COMPLETE R.EPOR.T OF TODAY'S MARKETS CHARLOTTE NEWS, JANUARY 9, 1903. . . .1 LATEST ADVICES FROM THE REALM OF THE BULLS AND BEARS (Reported by (Wire, Ware & Leland, Private Geo. A. Howell.) New York. Jan. 9. A member of the largest cotton house in the world said yesterday: "One as well might play roulett,? or faro as speculate in this market. I'm at all at sea." He is not the only one. In fact we fail to lind any one who knows much about cotton these days. There is too much manipulation going on. On the break of 20 or 25 points it was an easv mat ter to buy cotton for a quick advance. On the recovery of 20 points to 8 3-4 in 24 hours, it was easy to take profits and look for a break to S.t3 or 8.60. All this an exercise of very little in telligence. Rllt thp TlPVt inr,,rQ - - v " v llU sz I o cl very different affair. Is the market a bull market? The.i buying on this bivak will return quick profits Is it a bear market? Then we have seen the top lor awhile and prices will bnvk below S 1-2 before there is another upturn. Taking all the factors into ont ideration, we are inclined to favor the buying side in spite of bear pro clamation and bear hammering. We fail to see anything in the situation to induce short selling. The market, is in new ground and this is more specula tion. Hut we admit prices are a mat ter of sentiment largely and if the present short selling succeeds in hold ing the price down until receints do increase, why the break can be brought about. Iut there is more or less nervousness among spinners over the question of supplies and with anv hind of bull leadership the market could be advanced easily. The real test of the market will come as the price works back to S.r.. .May should mt sell at that figure if its a good bull market. But the buyer of today must not lorget tnat lor the time being there is short interest in the market doing their utmost to bring about a break. With the trade short it would be a different matter but there is no great short interest and more or less long interest. Then too. receipts fell off last year after next week and mav be comparatively liberal this season. All these factors operate on an ad vance of this kind, but until the move ment does shop up we would rather buy on weak spots. It will be remem bered that the same selling and the same methods were employed just a cent lower m July and early August. After failing to break the market, sel lers turned and bought. Bear circulars were issutd at that time everv 15 or 2 minutes the same is going on. It means some one is heavily short and doing his best to get company on his side. Until receipts increase we would continue to buy on every break. Futures Closed Very fc-teadv it; . i .3 G3 8 64 .8 72 .3 i7 S 71 .8 to 8 73 Strict middling o v Middling .... lges '.".''."sA-im. ?tains 7.9008. rirm. January February March April May Jnae Jul August 8 52 September . . 8 Is bpots Quiet; Middling- 8 8 8 S s 8 8 8 8 8 90 53 57 Cl 7 f.l 62 G3 46 C9 Close 8 57 S 59-")0 8 05-1 6 8 (P-0 8 66 8 64 ( 6 8 65-f:6 8 48-49 S 10-11 New Orleans Spots Steady: Mid S'i LIVERPOOL COTTON Futures closed January-February February-March " March-, pril .. ... April-May May-Jun? June-July July-August August-September September-October October-November 4.3G January 4.G5 Receipts. 21,000 Sales. 8.000 iI,d- Spots. Easier 4.63 4.65 4.65 4.65- 4.66- 4.C6- 4.66- 4.60 4.46 asy CHARLOTTE COTTON. Corrected daily by Heath-Reid, job bing and commission company. Good middling g 03 L iealihg N.Y. Stocks New York. Jan. 9. The reactio.iary tondencies evident in yesterdays deal ings in the stock market raw nio,-, 0 l' 1 t-v, today renewed activity for securities under which a general rise in prices in too places and many directions the gains scored were notably extensive. Just as yesterdays reaction was based exclusively upon technical circum stances today recovery could be best accounted for along similar lines. The realization in the money market, how ever, did indeed make further pro gress and bulk of days borrowings on call was effected under T per cent. The banks made a further gain m their operations with sub-treasurer yesterdays and today's figures with that the institution since Friday showed a favorable balance of more than $1,500,000. A number of interesting statements of railway traffic were submitted to day. By far the most important news of the day was that with regard to the disposition of the Reading Company. It was authoritatively stated today that the control of Reading is to be auoueu jointly to tlie Lake Shore and Baltimore and Ohio. Reading was weak in the early dealings, but with the course of afternoon it developed decided strength. Other active fea tures of the railway list were Atchi son. C. C. W.. St. Paul. Rhode Island. S. P. and S. R. common I nuiviilr and Nashville also scored a sharp ad vance. Ridgely says: The technical situa tion is somewhat peculiar. Insiders have "washed'" up prices since the middle of December, lo to 20 points. They have probably but little more than they sold on way up. Their lines v. ere accumulated prior to December 16. In the absence of floatine surmlv oi stocks these big men could easily' wash prices up without having much stuff offered to them, except by short sellers. The shorts invariably bought back at a loss and helped on the "ad vance. Well, the big man calculated that people would get enthused after New Year and take stocks off then hands. But so far. the public has been very weary and insiders did not sue ceed in unloading much, hence the continued strength. Insiders are not likely to let prices down until thev get rid of some good bis blocks All unrigs considered, short sales would be unwise. I am not very confident of buying stocks at present better wait day or two and see how the cat jumps. I gave you a good one on sugar. 13 is high enough for present though sugar should sell at 140 or 145. The market may advance until Monday or Tuesday without reaction, but ia my judgment profits ought to be taken around "double tops" when ever they are reached. No deductions could be drawn from today's markets as to the future I gave the safety points on Reading in last New Year's letter. Prices should not go below those figures. Some stocks like Penn N. Y. C, Norfolk. L. N.B. and O.' vvuicn nave Deen lagging ought to higher before they reach much. Atchison c, 7 103 137 1 Theatre It Trade 4- ce Hive 5 by We have built up a great Shoe business in vi no- better vn hp? thin v iiuu VlOU 5 When in Pittsburg last September, Creatore who appears at the Academy tonight with his Italian band became a craze, the same as he does every where, and broke the attendance re cord of the Exposition on several oc casions. He was the talk of the town and nothing but praise was heard for his grand interpretations and thrill ing music. Shortly afterwards another band master whose advertising methods are certainly sensational, ap peared in Pittsburg, and for some rea son attacked Creatore through thf public press, as crude and inartisl o This seems to have aroused the feel ings of the Pittsburgers and thev are expressing their admiration of res tore and their opinion of all nthi- band masters quite extensively. The ueauer or tnat city goes into Liie matter elaborate v wm-miv unr- i 1 - - porting Creatore a an nvfiut in t.w mo niuMt, u:m also OL an unusually interesting personality. The la-5limv --v ..J:.., ,1? 1 ""'"fi iiiuan liins 01 Pittsburg were interviewed for publication, includin 'Jit.M. !Il..,..i ... neiueri, wno is tne leader of tneir Symphony Orchestra, Professor uutmgs. a prominent music teacher Vl 1 . ! A- . me if.uier 01 me Mozart Club, the members ol tne Symphony Orchestra ami m.uiy oiners. an ot whom suppoit -ieaiore as an unusually fine leader an. 1 artist. It is the universal sentiment that the impression made upon his audience was something un 1 v ..wn.,. am, Lut. success Ol HIS engagement at the Exposition estab lisheil a new record. Unusual interest is felt in ihe com ing engagement of Mr. Skinner in his new p,ay. l.azarre. a dramatization 01 mis. Catherwood's Famous novel mi. oKinner is said to be of the opinion tnat in 'Lazarre' he has the material for his greatest success, and his confidence is shared by most of those who have seen him in the char acter of the supposed Bourbon prince. "Lazarre" will be seen for the firsi time 111 our city on Monday night at the Academy of Music. SOUTHERN RAW In Effect Dec. 14, 1902. Catch The Best That's from us. what jou ao wnen von hv X7 V, 11 . . vcL yuainy oi every kind of uauuieu on this market 1UL1I1 si I (Mil- T'iT o1of " -'"" irom ant an: soft coal can now be I . -I "ul- uie ,J?st- consequc::tiv io me oniy Kind that for sale. we have 1- .1 i- btuay tne interest ot our customers in buying our Shoes. We know if they wear and gi satisfaction we are sure to make customers with them. Wo huv o tiv-cn Hieing juub aiiu samples, but we examine them carefully and .. Lllv- ti, ,iuiiii uciuic we ' iei tnem come into our stork- YW nr i . lllVy OV,llllly cl 1 J I W lot ot line hamn nr c' 1 fhlll'o I mu viii cil O Shoes, all solid lenther nt , . , TmYo MU'N1AS LUMP BLUE GEM WOOD. Peoples Ice & Fuel Company THE PEEK OF THE BEST. R STYLES F O (7 MEDIAP'A3 PERFECT08. . . LONDRES GRANDp' TK?"S?8-; - V.iir"iS ine above cltrar r w,ur yuauiy rooaccog and been on the market for thirty Today they are unexcelled. ooia everywhere au for them. Address C. H. Bienaman & Co. Makers. i22 W. Lexington St . BALTIMORE. MD bold by R. M. Brannnn Charlotte, N. C. Ic Sc. hart yeari your deafe? Druggists, stimulate the TORPID strengthen the digestive regulate tne bowels, and . equaled as an LIVER, organs. are un t r it you can get your size, we save you about r half the regular price of same Shoes. cNELIS B4U RENT ANTI-BILIOUS MEFHCINE, In malarial districts ineir virtues are wmeiy rec'smzed, s they possess ' j"JFr-i in rreeinsj the ystem fron aat poison. Elegantlv Uo CtuS3Sli&ute. TO MY PATRONS. 1 . - . - v me gieai increase in my i am compelled to move into building. After January 1 nnd me at No. 209 N. Trvon I shall be het than ever be- Owins; business a larger you will street. Hunt Building, ter able to serve von - m hi m Charlotte's Fastest Growing Store, go fore. Thankina: tronage in the ui uie iuture, i am, respectfully, Mrs -u- tester, Proprietress Queen Pressing Club. yuu iur your Kind pa- past and soliciting it City This condensed schedule is publisn ed as information and is subject t0 change without notice to the public: 5:00 a. m. No. 8 daily, for Richmond and local points, connects at Greens boro for Winston-Salem, i Raleigi, Goldsboro, Newbern and Moreheart City, at Danville for Norfolk. 7:10 a. m. No. 27 daily, for Columbia and C. C. & A. local stations. , 7:10 a. m. No. 16 daily except Sunday. for Statesville, Taylorsville and local stations, connects at MonresviilA fnt- Winston-Salem, at Statesville for Asheville. Hickory, Lenoir and Blow, ing Rock. 7:45 connec- Henderson 78 41 U ,. 12914 leoi Slow healing sores are unsightly, pain ful and dangerous. They are a constant care and source of anxiety and worry. Chronic, slow healing sores are fre- uently the after effects of some long ebilitating sickness that leaves the cou" stitution weakened and the blood in a polluted, run down condition, when a scratch, cut, simple boil or bruise, be comes a fearful looking ulcer that grows and spreads, eating deeper and deeper into the flesh in spite of everything that can be done to check its progress. Old people whose blood is below the standard and tne circulation Elueish. are often Balti & Ohio Can Pae Chi & Alton . .". V.V.V.V.V. ' " " " V ' wsi Chi & G West Erie ui central 14 L.OU & A' ash Man . Misso Pac '1 New YC 7A Norfolk & W Ontario & W 33s fe? ::::::i563i """"S - - 6f st faul So Pac So E ail way ou na, wan v tn n Tex &Pac 420 Union Pac . .... . ..""" ,104'" Wabash . ' 311 Amal Copper .. ..!".... Brook Rap Trans . . 7n Col Fuel & Iron . . tn7 Peoples Gas . ..."..".! '"."1051" "ug-ar ... " '"i.m'J Tenn Coal & Iron 63 U 0 Leather ... n? us steci 3(l5, U S Steel PTd 8 jsj Western Union 9 til V C Chemical 7A A BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE A -"i " iul. 3 TPPT on rv-ia-o aamized street, good neighborhood two good cottages for good class of wnite tenents. one good cottage for colored tenent. well of water, citv ttaier m street. Rents for $15.00 per month. Will sell for $1,550 for cash J- K. A. ALEXANDER, 225 North Tryon Street. 131 68 PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS MORSE'S GALLERY, 200 1-2 South Church St. ANY STYLE SIZE AND PRICE SEE YOURSELF AS OTHERS SEE YOU. BUY A MIRROR FROM EZELL AND GLASS THE LEADING PAINT DEALER. 12 West Fifth Street, Charlotte, N. C. Prodvice Markets Chicago, Jan. 9. Wheat It was stated that Liverpool houses were sell ing wheat here and at seaboard whil replacing with Argentine purchases. There was a little selling early but offerings were well taken by commis sion houses, some of the buvina- inougnt to lie tor Baker, while Armon . . ... - . . 1! ' . W. t 1 w . . . 1 . i -i- 1 , . ,, . lormentea witn lace sores, and indolent I "a 10 nave uougnt not less bicKiy looning uieers upon the limbs that give them hardly a qnoment's rest from pain and worry. Ordinary sores Pun'fy the BlOOCi are liable to be- come chronic Heal the Sore. when the blood is too weak to throw off the germs and poisons, and no amount of external treat ment will heal them, but they continue to grow worse and worse, and many times terminate in that most horrible of all human maladies, Cancer. S. S. S. cures slow healing sores by purifying and invigorating the germ laden, vitiated blood and purging the system of all corrupt matter, thus strik ing at the real cause and removing every hindrance to a rapid cur, and this is the only possible way to reach these deeply rooted, dangerous places. S. S. S. strengthens and tones up the circulation, and supplies rich. nutritious Tlood for the rebuilding of the constitution and healing the sore, when tou ret rid of the old plague spot for all time. If you have a slow healing, stubborn sore, write us about it, and our Physicians will advise you without charge. t . The Swift Speoifio Co., Atlanta, Ga. than were were ness local 00,000 bushels. Mav receints light in the Northwest and there indications that the export busi- wouia ne large which started shorts to cover. Towards close ED MEN!! Wehaveiust re ceived an assortment of Red Men Badges, Buttons and Pins. : : : Come; and see them, you will find just what you want. ::::::::: I me marnet became quite firm under liberal export takings at seaboard. Outside business is still light and I while local operator may be success ful in working values higher, we would tavor sales on hard spots. WHEAT Jan May . . . Julv CORN Jan , May , July OATS July ........ Mav PORK Jan May LARD Jn t ay July ftlEB. Jan May Ju'y .17 16 - 9 . 9 . 9 High Low Clof e 72 7l 723 7fiM 75 76 73& 73 73 47K 46& 44 43 43 43J 42 42 u 31 r,ys 31 34 34 15 17 15 17 15 ' 22 10 10 10 15 85 37 8 65 8 80 8 77 9 80 9 4." 9 33 8 02 8 75 82 45 33 62 77 77 DR. HOBENSACK 65S North Eighth St., Phila., Pa. Father and son have been fully in Philadelphia for 65 years. ARE YOU A VICTIM? Blood Poison. Kprvnu T)phi:;n- tti. er. Kidneys. Skin Diseases Virimnoio tr,.i.. eele. Rupture, Piles, termu,r ently cured by im proved methods without pain or detenrion froai business. We uo not keen :i rlr-mr an remedies from other doctors' prescriptions but make the treatment of each case a special study We are graduates of medical colleges, father and son. ard combine hosnital nraMifPuith o,.t. office experience. Go where you will be treated fur your disease, ani not for ihp eai.-o nt !i!n druj's. Our treatment is sfientif; orwi X'tl. less, with better resu.'ts. Consultation free of charge SEND FOR BOOK Hours to 3. 6 to 9. Sunday, 9 to 12. For Croup use CHtNEY'S EXPECTORANT. JU5I : : : 7c nr in RECEIVED : f0 HE PL All Stock sold must be as represented TIME OR CASH J.W.Wadsworth's Sons Also Leading Vehicle Dealers. One six-rcom vard street. house on North Bre- One five-room Thirteenth street. Two four-room Seventh street. house on West houses on West C. McNelis. THE Eg COPY&I5MT. NOW THAT HE HAS A NEW SET OF TEETH HE CAN EAT uii.yi.umg a.uu everyming ediDle. can talk so as to be intelligible and is no longer the laughing stock of the lnvolous. We can accomplish wonder- iui cranges in your dental equipment if you'll give us the chance and will not take your whole month's pav in exchange; consult us about your teeth or the lack of them. newell & Mclaughlin, THE PRETTIEST STORE IN CHARLOTTE WISHES YOU TRIP a. m. No. 39 dailv. Atlanta im press, Pullman sleeper and day coach es to Atlanta, Pullman tourist sleeper to San Francisco, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, via New Orleani ami oouinern Pacific; close aons at Spartanburg for vi lie and Asheville. 8:30 a. m. No. 33 daHy, Florida Ex press for Rock Hill, Chester, Winns boro. Columbia and Savannah; Pull man sleepers to Jacksonville, Port Tampa. Charleston and Augusta; first class coach, Washington to Jackson ville. Dining car service. AT9:i2V' w Nu0.' 36 dai,r' U. S. Fast Mail, for Washington and nil North; Pullman drawing rooms, sleep ers to New York and Richmond, day coaches New Orleans tn Wnchwt. dining car service. Connects at Greensboro for Winston-Salem, Ral eigh and Goldshorn. 9:30 a. m. No. 37 dailv. WflishinrtAn and Southwestern limited. Pullman drawing room sleenprs v v,.i- New Orleans and Memphis; Pullman observation car. New York tn Mm. service: snlui Pni!m train. ' 10:05 a. m. No. 30 dailv fnr waoh. ington and all points Knrth Pun.,.. sleepers to New York; first-cla$3 coach to Washington. Close connec tion at Danville for Richmond, Va 11:00 a. m. No. 23 dailv. for Dnvi. son. Mooresville. Cooleemee. Mocksville. Winston Salem and Roanoke. Va an loi stations. ' 12:35 p. m. No. 11 dailv. fnr Atior,V and local stations: tanburg for Henderson villp a.w ville. """" 6:25 p. m. No. 25, Freiaht anH Paa. senger, for Chester, S. C, and local points. 6:40 p. m. No. 12 dailv. fnr tj.vh. mond and local stations, connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Golds boro: Pullman sleeper Greensboro to Raleigh. 7:15 p. m. No. 24 rfailv. ynl Cum. day. for Statesville and local stations connects at Statesville for Asheville' Knoxvillo. Chat .18 p. m. No. 38 dailv. Washing, and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all noints North Pi,iiro leepers and Pullman observation to New York. Dining car service. Solid fiuiman train. 9:30 p. m. No. 34 riaiiv Vow vv and Florida Express. Pullman sleep ers to New York; first-class coach to Washington. 9:50 p. m. No. 29 daily, for Colum bia. Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and local stations beyond Chester, gunman sleepers to Jacksonville-first-class coach, Washington to Jack sonville. 10:20 p. m. No. 35 U. S. Fast Mall tor Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. Pullman drawing room sleepers to New Orleans and Birming ham; day coaches Washington to New Orleans. Dining car service. 10:25 p. m. No. 40 dailv. fnr Well ington and points North. Pullman sleeper for Washington. PharWto Richmond. Pullman slieper Charlotte to Norfolk. First-classl coarh Ationfo to Washington. c u u- ACKERT, Gen. Mgr. . S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Agt. Washinaton. n r. R. L. VERNON. Travelinn Paee Af T. J. WITHERSPOON, City Ticket Agent. 11 S. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. OLD DOMINION TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of trust executed to me by E C. Mullis. bearing date 1897, and duly registered 111. at Page 187, in the ister of Deeds for a deed of D. and E. May 17th. in Book office of Reg- Mecklenburg county. North Carolina, and because of default in the payment of the debt therein secured, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at the county Court House door in the city of Charlotte, N. C, on Friday, the 16th day of January. A. D. 1903. at 12 o'clock m., all that certain lot of land in said countjr, adjoining the lands of John Lillycrop and Mrs. A. S. White sides, near the city of Charlotte the same being a part of the real estate of the late M. M. Phifer and described and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake or post on the West side of an extension of "D" (now David son) street, of the city of Charlotte, 298 feet from the center of the C. C. R. R. Company's track and running thence in a Northern direction 49 1-2 feet with said "D" street to a stake on said street; thence in a line parallel with said R. R. track in the direction of "C" (now Caldwell) street 190 feet to a stake; thence m a line parallel with the first line 49 1-2 feet to a stake, said line running in the direction of said railway track; thence 190 feet to the beginning on "D" street. This December 16th, 1902. R. E. COCHRANE Trustee. 12-17-tds. "A HAPPY NEW YEAR C. B. Flournoy & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fine China, Fancy Goods, Novelties and General House Furnishing Goods, 20 East Trade Street. Bell 'phone 22G4. 9 0 3 OF THE LINE Makes a most attractive route tn New York Northern and Eastern Points express steamships leave Norfolk, Va., daily, except Sunday, at 7 p. m.', for New York direct, affording oppor- lumiy ior tnrougn passengers from the South, Southwest and West to visit Kicnmoncl, Old Point Comfort and Virginia Beach en route. For tickets and general information aypiy to railroad ticket agents ,or to M. B. CROWELL, Genl. Agt., Norfolk, va.; J. MAYER, Agt., 1212 East Main St., Richmond, Va. J. J. BROWN, Gen. Pass. Agt., H. B. WALKER Traffic Mgr., New York, N. Y Time to see about that Accident. Sick Benefit ak.nd Life Insurance. V Ue RoyaJ Benefit Society Offers You Superior Contracts. and then you will in wanted upon the most Investigate vest. Agents liberal terms. H. J. GR.EEN, Mgr., 218 East Trade Street. MfHorfolkem asowBrara Schedule in Effect ; Schedule in effect June 8th. 1902. Through Train Dally, Charlotte and Roanoke. Va. L.r. unariotte, So. Ry ..11:10 Lt. Winston, N. & W. Ry. . .3:00 Lr. Martinsville 6: 15 L.T. Rocky Mt 6:2S Ar. Roanoke 7: 40 Ax. Charlotte, So. Ry :00 At. Winston, N. & W. Ry... 2:00 It Martinsville 11:45 At. Rocky Mt.. 10:26 Lv. Roanoke 8:15 connects at Roanoke via doah Valley Route for jonage, L.uray, Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania and New Tork. Pullman aleeper, Roanoke and Philadelphia. Additionalt rain leaves Winston Salem 8:00 a. m. daily except Sun day for Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah Valley points. W. B. BBVILL', Gen. Pass. Agt., Roanoke Va, M. F. BRAGG, Tray. Paw. Af ent a m. p m. p m. p m. p ni. p m. p m. a m. a m. a m. Shenan-Natural Baggage called for frm hotel and residence by Wadsworth's iransier uo. on orders left at City Ticket Office. 3 Seaboard Air Line Railway DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta. New Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT MAY 25, 1902. No. 32. No. 40. Lv. Charlotte Ar. Monroe . 7:27 p.m 8:25 p.m. 5:01a.m. 5:45a.m. Lv. Monroe. . . . Ar. Hamlet Ar. Wilmington Ar. So. Pines . . Ar. Raleigh Ar. Norlina Jc. Ar. Portsmouth 8:45 .10:20 No. 33 p.m i:30 a.m. . 32 a.m. 7:15 a.m J 1 .111: p.m. 5:50a.m. p.m.J 7:20a.m. 34. 112:30 m. 8:44a.m. 11:20a.m. 1:35p.m. 5:35a.m. Ar. Richmond . Ar. Washington Ar. Baltimore . . Ar. Phila Ar. New York . . 6:55 a.m. 5:15p.m. 10:10 a.m. 8:36 pan. 11:25 1:36 4:15 a.m. p.m. p.m. 11:25p.m. 2:56a.m. 6:30a.m. Lv. Monroe .... Ar. Athens Ar. Atlanta ... Ar. Montgomery Ar. Mobile No. 33. 9:20 a.m.j 2:52 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:55 a.m.1 3:05 a.m.j No. 41. 11:35p.m. 5:58a.m. 8:35a.m. Ar. New Orleans 7:40 a.m.. Lv. Charlotte ... 10:43 a.m Lv. Lincoln 11:49 a.m Lv. Shelby 12:49 a.m. Ar. Ruth erf dton. 2:10 p.m Trains arrive Charlotte daily, 10:08 a. m., 10:32 p. m. From East and South 7:17 p. m. From the West. Pullman sleeping cars between Char lotte and Portsmouth on Train No. 32. Connects at Monroe with fast through trains and through sleepers to the East and South. For detail information address, R. M. COFFEY P. and T. A. ror Asthma use CHENEY'S EXP CT0RANT.