale of muslin under wear at J. B. Ivey & Co.'s. Poultry show B. S. Davis, presi dent. Remnant dry goods sale at The Bee Hive. THE WEATHER. Forecasts for tonight and Thursday. For Charlotte and vicinity: Fair to night and Thursday. For North Carolina: Fair, warmer tonight, Thursday fair, colder in west ern portion. Brisk southwest to west winds. For South Carolina: Fair,, warmer tonight, Thursday fair, colder in north west portion. Brisk southwest to south winds becoming west. The storm in the Northwest yester day has moved eastward and is cen tral over Michigan this morning." It has increased greatly in energy, influ encing the weather conditions from Canada to the Gulf and from the Rocky mountain slopes to the Atlantic coast this morning. Light snow is falling in the central Mississippi valley and in the Lake region and brsk to high winds prevail throughout the easterji half of the country. Comparatively mild temperatures are found in all sec tions this morning. Light precipitation occurred in the past 24 hours in the Northeast. G. R. OBERHOLZER, Observer. Friend With a Reservation. (Brooklyn Life.) Mooney Brace up, man! Troth, yez luk as if yez didn't hov a fr'nd in th' whole wur'rl. Mooney G'wan! If it ain't money yez want t' borry, Oi'm as good a fre'nd as iver yez had. Miss Elderleigh My friends say these photographs fail to do me jus tice. , . Mr. Frank Of course they do. But should always be tem pered with mercy, you know cago News. -Chi- WHEN YOU GO INTO A DRUG ctnrp tn set a bottle of Painkiller, ex amine it carefully to see if it is made i by Perry Davis, and don't be per-; suaded to take something "just as good" because it is a few cents cheap er. There is only one Painkiller, "Perry Davis'." Large bottles 25 and, 50c. The Kind You Have Always in use for over 3Q years, and frf- , sonal 0 All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT Efforts of American Tobacco Company to Control Market Being Met With Fierce Resistance Dresden, Saxony, Jan. 7. The Amer ican Tobacco Combine has formally opened a campaign for the control of the German markets. , This city, because the large opposing cigarette and tobacco firms are located here, is to be the headquarters from which the battle is to be waged. In an- ticipation of this so-called "American invasion all the big independent to- bacco and cigarette manufacturers of axuuy nave iormeu a co-operative committee for the purpose of arousing Public sentiment against the American Produc'ts and of invoking a boycott of the Sods labeled with the trust trade- ft i t i 1 mariv. 1 The trust will Work through the j George A. Jasmatzi Company, the r largest cigarette-manufacturing con cern in Germany, which is controlled by the American Tobacco Company. Several days ago the German com mittee held an indignation meeting to protest against the trust's methods and to perfect a close combination to oppose the scheme. At this meeting the trust was severely scored by E. Robert Boh me, one of the largest cig- j arette manufacturers of Dresden and vice-president of the protective com mittee. Appeals have been directed during the last few days to Count Posadowsky-Wehner, the Prussian Minister of the Interior, and also to the Saxon Ministry of Commerce. Count Posadowsky-Wehner considers that the German tobacco interests should refuse, to sell out their plants to the American combination. The Saxon Ministry is attempting to enact special legislative precautions to pre vent the trust from controlling the market. For weeks the most bitter campaign has been waged by the leading Dresden companies, including E. Robert Bohme, the Laferme Company, the Tuma Com pany, the Adler Company, the Monopol Company, the Association of Dresden Cigar Dealers and numerous other MEN BE DR. HATHAWAY GERMANY FIGHTS TRUST INN lng and most successful experimenting with unscientific treatment, specialist. r want you to investigate fully my superior equipment tot curing you. I have failed. My specialty Includes all other varicocele, blood poison, bladder treat in the latest scientific manner, and .my legal guarantee is backed by the leading banks and commer cial agencies. Consultation free either at office or by mail. Send for complete symptpm blanks, mailed free In plain envelope. Correspondence confidential. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D 29 Inman Building, 22 1-2 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. 2 Bought, and wlrich has been has borne , the signature of has been made under his per- supervision since its infancy. A11Yiffnrk rvriA r rl onMi- -mvi -in fhla. Signature of MURRAY STREET, tijff YORK CITV. manufacturers against the Jasmatzi Company. Not only manufacturers but also dealers and importers are as sociated in the fight, and every resist ance is offered to the attempt of the American company to obtain additional options. Small leaflets are inclosed in packets of German-made cigarettes and tobacco, headed as follows: "This brand is free from American money." "It is your duty to guard against Germany becoming the slave of Ameri can trust capital in the fatherland." "Germans, remain true to your col ors." "Buy only cigarettes made by Ger mans, unless you want to deprive thousands of Germans of labor." TRIED TO CONCEAL IT. It's the old story of "murder will out," only in this case there's no crime. A woman feels run down, has back ache or dyspepsia and thinks it's nothing and tries to hide it until she ; finally breaks down. Don't deceive j yourself. Take Electric Bitters at once. It has a reputation for curing Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles ; and will revivify your whole system. mi j J i . 1. .1: ine worst xorms or tnose maiauie will quickly yield to the curative power of Electric Bitters. Only 50c. ' and guaranteed by Burwell & Dunn Co. Perfection of Art. It is the perfection of art in a man to be able to turn down a friend and retain his friendship. New York Press. You. Know What You Are Taking When you take Rrove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is ylalnrey printed on every pottle showing- that it Is simply iron and Qui se in s tasteless form No Cure No pay. 60a An Awful Thought. (Baltimore News.) "Do you believe we will ever open ' communication with Mars?" j "Sure, I don't care if they do, old ; man; but what I fear is that they might ' extend their communications to Mars- j m-lay. OASTORIA. Bears the sf 8 Kind You Have Always BotigM First Symptoms. - (New York Telegram.) New and extraordinary complaint is noticed. Citizens entirely rational in all other respects are possessed of an idea that by listening intently they can hear the chink of coal being unloaded into their cellars. STRONG Few men are absolutely free from some organic weakness. Spots before the eyes, dizziness, bashfulness, weak back, loss of memory, aversion to society- etc., are symp toms which you cannot overlook. These con ditions can be promptly Tercome it the right treatment is given, but experiments with free camples, ready-made medicines, "quick cures," etc., will only aggravate your trouble and make a cure ntare difficult. Before jeopardizing your future happiness cured thousands where others have it chronic diseases, such as stricture, and urinary diseases, etc.. which Highly recommended for its TONIC Properties and as a Preventive for AH Kinds of Fevers. K. FUVGEBA A CO. ae-8 AT. William St., IS. T. A NEW FIRM'. W. W. Harris .& Co. Locate Here In Commission Merchandising. Charlotte acknowledges the acquisi tion of two new citizens and business men in Messrs. W. W. Harris and S. E. Simmons, who succeed Mr. J. W. Prevost at his stand, 204 South Col lege street. The new firm W. W. Harris & Co. will conduct a general commission merchandise business. Mr. Harris is a native of Wilming ton, but for th'3 past few years has been located at Gainesville, Florida, where he was connected with the Gainesville & Gulf R. R. Mr. Simmons is a native of Gainesville. They came to Charlotte less than a week ago prospecting. They were immediately impressed with the fact that it is the livest town in the State and they lost no time making arrangements to enter into business. Gainesville is one of the greatest trucking points in the entire South and these gentlemen are thoroughly familiar with conditions tlrare and ; have valuable connections in the pine- j apple, orange, cabbage, bean, pea, let- j tuce and watermelon shipping trade. j Mr. Harris' family will remove from Gainesville and join him in the spring. WONDERFUL NERVE. Is displayed by many a man endur ing pains of accidental Cuts. Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore Feet or Stiff Joints. But there's no need or it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25c. at Burwell & Dunn Co., druggists. Following Custom. (Baltimore News.) "Whoop!" yelled the excited inebri ate, as he rushed into the hotel. "I'm a terror! I'm a man eater! I'm the big gest gun that ever hit the pike! Wow!" "It's customary," remarked the bouncer as he gazed at the subsequent wreck outside, "when a gun is loaded, to fire it!" srB the :na wnQ ou navBAWavS tSOIip 44 The Way of the Lord. (Atlanta Constitution, Dem.) The way of the Lord into the hearts of men must be prepared by that emptying which results from an hon est and hearty repentance of the sins that have leavened the life with un righteousness. The surest and only sat isfactory repentance is that which The Avhole gospel on that point is summed up in the plain words: "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord!" Nasal CATARRH In all its stages. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly. : Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is '.m mediate atid a cure follows. It is not drying does .aot produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 rents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. DR. HOBENSACK 653 North Eighth St., Phila., Pa. Father and son have been practici' g succe fuily m Philadelphia for 65 year.-. ARE YOU A VICTIM? Blood Poisor, "Wervous Hebili-y, Ulcers, Blad der. Kidneys. Skin Diseases, Varicocele, Hydro cele, Rupture, Pils. nermat ently Cured by im roved mt t-'ds without pain or detention foji business. We do not keep a drug store nor copy remedies from other doctors' prescriptions, but make the treatment of each case a special study, w e are graduates f medical colleges, fatfr ai.d son, a d c mbine hospital practice wi'h 65 ears office experience. Go wh' re you will be trea- ed for yor disease, and noc for ie sake of selling rtruirs. Our treatment is scientific and costs less, with better resu ts Consultation free of charge S NU FO BOOK. Hours 8 to 3, 6 to 9. Sunday 9 to 12. B. F WITHERS Lime, Portland and Rosen- iale Cements Plasters, Mor tar Colors. Doors. Sash, Blinds, Window Glass, Plate Glass, Sheathing Pa per, Shingles, Laths, Plas i ! tering Hair, Hay, Graii, Bran, Etc. 202 S. College St CHARLOTTE, N. C. 6 l f 4 j Kellam Cancer Hospital, TWELFTH AND BANK RICHMOND, VA. 8T8., O ft We cure Cancers. Tun- and w Chronic Sores Without Jnt -Use of the Knife. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE- Q Come and see what we have done, a3d are doing. If then youtp are not satisfied that we do all q m we claim we will pay all of your g xpnfs. q Wire Railing & Ornamental Wire Work f-DUFUIl (1 CO.. 1 311 N. Howard St. Baltimore, M5 Wire Railing for Cemeteries, Lawn, Gardens. Offices anc. Balconies. Wtr dow Guards, Tree Guards, Wire Cloti cnvg. Fenders. Cages Sand and Cna Screens, Chain, Settees, etc. BIt tor Enclosures Specialty. v A thin, vapory smoke, lazily ascending from its crater may be the only visible sign of life in the sleeping volcano, but -within is a raging sea of fire, molten rock and sul phurous gases. Those who make their homes in the peaceful vallevs below know the danger and, though frequently warned Dy xne rumDiings ana quakings, these signs of impending: eruption eo unheeded. They are living in fancied security when the giant awakes with deafening roars and they are lost beneath a downpour of heated rock and scalding ashes Thousands of blood poison sufferers are living npon a sleeping volcano and are taking desperate chances, for under the Mercury and Potash treat- iucui luc externa symptoms OI me disease disappear, and the deluded victim is happy in the belief of a complete cure, but the fires of conta gion have only been smothered in the system, and as soon as these min erals are left off will blaze up again. Occasional sores break out in the mouth, a red rash appears on the body, and thesewarning symptoms, if not heeded, are soon followed by fearful eruptions, sores, copper colored splotches, swollen glands, loss of hair and other sickening symptoms. Mercury and Potash not only fail to cure blood poison, but cause Mer curial Rheumatism, necrosis of the bones, offensive ulcers and inflamma tion of the Stomach and Bowels. The use of S. S. S. is never followed by any bad results. It cures without the slightest injury to the system. We offer $1,000.00 for proof We will mail free our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, which gives all the symptoms of the disease with full directions for home treat meat. Medical advice is furnished by our physicians without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. OOOOOaOOGOOOfOaOQQSOGOOOOOO j&M?tf-M.sf?. un fa n n o o Q o o o o o o llPSt Sisiiiiyif if n iii Pi 11 Tate s J o 0 Big Stock of tKe new styles just receiv ed. TKey were ordered for the holiday trade but came too late. Now you get these at greatly reduced prices. Come and see them at once. We have received many new goods within the last few days which should have arrived before Xmas and our stock nowis almest complete in all lines. We expect this year to offer our goods at low. reasonable prices and to make it to your advantage to do y our trading here Successors to Andrews 8 Furniture. Carpets. Pianos. Organs. 0OOOO0OOCe0OO4OOOOOOOOOOOO PUB i g y3nor & Hundley, tor values true, are unsurpassed the city ihroug Y lelding to none, for styles new. the choicest Furniture waits for yol J arable & elegant, ornate or plain.suchSultes elsewhere we seek In val' oted for Upholstery, here we have a &rand selection of ev iry kin Q rnamentai D. Is known wcluin perfect taste.tht dj excej lghtat711 Broad St., of Mirrors and Pictures the stock's compi gfor beauty and quality we can rely on all Syd nor Si Huadleydos -inpiy THIS GREAT STOR.E IS - m mr 709-711713 East Broad S N CREASE the light in your factory or store fifty per cent, by using our COLD WATER. PAINT. Whitest and best on the market. Tanner Psdnt & Oil Co., P. O. Box 1 86. Bowling- Green, Ky., Uarch 24, 1902. Gentlemen: For over four yean I suffered greatly from a severe case of contagious blood poison. I went to Hot Spring, staying- there four months at a "big expense. I then con sulted physicians, who prescribed Mercury. Nothing- did me any good, in fact, the treatment proved more harmful than beneficial. I mentioned my case to a friend, who told me that S. S. S. had certainly cured him. I at once commenced its use, and in six months could find no trace of the dis ease whatever. This was about two years ago. I continued S. S. S. for some time to make sure of a perma nent cure, and I can truthfully say I am entirely well. D. lit. SANDERS. xnat 11 contains a mineral 01 any de scription. S. S. S. is an antidote for contagious blood poison, and the only radical and permanent cure known. It destroys every atom of the virus and puri fies and strengthens the blood and builds up the general health. Q o o o o o o o o 0 o o o 0 mi Furniture and Music Company. P ! N M j Street. Kichmond. va Richmond, Va.