CHARLOTTE NEWS,' JANUARY 21. 1903. i I . 1 ' .1 1 i'. ' ' . I ' f w CONDUCTORS CHANGE. The News' Story Published Three Weeks Ago Is Corroborated. It was The News that informed the public three weeks ago that the con ductors on the Southern, who have been laying over in Charlotte, were, in the near future, to change to Spencer. This information, at the time, was ob tained from a thoroughly trustworthy source and there has never been any doubt as to the accuracy of the report. Charlotte will dislike very much to see this change, but, it will effect this that for the south-end conductors. 41 now have their homes in this city, will continue1 to reside here. It only means that for the south end conductors. 44 miles will be added to their run and the conductors who lay over here a day, will go to Spencer. The Southerns conductors are a splendid lot of gentlemen. Those who have been running here for many years say they regret the change but they think with the Southern officials that the company's interests demand the change. They are loyal to their supe rior officers and are willing to put up with temporary inconveniences in order that the company's interests may be better served. As has been said be fore, Charlotte will regret to see the change and the genial big hearted con ductors share in Charlotte's regret, v THE WEATHER. -"Forecasts for tonight and Thursday. For Charlotte and vicinity: Fair to night and Thursday. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The depression that extended across the country yesterday has moved rap idly eastward, causing general rains in the Atlantic States in the past 24 hours. As a rule the amounts recorded were light to moderate, except along the coast: Hatteras reports 1.34 inches. Jupiter. Fla.. had 3.2S inches, and Tampa 1.30 inches. Rain continues in eastern portion of the North Atlantic States and snow is falling in the lower Lake region. The storm is central off the Jersey coast this morning. High er pressure, with colder, clear weather again prevails in the central and upper Mississippi valley, with zero tempera tures in the latter section. An ener getic area of low pressure over the Montana is causing mild conditions over the Rocky mountain region. There is much cloudiness in the Gulf States today with rain falling in in terior Texas. G. R. OBERHOLZER. Observer. FOREIGN NOTES OF INTEREST, The managers of the Paris Metropol itan Underground railway have been persuaded by lovers of dogs to consider the question of providing special cars on their trains in which dogs and their owners can travel together, in stead of the dogs being separated from their masters or mistresses, as at pres ent is necessary. At Luchlow, in Germany, 129 fathers have been fined a few cents apiece for allowing their children under ten years of age to dance at the harvest festival of a village near by. The vil lage pastor objected the dancing and reported the case to the police. It was discovered, however, that his children had danced, too, and he was fined with the rest. Reports from Italy state that the phylloxera is working ravages among the vineyards of that country and that there will be an unprotected demand for American vines with which to graft the old ones. It is reported that 908 provinces in Italy have been in vaded by this insect and not less than 750,000 acres of vineland have been entirely destroyed. The French mariners record for big icebergs off Cape Horn was broken re cently, says a San Francisco dispatch in The Chicago Inter-Ocean, when the British ship Anglesey, Captain Thomp son, arrived from Newcastle, England, and reported that on September 20th, off Cape Horn, she sailed into a great ice field, in the midst of which was a gigantic iceberg, approximately 100 feet high. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Some love letters are too soft to file. Have you solved the Christmas pres ent problem? The less money a man has the more valuable it seems. A man usually blows in a lot of money on a blowout. Oh, no, Cousin John. South America is not South Africa. A woman without an opinion is like an egg without salt. Stir up a man's wrath if you want his candid opinion of you. Even the hopes of toper's friends are apt to be dissipated. Bloodshot eyes usually indicate that their owner is loaded. The better a man gets on in the world the better off he is. You can always get a few pointers on insect life from the beehive. Pork should be quoted by the hogs head instead of by the barrel. With the exception of ballet girls, chronic kickers are a nuisance In some business transactions the middleman soon becomes the headman. Give some men credit and you start them on the road to the almshouse A little woman's ailments are usually two or tnree times as large as she is. Now is the time to lav in a snnnlv of hoisery. It will go up on Christmas eve. Reflections of a Batchelot. A man is as useful in a sick room as an automobile in a church pew. A woman's idea of a perfect husband is one who thinks he has a perfect wife. There are very few people who learn resignation until they have tried ev erything else and failed. So many people are busy with other 1 1 - il A. J 1 i peopie s uusiness mat xney nave no time to attend to their own. A little girl who attends the graded school said her teacher didn't know how to smile. At least she said she had never seen her smile. Dr. H. C. Henderson Dentist, Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. C. Dentistry practiced in all its branches, All work guaranteed. I Queen City 'Phone 378. k One Cent a Word BUY SHOES' NOW, C. at Thompson's. O. D. SALE COAL Best grades, clean, full weights. Adams Grain & Provision Co. Both 'phones 27. 2i ATTEND THE C. O. D. SHOE SALE at Thompson's. IF YOU WANT YOUR HORSE FED and groomed for $ 12.50 per month call at 209 and 211 V. Fourth St.; good service guaranteed. J. C. Cochrane- & Bro. 20-2 1 PALACE MARKET HAS ALWAYS on hand a full and fresh line of Na tive and Western Meats. Sherrill & Cogbill. proprietors. 9-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property. J. Arthur Hender son & Bro. 3i North Trvon street. 21-lt GOING ON NOW C. O. D. SHOE Sale at Thompson's. FOR SALE Ten shares stock, (par $100 each) Cheraw Door and Sash Company. See Cheraw's correspond ence in "News" of 17th. Price $110 per share. Address Box C9, Cheraw. S. C. 21-3t HAVE YOU SEEN Thompson's? THE SHOES AT THE MEDICAL EFFECTS OF SUL- phur baths, by absorption of Sul phur through the glands, acts direct ly on the blood, purifying it and re moving all unhealthy secretions and odors from the body. Try a bath in Hancock's Liquid Sulphur and you will use no other. For sale by Bur well, Dunn & Co. ORDERS FOR MILK AND CREAM promptly filled. McD. Watkins. 5-loteod C. O. D. SHOE SALE NOW ON AT Thompson's. FOR SALE Young black Mare, gen tle and in good condition. Apply to E. H. Overcash. 19-41 BUY YOUR SHOES AT OUR C. O. D. Sale. Thompson's. WANTED Cash purchaser (by owner) for firm, 2 to IS houses and lots, in Fourth Ward. Address for price and description, Box 148. 19-4t FOR SALE CHEAP Scholarship in Charlotte Commercial College. Ad dress "Scholarship," care News. l-16-d&w-lwk DODD WILL SELL CAR LOAD OF Kentucky horses ,at auction, Feb ruary 12th Cochran's stable. Wait for me and save feed. R. A. Dodd. 14-tfd&w ONE CAR LOAD OF HORSES AT Cochrane stables must be sold. Come and get one for cash or on time. J. Cochrane & Bro. 20-2t J.1 ARTHUR HENDERSON & BRO. are at 39 North Tryon street, op posite City Hall. Charlotte 'Phone 54. Call and see us. 20-2t WANTED Boarders at 209 West 17-5t Seventh street. MOVED TO 39 NORTH TRYON ST., opposite City Hall. J. Arthur Hender son & Bro. 20-2t ARTHUR HENDERSON & BRO. are at 39 N. Tryon street, opposite City Hall. Charlotte 'Phone 54. 20-2t FOR RENT Headquarters has moved to 39 North Tryon street, Charlotte 'Phone 54. 20-2t CHEAPEST COAL in town. People's ice & Fuel Co. 15-tf ROOMS FOR RENT Suitable for light housekeeping. 207 North Bre vard. i9-3t BEST COAL Full weight and clean. Adams Grain Provision Co. Both 'phonea 27. 13tf OR RENT Seven room dwelling North TJine street, with all conven iences, gas range, etc. Hugh W. Harris. 31-tf NICE LINE PIGS' FEET ALWAYS on hand at the Palace Market. 9-tf EVANS' ALE AND PORTER CAN- not be excelled. C. yalaer Bottling Works. 7itf HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES, AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AMD MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES HORSES AND MULES Suitable for all Purposes. Sold for cash or on Time. J. W, Wadsworih's Sons 220-22C North Tryon Street. BUSINESS BUILDERS WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Green. Blue and Grey, Enameled Kitchen Utensils. If you want a pan, boiler, sancepan, coffee pot or other article of kitchen utensils, call and see our stock and get our prices. J. H. WEDDINGTON & CO. TRY OUR "ROYAL" BRAND CALI- fornia Canned White Cherries, Apri cots, Pears and Sliced Pineapples. Sugar Beets and Boston Brown Bread in cans. D. B. LEWIS, Blue Front Grocery Store. 'Phone 101. WE SHALL RAISE A RACKET BY selling white fat No. 2 Mackerel at 5c: Ralston's Breakfast Food 12 l-2c; Malta Vita. 12 l-2c; Force, 12 l-2c; Rolled Oats. 7 l-2c; these goods air all cut 2 l-2c. package. Fresh lot of Salmon, full size cans 10c, 12 l-2c. and 15c; the 12 l-2c. grade is red and the 15c is the best packed. BRIDGERS & CO. OUR HEAVY AND FANCY GRO ceries line is always full and fresh. We buy the best Flours, Coffees, Teas, Spices, Flavorings, Breakfast Foods, Canned Goods, Meats, etc., we can get. Our Fresh Meat line is the equal of any in. town. Bell 'phone 177; Chai lotte 'phone 350. J. M. McLAUGHLIN, 600 South Church street. WANT A SAFE OPENED? WANT A Typewriter, Cash Register or Com bination to Safe Repaired? I do this class of work in the most approved manner. Correspondence solicited. C. F. LEMMOND, Room No. 10, over Belk Bros. Bell 'phone 4272. ALL KINDS BREAKFAST FOODS, Fresh and nice. Heinz's Specialties, Canned Goods of best grade. Full line choice Fruits, Graham Crackers, Tea Flake Wafers, etc. Pienty of fresn Eggs, Country Produce, Pratt's Poultry- and Horse Food a specialty. W. M. RHYNE & CO., 231 North Tryon street. Bell 'phone 331. ALL THAT A RESTAURANT should have can be found at the GEM. cooked and served in the most su perior manner. Oysters, birds and all the delicacies of the market in sea son. Our fare and service please ali guests. E. F. CRESWELL, Manager. "IF YOU GOT IT AT KIRBY'S IT'S fresh." That's what any of our cus tomers will tell you. Fresh lot. super line Florida Oranges. Kalamazoo Cel ery, Harvey's Pineapple Hams, Im perial Flour. Pickled Pigs' Sides. This season's D .M. Ferry's Garden Seeds. Bell 'phone 157D; Charlotte 'phone 294.M. F. KIRBY, Sixth and Tryon. HEINZ'S APPLE BUTTER, THE nicest thing to be had in the way of a "spread." Try it and you will always have it on your table. Complete line of National Biscuit Co.'s goods. The best line of Country Produce in town. Free wagon delivery. USH ER BROS., 221 East Trade street. Bell ' phone 341. HOUSES FOR RENT FOR WHITE and colored. Homes for sale in various sections of the city and suburbs. Choice building lots for sale. Also farms, factory sites and close in tracts for truck farms, dairy business and country homes. See me for all real estate affairs. E. L. KEESLER, 25 S. Tryon street. HAPPY. ARE ALL OWNERS OF stock in 15th series Charlotte Build ing and Loan. This is being closed and money is ready for the fortunate ones. New series now open. 1st pay ment February 2nd. Start in at the beginning and you'll be surprised how easy it is to carry a few shares. E. L. KEESLER, 25 S. Tryon street. 475 BICYCLES CONTRACTED FOR by us before the advance in prices. No one will be able to compete with our prices. We have always been in ad vance in our line. Five years ago we were talking our throats sore about the Coaster Brakes now they talk for themselves. QUEEN CITY BI CYCLE CO. FINEST ICE CREAM IN CITY. I make it furnish ' the Neapolitan Cream in individual blocks, cut and wrapped. All flavors. Banquets, parties, etc., will find me prepared to supply Ice Cream in 20 gallon lots on day's notice. When it comes to Ice Cream there is but one best, and that is Brooks'. W. A. BROOKS. WE HAVE ADDED H. J. HEINZ'S fancy Bottled goods to our stock this season, such as Malt Vinegar, Sauces, India Relish, Mustard Dressing, Pep per Sauce, White Onions, Chow-Chow Ketchup, Heinz's Sweet Mixed Pickles in bulk, etc. You know the quality is O. K. We give Trading Stamps. J. E. DARSEY. MONUMENTS. We are prepared to make estimates on any kind of Monumental work from the cheapest to the most costly Monu ment. We represent one of the largest marble works in the South. Give us a call, we will save you money. Z. A HOVIS & CO., Undertakers. Moved to 39 North Tryon Street Today . We want all our friends to call and see us and shake hands, anyway. Isf you want to rent a house we cas probably suit you. If you want fire insurance we can suit you. Will be glad to have you call, whether on business or not. J. Arthir Henderson (L Bro. The Tapp-Long CompanylThe Tapp-Long Company 12 nd 14 West Trade Street. in Accoiir4 Of the extremely disagreeable weather Tuesday, we have decided to give those who were unable to visit our stores on Monday another chance to buy in Siiks, Embroidery Fancy Colored Silks, worth up to $1.50 the yard, these are divided into two 'ots, at the extremely low price 49 and 59c. the yard Embroideries Undoubtedly the finest line of Em broidery that has ever been brought to the city, this is di vided into three lots. Lot No. 1. Here you will find the newest designs in the market, worth up to 75c. Special 25c. the yard Lot No. 2. In this lot you will find goods worth up to 50c. Special sale price, the yard 16c. Department Stores or SoJe S-room house, E. Fifth street, near B. Lot 50x198 feet. Modern con veniences, $3,500. Terms. 6-room house, N. Pine street, near Ninth. Lot 42x86, with rear alley. Bar gain at $2,000 if taken at once. Alfred W. Brown. & Co. Hunt Building. Bell 'Phone 302. We do not sell furs, We do not sell overcoats ; We do sell the warmest garments, it is possible to make, for protection and comfort. Our selection of Frost King and Frost Queen Chamois Vests will interest anyone who appreciates perfect protection for the back and chest, lungs and throat. REX POROUS PLASTERS If you have not worn a Frost King or a Frost Queen Chamois Vest, and have a cough or cold in consequence, put a REX Porous Plaster on your chest. It is bad for a cold or a cough, but it will do you a world of good. WOODALL & SHEFPARD, Druggists. PHONE BRANNON When in doubt 'phone Bran non. When in distress 'phone Brannon. . V. i l . 1 . J J. ' V. 11 '. i V li JM1 a "Rrannnn When in despair 'phone Brannon. When in a hurry 'phone Brannon. When you want drugs 'phon? Brannon. When you want flowers 'phone Brannon. When you want ice cream 'phone Brannon. When anything worries you .'phone Brannon. When anything hurts you 'phone Brannon. Any time, every time, all the time. 'PHONE BRANNON 11 and 15 North Tryon Street. those unusual values and White Lawn. White Lawn Values (BOTH STORES) No. 1. 36-inch White Victoria Lawn, this is a good 10c. value. Special 5c. the yard No. 2. 36-inch, good strong quality, especially nice for lining, is a strong value for 12 l-2c Special the yd 7 1-2c No. 3. 36-inch, nice sheer, quality Victoria Lawn, makes an ele gant dress, worth 15c. Special the yard 10c. Lot No. 3. This is perhaps the most interesting of them all here. You will find a greater variety to select, from, this lot is worth up to 25c. Special for this sale, the yard 10c. Lot No. 4. This is the real thing, 36-inch Persian Lawn, beautiful, smooth, quality, almost equal to thread cambric, you are do ing fine shopping when you buy this for 25c. Our Special the yard. 15c. Department Stores HUGHES' Glycerine and Cherry : : : Couo;h Mixture : . : THAT'S ALL R. H. JORDAN & COMPANY Prescriptionists. i "MEET ME AT THE FOUNTAIN." Dr. W. H. Wakefield be in his office in Charlotte on Mon days, Tuesdays and Saturdaj-s. Sun day by appointment. VIENNA CAFE 221 WEST TRADE ST. Bell 'Phone 91. Char. 'Phone 22. We have made preparations for handling the extra rush of Holi day trade and you will find us in a position to accommodate every body in a strictly first-class man ner. Quail on Toast Oysters Served in all styles. HAMBRICK & WILLIAMS, laxative uoiq uuimnet Tohloio Guaranteed To IdUIUIb cure Cold and La Grippe, : : Your money back if it fails Sold by : : : W. L. HAND & CO. DRUGGISTS i. Cor. College and Trade Sts sacrifice: FARM OF 112 ACRES; IMPROVED FINE WHEAT, CORN AND COT TON LAND. RUNNING WATER, WOODLAND, BUILDINGS, ETC. BRINGS GOOD RENTAL. PRESENT TENANT WOULD LIKE TO STAY. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Address, W. A., News Offic SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, LOAN & TRUST CO, M ONEY ON CITY PROPERTY OR WELL LOCATED FARMING LANDS SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, LOAN & TRUST GO, P. M. BROWN, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice - FOR SALE Fine building lot E. Fifth Extended. 350 feet from car line. Fine attraction, overlooking the city, $350. If you have not got all the money, can arrange terms. Almost new, 6-room house, East Fifth Extended, $1,050. $150 cash, $200 90 days. Balance through B. and L. It is about cost for the house. Must go at once. BR.O WN Real Estate and Bell Phone 1851 THE CHASLLOTTE NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE :: NORTH CAROLINA B. D. HEATH, FRESIDENT Your Bank and Manhood Have more to do with your success than ail otheragencies combined. Cali to see us and let us talk the matter ever with jou ESTABLISHED 1871 TB MERCHANTS AND FARMERS NATIONAL BANK ASSETS 35 East Trade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. H Seed Time aad Harvest J-jJARVEST follows seedtime. Likewise riches often follow the opening of a Savings AC- U H n n IS H H count. Have you "En account with us? 5 i H H m Southern Loan P. M. BROWN, PRESIDENT W. S. ALEXANDER, V.-PRES. F. J. HAYWOOD, JR., CASHIER qa!EBIII2:MiSli:a!ElB!SIIB!llB!IIE!II ti WHOA! P JANUARY! Take an ad in THE NEWS for your business now and find it swift and easy sledding the balance of the year Does it for others; why not for yoa? Let our adver tising man call and talk the matter over with you. Andrew Geurnegie Seys: 4 'My first one hundred dollars was the hardest to make and the hardest to save. " OUFL SAVINGS DEPARTMENT makes saving easier. Try making a deposit with us each .week. We pay 4 per cent. SOUTHERN STATES TRUST COMPANY GEO. STEPHENS, Pres. T. S. FRANKLIN, Vice Pres. W. H. WOOD, Sec. and Treas. A Choice Building Lot About Located on Ninth Street, near the new Graded School, can be bought just now at reasonable price and easy terms. F, C. ABBOTT a COMPANY Piedmont Building. CHrlotte. N. C. "Everything in Read Estedte." to LOAN C. M. CARSON, President. Secretary. FOR. RENT 6-room cottage Vila Heights, stable, chicken yards and all necessary out houses, $8.00. 5-room cottage East Fifth street, ex tended, $7.00. 8-room house two miles from Square, in a beautiful grove of three acres, stables, servant house and all neces sary outhouses, with three acres of land extra, especially adapted for trucking, $12.50. 4-room cottage, Liddell street, $S.00. 3-room cottage, N. Church St., $5.00. COMPANY Rental Agents 217 North Trvon St. Tiff W. H. T WITTY, CASHIER Let Us Be Your Bank We promise every facility that your balances, business and responsibility warrant ? ? ? 3 5 Dr,J. H. Me Aden. Pres. Geo; E. Wilsoo.V.-Pres: C. N. Evens, Casbier W. C. Wil&nsn, Ass't Cajnier A MODERN BANKING HOUSE With every facility for the prompt and careful handling of all business intrusted. OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS I LIBERALITY COURTESY STRENGTH .a and Savings Bank E8EH3SE5E3 5 5x160 m H a H E3 a IB M 71